This series of articles will be large and detailed and they are only really an introduction!
Flight, the U.N. and taking the land
- Part 1 – WW1
– Jewish Homeland, League of Nations - Part 2 – WW2
– Jewish State, United Nations - Part 3 – WW3
– regathering 10 lost tribes of the House of Israel, Last Days Babylon - Part 4 – WW4 (7 year Tribulation)
– Bride & Manchild, Fall of the Angelic hierarchy & Babylon
Flight to Infinity and Beyond…
We are on the cusp of some pretty amazing times. If you thought the pace of change during the 20th century was phenomenal then I have news for you. The pace will quicken, a baby is on the way!
The nineteenth and twentieth centuries have seen some phenomenal inventions that have revolutionized the way we live. Electricity, refrigerators, cars, Telephones, Radios, TV’s, Airplanes, Computers, and now the Internet. We don’t live in little grass huts anymore. A horse is not that fastest way to travel. And people can fly! Well at least jump on board an Jet plane. With the moon race, the sky was no longer the limit.
And yet something happened. Since the early seventies the hopes of living like the Jetsons gradually faded. The frontier spirit gradually gave way to pessimism. President Kennedy was dead. Vietnam. The Bay of Pigs. Moshe Dayan gave away the Temple Mount. It’s no surprise that the music died. The counter culture mushroomed. The happy optimism of the 60’s gave way to a far darker, pessimistic inward looking distopia. NASA boldly went around and around in circles. And sons grew up without fathers. The Age of Reason ran out of reasons to live. Rome’s children threw off restraint to accept their fate.
Yet things have not been standing still, Israel is gradually being regathered and technology has moved on even while Western Civilization has been imploding. While the organised church has lost it’s salt and relevance, other cauldrons have been brewing. Witchcraft and Satanism are no longer taboo. Everything that was black is now white. To call homosexuality a sin is a hate crime. Political Correctness is in. Thinking biblically is out. People now have perhaps a more spiritual outlook. But it is often a cheap New Age consumerist imitation of the real. There are dark clouds gathering.
Meanwhile back on the technology front, the Personal Computer and Internet are helping push certain technologies along. We are on the threshold of a Robotics Revolution, Genetic Revolution, Space Tourism Revolution, Nano Technology Revolution. And the pace of technological advance is increasing. The World of the Jetsons and Futurama is coming.
If the Earth is the cradle of mankind then we seem to be about ready to climb right out of the bassinet. Like Buzz Light-year we are about to spread our wings and zoom off ‘to Infinity and Beyond’! The human race is on the edge of something grand indeed. But what does any of this have to do with spiritual things? Much in every way.
Sometimes believers, either Christians (or the more Hebraic / Torah minded Messianics) can look at the world around them like a Greek. Spiritual things in one compartment and Secular things in another. Like the pagan prophet Balaam they look at the world with only one eye open! We fall into the trap of only seeing biblical history and not noticing how secular thinking and secular events and secular inventions are working towards the fulfilment of biblical prophecy.
It seems that we are casualties of the enlightenment. This enlightenment was really a Luciferic initiation, a secularisation of Nature. What was once thought of as God’s domain, the natural world and the sciences, was now the preserve of a new priesthood, Levi was gone so to speak, the men of the cloth gave way to the new experts, Scientists dressed in white. The enlightenment was the removal of God and the elevation of ‘reason’ in its place. As if including the God of the bible was unreasonable. It was the great divorce, when the christian religion went one way and science went in the opposite direction. Chistianity was still concerned with the heavenly, but it had lost it’s foot hold on physical reality. It had lost it’s feet and so in time it would be defeated (in it’s Torah rejecting form anyway).
Perhaps this was partly due to the lack of a deep Torah based understanding of the bible. Due to their ignorance of the building blocks of the bible, the Hebrew letters, words and mysteries contained in the Torah, the church was unable to interpret the natural world around them in the light of what science was revealing. Not much has changed since then. The church is the last place you go to for light on anything except personal salvation. This of course is the most important thing. But it highlights how far we have fallen. God is forced into a very small box by a small minded and uninformed clergy. Science is after all the pursuit of truth (or it should be). Surely those that lead God’s people should have a grasp of the natural world around them and science should fall at the feet of the word of god rightly divided. Or they should at least have the theological underpinnings to address the observations of science if they so chose. Sadly that has not been the case for quite a few hundred years since the ‘enlightenment’. In fact the church and most of humanity have been covered in pagan darkness in terms of understanding the natural world around them. No doubt Freemasonry brought us the ‘enlightenment’ but we forced it upon ourselves when we through out the light of Torah many years previously. Science and religion parted company becoming mutually exclusive.
This is indeed a false dichotomy. Science falsely makes assumptions while theologians make their own. Yet the Word of God that binds all things together, the secular and the religious remains the same. The underlying spiritual nature of the material universe keeps on keeping on whether we understand it or not. And now science is just beginning to catch up with theology (and theology with science). In the beginning was the Word says the opening of the gospel of John, and String theorists would have to agree. God made man and Biologists are beginning to see Intelligent Design. The question now is, “is God one or many?” In any case science and religion are getting reacquainted, they’re not going steady just yet but they’ve finished sulking. The two are one, they just don’t know it yet. They’re still in separate beds, but they’re in the same house now. I can’t help but think this is related to the two houses coming together, Judah and Israel. The meeting of heaven and earth, the joining of the Aleph and the Tav. The tree of life, the word of God underpinning all things. The secular and the religous meet again. Exciting times.
