The view from Lakes Boulevard, Pearcedale, Melbourne where I live at present.
Are You Prepared?
How can we prepared for the adventures of our nation falling apart? Are you ready? What is your confidence? Mine is not in myself I can assure you. I walk one day at a time, and my eyes are upon the Lord for my daily bread. In every major decision I tend to be prayerful. Not because I am some super spiritual giant, but because I know if I don’t I often get clobbered. If the Lord wills, then we can do this or that, including survive hard times. I have seen the strength of יהוה ישוע in my weakness. I have been sustained by the gracious hand of the Lord in so many little miracles, that I have some confidence in my Father in Heaven’s provision. At least I know his ways and what He is like and I know that I can cry out to Him. I wait patiently for Him, I seek His face when I am unsure what to do. If I am forced to take a risk then I tremble indeed but know that my Father is an all powerful, all knowing, multi millionaire and I can phone home to His Throne of Grace at any hour, day or night.
So what confidence can we have in times of economic collapse, war, natural disasters and persecution? The same confidence that we already have right now. We should already be walking by faith and see the Lord leading us and speaking to us through his Word, Spirit, events, folks around us and even nature. If we already have a broken and contrite heart there is hope for getting through what others either fear and dread or over confidently dismiss.
Get a Haircut and get a Real Job. Another Trip?
The last 7 months since returning from the USA on November 11 2015 have been filled with work, work and more work. There is something grounding and earthy about working with your hands. And my job is literally on my hands and knees. Since 2013 I have been learning the simple trade of wall and floor tiling in an on again off again fashion. It is good to work with our hands. Although I could do much more hi tech endeavours, I am amazingly happy to be doing what I am doing. But my life these past months have just been about work and getting setup for this trade. In that time I have been silent on my website, not because I didn’t have the time (though I didn’t have the time), but because I didn’t have the inclination. I guess there is a time to every purpose under heaven. I just want some to work at this trade so that I have a degree of financial independence and can be free at a moment’s notice to pack up my tools and minister as the Lord gives me unction.
In many ways I still feel that I am in preparation spiritually. The things that I am talking about today I am only on the cusp of entering into, and it’s a struggle.
I was hoping to travel again to the States this winter (in Australia), which is summer in the Northern hemisphere. I am in prayer about this at present. If folks would like me to come and teach then send me an email. I can provide my own return ticket but will need someone to host me.
My only concern is to find someone in Australia to look after a cat named ‘Leon’, who is cute little fur-ball that I have recently acquired to my joy. He is curled up next to me as I write. He is a Torah observant cat (most of the time).
Prophecy & the end of America, our Lot in life
The following is a recap of what I have shared on the website. I then link this generation to that of Lot’s.
So there are seasons to things. I have more or less published what I have wanted to say to the Hebrew Roots community, to Ephraim and the 10 lost tribes of the House of Israel. At least in terms of prophetic matters I have given my 10 cents worth and now the unction has left me to share more. I am of course happy to teach this material to those who are inquiring, but I think I have already covered the main points on the website and on audio and video. I’m not here to entertain, I can’t even juggle. But I hope you will be ready when the master calls. I have tried to rock some paradigms and prepare Ephraim for the idea that after America leaves the scene of human history, we may still be here on this planet, but in a vastly altered world, a world overturned by World War 3 and natural disasters and the return of the Nephilim – but also a world that has not yet seen the tribulation or the events of Revelation. Most people think the tribulation is next. No, first comes natural disasters, Persecution, civil war and World War. This is not the tribulation. It’s just the end of America and the dissolution of the current world order. Other prophecies that are not in the book of Revelation must be fulfilled well before the events in the the last book of the bible. Personally I am sad for the destruction of the world as we know it. I am especially sad for America. Australia in comparison is going the same way but it has lacked the tender heart that I see still in the shadow of what was once one nation under God, at least in part. But for now the ship is sinking and it would be prudent to know where things are going. It’s not the tribulation just yet, but it is world war.
The regathering of the 10 lost tribes of the House of Israel will happen in stages. First they are to be cut down in size, then they will leave America and elsewhere for the ‘North Country‘. The current Messianic Leadership is blind and is heading into a brick wall and will be broken along with the nations they are in. The Lord has to first break His people, if they are to be able to hear or see. Sadly there is much that is unbroken in the hard ground that is our heart.
