Psalm 91 describes a contagious man made zombie like mega death plague along with protection for those hidden ‘in the secret place of the Most High’. Psalm 91 is available at the end of the previous blog article titled ‘Psalm 91 ‘Snare of the Fowler’ – Prelude to the 2nd Exodus’. It is related to the curse devouring the whole earth mentioned in Isaiah 24 & Zechariah 5.

W A R N I N G !

Dark Subject – Great Hope

The content of this article is so dark, and so grotesque that I don’t want to leave believers without hope. In fact I need hope too. I want to mention a few scriptures to remember because of the demonic nature of what is coming. God is going to greatly strengthen His remnant. In fact in the end we will be victorious, we will not fear, our eyes will be on our Lord Yeshua יהוה ישוע.

So shall they fear the name of the LORD from the west, and his glory from the rising of the sun. When the enemy shall come in like a flood, the Spirit of the LORD shall lift up a standard against him.

Isaiah 59:19

Read the entire chapter. Be encouraged. Satan is coming full force, but so is our God. We look to our saviour, not on the waves. As you read this article and it gets dark, just remember that the Lord will bring us through. Our job is to listen to our Saviour and seek His face and walk in obedience.

1. Fret not thyself because of evildoers, neither be thou envious against the workers of iniquity.
2. For they shall soon be cut down like the grass, and wither as the green herb.
3. Trust in the LORD, and do good; so shalt thou dwell in the land, and verily thou shalt be fed.

Psalms 37:1-3

The purpose of what is coming is to destroy the wicked. It is a judgement. Sadly God’s people could die simply because they are not listening to the Lord. The intense times that are coming are to sift us. We are coming into a time of judgement. Let’s aim to pass the test. His Kingdom is Coming. Satan’s Kingdom can only ever be short lived because it is death, it will eat itself. The wicked elites will destroy themselves in their attempt to destroy us.

12. The wicked plotteth against the just, and gnasheth upon him with his teeth.
13. The Lord shall laugh at him: for he seeth that his day is coming.
14. The wicked have drawn out the sword, and have bent their bow, to cast down the poor and needy, and to slay such as be of upright conversation.
15. Their sword shall enter into their own heart, and their bows shall be broken.
16. A little that a righteous man hath is better than the riches of many wicked.
17. For the arms of the wicked shall be broken: but the LORD upholdeth the righteous.

Psalms 37:12-17

Amidst all the carnage a remnant shall come together and the true ‘Israel of God’ shall endure faithfully and overcome the world, the flesh and the Devil. Overcome we must, we have to, and we will, if we listen to our Lord and Saviour. We are coming into a time of great trial. A time such has the world has not seen before, at least not since the flood. The birth pangs are increasing in strength and frequency. But so is the grace for His redeemed.

Comfort in the midst of near Total Destruction

Psalm 91 is a fantastic and comforting prophetic Psalm. It has to be, because it describes a time of near total annihilation of the human race, according to the Psalm only one in eleven thousand survive! I believe Psalm 91 is being fulfilled in our time through the Covid Vaccination Scam. Covid isn’t killing many but the DNA altering ‘vaccination’ will. But it is how it will kill that is so horrifying and macabre. We are currently at verse 3’s fulfilment as explained in the previous article, ‘Psalm 91 ‘Snare of the Fowler’ – Prelude to the 2nd Exodus’. It is a man made mischievous pestilence (read the article). People read the following verses in Psalm 91 without really taking it in. It’s usually read in a trite sing song sort of tra-la-la superficial reading as if the Psalmist just likes to use flowery language or blow things out of proportion because he is a poet. A thousand falling at our side and ten thousand at our right hand is pretty significant. Is 1 in 11,000 surviving just poetry? Are Angels protecting our feet as we go on our way just for a bit of comfort? Is being under the shadow of his wings just symbolic of being protected from the common cold? No, in reality Psalm 91 is a very terse but very accurate piece of God-given prophecy. It was written for right now as we transition into a time of terrible devastation and the openly supernatural. The reason there is so much supernatural provision described in the Psalm is because there is so much demonic destruction about to happen.

We are living at the edge of the most supernatural salvation for a very small remnant, in a time of the most supernatural destruction the world has ever seen – at least since Noah’s Flood. We are on the cusp of the most terrifying plagues and natural disasters coupled with a demonic ‘alien’ invasion. Yes, even now the governments of the world are prepping the world for ‘Alien Disclosure’ and getting us used to FEMA camp COVID NAZIfication. Our nations are being injected with a demonic DNA altering concoction which will not only bring death but will forever alter the genetics of the ‘vaccinated’. The demonic viral infection begins with the DNA altering ‘vaccine’. The infected will become sub-human at a genetic level. Sound’s incredible doesn’t it, it sounds monstrous even? You say you don’t want to believe it. Me neither. Surely people are not that debased and despicable that men would pervert the very image of God and turn other men and women into something else? That is inhuman. Yes it is. It is demonic and we are entering the age of the transhumanists, a nightmare world where godless science and hell work together. Surely God would not allow it? He will save that which is His, but everything else will burn!

The vaccine is not a vaccine but a DNA altering virus that is the harbinger of the very opening of the gates of hell. Although people will appear normal, a triggering mechanism that is the second part of the bio-weapon will cause their sick transformation and eventual death, but not before they infect others. In the midst of this horror, a very small remnant of captive Israel / Church of the firstborn is pressing into the Lord Yeshua ישוע יהוה

with great passion. Most believer’s however seem lost in a fog of our Babylonian dream world unable to recognise the doom that awaits our generation. As I write this I feel like things are about to change after Passover 2021. I think what is coming is far worse than the destruction of the USA or even a World War.

We are on the cusp of the wipe out of 99.9909% of humanity (1 in 11,000 survive according to the Psalm). I am not excited about that sort of death count. The bible talks about the curse that goes into all the earth as described in Zechariah 5, Isaiah 17 & 24, Psalm 91 and 37. I wrote about this in the previous article and I will mention it briefly in this one. It is the burning up of the tares described by our Lord in the gospels. Before the 2nd Exodus of the House of Israel comes the burning. I know most folks don’t want to hear this, who does? Who want’s bad news when things are already crazy enough? The most powerful nation on earth is led by a barely functioning zombie paedophile president. It’s insane. But the insanity is going to rapidly increase. We need the Lord guiding us very carefully from now on.

