Has the countdown to the outpouring of the Holy Spirit & the 2nd Exodus begun?
Brief Summary
For those too busy to read another article here is the low down…
- The lost sheep of the House of Israel are about to be thinned out before the 2nd Exodus. We need hearts of fire for Yeshua.
- Our governments have orchestrated a Satanic coup against our people, our freedom and religious liberty. They are officially Antichrist.
- We are nearing the end of the Pentecostal wheat harvest of souls. The field of our world is about to be burnt up, Laodicean Churchianity spewed out.
- True believers will be terribly persecuted, especially by a harlot church and harlot Messianics (they aint all saved)!
- Our nations are about to experience, economic collapse, real pandemics, famine, persecution, revival, invasion, destruction and finally the 2nd exodus from the ends of the earth.
- We need to prepare spiritually and physically. We need to hear God’s voice personally.
- Leave the big cities of sin now or die later (be led by the Spirit of God in everything). The clock is ticking.
- Seek refuge in Messiah and in the wilderness.
Countdown to Reaping what we have Sown
-Judgement & Redemption
Pentecost (Shavuot) is a leavened work. Sin is involved. Sin has been involved in the building of the Church these past almost 2000 years since Pentecost in Acts chapter 2. God has been at work building us into His Kingdom through His Son even though we are far from perfect and our righteousness is a filthy rags. But the just shall live by faith. The New Covenant has come, but not in the fullness described in Jeremiah 31. We are not back in the land and we still sin, we still fall short of the glory of God. The Sabbath is a sign between the Lord and Israel. The fields have been reaped. It’s time to go home – to the promised land. Now Pharaoh Satan has closed the doors. They wont open again until they are busted wide open. But before that 2nd Exodus, our nations must be judged and the wheat must be sifted, one last final sifting, Amos 9:9-10.
9 For, lo, I will command, and I will sift the house of Israel among all nations, like as corn is sifted in a sieve, yet shall not the least grain fall upon the earth.
Amos 9:9-10
10 All the sinners of my people shall die by the sword, which say, The evil shall not overtake nor prevent us.
Our nations are being judged now. The Lord is using Satan and the wicked to begin this shaking. But they only begin it. Once they have begun to bring their extreme tyranny, the Lord יהוה, will shake them and destroy what still remains of the wicked and our godless cities and peoples and nations. And the righteous remnant shall be shaken through the sieve of these nations. Everything that can be shaken will be shaken. Because the Lord is bringing in the sheaves there is a sifting we cannot avoid. The remnant of Israel will leave the USA and the ends of the earth. We will be glad to. After the destruction.
We are counting down the weeks and days between First Fruits (Bikkurim) and Pentecost (Shavuot). The fields are no longer white unto harvest, there are a few good stalks of grain amongst a sea of luke warm tares awaiting burning. FEMA is activated (more on that later), Trump and Scott Morrison (Australian ‘Christian’ Prime Minister) are both traitors who work for Rome. This may come as a shock because surely they have been better than the alternatives. But it’s all a mirage, it’s all grand theatre. While you are cheering for Trump overcoming his enemies, you are being surrounded by the apparatus of a police state that can come for you and your loved ones in the middle of the night. It’s not enough to know the bible or torah. (And you should know the Word of God!) Start fasting and praying to hear God’s voice clearly. The Police state wont go away even though you cheer for Trump or whoever.
The Jesuit controlled Vatican runs our nations, and she is intent on destroying them. Rome will destroy herself and little Babylon, the USA so as to build the final last days Babylon in the land of Shinar. See the article ‘The 2012 Financial Crash, World War 3 and the Rise of Babylon‘, the timing was off but the intent of the elite to build last days Babylon after the demise of the USA remains.
Nevertheless the Lord will also regather the very small remnant of His people at the same time as the USA is destroyed.
Let’s look briefly at the ripeness of the hour at the close of this Pentecostal work of ingathering…
Countdown to Redemption for the House of Israel
As some may be aware already, the prophet Ezekiel was told to lie on his side for 390 days for the sins of the house of Israel.
Note:He was also told to lie 40 days for the sins of the house of Judah (the Jews). Both houses eventually went into exile, but the House of Israel, the 10 northern tribes never returned. They are the lost 10 tribes and the gospel has been bringing them back into covenant through Yeshua (along with some Jews and many many other gentiles).
4 Lie thou also upon thy left side, and lay the iniquity of the house of Israel upon it: according to the number of the days that thou shalt lie upon it thou shalt bear their iniquity.
Ezekiel 4:4-5
5 For I have laid upon thee the years of their iniquity, according to the number of the days, three hundred and ninety days: so shalt thou bear the iniquity of the house of Israel.
