Our Australian and New Zealand Spiritual Heritage

Patriarch Joseph would be proud!

Even though the House of Israel may not know who they are, the Lord still uses them. In fact during World War 1 the British used the Australian and New Zealand Anzac’s to push the Turks out of Israel. The British did it for their own reasons, but God works in mysterious ways indeed. The 800 Lighthorsemen, with bibles under their belts fought the heathen Muslims enabling the Jewish people to come to the land in greater numbers.

Oh for a generation like that, that would call the Muslims what they are, a bunch of Turkeys! How emasculated we have become. How tolerant of these infidels. Infidels is what they call us. Like Ishmael, they are quick to call names. But a tree is known by it’s fruit. (However they have a point, there is infidelity in the USA, Australia, New Zealand. We have turned away from God. We should have kept true to his Word. Then we would have driven these Muslim infidels from our shores. Not one of their cursed mosques would have been built.) I would burn them to the ground, but sadly hardly any christian has such indignation in them.

Speaking of infidels, back in World War 1 the Germans were called ‘the Godless Hun’ and by God they were right! Germany, the nation of the higher critics. So smug were they in their criticism of the word of God. How lofty were they as they looked down from their mount Olympus. And what folly that godless nation has brought to the world since then through their corrupted wisdom. The
Godless Hun‘. Yep, back in those days, they called a spade a spade.

The Germans have fought us in two World Wars and they assisted the Turks against the Brits in the land of Israel. They tried to systematically wipe out the Jewish people. IBM gave them computers to keep tabs on their progress. The American NWO Edomite banksters (bloody gangsters) funded the NAZI war machine, Ford ran factories there in Germany also! The old warlike pagan German Spirit ever strives for domination. Old habits die hard.

If you are a German, but a believer in Yeshua and a lover of Zion and the Jewish people then you have passed from death to life. Change is not always easy though. You may still have a flesh to deal with as we all do. But although I hold out the olive branch, my eye watches very sharply. It’s my job to be a Watchman. It’s not something I choose, but my destiny is within me anyway. I have eyes to see, I see things others don’t. I Watch. In Isaiah 62:6 God has called for Watchmen on the Walls of Jerusalem (that is, amongst the Jews in particular). And God has also called for Watchmen upon Mt Ephraim (amongst the Lost tribes). Soon it will be time for the ten lost tribes to return to Zion, according to Jeremiah 31:6, the watchmen of Mt Ephraim will announce it. Edom shall not be too happy and withstand us with all his army. Amalek will certainly attack from behind. Attacking from the rear was Rommel’s favourite tactic. Perhaps it denotes other things also.

And so the Ten Lost Tribes must be vigilant, and not forget history. We must not forget those nations that have continually fought against us and the Jews and the good news of Yeshua HaMashiach. The Germans, the Turks and the Arabs are oftentimes allied against the people of God. They have not done us too many favours. In Ephesians we are told that we are at war. We have spiritual enemies in the spiritual realm. And we have very literal physical ones down on the earth, Satanic bloodlines. We are at war! And we always will be until the dominion of our Lord and Saviour comes with devastating finality. Edom shall be obliterated from the pages of history and Ishmael shall know his place of submission if he is to continue at all. There is a well of water waiting for him if he does.

So back to the story at hand, young men from the colonies, came to Israel, with bibles under their belts, gave their lives so freely and won the battle with God’s good help against impossible odds. I visited the graves at Beersheba back in 2004, paying my respects at each headstone. That form of muscular bible belief has all but faded. Nowadays Christianity is all in our head, not in our actions. I wouldn’t fight for George Bush and his crooks. But I would have fought that fight. The Jewish people have been assisted in their conquest of the land in these modern times with the generous help of the Ten Lost Tribes of the House of Israel, and neither of them know it!

The ANZAC boys from ‘Down-Under’ ready for action.

Of course the British have treated the Jews, at best, with duplicity, and at worst with cruel contempt. And so Britain lost her empire. The battle is spiritual, it is about who is Lord and God. And so it is up to the Jews to read their own Torah and Prophets and believe what they say and act upon it. And it incumbent upon the Church (Kehellot) of the Firstborn, to call a spade a spade, and to support Judah and defend them against the heathen United Nations and Rome. Yes there is animosity between the two houses, Judah and Israel, but my prayer is that when the chips are down, the brothers will come to the Messiah, his Word and look out for one another. We must count our lives as a small thing, and the life of our brother a big thing. We must forgive. But we must still put our love for Messiah Yeshua above that for our earthly family.