The secular state of Israel is at the epicentre of a ruthlessly enforced ‘vaccination’ (human demon hybridisation) program. But this time the so called Jewish government is in charge of this new holocaust, doing it to their own people (Please pray for them, they cannot buy or sell or work or go out of their house without an injection. What the NAZI’s didn’t finish in World War 2, the Israeli government is doing now. This is a second holocaust). We are already living in the twilight zone.

But the insanity continues for after the vaccinations of our populace, the real infection sets in, and it will jump from host to host. It will be a plague too horrifying to talk about. Nevertheless I must warn you, though we are all but out of time already. If I am wrong then I shall quickly be proven wrong. But if I am correct, then desolation of our world is at the door. Please bare with me if you love truth, it is better to know the truth than live a lie. It’s prudent to know the future. The bible is prophecy.

‘A prudent man foreseeth the evil, and hideth himself:
but the simple pass on, and are punished.’

Proverbs 22:3

Yes a demonic DNA altering treatment is being rolled out. It is falsely called a ‘vaccination’. It is the biggest crime against humanity since the Genesis 6 incursion resulting in the giants or Nephilim. This crime will make the holocaust look tame. It is currently underway but it is just the opening volley of the loosing of the floodgates of hell. (And yes the Lord will be raising a standard against this flood, Isaiah 59:19). Just to give you a bit of perspective on what will happen after the vaccinations (as if mutating and killing humanity is not enough) there is also a planned invasion from beneath the surface of the earth. I believe the Lord will raise His Remnant up, but for the unprepared in heart this is going to be terrifying. It will be made to look like they are coming from another planet but it is the demonic realm coming from beneath our feet. If the wipe-out and perversion of humanity via a contagious injected man made virus were not enough we are going to have the most terrible and sudden ‘alien invasion’, demons and high tech weaponry combined with our complicit satanic governments in league with Lucifer. Yet Our Lord is on the Throne. The Lord is also going to protect his own, Psalm 91 reminds us of his supernatural protection. But everything that is not of Him burns, including a dead church and an apostate secular state of Israel. Only His Remnant will be protected. And we need to be walking obediently with our Lord. His judgement upon a lukewarm church is upon us. We are in for the battle of our lives.

But earthly weapons will be no match in this fight. Keep them handy but don’t trust in them. Our Satanic Government’s have the most astounding weaponry and their Demonic ‘Alien’ overlords have even more outlandish abilities and tech. Daniel 2:43 talks about the last days empire of nonhuman and human Babylonian Satanic government, iron (demonic/Nephilim) and clay (human). So very soon the evil demon men of steel shall invade. They are the armies of the ‘Alien’, Nephilim Giants with a desperate hatred of humanity and our Saviour and Creator. Their arrival is a judgement of our Christ rejecting, God hating, Baby killing, Sodomite nations. A time of Sci-Fi horror is almost upon our zombified, mesmerised, godless and unsuspecting populaces. We will need such a Holy Ghost baptism of Supernatural Power and protection in this time of utter and sudden destruction. The scope of this article however is not on the demonic so called ‘Alien invasion’ but on the plague described in Psalm 91 which precedes it and the Lord’s protection of His Own.

Why Kill most of humanity? – the motivation of the Elites

Bill Gates on CO2 exhaling population, ‘Probably one of these numbers is going to have to get pretty near to zero, that’s a fact from High School algebra’. That is, Bill wants to eliminate humanity because we breath. What a nice guy. Maybe he should be the first to hold his breath.

“If I were reincarnated I would wish to be returned to earth as a killer virus to lower human population levels.”

― Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh

Satan and His Demonic horde hate Adam’s race. Satan’s people hate our Saviour Yeshua & His People, the true bible believing Church of the Firstborn, the Israel of God. The ultimate aim of Satan is to dethrone the Almighty and reign as the god of this World above the Stars of God and Israel and the Church (Congregation), Isaiah 14:13. Satan has an army at his disposal. There are angels and demons unseen in our world in the spiritual realm.

For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.

Ephesians 6:12

And there is a very real physical, non human, subterranean Satanic Kingdom beneath our feet. If there are ‘Aliens’ visiting, they don’t come from other planets, they come from this world. The Space ships are made here. It’s all theatre. Lying wonders. What is below, in Hell, wants to rule the surface once more. But we the Believers are in his way. The Lord will fill His people with His divine power. Satan will both try to destroy the human race and to bastardise what’s left over of it, that is, to mix up our genetics, mingle His Demonic Seed in our DNA, Iron mixed with clay, Daniel 2:43. That is what the Beast Kingdom and Antichrist Spirit is all about. The Mark of the Beast is something that makes us less than Human. Promising us, just like in the Garden of Eden, to not die but be like God, Humanity takes a bite or jab from a needle and we begin the journey to becoming Beastial and Demonic. Those folks cannot be redeemed who have the Mark of the Beast. The Transhumanist agenda is to promise immortality and godhood but in the end turn us into something demonic and souless. Even if we look good, like Ken & Barbie, we will be dead inside and forever lost. They will be dead inside, and will seek death but they will not find death. They are ‘undead’. The living dead. That is the result of the Mark, to become a soulless, demonised zombie.

And in those days shall men seek death, and shall not find it; and shall desire to die, and death shall flee from them.

Revelation 9:6

People can argue that the DNA altering Covid ‘vaccine’ isn’t the Mark of the Beast or they can argue that it is. Altering our genes is not vaccination it is altering our human genetics to make us post human. It may or may not be THE MARK but it is a step along the way and one that can’t be reversed because your body looses it’s ability to protect itself from mutated strains of this virus or others. And it then becomes a virus factory and your DNA is forever changed. First the mRNA and then the DNA in the nucleus. With enough folks ‘vaccinated’ we have the perfect viral storm. Just like a vortex we have a group of ‘vaccinated’ people that collectively provide a spawning ground for mutating forms of the virus. Their bodies immune systems have been neutralised. So the mutating virus will spread rapidly. That’s what viruses do, but it will spread far faster than normal because the bodies natural defenses have been breached via the mRNA ‘vaccine’. But after the virus mutates, you could contract the virus, even if you didn’t take the vaccine. Because once established in the blood of the infected it can jump to you through contact, even if you don’t take the vaccine! And so we need God’s protection!!!