The Torah based messianic movement will actually lay the groundwork for the defeat of the Enlightenment by restoring our feet. We will be able to understand the nature of the universe from the top down and the bottom up with the details of the Biblical Hebrew Text. Messiah will build his Church and the gates of Hell will not triumph over it. Soon Science and religion shall be wedded. But the enemy does not go away, being more naked, slippery and crafty than all the other beasts of the field, he will simply change form. It will be hard for many to tell the difference between the Mashiach (ืืฉืื) and the Nachash (ื ืืฉ Serpent). Both have the numeric value of 358 in Hebrew. Many will stumble because they cannot differentiate between the tree of knowledge and the tree of life. But there will no longer be a seperation between spiritual understanding and the physical sciences. So instead of the bible and science being mutually exclusive, they shall be one, but the Devil then will be in the details!
The things that are secular and things that are biblical are both being guided by the unseen hand of providence directing events towards the desired end. Both the secular everyday work-a-day world and the religious are all part of the great plan. It’s all history and it’s all ‘His Story’. Even the ordinary events around us are connected to God’s purposes in some way. This is true for us as individuals and as churches, societies and so forth. God is in and through and around all the events and discoveries, weaving the sacred fabric according to the everlasting pattern. At present the human race is grounded, chained to this earth, on probation. But the book of Revelation tells us that the woman with the 12 stars about her head shall give birth to a man child. Paul tells us that this mortal must put on immortality. One day the human race shall take to the skies.
As it is in the spiritual, so it is in the natural. There are some interesting correspondences with regards to the return of Israel to the land and the development of flight over the last century. The purpose of this article is to show how this is no accident. It is working towards the culmination of the plan. The 6 days of work that will bring us to the Shabbat of a thousand years.
Brides Head Revisited
Adam was put to sleep while the Lord made a wife for him. Well, Messiah Yeshua, the last Adam has been crafting a bride from his own side so to speak. Soon we will enter a time when she too will awaken. And as she does so, so shall the Messiah, and indeed the entire human race shall awaken with them.
But there is a difference. In the garden before the fall, Adam was in innocence. A bride was crafted from his side while he was in this state. Now the earthy sons of Adam are impure. Now the human race is made up of two actual races. We are told in Genesis 3 that there are two seedlines, the Seed of the Serpent (the wicked) and the seed of the Woman (the righteous). This transcends national boundaries and physical bloodlines.
And just as Adam slept while a wife was prepared for him from his own body, so too with the Last Adam. The Messiah is asleep so to speak, because he is absent from us in body (I am speaking metaphorically because we know He is seated in Heaven as our Advocate). Like King David who left for Hebron, so too the Messiah is away, having been rejected by the House of Judah. He must be awoken. And words are not enough. Not even the Jewish acceptance of Messiah can awaken him. Accepting him individually is necessary for personal salvation. But it doesn’t mean He is coming in the clouds just yet. We often think that it will happen in it’s time when the Father says so. That is true. But Yeshua’s return is contingent on something else as well. The readiness of the Bride to meet him. What can awaken the Messiah, what can bring him down? Well, if we have faith, then we must have deeds also. He must be aroused by the Brides spotlessness, and this too is a work of the Holy Spirit in the end times. So the Bride awakens and she must become one with whom is found favour by Him. The Last Adam, Yeshua, from whose rib she was taken must look upon his Bride, his Kohelleth with desire. The bride must make herself ready to be his wife (Revelation 19). This was the Apostle Paul’s desire for the believers. It has not yet been fulfilled. She shall become spotless in the uncleanest of times, the tribulation itself.
But there are two seed-lines right? Another awakening is coming too. And this awakening is the antithesis of all that is good and holy. The seed of the Serpent shall awaken (the Beast, the AntiChrist) and his Whore (Mystery Babylon the Mother of Harlots)! These two couples, are two opposing mysteries, the mystery of Godliness and the Mystery of Iniquity.
So I am sorry if this upset’s the fairy tale like beginning, but there is a war on. A war for our minds and hearts. Even so, the awakening bride must prepare herself for her awakening Messiah, the last Adam. And the return of a remnant of the Lost Tribes of the House of Israel is part of this awakening and cleansing process. The bride must make herself ready to meet Yeshua HaMashiach, both believing Jews, and the believers amongst the ten lost tribes of the House of Israel.
Soon we will begin to see the most amazing events of human history transpire. There is an awakening coming to the human race, one that will both unite and divide. There is an outpouring of God’s Spirit upon all flesh (Joel 2:28 (3:1)). Notice the words, ‘all flesh’, that is, believers and unbelievers! There is an awakening coming to the entire human race. The entire race will be on a heightened spiritual plane. Yet the two seedlines are still there. We are coming to a time when the barriers between heaven and earth, the very ‘veil of illusion’ that upon the nations begins to break down (Isaiah 25:7). We are coming into a more spiritual age. But it is one with the most profound traps and the most painful consequences for those not ready. As in the days of Noah, the portals of heaven shall be opened but woe to those that leave their doors unsealed when the flood comes. Believe not every Angel that comes from Heaven (Galatians 1:8). We must be discerning. “Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path.” (Psalms 119:105).
