Welcome to the first blog of a new section to the website. It is it’s own site.
In a nutshell, this website deals with the heart. It is a Father-Son thing. It is more preaching than teaching. Though of course it will contain teaching, I am really trying to reach out with my heart, both to Yeshua / YHVH and to my brothers and sisters in Messiah.
I see an urgent need for us to get our hearts right as Hebrew roots folks, so that we are filled with the love of Messiah Yeshua, are rooted and grounded in truth, while still seated with Him in Heavenly places.
If we are truly born of God then we will bare good fruit.
If you are busy then this is all you really need to know. If you would like to know more then read on…
From Prophecy to a Broken Heart
I began the website back in October 2010 after coming down from sunny Queensland to rainy Melbourne, Victoria (Australia). I felt a great frustration of not being able to get the message out to believing Christian and Hebrew Roots folks with the prophetic insights that the Lord was giving me. Hence my website was a relief valve that has helped preserve my sanity. Amazingly apart from this ‘selfish gain’, it has actually touched some hearts and enlightened some minds. I am grateful. My current 2015 trip to the USA is actually fruit of this website, which has led to other doors opening. Who knows where it will all lead, but it has been an adventure.
Back in Australia, my experience has been one of indifference and stone walling for the most part. Although some tout Australia as ‘the Great Land of the Holy Spirit’, It has been my greatest trial to hold on to the Lord there. At present it is a sleeping place to put it kindly, or if I am more honest, it is a spiritually dead place that is in need of a severe wake-up. I say this with a mixture of hope and frustration. I have found within the USA a much larger audience. However although some can see that the USA is heading into judgement, few understand where this is leading and how there is a regathering of the 10 lost tribes of the House of Israel from there, before the tribulation. We have a world war coming that is not the tribulation! This is a paradigm shift for most, and too much to take for too many more. Americans have tribulation on the brain, and many think the end of America is the end of the world. It is a very big deal, but it is not the end of the world (the end of Australia is the end of the world!). ๐
I have tried to show the pre-tribulation regathering of Israel. I have painted the picture with words, diagrams, timelines, audio and video presentations. Now I feel it is time for a change of emphasis. Now that the prophetic road map is painted in, I see the next major task, in whatever time remains, is to deal with the state of our hearts, starting with my own. Hence this subdomain site,, which deals with our relationships. There is a great deal of carnality within the messianic Torah based community that will lead to death, if it is not dealt with, in the coming time of judgement. So this website concerns our relationship to the Father through His Son. And it deals with our Hearts as His Sons (and Daughters). In Hebrew one of the words for Son is ืืจ, ‘bar’ which also means ‘purity’. May Yahweh ืืืื, help us all to draw closer to Him and humble ourselves.
I don’t know why I feel compelled to put a website together while others don’t, I guess we all are wired a sort of way and we all have our thing to do. For me physical stuff like a fancy career or house isn’t so important. For me our overall purpose down here and where we are going as the body of Messiah is what drives me. I try to get the prophetic message out. I often struggle with gloomy feelings and questions like, “what is the point?” or “why bother Lord, so few get what I am saying?”. But it is not about numbers or some big ministry, but rather, about being faithful. I guess I just have to inform others of what is going on because I would feel guilty if I didn’t. If you are on the Titanic and you see an ice burg dead ahead then you would be wise to let the good folks know. But in doing so it has led to isolation and a broken heart in many ways. And to be honest, that has not been such a bad thing, because the Lord is close to the broken hearted. I get plenty of joy in my life but I struggle with being a lone voice in a crowd. I believe that if we are to survive what is coming, we are all going to develop a broken and contrite heart. Yeshua said that all that fall upon Him and who He is, will be broken, Matthew 21:44. There is some hope if we are in tune with our Master. Humility is far better preparation than guns and ammunition. The following is a favourite verse of mine.
For thus saith the high and lofty One that inhabiteth eternity, whose name is Holy; I dwell in the high and holy place, with him also that is of a contrite and humble spirit, to revive the spirit of the humble, and to revive the heart of the contrite ones.
Isaiah 57:15
There is some safety in that place of brokenness. During the time of trial that will come, let us find our refuge in Him. Let us do so beforehand actually.
