Rome helped Israel fight the Greeks and then decided to stay. They crucified the King of the Jews at the behest of the religious leaders. Then 40 years later they killed the religious leaders and sacked Jerusalem and burnt the temple to the ground and robbed it. History repeats itself. People are being hoodwinked again. This time by Trump. (Yes the Democrats are mad, but Trump is an Old Fox).

Like The Israelites in Egypt, We Are Being Oppressed

The bible tells us..

Faithful are the wounds of a friend;
but the kisses of an enemy are deceitful.

Proverbs 27:6

But what if the enemy pretends to be our friend? We think we are being kissed, but there is a knife in our back piercing our heart.

This is what is going on in both America and Israel and elsewhere.

We are being attacked by our own governments. It doesn’t matter if it is left or right wing. We are in jail! No free assembly.

Our Freedoms are being taken away under Trump. Trump is not Yeshua. He is a lot better than the Democrat socialists. But also 100% more deceptive. Do you realize that he is getting ready to Vaccinate you? Will he be there to save you in your hour of need? Or is FEMA already secretly in control? (Answer – Yes it is!) It’s time to pray because you are in Lockdown under Trump. Both Left and Right are infiltrated. Our hope is in our God and Saviour, Yeshua HaMashiach. Not man! Let us seek Yeshua!

We can pray for our leaders, even vote for them. But we dare not put our trust in man. That is a betrayal! We must look to God alone. Very soon that is all we will have. In fact that is already the case. I am not saying this to bag Trump, I am trying to say that we serve a jealous God, and Yeshua is our saviour. We are already being betrayed by the government. If you put your trust in a man you are cursed!

Thus saith the LORD; Cursed be the man that trusteth in man, and maketh flesh his arm, and whose heart departeth from the LORD

Jeremiah 17:5

In Western democracies the world over there is now no democracy. Cancelled overnight by a Plandemic. Trump wont save you. Yeshua will. Trump wont redeem Zion. Yeshua Will. Trump wont save America. Neither will Yeshua. He is judging it. But Yeshua will save Americans! And Yeshua will save all those that call upon Him. Trump will not bring the Lost tribes back to Zion. Yeshua will. So what if our nations sink into the sand. The Lord is bringing back His people. Even if we are about to be sifted as wheat.

For, lo, I will command,
and I will sift the house of Israel among all nations,
like as corn is sifted in a sieve,
yet shall not the least grain fall upon the earth

Amos 9:9

Now is the time to Fast and pray. Now is the time to assemble together, despite what the Satanic government elites tell us. Now is the time to Worship the Lord ื™ื”ื•ื” ื™ืฉื•ืข, even amidst the onslaught and pressure. Yeshua will turn our mourning into joy. But our wicked nations will be judged. We shall soon leave our burnt out lands for Zion. Don’t be sad. Get your joy back.

To appoint unto them that mourn in Zion, to give unto them beauty for ashes, the oil of joy for mourning,the garment of praise for the spirit of heaviness;

that they might be called trees of righteousness, the planting of the LORD, that he might be glorified

Isaiah 61:3

I feel the Satanic pressure. I am about to be sifted as wheat where I live. The Lord has told me.

And the Lord said, Simon, Simon, behold, Satan hath desired to have you, that he may sift you as wheat:

But I have prayed for thee, that thy faith fail not: and when thou art converted, strengthen thy brethren

Luke 22:31-32

I know it and feel it and it is now coming to pass. The enemy is out to try me. And I have to run to the Father at every turn. It’s so easy to get discouraged. Sometimes when we are attacked we feel so helpless and find it hard to pray, at the very hour when prayer is most necessary. I so easily fall apart. I am very cognizant of my frailty. We are in a spiritual battle and we need to get into the very presence of Almighty God -in the Secret place of the Most High, Psalm 91:1. Satan knows that there is a remnant amongst the true congregation (‘Church’) of Israel. He knows that very soon the wheat will be brought into the barn (See previous article). If we are listening to the Spirit of the Lord, if we are led by His Spirit then we are His children. And so even if we are being sifted, it is because we are wheat!

If you feel under pressure. Press into the heart of God. Get down and pray and worship your King. Victory is ours. Don’t give up! Press into the Father. Even if He tries you, He loves you. Press in O Precious Heart. Our God Reigns!

The Lord is beginning to sift us, and even if you feel Satan breathing down your kneck even so, you have an advocate, Yeshua HaMashiach. Get real close. Worship at His footstool. Guard your heart, take it to the Lord in Prayer. Lay it down, spread out your complaint before Him. He is good. Don’t blame God. Seek His Face. Our nations may be godless, but His Kingdom is coming.

The Jewish State, controlled by Rome via America, is being betrayed. Just like you!

Just as the believers in Yeshua are being betrayed and targeted by our taskmasters called the government, the little Jewish ‘State of Israel’ is also being betrayed by her friend, America. Yep and many Jews think that it’s a good thing if Uncle Sam tells them to divide their land. Yep better a piece of territory from Trump than fight and keep the whole lot. You see the Jews have left Europe and elsewhere for the holy land. But they as a nation do not put their trust in God first. They do not follow Torah completely or at all. There is a small remnant that follows Yeshua, and many of those are hostile to the Torah.

Just like many Americans, the Jews have trusted in their government leaders or even America or Trump in particular. Far fewer trust God himself. And far fewer again, trust Yeshua. Most born again Israeli’s come from a secular background or a nominal Judaism.

So like many American Christians and Messianics, most Israelis trust man rather than God. And because of this they are under a curse and cannot see what is going on around them.

The American administration has touted the plan to capture the mountains of Israel as the ‘Deal of the Century’, when in fact it is theft of Judea and Samaria from the Jews. Initially the deal included talk of sovereignty, that is, the idea that the Jews could have control over Judea and Samaria. But as time progresses, the Palestinians get more and more and the Jews get less and less except empty promises. They give away control of real land for empty promises. Will America be blessed by dividing the land? No, America will be divided, and the Lord will bring out His remnant from America and the nations. We are about to be sifted if we are wheat.

But let us put our trembling hearts in God’s hands and let Him do what He has to do. It is for our ultimate good. Even if it hurts. He will bind up our wounds. Let us praise Him and stand strong in the power of His might. And let us worship, even if our hearts are in pain. The good physician is at work. Breaking through to us. Removing blockages in our hearts. And getting us ready to go home, to Zion. He will try us, purify us, fill us with His Spirit and fill our hearts with joy and singing.

Therefore the redeemed of the LORD shall return, and come with singing unto Zion;
and everlasting joy shall be upon their head:
they shall obtain gladness and joy;
and sorrow and mourning shall flee away

Isaiah 51:11

By Rory

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