Israel was given the marriage covenant at Sinai in the Wilderness. Before the bride makes herself ready she will be gathered back to her land and clean water sprinkled upon her. This is not just the Jews of the House of Judah, it is also the 10 lost tribes of the House of Israel. She will return via the ‘Wilderness of the People’ (Ezekiel 20:35). She shall be made fit to enter into the Land of Israel. Once there in the land of Israel she must prepare herself, like Esther, to meet the King. This is before the 7 year tribulation, the time of Jacob’s trouble but after World War 3.
There is little time to sleep, but it seems she will slumber once more. But she will awaken in the midnight hour. Her hair may be as black as a raven, but her clothes shall be clean and white, the work of her own hands (Proverbs 31). She shall have the 12 stars about her head. She shall give birth to man child at the hour of greatest peril midway through the tribulation. She shall give birth with the most terrible midwife imaginable waiting between her knees, a seven headed Red Dragon, Satan, the devil, the Accuser of the Brethren (Revelation 12). Yet for all Leviathan’s might, he cannot touch that which is not given to him from above. And the man child shall rise to the Heavens. All of nature is set up for this awakening. It is built into the fabric of the material universe. It is proclaimed in the stars and it is woven into every layer of spiritual reality. It is written.
1st Aliyah – Reaching for Heaven while taking the Earth
Heavenly things and Earthly things are related. We are told this in Genesis chapter one verse one. Like husband and wife, these two opposites were made for one other. And what happens in the heavens has it’s reflection down here. The two are connected by the alpha and omega, the Aleph-Tav, the Word of God.
At the end of the nineteenth century there was a growing realization among some Jews that it was time to return home. In 1896 Theodore Herzl published Der Judenstaat, (The Jewish State) with a secular Zionist rational for the Jewish people to return to the land of Israel. The First Zionist Congress in Basel, Switzerland was arranged a year later in 1897.
So goes the popular political Zionist explanation anyway. The truth is that there were Jews already returning to the land before this, during the First Aliyah (‘Aliyah’ means to go up to the land of Israel, i.e. Jewish immigration). Idealism, persecution and later Russian Pogroms helped motivate some to leave the pale of settlement. Masonic Schemes pushed this Aliyah along. But the hand of providence is in everything both religious and profane. If it is God’s time, then it’s time to move and what matters is facts on the ground. It was hard work draining the swamps of Israel. It was costly in lives. Sometimes big things start small. The persecutions in Europe were perhaps part of the impetus, but the Father in heaven was stirring hearts too. Although it’s outer garb may have been secular and pragmatic, although there may have been masonic influences, the driving force was the timetable in the books of Heaven. The beginnings of the Modern Secular State of Israel began when the Jews were worn out, their faith had grown cold through too many years of persecution. Judah had all but given up, he just wanted to fade away into the nations, into oblivion, to let go of everything, even God. This was not the state of all Jews, but it was the state of many of them in Europe and elsewhere. Yet at the time of Judah’s execution, his crucifixion, at that moment, he began to live again. Slowly, painfully, after a few generations, a rebirth. First the more worldly, the natural, a return to the physical land.
And since the Oslo Accords a new stage has slowly begun. A gradual realization amongst many in a new generation that Israel’s problem with the nations cannot be solved by giving away the land. And with this a gradual return to the Bible in some form. A return to Torah. This is the beginnings of a spiritual awakening and rebirth, a return home, to the Fathers House. So first there is a physical return to the land followed by a spiritual rebirth. And the hard times to come in Israel shall hasten this awakening. The Jews will be forced to either fight or cave into the will of the Nations. And sadly in that case there may be Jew fighting Jew or even civil war. Thankfully many of the Jewish Soldiers believe in the Torah. This is a tremendous change. This coming third World War is not just a battle for survival, it is a battle for Torah. It is a religious war.
Israel shall be against the world, both Islam (Ishmael), Rome (Edom – both Catholic and Apostate Protestant). Edom’s world is dying, even as he brings his masonic plans for a new Atlantis to fruition. Edom has big ideas, but the soul that sins, it shall die. It’s a costly business hunting. And if we become a hunter of Men, it will come to pass in the end that we are but hunting our own soul. Cause and effect coming full circle. Reaping what we have sown. We become faint. Even if like Golem in ‘Lord of the Rings’ we sell our soul to gain our prize, our ‘precious’, we end up loosing everything anyway. We fall. We loose more than just our ‘precious’, we lose our birthright and then our blessing, then our humanity and our share in the world to come. Edom’s grasping for the Ring of Power is a delusion. But he will grasp anyway, just to hold his precious ring of power for just one day. The countdown has begun, it’s only a matter of time, and how many Israelite casualties Edom can take with him to complete his schemes. What he wants is dominion, all his soul is bent on it.
Edom’s ambitions include a return to his land including dominion over Israel and conquest of the Earth. But they don’t stop there. He longs to take the Heavens by force too. To set his Eagles nest among the Stars (Obediah 1:4). Well if you’re gonna do something you might as well think big. If wickedness shall return to the Land of Shinar (Zechariah 5) you can bet that Edomite Freemasons and the Vatican are into the thick of it. Babylon shall be a gateway to the Stars of God and the temple in Jerusalem, a stairway to Heaven.
