Have we lost our Freedom?
What just happened?
It’s Passover and we are in our houses as the angel of death passes. We should be earnestly seeking the Lord ืืืื ืืฉืืข. A trap has been sprung. Are our ways in line with His word, can we hear Our Master’s voice?
The kings of the earth set themselves,
and the rulers take counsel together,
against the LORD,
and against his anointed, sayingLet us break their bands asunder,
Psalms 2:2-3
and cast away their cords from us.
Before the Israelites left Egypt, they first became slaves to Pharaoh. After a man made flu virus named Covid-19 a police state has suddenly been erected. It has been planned in advance. It is not temporary. The biggest hoax in history is upon us. But be encouraged, Big Brother is watching you. Mandatory vaccines are coming to invade your body. The 5G network will be used to send high speed video data from drones and cameras in our wonderful brave new world. 5G can also be used as a weapon to weaken our bodies or kill us directly over time.
The financial system is collapsing but don’t worry big government and big Pharma will save us. In a single stroke millions of private businesses have shut down. But the Socialist government will bail some out, with strings attached. Welcome to the gutting of the middle class and international socialism/fascism. We are now firmly held captive by technocratic overlords. Our nations are controlled by Pedophile Satanists and their minions, all reporting to Rome. The media stifles truth and who knows what is lurking in the syringes of our socialist saviours. The generation Z mind controlled Zombies will be lining up for their love injections. The government owns their thoughts, shortly they will own their bodies too.
Why did it happen?
Why has this happened so suddenly? Why have the governments of the world agreed so quickly together when they can’t agree on anything at all normally? Is it just that they care? Or could it be conspiracy? Nahhhhh.

The Devil is doing something and so is God.
Satan is bringing totalitarian government and depopulation. God is bringing judgement and thinning out His people due to wickedness and bringing out the 10 lost tribes from amongst the nations to become a separate nation.
Pharaoh was rightfully robbed of the Israelites. They already belonged to the Lord. But it required the authority of God Himself to break His children out of Egypt. Before the Lord did so Pharaoh had already reduced the Israelites to mere slaves and was after their children to slay them. Pharaoh had to be overcome.
No man can enter into a strong man’s house,
Mark 3:27
and spoil his goods,
except he will first bind the strong man;
and then he will spoil his house
We are now in the same peril as the Israelites in Egypt. The world governments have conspired to foist a totalitarian police state government world wide in order to control us. But some of the deeper reasons are as follows…
- Collapse the current world order including the economy, politics and religion.
- Set up world government after economic collapse and world war with a centralised economy, politics and religion based in Babylon Iraq.
- Depopulate the Earth.
- Prevent the 2nd Exodus (and therefore guarantee it!).
The immediate danger for us is mandatory vaccines and socialism. If we don’t do what the government wants we cant trade.
Most people believe whatever they watch on the TV news. However to prevent the truth from leaking out, the can must continually be kicked along the road. One catastrophe must be followed shortly by another in order to prevent people from thinking things through rationally. People must be put into a state of panic in order to control them like unreasoning cattle. So expect one disaster after another followed by further government control entrenching the surveillance society and 5G control grid.
Meanwhile there is a very small remnant that hear our masters voice that will find the Lord’s favour and protection in time of tyranny, persecution, war, famine and pestilence.
Forget saving your nation, God is refining a remnant for evacuation, the lost sheep of the house of Israel. The Titanic cannot be saved. The life boat is a close obedient walk with Yeshua.
What do we do? Where do we go?

Are there places to avoid, places to hide. Is salvation a place or a person?
Ok firstly whether we live or die is in the Lord’s hands. It is up to us to walk in obedience to his Holy Spirit. If we are abiding in His ways and keeping close to Him in prayer we have a measure of assurance. The Lord knows how to deliver His people.
If we can, it would be wise to leave the godless cities as soon as we can. They will be the worst places to be in times of government led persecution, pestilence, famine, rioting and general lawlessness and murder.
If we are young and strong then we should learn to grow our own food. And we need to look after our brothers and sisters in the Lord.
In everything we need the Lord’s leading. But if we are asleep at the wheel we only have ourselves to blame if we didn’t take action early enough and treated our choices too casually. An evil net is already being sprung to catch us, Corona and lock down is just a Trojan horse for dictatorship.
We need community. But we also need discernment because there are many that talk the talk but in times of testing they will betray one another.
Where are we at Prophetically according to the scriptures?

