Looking for a Heavenly City. Life for the weary traveller is so short. We grow, we learn, we have battles, victories and losses too. No sooner do we find our feet then we like Jacob, find still more troubles and heart aches. We find out from the Word and by experience that we are not of this world. So many disappointments and hurts for those who don’t belong. Searching the Torah and the Spirit we ask, “Where is my Father’s House and How do I get there? I need a map. Thank you for Thy Word. Where do I fit? We are being transformed from glory to glory. We slowly graduate from this world. What is the true nature of our world Father and where is that Heavenly world that I am spiritually born into? Where is Heaven? Father where are you, can I see You? Though you seem far away to my eye, yet in my heart I know that Thou art near.” Perhaps our Heart is more in tune than we may have imagined. The nature of the Universe and it’s construction are intimately tied to the Lord’s plans for His Sons and Daughters.


This article may seem out of place. It is about the Firmament and questions the true nature of the earth’s physical shape and the orbits of the sun, moon and stars. If there is a physical Dome above our heads it begs the question, “who put it there?”. And it also emphasises the bible’s literal interpretation starting in Genesis. The solid dome Firmament is not an archaic worldview, it is fact.

I was not sure on which website to place this article, but I decided to put it here because it is related to the Hebrew Calendar and thus to the Father calling forth for His Firstborn Son, that is, Israel and the Torah awakening that we are apart of. Israel could not keep the feasts of the Lord in Egypt. The Sun, Moon and Stars are about connection on appointed times, they are about family, as illustrated to Joseph in his dream. Thus it is a Father-Son thing. It does not just affect the mind, it affects the heart. The Lord is physically far nearer to His creation and to us than we imagined. He is vitally involved in our world’s operation in a far more tangible way. This truth should warm our hearts. Perhaps we will seek His face more diligently and thus hear His voice more clearly. Father, let it be so. And Father I am especially in need of hearing Thy voice as I am an orphan in this world without Thee. I am not of it, and I feel this disconnect royally while dressed in rags.

This article is for pilgrim travelers, and if you are stuck to your bed, be of good cheer, you can travel without moving, your mind and heart are free. If I look outside tonight from Australia I can see the southern stars move about their courses and like Jacob, I can dream of Heaven and my Father’s House.

This is a big article. You might want to take it in chunks. Some journeys have stations, this one has a table of contents…


  • Prelude
  • Introduction
  • Space Station Bubbles, Space Hair & Drowning AstroNOTS
  • The Firmament, the Church & the Hebrew Calendar
  • Dream World
  • Our Domed Domain
  • The Laver, The Cherubim and the Heavenly Firmament: Thunder Dome
  • Circles & Squares: the Art of Map Projections
  • A Byrd’s perspective of Antarctica
  • The Southern Hemisphere is much colder than the North
  • No detectable curvature of earth
  • Sun Rays, Rainbows and Moon Shadows
  • The Flat Earth & Enoch’s Heavenly Vision
  • Flat Earth Problems!!!
  1. Flat Earth problem 1: Southern Hemisphere & the Path of the Stars around the Southern Celestial Pole
  2. Flat Earth problem 2: Light of the Sun should light entire flat earth not just the ‘day side’.
  • Implications for Dome Earth
  • Implications for the Messianic / Hebrew Roots Movement
  • Conclusion


Does God’s word provide a reliable explanation for the creation of the Heaven and Earth? Was it merely written for a by gone age filled with primitive folk lacking our sophistication, our complicated mathematics, science and physics? Is it a book of science or simply an allegorical explanation of creation? I believe it is both. I believe that the Tabernacle and Temple are pictures of creation itself in allegory. God’s House represents us, our body, by extension, the church (His Congregation, His Body). It represents the Heaven and Earth. But our Father is economical with His Word and there is a depth and beauty to it, within His Word is the deepest science. Science of the mind and about the construction of the universe, as well as lessons for the heart. The Word hints that creation’s construction is contained in the plans for the tabernacle and temple as these quotes suggest…

הַיֹּשֵׁב עַל־חוּג הָאָרֶץ וְיֹשְׁבֶיהָ כַּחֲגָבִים הַנֹּוטֶה כַדֹּק שָׁמַיִם וַיִּמְתָּחֵם כָּאֹהֶל לָשָׁבֶת׃
It is he that sitteth upon the circle of the earth, and the inhabitants thereof are as grasshoppers; that stretcheth out the heavens as a curtain, and spreadeth them out as a tent to dwell in:

Isaiah 40:22

אֵיפֹה הָיִיתָ בְּיָסְדִי־אָרֶץ הַגֵּד אִם־יָדַעְתָּ בִינָֽה׃
4  Where wast thou when I laid the foundations of the earth? declare, if thou hast understanding.

מִי־שָׂם מְמַדֶּיהָ כִּי תֵדָע אֹו מִֽי־נָטָה עָלֶיהָ קָּֽו׃
5  Who hath laid the measures thereof, if thou knowest? or who hath stretched the line upon it?

עַל־מָה אֲדָנֶיהָ הָטְבָּעוּ אֹו מִֽי־יָרָה אֶבֶן פִּנָּתָֽהּ׃
6  Whereupon are the foundations thereof fastened? or who laid the corner stone thereof;

Job 38:4-6

הַמַּרְגִּיז אֶרֶץ מִמְּקֹומָהּ וְעַמּוּדֶיהָ יִתְפַלָּצֽוּן׃
Which shaketh the earth out of her place, and the pillars thereof tremble.

Job 9:6

There are links between the days of creation and the temple layout. But I also believe from the verses above and others that the temple layout is fundamental science on a higher level than we give it credit for. I believe that much is encoded for the last days, and that the deep things of science and the bride are in there. We are commanded to get Wisdom, Understanding and Knowledge, Prov 4:5, Prov 2:6. The Tabernacle was made using these three spirits, Ex 31:3, 35:31.

We are told that the ‘Church’ or congregation is the “pillar and ground of the truth”, 1 Tim 3:15.  However we are also told that we see through a glass darkly, 1 Cor 13:12. We see darkly because we ourselves are darkened through the ignorance of sin which affects gentiles and Jews alike, Rom 1:21, 11:10. We can only see Him purely as we are pure, John 3:3, -the word for ‘son’, בר, bar, also means ‘purity’ . One day the ‘Church’ or body of Messiah will be raised in glory. On that day it will shine and be filled with truth. We seem to be in a process where much of what is called the church has fallen asleep, a sleep that will lead to its death when judgement comes upon our nations. However there is a remnant that is returning to the Hebrew roots of the faith, the Sabbath and feasts and discovering truths hidden from the light of day when the church embraced more and more Greek and Roman paganism.

The last 500 years, the church has not led in science. Science and religion where divorced during the 18th century ‘Enlightenment’, which was really anything but enlightening. Now however it seems that the pagan tentacles around church (Hebrew ‘Adat’ or ‘Kohel’) doctrine and biblical understanding are profoundly being shaken. We are in the midst of such a profound reformation even as the bulk of Christendom lies at the threshold of the most severe judgement upon God’s House that the world has ever witnessed since at least the destruction of the temple in 70 AD.

The literal understanding of the creation account in Genesis (B’reishit) is linked to our calendar in many ways, from the 7 days of the biblical week to the movement of the sun, moon and stars which give us our Hebrew times and seasons (‘Moadim’). These Moadim are the biblical feasts of our Lord and King Yeshua who is YHVH. Without these times and seasons the bride will be unprepared to meet the Groom at His coming. Neither will she be prepared to endure those things that are coming upon the earth.

We are living in a spiritually hostile world where the heavenly and earthly powers conspire against God’s people and seek to keep them in bondage and ignorance, Psalm 2:2, Eph 6:12. If we know the truth then we will be free, John 8:32. But like Israel in Egypt we have our idols and our slavery and we can even enjoy our servitude and ignorance along with our entertainment, sport and beer. If we ever do look up to the heavens then we can even be distracted and persuaded that it is vast and godless and we by extension are small and insignificant.

Space Station Bubbles, Space Hair & Drowning AstroNOT

NASA B grade Acting school. Stiff unnatural permed space hair.

I have long had a fascination with space, in particular man’s dominion over that heavenly frontier. I was more into rockets than astronomy. I loved the very thought of setting foot on alien worlds and colonization of the Moon and Mars and then on to conquer the rest of the Universe. I guess the kids books I read while young and impressionable led me on. There I saw the mighty Saturn V launch vehicle blasting its way to the moon filled with the hope of mankind. Witnessing Neil Armstrong standing on the moon made me think of a fantastic future. My imagination was the launch pad and I was off with excited boyish enthusiasm for conquest and adventure.

Adam was made of earth. I feel a little like Adam, I feel on the one hand very earthy and raw and what you see is what you get. But on the other hand there is the dreamer looking to the stars. Adam was made from the Earth but his breath (נשמה, neshama) came from the Lord God Himself. And so there should be a heavenly aspect to all of us. The earthy part of me anchors me down here where the mud squelches between my toes, but the breath of God naturally rises into the air and me with it. And so we are children of two worlds. On the one hand born of woman, on the other born of the Spirit and seated with Messiah in Heavenly places, Eph 2:6.

Josephs two dreams of the grain and the sun moon and stars bowing down to him reflect the Hebrew Calendar. Within these two dreams is the combination of Earthly and Heavenly aspects of Adam’s physical make up of dust and breath. Joseph and his family, Israel are both earthly and heavenly. The fourth feast Pentecost occurs at the beginning of the grain harvest. The fourth day of creation was for the sun moon and stars and by extension the seasons, the ‘moadim’.

Joseph’s two dreams fit together, one earthly and the other heavenly. Both are related to the feasts which are both earthly and heavenly. In the beginning God created the Heaven and the Earth. Both are connected via the ‘AND’ and form a complimentary unity of creation. One is masculine, the heavens,  and one is feminine, the earth. The good Lord יהוה makes male and female, not neuter, and both bare witness to the plan and purpose of creation.

Illuminati playing card that I, Rory, personally photographed up in Detroit. Thanks Greg. God bless you.

The movements of the Sun and Moon were thought to be earth-centric by many civilizations. They were thought to revolve around a fixed earth, and many cultures believed it to be flat with a dome on top. Our scientific understanding of the solar system means we have an incredible solar system to exploit and inhabit. Yet since apparently landing on the moon and planting a flag we went home and Neil Armstrong became a virtual recluse, that’s a bit weird. NASA has been doing urine samples on the space shuttle and space station for decades. Space has become boring. I have been waiting for my trip into outer space for years. It never comes. But at least we went to the moon and maybe we will go back. Or for those that think that the moon landing was faked at least we have been up to low earth orbit on the shuttle and space stations. I’ve seen the footage of astronauts in weightlessness, constructing the International Space Station or zooming around the insides of the station. But I have recently been shocked. NASA has even been faking that.

Yes that’s right, what clinched it for me was the obvious fakery of the Astro-NOTS on board the International Space Station. See “Bogus Reentry Vehicles 1” (39 mins) for a detailed description of the fakery, including fake looking frizzed and gelled women’s hair (Also see “Space hair. (ISS is a HOAX)”), bubbles rising from International Space Station Cupola (ie it’s in a water tank, see “International Space Station Hoax- Bubbles and Lights”), shots of astronauts with wire-frame harness and unnatural ‘weightless’ postures and movement. Also See “NASA using Green Screen to fake ISS footage” using hi tech image manipulation to fake weightless objects floating in front of AstroNOTs. On one occasion an astronaut admits that they are actually in the USA while being on board the space station. This Astro-Naught scores Zero and you can see he’s a bit uptight about his goof up, read his clenched/forced body language. See “NASA hoax ISS Actornaut Chris Cassidy accidentaly admits they are filming in the USA – BUSTED”. Then there is the scuba diver on the Space Station. And there is the Astronaut that almost drowned in his space suit (because they were clandestinely faking a spacewalk in a pool. Why fake weightlessness? See “Drowning In Space ? NASA 2016 – Flat Earth“.

