This picture shows the real split rock where the water gushed out at the real Mt Sinai. The real Mt Sinai mentioned in the book of Exodus is actually in Arabia. The mountain is called Jeb Al Lawz today. We are told of a greater exodus in the last days than that from Egypt. This second exodus is from the ‘North Country’. Where is this North Country and how does this all fit in with the Rapture or resurrection of the Church which is the believing ‘Israel of God’. And where do the 144,000 fit in? It’s all in the scriptures, clear as day. (There are actually two North Countries in scripture as well as two Babylons, which is something I was not aware of. God knows how to hide some things in plain sight.)


The ‘Main Body of Article

‘ in blue is not on the blog but is contained in the following PDF file (click here). It’s a large 43 page document!


Achtung!  Warning!

  • In a nutshell
  • More detail

Main Body of Article

  • Resurrection, Rapture & the 2nd Exodus
  • Firstfruits Go First & Lead the 2nd Exodus
  • Psalm 24 – Lift up your heads
  • The Heavenly Mt Zion, Jerusalem
  • Resurrection or Rapture?
  • Jewish & Evangelical Ephraimite Antichrist Whoredom
  • The order of the Resurrection.
  • Persecution, Prisons & Martyrdom
  • 2nd Exodus after the Persecution & Martyrdom
  • 3 Pilgrimage Feasts (Chagim)
  • 144,000 Commissioned for end time Harvest before being Raptured?
  • Matthew 10 – Yeshua sends out the 12 only to the lost sheep of the House of Israel
  • Luke 10 – Yeshua sends out the 70 into the Harvest including Gentiles
  • 2 Groups of 144,0000
  • 3 Days of Darkness & the Rapture of the 144,000
  • 144,000 Raptured during Pentecost
  • Gathered or Raptured?
  • War in Heaven & the Resurreciton
  • Zion is pictured as a Woman in Travail
  • The Resurrection of the Wicked & the Righteous at the same time!
  • 2nd Exodus from the ‘North Country’

Part 2 – the Ascent of the Bride


God has a plan and has not forgotten his people and His Bride. His evacuation plan is about to be activated in a time of absolute peril. But before the ‘Summary’ & ‘Introduction’ about this plan of escape I want to bring a ‘Warning’ to those still asleep or just waking up. You may skip down to the ‘Summary’ if you are short on time. We all are.

This is a big article but important. It is more of a book than an article, hence the pdf. You will need to break it up. Please read if you are able and feel led, it is important to know where we are going and when and how. It’s important to understand how the resurrection and rapture events fit into the exodus and regathering of the Israel of God. We will be living through it very shortly. Our nations are about to be busted up and our feet better be on the Rock as everything is shaken.


I believe we are on the cusp of the shaking of the heavens and the earth, the real birthpangs of the kingdom, mentioned in Matthew 24, Mark 13, Luke 21 and Revelation 6. We have already had the White horse with the rider with the white ‘Corona’ Crown riding alone these past few years. However all 4 horsemen of the Apocalypse will be riding together when the red horse is released that takes peace from the earth. In Zechariah 1:7-11 we read that on the 24th day of the 11th Hebrew month (Shevet) the earth is at peace. But the rider on the Red Horse

will shortly be riding to take peace from the earth. If this is the year the prophecy is fulfilled then peace will be taken from the earth after this date, which in 2023 is the 15th February which is less than 3 weeks away. This will be war. No doubt a third world war. But it will also include civil war, ethnic war, family war with domestic violence. Along with this terrible situation expect to see earthquakes, famines and pestilences and economic collapse. During this time the Lord will be refining us through increasingly severe persecution and imprisonments. We shall soon see if it happens this year or not. I can’t see it not happening. Whether things pan out this way or not, we should be watching.

Watchye therefore, and pray always, that ye may be accounted worthy to escape all these things that shall come to pass, and to stand before the Son of man.