The Journey of My Soul, Head & Heart
There are seasons to everything and times to every purpose under heaven. I found the Saviour, later I found Sabbath and Torah, later still I found the lost sheep of the House of Israel (10 lost tribes). I am still lacking much in the experience of His Holy Spirit in my life. There is a great sea still undiscovered. The Lord is that boundless ocean, endless in depth, broad as infinity. I follow Torah but recently my heart has been longing for something, something that Levi is all about. ‘Levi’ means ‘to connect’, and I have found my heart longing for a deeper connection to the Father. Perhaps the Lord ืืืื has led me to a brick wall to lead me to Himself. I don’t think we can enter the Holy of Holies unless we take a broken heart with us.
I have found it more and more difficult to study and I think this is because my head is filled up but my heart is running on empty. I guess there are times and seasons to all that our Father in Heaven does in our lives.
I delight in what I have learnt from the Torah. The Holy Spirit has indeed given me light. Yet I do not want a relationship with a book, no matter how good the read, I want a relationship with the Author. I study the book because I love the Author. But I know that to progress further I must reconnect to the Messiah while holding on to my new found Torah knowledge -which in that context is a blessing to me. I enter into His Spiritual rest and embrace the physical Shabbat (I have a physical body that needs a rest). The Torah is indeed a light to my path. The insights in bible prophecy which are contained in the Tenach (Old Testament) concerning the regathering of the 10 lost tribes of the House of Israel have been an anchor to me as I understand more fully what the Lord is doing and will do.
Now I understand things on the ground so much better. Now I understand what I am a part of physically. I am from the House of Israel, not just spiritually but physically also. And this is why the Lord is awakening me to Torah. I am Israel.
As wonderful and liberating as this is, I am also seated with Messiah…
And hath raised us up together, and made us sit together in heavenly places in Christ Jesus:
Ephesians 2:6
It is not an either or thing. I can have both the Torah and the Heavenly blessings in Messiah Yeshua. They are both my inheritance. My feet are on Earth but my Head is in Heaven. I span the realms and so I need to seek the things above, and as I do so I will find my feet.
I find that there are far too many messianics that have lost sight of our heavenly calling. They have lost their Head (Messiah). No wonder or worship becomes mechanical, our focus inward, and our hearts lost in endless lifeless details.
For the law was given by Moses, but grace and truth came by Jesus Christ.
John 1:17
My Soul ื ืคืฉ & Spirit ืจืื have been pining for something for quite some time. The heart of Torah is Mercy.
The Lord ืืืื has revealed to me His Son back in February 1986 at my conversion. I was baptised in March of the same Year. After 2 years at Elim Pentecostal Church in Dunedin, New Zealand I went to an Open Brethren Church that was much better on the word than Pentecostals but didn’t believe in the gifts of the Holy Spirit for today. A few years later I got my New Zealand Certificate in Engineering in Electronics and Computer Technology. After 8 years I walked away from the Lord and Church. This was because I couldn’t see Him in my life and was hurt by the way some Christians treated me and was hurt that I was still alone without a wife. I had always wanted a wife and family.
Years went by and then after another 8 or 9 years I returned to the Father and had an insatiable desire to study Hebrew, that was the end of 2002. I learnt Hebrew and the Lord revealed to me the role of Torah in my life and how it fitted in with Grace and the New Testament of Yeshua HaMashiach. I visited Israel in 2004 for six months. By 2005 I was reading Hebrew reasonably proficiently and as I read the blessings of Ephraim, the Lord ืืฉืืข divinely revealed to me through a download to my spirit the understanding of the 10 lost tribes of the northern House of Israel.
After studying the Torah and living off the grid for many years since, I have gained some more insights from the Torah. I have revealed many of these things on my website since 2010.
Which brings me to where I am now.
I have felt an imbalance within my soul. A yearning for things of the Spirit, of the Son, of the Father Heart of God. And I have so much in me that needs purifying despite the study of Torah. I feel that there are some things that Torah study can give me but I have reached a roadblock in my soul.
I have struggled to study Torah for the last year or so in particular. My soul is just not interested in more insights. My Torah study was not bringing me the closeness to the Father that my Heart craved. (It did bring me closer to Him but now I need to get down on my knees and seek his face.) I am told that Yeshua and the Father will make their home in me if…
Jesus answered and said unto him, If a man love me, he will keep my words: and my Father will love him, and we will come unto him, and make our abode with him.