Well before the tribulation, America will be dead and buried by nature, civil war & then nuclear war and invasion. There is little to fear if our hearts are truly in union with Messiah. But few are broken enough to hear Him. God is going to break the remnant of His people in America and elsewhere. We cannot follow Him if we are unbroken. The Lord must destroy America to save some Americans. Ephraim must be broken. After he is broken he can be led. An Ox needs to know His Master. After America is buried, Ephraim will go to the ‘North Country‘ by the Euphrates river. To a large degree I have failed to change the paradigm in peoples heads that the end of America is the end of the world. But the articles are there on my website to read in whatever time remains. When we no longer have the internet or our freedoms it will no longer matter what I have written. The Lord will be using the enemy to bring his judgement and He will move powerfully amongst a very small remnant as our western world’s unthankful Sodomitish generation dives headlong into the abyss.
From the ashes will arise a ‘brave new world’, a world that although depopulated and devastated will be renewed as in the overthrow of the cities in Lot’s day. It will not be the millennium, but it will lead to the establishment of a remnant of the Lost tribes making it to the ‘North Country‘. At this time the modern state of Israel will become a Rabbinical Torah based state that is hostile to Yeshua. This will change later into a Jewish homeland that will mourn for the one they have pierced. This will not bring about the second coming but will lead to the full awakening of the Davidic Kingdom (Davids fallen tabernacle). This will then dovetail with the return of the lost tribes from the ‘North Country‘. At the moment we are not even in the ‘North Country‘, the area where ISIS currently operates. Babylon in Iraq will also rise in prominence after America is burnt by fire and washed by water, Zech 5. Babylon will spread its tentacles globally, but will be centred in Iraq, in the land of Shinar, Zech 5:11. The Babylon in America and globally is not in it’s final form but its morphing fast. A nuclear war will help.
But we are a generation well before this coming out of the ‘North Country‘. This is a message people don’t want to hear, and I don’t really want to give. It’s sort of a waste of time trying to give it but I have. We are not at the place in prophecy where we can stroll into the land of Israel. We have to ‘break up our fallow ground’, Jer 4:3, Hos 10:12. Before we get to the ‘North Country‘ America and the world as we know it must burn so that something may be saved. Before we can be saved we have to be broken. We are a blind generation like Lot, awaiting the destruction of Sodom and scarcely being saved from it’s overthrow. As I have said, ‘Lot’ means ‘veiled’, and as his name implies, this generation, like ‘Lot’ looks at the world through a ‘veil’, it cannot see the spiritual reality behind it. It makes its judgements according to the sight of it’s own carnal eyes. Lot was righteous, but he was carnal. This generation like Lot cannot understand what is coming, it doesn’t know where it is going. It is carnal and blind, it cannot see the world beyond the fleshly eyes of carnal sight, having never really come to an end to itself. It is only as we come to an end of all our carnal wants and fleshly lusts and worldly pursuits that we can begin the journey of walking as a son with his father. It is not just obviously wicked things that prevent us from seeing things as they are, it is more particularly the fact that we are self willed. And so the Lord in His kindness may afflict us with something that at first seems like a barrier to us reaching Him, but in actual fact it is a stepping stone, if we can but accept it and push through. God Help me. God help us all.
Going around the mountain or Climbing the Hill to Golgotha
The crown of thorns and Mt Sinai are related words and related ideas. The place of connection is actually contrarily the place of death. What Moses Ascended to on the Mountain is spiritually where we are seated in heavenly places. But few enter into that spiritual inheritance. Many amongst the Hebrew Roots movement have started in a spiritual way to the Sabbath and Feasts and the deeper things of Torah, but they have lost contact with the divine life, with the Spirit, and with mortification of the flesh. We are too much in our head, and too little on our knees. Our heart is far away while we think we are drawing near, because knowledge is increasing.