Here is the entire YouTube “NASA Fakes Space” playlist of the above…


Why Fake spacewalks? Yikes, perhaps we aren’t able to get up there and do all that! The implication is that the Russian and Chinese ‘Space Stations’ and space programs are also part of the fakery, complete with more bubbles! They’re Faking Space -faking because they can’t get passed the Dome called the Firmament (They can’t even blow it up aka operation Fishbowl – I’ll talk about that later). Could such a large conspiracy be possible?

יִתְיַצְּבוּ מַלְכֵי־אֶרֶץ וְרֹוזְנִים נֹֽוסְדוּ־יָחַד עַל־יְהוָה וְעַל־מְשִׁיחֹֽו׃
2  The kings of the earth set themselves, and the rulers take counsel together, against the LORD, and against his anointed, saying,

נְֽנַתְּקָה אֶת־מֹוסְרֹותֵימֹו וְנַשְׁלִיכָה מִמֶּנּוּ עֲבֹתֵימֹו׃
3  Let us break their bands asunder, and cast away their cords from us.

Psalm 2:2-3

-So the scriptures say oh yes sirree sir yes indeedy do.

How sad however that I have needed evidence in order to believe my Father’s Word. Like Thomas I have had to put my finger into the ‘Hole’ of the ‘Body of the Universe’ before I believe. Thank you Father for the diligence of others, I hang my head in shame, Thank you, Thy Word is Perfect, Converting the Soul.

The Firmament, the Church & the Hebrew Calendar

In this article I will talk about a conspiracy to withhold the truth of the true nature of the universe, including the shape of the earth and the reality of a solid domed ‘firmament’. This conspiracy has been easily foisted upon us by those in power in finance, politics, religion and war. This conspiracy leads to the Church in Rome, or more correctly, the Harlot Church, the Vatican and its Jesuits and Freemason accomplices.

Hi Dad! (or ‘Holy Father’?) Space Shuttle Endeavour Crew on ISS phones home to mommy Rome. A fake station ‘above’ a fake ball earth, fake weightlessness, and what’s the Pope got to do with it? Does NASA work for this guy? Yes, NASA promotes the Vatican’s Heliocentric Sun worshiping calendar and cult. What a con job. Neil Armstrong, the first man to walk on a fake moon before millions of viewers world wide, once spoke enigmatically about “truths protective layers”. I guess the onion is beginning to feel exposed and some are beginning to cry. If space is fake, then the supposed Aliens the Vatican is waiting for come from below the dome of the firmament, in fact they come from below our feet (so if you see any ‘Aliens’ make sure you step on them good and firm).

Sadly protestant America has become the Vatican’s soldiers, spreading corruption worldwide by warfare, CIA drugs and exacerbating Islamic extremism. (Many soldiers may be thinking they are spreading the rule of law, but their masters have other plans, the ‘War on Terrorism’ must never end). Far from bringing peace, they have brought war. Christians are more persecuted in the Arab Middle East than ever before. All this has happened as the church slept on.

Who runs the US military anyway? Since WW2 NAZI’s have lived happily ever after in the USA and its military industrial complex. It has been especially subverted since WW2 as the fire of holiness and zeal left the protestant church and Laodicean apathy set in. I say this grimly with sadness. Catholics and Freemasons run American politics, religion, army & NASA. Even FOX news is a Catholic bottle blond enterprise – a sort of phony right wing. (By the way, FOX adds to 666, F=6, O=60, X=600). That old Fox named Bill O’Riley should be called O’Really, there’s as much spin with Bill as PBS or the Communist News Network, CNN. Sometimes in order to THINK we need to pull our head out of TV land and just read our bible. I like to read just the headlines of the news and facts. I’ll put it together myself; I don’t need some godless overpaid Pope Worshiper spinning my wheels with his hype. The ‘news’ has more to do with entertainment, partial truth, social engineering, crowd control and disinformation than truly informing a disinterested lukewarm generation of internet junkies.

I prefer facts and truth, and the first source for that is the bible. And as I read it I read about a firmament and a moon that has its own light. Maybe I am just being simple, but the information I  have gotten lately concerning NASA and the International Space Station fakery has pushed my Heliocentric world view to the tipping point. And removing the Heliocentric Solar System and replacing it with an earth-centric (geocentric) system is encouraging me to read my bible. I am sure it is doing this for others also.

If we have been lied to concerning the firmament Dome and other people are waking up also then the old lies won’t work too much longer. It is time for a new old lie. So perhaps the New World Order police state and collapse is necessary for the bad guys that run this world. But it is also God’s judgment. I think we are almost at the point where it is time to pull the plug on America as WW3 approaches. She has served her purpose. And with America goes the whole western world including careless and godless Australia and New Zealand. (Indeed the whole world is getting stirred up for global war as the Russian Bear is being poked with a stick as I write.)

At this very moment however there is a remnant that is pushing closer to the Lord and His Holy Word. And we are receiving the most profound change to our perspective as the Lord opens our eyes to His Law of Liberty, including the Sabbath and Feasts etc. As we walk in His ways we are receiving a far greater vision of reality. We are beginning to see, really see the world we live in. This is not a small deal, our worldview has everything to do with accepting the Creator and His Word. Why do you think the Devil fights so hard for the minds of people through education, media and entertainment? How the world is constructed impacts the presumptions of everyday folks. Without a belief in a literal Creator there is no fear of God, and thus no Wisdom,  Psalm 111:10, Prov 1:7, Prov 9:10. And thus no salvation.

While in the USA last year (2015) I met a messianic couple that where very proud that their daughter had been accepted into NASA. Along with NASA comes a world view. If I was them I would be deeply troubled and in prayer for her night and day. Another soul just got swallowed while their parents slept on. I am sorry if I have stepped on toes here but our world view is foundational. Yes what we believe about creation is important and is ultimately a life and death thing. Our children are fed evolution in schools for a reason. If it wasn’t important then the Devil wouldn’t bother. The bible starts out with an account of Creation. The account of a literal creation is the foundation of the bible! And you shrug your shoulders and ask ‘does it really matter?’. Are you smoking something? Wake up, whole generations are going to hell and the evolution / globe earth is at the core of our modern day curriculum that spawns humanism and hatches atheism and finally witchcraft, satanism and homosexuality. All this rests on the back of false sciencism (a new word I just coined for the religion of science that is not actually true science at all). What we believe about creation is important. The Church is in darkness concerning it’s world view. It relies on scientists instead of God’s word. I will talk more about this later. It is interesting that the last Church in Revelation, the last days church if you like, so fit’s ours today is Laodicea. In its careless wealth and indulgence it needs to be reminded of something. The lukewarm messianic Church of Laodicea needs to be reminded that the Lord God is the creator, right in the very first verse!!!

And unto the angel of the church of the Laodiceans write; These things saith the Amen, the faithful and true witness, the beginning of the creation of God;

Revelation 3:14

Faithful and true witness, the beginning of the creation of God. Got it? It’s important! It’s foundational!

So now that my hair has fallen out with exasperation, let’s get back to the bible, creation and the biblical Hebrew calendar. The Earth is at the center of a great clockwork mechanism comprised of the Sun, Moon and Stars. And so the understanding of the true nature of the cosmos is at the very root of the biblical calendar and the Appointed Times of our Lord and Messiah, Yeshua. Do you think that maybe we should be the ones that determine the nature of the universe, not Ivy League Physicists? The Lord has His men dressed in white robes and so does the Devil in the deep blue sea only the Devils men wear white lab coats. I am not dissing true science, just science ‘falsely so called’, 1 Tim 6:20. Do you think it is for nothing that God chose Israel to be the custodians of His word? Was it for nothing that He chose Levi? Levi has not been cut off, just put to sleep. Soon Levi shall awaken and with it all Israel. The House of Levi is to be dressed in white, and ultimately all Israel. Levi and Judah will play a large role in restoration of all things. And by extension we all have a part to play, Jew or gentile -if we know the Lord. Let us at least be open to new ideas (actually these are old biblical ideas because the truth doesn’t change like some summer fashion). So be open and allow our Greeko-Roman Pseudo Scientific mindset to be challenged by a literal understanding of God’s word.

The Hebrew Calendar is determined by the orbits of the Sun and Moon. Could the powers of darkness have hidden the truth that is right in front of us every day in order to sanctify their solar calendar and the theory of evolution? The Serpent said, ‘”You shall be like God”, you start off as pond scum and work your way up. If NASA can’t even reach low earth orbit then all they can do is lie and draw pictures of planets as they do the Pope’s bidding, attacking the bible with false science, false orbital mechanics in a sun centered solar system supporting a false solar calendar. Do we follow the Hebrew Calendar or that of the Roman Empire’s Lucifer worshiping sun cult? Have we been consuming knowledge from a corrupt Library (even as we send our kids off to school to ‘get ahead’)? Is the Heliocentric model (Sun centered Solar system) part of a pagan sun worshiping cult? Have we been eating in the House of Lucifer from the Tree of the knowledge of Good and Evil? No wonder our kids go off the rails, we have signed them a death certificate in our schools and entertainment. Off they go to college and study how wrong the biblical account of creation is and so they ponder ‘the biblical account of creation cannot be relied upon, so maybe the rest of the bible is a fairy tale also?’. Must we rely on pagans and godless scientists to know how the world works? Is the bible not enough? Some of the principle scientist philosophers belong to secret societies, must we lean on them for our world view? Will they shepherd our children to the creator of Heaven and Earth, to the loving and wise Saviour, Yeshua? Does their world view draw us closer to God or distance Him?

Dream World

Look, Lord of the Rings is just neo-paganism, but this Horse Lord has more sense than many luke warm Laodicean Christians and Messianics. Yes Fire shall devour the ‘High Seat’ and everything else that can burn. What can be done? Believe what God has written and follow Him.

“Dark have been my dreams of late”
– King Theoden, Lord of the Rings.

Like Theoden, I have been under the witchcraft spell of godless physicists and the NAZI’s of NASA, obscuring the simple truth from me. Now I am beginning to penetrate their lies (thanks to the diligence of others) and my dreams are improving. I am looking at the tabernacle and temple design with renewed interest as I see even more clearly it’s centrality to the Lord’s design for His House, His Congregation, His people Israel and the nations, and also to the fabric of time and space – His Calendar and Heavenly House.

Like Jacob I too sense the Lord’s nearness to His creation.

וַיִּיקַץ יַעֲקֹב מִשְּׁנָתֹו וַיֹּאמֶר אָכֵן יֵשׁ יְהוָה בַּמָּקֹום הַזֶּה וְאָנֹכִי לֹא יָדָעְתִּי׃
11  And he lighted upon a certain place, and tarried there all night, because the sun was set; and he took of the stones of that place, and put them for his pillows, and lay down in that place to sleep.

