Does this image upset you as a bible believer?
Do you want to defend the man? Do you really know him?
We are emotional beings aren’t we?
Are you emotionally involved?

The Emperors New Clothes & the inauguration of Babylon’s New King

Trump doesn’t care about what sissy’s think. He’s no cry baby. He likes to think big, build big and fight big.

I actually like a lot of the things Trump says.

I like some of the things he is currently doing.

But I don’t trust the man.

Trump may talk apple pie but the leftists and anarchists may be right about his character. He may seem to reverse gears and move in the opposite direction to that of Obama. But I smell a rat with an ego as big as his towers. Hitler also got Germany moving, solved some problems, got industry humming, gave the ordinary working man hope. But the cost was the soul of Germany. Trump may be an agent of change, he may get things done, but he may also destroy the world and America in the process (‘ORDO AB CHAO’)…

The following is a generalisation but I think this article is more for the men than the women. It’s content is disturbing and deals with the outer world more than the inner one. But the outer world of politics and war is perhaps the mirror of the collective hearts of (rebellious) mankind. What is in the inner man of mankind is manifesting. And it’s not good.

What will the new president of the USA bring to the world in 2017? Has the good Lord brought in a more moderate family guy into the White House? Are the 8 long years of radical leftist Obama’s administration finally being undone by a real American patriot? Surely Trump is a better person than godless Clinton? Has not Israel been given a true friend after all the hassle of the Obama years? It seems that they finally have someone to help them build Jerusalem and the settlements! Has God bought us more time? Is this part of the swing back to a more conservative and Christian America?

Looking at the moral character of the man I believe the answer is a definite ‘NO’!. I believe the moral and political descent into Chaos will accelerate this year, both in America and Europe. And Trumps purpose is to push the accelerator in the deterioration of foreign relations and tighten up security at home. He may use the deep chasm of America’s left and right divide to bring in martial law due to the disorder of the anarchist left wing brigades. Using the middle American christian backlash to Obama to his advantage he could use the immigration issue to jump start the FEMA camps. So instead of the holiday camps at club FEMA run by the radical left it is run by the patriotic right – but it is in operation at last none the less, to the relief of the Vatican. First to enter the camps may be Latinos and blacks. But that is not the final target. The Vatican needs to destroy the bible believers, now that the old whore has control of the levers of power. Now her purge of annoying protestant dissent can begin at last. A new Inquisition run by FEMA for the protection of ‘Christian’ America. And who better to protect American assets than a real estate mogul with links to the mafia coupled with Jesuit controlled Zionism (the Illumanist variety). This is guesswork on my part, but I am watching carefully. FEMA has not been built to stand idle. It may begin operation and the christian right may be cheering if its guests are immigrants and left wing radicals. Let’s wait and see.

I also think that Trump will use the power of the US military to scare Russia into fighting form. Europe will burn. I also believe that Trump is a narcissistic sort of guy that has an extreme ego and thin skin that can only be bad news.

Yes America has a new King. And though he has ascended from the seeming grave of defeat he is not the Saviour, and he certainly isn’t from Graceland. A new face to ‘save us’ but the same sceams to enslave us, the puppet masters that pull the strings are still playing the same old game. And Trump is one of theirs. No matter who you choose, Clinton or Trump, both are from the same Ringmasters. Trump didn’t appear from nowhere, he has been groomed. Just like in tinsel town Hollywood, you don’t get to make billions in shiny real-estate deals without making a much bigger deal with the devil. You’re not going anywhere in big money without being a Freemason or making some sort of trade for your soul. You see it is not a free market at all. Its a kingdom. And its a Kingdom of Darkness. Until Revelation 11:15 is fulfilled the Kingdoms of this world belong to Satan. It’s his sandpit, and he gives riches to whom he chooses, Matthew 4:9. Trump is not a Christian anymore than America is the Kingdom of God. He is a fully fledged Apollo worshiping Pagan with a sordid sexual history. He is a hard working, patriotic child molester and it is wise that folks wake up to the man the captains the ship called SS America.

I feel that some folks on the right side of politics have been lulled into a false sense of security with the surprise victory of Donald Trump into the Presidency of the most powerful country on earth. In their thinking they have one of their guys in the White House, who at least supports Israel and is a bit friendlier towards the bible and family values than Hillary Clinton would have been. I am not so sure. The more I have dug into who Trump is the more I shudder. The more I see who he is, the more I understand his connection to the Clinton’s and into their godless, treacherous, cold hearted manipulation and plotting in real estate and in lives. It’s not just Holly and Ivanka that are friends. The Clintons and Trumps are cut from the same cloth and they’ve been best mates for years.

