Remnant of Israel awakening -as the Harvest Moon heralds coming judgement?

Presentations concerning the 10 lost tribes & Prophecy

Zach asked me to give some presentations concerning the 10 lost tribes and their prophesied regathering. So here are the audios…

Talk 1 – Who are the 10 lost tribes of the House of Israel

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Talk 2 – Timelines for Regathering Israel

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And the children of Israel journeyed from Rameses to Succoth, about six hundred thousand on foot that were men, beside children.
וַיִּסְעוּ בְנֵֽי־יִשְׂרָאֵל מֵרַעְמְסֵס סֻכֹּתָה כְּשֵׁשׁ־מֵאֹות אֶלֶף רַגְלִי הַגְּבָרִים לְבַד מִטָּֽף׃

Exodus 12:37

It was a privilege to be invited to come to Sukkot at Zach Bauer’s Arkansas property. (See Zach’s websites, New2Torah and An American Homestead). It is the first time that I had been to such a large gathering for the feast we just don’t have the numbers or interest in Australia or New Zealand. And of course there are even larger Sukkot events. But I feel that this was where I was supposed to be.

During Sukkot we watched the last blood moon of the 2014-2015 tetrad. Here in the Ozarks, we are witnessing a gathering together of those awakening to Torah even as the bulk of the Church and their willful sleepwalking pastors rush on to their Babylon club FEMA destruction. (Please God wake more up!)

I feel that we are on the cusp of World War 3 (WW3). Of course I don’t know when the match will be lit, but I am watching what is going in Syria and Russia’s entry into the war with great interest.

Again, my understanding from scripture is that the coming WW3 will be nuclear and will destroy the big sin cities of the USA and the world as we know it. The aftermath will bring about the regathering of much of the remnant of the 10 lost tribes to the ‘North Country’ in accordance with the prophecies in Jeremiah 23 and elsewhere. In order to come out of the North Country we must first get there. So WW3 will be the cataclysm that both judges the bulk of the lost tribes and saves a remnant, as I have described elsewhere repeatedly.

Summary of Camp Experience

Sukkot Dancing

I traveled down to Fayetteville, Arkansas from Kansas City via a Jefferson Lines bus. Upon arrival at camp on Sunday afternoon, I had a wonderful Pizza and gave my first talk on the 10 lost tribes. There were about 100 people at the camp. It was just big enough and not too big. Once you get bigger than this then you cannot expect to get to know everyone, at least for me anyway. In my opinion, bigger is not necessarily better, but I guess that is a personal thing. This camp was a family camp. I was there without a family because I was a speaker. So Hallelujah.

I was kindly given a tent to stay in. It was great to feel the earth under me. I love camping. I love cooking and fires. I like to rough it. Camping is Heaven coming down to Earth for me. I liked cooking up my stuff and heating my water over the fire to make a cup of tea or coffee while chewing the fat with folks. We had many enjoyable times discussing all sorts of subjects.

I even met a fellow New Zealander named Mat and his wife and family. He was soon to return to middle earth.

Prototype Encampments

Torah Study

One of the big things on my heart is to see God’s people come together and to experience community. These camps are opportunities to establish community. I met quite a few folks from Texas who would like to move up to Arkansas. I call this the ‘TEXADUS‘.

It has been wonderful to see the order in the camp. Everyone was well behaved and respectful. Kids played and didn’t create too much noise. It is important for parents to maintain discipline with their kids so that the camp is enjoyable for all. Undisciplined kids are the result of undisciplined parents. I have heard that this is an issue at some other Sukkot camps. So it was a joy to see things hum along. Kids had plenty of other kids to play with. All the little ones were cute as buttons as they learnt to sing their bible songs. So there was order and organization, but also plenty of freedom and free time for everyone to do what they wanted.

Speaking of freedom, that is something we need here in the USA. And we are finding it slip away. The government is encroaching on what freedoms we have left. It is shaping up to be a far bigger persecutor of believers than Russia ever was. America is being controlled by Rome. There was a time that the Pope would not be welcome on American soil. Now the military, security apparatus are staffed with Catholics and even Fox news is mostly catholic. Soon a catholic inquisition shall begin and Torah followers will be the prime target.

We need to separate ourselves from the system and a draw line in the sand to mark what we can give to Caesar and what we can not.