וַיִּפְגַּע בַּמָּקֹום וַיָּלֶן שָׁם כִּי־בָא הַשֶּׁמֶשׁ וַיִּקַּח מֵאַבְנֵי הַמָּקֹום וַיָּשֶׂם מְרַאֲשֹׁתָיו וַיִּשְׁךַּב בַּמָּקֹום הַהוּא׃
16  And Jacob awaked out of his sleep, and he said, Surely the LORD is in this place; and I knew it not.

וַיִּירָא וַיֹּאמַר מַה־נֹּורָא  הַמָּקֹום הַזֶּה אֵין זֶה כִּי אִם־בֵּית  אֱלֹהִים וְזֶה שַׁעַר הַשָּׁמָֽיִם׃
17  And he was afraid, and said, How dreadful is this place! this is none other but the house of God, and this is the gate of heaven.

Gen 28:11, 16,17

Like Jacob I have always been a bit of a dreamer with far away eyes. I was 9 years old when the movie Star Wars came out. That was a big deal; nothing like it was before it. That December in 1977 I looked to the stars and longed for adventure like Luke Skywalker and the Rebel Alliance. How awesome to battle the empire with laser blasters & lightsabers? Besides I might rescue a Princess and save the Galaxy. Not to mention tearing across the Death Star in cool X-Wing fighters led by a mystical power against overwhelming odds with seconds on the clock. Still dreaming, I wondered if there was such a thing as the ‘Force’. Dreams are great but there is a time to wake up. Reality in the end may prove even more fantastic.

I did not have a Christian upbringing. I was 18 when I turned to the Lord in February 1986. While others were asking who shall I marry or what career shall I have, I was asking ‘why am I here?’. For my peers that wasn’t a question worth asking. It was a great grace, yes I found the Creator even though I was taught evolution. Such was the hunger in me for truth. I found God despite the devils lies. But his other lies have held me back. I have found my zeal once more despite being struck head on by NASA’s Papal Bulls-Hit. I am grateful for my upbringing and all that my mother and father have done for me. None of us are by any means perfect. I have not had the privilege of wife or children, neither the joy nor the burden of responsibility. It is not the way I wanted it but it is the way Providence has seen fit to dispense the gift of life. God help me to endure. I thus have had more time to think my thoughts and study. I am still a dreamer. In a sense we are all dreaming, we are all half sleeping, “looking through a glass darkly”, 1 Cor 13:12 -looking at the universe from a dream state where foolishness has its own logic and seems reasonable until we are awoken.

For me my first awakening was my initial salvation in 1986. The second awakening was Hebrew and Torah at the end of 2002. My third awakening in 2005 was the revelation of the lost tribes directly from the Hebrew Scriptures. What I am beginning to understand now in August 2016 concerning the make-up of the universe could be called my fourth awakening. (And please Oh God may I hear Thy voice more clearly even as I come to nothing in the flesh and my dreams turn to dust. Show me Thy Face and lead me into the real world where I am seated with Messiah in Heavenly places). But for now show me the way the Heaven and Earth truly fit together. This has been something that has required others to come to my aid in pulling off my blinders. Thank you.

This time the awakening was prodded by other people’s diligence, not my own. And so I am a debtor to my brothers who have researched the topics concerning cosmology. We have been taken for a very long ride for about 500 years, by people we trusted, authority figures, men with square and compass, telescopes, white coats and silver jump suits. From Galileo, Copernicus, Isaac Newton to Neil Armstrong -one big lie. What audacity, but there is nothing hidden that will not be revealed.

Fear them not therefore: for there is nothing covered, that shall not be revealed; and hid, that shall not be known.

Matthew 10:26

אֵיךְ נֶחְפְּשׂוּ עֵשָׂו נִבְעוּ מַצְפֻּנָיו׃
How are the things of Esau searched out! how are his hidden things sought up!

Obadiah 1:6

The Spirit of God will reveal it, every false thing will have it’s day in court. The Spirit of truth has already come, now it is beginning to move in power. The Lord is forming His army of the broken, lonely, footsore and dispossessed and He’s forming it in the womb of our fallen nations. That womb like that of Rebekah is about to break open. Esau and Jacob vying for dominion, now in the light of day. Our nations shall no longer be a dark womb but a bright and burning crucible of fire. Gold is tried there, Rev 3:18. Fiery trials are coming, 1 Peter 1:7, if you are to overcome the apathy of Laodicea. Fight the fight of faith because solid gold faith is going to be purified and purged by fire. Please help me O Lord to stand with Thee. Let me not fail Thee after I have preached to others.

I do not levitate boulders with Jedi Masters, but I am filled with the Ruach HaKodesh. I  do not blow up Death Stars but I see through walls of darkness. I may not have a lightsaber but I have the Sword of the Spirit, Eph 6:17. I may not pilot an X-Wing but I gain my victory from another Cross. I am a member of the Rebel Alliance for sure; I am against an Evil Empire most definitely. Surely I am from another world. Sadly my body lives in this darkened domain even while I am seated with Messiah in Heavenly places. This dark empire is the thick darkness of Satan’s Kingdom, this evil Age. But the Light shineth in the darkness, John 1. And “my sheep hear my voice”, John 10:16, 27. Hallelujah! Perhaps the Kingdom is coming and someone is awakening?

Let’s talk about the way the Lord formed things…

Our Domed Domain

Do you think this is a fairy tale? As I have read scripture literally it is the way it seems, it’s the picture the words paint. I’m in.

I am someone that takes the bible literally. I have previously put the bible’s cosmology into the too hard basket. Reading extra biblical works like the book of Enoch made even less sense. Now however it all is beginning to fit together. Actually it’s fitting together very neatly. But it looks nothing like the world that we are told we live in. Scripture paints a picture of an earth covered with a solid dome called the firmament or ‘rakia’ in Hebrew, רקיע

H7549. (Before you dismiss this as pure foolishness, please consider some of the evidence for it in this article and the attached videos.)

A few pieces of the puzzle have fallen into my lap through the efforts of others over the past week. One of them, as described earlier, is the floating fakery on and around the International ‘Space’ Station and the other is about the Cosmology described in the book of Enoch, specifically regarding the orbits of the Sun and Moon (I will talk about this later). With these two fulcrums I have been able to prize apart the lies of NASA’s crypt and having escaped, delve further into the true nature and plan of the Universes construction. Like Lazarus I feel liberated indeed. It’s all about the Hebrew Calendar and the Father’s closeness to us. We are special, “all the world is a stage” and what we do down here counts. We are not so far from Home, the Father Loves us and is literally much nearer than we thought. And we are His building project; in fact we can even join in the construction. Yeshua was a carpenter. It’s all about our Father’s House. The plans are in the Torah. And the House is becoming a home by the Spirit of the Almighty.

When we don’t believe in the biblical creation account ‘In the beginning’ we have to substitute it with something else, say for example ‘millions of years of evolution’ or more accurately ‘Once upon a time’. Sticking with fairy stories, until about 2006 I had always believed that NASA went to the moon, until I watched documentaries like “A Funny thing happened on the way to the Moon”. Then I realized that Apollo was a show. I assumed that they didn’t go to the moon due to the Van Allen Belts. Now however the conspiracy runs even deeper and its impact far, far, far more profound, you see we didn’t even reach Low Earth Orbit any more than Lee Harvey Oswald shot Kennedy.

The Space Shuttle just skims near the surface of the Dome called the firmament. It goes upwards and sideways on it’s back. (Don’t close this article, give me some time, or quite a few evenings with coffee)

After the Space shuttle is launched it goes sideways. We are told that this is due to the spin of the earth so that the shuttle appears to move sideways over the globe. However if that was the case it would move laterally while still pointing upwards. I can’t believe I didn’t figure this out before. It then must land somewhere on earth secretly. It also has jet engines in the back for take off’s and landings, you can hear them wind down after landing.

According to scripture we are living on a flat unmoving earth under a crystal dome. Above the Dome is Water. Above the Dome (or Domes) is a sea of glass with a Heavenly Temple and Throne, Rev 4:6, 15:2. The bible clearly states this and this cosmology is derived from the prophets. Ezekiel goes into the depths of the Cherubim, why wouldn’t he, he was a Levitical Priest. What he saw in heaven matched the copy in the temple on earth. The cherubim vision matches the furnishings of the temple of Solomon and the Lavers (more about that later). The cherubim, by the way, have a firmament clear as crystal above their heads. There is a spiritual mechanical wheel and creature thing going on. The domes are solid and crystalline and they move at the direction of the Cherubim. What a job. If you take things literally your head doesn’t hurt at all. It’s wonderful to be a child and see things as they are.

So God has a House and He has described the fashioning of the Heavens and Earth through its symbolism. Moses was a Prophet. NASA and the Space Race on the other hand is a Psy Op of the highest order, it is as much Science Fiction as Star Wars and Star Trek, it’s false. And NASA’s a false prophet that wont get you or Mohammad to the moon. If you want to go to the edge of space, go to Antarctica. Antarctica is closer to the Edge of the Dome on a flat earth and thus it is closer to the Heavens and hence the interest in keeping it locked away from prying eyes. No wonder the NASA has an interest there. And no wonder it is out of bounds to greedy industry and mankind in general. It’s not about saving Penguins. I will talk more on this topic too shortly. Thanks again to the diligence of other fellow soldiers of faith who often take a hit for the team.

Other blogs have done the research. Do your own. I have included a playlist of YouTube videos for you to ponder on if you have an inquiring mind on this topic; it’s just a beginning for you to do your own investigation. If it is true and we are living in a sort of ‘snow globe’ (to use Rob Skiba’s words), then the evidence will begin to ‘snowball’, as it is already doing. Don’t expect to be popular. I seem to have a knack for making my own life harder and harder. Ok “batter up”, “In for a penny in for a pound”, I’m already dead so shoot. More cliches…

Thankfully “every dog has his day” and NASA seems to be hemorrhaging. NASA’s blood is lies and the lies are seeping out. The Catholic Church ‘sponsors’ NASA’s cause through it’s shared heliocentric world view. Yes the Vatican is up to its neck in promoting evolution and a heliocentric model of the Universe. The Vatican and the Jesuits are big time into Astronomy too, wonder of wonders.  What do you do when your secret things are found out, when your hand is found under the Dome of the Cookie Jar. Perhaps stage a fake space tourism scene and then kill everyone you can and create a new lie after the smoke clears. Naturally the Alien agenda fits in here somewhere. It’s thus about time for a decent war and then set up last days Babylon in the Middle East. So I think it’s about time for World War 3, now that this cat is out of the bag. In fact I don’t think the ‘baddies’ are trying that hard to hide stuff anymore because they’re about to pull the pin anyway so who cares. I think the SpaceX show will run it’s course along with Jeff Bezoz and his bunny hop machine. It’s all a stage. A drama to tell lies. The Aliens are coming. NASA will save us along with Bruce Willis, Arnold Schwarzenegger and a bunch of NAZI’s and Vatican Assassins. Maybe Madonna will sing them to death or at least make them blush.

Despite NASA lies, the bible tells us a lot about the heavens.

The Laver, The Cherubim and the Heavenly Firmament: Thunder Dome

The bible contains the blueprints for the universe. The word says that the Lord stretched out the Heavens like a tent, Is 40:22. How wonderful to be entrusted with His building plans. Surely creation is a family business and we are all workmen in His House, He builds, we build with Him as fellow labourers, a Father-Son thing. Moses was instructed to make everything as he was shown on the Mountain according to the pattern in Heaven, Ex 25:9, Heb 8:5.