We need to get knowledge, wisdom and understanding for sure. But I have noticed that sometimes we begin drawing from a very dry well because we are neglecting our obedient dying to self, putting to death of the carnal nature and a prayerful heart rent relationship with the Father, through the Son by His Spirit. I know because I have done it. We need balance. Head knowledge of Him is actually important. But heart knowledge of Him is essential. Proverbs does not say, ‘My son, give me your head‘ but rather…
My son, give me thine heart, and let thine eyes observe my ways.
תְּנָה־בְנִילִבְּךָ לִי וְעֵינֶיךָ דְּרָכַי תִּצֹּרְנָה׃
Proverbs 23:26
The implication is that it’s only through our heart that we can know His ways.
Without a broken heart and submitted will, we are like a detective trying to work on a case, not knowing that he is actually dreaming, and the case cannot be solved because he is dreaming and his dreamy mind cannot close the loop because there is no loop (there is no case, the case is a dream and he cant think straight). He has to wake up first and open his eyes. We have to get our mind on things above. We have to get our minds set upon the Son, the Messiah Yeshua who is יהוה. We have to feed upon the tree of life. It’s just a matter of balance. Do we want knowledge at the expense of obedience in the Spirit in Union with our creator redeemer. Or do we just want into the garden but don’t really want to meet with the Lord of the Garden? Do we have the wedding garments of relationship on, the one that Yeshua provides. Are we trying to solve a case that isn’t there? Are we naked studying ourselves to death and stuck in a loop? I fear some Hebrew Roots folks are going through this. Good things take time, but the door is Yeshua. There are two veils of flesh to pass through. His is already opened but ours needs to be put to death.
In order to wake up we need to die to self and let God invade our will. It is costly to self to walk with the Lord of the Garden. It was costly for the Lord of the Garden. Olives were pressed in Gethsemane. The way is open. Why don’t we enter in? The veil has been rent at the crucifixion. Why tarry? Why go around the mountain again? Why not ascend? Because there is another that requires crucifixion. Us. Failure to deal with our flesh leads to our failure to enter in. The way is open but we have to die. There can be no drawing near without sacrifice. The animal part of us, must be cut into it’s pieces and put on the altar so that we can enter into the Holy Place. The Levitical sacrificial system, was not just a picture of our Lord, it is also a picture of us. We are crucified with Him.
Are we stuck in a loop, solving a case that never closes? Are we going in circles around a mountain instead of climbing it? Are we wandering in the wilderness, but never entering in? Are we complaining instead of waiting upon Elohim to Hear his voice. Sometimes the Lord may allow things to happen that hurt us, to get our attention. Sometimes we carry inner wounds that prevent us hearing because we carry them instead of leaving them with our Lord. For me I have a wound of being single and without a son. In someways I also suffer fatherlessness and motherlessness because my earthly father is somewhat distant and does not know Yeshua and my mother is dead. So I have carried all that inside. I have inner resentments towards the Father in Heaven because I feel alone and have found it difficult to draw near. I need to let it go and trust Him. I need to let God be God and do what He wills. If I am to be single then so be it. I have to let it go. I need to trust and obey, cleanse my hands and draw near through sacrifice of self.
Until we are willing to meet the terms we circle the mountain, not ascending but wandering and complaining. We complain because of the things that hurt us, not knowing that those hurts can sometimes be God trying to bring us to an end of ourselves. The very hurts can actually be chariots to bring us to walk in union with our Saviour. But like Israel in the wilderness, instead of learning the lesson, and dying to self, we go around in circles and complain. (There are others who have nothing to complain about, but study the Torah intently and yet do not know the Lord. They have a heart for the Lord, but like Jacob before he came to Jabok, they are yet to meet Him. They have not wrestled with the man who is the face of God (Peniel)). But if we have wrestled with Him, we may not be walking with a limp as yet. We need to. There is too much confidence in the flesh. We must continue to wrestle but we also must be broken, and the road to breaking Israel in the wilderness was a bitter pill for that generation. They complained their way to the grave. Only in death were they made perfect.