Luke 21:36

So I have assumed a timeline centred on the biblical feasts with the 2nd exodus beginning this year, 2023. This may or may not be correct. It maybe the following year. I do believe we are entering a time of tremendous shaking. It could be that the shaking begins shortly and that by Passover 2023 we are well into the events that will lead to the translation of the 144,000 by no later than Pentecost 2023. Then again it could drag until the following year. I do however expect the shaking to commence in the next month. This is based on Haggai and then Zechariah chapter one. I suspect the shaking occurs on the 24th day of the 11th Hebrew month.

So it may come more suddenly than many people think. Then again I could be mistaken. We are to watch, we are to know the time and season of His return, we are to watch, and we are all still learning! I may not be exactly correct with my sequence or timing but I hope that there is enough meat in this article for you to chew on. I hope to add grist to your mill of thoughts as you ponder the times we are in. Perhaps some of what I share will be helpful in your own understanding of things and fill some gaps. if you are ready for details then please read on. Some of what I present here may assist you and shed light into how the 2nd exodus and rapture events mesh together. This includes the sealing and rapture of the 144,000 that will be used mightily to bring in the end times harvest of souls and to prepare the bride for the 2nd exodus and then the wedding to follow at her rapture. May God richly bless you as you search His Word and Seek His Face and His Kingdom and His will in your life.

Achtung! – Warning!

For those just waking up the question maybe ‘is judgement here?’ Is God shaking things? Is this the end times? Is Jesus coming soon? What the Devil is going on? Crazy Weather, crazy Government, crazy People, crazy Times. Where do we go? Our nations are turning into politically correct Communist /NAZI hell holes. When is God going to move? An evacuation will be necessary because the Judgement wont stop until these Sodomite ships that we have called our nations sink to the bottom of the deep blue sea. Are you on the life raft called Yeshua? Are you walking with Him as you ought? Do you fear God? Are you humble? Are you broken? Are you teachable? The storm is breaking, both in the Spirit and in the natural.

The weather is going crazy. Floods are running through lands and towns and cities the world over. Fires are burning down the woodlands. And tornadoes are increasingly appearing in places they don’t usually go. This is not normal! The magnetic North pole is flipping and the jetstream is causing havoc. If the magnetic poles flip then the Magnetosphere collapse and we get burnt by the sun. Meanwhile famines have been orchestrated on purpose and food production is being decimated, farms confiscated, fertiliser purposely made unavailable, fuel depots and supply depleted, the Devils hands have been busy.

Plandemics are already here and beastial enforced vaccinations are in the wings and already happening in some nations. Children are indoctrinated. Most of our population are ‘dumbed down’ and docile and believe whatever they are told on TV. Lawlessness is being legislated. Freedom curtailed in the name of Tolerance. Our leaders are mad. In the sky above our heads, strange looking clouds are appearing here and there. Is God trying to tell us something? The wicked don’t care to understand nor can they because they do not fear God. No wisdom there. But the righteous will understand. But not every one that says Lord, Lord will enter into the Kingdom, Matthew 7:21.

Many of the alternate media are shills that are just patting our fur and making us feel good before the bad guys fully take over and skin the cat. If they don’t preach the gospel or mix in with it a whole lot of half baked new age dribble then switch them off. We need to get right with God and not waste our time will talking heads as the ship goes down. The Messiah is coming. And if we follow Him we will be in the hot seat. Judgement begins in the house of God. But there is no hope for these alternative media shills and the folks that follow them. Yeshua is coming soon.

The next events are the big earthquakes and wars of the red horse of the Apocalypse, Revelation 6, Zechariah 1 & 6. None of these things can occur without the Lord Yeshua allowing it. He is the head of all principality and power, Colossians 2:10.

The question is not ‘what is the Devil doing?’ He is doing what he always does, lying, thieving and murdering, but much more as he is running out of time, John 8:44. There is no end of conspiracies and theories. The Devil sure is in the details. There is much truth in what is going on under the surface of things but if that is all we see then we don’t see the big picture at all.