Kylie Bax, playboy Donald Trump, Bill Clinton, Melania at Tennis in 2000.

It doesn’t seem to matter who you vote for, the government always gets in. Trump may make a show of reversing Obama’s legacy, but it is a show. He is here to radicalise and divide America and the land of Israel if that is possible. Trump is here to damage things and divide and to start fires. Like he has damaged a child’s innocence so he will do so to America and Israel. When you get to the top of politics, right and left mean nothing. They are wings of the same bird. They are all in the same bed. Literally and metaphorically. If you want to believe you are living in a cotton candy wonderland, don’t read any further.

Washington is not Camelot. Trump is no King Arthur, and he sure ain’t King David. Thank goodness the LORD Yeshua יהוה ישוע is ruling in heaven. The King has his men and they struggle under the tyranny of those God also raises up to rule. And those He raises up are often the basest of men.

The following principles from Daniel should be a reminder (by the way it’s Aramaic, not Hebrew in this portion of scripture):

לִבְבֵהּ מִן־אֱנֹושָׁא יְשַׁנֹּוןוּלְבַב חֵיוָהיִתְיְהִב לֵהּ וְשִׁבְעָה עִדָּנִין יַחְלְפוּן עֲלֹֽוהִי׃
Let his heart be changed from man’s, and let abeast’s heart be given unto him; and let seven times pass over him.
בִּגְזֵרַת עִירִין פִּתְגָמָא וּמֵאמַר קַדִּישִׁין שְׁאֵֽלְתָא עַד־דִּבְרַת דִּי יִנְדְּעוּןחַיַּיָּא דִּֽי־שַׁלִּיט עִלָּיָא בְּמַלְכוּת אֱנֹושָׁאוּלְמַן־דִּי יִצְבֵּא יִתְּנִנַּהּוּשְׁפַל אֲנָשִׁים יְקִים עֲלַיַּהּ׃

Daniel 4:16-17

This matter is by the decree of the watchers, and the demand by the word of the holy ones: to the intent that the living may know that the most High ruleth in the kingdom of men, and giveth it to whomsoever he will,and setteth up over it the basest of men.

By the way I am not suggesting that Donald Trump is the Beast of Revelation, the Anti-Christ, but I do believe that he is a beast of a man and very much an antichrist and therefore not our friend and no friend of Israel. Bad trees do not produce good fruit. And Trump’s trunk is rotten to the core.

We seem to be heading into a period of civil breakdown in Europe and America. Russia has American troops at the borders of her sphere of influence. Rightly or wrongly she has been invaded many times over her history. Although no friend of Western democracy she feels that the west is provoking her in her stomping ground and she is in no mood to allow her sphere of influence to be compromised.

Because of the flat geography between Moscow and western Europe, Russia must take the initiative. The best defense is offense. At some point she must invade Europe if she feels threatened. I see a catastrophe coming to Europe and America.

The western world is actually imploding politically and morally. The kind of war that is coming is a madness created by our own collective godlessness, it is punishment of the godless by the godless. War is coming. It can’t be avoided. It is a result of godlessness and it is it’s own cure. Death cures disease.

Much of the American population in the big bad cities are post christian and radically left wing in their ideology or philosophy – like the rest of the western world. The young people are cut off from their christian roots and seem to be out to lunch (perhaps too much ham in their sandwiches and too much Marxism and evolution in their textbooks). Most of the youth are gone to the dogs. They are no more connected to God than they are to the land. They live in the fantasy world of YouTube, Facebook and Twitter. Being gay is good. Believing the bible is a hate crime. It doesn’t take much of a match to ignite already inflamed hearts. Most of the big cities are left wing and godless and primed to explode in violence. They just need an object of hate to galvanize them. Its like the beginning of the first Mad Max movie years ago – in my opinion an awfully degraded, bad taste sort of movie from the penal colony called Australia. But it was prophetic in that it described the world before the nuclear war. There was a moral breakdown, distrust of politics and extreme public disorder and violence leading to the break down of society. I believe I am seeing it now. (no longer available) (no longer available)

Yeshua is the head of all things…

He that cometh from above is above all: he that is of the earth is earthly, and speaketh of the earth: he that cometh from heaven is above all.

John 3:31   

Before I get into the nitty gritty into the some of my brief investigation into who Trump is, I would like to first give some good news.