One of the articles in the tabernacle was the bronze Laver, Kiyor, כּיּור , Ex 30:18. It was between the brazen altar and the door to the tabernacle proper. It was for the Levitical Priesthood of Aaron to wash their hands and feet before they go into the tabernacle of the congregation. The Laver was made from the ‘Looking glasses’, מראה, of the women that assembled at the door of the tabernacle of the congregation, Ex 38:8. In Genesis 46:2 we are told that God spoke to Israel in ‘visions’ of the night. The word ‘visions’, is the same word translated ‘looking glasses’, plural מַרְאֹת, maarot singular, מראה, marah H4759. In fact the word is translated everywhere else as visions (plural מַרְאֹות marot), Ezek 1:1, 8:3, 43:2-3, Dan 10:7-8. The same word but with different vowels, מַרְאֶה, mareh H4758 is translated ‘appearance’, ‘sight’, ‘vision’ etc.

In the bible we read of the washing of the word, Eph 5:26-27. Could the Laver thus symbolize this necessity? It’s interesting that the context of this verse is related to husbands loving their wives. It would seem that washing and cleansing the church are especially related to the feminine and to love. Women tend to be more into keeping things clean than men. I know this is not always the case but it tends to be more the feminine thing. So the Laver was for cleaning and it was made from mirrors, but not just any ones mirrors, they belonged to women, and not just any women, but to the women that assembled at the door of the tent of meeting. Women use mirrors to ensure that they are looking good and desirable, desirable for love. The Laver was made from looking glasses and cleanness of hands and feet would also ensure that the Levitical priests were also able to approach the Lord יהוה, the King of Love so to speak. Because the Laver was related to the women’s mirrors it is of particular relevance to the Bride. Through cleansing the Bride can approach the groom, Eph 5:27.

We are also told in 1 Cor 13:12 that ‘we see through a glass darkly’. Here the Apostle Paul compares gifts and prophecy and seeing in part to the most excellent thing, ‘charity’, ἀγάπη or the love of God. Prophecy is often given in visions, מראה, related to the looking glasses. One day Prophecy will cease, even knowledge passes, but love remains. The prophecy has served it’s purpose, the bride and groom are one, Rev 21:9.

Apart from it’s spiritual symbolism regarding cleansing, the Laver symbolises heavenly things, the carts that carried the Lavers were engraved with cherubim. It is my belief that the Laver represents the firmament as I will explain later. The firmament is a physical barrier between the upper waters and the lower waters. It was created on the second day, the only day that God did not say ‘that it was good’. The firmament separates the earthly and the heavenly.

Before delving further into that let us look at the construction of the temple of Solomon and how the idea of the Laver is developed further…

Solomon’s Brazen Sea supported by 12 bulls.

Solomon built a ‘Brazen Sea’ to perform the same function as the Laver, although at 10 cubits diameter and 5 cubits deep it was much bigger, 1 Kings 7:23, 2 Chron 4:2. It rested upon 12 bulls facing outwards which reminds me of the 12 tribes of Israel, the 12 Apostles, 12 months of the year and the 12 corresponding constellations of the Zodiac (which in turn represent the tribes). Here then is another link to the Heavenly firmament in that the number 12 related to government is associated with it. Not only that but the number 12 corresponds to the 12 months of the year by which the Sun and Constellations make a complete circuit. And according to scripture the sun and moon where placed in the firmament which the Brazen Sea seems to represent.

Both the Laver and the Sea where made of brass, a metal that is related to priestly duties requiring purging or elevation by fire. The word for ‘brass’, נחשׁת, also is related to ‘serpent’, נחשׁ. All sin ultimately stems from the Serpent, Satan. Satan daily contests and withstands the saints, accusing them day and night before the throne of God, Job 1:6-12, Rev 12:10. He is represented at the centre of the dome in the constellation of Draco. He will descend to earth when the Bride has made herself ready, when she is standing on the moon, clothed with the sun. She will have been washed by the word and cleansed in the Spirit, which the Laver and Bronze Sea represent. She has looked into the mirror (remember the looking glasses that the laver was made of) and has been transformed into the perfection of purity. Now the Dragon cannot touch her directly, Rev 12. He then goes after the remnant of her seed amongst the nations that keep the commandments of God and the testimony of Yeshua. (Israel is already regathered, including the lost tribes, before the events of Revelation chapter 4 even unfold.)

In the book of Revelation we read of the ‘Sea of Glass’ that the Heavenly Temple stands above. Upon this are the souls of those martyrs which Satan is permitted to kill, they are the righteous amongst the nations. The woman on the moon clothed with the sun in contrast is believing Israel, in the Wilderness just as they were at Mt Sinai millennia ago. Now however they are ready, the bride is without spot or wrinkle, Eph 5:27. How apt then that the righteous amongst the nations have also cleansed their garments. The Brazen Sea represents that cleansing process for Israel and by extension the 10 lavers that were also made by Solomon.

וַיַּעַשׂ כִּיֹּורִים עֲשָׂרָה וַיִּתֵּן חֲמִשָּׁה מִיָּמִין וַחֲמִשָּׁה מִשְּׂמֹאול לְרָחְצָה בָהֶם אֶת־מַעֲשֵׂה  הָעֹולָה יָדִיחוּ בָם וְהַיָּם לְרָחְצָה לַכֹּהֲנִים בֹּֽו׃
He made also ten lavers, and put five on the right hand, and five on the left, to wash in them: such things as they offered for the burnt offering they washed in them; but the sea was for the priests to wash in.

2 Chronicles 4:6

These 10 lavers are first mentioned in 1 Kings 7:30. The 10 lavers that were made at Solomon’s command where specifically for the washing of the temple sacrifices used as burnt offerings. Could this washing of animal sacrifices represent (among other things) the sacrifice of the gentile believers who are the ‘remnant’ of the seed of the woman, Rev 12:17? Is this not directly connected to what these 10 lavers are used for? They are being washed for sure, Rev 7:14. The lavers contained water for the washing of the animal. However the washing is by the Word, Eph 5:26. The word became flesh and visited the wedding feast and turned water into wine, John 2. And so washing in water and the washing in the blood of the lamb could both be represented by the function of these 10 lavers.

OK so the 10 lavers have a spiritual symbolism. If we look at the lavers as part of a blueprint for the universe, where do they fit in as part of a building plan? Let’s get back to the firmament and its mechanism. The firmament, like the Brazen sea and the 10 lavers contained water. The firmament was to separate the upper waters from the lower waters, Gen 1:6. The upper waters are thus above the firmament. The waters below had to be separated from tbose above to cause dry land to appear, thats just the physical pashat meaning. Spiritually what was unclean and tainted had to be separated from what is pure and clean above. And here we are below those pure clean upper waters in this unclean and impure world. And it is here that we are being purified. We have a Saviour that has gone before us and and adversary that accuses us under the super dome where this contest plays itself out. Above the dome is water and above that a sea of glass and heaven. In fact there may be layers of domes or heavens (as perhaps implied by the 10 lavers). And around the earth is another greater sea of water. The ‘snow globe’ of the Earth is within a sea of water. By the way, it looks like Leviathan swims in this sea (Job 41:1; Psalms 74:14; 104:26; Isaiah 27:1).


<< Not a good habit to get into if you are a snake. Leviathan like the milky way non galaxy represents Satan and his children, collectively Leviathan, Levi Dragon. Satan is a fallen priest musician, what Korah wanted was the priesthood as well as music, but that’s another story. Anyway Leviathan inhabits the sea surrounding the earth in the heavenly waters.

Now the Brazen Sea was upon the 12 bulls as described earlier. The Brazen Sea was large at 10 cubits wide and heavy in comparison with the 10 lavers. Notice the number 10 links these two items. We are reminded of the 10 commandments and thus the washing of the word. The 10 lavers were carried upon carts with four wheels and they were engraved with cherubim, lions and palm trees. The Lion and the Palm tree reminds us of the ‘Lion of the tribe of Judah’ and the righteous of the nations, Psalm 92:12, and ultimately the bride in the Song of Solomon 7:7-8. The same motif is used in Ezekiel’s yet unbuilt temple.

וְעָשׂוּי כְּרוּבִים וְתִֽמֹרִים וְתִֽמֹרָה בֵּין־כְּרוּב לִכְרוּב וּשְׁנַיִם פָּנִים לַכְּרֽוּב׃
18  And it was made with cherubims and palm trees, so that a palm tree was between a cherub and a cherub; and every cherub had two faces;

וּפְנֵי אָדָם אֶל־הַתִּֽמֹרָה מִפֹּו וּפְנֵֽי־כְפִיר אֶל־הַתִּֽמֹרָה מִפֹּו עָשׂוּי אֶל־כָּל־הַבַּיִת סָבִיב סָבִֽיב׃
19  So that the face of a man was toward the palm tree on the one side, and the face of a young lion toward the palm tree on the other side: it was made through all the house round about.

Ezekiel 41:18-19

The Cherubim above the wheels of the carts and part of the structure supporting the lavers. All this appears to be symbolic of the heavenly cherubim and wheels as described in Ezekiel’s vision.

וְאַרְבָּעָה פָנִים לְאֶחָד פְּנֵי הָאֶחָד פְּנֵי הַכְּרוּב וּפְנֵי הַשֵּׁנִי פְּנֵי אָדָם וְהַשְּׁלִישִׁי פְּנֵי אַרְיֵה וְהָרְבִיעִי פְּנֵי־נָֽשֶׁר׃
14  And every one had four faces: the first face was the face of a cherub, and the second face was the face of a man, and the third the face of a lion, and the fourth the face of an eagle.

וַיֵּרֹמּוּ הַכְּרוּבִים הִיא הַחַיָּה אֲשֶׁר רָאִיתִי בִּֽנְהַר־כְּבָֽר׃
15  And the cherubims were lifted up. This is the living creature that I saw by the river of Chebar.

וּבְלֶכֶת הַכְּרוּבִים יֵלְכוּ הָאֹופַנִּים אֶצְלָם וּבִשְׂאֵת הַכְּרוּבִים אֶת־כַּנְפֵיהֶם לָרוּם מֵעַל הָאָרֶץ לֹא־יִסַּבּוּ הָאֹופַנִּים גַּם־הֵם מֵאֶצְלָֽם׃
16  And when the cherubims went, the wheels went by them: and when the cherubims lifted up their wings to mount up from the earth, the same wheels also turned not from beside them.

Ezekiel 10:14-16

They support a firmament above their heads. The lavers symbolize the firmament while the carts represent the cherubim and their wheels which support the firmament and move it. There seems to be multiple firmaments symbolized with 10 carts and their lavers and the brazen sea. Does this indicate multiple heavens? There seems to be different sorts of cherubim, some with two faces and others with four.

By the way there are many anthropomorphic terms that describe the carts and their wheels in 1 Kings 7. including;

  • axletrees ידות, yadot, related to the word for ‘hand’
  • ledges יד, yad, also related to ‘hand’
  • naves גב, gav related to the word for ‘back’
  • undersetters כּתף, ketef, related to the word for ‘shoulder’
  • corner פּנּה, penah related to the word for ‘face’

And some of these anthropomorphic terms appear in the descriptions of the Heavenly Cherubim that Ezekiel saw.

It is extraordinary that the firmament above the heads of the cherubim are described as ice or kerach. וּדְמוּת עַל־רָאשֵׁי  הַחַיָּה רָקִיעַ כְּעֵין הַקֶּרַח הַנֹּורָא נָטוּי עַל־רָאשֵׁיהֶם מִלְמָֽעְלָה׃

And the likeness of the firmament upon the heads of the living creature was as the colour of the terrible crystal, stretched forth over their heads above.

