For those that a new to the whole idea of the 10 Lost Tribes being regathered here is some help.
The following excellent Articles are from the blog website of Aviel Rodriguez…
and in particular are located in this section of the site…
A ‘Two Houses of Israel’ Tract
Judah & Ephraim/Israel have been at war with one another since the dividing of David’s Kingdom in the days of Rehoboam, his grandson. [1Kings 12:20-24]… and even to this day… However…
Isaiah 11:12-13
And He will set up an ensign for the nations, and will assemble the dispersed of Israel [Ephraim], and gather together the scattered of Judah from the four corners of the earth. The envy also of Ephraim shall depart, and the adversaries of Judah shall be cut off: Ephraim shall not envy Judah, and Judah shall not vex Ephraim. [Please note that according to the above, it’s only when the envy [“qin’ah” i.e., jealousy, anger] of Ephraim ceases towards Judah that then the adversaries of Judah shall be cut off!
The End of the Exile For The Northern Kingdom
Why does the target deadline for the creation of a PLO state run from the year 2008 and up to the beginning of 2009?
Rory’s Note: The Author states that the timing is not exact but the basic idea is that the clock is ticking and the allotted time for Ephraim’s dispersion is coming to an end.
By the way – that is why the Palestinians will not be there for much longer, even if they get a state, which I believe they will, it will only be a prelude to all out war in the middle east. This will most likely occur during the same period as the judgment on the USA and the eventual return of the remnant of the lost tribes from there and Canada, Australia, New Zealand and perhaps a few from Britain too (I don’t believe there are nearly so many of the 10 lost tribes in merry old England, Scotland, Wales and Ireland as there once were, I think most (not all) have left already). Of course our nations have to be turned upside down for before they return to Israel, and a place has to be available for us there! So there will be war in the middle east and the borders of Israel shall be enlarged. And of course Judah has to repent regarding their attitude towards Yeshua, and have a heart towards their brethren. It’s coming.For our part, we just have to return to Torah (and not be proud about it either!)
Was Jeremiah Speaking of You? A Message To Zionist Christians
Are you a lover of Israel? That is to say, are you among the growing number of Bible-believing, Zionist Christians who feel curiously and irresistibly drawn to the Land of Israel… to the Jewish people… and to the Feasts and Customs of Israel?
.Messianic Rabbi Unknowingly Gives Tacit Evidence for Location of Modern-Day Ephraimite Stronghold
There’s an old adage which says that “the fruit doesn’t fall far from the tree”. In other words, there’s a great likeness to be found between a child and its parent(s). In relation to this statement, however, one would have to say that the Messianic Jewish movement adamantly denies any sort of connection, whatsoever, between the “Lost Ten Tribes of Israel” (collectively known as “Ephraim”) and the modern-day ‘Ephraimite’ or ‘Christian Zionist’ movements.
Nevertheless, I believe that a Messianic Rabbi by the name of Jonathan Cahn has inadvertently given us tacit evidence for the location of the modern-day Ephraimite stronghold. This evidence is contained in the two videos clips situated at the bottom. However, before proceeding to that, I would like the reader to please consider two very pertinent understandings that I’ve derived from the Scriptures that follow. They shall, I believe, help to further highlight the Rabbi’s unwitting, yet amazing, revelation concerning the chief and current stronghold of a people known as Ephraim/Israel:
Rory’s note: So I hope this is an encouragement to some.
Shalom Rory,
Thank you very much indeed for this article. I would love to get a better view about where do the regardering ten lost tribes supose to be nowadays. Have you ever research about the almost 200.000 New Jews who lives in Latin America? Have you write anything about it already?
I am looking forward to hear from you soon.
Cláudia Regina.