‘Tam’, תם, which means ‘perfect’ also means ‘death’ or ‘consumed’ when reversed. And the recipe for making us perfect is in the book of Numbers 32:13 and is used to describe the generation that died or was ‘consumed’, תם, in the wilderness. In order to be made ‘perfect’, תם, we need to die or be consumed. Mark the Perfect man, the end of that man is Peace, Psalm 37:37. But how do you make a perfect man? You consume his flesh in the wilderness, you bring him to an end of himself. This is where we need to begin if we are to be filled with the Spirit and walk in Union with Messiah. Our bodies must be living sacrifices before we can go any further.
The work of the Cross, to Kill us, not just Yeshua
We must come to the end of our complaining and accept our death on the cross. I have been guilty of this all too often. I have also complained to the Lord far too much because I feel alone and hopeless. There are things in my life, constraints laid down by the father, invisible walls I cannot pass through that make me feel hopeless. In my case it is being single. But your hurt may be different. Instead of entering beyond the veil, I am kept out of the spiritual promised land because I have a broken heart and a complaining soul. If I am to overcome, I must let go of my life, I must trust the Lord and thank Him for His wisdom in the way He deals with me. I must trust Him and let Him drive, even if it means I must wave my dreams goodbye. Not my will be done but Thine. The Lord in mercy must break my heart many times through various trials until my soul truly submits to the master’s hand. Until I say, Lord I am done, lead me where you want. Do with me what you will. I let go, into Thy hands I commit my spirit and my life. Break my dreams, I don’t care. Just lead me to Thee.
A truly happy life is not getting all that we want. A truly free life is not primarily one of pagan conquest. To possess the earth and gain dominion at the expense of walking in the will of Elohim is no gain at all but terrible loss and eternal hurt to our own soul and others. A truly free life is one that is first and foremost conquered by Elohim. It is only through the work of death to self life that the hidden man of the heart is revealed. A truly free life is one of submission and trust. This is the true way for Adam and Eve to have dominion, through self sacrifice. We have to learn to be led by the Chief Shepherd. We have to learn to be children again, to be mastered by our Father in heaven, to let Him rule and overrule and be God. When we have handed the keys over to Him, then the Holy Ghost can begin to move unhindered and things happen. It is not the Holy Spirit that is far away, it is more the fact that we are unbroken. The outer man must be broken (even if he is Sabbath observant and follows Yeshua). These days my soul is longing for God, not just deep knowledge of Torah, but deep knowledge of the giver of Torah (not Moses, but the true mediator, the Pre-incarnate Son of Elohim, the Davar, the living word made flesh, Yeshua who is יהוה, the visible shadow (tzel, צל), the image (tzelem, צלם) of the invisible Elohim or Father).
As believers we should have enquiring minds -but also obedient hearts. If we are constantly looking for some new thing, some new YouTube video or a new article from we may be missing out on a far richer journey, but to leave the shore requires an end to our self life. The old Adam cannot enter the Garden, only through death of self and self will can we perceive what lies beyond. I feel after 30 years of being a believer that I am beginning to break. The bible says that better is the day of death than the day of birth, Ecc 7:1. Solomon may be bitter but he is correct. The old Edom/Adom must die. And Jacob must become Israel, but to do that he must be broken. Our Hebrew Roots generation, though often hurting, is for the most part unbroken, and thus blind. We need our own Gethsemane in the Garden of God. We should be looking beyond the veil of our own flesh into the eyes of our Saviour. To my shame and loss I have done this far less often than I should. Now I feel that it is a race to accept the work of the cross in my own life, bringing me to a end of myself. The gifts of the Spirit and the fellowship in the Holy Ghost (Ruach HaKodesh) are not something far off, they are very near, if we are willing to pay the price, if we are willing to allow the Spirit of God to control every desire, every appetite, every thought, every moment of every hour of every day.
Again this is something I have known for a while, but it is only recently that my soul and my heart is beginning to accept. I am beginning to accept that if I must be alone, then so be it. I must just rest in the Lord and sanctify my body soul and mind to meet the Lord and walk with Him by His Spirit. I can not go on without doing this, so help me God.