As stated in my previous article, ‘Psalm 91 ‘Snare of the Fowler’ – Prelude to the 2nd Exodus’ , the Covid Plandemic is a scare to get us to get ‘vaccinated’ with a DNA altering Bio Weapon. However, even though I laid the groundwork on how it alters the messenger RNA and gets the cell to make proteins, I didn’t unpack the full Gothic horror of what has been cooked up in the genetic biolabs from the very (Bill) Gates of Hell. This diabolical plan was spawned in hell and has been in the planning stage for a very long time.

(I have pieced this together from the Psalm itself and from where we are at in genetic engineering. I have also been informed by what we have been told through our popular culture, books, films and TV etc. They have been openly telling us for years about their plans. And now they can do it. And they are doing it. The ability of the elites to alter our DNA has arrived at the same time as our nation’s have become morally reprobate. So the punishment fits the crime. But oh the horror of it.)

Getting back to the genetic science and the so called benign Covid mRNA ‘vaccines’, we are told that it only gets our cells to make proteins and doesn’t get into the nucleus. However is it possible that there is more in the syringe than what we are being told? Is it possible there is a way to alter our DNA which resides in our cells nucleus. Why yes indeed, we already have viruses that do exactly that, does HIV/AIDS ring a bell? That is a DNA altering virus. The virus is the delivery mechanism. It can insert itself into red blood T cells and get them to make more copies of the virus until every T cell is infected. Every cell has it’s DNA altered by the virus RNA which is inserted into the cells nucleus where the DNA resides. There is evidence that the HIV virus along with Lyme disease are engineered bio weapons. Even so they can be altered to insert a different code. We now have the technology to cut and splice DNA and recombine different DNA from different species or even from plants or animals. This is termed ‘recombinant DNA’. We can even create our own code that does not even exist in nature. Code that is alien to our species could be placed in an HIV/AIDS type virus. The virus is the delivery mechanism. It inserts the code, just like on a computer.

You could be running the Microsoft Windows operating system on your computer but you might want to change it into Linux or another operating system. First you download the the new operating system and then you begin the installation process. This could install it alongside Windows so that you could boot up the system and either run Windows or Linux. However you could also delete Windows and replace it with Linux. If the Windows operating system is replaced with Linux there comes a time when you can no longer reverse the process. The computer now has a new operating system. The same can happen to you if you allow something to be injected into your body that reprograms your DNA ‘operating system’. Suddenly you are no longer a human being or you have been modified in some way (depending on the degree of recoding). Once this DNA altering virus has time to breed throughout our body it can’t be removed because it is in the DNA code in the nucleus of every cell. The DNA makes you you! If that changes, then you change. AIDS just affected the red T cells. But what if every type of cell could be infected? There are silicon valley like start ups that are using this recombinant DNA technology now! Watch the following YouTube video if you doubt it…

This Synthetic DNA Factory Is Building New Forms of Life’.

Psalm 91 Verse by verse
– The Zombie Apocalypse
– ‘the Pestilence that Walketh in Darkness’

Let’s read Psalm 91 line by line and read the key verse (6) that ties this article’s premise together. That premise is that there is a man made plague coming and it is already being injected (or the first part is being delivered into the veins of the human race as I write). The virus will change people into something else, a demonic hybrid human virus spreading weapon.

Psalm 91 is really a battle Psalm. As the enemy ups the biological war and world war, the Lord protects His own with increasing power including angelic assistance and then divine spiritual and natural war fighting ability. God’s strength is made perfect in our weakness, 2 Corinthians 12:9.

Let’s look at Psalm 91 line by line.

He that dwelleth in the secret place of the most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty.
יֹשֵׁב בְּסֵתֶר עֶלְיוֹן בְּצֵל שַׁדַּ֗י יִתְלוֹנָֽן׃

Psalms 91:1

In verse 1 we are safely under his shadow, if we are in the secret place of the Most High. The term ‘secret place’, strong:H05643, סֵתֶר,

is used often in the Psalms. It is that place of utter dependence at the very throne of grace, Hebrews 4:16, where we come in our helplessness and receive by prayer and faith our various requested needs. Of course, we also should be walking in obedience to Him and dealing with sin as He reveals it to our hearts.

I will say of the LORD, He is my refuge and my fortress:
my God; in him will I trust.
אֹמַר לַֽיהוָה מַחְסִיוּמְצוּדָתִי אֱלֹהַי אֶבְטַח־ בּֽוֹ׃

Psalms 91:2

He is our fortress in verse 2. We have experienced God’s grace in our life and seen Him deliver us. We have hoped in His protection before and are confident of it for the future. We have decided to trust in His deliverance now. We are not moved by fear of what man says. We are not persuaded by the intimidation of the enemy or even the government. We trust in Him alone! Yeshua is our God and Saviour.

Surely he shall deliver thee from the snare of the fowler,
and from the noisome pestilence.
כִּי הוּא יַצִּֽילְךָ מִפַּח יָקוּשׁ מִדֶּבֶר הַוּֽוֹת׃

Psalms 91:3

By verse 3 we are delivered from the ‘snare of the fowler‘ and the ‘noisome (‘mischievous’) pestilence‘. I explained this in detail in the previous blog article, titled ‘Psalm 91 ‘Snare of the Fowler’ – Prelude to the 2nd Exodus’. The ‘fowler’ is the ‘trapper’, and the covid vaccine is the trap or snare. This is a man made pestilence because it has been made with mischievous (‘noisome’) intent. Only something sentient has intent. As of this writing the ‘vaccination’ program is in full swing world wide with Israel as the initial main target. The ‘vaccination program’ is an ‘infection program’. They are reprogramming the DNA in every cell of the body of the recipient by inserting mRNA to compromise the immune system and open the front door of the cell to more reprogramming. Turning humans into something demonic and non human. This zombie change will be triggered by something later, either another virus or 5G or whatever. The first thing is to get people infected via the ‘vaccination’. It will eventually kill the host, but not before infecting others. The host becomes the infection producer. That is the whole point in getting the cells to manufacture the proteins. They will become virus produces. No more injections necessary. The people will pass on the infection through their mutating DNA. HIV AIDS already does this. Someone who has HIV AIDS already has the DNA altered, but only in their Red T cells. But the aim of the transhumanist murderers is to change every cell with the new mRNA injections.