Down here we struggle in an evil world. We are told that the root of this struggle is in the heavenly realm against wickedness in these places!, Ephesians 6:12. One of the things we should know is that the Lord Yeshua is above all principality and power! Yes we wrestle with principalities and powers down here, but Yeshua is above them all! Hallelujah!

20 Which he wrought in Christ, when he raised him from the dead, and set him at his own right hand in the heavenly places,  21  Far above all principality, and power, and might, and dominion, and every name that is named, not only in this world, but also in that which is to come:  22  And hath put all things under his feet, and gave him to be the head over all things to the church,  23  Which is his body, the fulness of him that filleth all in all.

Ephesians 1:20-23 

9  For in him dwelleth all the fulness of the Godhead bodily.  10  And ye are complete in him, which is the head of all principality and power:

Colossians 2:9-10

Even as our nations desert the LORD and plunge to the abyss we have been brought into another Kingdom that will endure forever. Our Saviour, has paid the price for our redemption and we belong to Him.

He is above all things. Perhaps we need to focus our attention on Him afresh. I know life is a battle but so is walking with our Lord. I have failed much in this regard. Even as I write I am refocusing on HIm afresh.

Yes our nations are heading towards destruction, but our Lord is above all of it. He will lead us. He is the good Shepherd. King David went through many trials. But he went through them with the Lord.

I don’t know exactly how things will pan out for America and the world but i know the fundamentals are bad. The underpinnings of our once partly Christian/Masonic lands are falling apart. Our leaders are morally very bankrupt and wicked. And so however it works out, it cant be good for our nations in the long term. 

But through all of this turmoil, our King is on the throne, and we need to take time aside from our busy lives to meet with him. All our labour is in vain unless it is founded upon the Rock.

…and He is Zealous over Zion

Have you got a problem with My City?

We know from the following versus that the Lord will deal with those wicked nations that oppose his people and his city.

1  The burden of the word of the LORD for Israel, saith the LORD, which stretcheth forth the heavens, and layeth the foundation of the earth, and formeth the spirit of man within him.  2  Behold, I will make Jerusalem a cup of trembling unto all the people round about, when they shall be in the siege both against Judah and against Jerusalem.  3  And in that day will I make Jerusalem a burdensome stone for all people: all that burden themselves with it shall be cut in pieces, though all the people of the earth be gathered together against it.Isaiah 34:8For it is the day of the LORD’S vengeance, and the year of recompences for the controversy of Zion.Zechariah 8:2-3
2  Thus saith the LORD of hosts; I was jealous for Zion with great jealousy, and I was jealous for her with great fury.
3  Thus saith the LORD; I am returned unto Zion, and will dwell in the midst of Jerusalem: and Jerusalem shall be called a city of truth; and the mountain of the LORD of hosts the holy mountain.

Zechariah 12:1-3

I am not sure what Trump will do exactly. It looks like he will move the American Embassy to Jerusalem. That is a big deal. It certainly makes the Jews happy, Perhaps they will drop their guard? Are there strings attached? Or is the Lord orchestrating this and it’s all good? Time will tell I guess. If Israel were truly independent then they would do what is best for Israel irrespective of what America or the world thinks. But like Jacob bowing to Esau 7 times, so too does the state of Israel bow down to whatever the American administration says. And by the way why is Israel called the “State of Israel”? Is Australia called the State of Australia? Does the term “State of Israel” infer that it is only a state of another federal country? It seems that who runs America is more important to Israel than who runs Israel. Israel behaves like it is subordinate to America. Whatever Trump does for Israel must have a cost. Israel is not trusting in the Lord, but in man.   

It is better to trust in the LORD than to put confidence in man.

Psalms 118:8

From our perspective we want to see Israel survive and get stronger. But from the Lord’s perspective, He wants her heart. He wants her to turn from her lovers (including America) and turn to Him.

As far as Israel is concerned, it’s not so important what Trump says or does. The important thing is who Israel puts their trust in. The Lord must be number one and the one and only one that Israel trusts in. I think the Lord will show that Israel’s trust in Trump is ultimately futile. In fact it would be better for Israel in the long term if America forsakes her, then she can finally put her trust in the Lord instead of man. Isn’t that what we all must do?

Woe to them that go down to Egypt for help; and stay on horses, and trust in chariots, because they are many; and in horsemen, because they are very strong; but they look not unto the Holy One of Israel, neither seek the LORD!

Isaiah 31:1

Perhaps when America sinks and cannot help Israel will turn out to be the greatest day for Israel and those that live by faith. Then the Lord will show himself strong to those that put their trust in Him.

