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Is Judgment coming or Revival?

Is Judgment coming or Revival?

Destruction of Good Old USA Nuclear Fallout in USA What do we as believers have to look forward to? Is Judgment coming or Revival? Has the Lord appointed us to wrath? What hope do we have? Many Americans assume that the destruction of the USA is the end of the World! How preposterous! No, it's not the end of the world, neither is it the appearance of the Anti-Christ. Yes, we are moving in that direction, but it is not yet! There are other things that must take place beforehand including the Regathering of the 10 Lost Tribes of the...
Beersheba and the 800 Anzac Lighthorsemen

Beersheba and the 800 Anzac Lighthorsemen

Our Australian and New Zealand Spiritual Heritage Patriarch Joseph would be proud! Even though the House of Israel may not know who they are, the Lord still uses them. In fact during World War 1 the British used the Australian and New Zealand Anzac's to push the Turks out of Israel. The British did it for their own reasons, but God works in mysterious ways indeed. The 800 Lighthorsemen, with bibles under their belts fought the heathen Muslims enabling the Jewish people to come to the land in greater numbers. Oh for a generation like that, that would call the...
An open letter to the Jews of New Zealand – Time to Leave?

An open letter to the Jews of New Zealand – Time to Leave?

Kosher Kiwi (New Zealander) Firstly I am glad that there are Jews in New Zealand. New Zealand is enriched by their presence and impoverished by their absence. And I want them to remain if that is God's will. But my question is, "is it"?Is the Writing is on the Wall?There has been a Jewish past in New Zealand. But is there a future? Do you believe in the bible? If you were a Father, who had a beloved son on the other side of the world, would you call for him? If you missed him dearly, and longed to see...
USA subverted by Edom’s NWO and Amalek’s NAZI infiltrators

USA subverted by Edom’s NWO and Amalek’s NAZI infiltrators

Islam is a real danger, and it needs to be defeated and shown to be the lie that it is. The Jewish State of Israel (House of Judah) needs to hold onto God, and hold their ground and not allow Jerusalem to be divided. Meanwhile Christians (many fro3064284m the House of Israel) need to stand strong against this backward and demonic religion called Islam. But behind the scenes, there is a more insidious menace. A menace to both Houses. There is a conspiracy of Ishmael, Edom, Amalek and other nations (Psalm 83) against us. Who are these people? See the Article...

Where are the Lost tribes?

Where are the ten lost tribes of the house of Israel? God tells us that they will be regathered from the North country in Jeremiah 23. This could indeed be the United States of America. They will also be gathered from the Isles of the sea. And Josephs descendants will push the nations to the ends of the Earth. Australia and New Zealand are about as far from Israel as you can get. I think I know where they are. A big clue is in the statistics of my website!! The following is a picture of where the bulk of...
The need for Godly Manliness in God’s House

The need for Godly Manliness in God’s House

While putting together my blog article on Edom & The Church I was thinking of the looming struggle. The struggle of the two twins in the womb of Rebekah, Esau and Jacob. And I was thinking of the need for real manly men in the Church (Kohellot). There is a real dearth of Godly men. And there aren't too many amongst Messianics either. And if ever there was a time when we needed spirit filled men it is now! We shall soon see the struggle between Esau and Jacob intensify. The struggle shall manifest as the Messianic movement accelerates and...
Edom & The Church – Part 1

Edom & The Church – Part 1

Oh Brother! One of the sad things in history is that God will often use a wicked nation to judge his people when they are disobedient.  If the people of God walk in disobedience, and continue in it, hardening their hearts, then God will sometimes use cruel instruments to bring judgment. In fact this is promised in the Torah. ויקרא כו:כהוְהֵבֵאתִ֨י עֲלֵיכֶ֜ם חֶ֗רֶב נֹקֶ֙מֶת֙ נְקַמ־בְּרִ֔ית וְנֶאֱסַפְתֶּ֖ם אֶל־עָרֵיכֶ֑ם וְשִׁלַּ֤חְתִּי דֶ֙בֶר֙ בְּתֹ֣וכְכֶ֔ם וְנִתַּתֶּ֖ם בְּיַד־אֹויֵֽב׃ And I will bring a sword upon you, that shall avenge the quarrel of my covenant: and when ye are gathered together within your cities, I will send...
The Raising up of Lazarus HaCohen – Part 2