The real question to ask is what is God doing? Can you feel the birthpangs of His coming Kingdom? God is about to gather His people from the nations as they descend into tyranny, prison camps and bloodshed. He is about to bring us out of the ‘North Country’ called ‘North America’.

7 Therefore, behold, the days come, saith the LORD, that they shall no more say,
The LORD liveth, which brought up the children of Israel out of the land of Egypt;
8 But, The LORD liveth, which brought up and which led the seed of the house of Israel out of the north country, and from all countries whither I had driven them; and they shall dwell in their own land.

Jeremiah 23:7-8

The 10 lost tribes of the House of Israel are not just in the ‘North Country’ called the USA and Canada. All our formerly christian democratic English speaking nations are all being collapsed together, along with the rest of the world. The house of Israel has for the most part become one big house of cards, fit to burn and ready to tumble. A shaking comes before the seed is put in the barn, Haggai 2:19-21. Our Church Age is coming to an abrupt conclusion far quicker than most believers can believe, quicker than Ephraim can burn himself in a half baked oven of sin at Pentecost, Hosea 7, Leviticus 23:17. The rot is deep, the cancer has spread far and wide, the House of God for the most part has become a harlot and a habitation of devils, Isaiah 1:21, Matthew 13:32. The few stones in this Leprous House are about to be removed by our Holy High Priest Yeshua, Leviticus 14. Usually the bad stones are removed from the House. But now the Leprosy is so great that the House must be destroyed and the few good stones brought out and saved, this is the remnant of Jacob. This extraction will be through the 2nd Exodus and Rapture events depending on who we are, God’s election and our obedience. Galatians 6:7 tells us that we reap what we sow, God is not mocked! God forgives but He also repays sin. When sin crosses a certain line God judges with terrible ferocity and finality. And we are running out of time to get right. Turn, turn, turn to Him, the Judge is at the door.

Don’t be discouraged, Confess your sins, call upon God with all your heart. Turn from sin, take your burdens to the Lord and get your peace back. Be Holy. Walk in His Way. God knows his small and faithful remnant. God keeps Covenant. He watches over the poor of His flock, those poor in spirit that are broken for all the sins of the ‘Israel of God’. If you prayerfully abide with the Father in the secret place, He will bring you through many waters to safety.

If we repent not, if we play games, even religious ones, then know for sure that the Sword is in the hand of our God and Saviour Yeshua HaMaschiach. And God will use wicked governments and people as His sword of judgement, Psalm 17:13. It is Yeshua that is judging, even through the plans of the wicked which are his wreaking ball. Where will you actually go as the Judgement begins? Don’t be a captive of sin. Prisons are waiting. Both the Lord and the enemy is at the door.

This could be our final Pentecost to end our Church age. The church began on Pentecost and it will end then too with birth pangs, blood moons, and a birth in a time of great Darkness. Darkness, blood moons and ‘palmtrees of smoke’ could come sooner than we think, Joel 2:30. The signs are multiplying. The earthquakes and war will unleash the breakup of our nations and judgement of the Church. If we say we believe in Yeshua, do we obey Him or do we use His grace as a license for sin and self will? The most testing time of Jacob’s Trouble is at hand, the Tribulation. The prison camps are built and the Devil the defiler who is Satan the accuser is about to pounce. I suspect that Red Horse will be unleashed after the 24th of the 11th month in accordance with Zechariah 1:7-10. I can’t see it being another year. Please use your time to humble yourself before the Lord for the Satanic inquisition is soon to begin in a time of war, famine and death.

However God has been waking Jacob to his Torah. If we are walking in obedience, God is with us. But if our knowledge is only puffed up head knowledge then we are in trouble. If we are humble and obedient then we have an appointment with God, and his Sabbath and Feasts give us His meeting times. There is a blessing in keeping them with a broken and contrite heart. So let us very humbly ‘fear God and Keep His commandments for this is the whole duty of man’, Ecclesiastes 12:13. The King is coming.