John 14:23
I am also told…
17 And he is before all things, and in him all things hold together. 18 And he is the head of the body, the church. He is the beginning, the firstborn from the dead, that in everything he might be preeminent.
Colossians 1:17-18
Yeshua as the head of all things under the Father. How I long for the simple joyful faith in Yeshua without the emasculating messianic focus on details. It is so clear to me how far I have strayed from the simplicity of faith in Yeshua.
Messianic Corinthians
I am not saying the following in anger, but with sadness. Yahweh is awakening us to Torah but our flesh has gotten in the way. There is so much in the messianic movement that is dry & carnal. We have begun in the Spirit and too often we end in the flesh, where the letter of the law kills, because our heart is wrong. It’s not the fault of the Torah law, it is the fault of the one that focuses on the written word at the expense of the relationship with the living word. We read lots but pray little. Our head is full but our heart is empty and we are filled with the fruits of our fleshy carnality. We are messianic Corinthians.
And I, brethren, could not speak unto you as unto spiritual, but as unto carnal, even as unto babes in Christ. I have fed you with milk, and not with meat: for hitherto ye were not able to bear it, neither yet now are ye able. For ye are yet carnal: for whereas there is among you envying, and strife, and divisions, are ye not carnal, and walk as men?
1 Corinthians 3:1-3
I came across the following criticism of the ‘Hebrew Roots Movement’ on the net, and to be honest, there is a lot of this bad fruit going on. Of course we all have a lot to learn, but some of the stuff we have to learn is basic decency. Or maybe love is a better word for it, and humility goes along with it.
Is this the purpose of the Torah, to bring bad fruit? God forbid. The Torah is Spiritual, but I am am carnal…
For we know that the law is spiritual: but I am carnal, sold under sin.
Romans 7:14
Two men look at the Torah, one man sees Yeshua the other does not. Is this the fault of the Torah? The Torah is a mirror, sheep see the Shepherd, goats see words on a page and an argument. Yes there are things to ponder and discuss, but a carnal man, sold under sin (as we all are), will struggle to find the door. Are we so caught up in our minds with words and arguments, that we have neglected the true state of our heart? Do we truly hunger for the Lord, or merely words about Him? How much time do we spend with Him? We are all busy, some more than others. But are we running on empty? May YHWH bring us into His Presence, and the experience of the Holy Spirit, which lifts Yeshua higher and produces good fruit. Father bring me home to Your House, into Your Presence. Let me experience the cleansing flow of Your Holy Son’s precious blood upon my broken, sin stained heart. May Melchizedek be an experience, not just a concept.
Burn up the falsehood within the Messianic movement. Deal with our carnality and smallness of vision and coldness of heart. Let us no longer be bitter against the opposition of Christians that misunderstand us. But let us come under the cleansing flow of the blood of the Lamb. Break the hearts of men and women, and mold them into the image of your Holy Son. We are your Body, the sheep of Your Pasture. Let us see the view from the Cross, the place where we are both crucified with the Messiah, and raised up with Him.
Bad Messianic Fruit, Prayerlessness, Carnality including bitterness, stubbornness, cruelty, anger, hatred, strife, pride. Evil attitudes of unbroken carnal flesh.
I hope to address some of these issues which stem from the heart and cause us to miss the mark of the high calling of Elohim, both individually and corporately.
It’s a big task, the hour is late, and I am far from perfect myself. Yahweh ืืืื help me ืืื Father.
ืืฉื ืืฉืืข ืืืฉืื
b’shem Yeshua HaMashiach
Rory, This is next morning after reading about your new web site. I am very excited! This is the need of the hour! Zephaniah 2:3; Matthew 9:13,12:7 Pride, arrogance and a haughty spirit will not stand or even survive before our Master Yah. He has provided deliverance thru Messiah Yahusha(Jesus), and there is no room for boasting in Him! As you said the hour is late and we must seek the face of our Elohim thru our Deliverer! Psalm 50:23-51:1-17
I will be praying for you and ourselves anxiously watching for further insight as you look and listen to our Master!