The Raising up of Lazarus HaCohen – Part 2

The Sleeper Must Awaken It is a curious thing, the account of the Raising of Lazarus recorded in the book of John chapters 11 and 12. Why so? Well it is a pretty amazing thing to rise from the dead. It doesn't happen everyday. And like death itself, it's not something that you can get a lot of training in. Most people succeed eventually when it comes to death but resurrection happens much less often. That is why the account in John is so unusual. It only appears in this one Gospel! Did the other gospel writers simply forget to...
Psalm 61:2 From the end of the earth will I cry unto thee

Psalm 61:2 From the end of the earth will I cry unto thee

Last weekend I listened to some songs that touched my heart afresh. I also watched as many Australian flags were waved. These songs are concerned with the outpouring of God's Spirit. And unbeknown to the church are intimately connected to the Regathering of the Lost Tribes of the House of Israel. One of the songs was titled 'Great Southland of the Holy Spirit' and was perhaps inspired by the declaration of catholic navigator Pedro Fernandes de Queiros. Pedro was in search of "Terra Australis" the land of the South. On finding it he apparently proclaimed it "Terra Australis del Espiritu... MP3 player now on Articles page

I have added an MP3 player to the Articles page to aid the playing of the Audio versions of the Articles. This player can also be accessed from facebook and myspace. MusicPlaylist at By the way, this website also works quite well on most mobile devices like internet capable mobile phones etc.
Don’t Step on the Rocks you might hurt them. – Part 2

Don’t Step on the Rocks you might hurt them. – Part 2

After dealing with 'Political Correctness' we also touch on the need for the men of Australia to take personal responsibility for the biblical education of their children in accordance with the word of God. It is not up to the Government or the United Nations to dictate to us what is taught to our children.
Haplotypes for auld lang syne

Haplotypes for auld lang syne

I've been putting together my family tree after many years of neglect to try and find out where I fit. Where did my ancestors come from? Who were they? It is a simple task at first which soon becomes progressively harder (to progress!) the further back I go. Anyway the long and the short of it is that I still don't really know who I am. I am much less confused when I simply look to Yeshua the author and perfecter of our faith. There is some merit in family trees and so I will hopefully soon have at least...
Don’t Step on the Rocks you might hurt them. – Part 1

Don’t Step on the Rocks you might hurt them. – Part 1

Tonight we talk about the topic of 'Political Correctness' and our loss of freedom in an increasingly secular and Islamic dominated society.

New Videos, availiable “Joseph and the House of Israel”

Find out about the roots of the 10 Lost Tribes of the 'House of Israel' where they came from and why they separated from the Jews (the 'House of Judah'). Click on You tube Video below and they will open in a new window / tab. Talk - Joseph and the House of Israel - Part 1 Talk - Joseph and the House of Israel - Part 2 Talk - Joseph and the House of Israel - Part 3 Talk - Joseph and the House of Israel - Part 4 Talk - Joseph and the House of Israel - Part...
Rise of the 4th Reich – part 3

Rise of the 4th Reich – part 3

REBUILDING THE REICH, AMERICAN-STYLE, with Kennedy dead and Lyndon B. Johnson in the White House, the Nazification of the United States moved ahead largely unhindered.

Short Introductory Hebrew Class to begin, this Shabbat.

All going well I will be conducting a short Hebrew class on Shabbat (4th Dec/27th Kislev) here in Melbourne, Australia at a messianic believers home for a few interested folks. Hey it's Hunukkah, "let there by light". "Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path."      נר־לרגלי דברך ואור לנתיבתי׃ Psalms 119:105 If you can't be there you can still download the Biblical Hebrew Course PDF file and watch the Biblical Hebrew Course Videos on YouTube. Learning a language isn't easy. And if you want to learn, you need the time and mental energy...
Rise of the 4th Reich – part 2

Rise of the 4th Reich – part 2

THE HIDDEN HISTORY OF THE THIRD REICH. THE RATLINES. Considering the vast economic resources at their disposal—especially if they held dark secrets concerning advanced technology such as tactical nukes, flying saucers, or a device for manipulating energy—it is now certain that the surviving Nazi leadership wielded enough power to misdirect investigations and silence foreign governments and news organizations.