Ezekiel 1:22

The word translated crystal is the word for ice and also a bald head, like a dome! Since the firmament above the cherubim was crystal, It supports the idea of a crystalline structure to the firmament above the earth. And it’s this crystal firmament that rockets and space shuttles can’t get passed and hence their sideways trajectory a few minutes after launch. If they kept going directly up they would hit the roof of the fishbowl.

Whatever your opinion on the shape of the earth it is the opinion of this author that there is a solid crystal dome firmament that NASA cannot penetrate. This is why the International Space Station’s weightlessness is faked and we never went to the moon. And they can’t even take a genuine picture of the whole earth. Is something getting in their way? Or is the earth a different shape? Or both?

America grows and shrinks check out 2012 image of America compared with 2002. Perhaps the size of America expands with the deficit?

Yes there is a firmament dome. The bible says so. This is why NASA’s pictures of the globe have been faked because they can’t photograph the entire thing because the ceiling of the firmament dome gets in the way. So what NASA and the so called Space Tourism and rocket companies are a part of is a stage show and conspiracy of the highest order a term I used before but needs to be emphasized.

There are some other videos that have helped me reach these conclusions, especially the video of the Atomic explosions during operation Fishbowl which clearly show a flat canopy absorbing the explosion laterally and very unusually. See “HD Operation Fishbowl  nuke blast in space 1962”. I’ll talk about operation Fishbowl later.

The video of the atomic explosion in the atmosphere looks like it is hitting something flat and then being partially absorbed into the material. Could this be the firmament dome made of some glassy transparent substance? Is it possible to absorb nuclear explosions with some large exotic transparent glass/material?

See “Sending Thor to Smash the Firmament” and “Scientists discover Earth’s Star Trek style invisible shield (The Firmament Glas”.

Another piece of evidence is the Sprites and Elves in the atmosphere around the Karman Line that also implies a hard physical barrier. The Karman Line is the official edge of space.

Elfes look like they are hitting the firmament dome barrier as did the nuclear detonations of operation Fishbowl.

Another interesting video was of an amateur rocket that stopped suddenly after its main engine had spent its fuel and was coasting for a while. It seems to have hit the ceiling of the firmament. Go check it out at “Rocket hitting the flat earth dome”. My only question with this little video is why is the rocket sticking to the ceiling while spinning? Did someone put some glue on its nose? Why does it just stick? Is the Dome Firmament sticky? Or is this video fake also? I didn’t go for a ride so I’ll never know. Perhaps this is where the geosynchronous satellites go, maybe they use the same glue and stick to the ceiling and fold out their solar wings to power their electronics. Just joking and half wondering. Anyway there’s a firmament because the bible says so. It didn’t disappear after the flood otherwise the heavenly waters above the dome would flood the earth. So unless you’re an AstroNOT or a Globetrotter basketballer with a pretty mean jump you’ll just have to figure it out from your keyboard or build your own amateur rocket and touch the sky.

Now I understand why all those various reusable rocket technologies have been held back year on year for 50 years. NASA can’t do Space any more than Luke Skywalker can go to light speed. But they can fake it like George Lucas. Yes the rockets go up, but they soon go horizontal across the firmament about 100 km above our head. Most of them end up in the water, but not the heavenly waters.

Careful Jeff, not too high, don’t bump your head.

Go up past the 100 km Karman line (boundary of ‘space’, aka ‘Dome Firmament’) and you may hit your head. Go watch some video of the Space Shuttle. This horizontal trajectory is not due to the supposed spin of the earth, because if it was the earth’s rotation that caused the rockets to travel horizontally then they would not turn on their axis in a horizontal mode but rather they would move horizontally while pointing upward. OK so I am repeating myself but I can’t believe I couldn’t see this before! The mind reinterpreted what my eyes clearly told me. My mind deceived me because it had been deceived by an authority figure, aka quack physics by NASA.

Space Tourists with rocket companies like ‘Blue Origin’ or ‘Virgin Galactic’ will only ever go up to the Karman Line or below the Dome. SpaceX just fakes the ISS resupply stuff, Yes the rocket goes up, but then it goes sideways and dumps the payload in the sea. So NASA fakes space and so do the reusable rocket guys. They go up, but not all the way, they go sideways and seawards. This has been happening since the 60’s.

Another Illuminati playing card personally photographed by me in Detroit, Michigan in 2015.

I could also add the fake movie real of the first American spacewalk by Ed White from Gemini 4 in 1965. This was clearly stop motion photography with an added background of a rotating globe shot at a different frame rate and in much deeper colour only available on a larger film size. It’s so obvious once you see it. Have a look at the following video “1965 NASA BUSTED – Stop Motion Animation Revealed”.

Look I am sorry to break it to the space geeks and SpaceX believers. Honest. I have been a space geek also. What a waste of time. So I can understand if you feel like a jilted Prom Queen at the NASA Earth Ball. Maybe you’d prefer us to be on an insignificant blue dot floating in an ever expanding godless universe. If you look at the model of the Universe given to us by Physicists then it is a cold nihilistic vision. In their made up world, God is further away if He exists at all. For creationists Heaven has to be in another dimension because we can’t see it from our telescopes. With a ball earth orbiting the sun, there is more room to entertain fantasies like evolution and alien invasions. However the reality is that NASA and their world view is a show. Actually it’s more of a Shakespearean tragedy. NASA’s space time continuum will never end with us going to the Moon or Mars or even Low Earth Orbit. It’s a Space Opera and NASA is an evolutionary dead end, along with evolution itself. There are plenty of bucks but no Star Bucks, or Buck Rogers, no conquest of space, just Star Trek and Space Balls.

Circles & Squares: the Art of Map Projections

If indeed there is a solid transparent firmament dome above our heads and NASA fakes space and images of the earth from space then it begs the question as to the true shape of the earth. I am tending towards a flat sort of disk shape as others have postulated. Still I have some objections that are yet to be answered, chiefly concerning the path of the stars in the southern hemisphere which supports a globe earth not a flat disk plane unless there is some fancy mirrored mechanism above our heads that we haven’t quite figured out just yet (give us a chance – we have only just figured out the NASA fakes low earth orbit).

If the earth is disk shaped with the North Pole being the centre of the disk, then what and where is the south pole if there is no pole in the south? The Antarctic must then be the edge of the disk and not a continent at the bottom of the globe but a landmass that stretches around the circumference of the disk as illustrated below.

According to this Azimuthal Projection commonly used to represent the flat earth model, Antarctica is actually a land mass that straddles the circumference of a disk shaped earth. There is no South Pole, just a southern circumference.

North is the center of the disk while South is the circumference. Antarctica is the white smudge around the edge of the Azimuthal map above. East and West are anticlockwise and clockwise motion respectively around the center. The Map above is a projection.

Map makers try to turn a 3 dimensional spherical image into a flat 2 dimensional image. By doing so there are going to be distortions. Of course the earth may not be spherical, but that is another story. The reason we have different types of maps which are called ‘Projections’ is because they are projecting a 3D image onto a 2D screen. At least our puppet masters tell us it’s a globe. To know the exact shape of the continents we can use triangulation of the sun from different locations at the same time and create or verify the real map. There are folks trying to do that now. So NASA and the Vatican are running out of time. Let’s get this world war 3 thing going says the men in black (robes, aka Jesuits).

UN Symbol using the Azimuthal projection but minus Antartica (why complicate things?).

-So many of our maps are projections of various kinds. The map of the world that we commonly see is the Mercator Map Projection (below) and it stretches the true size of the continents the further north of south you go. Greenland appears way bigger than it actually is for example. The Mercator Map stretches the continents because its trying to project a so called spherical globe on a flat 2D surface and so the North and South Pole becomes to the top and bottom line of the map. That is, the closer you get to the poles the more the width is stretched until you get to the dot called the pole and the dot becomes a line. (You may need time to think this through followed by some sleeping pills.)

The Mercator Projection – this is the one that is most typically used to depict the world. However the land masses get stretched the closer you get to the poles. Compare with the map below.

To help fix the shortcomings of distortion the closer we get to the Poles we need another sort of Projection Map. So now the drum rolls and the band begins to play, enter the Gall-Peters projection below. Now Greenland is not this huge white mass and Norway has shrunk.

The Gall-Peters Projection, Greenland is back down to size. Things don’t get unnaturally stretched the further to the poles you go as in the Mercator projection above.

But the popular flat earth picture (the round one above) is also a projection (Azimuthal) and distorts the true shape of the continents also. Those land masses closest to the centre are the most correct and those furthest from it are the most distorted. Arghhh!!! Can’t we get anything straight?!!! Life is not supposed to be easy. Walking to your car is relatively easy if it’s in the carport, but getting to the ends of the earth or even the shape of it is another matter entirely.

The more literally I read the word the flatter the earth becomes and the nearer the Heavens appear to be.

Now I expect that there were some folks in high places that were in the know concerning the firmament way back in the 40’s who decided to see if they could find the edge of the Dome. At least that is one theory as to what happened. Let me briefly share a little history and conspiratorial commentary…

A Byrd’s perspective of Antarctica

USS Philippine Sea & Admiral Byrd.

Just after world war two the USA sent a large military fleet including an aircraft carrier, ‘USS Philippine Sea’ to the Antarctic to scout out the area. There was interest before then of course by the USA, Germany, Britain and others. Because maritime and aviation and general technology had dramatically improved mankind could now traverse Antarctica’s cruel landscape with a more thorough survey of this last continent frontier.

And so initiated by Admiral Richard E. Byrd, the adventure began according to Wikipedea as follows…

Operation Highjump commenced 26 August 1946 and ended in late February 1947. Task Force 68 included 4,700 men, 13 ships, and 33 aircraft. Operation Highjump’s primary mission was to establish the Antarctic research base Little America IV.


The stated purpose of the expedition seem innocuous enough, establish an American presence and sovereignty, testing their ability to camp and set up bases, survey the area and test various atmospheric and electromagnetic conditions. Byrd also had done a number of missions to Antarctica before the war. The operation split into three groups, eastern, western and central which was located on the area called ‘Little America’ around the Ross Ice shelf.

The three US navel groups of operation Highjump.

What is fascinating is simply why should the USA care so much about a windswept chunk of ice at the bottom of the world? Various theories have been postulated including fighting a secret NAZI base established in ‘New Swabia’ after World War two, a base that included NAZI developed flying saucers. (If that’s the case I am sure Ford ran the assembly line!) Sadly it is difficult to know exactly what has been going on down there, speculation is rife. The name of the Operation tells us something, “Highjump”. One of the difficulties in getting to plant your feet on Antarctica is that much of its perimeter is a vertical wall of ice. Highjump jumped this wall and set up base. The US has had a continuous military and scientific presence in Antarctica ever since. Officially there is no military presence but the military are heavily involved with the logistics operations so it is really just semantics depending on your point of view. Of course operation Highjump just got over the first wall as others had done, I don’t know if any touched the wall of the dome at that stage. Who knows. They were there to survey and set up camp essentially.