In a nutshell

  • Rapture & 2nd Exodus occurs before 2nd half of the 7 year Tribulation, before Revelation 13.
  • Most of the judgement of the 1st half of the Tribulation is restricted to the last year or 6 to 8 months.
  • Like birth pangs it increases in frequency and intensity.
  • Our being raised in glory and translated to heaven or ‘rapture’ is related to the Hebrew Feast & Harvest cycle.

The ‘rapture’ is made of two parts,

1. First fruits 144,000 sons,

  • Passover Barley 144,000 wave sheaf & Pentecost Wheat 144,000 Wave Loaves
  • Assist in 2nd exodus of Zion their mother.
  • raptured and presented before the Lord at Pentecost.

2. BridalChurch of Zion – Main body of believers

  • leave nations in 2nd Exodus and go to the ‘Wilderness’
  • honey moon during Tabernacles.
  • raptured to Heaven & married at Yom Kippur
  • gathered to Sinai at Trumpets,

Between these two raptures is the 2nd Exodus, which is a physical journey to the Wilderness with the assistance of the 144,000 and Michael and his Angels. The Dove which is Zion will be lifted up on the Wings of Eagles and taken to safety in the Wilderness in Saudi Arabia. Elijah’s 40 day and 40 night flight to Horeb from Jezebel is a picture of this, as is the flood of Noah when it rained for 40 days and 40 nights.

More detail

I don’t claim infallibility, we are all learning. I have assumed that the birthpangs are coming this year. If this is not the year then it will follow later but the sequence should be the same. I can’t see it coming later, it looks like we are approaching some very sudden changes in the world in many ways as I describe later. Yes birthpangs increase over time but I don’t think we are going to see things unfold gradually any longer. It wont be a steady predictable transition, but it will be a whole series of ‘suddenlies’ that come harder and faster.

I expect this begins from the 24th day of the 11th Hebrew month when the red horse of war is loosed as per Zechariah 1:7 onwards. I wrote about this in the previous article titled ‘Kislev 24th – Foundation, Earthquakes & the 4 Horsemen’ and talked about the significance of the number 24 in the article ‘The Significance of the 24th Day’.

God is zealous over his house and will bring the judgement of war upon the heathen. This is the 2nd seal of the apocalypse and the other seals will open rapidly. The birthpangs of the 4 horsemen and the 5th seal martyrs leads to the 6th seal birth of the kingdom along with the resurrection and the end of the church age with the rapture of the 144,000.