He shall cover thee with his feathers,
and under his wings shalt thou trust:
his truth shall be thy shield and buckler.
בְּאֶבְרָתוֹ יָסֶךְ לָךְ וְתַֽחַת־ כְּנָפָיו תֶּחְסֶה צִנָּה וְֽסֹחֵרָה אֲמִתּֽוֹ׃

Psalms 91:4

By verse 4 we are under the shielded protection, under His wings. We will need that reassurance as things hot up and the satanic governments increase the pressure to take the vaccine. You see they have a window of time to work. Thankfully by the mercies of Almighty God they don’t have forever to sink their serpent poison into the bloodstream of Adam’s race. We need to be fully nesting under the shadow of the Most High while the SHADOW GOVERNMENT comes into the open and begins it’s oppression in earnest. They hope to get it all done by Halloween 2021. I wonder why? Trick or Treat? We should have fled the cities by then in my estimation (just guesswork on my part). But I know that they are trying to reprogram the human race with an infectious DNA altering man made demonic virus. They have to have time to inject the poison sufficiently to create the Viral Storm that will overwhelm and mutate the human race. Once enough people are infected via the ‘vaccination’ then they can flip the switch.

Thou shalt not be afraid for the terror by night;
nor for the arrow that flieth by day;
לֹא־ תִירָא מִפַּחַד לָיְלָה מֵחֵץ יָעוּף יוֹמָֽם׃

Psalms 91:5

If arrows are flying then war is planned. So the injections must be completed sufficiently before the world war gets underway. (A financial crash would come first, which would pressure more people to take the vaccine). The war maybe more than just humans fighting for we are witnessing the UFO disclosure already. We are being prepped for ‘Alien Invasion’. A Demonic onslaught is coming. World War 3 maybe worse than nuclear. It may include the demonic and the Nephilim. Meanwhile the human race is already being demonised via a man made ‘vaccine’ spawned in the biolab sewers of the pit of hell. The mayhem will get going now. In fact it may get hectic by Pentecost 2021 (more guesswork on my part). Why Pentecost? Because Joel 2:30-31 says…

And I will shew wonders in the heavens and in the earth, blood, and fire, and pillars of smoke. The sun shall be turned into darkness, and the moon into blood, before the great and the terrible day of the LORD come.

Joel 2:30-31

This is happening while God is pouring out His Spirit. The outpouring is necessary for our physical salvation as we will need Holy Spirit power in a time of utter chaos and war. We will have more than just dreams and visions. We will have Holy Spirit empowered supernatural war fighting abilities. ‘Blood and fire‘ sounds like war doesn’t it? But this is no ordinary war.

War breaks out or greatly intensifies when the Holy Spirit is poured out because the righteous become more righteous and the wicked become more wicked, both are empowered by the spirit. Even the animals are spiritually activated to a higher level. Why animals? Because when the Lord pours out his Spirit on all flesh, it means both believers and unbelievers, both the redeemed and demon possessed satanists. And ‘all flesh’ includes animals. Animals will become supernatural in either a good way or a bad way.

As well as war we have the sun going dark. No light. The moon is blood red. So we see a blood red moon but no illumination. Pitch black. This darkness is literal as well as spiritual. There is uncleaness in Israel (moon to blood) and the heathen nations represented by the Black Sun are in total darkness. This could be the darkness of Isaiah 60. A real physical and spiritual supernatural darkness. A demonic darkness. A prelude to the second exodus.

1 Arise, shine; for thy light is come, and the glory of the Lord is risen upon thee.
2 For, behold, the darkness shall cover the earth, and gross darkness the people: but the Lord shall arise upon thee, and his glory shall be seen upon thee.

Isaiah 60:1-3

Read the rest of the chapter in Isaiah 60, it’s for our immediate future I believe, and it is very encouraging!

Then we get to the creepy part of Psalm 91. Verse 6!

Nor for the pestilence that walketh in darkness;
מִדֶּבֶר בָּאֹפֶל יַהֲלֹךְ
nor for the destruction that wasteth at noonday.
 מִקֶּ֗טֶב יָשׁוּד צָהֳרָֽיִם׃

Psalms 91:6

We know that only people and animals walk. Diseases don’t walk, unless they are demons or demonised people or animals that spread disease. My belief is that first people take the vaccines because they are already zombies spiritually. Then the ‘vaccine’ opens the door to genetic alteration and opens them up to demonic possession.
Verses 4,5 & 6 are actually parallel to the song of Moses in Deuteronomy 32:22,23 & 24…

22 For a fire is kindled in mine anger, and shall burn unto the lowest hell, and shall consume the earth with her increase, and set on fire the foundations of the mountains.
23 I will heap mischiefs upon them; I will spend mine arrows upon them.
24 They shall be burnt with hunger, and devoured with burning heat, and with bitter destruction: I will also send the teeth of beasts upon them, with the poison of serpents of the dust.

Deuteronomy 32:22-24

Doesn’t sound nice does it? But God is allowing this horror to unfold because of the wickedness of His People Israel and by extension His Church. Judgement begins in the House of God.

Changing our DNA makes us less than human. The Holy Spirit cannot dwell with someone that is not human but demonically altered. So the human spirit will be bereft of the Holy Spirit. But a demonic spirit may attach itself. It may takeover the host body entirely. The person’s own soul could begin to leave the genetically modified body. And a demon could take possession of it’s new flesh suit. The mRNA ‘Vaccines’ could be creating bodies for disembodied demons to dwell in that will allow them to wage physical war upon the living. The actual original owner of the body began to die the moment they took the vaccine. The end of the process is a changed body with a demonic spirit.