In 1955-56 Operation Deep Freeze began with the official aim as follows according to Wikipedia:

The impetus behind Operation Deep Freeze I was the International Geophysical Year 1957–58. IGY as it was known was a collaborative effort among forty nations to carry out earth science studies from the North Pole to the South Pole and at points in between. The United States along with New Zealand, the United Kingdom, France, Japan, Norway, Chile, Argentina, and the U.S.S.R. agreed to go to the South Pole, the least explored area on Earth. Their goal was to advance world knowledge of Antarctic hydrography and weather systems, glacial movements, and marine life. The U.S. Navy was charged with supporting the U.S. scientists for their portion of the IGY studies.

In 1955, Task Force 43 was formed to carry out this work.[1] Operation Deep Freeze I prepared a permanent research station and paved the way for more exhaustive research in later Deep Freeze operations. The expedition transpired over the Antarctic summer of November 1955 to April 1956.


According to some flat earth conspiracy theories the US and others had discovered the Boundary of the Dome in the far off windswept highlands of Antarctica. That is why they hastily made it off limits to mining and industry and general civilization via the UN Antarctic Treaty signed on the 1st of December 1959. Again Wikipedia states:

The Antarctic Treaty and related agreements, collectively known as the Antarctic Treaty System (ATS), regulate international relations with respect to Antarctica, Earth’s only continent without a native human population. For the purposes of the treaty system, Antarctica is defined as all of the land and ice shelves south of 60°S latitude. The treaty, entering into force in 1961 and having 53 parties as of 2016, sets aside Antarctica as a scientific preserve, establishes freedom of scientific investigation and bans military activity on that continent. The treaty was the first arms control agreement established during the Cold War. The Antarctic Treaty Secretariat headquarters have been located in Buenos Aires, Argentina, since September 2004.

The main treaty was opened for signature on December 1, 1959, and officially entered into force on June 23, 1961. The original signatories were the 12 countries active in Antarctica during the International Geophysical Year (IGY) of 1957–58. The twelve countries that had significant interests in Antarctica at the time were: Argentina, Australia, Belgium, Chile, France, Japan, New Zealand, Norway, South Africa, the Soviet Union, the United Kingdom and the United States. These countries had established over 50 Antarctic stations for the IGY. The treaty was a diplomatic expression of the operational and scientific cooperation that had been achieved “on the ice”.


This to me is highly unusual due to the extreme military interest in Antarctica along with Richard E. Byrd’s statements as to its resources and then suddenly making it out of bounds to all but scientists for the benefits of nature and peace. Personally I smell a rat. As if they ever cared about that before or after. Government and industry are all in bed together. Peaceful purposes? It’s all hot air, they are hiding something. But what are they hiding?

We then are left with conspiracy theories and speculation. If Antarctica encircles the flat disk of the earth and inland at some point it meets with the solid dome of the firmament then that is one explanation.  For me this would seem weird science indeed except for the fakery I see concerning NASA’s photography of the Earth, faking Low Earth Orbit, Faking the Lunar landing, Rockets going sideways instead of up. Something is really wrong with NASA and space.

Something is really wrong with our basic idea of what is up there; as to the exact shape of the earth and whether it is a completely flat disk or not, there is still much that needs further investigation. Suffice to say that I think that if we are hitting a wall in our comprehension, NASA is hitting the ceiling in theirs. The Firmament dome is a really inconvenient truth no matter what shape the earth is. There is much more that could be written about Admiral Byrd and Antarctica, do your own investigation, I’m just throwing a few crumbs. This article is already too long!

Southern Hemisphere & ‘Pole’ is much colder than North

If the earth is a spherical shape orbiting the sun then you would expect the north and south pole to have similar temperatures. And you would expect the Southern and Northern Hemispheres to have about the same temperatures in the corresponding seasons if they are the same distance from the equator (of course one is a certain distance north of the equator and the other is a certain distance from it). Well folks that just isn’t what is happening, not by a long shot. There is a drastic difference in temperatures at the Poles and corresponding latitudes north and south of the equator. So what’s going on?

First here’s a little bit of boring classroom stuff so we know what we are talking about…

On the heliocentric spherical earth model there is an Axial tilt of the globe earth around the sun causes the seasons. From the earth’s perspective the sun moves 23.4 degrees north and south of the equator over the course or a year.

The Earth we are told is a globe orbiting the sun. Apparently it also has an Axial tilt of 23.4 degrees according to Wikipedia and officially 23.5 degrees (°) according to others.
(Another way of measuring the tilt is to measure it perpendicular to the orbital plane around the sun. This is simply 90 – 23.4 = 66.6 degrees (interesting number, the number of man and the beast!).

If the earth is indeed a globe spinning on it’s 23.4° axis orbiting the sun then the seasons are caused by one hemisphere of the earth getting proportionately more sun for 6 months than the other. And then halfway through the earths orbit the other hemisphere gets more sun. On a map you will see a line denoting the tropic of cancer which is 23.4° north of the equator and the tropic of Capricorn which is 23.4° south of the equator. The tropics are literally the area where the sun at its zenith seems to move between over the course of the year in order to create our seasons. 

Tropics on a sphere earth model.
tropics on a flat earth model

You would expect the South ‘Pole’ to be about the same temperature as the north pole. However that is not the case. The South ‘Pole’ is much colder than the North Pole. Much much much colder.

The following is from;

The annual mean temperature at the
South Pole in winter is -76F (-60C) and -18F
(-28.2C) in summer.
The annual mean temperature at the
North Pole is -40F (-40C) in winter
and 32F (0C) in summer.


So it would seem that the temperatures at the poles are drastically different. The arctic circle even has a real summer and plant life. But Antarctica is totally miserable by comparison.

It’s not just Antarctica that’s much colder. The Southern hemisphere is colder than the north. That’s right, latitudes in the Southern Hemisphere are much colder than their corresponding opposite in the Northern Hemisphere. So if both hemispheres of the spherical earth are receiving the same amount of light then why the difference?

If we took New Zealand and put it at an equal but opposite latitude in the Northern Hemisphere it would be located over Spain and below Britain. New Zealand lies between latitudes 29° to 53° South of the equator. Spain lies between 26° to 44° North. Britain which is far closer to the Arctic than New Zealand is to the Antarctic should have longer twilight than New Zealand – and it does.

New Zealand superimposed above europe at the same but opposite lattitude which is about level with Spain and well below Britain.

Even though Britain is far further North than New Zealand is South in latitude, it has far warmer weather than it should. Some of this is due the influence of the warmer ocean current surrounding Britain. But why is it warmer? According to the flat earth map it is because the sun dwells longer in anyone place in the northern ‘hemisphere’ during its summer than the opposite latitude in the southern ‘hemisphere’. The sun actually has to travel a greater distance south of the equator to do a full circle, ie in 24 hours. By comparison the nights cool down much faster in New Zealand according to some (I would be interested to see some research to confirm this).

So just to emphasize this point again, if the Earth is essentially a flat disk and the sun spends less time in any one spot the further south it goes from the equator towards the tropic of Capricorn (23.4° south) then the Southern latitude is going to be colder than it’s Northern counterpart.  The sun travels faster as it travels towards the tropic of Capricorn because to make a complete circuit of the earth in 24 hours it has to cover more ground as the circle it is covering is wider, ie, its orbit above the disk. See the pictures of the flat earth in the section below titled ‘The Flat Earth & Enoch’s Heavenly Vision’ for illustration.

I do recommend that you check out this stuff for yourself. A very good beginning is Eric Dubay’s blog article titled ‘The Arctic and Antarctic Prove Flat Earth‘. Also check out his YouTube video on the same article text but with pictures and video depicting things more clearly. I am not sure I agree with the observations concerning twilight in New Zealand. New Zealand’s twilight is going to be less than Britain’s because it is not as far south as Britain is north. The further you go from the equator towards the poles the longer the twilight. Anyway it’s worth a look, especially to compare the green Arctic summers compared to the frigid Antarctic summers. Also of note is that once you cross about 50° latitude South you encounter very little plant life in comparison to the same latitude in the Northern hemisphere, again supporting the flat earth model.

Flowers and grass in Ilulissat, Greenland 69°13′N 51°06′W, well within the 66N Arctic Circle. Try finding something growing like this at the same latitude south near Antartica or even further north of Antartica above the Antarctic circle.

We are told that Antarctica is colder than the Arctic because it is at a higher elevation. From what I see, a lot of that higher elevation is due to Antarctica being covered with a huge mound of ice, especially noticeable along the coastline with guarded by abrupt ice wall plateau. So it’s colder because its higher, and its higher because its covered with a thick layer of ice. So it is sort of circular reasoning. But the land mass of Antarctica does seem to rise as you go inland towards the ‘Pole’ or circumference (on the flat earth model). However I am struck by the abrupt shoreline at the edge of Antarctica with a huge ice shelf. This shows me that there is a massive difference in average temperature even at sea level. If we are on a flat disk shaped earth then the sun spends little time traversing the circumference of the disk, which is Antarctica. The ice never gets a chance to melt. Combined with this is the fact that the southern hemisphere is considerably cooler than the north and something else is creating the temperature difference in Antarctica as well as the southern hemisphere in general. That is, the earth is flat and the sun spends less time in one spot of the southern hemisphere as already stated. Stuff to think about. 

The Antarctic continent is surrounded by huge vertical stone or ice cliff walls along much of its coast. And it’s average temperature is much much colder than the Arctic.

No detectable curvature of earth

No visible curvature. From Rob Skiba’s testingtheglobe.com website.
No curvature from up here either! https://testingtheglobe.com/apollo2.html

We can’t all fly off on a rocket ship and see if the earth is really a globe or not. We can’t even travel to the hinterland of Antarctica to see if the edge of the Dome Firmament walls rise from there. Even if somehow we mounted an expedition we would have the military shew us away and we would get heavy fines, imprisonment or maybe we might die mysteriously as certain physicists have. But although some places are out of our reach, many of us may be able to climb and mountain or go to the beach and take a photograph of the curvature of the earth if it in fact that curvature exists. This is something that some researchers have already begun to do. The picture above is from Rob Skiba’s testingtheglobe.com website. I recommend you check it out. Of course there are many others out there doing their part to verify the shape of the earth.

Another thing that can be readily tested is that as well as curvature to the left or right of the centre of a photo of the horizion, there should be the same curvature forwards and backwards. Things far away should disappear behind the horizon. If the Earth is Spherical then tall buildings should not be visible from a certain distance away.

Last year I was in the USA and Rob Skiba visited a messianic fellowship named B’nae Yisrael near Fort Smith, Arkansas that I was attending. It was wonderful to hear of his discoveries and adventures and he mentioned the skyline issue, there was no discernible curvature. I was intrigued by the information shared but I had some issues. I list some problems to the flat earth towards the end of this article. 

Rob Skiba heard that the Chicago Skyline was visable from the other side of lake Michigan over 60 miles away. The picture below is not possible on a globe earth with the dimensions we are given at 6,371 km (3,959 mi). It would be below the curve of the earth and not visable above the horizon.

The ‘impossibly visible’ skyline of Chicago from the other side of Lake. Claimed to be a mirage.

The Chicago skyline from Grand Mere State Park (on the other side of Lake Michigan)
Here we have the impossible. The distance between Grand Mere State Park in Stevensville and Chicago is about 60 miles. At that distance, Chicago should be nearly a half-mile (2,400 ft) below the horizon – assuming we are on a ball with a curvature of 8″ per mile! So, how do they explain it away? “Oh, that’s just a mirage.” Seriously? Give me a break!