Now back a little closer to earth and back a little in time. During the period of the 1st Aliyah to the land of Israel another revolution was in progress and it’s fate was to be decided in the air. Men in Europe and America were designing flying machines. Balloons and Airships had already been built. The First manned Balloon was built out of paper by the Montgolfier brothers in France in 1783. About one hundred years later the hydrogen balloons and rigid framed airships were produced. Actual self propelled winged vehicles were finally flying in 1903 with the successful flight of the Wright brothers flyer at Kitty Hawk, North Caroliner, USA. At the same time other inventors around the world were also working on the same things. In New Zealand and man by the name of Richard Pearce also developed a smaller self propelled airplane at about the same time, perhaps even earlier in 1903!
It is very interesting to note that quite often an invention or a fundamental breakthrough in science occurs in more than one place at the same time. It is as if inspiration is given to men from on high. It is as if even our secular world is being orchestrated from someone somewhere above our heads. And indeed it is. The God that created the Universe, the God of Israel, the God of the Bible, He not only formed the Universe, He sustains it moment by moment by the Word of His Power (Hebrews 1:3). The Living word, Yeshua sustains it with His Song. He is the String in the bow of String Theorists. The Son of God as first born of all creation, the Aleph-Tav, is the channel of Divine light, from the unseen Father to this created Universe. From Him the light of creation is diffused through the Angelic Hierarchy until it finally manifests as crude physical matter.
Matter is really just light vibrating at a lower frequency so to speak (E=mcยฒ). The eternal plan of the Father is executed through the Aleph-Tav, His Firstborn Son, who came to earth in veiled form 2000 years ago. He is Elohim manifest in Flesh. He is an extension of the Light of the Unseen Father. He is the Executive BRANCH of the company! As to his earthly son-ship, He is the seed of the woman through Myriam (Mary) conceived through the Holy Ghost. And He is the legal son of David through Joseph his legal father. He is now seated above all principality and power (Ephesians 1:21, Colossians 2:10). He not only maintains the physical universe but He is also actively involved in guiding physical creation to it’s destination according to the eternal plan. All things are made by Him and for Him (Colossians 1:16,17) and ALL THINGS are ultimately involved in His STORY, HiSTORY!
So it is interesting that this move into the air by mankind in 1903 is occurring at about the same time as the Jewish people are beginning to feel the call home to Eretz Israel after the First Aliyah (1881-1903) and the political Zionist First Congress in 1897. Human Knowledge, Science and technology was developing rapidly as Israel began to come together. Now we have wings.
Let’s see if the trend continues…
Flight, the Land of Israel & World War 1
With the dawn of the 20th Century the motor car had begun to make it’s move on our roads replacing the horse as the means of private locomotion. The telephone and radio were beginning to make their presence felt. These revolutionary technologies were beginning to radically transform our society. Aviation technology rapidly improved from the early flights of the Wright brothers in 1903 until the outbreak of World War 1 in 1914.
The social order of things was changing too. There was upheaval in philosophy, religion, art and politics. The conclusion of World War 1 saw huge changes to the political map of Europe. Many of the old monarchies in Europe were cut down by the Masonically guided Great War.
No matter who is pulling the levers, war is still a judgment of God. It comes with it’s cruel scythe and turns our lives upside down. War can make us bitter indeed, but if we have faith in God, it can also bring out the best of human virtues as well as the worst of all vices. And it is during this Great World War that something good does indeed come.
In 1917 the British push out the Turks from the land of Israel with the aid of the Anzac soldiers from Australia and New Zealand. The year 1917 also sees the ‘Balfour Declaration‘ signed whereby the British government approves of the setting up of the Rothschild’s form of Jewish homeland in the land of Israel. These fellow Edomite Freemasons are serving Jacob just as the prophecy of Isaac foretold. The Jewish descendants of Jacob will get their homeland and Edom is working to guide it along according to his earthly wisdom.
In the Balfour Declaration, the land of Israel is erroneously called ‘Palestine’, a Roman version of the name ‘Philistine’. Well in any case the Jews are making progress. Jacob is returning home. It is a victory for the Jewish people, they can come to the land in greater numbers. Yet it is also a loss because the form of government is one guided by the Rothschilds. Edom has his own plans. Their version of Israel is a Godless secular Labour Zionist Israel. Their version of Israel is one in which the Edomite Rothschilds are in control. The Torah takes a back seat to Free Masonry and their Christless Kaballah. Anyway this fits the mood of many of the Jews at that time. Many had all but given up on their faith. But there were others that did come to the land because they believed it was part of the redemption process. Good things take time I guess. The physical body was coming together but there was no air in their lungs, well not much anyway. But there was enough spiritual vigor to continue to subdue the land and make it fruitful. Torah and Messiah would have to wait for another day.
During this same time period that the land was being taken, other things were in the air. During World War 1, from 1914-1918, the Airplane was transformed from a means of aerial reconnaissance into a true war machine. A engine mounted gun mechanism that can fire through the propeller was devised. The plane moved from wood and fabric to all metal construction. It’s performance, speed, rate of climb, and range increased dramatically. From now on the battle for the land will be determined by the dog fighting in the air.