Your Brother in Messiah Yahusha, Stan
Rory, love your heart. I am SO excited you did this. I just found your new sight, and thus far, it’s fantastic, but what else would I expect. Anyways, you are so right on with the subject of who Yeshua is! Just the last few days, I was given a revelation, that the reason I am unable to go to a Messianic congregation is because, first of all, there are many there, that treat me like I don’t belong there, are rude, whisper behind my back in front of me, etc, etc, etc. I have been insulted and I was always sad that I had nowhere to go UNTIL Yeshua revealed to me that it was because many people in these Messianic congregations, I don’t know if it’s mainly the Jews who don’t believe that Yeshua is God! I always ASSUMED everybody there believed like I do, but I knew from years ago that Joseph Good’s teachings were prevalent among the people there, who were mostly Gentile believers, and when I told them that the man who was teaching this Joseph Good’s lies was from Satan, I was thoroughly rebuked. I was already an outcast up to this point, but now I know why! There is a remnant that will be saved. Also, they haven’t been accepting of me because as one Messianic leader who likes to be called Rabbi, which is after the manner of those ones that came against Yeshua Himself, these also have the same spirit. As he said, “I want a congregation full of professionals”. Well, sorry, I’m not rich enough for your congregation and was made to feel like GET THEE OUT! Now it is very clear! They worship mammon, and are proud, unloving, holding to a form of godliness, but denying the power, and showing partiality big time. I’m sorry you came to the USA to see these things. You have such a sweet gentle heart, I know you were excited to come. You’re not the only one disillusioned, I assure you. I’m staying with Yeshua. He IS God Almighty, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace, Wonderful, Counselor (Holy Spirit) and without Him, your riches don’t mean a thing but will be a witness against you in these last days. I’m glad I’ve made myself of no reputation cause it’s all about Yeshua! God bless you Rory.
thanks for the feedback.
Rest assured that I had many good experiences in the USA. Pride and wickedness are everywhere including Australia.
I would like to quote your comment in an upcoming article if I may. I want to deal with this sort of cruel behaviour and warn people of the consequences when judgement falls.
Hold on to Yeshua. This is a treacherous high minded generation but the Lord knows those who are His. We know that those that hate their brethren are not born of God, 1 John 3:15. Those messianic folks that behave like this will have their part in the lake of fire. It’s that simple.
Rory,Candace that I met you at Succoth this year at Zacks place. We were the ones call the tribe of Texas LOL. Was thinking about you hoping you’re OK and wondering how things are doing if you get a chance to call my number is 832-584-5910
Anyway I want you to know that it was very impactful meeting you I have much admiration for a brother such a you who is given his life to traveling and teaching and trusting in Yah. You’re in my thoughts and in my prayers may where ever you go be a blessing from Elohim, and may whatever words you speak beat out of the heart of Elohim in the ears of those were listening. Shalom shalom Achi!
Hi Rory. Just wanted you to know I have been studying the Torah and the plan of salvation revealed through the Feasts for 2 years and it has changed my whole life and perspective. I too here in Oklahoma find few people interested. Seems they just want to stay blind and in delusion not desiring or wanting to make any effort to see truth. It is sad and I completely understand what you are talking about. I have come to the realization too that I have to take on the Great Commission because that is my reasonable service as a saved gentile and leave the rest to Yah. Thank you so much for all you share. Even if we help but one soul find Truth it is worth it. I have had for several years now the feeling of impending doom for the US because the masses are growing more wicked by the day and our lawless heathen government is causing and encouraging it on purpose to be able to bring in the police state/martial law and take away what few rights we still have in this socialist/dictatorship country. I believe Yah has removed His arm of protection from us and it is what we deserve. History repeats itself once again. The Bible has been preserved by Yah for us to know how to live in this life and prepare for eternity with Him but many are called but few will be chosen. Yah says He will consider those who are humble, with repentant hearts who tremble at His Word. That is what I am striving for. To run with perseverance the race marked out for us. When you are praying for Isreal please also remember and pray for us here in the US who are and will be persecuted and destroyed by the godless, murdering, lying, stealing idol worshiping demons that have sold us out. Thank you for sharing your insight and work. It has truly helped me.