He that loveth father or mother more than me is not worthy of me: and he that loveth son or daughter more than me is not worthy of me.

Matthew 10:37

And he that taketh not his cross, and followeth after me, is not worthy of me.

Matthew 10:38

Indeed ultimately it is those that obey the Messiah that are our brethren.

For whosoever shall do the will of my Father which is in heaven, the same is my brother, and sister, and mother.

Matthew 12:50

But ‘blood is thicker than water’ as they say, and when people attack Judah, it arouses my jealousy. It gets my blood going. I say, leave them alone you godless bully, leave them alone or you’ll ‘cop some stitches’. I admit that I hate those that hate the Jews. I wont tolerate it. I can’t help it. Some rivers run deep. I have an issue with Judah because of their rebellion against the Messiah. But I don’t want to see them harmed either. What gain do I have in the death of a brother? I hate the anti-Semites and the two state solution brigade. Sadly there are even Jews that are happy for the land of Israel to be divided. It’s coming down to the wire now. I believe the Anzac’s sacrifice in Beersheba is not for nothing.

Anyway the following is extract of a book by Col Stringer and outlines some of the ‘daring do’ of the Anzac Lighthorsemen in Israel during World War 1. Of course he doesn’t dare go into talking about the lost tribes even if he believed it. But you can perhaps understand that there is a brotherhood between Ephraim and Judah, that shows itself every once in a while. When they are not at each others throats they actually help one another, though I expect it is more a one way street, Ephraim gives and Judah takes. But they both have something to offer and it will be a great day when they are united under Messiah Yeshua and His Torah through the New Covenant and his book, the bible, from Genesis to Revelation.

Jerusalem’s Aussie Deliverers

Extracts from Col Stringer’s book “800 Horsemen”

800 Horsemen

“I sometimes am amazed at Christians in Australia. Many ask, what is the future for this country? What plan does the Lord have for this sunburnt land? If one believes that Smith Wigglesworth was a true prophet of the Lord (and I do), he prophesied that these “ANZAC” islands of the South Pacific, (Australia and New Zealand) would herald in the last great move of the Holy Spirit. But do we have anything else to go on? Personally I believe we do. I believe that God is no man’s debtor. Many Australians are ignorant of their country’s rich history and the much overlooked fact that it was these tiny nations that succeeded in doing what no other on earth has been able to achieve i.e. the liberation of Jerusalem.

Jerusalem and indeed all Palestine had been under Moslem domination since 637 AD. In 1077 the Seljuk Turks had become masters of Palestine. At this time the condition of the Christians became unbearable. The Turks forbade Christian services, devastated churches, murdered pilgrims. In 1095 Pope Urban 11 delivered an address that started the Crusades. He declared “Jerusalem is Umbilicus Mundi” the navel of the world. “This royal city…is in subjection to those who do not know God, to worship of the heathen. Therefore, she seeks and desires to be liberated and does not cease to implore you to come to her aid.”

Early Crusaders. In 1099 Godfrey of Bouillon and his knights conquered Jerusalem, following a five week siege. There followed wholesale slaughter of the city’s inhabitants, including all of its Jewish citizens, many burned alive in their synagogues. A terrible indictment on Christendom. In 1187 Saladin defeated the Crusaders, re-entered Jerusalem, stripped the cross from the Dome of the Rock, plundered churches and convents, restored all the buildings that had been mosques (notably the Dome of the Rock and the al-Aqsa mosque), while turning other churches into stables or granaries. Thousands of following Crusaders paid the ultimate price with their bones bleaching the barren rocky hills but Jerusalem was to remain firmly in the hands of the Turks right up until this century when 800 Aussie Light Horsemen rode into history and opened the gateway to Jerusalem.

Beersheba 1917

Beersheba – Well Of The Oath. The key to the battle were the Gaza-Beersheba fortifications. Beersheba, meaning “well of the oath”, so named by Abraham in the book of Genesis. The well had provided water not only to Abraham, but to Moses and David. Any army approaching its life-giving wells has to march for days through the waterless Sinai desert. All the Turks had to do was hold off an attack for one day and the merciless desert sun would do the rest. Despite constant assaults by the combined forces of the British and Australian armies, the place could not be taken. Then came the fateful day of October 31 1917. The generals were desperate, 50,000 British infantry with tank support had been driven back into the desert. With the sun about to set and with no water for many miles, disaster stared them squarely in the face. The Australian Light Horse Commander Chauvel’s orders were to storm Beersheba, it had to be won before nightfall at all costs. The situation was becoming grave as they were in urgent need of 400,000 gallons of water for men and horses.