For this reason alone I think America is a trap for Israel. Yes the friendship is good, but the trust in the American administration is wrong. It is whorish. Israel needs to trust in the Lord. Trump is just another in a long line of friends and lovers that will forsake Israel when they need them most. Yes Israel has friends in America. But the Lord is a jealous lover. He will punish Israel for her infidelity in trusting in princes instead of Him.

It is better to trust in the LORD than to put confidence in princes.

Psalms 118:9

War is coming. Is Israel strong? Are we strong? I think it’s more important that our eyes are fixed upon the Holy one of Israel. Our strength is of little consequence. His strength is all that matters.

For the eyes of the LORD run to and fro throughout the whole earth, to shew himself strong in the behalf of them whose heart is perfect toward him. Herein thou hast done foolishly: therefore from henceforth thou shalt have wars.

2 Chronicles 16:9

As for Trump, personally I don’t trust the man, but I know the Lord does what He wants and uses who he wants. So I am watching. Ultimately the Lord wants Israel’s heart. So there must be some heart breaks along the way. Including with those to whom Israel puts her trust in.

Shall there be some sort of land for peace deal? Shall the settlers once again start building? Could be. Donald is sending his Jewish son in Law Jared Kushner to broker some sort of peace deal. I find it so interesting that both Trump and Jared are about real estate. Will they make some sort of real estate deal in Jerusalem? Will it really be win-win or are there strings attached?

So if they make a deal on Jerusalem, what is the price? And could it be a covenant with death? Isaiah 28:15,18.

I know that the Vatican wants Jerusalem. And has recognised the Palestinians as a nation and granted them an embassy. They need both Israel and the Palestinians off balance. Divide and rule. So this year 2017 / 5777 promises to be very interesting.

Those with money and power go about their pursuit of more of both. While those that trust in the Lord do well to make ends meet. We struggle on and try to awaken others while we grown inwardly in seeming helplessness while those men of the world, those shakers and movers, those men that ‘have their portion in this life’, do what they want or at least it  seem to.

But things will work themselves out. The Lord is on the throne. Our job is to work out our own salvation with fear and trembling.

The point of this post is to bring to your attention some things President Trump has said that show me, and hopefully you, that he is unfit to govern. That he is a very base man, self willed and controlled by his own lusts and animal nature. And so we are in desperate times, to have such a man leading the most powerful nation of the world. My hope is that we will get our focus upon the Lord with renewed vigor as we see that vain is the help that comes from man, Psalm 60:11. Let us hope in God once more and seek Him earnestly, and the joy of spending time in His presence.

Apollo’s Pet

All these things I will give you if you bow down and worship me…

I have looked into what inspires Donald Trump. It isn’t the bible. Apollo and pagan myth seem to be on his mind if the furnishings of his 66th floor Penthouse has anything to do with it. Apollo is called ‘Abaddon’ in the book of Revelation 9:11, which means ‘destruction’ in Hebrew. Trump seems to like men that get things done.  According to the following website,, Trump loves a certain French King, Louis XIV known for opulence and aggressive foreign policy. The Trump Penthouse is built in the style of this Kings residence…

“Louis XIV led the absolute monarchy during France’s classical age, ruling from 1643 until 1715
– and was known for his aggressive foreign policy.”

So Trump likes Apollo the destroyer and an aggressive foreign policy. There is a time for a nation to stick it’s doots up but I think Trump may ignite the world. Still we have to wait and see. I suspect that the USA will transform into a fascist dictatorship under Trump under the full control of the Jesuits and the Vatican. It’s almost there now. It’s just that the apparatus of the inquisitors has not been activated. Because of his ego, he will crack down on dissent. We just need some shocks to give the President the war powers he needs.

That’s where the ‘America first’ populist talk will lead. I believe this because the moral fundamentals of the nation are not good. I think that middle America has been goaded by the liberals all these long years so that they will accept a new right wing Saviour, a Fuhrer that promises national salvation and the promise of a return to its founding principles.

For a short time America will seem to be returning to its christian roots, but in reality it is returning to Rome and dictatorial control. As this is progressing, the rift between democrat and republican will widen, Hence the martial law and FEMA camps.

Meanwhile on the foreign front, Trump will favour Zion and the State of Israel on the one hand and on the other, manage to disillusion its former friends in Europe. This will accelerate the fragmentation of Europe and facilitate a Russian invasion and begin world war 3. Of course China will have to be goaded into a fight too. Japan will side with the USA. At least that is one possible scenario. I wait to see what this devotee of Apollo and Louis XIV does, but I assume it will be to bring total destruction through an aggressive foreign policy.