Presently I believe that if we are to survive the times ahead we will have to be hidden for a season because these judgements coming upon our nations are the result of national and individual sin that will not be forgiven. The sin in the church and even amongst messianics has also gone too far. The Lord in mercy will cut it short. If you cannot handle this thought then your heart is not right before the Lord.
There are passages in Isaiah about the 2nd Exodus that may apply at some stage after world war 3. Also Zephaniah resonates with me concerning the Lord’s hidden ones. The Lord has a hidden remnant, let us hide ourselves in Him and keep His Ways. We will at some stage ‘glorify the Lord in the fires’ of a ruined world. There will be an exodus from the ends of the earth. Along with this will be massive earthquakes that level our godless cities of sin and make a highway in the sea for some. Before we are gathered from the North Country (Jeremiah 3 and Jeremiah 23) we have to go there. We are awaiting a regathering from the ends of the earth that will lead to the middle east.
There are so many scriptures about the regatheirng, but it may occur in stages. Here are some scriptures about the time we may be entering into shortly…
- Zephaniah
- Isaiah 24
I am not sure how long it will take between now and complete collapse of our nations along with the third world war. But it could be as short as one year from now or who knows. There is to be a massive depopulation of our earth due to wickedness. There is hope if we walk in the Light.
Thank you brother. I’ve been listening to you since 2015-2016.
I really needed this today so encouraging! Thank You So Much!
Love and Light brother, so wish we were all together!!!
I am so thankful for this message.
The irony is, it had been in my spam folder, which couldn’t be further from reality. After tons of mails with the virus topic finally one worth reading.
A technocratic police state as an inevitable result of “progress” of humanity in technology and sin. Just as Rod Dreher wrote in his book “Benedict option” each single step might seem independant from each other and hard to explain for itself e.g. “why we do have a third sex now surrounding us at the workplace largely without questioning?” or “how come we gave up our freedoms (cash money, self determination of health issues e.g. vaccines) that easy?”, but in the book this is displayed as a sequence of becoming slaves to technology itself.
Also great to mention “Huxley’s” “Brave New World” where the own children are reporting their parents to the several departments if they don’t follow in lockstep. Up to this day I am asking myself why the character “Mustapha Mond”, the world controller who in contrast to John, the savage and to the “Generation Z-“’tish indoctrinated characters “Bernhard and Helmholtz” really had a free choice and knowledge. He isn’t pleased by the system and even describes the remanent as “the only people that matter” and “that the bible always had a great interest for me” Why didn’t he chose an island (a remanent) over being a world controller? Huxleys “Brave new world” leaves this open.
PS: Brave New World as a superb fair-use audiobook at
Well, I am rambling. I pray for everyone reading Rory’s post, too and may god show a viable option to form the remanent.
God bless You Rory and Hadassah.
Ruben from Bavaria, Germany
Thank you Rory for keeping in touch thru emails. Itโs a pleasure to read to count it a joy. A confirmation to brothers and sisters of our trust and faith in Yeshua.
Thank you Rory for your service and heart to us all. My wife and I read all your e-mails and are very happy to hear of the coming exodus. You have right warnings but also encouraging instructions. Thanks again. May Yah bless you and your family!
Thank you Stan for your encouragement. I hope what I do makes a difference. So few have a heart to look into these things. This is a tragedy since we are on the cusp of the 2nd Exodus. It looks like it’s going to be very messy and painful due to our low spiritual state. God help us.
shalom in Yeshua
I found your blog after Googling “zombie dreams” and “vaccine”. Recently I’ve been having dreams of a zombie apocalypse right before the Lord’s return. And all the people that turned, where those that took the coronavirus vaccine. I’m not the only person who’s been having these dreams of a vaccine causing a zombie apocalypse. There are many people on Youtube making videos about the same thing.
And recently, I found this medical article detailing how a coronavirus vaccine uses the rabies vaccine as a carrier. When you realize that the coronavirus “vaccine” actually changes your DNA and it contains the rabies vaccine, it sounds like a dangerous cocktail.
Thank you very much for your feedback. we will have to wait and see what are the results of medling with our DNA with a so called ‘vaccine’ but it can only be bad. Infact the so called cure is already killing some folks straight after the injection and maiming others.