Chauvel concocted a crazy plan. Why not let his 800 horsemen charge the Turkish artillery? A cavalry charge across 6000 yards of open terrain straight into the face of the massed Turkish guns. It sounded like a recipe for disaster. No wonder the German Officer commanding the Turkish defences described the Aussie Light Horsemen as “madmen!” For a start the Light Horse were not cavalry, they were mounted infantry. They had no swords or lancers but were equipped with rifles and bayonets designed for infantry warfare. But left with virtually no alternative the desperate General gave the order for the last great cavalry charge in history! The 800 young men mounted their magnificent Walers (horses) and lined up to face the Turkish guns, their young faces bronzed and tanned from the desert sun, their emu plumes swaying in the breeze from their famous slouch hats, rifles swung across their backs and bayonets in hand. History was about to be written. These 800 young men were about to open the doorway to the liberation of Jerusalem!

The Light Horsemen charged magnificently across the dusty plains, so fast that the Turkish artillery could not keep pace with them and the “mad” horsemen were able to slip under their guns. As they leapt the trenches laced with machine gun bullets, a magnificent cheer went up from the British ranks, even some of the Turks stood and applauded, such was the magnificence of the feat. Although hopelessly outnumbered and outgunned they charged on. Beersheba – the gateway to Jerusalem, fell that day, not to the Crusaders, not to the British, German or US Armies – but to the Australian Light Horsemen!

Turks getting ready for the history books.

Let me quote from the book “True Australian War Tales” by Alec Hepburn. “…the British swept towards Gaza. They stormed the city on 26 March but were thrown back by determined enemy resistance. A second attempt on 17 April also ended in failure. The Turks, with German and Austrians of the crack Asia Corps, stood firm along a fortified line from Gaza on the coast, to Beersheba, near the Judean Hills. The key to victory was Beersheba. Many nations claim to have mounted the last cavalry charge in history, but most of these actions were minor skirmishes of no real significance towards the outcome of the war in which they fought. The Australian Light Horse attack on Beersheba was the last important cavalry charge in history and the last to win a resounding victory that altered the course of a war.” (And the course of a nation – Israel).

“The late afternoon sunlight flashing from their bayonets, Australian troopers of the 4th Light Horse Brigade made a proud sight as they spread in a khaki flood over the stony Palestine plain. The thundering hoof beats of their mounts rolled over the arid land ahead like some macabre overture . … Wearing their distinctive feather-plumed slouch hats at a variety of jaunty angles the troopers seemed nonchalant in the face of death…. Topping the last rise Beersheba suddenly came into sight, the graceful minaret on its Mosque pointing the way to glory, in what was to be the last important cavalry charge in history. Almost as one the big, brown warhorses surged forward in a mad gallop, their hoofs striking thunder from the hard sun-baked earth.”

“Then from somewhere within the barbed-wire-encircled town, heavy artillery began firing. The first shells roared overhead, exploding in fiery geysers amid the charging ranks. Yelling men and bellowing horses went down in tangled heaps, their screams filling the choking smoke clouds that swirled everywhere, But not even shrapnel could halt their fierce onslaught. Leaping their mounts over fallen comrades, the horsemen swept towards the Turkish line. Soon the shells were falling harmlessly behind the advancing ranks. With the first gauntlet behind them the Australian horsemen raced into the next. From the flanks Turkish machine-guns took over the defence. Many more men and horses went down, but still they came on. The tough Turkish infantry had been unnerved by the seemingly invincible horde bearing down on them. Wild with fear, for they knew their foe by reputation, the Turks put up a formidable rifle barrage in a frantic effort to stop the mounted madmen. Troopers pitched from the saddle; others had their mounts shot from under them: and yet the suicidal charge swept on. As the Light Horse galloped nearer the excited Turks forgot to lower their sights and found themselves firing high. With bullets now buzzing harmlessly overhead the leading squadrons thundered in line across the last kilometre then jumped their mighty Walers over the trenches.”

The rest is history. “Beersheba – well of the oath, was in Australian hands by the time the last rays of fading daylight had gone from the desert sky. This deed would live on as the proudest achievement in the colourful story of the legendary Light Horse, the force that was probably the most uniquely Australian fighting unit ever raised. The Light Horseman was the best mounted soldier in history, finer even than the Cossack or the American Plains Indian.”