So 390 days represented 390 years for the punishment for the house of Israel. As we know the House of Israel did not repent. According to the Law of God if Israel did not repent then it would be 7 times worse.
Then will I also walk contrary unto you, and will punish you yet seven times for your sins
Leviticus 26:24
Ok, so if Israel did not repent after 390 years, then we must multiply the punishment period by 7.
390 years x 7 = 2730 years.
So if the House of Israel was exiled by Assyria between 734 to 712 BC and if we add 2730 years we get the the period between 1996 to 2018 AD. This is about the time of the messianic awakening to the Sabbath and Feasts in the USA and world wide.
What happens after this? According to this calculation the exile should already be over by 2019. Suffice to say give or take a year or two, the exile of the 10 lost tribes of the House of Israel is ending and we are about to return home.
But where is the red carpet and the free airplane ticket?
Sadly, there is a little bit of spring cleaning that the Lord must do before he brings the wheat into his barn. He must gather the tares for burning.
Let both grow together until the harvest: and in the time of harvest I will say to the reapers, Gather ye together first the tares, and bind them in bundles to burn them: but gather the wheat into my barn.
Matthew 13:30
Another aspect of the coming judgement before our regathering is that the church at this time must be judged, the lukewarm church of Laodicea must be vomited out of the mouth of the Lord.
15 I know thy works, that thou art neither cold nor hot: I would thou wert cold or hot.
Revelation 3:15-17
16 So then because thou art lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, I will spue thee out of my mouth.
17 Because thou sayest, I am rich, and increased with goods, and have need of nothing; and knowest not that thou art wretched, and miserable, and poor, and blind, and naked
Are we deaf as a post? Are we blind as a bat? Are we wearing the emperors new clothes?
If we are to overcome this lukewarm materialistic church age, we must rely completely on God. We will not be characterized by lukewarm complacency but by zeal. We will not be trusting in our riches (we wont have them), we will endure fiery trials to test our faith and make us stronger in Yeshua. We wont be blind, but we will see what is coming.
18 I counsel thee to buy of me gold tried in the fire, that thou mayest be rich; and white raiment, that thou mayest be clothed, and that the shame of thy nakedness do not appear; and anoint thine eyes with eyesalve, that thou mayest see.
Revelation 3:18-19
19 As many as I love, I rebuke and chasten: be zealous therefore, and repent
We need to seek Him earnestly. Can you hear His voice, can you see what is coming? Are you a believer living an unyielded, unrepentent, luke warm life?
IF we are to overcome the Laodicean Church age, we are counseled by Yeshua to ‘buy of me gold tried in the fire‘. We must obtain the faith necessary to overcome the fire, the trial of our faith, 1 Peter 1:7. Very soon our days will be far more than difficult, they will be perilous and life threatening in the extreme. We need to trust the Lord in the most extreme situations. We have to have a close walk and ardent love for Yeshua, otherwise we will fail the test and trials to come. We will not make it through and we will suffer for it.
That the trial of your faith, being much more precious than of gold that perisheth, though it be tried with fire, might be found unto praise and honour and glory at the appearing of Jesus Christ:
1 Peter 1:7
Beloved, think it not strange concerning the fiery trial which is to try you, as though some strange thing happened unto you
1 Peter 4:12
Apart form overcoming the dreadful and terrifying events shortly to take place in our nations we have something good and sweet to look forward too. Not only is a remnant to return to Zion (other promises are about that), but also there is a closeness with Messiah to those who overcome. We are promised a place of intimacy with Yeshua.
Behold, I stand at the door, and knock: if any man hear my voice, and open the door, I will come in to him, and will sup with him, and he with me.
Revelation 3:20
We need to be in this place of intimacy with Yeshua now. I am not fully there yet myself. But I am seeking Him. If I overcome, I will also sit with Him on His throne. What an amazing privilege. Let us set our sight on things above were Messiah is seated, not on earthly things, Colossians 3:2. We are seated with Him in heavenly places, Ephesians 2:6. Let’s experience our inheritance during this wicked flood preceeding the 2nd Exodus until we return to Zion with singing.
To him that overcometh will I grant to sit with me in my throne, even as I also overcame, and am set down with my Father in his throne
Revelation 3:21
Amen & Amen & Amen!
America is going Bye bye…
Trump cant save the good old USA, Australia is dead and sold to Communist China, only a very small remnant will survive the coming holocaust. Have I lost you yet? Not positive enough? If you are a Patriotic American, you should realize that you have lost your first amendment rights. Corona / Wuhan virus is a cover for a political coup that has jettisoned the Constitution. You are under Military Penal LOCKDOWN. Awaiting tagging and FEMA camps.