  • Before the rapture of the living comes the resurrection of the dead.
    • This is both the resurrection of the wicked and the righteous dead!
      Daniel 12, Isaiah 26.
    • It is not the great white throne judgement which occurs and the end of the Millennial Reign.
  • Before any resurrection comes the shaking, that is the birthpangs.
  • The shaking comes spiritually and physically. These are birthpangs.
    • The birthpangs are just about to hit, from the 24th day of the 11th Hebrew month if this process begins this year. This is the 15th of February 2023 this year.
    • The Red Horse will ride and all the other horses of the Apocalypse will follow. We will quickly see our nations destroyed by world war, civil war, murder, economic collapse, famine, pestilence. Death camps will be operational. These are the first 4 seals of the Apocalypse.
    • Terrible persecution will ensue. The gospel will be preached. People will be saved. Many martyrs make up this period which is the 5th seal judgement. Much of the 10 lost tribes the House of Israel is about to be destroyed due to wickedness. Many will be martyred for their fiath thereby securing their salvation during this time. Many in the nations will die also. It is a harvest. The righteous dead will not be dead long. The wicked living will not be alive long. The tares will be burnt up soon. God’s House will be full. A wedding is coming. Vashti (Satan & His host) goes out, Esther (Israel of God) enters into the courts of heaven. A divorces & marriage in the same festal period.
    • Fig tree of heavenly host is shaken during the sixth seal. What cannot be shaken remains (good angels), but the bad angels come to the earth.
    • The fall of Satan’s host and Satan himself will commence on the 17th day of the 2nd month which is the 8th May 2023 this year, between Passover & Pentecost. His host will fall over a 40 day period because it relates to the flood and Elijah’s flight to Horeb.
    • Pentecost occurs in the middle of this 40 day period of shaking when the moon turns to blood and God’s Spirit is poured out on Israel and all flesh. This happens at the 6th Seal.
    • Heavenly City of Zion is revealed when heavens roll back at the 6th Seal. People may say that it is a space ship perhaps. But then the Lamb is visible. God deals with his enemies.
    • The 6th seal also sees the wicked rulers and others go to their underground bases. This is before the 2nd half of the tribulation. They go underground in the hopes of rising to the surface in the 2nd half. Manwhile the 144,000 are raised and the woman, Zion, makes her exit.
    • The birth pangs which include earthquakes lead to the Great Earthquake that brings about the resurrection of the dead in this intense time when Satan and His Host are falling. These are the waters of Noah. The Ark is a picture of Zion being lifted as judgement comes. Meteors will be falling from the sky also.
    • The waters of Noah will begin the spiritual process that leads to the awakening of Zion and the birth of the manchild 144,000 at Pentecost. There will be floods and earthquakes and war, death camps etc as the earth is reeling to and fro. The magnetosphere will collapse bringing green/pink sky Auroras.
    • This is a very supernatural and dark time, but also a time of glory, Isaiah 60.
    • Demons will walk the earth along with the wicked dead raised to life to become demon possessed. Zombie apocalypse is coupled with this.
    • The wicked dead that are raised will not be alive long. They will die once more. Many of them will die in the earthquakes when the earth opens it’s mouth. The raising of the wicked dead is a scurge and a judgement.
    • The godless will think demons and nephilim and fallen angels are aliens, especially when thing come from the sky (as well as from below).
    • The 144,000 rapture at Pentecost is of two parts.
      • The sons of Zion are related to the Barley wave Sheaf (Passover) and Wheat Wave Loaves (Pentecost) Harvest firstfruits that are waved before the Lord. They are the 144,000.
      • The Barley 144,000 may be commissioned during the onset of the birthpangs to go to the ‘lost sheep of the house of Israel’, before they are resurrected in Pentecost. The hallel Psalms 113 to 118 describe their transition from a persecuted remnant to a supernatural conquering army. The persecution is intense. There truly are painful birthpangs.
      • There is a Wheat Firstfruits 144,000 also.
      • I had thought that there were two separate raptures but now I believe both go together.
    • 5 months of absolute hell on Earth proceed after the Pentecostal 144,000 Firstfruits resurrection. The spirit filled but still mortal Remnant Bride of Zion is rescued by angels and glorified in her mortal flesh like Moses when he came down the mountain. The process of the 2nd exodus begins.
    • Yeshua will prepare a remnant of Israel & Judah and some believing Gentiles for the 2nd exodus, this is Zion, the church of the firstborn. Zion is pictured as a woman and is the main body of believers that are raised at the ingathering at years end during the Trumpets to Tabernacle Feast period.
    • It takes 5 months for her to spiritually be raised until the marriage in the 7th Hebrew month. The 15 songs of accent describe the accent of the Bride and are also pictured as the Ark being 15 cubits above the tops of the mountains.
    • They will go to the ‘wilderness of the people’, the real mt Sinai in Arabia. We will talk about this in the next blog article in this series.
    • Yom Kippur is when the New Covenant comes in its fullness to the believers of the House of Israel & Judah.
    • Tabernacles is the honey moon.
    • This coming Pentecost may see the end of the Church Age that began at Pentecost also.