The burning with hunger could be due to a famine, but it also could be due to a curse. If we change ourselves into something non human, we become beastial. Israel has already been reduced to cannibalism in the past. A zombie type virus is just a demonic technological variant of the same thing in our time.

And thou shalt eat the fruit of thine own body, the flesh of thy sons and of thy daughters, which the LORD thy God hath given thee, in the siege, and in the straitness, wherewith thine enemies shall distress thee:

Deuteronomy 28:53

And ye shall eat the flesh of your sons, and the flesh of your daughters shall ye eat.

Leviticus 26:29

And the king said unto her, What aileth thee? And she answered, This woman said unto me, Give thy son, that we may eat him to day, and we will eat my son to morrow. So we boiled my son, and did eat him: and I said unto her on the next day, Give thy son, that we may eat him: and she hath hid her son.

II Kings 6:28-29

Now let’s get back to Psalm 91 and verse 7.

A thousand shall fall at thy side, and ten thousand at thy right hand;
but it shall not come nigh thee.
יִפֹּל מִצִּדְּךָ  אֶלֶף וּרְבָבָה מִימִינֶךָ אֵלֶיךָ לֹא יִגָּֽשׁ׃

Psalms 91:7

If the ‘Pestilence that walks in darkness’ is a zombie type virus, then thankfully there is an end. They don’t live forever, they thankfully have a very short time to do their demonic evil of infecting others. Now the body count begins to go ballistic. If 1,000 fall at your side, and 10,000 at your right hand then you are 1 survivor amongst 11,000 dead. The Zombies may be powerful but eventually they all die. Why? Because God is in control and He allows us to see the destruction of the wicked in verse 8.

Only with thine eyes shalt thou behold and see the reward of the wicked.
רַק בְּעֵינֶיךָ תַבִּיט וְשִׁלֻּמַת רְשָׁעִים תִּרְאֶֽה׃

Psalms 91:8

God is patient with wicked men and women but now his patience has come to an end. They won’t repent, therefore they wont survive this destruction. All they do is spread the disease until all the wicked are dead.

Why are you safe, because you look to the Lord יהוה

for your refuge, verse 9, No evil comes to you, verse 10.

Because thou hast made the Lord, which is my refuge,
even the most High, thy habitation;
כִּֽי־ אַתָּה יְהוָה מַחְסִי עֶלְיוֹן שַׂמְתָּ מְעוֹנֶֽךָ׃

There shall no evil befall thee, neither shall any plague come nigh thy dwelling.
לֹֽא־ תְאֻנֶּה אֵלֶיךָ רָעָה וְנֶגַע לֹא־ יִקְרַב בְּאָהֳלֶֽךָ׃

Psalms 91:9-10

The Hebrew word, ohel, אָהֳלֶֽ

literally means ‘tent’, not ‘house’ or ‘dwelling’ (KJV). Check it out, it’s important as I will show. The word in Hebrew means tent. Psalm 91 is prophecy and by this time we are not living in our houses anymore. Why? Because we have escaped the cities and we are camping out in the wilderness or farmlands etc. Our cities are burnt out hell zones at this time. We are on the move or encamped somewhere in the wildernesses of our burnt out zombified nations. But we are safe! 

There is danger and we are on the move, hence the tents mentioned in verse 10 (not just a ‘dwelling’ but a tent! We have a mobile shelter because we are on the move. A tent is not much protection, hence the Lord protects us from things that go bump in the night). 

Now we could just stop there but the Psalm has more good news. At this time we are walking or running and our feet need protection. In Psalm 91, despite the horrific nature of what is going on, our bodily protection from our Lord continues and becomes more supernatural. God sends Angels to protect us. 

For he shall give his  angels  charge over thee, to keep thee in all thy ways.
כִּי מַלְאָכָיו יְצַוֶּה־ לָּךְ לִשְׁמָרְךָ בְּכָל־ דְּרָכֶֽיךָ׃

They shall bear thee up in their hands, lest thou dash thy foot against a stone.
עַל־ כַּפַּיִם יִשָּׂאוּנְךָ פֶּן־ תִּגֹּף בָּאֶבֶן רַגְלֶֽךָ׃

Psalms 91:11-12

Angels are guarding us and keeping us in all our ways. Judgement has come upon the world but His elect are being supernaturally protected. We are on the move. My advice, get out of the city now! You can drive or walk out with something now or you can run out without a thing later. We need to ponder the path of our feet.

Ponder the path of thy feet, and let all thy ways be established. Turn not to the right hand nor to the left: remove thy foot from evil.

Proverbs 4:26-27

Don’t be like Lot who waited too long in Sodom. Get out now.

But why are angels protecting our feet? It seems a strange sort of ministry -foot Angels! Why is it important to protect our feet? We are obviously on the move, our feet are very important, important enough for Angels to guard them! Maybe we are barefoot and running in the middle of the night?

But why else would we want angels to protect our feet from being dashed upon a stone? Maybe we don’t want to be bleeding? Why would we want to protect our feet from bleeding? Could infection be present on the ground, on the stones, in the water? During the ‘Black Plague’ (Bubonic Plague) in Europe, the plague was spread by fleas. If someone is infected with this ‘pestilence that walketh in darkness’ it could pass from person to person by physical contact or bodily fluids. It could pass from infected animal to person or from unclean surfaces that a bleeding infected animal or person has walked on. This is conjecture on my part, but I am just following lines of reasoning from what I know to what could be.