The League of Nations
The Jewish people were slowly starting to return to the land of Israel. Still in unbelief in Messiah Yeshua, many not even believing in Torah. But the light was being gathered to the land of Israel for God’s plans for them in the future. Meanwhile another gathering was beginning. The League of Nations was formed in 1919 just after World War One. The Illuminati design a World War and then provide the solution to it afterwards, that is, the League of Nations.
According to Wikipedia;
The League of Nations (LON) was an intergovernmental organization founded as a result of the Paris Peace Conference, and the precursor to the United Nations. At its greatest extent from 28 September 1934 to 23 February 1935, it had 58 members. The League’s primary goals, as stated in its Covenant, included preventing war through collective security, disarmament, and settling international disputes through negotiation and arbitration.[1] Other goals in this and related treaties included labour conditions, just treatment of native inhabitants, trafficking in persons and drugs, arms trade, global health, prisoners of war, and protection of minorities in Europe.[2]
According to Wikipedia,
“After World War I, the League of Nations formally assigned the Palestine mandate to the United Kingdom; endorsing the terms of the Balfour Declaration and additionally requiring the creation of an independent Jewish Agency that would administer Jewish affairs in Palestine.”
So there we go, the nations are beginning to coalesce around a world governing body, in this case the League of Nations. This is a trend that will continue after World War 2 with the creation of the United Nations. And again after World War 3 with the creation of Last Days Babylon.
These organizations purport legitimise themselves as peaceful when they in fact are leading to the system of the AntiChrist and are violently opposed to it and the coming of Messiah as per Psalm 2.
Anyway let’s get our heads back in the air, for something a little lighter.
Interwar Years – Passenger Airlines begin
With the British victory over the Turks greater immigration of Jews to the land of Israel is ensured. The second and third Aliyah’s follow World War 1 and the Jewish presence in the land began to solidify. While tens of thousands of Jews began to return to the land of Israel from Russia and elsewhere other people movements were also in progress.
World War 1 helped to accelerate development of the airplane and begin to turn it from something handcrafted to something produced on a factory production line.
According to Wikipedia,
“The Farman F.60 Goliath was an airliner produced by the Farman Aviation Works from 1919. It was instrumental in the creation of early airlines and commercial routes in Europe after World War I.
The Goliath was initially designed in 1918 as a heavy bomber capable of carrying 1000 kg of bombs with a range of 1500 km. It was a conventional fixed-undercarriage biplane of wooden construction with canvas covering, powered by two Salmson Z.9 engines. It had a simple and robust, yet light structure. The wings were rectangular with a constant profile. Hollow wooden main wing spars were used for the first time.
It was undergoing initial testing when World War I came to an end and Farman realized there would be no orders for his design. Nonetheless he was quick to understand that the big, box-like, fuselage of the Goliath could be easily modified to convert the aircraft into an airliner. Commercial aviation was beginning to appear and was in need of purpose-built aircraft. With the new passenger cabin arrangement, the Goliath could carry up to 12 or 14 passengers. It had large windows to give the passengers a view of the surroundings. The Salmson engines could be replaced by other types (Renault, Lorraine) if a customer desired it. Approximately sixty F.60 Goliath were built. Between 1927 and 1929, eight Goliaths with various engines were built under licence in Czechoslovakia, four by Avia and four by Letov.
The airplane took on it’s present form with one set of main wings instead of the former biplane configuration. And there were plenty of pilots and training schools now set up due to the war. The engines and lightweight aluminium airframes could now support much larger aircraft with better range.
The scene was set for the general public to join the thrill of flying. At first of course passenger airplanes were available for those that could afford it but passenger air travel had finally arrived. With planes like the 1925 Ford Timoter it’s 10 to 15 passengers could now travel in reasonable comfort and travel distances of about 550 miles.
According to Wikipedia,
“The impact of the Ford Trimotor on commercial aviation was immediate, as the design represented a “quantum leap over other airliners.” Within a few months of its introduction, Transcontinental Air Transport was created to provide a coast-to-coast operation, capitalizing on the Trimotor’s ability to provide reliable and for the time, comfortable passenger service. While advertised as a transcontinental service, the airline had to rely on rail connections with a deluxe Pullman train that would be based in New York being the first part of the journey. Passengers then rendezvoued with a Trimotor in Port Columbus, Ohio, that would begin a hop across the continent ending at Waynoka, Oklahoma where another train would take the passengers to Clovis, New Mexico where the final journey would begin, again on a Trimotor, to end up at the Grand Central Air Terminal in Glendale, a few miles north-east of Los Angeles.”
British rule of ‘Palestine’ (1917โ48)
While all of the advances were going on in the air another revolution was taking place on land, in the land of Eden in particular.
The following extract from Wikipedia shows some of the amazing changes brought on after the Turks were booted out of the land of Israel by the British.