Keeping the feasts of the Lord יהוה and eating Kosher goes a lot deeper than people may realize. Obviously what goes into us is very important to the Lord יהוה. We need to control the food system that we are a part of. We need to control it, it must not control us, the state must not control what goes into our body. Our body belongs to the Lord. The state must not dictate what we eat, especially when it comes to blood. We cannot allow the state to usurp authority. The Lord’s commands come first. We need to also control what doctors put into our bodies for our ‘good’. We need to control the medical system, including pharmaceuticals also. Both food and medicine pertain to what goes into our bodies. But it doesn’t stop there. We are to diligently instruct our children in Torah, Deuteronomy 6:7. We need to control the education system as that determines what goes into our children’s heads. We need to control the media as that determines what goes into our own adult heads. So we need to control what goes into both our body and our heads. We must control all these systems. Of course we cannot control their systems. Rather, we have to separate ourselves and have our own systems. My feeling is that we will have to do this on the run.

The more Torah we discover the less that we can walk with Caesar and his evil system. Like the Israelites of old we need deliverance from a Satanic slave system. The role of Torah in our emancipation is that it provides the religious justification for closing the door on Caesar, the more I learn of my responsibility to God, the less I can give to Caesar. Caesar like Pharaoh of old, wont like it. He want’s control.

Naturally this will come down to a physical fight, a fight that we are hopelessly unmatched for. In the natural we are too few in number to win such a battle. Yet the system is already coming against us. And the difference between the righteous and the wicked will only increase. They will pick a fight with us first and they will do that through increasingly wicked and draconian legislation.

We need to physically leave the big cities while we still have the shirt on our back. If we cant get out, then we need to just trust that the Lord will guide our steps later on. At some stage we will all be on the move. The Lord is not waking us up to Torah in order to stay in our spiritual and economic Babylonian-Egyptian jail much longer. As America becomes tyrannical and chaotic the Israelite encampments will come together. Small camps will join together as we are on the move, being driven by the chaos around us and guided by the Lord. After the smoke clears we will find ourselves heading to the middle east.

Sheep, Goats, Dear & Altars

It was Kosher and no one starved.

The next day we witnessed the killing and butchering of a sheep. This was good as we see that eating meat is a sacrifice. The sheep was not sacrificed to Allah. And it went from field to roasted on the open fire and on to the dinner plate in half a day. This was another reason why I enjoyed Zach’s camp, it was earthy like me, and it really felt like an Israelite encampment where we have our own kosher food. This really is an important step in gaining our autonomy from Babylon as explained earlier. We also had a goat for dinner. We had some adventures catching the goat, but he eventually found his resting place on the dinner plate even if it took a few days. And a neighbor gave us a dear, so we ate well.

Bob Warmuskerken talked about how Israel actually had multiple Altars to יהוה, not just one in Jerusalem. A quick search of the scriptures on the word ‘altar’ will verify this. The practical upshot of this is that we should have such altars where we slay our animals for food.

Again this helps create a wall between us and Caesar. We need to separate ourselves from the system. The land of the free is actually a fairy tsle. We are in jail.

Bob looked at from the spiritual angle of the Lord blessing us when we bring our sacrifice. I am looking at it more from the point of view of food and separating ourselves from the enemies system.

So thank you Bob for this liberating idea, we need our own altars to יהוה where we kill our animals in a kosher manner. Very interesting and practical.

Solar Cooker

What’s next for Rory boy?

I will be returning to Australia from Dallas on the 9th of November. I am not sure what I will be doing for the future.

I feel like a spent cartridge, I have given the messages I have wanted to give. All I have been saying is that WW3 is coming, and then those that survive will return to Israel via the North Country, for the most part. All of this is well before the tribulation. Most folks that listen to what I am saying don’t get it. I am not really interested in saying the same old thing back in Australia. I am not really interested in teaching or preaching or blogging anymore. Time for war. I need a new adventure.

I will be surprised if we don’t start to see the war drums beating loudly. I think it is time for Babylon to pull the pin and get their final solution underway. The Pope has visited his American vineyard and the grapes are surely ready to squeeze. The western world is already dead. It will shortly be time for burial detail. I don’t expect Australia or New Zealand to be immune from trouble. I believe that the wicked will be shaken from the ends of the earth, Job 38:13. This means that the shaking could even begin in Australia. Personally I feel that our sleepy Pacific nations will be in trouble if China muscles in, in fact they are already doing so, buying up our real estate and mining industry among others. When America experiences civil unrest and begins to hemorrhage internally, China may make her move on Australia to secure her interests including raw materials to feed the war machine.

So Father, where next?

By Rory

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