LIVE from Hebrew Fest,
Paradise Lake, Lone Jack (near Kansas City), Missouri, USA
2nd Exodus – the road ahead
TOTAL 1hr 13mins
via YouTube Playlist
Also available as mp3 podcast…
Audio: Pastor Alan’s Intro
Download mp3 2.9MB 3 mins 4 secs (right click ‘Save Target As’)
-this Intro is not on the video!
Audio: Panel Discussion
Download mp3 67.3MB 1 hr 13 mins 30 secs (right click ‘Save Target As’)
-this is the audio from the video above.
Leaving Oklahoma & Arkansas,
Heading up to Kansas & Missouri
Our Father in Heaven has been gracious to me while here in the USA. I came here with no plan, just a hope and a prayer. I have been lifted up on angels wings, I have been carried by the kindness of my brothers and sisters in Messiah from my arrival in Dallas Texas on May 11, 2015 (Thank you Dave & Glen, Keven & Amanda, Chad). Thank you Father for your Grace.
Last week I had the pleasure of traveling from Fort Smith, Arkansas to the outskirts of Kansas City thanks to my brother in Yeshua, Ted. (Many thanks Ted, I hope you had a ‘blast’ catching up with your folks!) It’s my first time here to Kansas. I have spent time with Katriel Porth and his wonderful family.
Katriel has a website called which will contain content regarding the regathering of the 10 lost tribes of the house of Israel including various studies, videos and other media content.One of the major things on Katriel’s heart is the need for the lost tribes of the House of Israel to gather in encampments during a time of severe trial coming upon the USA and elsewhere. These encampments will be places of refuge during a period of lawlessness coming upon the land as the government turn against Israel, Messiah Yeshua and His Torah. Katriel shares his heart on this matter in the video above.
Hebrew Fest, Camp Paradise Lake, Kansas City Missouri, USA
Anyway we attended a camp called Hebrew Fest ( at Paradise Lake,Lone Jack (near Kansas City), Missouri, USA. This camp was sponsored by the following organizations…
- Lighten-Up Ministries,
- On that Day Ministries,
- Northland Hebrew Roots Group,
2nd Exodus Panel Discussion
On Yom Rashon (Sunday) we had a Panel Discussion on the 2nd Exodus, the audio is provided above. Anyway I was given this unusual and wonderful opportunity and platform to share some thoughts from my heart and my understanding of scripture regarding the regathering of the 10 lost tribes of the House of Israel. Thank you Father, and thank you Katriel, Paul & family, Alan Lee and all those involved.
It was a personal encouragement to have some wonderful conversations and to hear what the Lord ืืืื is doing. Many were also interested to hear what I had to say. And finally I had the opportunity to share much during our panel discussion on the camp’s ‘Last Day’!
There are many chapters in the Tenach (Old Testament) that give us copious details concerning the regathering of the 10 lost tribes of the House of Israel. I shared how we need a paradigm shift to understand these scriptures because we have been taught that the next event is either the ‘Rapture’ or the events of the Tribulation. But there are prophecies that must be fulfilled first. I have have gone into this in previous videos. Here I gave some examples of scriptures that have only been partially fulfilled and apply to the 10 lost tribes of the House of Israel from Acts 2 (Peter quoting Joel 2) and Acts 15 (quoting Amos 9).
I outlined how the God of Israel will judge His people here in the USA and elsewhere and bring a remnant out from the nation after World War 3. I shared that there is great hope for us, but that we will go through a period of severe trial as our Sodom and Gomorrah generation reaps what it sows and our cities fall to government inspired anarchy through the lawless spirit running in our government.
May the Lord ืืืื ืืฉืืข open the eyes of the blind, may the remnant of His people open their eyes to their need to return to His heart, to His commandment and to His Spirit.
For those awakening to the biblical Hebrew roots of their faith, there is a very strong need for prayerfulness. There is much lukewarmness and a lack of heart amongst messianic/Hebrew roots folks. We need hearts of fire. We need to hear the voice of the Lord in the time of trial about to fall upon our sleepy world. The FEMA camps will be packed full of those that didn’t listen. Wake up.
Katriel helped explain the need for the remnant of the House of Israel to begin to gather into ‘encampments’ during the pre-tribulation break up of the USA! This may be revelation to some, but the break up of the USA is coming very soon. We must prepare our hearts to move when the trumpet of war sounds.
Later others shared what was on their hearts including the need to be far far more prayerful in our Torah obedience because we will need to be lead by the Spirit of Yahweh.
YouTube Playlist
Prayer Request
I am writing this while attending the International House of Prayer (IHOP) in Kansas City. Gary Hancock, one of those involved at the camp also attends IHOP and at the camp spoke of the need for Messianic’s to become more prayerful and worshipful. I also sense the extreme tendency within myself and others in the Messianic movement to be all in our head. Although we need to study the Torah, and to reason and become instructed in the word of our Lord ืืืื, we also need to spend much more time than we usually do, in prayer.
The times ahead will require us hearing from our Father very clearly, we need to be much more sensitive to the leading of the Holy Spirit (Ruach HaKodesh). I do not want my faith to be bookish and theoretical. I want and need to be sensitive to my Master. So Father please help us to seek your face and break into higher ground experientially as we enter the Holy place where your Spirit dwells. My trip here to the USA, to Kansas City and on to Michigan and on into Canada has really been a walk of faith. I am so grateful to my Lord Yeshua that He has granted me favour before His people. None of us know what twists and turns life will serve us. We go up hills and Mountain peaks. We all to often go into the valley of death. Father just draw us into You. Help us to let go of ourselves and find You.
As Yom Kippur draws near this year (September 23rd), let us humble our souls, fast and pray. Let us seek His Holy face, and let us seek Him diligently. We live in perilous times, big things are coming. Those that seek Him diligently will find Him.
But without faith it is impossible to please him: for he that cometh to God must believe that he is, and that he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him.
Hebrews 11:6
On Friday 24th July I am flying from Kansas City to Detroit Michigan and then I will be taken to Lapeer to minister the word for a few weeks. I then will cross the Canadian border and hopefully renew my 3 month visa for the USA as I have been requested to minister the word in Gravette and Fort Smith, Arkansas from mid August.
Please pray for Yahweh Elohim’s favour if this is His will so that I may return to the USA and renew my Visa for 3 months. Thus I need a 3 month stamp in my passport on returning to the USA. I have already changed my flight (to now depart 9th November), so I am flying by the ‘seat of my pants’, I am ‘out on a limb’, trusting and hoping in our Lord that I have made the right choice. Lead me on Father.
Thanks for the shout out, Rory!