– See more at: http://testingtheglobe.com/quest2.html

Was the picture above a mirage? Rob chartered a boat on a clear day this year, 2016, to check it out. Indeed the Chicago skyline was visible from the other side of the lake, 46 miles away. He should not have been able to see it. But there it was. See Rob’s YouTube video ‘Rob Skiba proves the Chicago skyline as seen from the other side is NOT a mirage‘. At that distance, 46 miles, the buildings should be at least 1000 to 1600 feet lowered from the horizon. A portion of Sears Tower at 1,451 feet (442 m) tall could appear but not the shorter buildings.

There are plenty of examples on the internet of experiments that fail to show any curvature to the earth at all. Now that I have introduced this subject, do your own research.

The following chart shows you how much an object should fall below the horizon over increasing distances. Perhaps you can do your own investigations in your own area?

The Flat Earth & Enoch’s Heavenly Vision

Enoch’s path of the Sun and moon through six gates. Actually this map shows 7 gate paths when you include the equator.
Orbit of the Sun and Moon upon the flat earth. The Sun slowly spirals towards the tropic of Cancer (towards the North, which is at the centre) over 6 months. It then moves towards the south (circumference) over a further 6 months.

This section for me is a real big deal. There are books outside the cannon of scripture that are quoted or referred to directly by the bible. One of these is the book of Jasher and another one is Enoch. Enoch tells us a lot of things that are alluded to in the bible either directly in indirectly but it goes into much more detail, for example concerning Enoch’s life and the giants or Nephilim (fallen ones). However it’s astronomy section looked like it came from some crude and illiterate numskull living in some medieval backwater (or Australia -sorry I’ve just had enough of my incarceration in this prison island, a prison for my soul). So because Enoch’s cosmology sounded daft I put that stuff in the too hard basket and shrugged my shoulders and studied something else.

When reading the book of Enoch concerning its cosmology it makes absolutely no sense at all and one is tempted to throw it in the trash bin. But that is because we are trying to apply the mechanics of a spherical earth and a heliocentric solar system upon writings that are based upon a flat earth with a dome firmament in which the sun and moon rotate about a stationary earth.

The section of the book of Enoch that concerns the movement of the sun over the earth is chapter LXXII, and is simply titled, ‘The Sun.’ It is the first section of “THE BOOK OF THE COURSES OF THE HEAVENLY LUMINARIES”. It describes the sun going through three portals northwards, taking three months or one month per portal. It then describes doing the same but southward through the same portals in reverse order. It continues to describe it going down a further three portals southward. Then it goes up northward again through those last three portals to end where it began. What the hang is it talking about? This made no sense to me at all until it was explained by Zen Garcia on YouTube using the flat earth model. Check out the 15 min snippet from Rob Skiba’s interview with Zen ‘Zen Garcia Plots the Course of the Sun Over the Flat Earth‘. If you’ve got the time check out the full YouTube interview with Zen at ‘TFR – Revolutionary Radio with Zen Garcia: Flat Earth and the Firmament‘.

If this orbital motion of Enoch sounds confusing, check out the pictures above or Rob Skiba’s helpful video in the interview above. Enoch is basically describing seasons from spring (3 months) moving into the summer (3 months) in the northern hemisphere and then autumn (3 months) to winter(winter 3 months) to summer again.

That is, the sun is moving from the equator to the tropic of cancer to the equator again, then to the tropic of Capricorn and finally back to the equator going northward towards the tropic of cancer to repeat the cycle. Look if nothing else, you may get a better understanding of the tropics, maybe one day you can book a flight and have a holiday. Dreams are free huh?

OK so getting back to the book of Enoch, it supports a factual flat earth model along with the rest of the bible and apocrypha and not the pseudo-science of NASA and the Vatican Jesuits Sun worship of the Heliocentric solar system. The biblical calendar is a luni-solar calendar with the sun and moon rotating around a fixed earth.

“Astronauts to the moon, ha ha.”

Sun Rays, Rainbows and Moon Shadows

Back here on earth we find that the Sun’s rays stream through the clouds in the shape of a pyramid, as if the sun is a lot closer than 93 million miles as we’ve been told by men in white coats with serious frowns and letters after their name. According to the bible it is a lot closer -it’s in the firmament. And the firmament is a solid dome. It’s hard for the mind to break free of ‘science falsely so called’, 1 Tim 6:20.

There is no indication of a rotating earth in scripture but there are scriptures telling us that Lord יהוה made the earth unmovable, 1 Chronicles 16:30, Psalms 104:5. And thus whatever is spinning around above our heads is actually what is spinning, not the earth. Yes you can reinterpret it and say that it is written from the point of view of someone on earth looking up but if you just read the biblical and even extra biblical writings including Enoch, it all depicts a flat earth. I am trying to be fare to the bible and I can’t ignore it or NASA’s fakery any more.

I am not saying that you can calculate the distance to the sun from the rays, but you can tell it’s not millions of miles away otherwise the rays would be coming in almost parallel. But they don’t.

What is even more bizarre is Lunar phases and shadows. Ive seen phases of the moon that don’t have the shadow on the correct side. Lunar eclipses are crazy too. Close inspection of Lunar eclipses on mornings when the sun is rising at the opposite end of the horizon show the ‘earth’ shadow on the wrong side of the moon! The eclipse shadow on the moon is above when it should be below if the sun is also above the horizon. Thus the light of the sun behind a supposed ‘spherical’ earth does not create the shadow; something else is creating this effect. See “Daytime Lunar Eclipse Footage Debunks The Ball Earth – The Flat Earth Reality”. According to the scriptures the moon has its own light! Isaiah 13:10. There are many other anomalous effects related to the phases of the moon that contradict the supposed light of the sun creating the light of the moon. Indeed the nature of the moon’s light is cold and according to some actually drains heat! This is something that I will investigate further. Obviously I haven’t spent enough time under the moon light.

I feel greatly liberated by what I have so far learned (if not a little cheesed by wasting so much time investigating reusable rocket companies). I see a wonderful science to the Word which completely contradicts the so called science of the ‘enlightenment’ and their pagan astronomy that worships the sun. How much treasure is in our Father’s Word compared to the darkness of the ‘Illuminated’? “The world by wisdom knew not God”, 1 Cor 1:21 and they don’t even understand the world they are living in or that there is a firmament above their head.

I am not sure about this one, but I thought I would put it out there and perhaps someone can confirm or refute it. I am told that a rainbow cannot be produced indoors from non sunlight using the water droplets alone. I have not verified this. If this is true it implies that there is a second refraction source required to produce the rainbow effect from non sunlight. The Dome firmament would be that source outside in the sun.

Flat Earth Problems!!!

There are lots of problems yet to be resolved with the flat earth model if in fact it is correct. I know that the spherical earth and heliocentric model fall short. I know there is a solid firmament dome. So this is not an exhaustive list of problems, just the two ones that spin my wheels without getting me anywhere.

There are two main problems to the flat earth model that I can’t ignore. The first one concerns the southern star trails and it is a show stopper unless there is a better explanation than the spherical two poled earth model. The reason that I believe the earth is flat is that the earth has a firmament that is clearly described as a dome. And the second reason that I have swung towards the flat earth Model is that NASA clearly fakes space including low earth orbit space walks and space stations, globe earth photographs, missions to the moon and beyond.

Flat Earth problem 1:
Southern Hemisphere & the Path of the Stars around the Southern Celestial Pole

The issue of the rotation of the stars seen in the Southern Hemisphere about the south celestial pole is the major showstopper in understanding the physical shape of the earth and how it relates to heaven, at least for me. If we are on a disk then the stars all revolve around one pole, the north pole. And so as you go southward past the equator towards what is called the southern Hemisphere (on the globe model) you should see the stars move sideways along the horizon. But instead you see them rotate around another pole, the south celestial pole. There are videos on YouTube that describe this pretty clearly including this well animated one titled ‘Revisiting the Pole Stars Conundrum‘ from a rather arrogant, rude and peeved British globe earth pundit who explains the issue pretty clearly and sneeringly. I have heard some pretty bizarre explanations that I can’t accept. So I patiently watch and wait for enlightenment (while getting older and fading away waiting for God).

If you are in the Northern Hemisphere you can perhaps shrug your shoulders on this one because you don’t see the stars rotating the way we do here in Australia or New Zealand or South African or South America. But I can’t ignore this stuff, it’s more mystifying and visible than the Coriolis effect.

Down here in Australia we do not see Polaris or the big or little dipper, that’s too far north. We see many of the stars that are seen in the northern hemisphere including the Zodiac but not the ones closest the north pole.And our stars do not rotate about the north pole Polaris, we see the stars rotating about the celestial south pole, the complete opposite. We don’t have an easy to see pole star as such but we have the southern cross not too far from an area where the stars rotate. Look at a southern hemisphere star chart and you will see what we see when we look up. Or play with a astronomy program like ‘Stellarium’ and set your location in Melbourne, Australia and advance the clock and watch how the stars rotate about the south celestial pole.

This two pole movement of stars about the north and south celestial poles clearly supports the model of the earth being a sphere, those in the northern hemisphere see the stars rotate around Polaris and those in the southern hemisphere see the stars rotate around the south celestial pole near the southern cross.

 I have been doing all sorts of 3D drawings using a program called SketchUp to try to mimic what I see to no avail. Either the flat earth model is incorrect or I am missing something. I have reached the point where there is too much evidence against the spherical earth, especially on the earth itself. And there is overwhelming evidence in the Word of God for a literal solid dome firmament no matter what the shape of the earth is. I believe the word of God even if I cannot understand fully what my eyes are seeing. I no longer believe the heliocentric explanations to orbital motions of the sun and moon and planets (wandering stars). It is now just the stars themselves that are a problem.

However I believe that the answer to the problem is related to the Laver mentioned earlier in this article. Because it was made from brass mirrors or (looking glasses in the KJV) of the women as follows…

וַיַּעַשׂ אֵת הַכִּיֹּור נְחֹשֶׁת וְאֵת כַּנֹּו נְחֹשֶׁת בְּמַרְאֹת הַצֹּבְאֹת אֲשֶׁר צָֽבְאוּ פֶּתַח אֹהֶל מֹועֵד׃
8  And he made the laver of brass, and the foot of it of brass, of the lookingglasses of the women assembling, which assembled at the door of the tabernacle of the congregation.

Exodus 38:8

Later Solomon built the brazen sea. The symbolism of the laver and sea referring to the heavens can be seen in Revelation 4:6 and Job 37:18.

And before the throne there was a sea of glass like unto crystal: and in the midst of the throne, and round about the throne, were four beasts full of eyes before and behind.

Revelation 4:6

תַּרְקִיעַ עִמֹּו לִשְׁחָקִים חֲזָקִים כִּרְאִי מוּצָק׃
18  Hast thou with him spread out the sky, which is strong, and as a molten looking glass?

Job 37:18

Thus there may be as aspect of a mirroring mechanism that accounts for the southern stars apparent rotation about the southern celestial pole. Try as I might I cannot seem to find a mechanical explanation for it. So that will have to wait for some other time. We will understand at some point, because as stated earlier, there is nothing hidden that won’t be revealed, Matthew 10:26. And if we ask, seek and knock we will find, Mat 7:7. It just takes time, persistence and the grace of God, and the Spirit of God, John 16:13. I know that it has something to do with the eyes as well. I cant but help think of the garden of Eden and Eve seeing the fruit of the knowledge of good and evil. The heavens are black because of the fall of Zion and the world, Jer 4:28 (This I believe refers to something before Adam on a previously desolated earth). There is a part of our eye that is also black, our pupil. At the centre of Noah’s Ark there was window, the Hebrew word for it is ‘Zohar’ which means to glisten. This reminds me again of the eye and it’s lens and Yeshua’s observation…

The light of the body is the eye: if therefore thine eye be single, thy whole body shall be full of light.