Excellent articles by Aviel Rodriguez on the 10 Lost Tribes

For those that a new to the whole idea of the 10 Lost Tribes being regathered here is some help. The following excellent Articles are from the blog website of Aviel and in particular are located in this section of the A 'Two Houses of Israel' TractJudah & Ephraim/Israel have been at war with one another since the dividing of David’s Kingdom in the days of Rehoboam, his grandson. … and even to this day… However… JUDAH & EPHRAIM WILL BE RECONCILED AND REUNITED FOR THE COMING OF MESSIAH:        Isaiah 11:12-13And He will set up an ensign for the...
Rise of the 4th Reich – part 1

Rise of the 4th Reich – part 1

THE HIDDEN HISTORY OF THE THIRD REICH. A NEW REICH BEGINS. Following the armistice of 1918, which ended World War I, German soldiers returned home, to a country economically devastated by the war. The Bavarian city of Munich was hit particularly hard, with jobless ex-soldiers wandering the streets and a number of splinter political parties vying for membership.

WikiLeaks, WelshLeeks, FishyLeaks

Have a look at the following disclosures from the all powerful WikiLeaks... US warns Wikileaks' Assange on possible leak"The US has written to the founder of whistleblower site Wikileaks, Julian Assange, requesting him not to release a cache of diplomatic files . The release of classified state department documents is against US law and will put "countless" lives at risk, the letter warns. Wikileaks says it is set to unveil a new set of documents, bigger than past releases on Afghanistan and Iraq." Rory's opinion - this is just an obvious ruse to get people to listen to WikiLeaks....

Writers Blogk

No the above title is not a typo. I have decided to break up my Articles into little bite sized portions. These smaller portions will appear as blog entries. I will add Blogs more regularly and Articles much less regularly because they take a lot of time to put together and I don't like to spend hours and hours slaving away on an article. But at the same time I still want to get the message out and introduce some new ideas regarding my understanding of prophetic matters for your consideration. So I will introduce a topic on one blog...

The Raising up of Lazarus HaCohen – Part 1

Yeshua is the Resurrection A most amazing miraculous historical event happened nearly 2000 years ago. You would imagine it to be written about in major newspapers everywhere! What was this earth shaking event? Of course the greatest event was the Resurrection of our Lord and Saviour, Yeshua HaMashiach! We have four gospels and the entire New Testament scriptures that attest to this great event.Luke 24:1-10  Now upon the first day of the week, very early in the morning, they came unto the sepulchre, bringing the spices which they had prepared, and certain others with them.  2  And they found the...

Article 20101030 – Seed of the Serpent

The latest Article is now available;Article 20101030 - Seed of the Serpent also available as; Seed of the Serpent   mp3 - 29.5MB (right click and 'Save Target As')  PDF -   0.5MB Remember to sign up to my blog to get it sent to your email. See bottom of right column of this blog page and put your email address in "RSS Feed Blog 2 email: " and press 'submit' button. You will receive an email requesting you to confirm your entry. Once confirmed you will receive blog updates automatically.

New 10losttribes Facebook fan page

I have created a new Facebook fan page. My 10losttribesblog is also available on this Facebook fanpage under the 'Blog' tab. Now it's even easier to stay up to date. Check it out.

2nd mp3 audio article now available called ‘Without Spot or Wrinkle’

Without Spot or Wrinkle Download mp3 (Right click, Save Target As) 30.5MB Or go to the actual html based page and either read it or listen to Article 20101018 - Without Spot or Wrinkle Remember to sign up to my blog to get it sent to your email. See bottom of right column of this blog page and put your email address in "RSS Feed Blog 2 email: " and press 'submit' button. You will receive an email requesting you to confirm your entry. Once confirmed you will receive blog updates automatically.
Seed of the Serpent

Seed of the Serpent

Who is the seed of the serpent in Gen 3:13? Download mp3 (Right click, Save Target As) 29.5MB 20101030_seed_of_the_serpent.pdf Download File Seed of the Serpent The Seed of the Serpent & the Seed of the Woman Principalities and Powers Wicked Physical Serpent Seed       -    Cain & Abel       -    Ishmael & Isaac      -    Esau & Jacob  Good bloodline, but bad seed spirituallyBad bloodline, but some good seed spiritually Amalek Fallen Angels & Nephilim Conclusion The Seed of the Serpent & the Seed of the Woman When we read the bible, especially Old...