“When the British conquered the Middle-East in 1917, they created two states; the first, called “Palestine,” was in an area including modern Israel, the West-Bank and Gaza and Jordan. The second state, called “Mesopotamia,” comprised several Ottoman regions around Baghdad; it was later renamed “Iraq“. After World War I, the League of Nations formally assigned the Palestine mandate to the United Kingdom; endorsing the terms of the Balfour Declaration and additionally requiring the creation of an independent Jewish Agency that would administer Jewish affairs in Palestine.[44] Britain signed an additional treaty with the USA (which did not join the League of Nations) in which the USA endorsed the terms of the mandate.[45]The Jewish Agency was managed by a council of 224 representatives, half elected by the Zionist Congress and half by Jews (not just Zionists) in various countries. The Agency allocated immigration permits (the number of permits was fixed by the British) and distributed funds donated by Jews abroad.[46]From 1927, the adult Jews of Palestine (including women) elected a 314 member General Assembly every four years which appointed a 40 member Va’ad Leumi (National Committee), which functioned as a government and raised taxes (with British permission);[47] most of the revenue raised by the Mandate came from the Jewish minority but was spent on funding the British administration and services to the Arab majority so the Va’ad administered independent services for the Jewish population.[48]Education and health care for the Jewish population were in the hands of the major Zionist parties: the General Zionists, the Mizrahi and the Socialist Zionists all operated their own public education, health and (except for Mizrahi) sports organizations funded by municipal taxes, donations and fees. Following a campaign by Haim Weizmann the Zionist movement also established the Hebrew University in Jerusalem and the Technion in Haifa. While educational opportunities for the Arab population improved under the mandate, many remained illiterate (as was the case across the British Empire) and no universities were created. Modern schooling was not freely available at any age and most education was traditional religious schooling.”
So we can see that between World War 1 and 2 there was a great deal of development of the necessary institutions for the functioning of the still embryonic nation of Israel. This was well before 1947/48 and the established of the State of Israel.
Still there were some that weren’t too happy about the Jewish return to their ancient and God given homeland. The Arab resistance and rebellion to the growing Jewish presence in the land of Israel helped sway the British against the fledgling Jewish nation in formation.
Arab resistance and Jewish migration
“Following Arab rioting in 1921, the British mandatory authorities enacted a system of immigration quotas to ensure that Jewish immigration did not disrupt Palestine’s economy. An exception was made for Jews with over 1000 Pounds in cash (a large sum in those days), or professionals with over 500 Pounds, who would be allowed in despite the quotas.
A decision was made to remove Transjordan (now called Jordan) from the mandate and create a semi-independent state there.[49]Arab attacks on isolated Jewish settlements and British failure to protect the Jews led to the creation of Haganah (Defense), a mainly socialist Jewish militia dedicated to defending Jewish settlements. Following the 1929 Arab riots, the Revisionist Zionist leader, Jabotinsky, created a right-wing militia called the Irgun Tzvai Leumi (National Military Organization, known in Hebrew by its acronym “Etzel”), this smaller group temporarily merged with Haganah in the thirties. Jewish immigration grew slowly in the 1920s. However, the increased persecution of European Jews by the European Fascist powers (such as the Third Reich) resulted in a marked increase in Jewish immigration.
The rapid increase in Jewish migration led to a large-scale Arab rebellion in Palestine from 1936-1939. The Jewish Agency leader, Ben-Gurion responded to the revolt with Havlagah, a policy of not responding to Arab attacks in order to prevent polarization. The Etzel left the Haganah because of its failure to avenge Arab attacks on Jews. Concerned that the revolt would damage Anglo-Arab/Muslim relations, Britain responded by creating a Royal Commission chaired by Lord Peel. The Peel Commission recommended the partition of Palestine into two separate autonomous regions for Jews and Arabs, with Britain maintaining overall control over the territory and a population transfer to secure full separation between the communities. The proposals were rejected as unworkable by the British Parliament. British commissions never examined the causes of Jewish migration.”
As to numbers of immigrants coming to Israel click here for Wikipedia article on Aliyah.
New World Order plans after WW1
Ok, so the Jewish people were gathering into the land of Israel in the interwar years and the world was becoming smaller due to the impact of Aviation. What else was going on? Well there are three main things that I will be comparing over this blog Article ‘Flight, the U.N. and taking the land‘.
These are;
- The Development of Flight
- The Development of Babylon
- The Development of Israel
Over the course of the World Wars 1,2 and 3 man is gaining access to higher and higher ‘ground’, that is, the human race is ascending into the air and into outer space. At the same time we see the early stages of the reestablishment of the City of Babylon in it’s Embryonic form within the League of Nations after World War 1 and then the United Nations after World War 2. After World War 3 we shall witness the rebuilding of the literal city of Babylon with great haste in the land of Shinar (Zechariah 5). Simultaneously as Babylon comes together so does Israel, Firstly as a Jewish Homeland under the British with the later approval of the League of Nations (Proto Babylon), then as the Jewish State with the approval of the United Nations (The next incarnation of Proto Babylon). Finally with the return of the Lost tribes after World War 3 we should not be at all suprised if a world government body in the Restored Babylon in what was Iraq approves of Greater Israel – if the pattern continues. It is only after Israel returns to the land that these organisations begin to undermine them as the United Nations has done consistently.
These three related developments of World War followed closely by a return to the land and growth of the nation of Israel coupled with the emergence of a Babylonian World body can be broken up into the four World Wars as follows;
- WW1, National Flight, Jewish Homeland, League of Nations
- WW2, International Flight, Jewish State, United Nations
- WW3, LEO Space Flight, 10 Lost tribes Regathered, Last Days Babylon
- WW4 (7 year Tribulation), Inter-galactic & Inter-dimensional Space and Time travel, War in Heaven, Fall of Luciferic Angelic Hierarchy, Return of Messiah and His Church (Kohelleth), Kingdom of God on Earth.