Blind Ephraimite Leaders
Before I leave this post I want to mention something that has been on my heart for years. And that is that the current leaders of the Hebrew Roots movement are blind guides as to how the Lord is going to bring Ephraim home. They have been useful in informing many as to who Ephraim is. Recently there was a congress in Florida called the ‘B’ney Yosef National Congress‘ in which they collectively stated to Judah, I am Ephraim, here I am. But they want union with the House of Judah before they are ready and before he is ready. The Ephraimites are unbroken cowboys. The Ox does not know how to follow the master, and they do not know where they are going. I see great grief coming upon the leaders and their flocks because of this. They are spiritually nearsighted and cannot see afar off. They think the two sticks of Judah and Ephraim can come together shortly and we can fudge the fact that Judah needs Yeshua.
The following quote is from the following link… (You can download a PDF copy here)
- “We will stand ready to give an answer for the hope of our calling, willing to share what we believe with anyone who desires to hear; this is our responsibility. Yet we acknowledge there is a difference between giving answers to questions asked and trying to convert another to our way of understanding and practice. Therefore, B’ney Yosef North America cannot and will not support or defend any attempts to evangelize the Jewish people.
‘What bible are they reading?
All we need to do is simply read the prophets to see how Israel and Judah are joined. It doesn’t quite match where we are today. We are awakening but we are not even in the right part of the world. And do we really think that Lamb of God can be fudged from the equation, when His very purpose in visiting us was to bring back the lost sheep of the house of Israel? Is He going to bring back the prodigal while the son that stayed at home hates the very Messiah who brings back the lost son? Are we agreeing with the Rabbis when the Messiah is at odds with them? Have we lost our head? Yes we have. Both figuratively (Yeshua is our head) and literally (we are mad). Rabbinical Judaism is at war with Messiah Yeshua.
I think that for this treason the entire leadership is unworthy to make it through what is coming. They have betrayed the Messiah by placing Union with Judah above Him who died and rose again. How many Hebrew Roots folks are truly walking in Union with Yeshua? How many will make it through the coming gauntlet? The blind follow the blind don’t they? How many of this generation will actually make it. It says that unless He left us a ‘very small remnant’ we would have been as Sodom and Gomorrah, Isaiah 1:9. Is that not this generation? The leaders of this congress have succeeded in identifying the ‘small remnant’ of Joseph, and made it ‘very small’.
Fortunately the House of Israel has enemies like Amalek and Esau (when he throws off the Yoke of Yeshua and His Torah). They will judge the House of Israel and cut them down to size. And America is the land of Esau and Jacob, Free Masons and Puritans. I can speak more about this topic in a future post maybe. But for now the Ephraimite movement has no leaders worth their salt, that can see clearly and prophetically. America must be destroyed and Ephraim must be broken, before a remnant will see. The good thing that has come from the ‘B’ney Yosef National Congress‘ is that Ephraim has boldly identified himself. The sad thing is now he can be identified and shot. He has betrayed His head and loved sister and brother above Messiah, Luke 14:26.
26 If any man come to me, and hate not his father, and mother, and wife, and children, and brethren, and sisters, yea, and his own life also, he cannot be my disciple.
Luke 14:26-27
27 And whosoever doth not bear his cross, and come after me, cannot be my disciple.
Who is blind, but my servant? or deaf, as my messenger that I sent? who is blind as he that is perfect, and blind as the LORD’S servant?
Isaiah 42:19
מִי עִוֵּר כִּי אִמ־עַבְדִּי וְחֵרֵשׁ כְּמַלְאָכִי אֶשְׁלָח מִי עִוֵּר כִּמְשֻׁלָּם וְעִוֵּר כְּעֶבֶד יְהוָה׃
Chag Sameach
and wake up
and God bless
b’Shem Yeshua HaMashiach
בשם ישוע המשיח
Death to self is such an ongoing process, does it ever cease? no! …and sometimes it can be so painful as we are challenged to face those deep, dark, places in the recesses of our soul. However, if we allow HIM to shine His Menorah into our soul, ahhh…..what sweet freedom it releases.
Keep going dear brother, keep going, and be grateful for all trials, including singleness 🙂
Your writings and the insight that the Holy One has blessed you with are very encouraging, (I am looking forward to getting NBN this week, so that I can read ‘all’ of your blogs :), and, I respect your openness and honesty with your sharing on a personal level. You are a blessing indeed for the body of Y’Shua.
BTW, do you have any plans for Sukkot this year?
Much Shalom to you