Rory with Yvonne on ‘Breakthrough’, a late night Christian radio program in Melbourne, Australia.

Science Falsely So Called – NASA Lies, Flat Earth & the Domed Firmament – Rory

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Recorded on Sunday night, 10-12pm, 28th August, 2016

O Timothy, keep that which is committed to thy trust, avoiding profane and vain babblings, and oppositions of science falsely so called:

1 Timothy 6:20

On this program we introduce the idea that we have been lied to by those we trust including NASA concerning the nature of our world.

Yvonne introduces the show and reads from Genesis chapter 1 to lay the groundwork of the show so that we know some of what the bible has to say about the creation.

I touch briefly on the firmament and what that is, a physical barrier above the earth, a dome! I share how NASA has been caught faking pictures of the earth, the lunar landings and things aboard the International Space Station or it’s supposed construction in weightlessness.

Is there a conspiracy to hide the true shape of the Earth?

Yvonne talks about a BBC program about the Ark and how there is a Babylonian account of a circular ark that they believe is more accurate than the biblical account. We talk about how the BBC is always attacking the bible by one means or another, getting us to doubt God’s word just like the Serpent did to Eve.

Yvonne meditates on how we can believe something is true all our life and then we are presented with new information and have to reevaluate what we believe on account of this new information. Are we seekers after the truth or do we just shove things aside as inconvenient. 

Yvonne shares her experience concerning her flight from Johannesburg, South Africa to Sydney, Australia and what the Lord had spoken to her concerning that Qantas flight QF64. The flights are cancelled if delayed after a certain time. Although this is a direct flight, the reason that it is cancelled at certain times is because they don’t want you to see certain features on the earth i.e. the earth map that we use does not show how things really are on long distance flights in the southern hemisphere.  So direct flights are cancelled because they go over continents that they shouldn’t need to according to our maps.

There are also indirect flights from Cape Town, South Africa to Sydney, Australia that seem to go way out of the way to the top of Africa, and that makes no sense either on our normal maps.

A diagram below shows a similar flight path from Cape Town, South Africa to Sydney Australia. And it shows how it is a strange way to go on the normal Mercator map but on the Azimuthal flat earth map it is a straight line from departure through the top of Dubai to destination).

Weird, crooked, illogical flight paths that seem to take the long way home suddenly make sense on the flat earth disk map model. Is our planet a flat disk with the North pole at the center and Antarctica going around the edge?

We also discuss bogus South American flights, flights that only exist on paper in order to hide the true nature of our planet.

After about an hour into the show we get into the ‘meat and potatoes’ concerning the firmament dome over the earth. I hone in on the firmament and what that is, a solid crystal dome above the earth that prevents NASA from getting into low earth orbit and hence they have to fake it. I also talk about supposed NASA footage of the earth and even the International Space Station.

I then talk about Antarctica and how on the disk shaped flat earth map, Antarctica surrounds the edge of the disk of the earth. It is not at the bottom of a spherical globe at all. And it provides an extremely cold and barren physical barrier to keep the water in and people out. Further into Antarctica you will come into contact with the beginning of the barrier of the firmament dome wall that surrounds the edge of the earth and rises up to the apex above the north pole (which is at the center of the flat earth map!!). The equator is halfway out from the disk of the flat earth. What is called the Antarctica or the South Pole is actually the circumference of the disk. East and west is just going anti clockwise or clockwise around the disk.

I comment on the USA’s ‘Operation Dominic’ and ‘Operation Fishbowl’ and the nuclear detonations in the upper atmosphere. What were they up to with such a dangerous and destructive program? Even the Russians were doing it. Was there more than just cold war belligerence? Were they trying to punch a hole in the firmament dome? Were they testing it’s height?

We talk about the curvature of the earth and how it isn’t actually detectable on the earth or in the air!

I recorded this show as I was beginning to write a very lengthy article on the Flat Earth domed Firmament, see link below…

By Rory

One thought on “Science Falsely So Called – NASA Lies, Aircraft flights & the Solid Domed Firmament”
  1. The belief that Jesus died spirituali is a modern false conclusion based on His Word on The cross : MyGod, my God why havet You forsaken me. This is a Qout from PS. 22:2. In arameic Can be translated :Why has You spared me for This. To bullt a thelogi around This words is very weak.

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