First Amendment
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.
There will be some sort of uprising in the USA, and then invasion! If you are a patriot, and you believe in the right to bear arms, you have to know the Lord and you have to know who your brother is. When the spiritual and political pressure and hunger kicks in you have to know who has your back because there will be a great deal of betrayal. God help us Father! What will your brother do to save his family if the government has his wife and children? The Lord is going to humble our pride until there is nothing left but Yeshua in us.
Other nations haven’t fought for freedom as much as many in America did when they left Europe seeking it. But this Satanic takeover is everywhere, it is not just America. This is a world wide military Satanist takeover of all western democracies. It will destroy the Luke warm church or messianic movement. Only those totally committed to Yeshua, filled with His Holy Spirit and obedient to his commandments will persevere to the end.
Here in Australia we don’t have a bill of rights. Neither do we have people of the same christian fervor. Australians are for the most part spiritually lazy and apathetic. But there are good people here, but they don’t know what is going on and need a wake up call. God help us.
We are in the midst of a world wide coup to destroy the remnant of Christ and the nations they live in. The Government led police state is already here, the persecution is coming.
I am amazed at how many folks who claim to follow the Lord can’t see that Trump is as much an Antichrist as the radical left. He worships Apollo the sun God of destruction, read my 2017 blog…
(2017 – Final Trump? Apollo worshiping Pedophile President to divide Israel & America – Decent into Chaos & WW3.)
When I wrote the article above I wasn’t attacking him because I am some radical leftest god hater. I asked the reader if they were ’emotionally involved’, you know like a torrid love affair. Again I liked a lot of things Trump said, but I knew where he came from and the folks he is involved with and nobody makes it big in business without cutting a deal with the god of this world, Satan. Babylon is Satan’s sand pit. Babylon, or our financial system, doesn’t just include the USA, it is everywhere, including here in Australia.
Trump wants to divide Israel with a peace plan. That is, get a piece of Jerusalem real Estate. That is Trump’s profession. Esau wants Jacobs land for himself. Kick the Palestinians out and replace it with a Luciferic administration in league with an antichrist Kabala oriented Zionist State hostile to faith in Yeshua (I am not anti Israel, I am just saying there are powerful Satanic forces trying to undermine a genuine Jewish State with genuine sovereignty. Jared Kushner is the token Jew to swing the deal of the century that will sink the USA by bringing God’s curse upon it for dividing the land.
I like a lot of things Trump has done. But he didn’t get to the top without being the Pope’s little poodle. When not in Washington he lives on floor 66 of Trump towers and didn’t get to power without doing very bad things in the middle of the night. Trump is a distraction. The real levers of power are elsewhere and they all lead to Rome. America is run by the Jesuits in Georgetown, not from Washington. It is run by Catholic cardinals, the bad guys own the banks, they own the monopoly board and your politicians are in their pocket. You lost your Republic years ago. Wake up!
Australia on the other hand is even more asleep – if being dead was ‘sleeping’. And New Zealand? Can any nation be so careless, dead, buried & composted? Yes, the western European nations have surpassed New Zealand. Canada I am sure is somewhere between Australia and the USA for blindness.
Our only hope is in Messiah Yeshua, who is both perfect man and God manifest in flesh, who before Abraham was is I AM. There is no other way to the Father. Seek Him.
FEMA is already operational. It doesn’t matter if left or right is in power. Trump has handed over his Authority to FEMA. See ‘President Donald J. Trump Directs FEMA Support Under Emergency Declaration for COVID-19‘,. This sets off a chain of related legislation that basically take all your constitutional rights off you!
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hjU-nnxNvdY (no longer available on YouTube)
The Corona Plandemic has been planned many years in advance. A perfect cover to crash the economy and bring you into Slavery. Your ‘Christian’ government is run by Satanists. We need to turn to the Lord God of Israel and seek Yeshua HaMashiach diligently. Only He will get us through this onslaught of the wicked, this flood of the Evil One.
FEMA is in control of the USA. Not Trump…
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IvwiZGDPKns (no longer available on YouTube)
Our wicked nations are already being judged. The Police State is here. It doesn’t matter if the right or left are in power, the Police are out in force and wont go away. It doesn’t matter who you vote for because nations reap what they sow in blood guilt and shame.
While you think Trump is getting the Democrats you are losing your real freedoms. As you cheer the downfall of some Democrat clowns a net is being spread for you. While you are being entertained with the scandals of Pedophile ridden Hollywood & Democratic Parties, the very ship you are on, ‘SS America’, is already being scuttled by the president you trust.