Now why are two opposite things occurring? Why is Babylon coming together at the same time as Israel? Answer, because God is gradually separating the light from the darkness. In the end it shall be the 12 tribes of Israel versus the 70 nations in all out war and judgment of the tribulation. And there shall be separation between family members in Israel (both Jews and Lost tribes) during WW4 (tribulation) before Yeshua returns.
Suppose ye that I am come to give peace on earth? I tell you, Nay; but rather division: 52 For from henceforth there shall be five in one house divided, three against two, and two against three. 53 The father shall be divided against the son, and the son against the father; the mother against the daughter, and the daughter against the mother; the mother in law against her daughter in law, and the daughter in law against her mother in law.
Luke 12:51-53
Of course that is during the lead up to the tribulation. But we shall have the same going on during WW3 and and the regathering of the Lost tribes with Fury poured out.
Now back to the Illuminists and their wicked agenda.Their plan is a biggie. And there is a lot going on between the wars as well as during them. These things are related to the end time dictatorship and Luciferic religion.
Anyway there was a lot going on in the world between World Wars 1 and 2 that would guide the world towards another World War (3) and lead humanity towards the Masonic Illuminated Elites planned dictatorship of their New Atlantis ( Last Days Babylon).
The following is from I think it shows the sort of philosophical ferment going on through the wicked, godless, misguided Elites and thier ‘Luciferically’ Illuminated Plan.
Yeshua said;
But if thine eye be evil, thy whole body shall be full of darkness. If therefore the light that is in thee be darkness, how great is that darkness!
Matthew 6:23
What Were the Important Dates in the New World Order Timeline?
J. Edgar Hoover, ex-FBI director on the New World Order conspiracy: “The individual is handicapped by coming face-to-face with a conspiracy so monstrous he cannot believe it exists.”
George H.W. Bush’s comment:
“if the American people knew what we have done, they would string us up from the lamp posts.”
Significant Dates in the Creation of the New World Order
November 11, 1918 — The end of World War I, after the signing of the Armistice at the 11th hour on the 11th day of the 11th month.May 30, 1919 — Prominent British and American personalities establish the Royal Institute of International Affairs in England and the Institute of International Affairs in the U.S. at a meeting arranged by Col. House attended by various Fabian socialists, including noted economist John Maynard Keynes. Two years later, Col. House reorganizes the Institute of International Affairs into the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR).
December 15, 1922 — The CFR endorses World Government in its magazine Foreign Affairs. Author Philip Kerr, states:
“Obviously there is going to be no peace or prosperity for mankind as long as [the earth] remains divided into 50 or 60 independent states until some kind of international system is created…The real problem today is that of the world government.”
1928 — The Open Conspiracy: Blue Prints for a World Revolution by H.G. Wells is published. A former Fabian Socialist, Wells writes:
“The political world of the into a Open Conspiracy must weaken, efface, incorporate and supersede existing governments… The Open Conspiracy is the natural inheritor of socialist and communist enthusiasms; it may be in control of Moscow before it is in control of New York… The character of the Open Conspiracy will now be plainly displayed… It will be a world religion.”
1931 — Students at the Lenin School of Political Warfare in Moscow are taught:
“One day we shall start to spread the most theatrical peace movement the world has ever seen. The capitalist countries, stupid and decadent…will fall into the trap offered by the possibility of making new friends. Our day will come in 30 years or so… The bourgeoisie must be lulled into a false sense of security.
1932 — New books are published urging New World Order:
Toward Soviet America by William Z. Foster. Head of the Communist Party USA, Foster indicates that a National Department of Education would be one of the means used to develop a new socialist society in the U.S.
The New World Order by F.S. Marvin, describing the League of Nations as the first attempt at a New World Order. Marvin says, “nationality must rank below the claims of mankind as a whole.”
Dare the School Build a New Social Order? is published. Educator author George Counts asserts that:
“…the teachers should deliberately reach for power and then make the most of their conquest” in order to “influence the social attitudes, ideals and behavior of the coming generation…The growth of science and technology has carried us into a new age where ignorance must be replaced by knowledge, competition by cooperation, trust in Providence by careful planning and private capitalism by some form of social economy.”
Plan for Peace by American Birth Control League founder Margaret Sanger (1921) is published. She calls for coercive sterilization, mandatory segregation, and rehabilitative concentration camps for all “dysgenic stocks” including Blacks, Hispanics, American Indians and Catholics.
1933 — The first Humanist Manifesto is published. Co-author John Dewey, the noted philosopher and educator, calls for a synthesizing of all religions and “a socialized and cooperative economic order.”
Co-signer C.F. Potter said in 1930: “Education is thus a most powerful ally of humanism, and every American public school is a school of humanism. What can the theistic Sunday schools, meeting for an hour once a week, teaching only a fraction of the children, do to stem the tide of a five-day program of humanistic teaching?
1933 — The Shape of Things to Come by H.G. Wells is published. Wells predicts a second world war around 1940, originating from a German-Polish dispute. After 1945 there would be an increasing lack of public safety in “criminally infected” areas. The plan for the “Modern World-State” would succeed on its third attempt (about 1980), and come out of something that occurred in Basra, Iraq.