Over Trumps short Reign as King he will have caused America to be so hated that when it is invaded, the nations will show no mercy to those left. America will already have been in a state of war for some time and those that disagree with Trump will find themselves in club FEMA.

That is my cynical take on the future of America.

Ultimately it may not be a good place for Jews to live either as there will be a backlash against them from both the Christian Identity KKK types in the North and the liberals in the cities.

One thing I know for sure is that Trump is not here to buy us time. He is here to push the accelerator.

He will do some things to earn him some favour, like Hitler he will get the country moving, but in the end he will destroy it.

While on the topic of Apollo the destroyer, I would like to talk about Donald Trump’s Pet project, his daughter Ivanka.

It is the relationship between Daddy and daughter that I found most disturbing. Yet it turns out to be the one I want to talk about the least.

The following quote is from the

On The Howard Stern Show, 2003

Donald Trump bragged about his then-22-year-old daughter’s body, saying:
“You know who’s one of the great beauties of the world, according to everybody?
And I helped create her. Ivanka

“My daughter, Ivanka. She’s 6 feet tall, she’s got the best body.
She made a lot money as a model—a tremendous amount.”

On  The View, 2006

Donald and Ivanka appeared together on The View while promoting Season Three of The Apprentice, in which Mr Trump’s children featured for the first time as his advisors.
When asked how he would react if Ivanka, a former teen model, posed for Playboy, Trump replied, “It would be really disappointing — not really — but it would depend on what’s inside the magazine.
He added: “I don’t think Ivanka would do that, although she does have a very nice figure. I’ve said if Ivanka weren’t my daughter, perhaps I’d be dating her.”

I think there is somethings pretty sick here and these are not innocent statements. If it was just one isolated incident then perhaps you could argue it away. But there seems to be a history of sordid comments and associations with the seedier side of life. Some of the pictures of Donald with his daughter and the way he holds her and sits with her seem a bit weird. Have a look at the following videos and make up your own mind…

Trump – America’s Playboy President. A man that likes to get things done.

Anyway it’s food for thought. Who has time to think? We are like mice or squirrels on a running wheel, who has time to look into anything anymore? Running, running, running, can’t talk, have to fly. Life can be dizzying as we chase the almighty dollar, just to put food on the table and a roof over our heads. Who has time to be philosophical? But we do live in interesting days don’t we? Let’s see what captain America will do. In closing I would like to say that I love super heroes. But I will stick with the Carpenter from Nazareth. I will leave with the quote from the book of Daniel 4:17…

The Vatican’s War President to undo America…

“the most High ruleth in the kingdom of men, and giveth it to whomsoever he will,and setteth up over it the basest of men.”

Daniel 4:17

By the way I am not trying to ‘bag’ America. I simply have many alarm bells going off, I am concerned. Time will tell if these thoughts and feelings are legitimate. I think things will develop quickly. I have long since realised that I am not of this world. My hope is in another King and another Kingdom.

Cheers & Shalom


By Rory

5 thought on “2017 – Final Trump? Apollo worshiping Pedophile President to divide Israel & America – Decent into Chaos & WW3.”
  1. Thank you Rory for the message. I thought it was fitting and most alarming. You see to hit the nail on the head but where it ends on Elohim knows. I do believe we are both on the same side and page. But as far as what is going on if time permits everything will work out for the better. One can only hope and pray. For the sake of my grandchildren so forth and so on etc…. I speak this. But do not be dismay or discourage. It is not our battle alone.Please keep us in your prayers as we continue to keep you in ours. And Elohim shine his upon you at all times.

    P.S. I hope the message finds you in good faith,strength and spririt.

    🙊🙉🙈 Shalom Today Abba Jeekai aka Peaches

  2. Hi Rory,
    I am a women and just read your article I am already thinking on the same terms and so it is interesting to read your thoughts. I am just paying attention and staying close to the Lord he is in control which is the only sure thing in our world. He teaches me and that is the greatest blessing possible and you as well that is for sure.

    Take care and keep up the great work you are doing for the Lord.


    1. We need to hold on to th Lord. Things will only get worse as the western world turns away from God. Australia is far more asleep, and less Christian. Fellowship here is next to impossible. When America falls so will we. Personally I find it the spiritual sleepiness in Australia almost unbearable. I am hanging on by my fingernails.


  3. So much love to you RORY well orchestrated As History repeats itself in the beast of men. Your Prophetic Insights Are Embraced By The Voice Of Prophesy.

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