Judgment cannot be averted, don’t get conned by controlled leaks like the QAnon / Q files or any other gibberish. Anyone pushing that stuff is either asleep at the wheel or a deceiver, even if they have messianic Menorah’s and say Yeshua a lot. Even if some things are being brought to light by Q, don’t get obsessed and think that the Pedophile rings are all being busted. Satan is not going to cast out Satan. The entire Political, Economic and Religious system of America and the world is run by Satanic Pedophiles. It’s not just the obviously godless democrats who are a real menace. A more subtle enemy is amongst the conservatives and Republicans. It’s all Laodicean. Our Lord will spew it out.
No prayer can save our nations, it’s only individuals that can be saved. No seeking God no matter how much will heal the land, it has blood guilt. It has to be judged. We are well passed the point where we can gather to pray and God will heal our land, 2 Chron 7:14. We are at another point mentioned in scripture…
13 Son of man, when the land sinneth against me by trespassing grievously, then will I stretch out mine hand upon it, and will break the staff of the bread thereof, and will send famine upon it, and will cut off man and beast from it:
Ezekiel 14:13-14
14 Though these three men, Noah, Daniel, and Job, were in it, they should deliver but their own souls by their righteousness, saith the Lord GOD
Jonathan Cahn and other false prophet chrisitian/messianic leaders are simply bringing the cattle to club FEMA in the guise of saving America. Cahn has a big promotional video complete with phalic freemason 666 foot tall Washington Monumnent to pray for the nation. These guys are just leading the cattle into a false hope and into the lap of false leaders. They have Masonic written all over them and advertise openly who they are if you have eyes to see it. Don’t be deceived by Laodicean Hillsong Pastors or Messianic Leaders like Perry Stone. Seek the King of Kings yourself. Earnestly.
… & so is the rest of the world,
-including Australia
Australian ‘Christian’ Prime Minister, Scott Morrison’s main job is to turn our free nation into a dictatorship and get everyone vaccinated and tagged like cattle. In the USA, which is getting ready for civil war, the vaccines are being pushed as the answer along with Satanic Social distancing that only breeds social breakdown in a pre-planned ‘Plandemic’.
Check this out, just a coincidence? The virus was planned long ago. This TV movie is from 2003.
Meanwhile here in Australia we are being told to download the Free App so the government knows where you are. Talk about Zombies marching to their pre-planned doom. Yes the governments of the world are conspiring against their citizens. Yes some people will trust their government all the way to the gas chambers. Yes the Police will shoot their own people and sleep soundly at night. You can be sure your local government will be stocking up on automatic weapons and ammo. Who is the target? Guess.
The Communist Chinese PLA (Peoples Liberation Army) have already set up the infrastructure to invade Australia. China owns the western Australian mines and industry, and they have many of the farms in the east. The Australian government doesn’t help Australian farmers as a rule. They are too independent of the socialists in Canberra. According to Clive Palmer, China owns their own ports and airfields in Western Australia. Built for a song and a bowl of rice. Happy days if you’re a communist. Meanwhile they crack down hard on their own Chinese Christian people. They can then secure their mining interests ‘Downunder’ in a time of war and try their brutal communist hand on the placid godless and dumbed down Australian population.
If our own government turns on the Australian people then what would the Communist Chinese do? Once we are vaccinated and tagged and tracked, China can invade and conveniently do the dirty work of rounding up unarmed Australians and killing them. Many Australian soldiers would perhaps not shoot their own, so better let the Communist Chinese Troops invade and do the Popes dirty work. To get the ball rolling Australia will pick a fight with China concerning the origin of the Wuhan Corona Virus. Get China pissed, invade and after a small battle, the Satanist Government of Australia will sit back and let the communists kill the average guy on the street. Welcome to judgment. It will happen step by step. First, Vaccinate em, then Tag ’em & Body Bag ’em. Why? Because there is an Exodus coming and the world population has to be reduced. God is giving our godless nations over to the Devil for execution.
Australian Police would of course arrest innocent people, they already do. They arrest whoever they are told to by their Freemason bosses irrespective of our so called democratic freedom.