Thou shalt tread upon the lion and adder:
the young lion and the dragon shalt thou trample under feet.
עַל־ שַׁחַל וָפֶתֶן תִּדְרֹךְ תִּרְמֹס כְּפִיר וְתַנִּֽין׃

Psalms 91:13

So we shall have problems with animals, particularly lions, adders and ‘dragons’. Now many places do not have such creatures. The ‘dragon’ could mean crocodiles or alligators or perhaps any sort of Lizard. Or it could mean the mythical fire breathing kind. These animals could be supernatural in nature or at least demonically controlled since they seem to be hell bent on getting in our way. And they are the sort of creatures that could do us harm in the natural. I believe that we will be endued with power when God pours out His Spirit on ‘all flesh’ as explained earlier. This is an outpouring on everything and everyone that breathes. Creation is being supernaturally elevated. Some creatures are bad and some are good. The wicked will become more wicked. The Satanists and the witches will work at a higher level until they fall into their own traps and die in large numbers from the diseases that they would inflict upon others. For we reap what we sow. The wicked will do wickedly and none of the wicked will understand, Daniel 12:10. Perhaps some of these wicked people become the demonic animals attacking us? Who knows?

What we do know is that our feet need to be guarded, the world is at war, we are on the move, we are living in tents and we have a walking zombie plague lurking around and demonically crazed animals attacking us. But thankfully our gaze does not need to be looking down at our feet too much, the Angels of Heaven are helping us in that department. And we are finally being endued with power (is verse 13 alluding to Pentecost?), we are finally able to go on the offensive. Now we are doing the attacking. We can deal with the crazy demonic wild animals coming against us. In all this we are more than conquerors through Messiah who loved us and cares for us, Romans 8:37. We can set our gaze on things above where Messiah is seated, Colossians 3:1.

14 Because he hath set his love upon me, therefore will I deliver him: I will set him on high, because he hath known my name.
כִּי בִי חָשַׁק וַאֲפַלְּטֵהוּ אֲשַׂגְּבֵהוּ כִּֽי־ יָדַע שְׁמִֽי׃

15 He shall call upon me, and I will answer him: I will be with him in trouble; I will deliver him, and honour him.
יִקְרָאֵנִי ׀ וְֽאֶעֱנֵהוּ עִמּֽוֹ־ אָנֹכִי בְצָרָה אֲחַלְּצֵהוּ וַֽאֲכַבְּדֵֽהוּ׃

16 With long life will I satisfy him, and shew him my salvation.
אֹרֶךְ יָמִים אַשְׂבִּיעֵהוּ וְאַרְאֵהוּ בִּֽישׁוּעָתִֽי׃

Psalms 91:14-16

OK, so if you make it through Psalm 91 you will be set on high. If you make the Lord your trust, if you listen to His voice and obey Him and trust in His provision you will make it through all this demonic mayhem. But if you procrastinate and say that you trust God but refuse to act when he prods you then you will reap what you sow. For God is not mocked, Galatians 6:7-8. If you know for sure that you are to stay where you are then listen to what the Spirit of God is saying. We are all in different situations. But ultimately we are heading out of our cities with speed soon. You see the Lord is going to destroy our cities anyway. Sodom will burn, 2 Peter 2:6.

– has God already been warning us of a Zombie type plague?

Weird Art movie, ‘12 Monkeys’ with subliminal hints of Zombie Apocalypse. A man made virus was released that wiped out most of mankind. The survivors dwelt underground. Sounds like hell to me.

If you do a search on YouTube for ‘zombie dreams’ you will see some folks, many of them bible believers of the messianic or christian variety who have been given rather disturbing dreams of zombies. Somehow, although disturbing and not something that they would think about, they felt it was from the Lord. Many have interpreted it their own way, many thought it was for the Tribulation but they wont be there because the rapture comes first in their eschatology. In any case they didn’t really want to share it on YouTube but they felt the Lord wanted them to share it. It is extremely disturbing, but God has been warning us. The wicked elites have long planned this demonic viral infection to wreck the human race. This revolting agenda is in their demonic horror movies. And now they are implementing it. For every person that has published a video about such a horrible zombie plague, there are many more that have had those dreams and have not published them. Yes demons can give us demonic dreams, but the Lord can also be warning us, and His sheep know His Voice. God has already told us tersely through Psalm 91 about the ‘snare of the fowler’ and the ‘pestilence that walketh in darkness’. It’s up to us to join the dots as the prophecy is fulfilled.

Do your own research and pray. If you are an American, check out the CDC (‘Centers for Disease Control’) website and type ‘zombie’ in the search box and see what comes up.

The movies ‘I am Legend’ and ‘World War Z’ see the zombie epidemic as viral in nature. In ‘I am Legend’ it begins with a viral derived vaccine to cure cancer, which it does. However the side effect is that it wipes out nearly all of mankind and turns them into fast moving ‘dark seeker’ zombies. Prince Phillip knew something when he said he wanted to come back as a virus to wipe out mankind. These are the Satanic leaders of this world. They don’t think like normal people, because they are in some spiritual sense non human and in league with Satan. The good Lord will destroy them soon enough. But sadly they will bring to pass their evil schemes. But it will destroy most of the wicked. Please remember that there is great hope for the righteous that dwell under the shadow of the Most High.

I did not know that the 2nd exodus would be proceeded by a massive viral wipe out of mankind. I did not understand that Psalm 91 was the kick off into the destruction of the wicked and the gathering in of the 10 lost tribes of the House of Israel. Funny thing though, God has been shouting it at me all the time I have been here in Queensland. You see two times a week I pray with a couple that read out Psalm 91 before they pray. Sometimes it takes a while for the ‘Penny to drop’. I did not see the whole Covid thing coming. And when it started to be noticeable around March 2020  and then on into Passover I immediately knew that our democracies were being overtly overturned and there would be a push for a vaccine. Sadly there are many lining up to get their shots. They are already mind controlled Zombies spiritually speaking (even professing bible believing christians).

Back in 2012 I wrote an article titled ‘Borgification’ about the drone like nature I began to notice in many people. It was like they were already starting to fade as human souls, they were already becoming unquestioning automatons. We are living in nations filled with the Borg of Star Trek spiritually speaking. They are already gone. And what we call elections and government is just a pantomime. Sadly this includes much of what is called ‘Church’ and ‘Messianic’. Satan has full control of our governments and the bulk of the population. But there is a remnant that the Lord shall save. There is a big difference between those that say they follow Yeshua and those that actually do. Yeshua said,

My sheep hear my voice,
and I know them, and they follow me:

John 10:27

Why Would God allow such a horrible thing?