First mp3 Audio Article available for download

The first of many mp3 Audios of my Articles is finally available. Download mp3 (Right click, Save Target As) 31.1MBI hope to have more available shortly Articles are listed on the Articles (click here) page. New articles and their mp3 versions will be listed here on this blog.Please make sure you fill in your email address on this Blog page in the field labeled "RSS Feed Blog 2 email: " towards the bottom on the right hand column of the Blog.

All Hebrew Course videos added

All Biblical Hebrew Course Videos have now been uploaded.

New Videos uploaded

Lesson 1 Talk - Gardening Independence Talk - Gardening Independence - Part 1 Talk - Gardening Independence - Part 2 Lesson 2 Talk - City Limits Talk - City Limits - Part 1 Talk - City Limits - Part 2 Talk - City Limits - Part 3 Talk - City Limits - Part 4

Article available called ‘Without Spot or Wrinkle’

I have completed my article about the need to clean up our act (myself included!) before the coming chaos of World War 3. It is titled;Article 20101018 - Without Spot or Wrinkle, Check it out! I hope to record it as an audio shortly too. Rory

You can now receive my Blog updates by email

Just put your email address in the box titled "RSS Feed Blog 2 email:" to recieve the latest Articles, Videos, MP3's etc. All completely free.
The Rapture

The Rapture

Article 20101018 This article is a companion to 'Without Spot or Wrinkle'.Also see blog articles;'The Death of Paganised Christianity & the 2nd Exodus'& 'Is Judgment coming or Revival?' The scriptures clearly tell us that there will be a a resurrection of the dead in Messiah (1 Corinthians 15). For as in Adam all die, even so in Christ shall all be made alive.  23  But every man in his own order: Christ the firstfruits; afterward they that are Christ's at his coming. 1 Corinthians 15:22-23 We are also told that those that are alive and remain will be caught up...
Without Spot or Wrinkle

Without Spot or Wrinkle

Article 20101018This article is a companion to 'The Rapture'. Download mp3 (Right click, Save Target As) 30.5MB 20101018_without_spot_or_wrinkle.pdf Download File Has the bride made herself ready? Is she truly dressed in the Righteousness of the Mashiach, Yeshua? Can she expect to be ‘Raptured’ out of here any day now? What happens if the Salt loses its savour? What can we do? The Apostle Paul’s expectation 2 Corinthians 11:2-3“For I am jealous over you with godly jealousy: for I have espoused you to one husband, that I may present you as a chaste virgin to Christ.  3  But I fear, lest by...

PDF File of Hebrew Course Available

There is a PDF File of the Biblical Hebrew Course available now. Please go to the Hebrew Course tab on the Website Menu above to download it or view the YouTube videos of the Course. The rest of the YouTube videos will be available shortly.

Want to Learn Hebrew?

If you would like to conduct an 8 week class on Biblical Hebrew then please don't hesitate to contact me.

Hebrew Course will be on You Tube shortly

The free Hebrew course DVD is being put online on You Tube. It is being broken up into segments of time of 15 minutes or less which is necessary for uploading to YouTube for free. It should be available by the end of the week, that is Friday 15th October 2010.

Welcome to my new Website!

I have created this website to inform people about the raising up of the 10 lost tribes of the House of Israel. This is not to be confused with the return of the Jews (House of Judah) to the Land of Israel, which is of huge prophetic significance also. On this website you will find links to videos, audio and pdf files on a number of topics including; Learning Biblical Hebrew Grammar Links to useful Software for learning to read the bible in Hebrew. Prophetic events concerning the return of the 10 Lost Tribes of Israel. Torah (Law of Moses)...
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