For those that are awake, you may ask, ‘is our hope in a rapture or exodus?’ Much old prophecy talks about a greater exodus than that of Egypt so that the first exodus is forgotten. But the New Testament talks about resurrection and translation in to the air in a transformed immortal body, this is referred to as the ‘Rapture’. How do we fit it all together? God has hidden some things in plain sight. If we do not keep the Sabbath and biblical Feasts then we close the gates of understanding in certain crucial areas. Even if we keep these things we still may be in the dark if our heart is proud or we don’t seek wisdom and understanding diligently. It takes time to mine the word of God and for the Holy Spirit to transform us enough to begin to dimly perceive things.

If we have an appointment in our diary it is important to know when & where the meeting occurs as well as with whom. We all know that we have an appointment with Yeshua the Groom, but where do we meet him and when do we go, and finally, how do we actually get there? Many believers think that the rapture will whisk us away before trouble starts. The bible tells us that the Lord will shake the heavens and the earth first. I wrote about this in the previous article titled ‘Kislev 24th – Foundation, Earthquakes & the 4 Horsemen’ and talked about the significance of the number 24 in the article ‘The Significance of the 24th Day’. Many do not want to understand this stuff and prefer half truths or fables at church. There is confusion as to who exactly Israel is. And there is further confusion as to who the Church actually is!

When you understand that Israel is not just the Jews but there are 10 tribes that went missing and that Messiah Yeshua has brought them to Himself through the gospel then this adds a whole new layer and dimension to our understanding about our gathering to Him. In this article I want to lay out where the 144,000 and the ‘Church’ rapture/resurrection events occur in relation to the regathering of all Israel. The regathering of all of Israel that is mostly prophesied in the old testament prophets has been called the ‘second exodus’ because once this exodus occurs the prophets tell us the exodus from Egypt will no longer be remembered, Jeremiah 23:7-8.

7 Therefore, behold, the days come, saith the LORD, that they shall no more say, The LORD liveth, which brought up the children of Israel out of the land of Egypt;
8 But, The LORD liveth, which brought up and which led the seed of the house of Israel out of the north country, and from all countries whither I had driven them; and they shall dwell in their own land.

Jeremiah 23:7-8

How does the regathering of the 10 lost tribes and the ‘rapture’ events fit in relation to each other? Where does the latter day fulfilment of Joel 2:30 fit it? Acts 2 was a partial fulfilment that began the church age of grace. We haven’t had the ‘palmtrees of smoke‘ yet (translated as ‘pillars of smoke‘ in the KJV). The prodigal son, the house of Israel returns and then we have the latter days fulfilment, an outpouring of the Holy Spirit in a time of destruction. It is the last pentecost as the exodus gets underway and the 144,000 rise in a time of terrible physical and spiritual darkness.

28And it shall come to pass afterward, that I will pour out my spirit upon all flesh; and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, your old men shall dream dreams, your young men shall see visions:
29 And also upon the servants and upon the handmaids in those days will I pour out my spirit.
30 And I will shew wonders in the heavens and in the earth,
blood, and fire, and pillars of smoke.
31 The sun shall be turned into darkness, and the moon into blood, before the great and the terrible day of the LORD come.
32 And it shall come to pass, that whosoever shall call on the name of the LORD shall be delivered: for in mount Zion and in Jerusalem shall be deliverance, as the LORD hath said, and in the remnant whom the LORD shall call.

Joel 2:28-32

The above scripture in Joel is the where the gospel and the Holy Spirit is not restricted to Israel but spills over to the gentiles. It was partly fulfilled at Pentecost in Acts chapter to with the beginning of the Church and it will be fully fulfilled at the end of the church age when it is time for us to leave. The Passover leading up to this Pentecost will be the lead up to this second exodus, or final exodus. This final last days exodus or 2nd exodus is also described clearly in Revelation 12 with the woman given two wings of an eagle to escape the dragon. This is not a rapture but a rescue, she is not taken up to the sky first but taken to the wilderness for safety for the last 3.5 years of the tribulation. Where is this wilderness, where does the woman of Revelation 12 go? This wilderness is also called ‘the wilderness of the people’. The Lord evacuates His bride to this wilderness after a time of tremendous shaking and persecution (birth pangs).