The Age of Grace is drawing to a Close

Grace is mercy and it is God giving us the time and opportunity and willingness to repent. When people say ‘no’ to the gospel of grace there comes a time when God’s Grace is withdrawn. Also God’s severe judgement comes upon those that profess faith in Messiah and yet have sorely provoked the grace of God with careless abandon.

Of how much sorer punishment, suppose ye, shall he be thought worthy, who hath trodden under foot the Son of God, and hath counted the blood of the covenant, wherewith he was sanctified, an unholy thing, and hath done despite unto the Spirit of grace?

For we know him that hath said, Vengeance belongeth unto me, I will recompense, saith the Lord. And again, The Lord shall judge his people.

Hebrews 10:29-30

I believe we are at the very razors edge of the severest judgements of God now. We had better be taking hold of the Grace of God because Wrath is coming.

As we exit Grace we enter into Wrath

Psalm 91 is unusual because it contains both grace and wrath depending on who you are. For most of the ‘church age’ since Pentecost in Acts chapter 2 God has been saving souls through the gospel. During this time the church has been often persecuted. We are the Kingdom of God living within the Kingdom of Satan, we are pilgrims holding a light in a world of darkness. In Psalm 91 we begin with God’s children hidden in the secret place of the most high. The world is in turmoil but his children cling to the Lord for protection. But by the end of the Psalm it all turns around. Midway we see the wicked cut down 11,000 to 1. Further into the Psalm and we are a near military force that is trampling upon Lions, Adders, Dragons etc. Instead of being the hunted we become the victorious. Psalm 91 seems to transition from the persecuted flock at the end of the Age of Grace and into the victorious remnant after the wrath of God has destroyed the wicked. The secret is is that the wicked destroy themselves for the most part (by taking the DNA altering vaccine).

The Curse before the 2nd Exodus & Last days Babylon

We have seen why the devil worshipping elites want to kill us. Now see why God is allowing them to get so far. Here are some scriptures that repeat God’s reasons for the almost complete wipeout of humanity. There have been plagues before, for instance the Bubonic plague in Europe. God destroyed the world except for Noah and family and their animals. He promises never to send a flood again. But He has promised some pretty hefty World depopulation’s. Besides those in the book of Revelation, here are a few in the Old Testament awaiting fulfilment. I have already spoken at some length on them previously, but for the record here they are together.

There is a curse that is currently being released on the earth. A ‘vaccine’ that is not a vaccine but genetic alteration of humanity by an evil Satanic elite to depopulate the earth. They have legal ground to do this in the courts of heaven because our nations have become morally and sexually perverted while much of the church is all but dead. The curse is mentioned in Isaiah 24 and Zechariah 5 and it is being fulfilled now I believe. I have written extensively about these curses in previous blogs so I will just quote the verses and you can pray about it. Although what the elites are doing with the Plandemic ‘vaccination’ is wicked, they have the right to kill the wicked (we needn’t be apart of it). I hate what they are doing, but we don’t have forever to repent, and judgement is already here.

5 The earth also is defiled under the inhabitants thereof; because they have transgressed the laws, changed the ordinance, broken the everlasting covenant.
וְהָאָרֶץ חָנְפָה תַּחַת יֹשְׁבֶיהָ כִּֽי־ עָבְרוּ תוֹרֹת חָלְפוּ חֹק הֵפֵרוּ בְּרִית עוֹלָֽם׃

Therefore hath the curse devoured the earth, and they that dwell therein are desolate: therefore the inhabitants of the earth are burned, and few men left.
עַל־ כֵּןאָלָהאָכְלָה אֶרֶץ וַֽיֶּאְשְׁמוּ יֹשְׁבֵי בָהּ עַל־ כֵּן חָרוּ יֹשְׁבֵי אֶרֶץ וְנִשְׁאַר אֱנוֹשׁ מִזְעָֽר׃

Isaiah 24:5-6

Have not our once ‘christian nations’ become Sodom & Gomorrah? Are not our laws turned upside down? Is not evil called good and good is called evil? Then the curse is now legally allowed to devour the earth. Devour means to Eat. Zombies will eat until few men are left. Those that are left are the Righteous. We shall see the wicked cut down if we hide ourselves in the secret place of the Most High.

The curse is also mentioned in Zechariah, and again it covers the whole earth!

Then said he unto me, This is the curse that goeth forth over the face of the whole earth: for every one that stealeth shall be cut off as on this side according to it; and every one that sweareth shall be cut off as on that side according to it.
וַיֹּאמֶר אֵלַי זֹאת הָֽאָלָה הַיּוֹצֵאת עַל־ פְּנֵי כָל־ הָאָרֶץ כִּי כָל־ הַגֹּנֵב מִזֶּה כָּמוֹהָ נִקָּה וְכָל־ הַנִּשְׁבָּע מִזֶּה כָּמוֹהָ נִקָּֽה׃

I will bring it forth, saith the LORD of hosts, and it shall enter into the house of the thief, and into the house of him that sweareth falsely by my name: and it shall remain in the midst of his house, and shall consume it with the timber thereof and the stones thereof.
הוֹצֵאתִיהָ נְאֻם יְהוָה צְבָאוֹת וּבָאָה אֶל־ בֵּית הַגַּנָּב וְאֶל־ בֵּית הַנִּשְׁבָּע בִּשְׁמִי לַשָּׁקֶר וְלָנֶה בְּתוֹךְ בֵּיתוֹ וְכִלַּתּוּ וְאֶת־ עֵצָיו וְאֶת־ אֲבָנָֽיו׃

Zechariah 5:3-4

The ‘house’ here represents the person’s body and lineage. Their bodies will degrade, they will literally rot. The zombie is rotting as they live. Until they are dead. Individuals are being consumed by this curse. Entire family lines are being terminated. This is a tremendous destruction. Few surivive.