The book also states, “Although world government had been plainly coming for some years, although it had been endlessly feared and murmured against, it found no opposition prepared anywhere.”
1934 — The Externalization of the Hierarchy by Alice A. Bailey is published. Bailey is an occultist, whose works are channeled from a spirit guide, the Tibetan Master [demon spirit] Djwahl Kuhl. Bailey uses the phrase “points of light” in connection with a “New Group of World Servers” and claims that 1934 marks the beginning of “the organizing of the men and women…group work of a new order…[with] progress defined by service…the world of the Brotherhood…the Forces of Light…[and] out of the spoliation of all existing culture and civilization, the new world order must be built.”
The book is published by the Lucis Trust, incorporated originally in New York as the Lucifer Publishing Company. Lucis Trust is a United Nations NGO and has been a major player at the recent U.N. summits. Later Assistant Secretary General of the U.N. Robert Mueller would credit the creation of his World Core Curriculum for education to the underlying teachings of Djwahl Kuhl via Alice Bailey’s writings on the subject.Rory’s Note – “The Externalization of the Hierarchy” is just a fancy way of saying that the wicked principalities and powers of Satan shall manifest themselves. They shall arrive at humanities doorstep and say “Here we are Earth men”. Of course many years of social conditioning are required before our serpentine ‘friends show themselves’. We are basically there. All we need is a third World War to bring humanity to it’s knees before our Alien god Saviours arrive like Jedi knights from a galaxy far far away.
1935 – Great Seal added to US 1 dollar bill. Sums up the Illuminati Agenda for their Satanic Anti Christ System. Of course the symbolism has a dual meaning as is often the case.
The Seal can represent Israel as well. The mystery of iniquity and the mystery of godliness are intertwined like Jacob and Esau until the very end. Only one can have dominion. The purpose of all the trouble God’s people have to go through is to refine them so that they can take the land and reign with Yeshua. Of course there is a time when the dead in Messiah will rise and return with him to reign with him, even as they have suffered with him. But before that there will actually be a physical return to the land by the remnant of the House of Israel after World War 3.
October 28, 1939 — In an address by John Foster Dulles, later U.S. Secretary of State, he proposes that America lead the transition to a new order of less independent, semi-sovereign states bound together by a league or federal union.
1939 — New World Order by H. G. Wells proposes a collectivist one-world state”‘ or “new world order” comprised of “socialist democracies.” He advocates “universal conscription for service” and declares that “nationalist individualism…is the world’s disease.” He continues:
“The manifest necessity for some collective world control to eliminate warfare and the less generally admitted necessity for a collective control of the economic and biological life of mankind, are aspects of one and the same process.” He proposes that this be accomplished through “universal law” and propaganda (or education).”
We can see that the Illuminist plans were being fleshed out in the interwar years. Man was physically reaching for the skies through aviation. And he was reaching for the heavens in a Satanic way through the One World Government ideas being promulgated. And thanks to World War One, the League of Nations was created. It was the shape of things to come, a union of nations, just like Babel. And if there was any doubt as to the spirit behind it we need only look at it’s next incarnation, the United Nations, which we will look at in Part 2 of this series of Articles. The Kingdom of God is coming with birth pangs. World Wars one and two are part of the nations rising against nations and Kingdoms against kingdoms spoken of by Yeshua HaMashiach in Matthew 24.
Obviously there is a great deal going on in the heavenly realm. Compared with the 20 year gap between WW1 & WW2 there has been a much greater gap between WW2 & WW3, even 65 years and counting. There has been a lot of preparation for this coming World War, and the world will change far more drastically after it. The war will be far more devastating. We will be living in an openly supernatural world then, even before the 7 year tribulation. The wheels are in motion and the clock is ticking.
Even now science and religion are getting reacquainted and this is all in preparation for this more openly supernatural age after World War 3. Many of Yeshua spoke much of his parables for the deception in this coming age before his return when science and religion will coexist. Both Pharaoh and Moses/Aaron could turn rods into snakes. So who is from God and who is from the Devil will not just be determined by miracles, but by rightly dividing the word of God.
There is also so much in the bible about the regathering of the House of Israel that it is the greatest of all miracles that people have been asleep to this for so long. And this return, unlike that of the Jews shall be openly supernatural. And we shall see a huge growth in space travel to Low Earth Orbit at about this time.
The arrival of Jews to the land of Israel after nearly 2000 years absence may seem unrelated and coincidental to air travel. But we will see that the trend continues. Now we jet about the planet with ease. But after World War 3 mankind will have routine access to Low Earth Orbit via space tourism vehicles. This may seem fanciful but that is just the beginning. Space travel has been held back by the likes of NASA for years but that is changing rapidly now. It’s like they have been given the go ahead from someone upstairs. Things will really start to get out of this world and earth shattering as the windows of heaven are opened. But you will have to wait for Part 3 for the scoop on that.
Next, in ‘Flight, the U.N. and taking the land – Part 2‘ we will look at the developments in the air and on the ground during and after World War two and their relationship to Israel and the United Nations and the preparations for the regathering of the Lost tribes of the House of Israel. We will also begin to look at the trans-humanist agenda where the seed of man shall be mingled. Mystery Babylon the mother of harlots and ABOMINATIONS of the earth.
To be continued…
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