34 And I will bring you out from the people, and will gather you out of the countries wherein ye are scattered, with a mighty hand, and with a stretched out arm, and with fury poured out.
35 And I will bring you into the wilderness of the people, and there will I plead with you face to face.
36 Like as I pleaded with your fathers in the wilderness of the land of Egypt, so will I plead with you, saith the Lord GOD.

Ezekiel 20:34-36

How does the rapture fit in with the 2nd exodus then? Are we going up or moving out? Is there a rapture or a 2nd exodus? How can they both be fulfilled? And is God going to save America or do we abandon ship? Where do we go? Do we have to stand and fight, or do we run or wait to be raptured? There are so many questions with too many opinions, can we know? Should we care to know? What does it matter if it’s coming anyway? What is the point of knowing what’s coming and how and when it’s coming when we cant do anything about it? Does God want us to know?

Well I will open things up. Sadly too many believers want to live in a dream world where bad things only happen overseas and we wont go through tribulation even though judgement comes to His House first! The answers are in scripture if we care to know. The Lord will bring the remnant of Jacob through it all with raptures and 2nd exodus as we will discover. It’s really amazing!

Main Body of Article

Click for PDF of main portion of article.

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We have seen that there are both raptures and an exodus from the ‘North Country’ and all the nations that Israel is scattered in, we call this the 2nd Exodus. North America which includes Canada and the USA (and a remnant from Mexico) is this ‘North Country’.

A great move of the Holy Spirit will enable both the raptures and 2nd Exodus. The Holy Spirit is being poured out in a time of darkness and judgement and war.

A time of severe persecution looks set to begin between Passover and Pentecost that will bring about the spiritual birth and rapture of the 144,000. This is that birth pang time of sorrows period spoken of in Matthew 24, Luke 21 and Mark 13. It is the horsemen of the Apocalypse. But it also leads to joy when the 144,000 are born. They will be used to rescue the true believing church that remains alive, which is Zion. The period between Passover and Pentecost includes the time when the flood occurred which is when the Ark is lifted up and is a picture of the fall of Satan. We shall then see the Nephilim and the so called UFO’s etc. Heavy stuff. It’s very unpleasant to put it mildly as Satan looks to destroy the believers. He has it all prepared, the COVID / FEMA prison camps are already built and in operation. The Ark Angel Michael will assist the Israel of God in this terrible time of martyrdom that precedes the 2nd exodus. The fifth seal martyrs will soon be raised once their full number are come in and their garments are made white in the blood of the Lamb.

The exodus is precipitated by the birthpangs leading to the raising up of the children of Zion, the 144,000. This will most likely occur at Pentecost. But there may also be a resurrection before Zion travails during the Passover and Unleavened bread period. It could even occur earlier as Lazarus was raised before Passover. The 144,000 will be used to bring souls into the kingdom and help prepare the bride for the 2nd exodus in a time of utmost peril and bloodshed. Later the anointing of the 144,000 changes, and so it does for all of Zion by extension. The anointing changes from a lamb like merciful and compassionate spirit to a lion like judgement and warfare spirit. The annointing goes from gathering the sheep to physically protecting the sheep because Zion is leaving the Egypts of this world. Once the sheep hear the Shepherds voice it is time to get out of our polluted and dying nations. The church age is over at Pentecost and the ‘Israel of God’ is regathered.

So we have a Firstfruits rapture of the 144,000. Then we have some preaching and fighting for Zion in our nations as they are being judged. Then we have an exodus of those believers that remain before they are raptured at a later date during the 7th Hebrew month at the main wedding of the bride in the wilderness.