You are not allowed to go against the government narrative concerning virus Plandemic.
https://youtu.be/ktfZ6wePSgA (no longer available on YouTube)
Of course the Police are just doing their job. Here in Australia they have taken an oath to serve. They may be family men, but they have made their oaths, not to us, but to some woman called ‘our sovereign Lady the Queen’. Is that the Queen of Great Britain? Sounds Catholic, more like the Queen of Heaven, aka the Whore of Babylon. Whoever the Queen is, the Police are clearly not operating in the interests of the the Australian people or our once christian values. They are part of a cult. A Pedophile ring called ‘the government’, a government that is not answerable to God or people of conscience. Whether family men or women they have made their oath and like the Gestapo they will perform their duty, but it is not to serve you, but the ‘Our Lady the Queen’. We trusted that they were here for us, but they are here to enforce the lawlessness of their Pedophile Freemason bosses who report to the Pedophile cronies of Cardinal George Pell, the Roman Jesuit Inquisitors. And yes we are in the midst of a coup by a Satanic Elite, this is an Inquisition and a War against the God of the Bible. The Freedom we once took for granted has been removed with a virus as an alibi.
https://youtu.be/5ysjU3YfHzo (no longer available on YouTube)
I am not trying to be an alarmist doomsayer, I am stating facts. Before the regathering of the lost tribes comes the destruction of tares. Stop spending so much time watching the news as if your vote counts, and spend time fasting and praying for your souls and very lives. Our nation’s are beginning to be judged. We don’t have democracies, our nations belong to the Prince of Darkness, period, sold for a dollar. Satan is out to destroy all he can, which is almost all of our evil, wicked, sinful, blood stained, baby killing, God hating, post christian, lukewarm, harlot nations. Judgement begins at the house of God. The Exodus comes after judgement. Before the Lord brings in the sheaves, the tares and stubble will be burnt in a holocaust that will make the liquidation of the Jews look like child’s play. The wicked are coming. Seek the Lord and plead for your lives and seek His face.
What to do
We are in judgement.(no longer available on YouTube)
Fear the Lord your God, יְהוָה אֱלֹהֵיכֶם
Love God. Keep His Commandments.
Humble thyself in the sight of the Lord.
Lest He destroy you!
For thus saith the high and lofty One that inhabiteth eternity, whose name is Holy; I dwell in the high and holy place, with him also that is of a contrite and humble spirit, to revive the spirit of the humble, and to revive the heart of the contrite ones
Isaiah 57:15
At the moment we are beginning to experience Satan’s wrath (Still part of God’s judgement), while Satan still has control of his Pedophile governments. The 2nd Exodus is on its way, but not before further birthpangs (like Matthew 24) including government persecution, war, famine, disease and death. God’s wrath comes alongside with the mega earthquakes and their related Tsunami’s and other natural disasters. The cities will fall. The majority of mankind will die. Read Isaiah 24.
Seek the Lord. Fast and pray for your life and your loved ones.
Pray for ears to hear and eyes to see what is really going on around you. Get out of the big cities if you can. Run. Learn to grow food if you are able. Soon the cities will be locked down and you won’t be able to get out.
A prudent man foreseeth the evil, and hideth himself: but the simple pass on, and are punished.
Proverbs 22:3
We need to hear from the Lord Yeshua יהוה ישוע, personally. We need community not social distancing, especially at this time. The word of God commands us to Assemble! It’s the Satanic government that forbids it.
Not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together, as the manner of some is; but exhorting one another: and so much the more, as ye see the day approaching
Hebrews 10:25
Messiah Yeshua is the head of the Church not the governments of this world. We have to be led by the spirit of God and head to the wilderness and gather there. More on that later God willing.
ADDENDUM: Numbers 10
Gather the People, Sound the Alarm
Fast & Pray
When we see trouble coming the Levitical Priests are to blow the Shofar and assemble. But where are the Israelite encampments? We need to assemble in the wilderness, not in FEMA camps.
1 And the LORD spake unto Moses, saying,
Numbers 10:1-9
2 Make thee two trumpets of silver; of a whole piece shalt thou make them: that thou mayest use them for the calling of the assembly, and for the journeying of the camps.
3 And when they shall blow with them, all the assembly shall assemble themselves to thee at the door of the tabernacle of the congregation.
4 And if they blow but with one trumpet, then the princes, which are heads of the thousands of Israel, shall gather themselves unto thee.
5 When ye blow an alarm, then the camps that lie on the east parts shall go forward.
6 When ye blow an alarm the second time, then the camps that lie on the south side shall take their journey: they shall blow an alarm for their journeys.
7 But when the congregation is to be gathered together, ye shall blow, but ye shall not sound an alarm.
8 And the sons of Aaron, the priests, shall blow with the trumpets; and they shall be to you for an ordinance for ever throughout your generations.
9 And if ye go to war in your land against the enemy that oppresseth you, then ye shall blow an alarm with the trumpets; and ye shall be remembered before the LORD your God, and ye shall be saved from your enemies.
Good to hear from you again…yes…the beast system is rearing its ugly head….but our Abba Yah is in total control. HallaluYah!
Stay strong!