Thirsty Horses and Brave Sons of Joseph

In fact the British General Allenby rated the Cavalry charge as one of, if not the most magnificent in history. Eight hundred Aussie Light horsemen had achieved what 50,000 British troops with tanks could not do, what even the Crusaders or Napoleon could not do! They had opened the doorway to Jerusalem against seemingly insurmountable odds. Imagine how I felt when I discovered recently that my forefathers were part of that great battle that changed history forever. They were magnificent Light Horsemen! My Grandfather Fred was a horsebreaker for the Light Horse while his three brothers were part of the famous 3rd Light Horse Regiment that took part that day in the great battle for the liberation of Beersheba.

Beersheba Monument to the brave lads.

I am in no way attempting to glorify war, it is terrible. But I believe we need “to give honour where honour is due.” Many of the Light Horsemen were visibly moved when they realised they had opened the gateway to the Holy Land, a doorway which had been firmly shut for centuries. One writer put it this way “Without the ANZAC involvement the modern state of Israel would not have come into existence!” On December 11th 1917 the Australian Light Horsemen rode triumphantly into Jerusalem, so far from their homes, their emu feathers proudly fluttering in the breeze, to be greeted with a hysterical welcome by Jews and Christians. A far cry from the scenario when Godfrey of Bouillon and his bloodthirsty Crusaders had entered the city in 1099. Centuries of Moslem rule was over. As the triumphant British General Allenby entered the city through the Jaffa gate, his honour guard was made up of slouch hatted Aussies. Opposite him as he stood on the steps of the Citadel of David he was encircled by another honour guard of proud ANZAC Light Horsemen! Their magnificent effort was being honoured by the world!

No handbrake or airbags.

History has not been kind to these magnificent mounted Aussies. Not only is this magnificent and historical feat not known by the world but even most Australians are unfamiliar with what their forefathers achieved. Even the capture of Damascus was accredited to Lawrence of Arabia and his Arab army, but the truth is the Aussie Light Horsemen had taken the city one week earlier but had to hide out of sight while Lawrence’s ego was appeased, allowing him to parade into the city!

When the Saints go marching in, they sometimes ride horses.

Nations Also Have Callings. How many readers are aware of the fact that as many ANZACS have died in the liberation and restoration of the nation of Israel as have Jewish soldiers! When Jesus returns to the Mount of Olives He will descend onto a spot which is overlooked by hundreds of ANZAC Light Horsemen’s graves. These men have given their lives for the liberation of Jerusalem. Our young nation (along with New Zealand) has paid a high price in blood. God in His grace and wisdom has honoured our tiny nation by allowing it to be used in the liberation of the very city to which Jesus will return. What an honour for Australia! First the physical and now the spiritual! In Genesis 12:3 God said (speaking of Israel) “Those who bless you will be blessed and those who curse you will be cursed!” The promise of this Scripture is not restricted to ancient Israel. Joel provides the scenario of the final judgment of the nations. The basis for the judgement is determined by how each nation treated “my inheritance, my people Israel, for they scattered my people among the nations and divided up my land.” (Joel 3:1-2)

Charge! No time to be politically correct.

I believe that the Lord will repay the debt paid in blood by these wonderful young ANZACS and I believe that Smith Wigglesworth’s prophecy is about to be implemented. What awesome days to be alive and serving God. What a great day to be an Aussie. Not only is the best yet to come but I believe we haven’t seen anything yet! If 800 ANZAC Light Horsemen can rewrite the history books, what can 18 million ANZACS do in the spiritual battle! Fasten your safety belt Aussie Christians as we charge the year 2000 for the Lord!”

Copyright 1997 Col Stringer Ministries, All rights reserved.

For copies of this book;


Beersheba Today

New Zealands Christrian Heritage (Paperback)

NZ Christian Heritage

Rory’s note: Col Stringer also has this book, I haven’t read it but I am sure it is quite interesting and is available from;


Few New Zealanders know much about their nations rich Christian heritage or the faith of its founding fathers. This book is written to show the awesome Christian heritage of this great nation, and to show how the Lord has had His hand upon New Zealand since time began, ‘South Land of the Holy Spirit’.

Rory’s note: New Zealand, like the USA and Australia are not the countries they once were. They are ‘going down the gurgler‘ (plug hole), and judgment is coming, but God will raise up a remnant of the Lost tribes of the House of Israel from New Zealand and bring them to the promised land, the land of a greatly enlarged Israel after World War 3, but before the tribulation. The land of Israel will be enlarged for the lost tribes at the expense of the infidel Muslim enemies of Israel! The House of David shall rise.Praise God!

By Rory

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