God will rescue His remnant that remains from the sixth seal of Revelation. He will bust open the prison camps much like what happened at the end of world war 2 but in a far more supernatural and dramatic way. Angels will be involved like they were with Peter in the book of Acts. The Angels & the 144,000 shall be seen. His 144,000 are the arrows in the quiver that will strike the heart of the King of Heaven’s enemies, Psalms 127:4. This may be only months away if it is this year (which I believe it is). The sixth seal judgements include the moon turning to blood which dovetails with Pentecost, so it most like occurs then. In Acts 2 we have the early Holy Spirit outpouring that starts the Church age. And the Church age will end with the latter day outpouring at the sixth seal. Then it’s time for the Bride to escape from the North Country Babylon USA and the nations and head to the Wilderness. We will talk more about where that is in the next talk. The believing Church is rescued and glorified in their current flesh like Moses when he came down the mountain. They are rescued, not raptured with the assistance of Angels, the 144,000 and earthquakes that swallow the water that is spewed out of the Dragon’s mouth which is the Zombie Apocalypse and the wicked dead that are raised at this time.

Yeshua turned water into wine and the Lord saves the best wine is for the endtime wedding of the Lamb. The outpouring will lead to resurrection for some as new wine goes into a new wine skin. These resurrected folks are the firstfruits. These 144,000 are like super soldiers and super evangelists that go forth to bring in the harvest with the gospel of the Kingdom while also fighting the bad guys. So there could be two lots of 144,000.

We are commanded to be looking up during this time in expectancy. The Lord will pour out his spirit and His throne and Heavenly Jerusalem will be visible after Satan and his host fall at the 6th seal.

Coming soon…

Part 2 – the Ascent of the Bride

‘The Ascent of the Bride is Part 2’ in the series ‘The 144,000 & the 2nd Exodus to the Real Mt Sinai’.

In this coming article on this topic I will describe the actual 2nd exodus timing and flight of the Bride, Zion, as prefigured with the 40 day and 40 night flight of Elijah from Jezebel. Noah’s flood for 40 days and 40 nights prefigures this same escape. Both 40 day periods of fleeing from Jezebel and raising of the Flood describe the fall of Satan and the raising of the Bride. Elijah makes it to mt Horeb and the Ark walks on the water (in the Hebrew). I have talked about this before but I will tie it together more fully and show that the Bride is going back to Sinai before being translated to Heaven for the marriage. Just like the first exodus, the current generation is not quite ready for world conquest. But instead of spending 40 years in the wilderness, she spends just 3.5 years there and is transformed into an army of light in the 7th month.

We will also look at a group of Psalms that are deeply prophetic (aren’t they all?).

  1. Hallal Psalms 113 to 118 which are for the 144,000 in particular.
  2. Psalm 119 – Torah sealed in forehead of the 144,000
  3. Psalms of Accent, Psalms 120 to 134 – For the Bride and her gradual ascension through tribulation.

It might be encouraging for you to know that despite all the turmoil with the weather that the Lord promises to make the desert wilderness to bloom. As the nations where the lost tribes dwell are turned into chaos and destruction the Lord will bring us to a desert that shall blossom as a rose. The red sea edge of Saudi Arabia is the very area that Israel sojourned in and it is starting to get much more rain and is becoming green for Israel to come.

1 The wilderness and the solitary place shall be glad for them; and the desert shall rejoice, and blossom as the rose.
2 It shall blossom abundantly, and rejoice even with joy and singing: the glory of Lebanon shall be given unto it, the excellency of Carmel and Sharon, they shall see the glory of the LORD, and the excellency of our God.
3 Strengthen ye the weak hands, and confirm the feeble knees.

Isaiah 35:1-3

Keep smiling, we are going home and the Kingdom of God is coming.

Shalom and Godbless
in Yeshua’s Name


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By Rory

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