Matthew 6:22

The light of the body is the eye: therefore when thine eye is single, thy whole body also is full of light; but when thine eye is evil, thy body also is full of darkness.

Luke 11:34

So could the glistening Zohar window on the Ark be a picture of what Yeshua is talking about? This window filled the body of the ark with light and it was the light of heaven and the eye was single.
Now these verses remind me of another verse which may not be apparent in the KJV translation. The following verse refers to the locust plague in Egypt during the exodus judgments…

וַיְכַסאֶת־עֵין  כָּל־הָאָרֶץ וַתֶּחְשַׁךְ הָאָרֶץ

15  For they covered the face of the whole earth, so that the land was darkened;

Exodus 10:15

The word translated face is actually the word for ‘eye’, עֵין, ayin in Hebrew. So literally the locusts covered the ‘eye of the earth’. It does not say ‘face’ and it does not says ‘eyes’, it says ‘eye’ singular. If thy eye be evil then they whole body will be filled with darkness just as the earth had been darkened when the locusts covering the eye of the earth.

Now this expression appears again in Numbers when Balam tries to curse Israel.

הִנֵּה הָעָם הַיֹּצֵא מִמִּצְרַיִם וַיְכַסאֶת־עֵין  הָאָרֶץ עַתָּה לְכָה קָֽבָה־לִּי אֹתֹו אוּלַי אוּכַל לְהִלָּחֶם בֹּו וְגֵרַשְׁתִּֽיו׃
11  Behold, there is a people come out of Egypt, which covereth the face of the earth: come now, curse me them; peradventure I shall be able to overcome them, and drive them out.

Numbers 22:11

So by Israel leaving the bondage of Egypt it looks like they are able to cover the eye of the earth. I think in this case it is a good thing. That when Israel is doing right and is in the land, the eye of the earth is good. But when Israel is doing evil and not in the land, then the eye of the earth is evil. So just as we can be darkened through an evil eye so can the entire earth!

I think that we are living at a time where the 10 lost tribes of the house of Israel are beginning to awaken and so as their eyes begin to open, the lies of the wicked, Babylon/Rome/Illuminati etc begin to be exposed. I believe that we will soon understand why the stars move they way they do and this will be the final nail in the heliocentric spherical earth model and the Gregorian Calendar and the Roman Catholic Church (and this will lead to the formation of last days Babylon, for even greater end time deception, that is a topic for another blog article).

It is interesting to me that the earth has an eye. Notice that it can be covered in a good way or an evil way. Notice too the inclusion of the Aleph Tav before the word ‘eye’. This gets my attention and helps me think of Yeshua who will keep me filled with light.

Numbers 22:11

Looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith; who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is set down at the right hand of the throne of God.

Hebrews 12:2

Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on thee: because he trusteth in thee.

Isaiah 26:3

As we look to Yeshua and are washed by His word there will come a time when our corporate eyes will be single and our whole body filled with light. When the Lord joins the two houses of Israel, the House of David and the Levitical Priesthood headed by the House of Eleazar (Lazarus) will also be raised. This will be a time of tremendous spiritual light (against a backdrop of tremendous spiritual evil and darkness). An even greater fulfillment of the body of Messiah being filled with light will happen when the bride ascends. We have a picture of the ascension of the Bride through the ascension of the Ark when the flood came. What destroyed the wicked, lifted up the ark. Notice it was when the portals of the heavens were opened. The 15 Songs of ascent from Psalm 120 to 134 are prophetic for the spiritual ascension of the Israelite bride in the last days. Of course a love for Messiah, the living Word and His Torah is heavily emphasized in the preceding Psalm 119.

See also:

Flat Earth problem 2:
Light of the Sun should light entire flat earth not just the ‘day side’.

If the earth is flat then how come we don’t see the sun shining everywhere?

If we are on a flat disk then we should be able to see the sun everywhere. This is a big problem for me. In order to suspend disbelief and believe the flat earth model I have to imagine some sort of cloaking mechanism (that doesn’t involve Klingons) that hides the light of the sun. Some may tell us that we can only see 6000 miles away. Doesn’t seem logical to me. I don’t know. I honestly don’t know. I can make up fancy theories but the truth is I don’t have a clue why I can’t see the sun from anywhere on a flat earth.

All I can imagine is that if the sun is in the dome or above the glassy ceiling then perhaps it’s rays are sort of prevented from traveling laterally through the glass ceiling at an extended angle because of some sort of lenticular lens effect. This is like trying to look through Venetian blinds from too small an angle. Theory, theory, theory. 

Perhaps the moon light absorbs sunshine. Theory.

Perhaps there is some sort of darkness mist like a cloak of darkness. Theory.

OK so there you go. I don’t know.

Implications for Dome Earth

  • The Vatican supports the Globe earth model.
  • So do the anti reformation Jesuit order and their host (no pun intended) of astronomers.
  • NASA doesn’t do space at all. NASA and Hollywood are birds of a Feather, both are used to twist reality and social programming.
  • We are not a tiny insignificant race on an insignificant planet in cold godless universe.
  • Antarctica is protected by all nations because it is the edge of the Dome.
  • God is near to His creation.
  • The Earth is Central to all creation and God.
  • Mankind is Central to the very near Universe of Heaven (and Heavens).
  • Evolution is clearly a Lie as we are in an obviously designed world exactly in line with God’s word including the firmament. A domed earth can’t evolve.
  • The heavenly starry hosts are actively moved about through the clock work agency of angels and cherubim and their chariots and wheels exactly as the bible describes.
  • The Earth is a divine creation complete with heavenly clockwork.

Implications for the Messianic / Hebrew Roots Movement

  • The Hebrew Calendar is Luni-Solar and Central to His Plan and central to His clockwork Sun, Moon and stars.
  • The Tabernacle and Temple depict God’s House in a very tangible way, both in terms of the Heavens and the Earth.
  • The Calendar and Temple are linked both for the biblical Feasts but also because the Heaven and Earth are encoded in the Temple’s design and thus the orbits of the heavenly host themselves and the days and years and Seasons (Moadim) that they encode.
  • Hopefully the centrality of the Hebrew Calendar and the true nature and motions of the lights in the firmament that determine it should become clear to our hearts and minds and motivate our affections towards the Lord and His word.
  • We have been living in a dream world. And we are only just starting to wake up. What else awaits us? Ye shall know the truth and the truth shall set you free, John 8:32. May we enter the Year of Jubilee with merit and favour as we seek to keep his commandments. May Israel awaken and the Bride make herself ready. Blessed is the Lamb that was slain.


Official emblem of the Vatican’s Jesuit based Astronomy disinformation unit, NASA, the National Academy of Space Actors.

There is strong evidence for a solid dome firmament. There is still debate as to the exact shape of the earth and course of the stars. But it has become abundantly clear that we have had the truth covered up by those in power They were people and organizations that we trusted. They have been fed from our taxes and they have lied.

NASA has lied to us. But not just NASA, our entire heliocentric world view since Copernicus and Kepler are a lie. The Catholic Church although it was initially against the Heliocentric globe earth model it soon adopted it and supported it as it meshed with it’s sun worshiping paganism which it had also already adopted and it’s solar Gregorian calendar. It now teachers a globe earth and evolution in its schools. It would seem that the heliocentric model of the spherical earth has been used by the Jesuits to undermine the word of God, the Hebrew Calendar and the Protestant reformation.

We are witnessing the gradual awakening of Israel and in particular the 10 lost tribes of the ‘House of Israel’. As we return to His Sabbath, calendar and feasts we are also being awoken to the true nature of the universe and its construction which is related to the movement of the Sun, Moon and Stars around a fixed unmoving earth (Psalm 104:5); and this in turn is related to the luni-solar calendar and end time events.

God is far closer to us and He is Lord and Head over us, not the Pope in Rome and his dark minions that hide the truth.  

“Surely the Lord is in this place and I knew it not.”

Here is a YouTube playlist of ‘Flat Earth Evidence & Controversy‘.

Getting the Word Out (as folks go to sleep).

As I began writing this article I was given the opportunity to talk about this subject on a local radio station in Melbourne, Australia. It was the 10pm till midnight slot. Maybe someone sleeping will wake up. It was just an introduction. Yvonne shared some of her thoughts and experiences for the first half and I chimed in with the low down on Domes in space. Check it out here…
Science Falsely So Called – NASA lies, aircraft flights the solid domed firmament‘.

By Rory

4 thought on “King-Dome, Calendar & Called Out Ones”
  1. Hey I just thought i’d say I loved reading thru this page “http://son.10losttribes.com/blog/king-dome-calendar-called-out-ones”. I’ve been a flat earther for 3 years and am now more convinced of the Scriptures then ever. The KING is coming and brother I can’t wait to see Him and meet you! May the LORD be with you always!

  2. Possible cure/fix for the reversed or flipped star rotation…
    the dome and atmosphere is a reflection / mirror / magnifier… you guys see the opposite of what we see. Just like when you look through a magnifying glass… up close it looks normal but as you move the magnifier away the image flips or reverses.

    The sun Problem…. based on location; the sun throws a directional beam of light hence crepuscular rays through clouds… get a high beamed flash light and aim it at a wall in a dark room… then walk close to the wall and watch how the room was once lit up almost entirely become dark in 3 corners and light in only one area. The sun and moon do not light on the back side facing the dome so there is almost no reflection or deflection of the light off the dome. The face of both are the only source of their light.

  3. There is a calendar system you missed. Nowhere in the word of our Father are we given commands or instructions to observe a lunar calendar. You don’t even have Torah instructions to determine a new moon. Isaiah 1:13-14 and Jubilees 6:36-38 rebuke the lunar calendar, which was adopted by Yahudah during the exile to Babylon. Yahudah also adopted the names of the Babylonian months, including the name of the 4th month, which is named to honor the king and god of Babylon, tammuz. Apparently you don’t take the word of our Father as literal as you claim.

    The Roman calendar didn’t exist before the year 46 BC, when it was created by a pagan Roman emperor. Daniel 2 and 7 list the old Roman empire as the fourth beast power. Any Sabbath calculated by the Roman or lunar calendars is the mark of that beast power.

    The only scriptural instructions to formulate a calendar system are found in chapters 72-82 of the book of Enoch and confirmed in the book of Jubilees as a second witness. It is only by this means of marking time that the true Sabbath can be identified. The calendar of Enoch won’t work on your flat earth as it needs the equinox to determine the first and seventh months of the year. There can be no equinox on your flat earth. By the way, apparently you haven’t given any thought to the fact that the noise from the sun and stars would be unbearable if they existed in the same atmosphere of the earth.

    1. Agree All Feasts Will Be Kept In The Resurrection, Gathering Of The Two Sticks Of Ezekiel For They Refuse The Davidic Kingdom The Feast As Smoke-Incense Unto His Nostrils A Purified Priesthood Will Arise With David As Rory Shows Love Is A Curve Flower Of Life And Everything Breathed Into Creation A Curve A Pregnancy Is a Curve I See Both For A Compass Draws The Circle We Know Nasa Lies But Within The Lie The Degrading Of Loves Curve Is Breath Itself Also Remember The Un Uses Flat Earth For Their Anunnaki Symbol Nasa Plays Both Sides

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