Explaining my trip and who the 10 lost tribes are for newbies with Yvonne on ‘Breakthrough’ in Melbourne, Australia.
Back in Melbourne, Australia, I was given the opportunity to go on the local christian ‘Breakthrough’ radio show with Yvonne Gentle. I talked about my trip to the USA in 2015. I spoke about the awakening to the Hebrew Roots of the Christian faith and what that was all about. How God’s law or ‘torah’ is for us as believers, not as a means of salvation but as a means of sanctification afterwards as we walk in the spirit.
I explained why people who are not Jewish are keeping the Sabbath and Feasts and contrasted that how Christianity had adopted pagan festivals and calendar into their worship. I explained to the Australian listeners that bible believing Christians that now follow the Sabbath and feasts are often called ‘Messianic’ or folks returning to their ‘Hebrew Roots’.
While in the USA I spoke to various ‘messianic’/’hebrew roots ‘ fellowships about the regathering of Israel. On this Radio broadcast I explained who the lost tribes of the House of Israel were and how that related to the Hebrew roots movement and why this is important for us to know about.