The ‘house of the thief’ is the body of the wicked that steals. This would include the elites and the freemasons etc because they try to steal Jacob’s birthright and blessing and rule the world through witchcraft and genetic manipulation. Islam tries to steal the Holy Land from Jacob. Ishmaelites were men stealers in Joseph’s day and afterwards. But no matter who the theifs are wether Islam or Masons or the Elites that serve the Pope, they all end up reaping what they sow. They release a virus that mutates and kills them too.

The ‘house of him that sweareth falsely by my name’ are those that claim to follow the Lord but do not really believe and obey Yeshua. Unbelieving religious Jews and false Christians fall into this category. It does not include religions that don’t claim to follow the Lord יהוה


I believe that both Isaiah 24 and Zechariah 5 speak of the same global curse. It is the demonic man made zombie virus of Psalm 91, the ‘pestilence that walketh in darkness’.
The world depopulation described in Psalm 91 is even lower than the Georgia Guidstones population levels.
Let’s say the world population is approximately 7 billion. And 1 in 11,000 survive. How many survivors do we have?

7,000,000,000÷11,000 = 636,364 Survivors

You are saying to yourself, Rory are you kidding me? No I am not kidding you, this is the odds described in the Psalm. It is not the same judgement as the trampling of the Grapes in Revelation, this is the tares being burnt at the end of the Pentecostal harvest. That makes our survival and protection by God, so special. God is cutting off this luke warm Laodicean generation with sudden and horrific annihilation. And He is preserving those that hide themselves in Him. One in 11,000 makes the survivors very special to our Lord.

Those survivors are us (if we walk in obedience and listen to His Spirit)! The faithful remnant that hide themselves in the secret place of the Most High, Psalm 91:1. We are going home to Zion after the smoke clears. This is not after the tribulation, this is the pretrib regathering after World War 3 / World War Z.

-Implications of Covid Zombie Virus ‘Vaccine’

What should we do at such a time as this? What can we do? Our society is breaking down. Our laws are becoming Satanic. Good is called evil, evil is called good. Our populations have become spiritually dead Zombies that do not fear God and cannot hear from God.  Our bank accounts are about to be zeroed out. Our populations are being virally infected by the authrorities they trust. Our cities shall become hell holes. The Masonic Jesuit dictatorship in the state of Israel that is trying to force believers and unbelievers to get vaccinated is being trialled there before it is rolled out everywhere. I think things will get much worse much quicker than many think. Passover 2021 is almost here. Dictatorship and the Angel of Death will soon follow. We have to get out of the cities before we are locked in. We should get out before the Vaccinated become the infected hosts to the coming viral zombie plague, a plague that their immune system cannot fight because the vaccine has hijacked and immobilised their bodies ability to fight the contagion.

Viral Vaccinated Zoo Animals Released

Look out for animals being infected with the ‘vaccine’ and then somehow escaping (set free on purpose). Especially the big dangerous animals. We are already seeing animals being vaccinated here in Australia. Watch out for crocodiles being released! There were some in a South African Crocodile farm that escaped into the nearby river. If they were vaccinated then that could begin a mutation cycle amongst these large predators and infect the ecology in the local water ways and kill the nearby African villagers. I am suspicious. They could be related to the dragons that are mentioned in Psalm 91 too.

Our Part – Social Distancing

There is going to have to be a real separation on our part. Yes the government has it’s Satanic social distancing. But we are going to have to separate ourselves from the government. But it doesn’t stop there. Husbands and wives and children will have to be separated if some decide to take the vaccine. Their DNA will change and their soul will fade. They will become zombies. God is at work, I will talk about that shortly.

God has a remnant to save and bring back to the Land of Israel after the coming viral wipeout of most of humanity (1 in 11,000 survivors). We must recognise one another and look after each other. We need to get moving now and form communities by the leading of the Holy Spirit. We will need to run soon from the demonic governments and a demonised infected zombie population that has been genetically altered into a post human demon zombie. Sounds crazy doesn’t it? Curses are not pretty. And this one will devour the whole earth and few men will be left! Not my words.

God’s Part – Separating Wheat from Tares

As we are coming together for salvation, the wicked are coming together for mass extermination. If you get the ‘vaccine’ you are the infected. If you get bitten by those infected then you will become infected and mutate. It sounds crazy, but it is what happens with DNA changing viral infections, they spread. It’s God’s sealing and providential care that ensure our survival, not just our own preparations. And we should be prepared as best we can as the Lord leads.

What is God doing? He is separating humanity. The Lord is gathering in the last days remnant. The Pentecostal harvest of souls through this nearly 2000 year gospel age is drawing to a close. Now the gleanings are being sealed, the tares are getting vaccinated, then zombified, demonised and used to spread the curse and contagion as they decompose. Finally the wicked will be burnt. The remnant shall be saved and protected, if we hide ourselves in our Lord. We are physically going to return to the Land of Israel (not the current secular zionist ‘State of Israel’, but a Yeshua believing Israel that shall replace it). This is not the rapture, but the return. The return of the lost sheep of the house of Israel. There is great hope for the remnant.

This is not the judgement of the grapes in Revelation. This is the burning up of the tares before the 2nd Exodus.

The Parable of the Sower
24  Another parable put he forth unto them, saying, The kingdom of heaven is likened unto a man which sowed good seed in his field:
25  But while men slept, his enemy came and sowed tares among the wheat, and went his way.
26  But when the blade was sprung up, and brought forth fruit, then appeared the tares also.
27  So the servants of the householder came and said unto him, Sir, didst not thou sow good seed in thy field? from whence then hath it tares?
28  He said unto them, An enemy hath done this. The servants said unto him, Wilt thou then that we go and gather them up?
29  But he said, Nay; lest while ye gather up the tares, ye root up also the wheat with them.
30  Let both grow together until the harvest: and in the time of harvest I will say to the reapers, Gather ye together first the tares, and bind them in bundles to burn them: but gather the wheat into my barn

Matthew 13:24-30

By Rory

One thought on “Psalm 91-6 – Zombies – The Pestilence that Walketh in Darkness”
  1. “War breaks out or greatly intensifies when the Holy Spirit is poured out because the righteous become more righteous and the wicked become more wicked, both are empowered by the spirit.” – blaspheming the Holy Spirit?

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