We need our own food economy and we need to work together.

Before the 2nd Exodus we need to leave the big cities and grow our own food and come together into groups of believers that can help each other. Not just going to meetings but having real community. No rapture to save us (its not time just yet for the resurrection), but a path that will preserve us, we are not going up into the air but out. Keep covenant and get out of the big cities.

Going into Nineveh or Leaving Sodom?

 You have to have a good reason to stay in the city.

No matter who wins the elections, America will be divided. Civil war is not if, but when. It’s time. And when the ‘good ship lollypop’ goes down, so does the rest of the once seemingly free western world including Canada, Australia and New Zealand.

I have already left my nation in my heart. I am looking to the regathering of all Israel & Judah. Our nations are being judged now in mercy, because the wheat must be brought into the barn and the tares burnt up. If you follow Yeshua your hope and expectation is from the Lord God Almighty, Yeshua, the King of Kings, Rev 17:14, 19:16 and God manifest in flesh, Isaiah 9:6. He is not out to destroy those faithful in the land that walk with Him humbly and keep his commandments. Fear not thou worm Jacob!, Isaiah 41:14. Though I am weak, yet I am strong, 2 Cor 12:10. God is very close to those of a broken and contrite heart Isaiah 57:15. But if we are walking in lawlessness and pride then we have much to fear. The Lord will remove saints that just wont obey Him, His patience is coming to an end. Judgement is here – but so is salvation. Search the scriptures and you will see that during the judgements upon Israel, the Lord ื™ื”ื•ื” was very merciful to His remnant. The wicked wont escape their punishment and the righteous will be saved. We must hold on tight to the Lord. Everything that can be shaken will be shaken, Hebrews 12:27. We are not learning Torah to go to the guillotines but to the middle east, to the promised land via the North Country. America and Australia are not our home. Zion is our Home, in Yeshua’s time and leading.

The only reason we should be in a big godless city is to save the lost. There is a time to go into Nineveh with the gospel (Read the book of Jonah), and there is a time to leave Sodom. If you are like Abraham you wont even be in Sodom, you will be looking for a city whose builder and maker is God, Hebrews 11:10.

I know that many will already be out of the cities of sin, but for those that still linger, you better have a good reason for staying because judgement is on it’s way.

The purpose of this article is to state the obvious, to anyone that still doesn’t get it. GET OUT OF THE CITIES – THEY WILL ALL BURN!

Currently here in Australia, Melbourne is in LOCKDOWN, people are trapped by a Luciferic government decree. But the Lord is using this tyranny to get our attention. It takes a lot to wake up Australia and New Zealand. The people are pretty docile and slow of heart to understand, we have departed from God to the utmost. I am not bashing our nations, I am sad for the state of things. What can you do with people that wont listen to the voice of God? Shake ’em up. We need to separate physically from the cities. And we need to separate from the economy. We will soon be forced to. With Covid 19 contact tracing our phones will be our enemy not our friend. No phone, no internet, perhaps a few will have short wave. But we will be in the dark as to what is going on.  We wont have a bank account soon either! We need to get out now. Find some place to dwell and grow some food. If you are on a government pension or benefit you will be forced to take the mandatory vaccinations and the handouts from the government wont last long with hyper inflation and food scarcity. We have to grow our own food as the cities burn and our nations are invaded.

I don’t even have land, but I can grow a garden on someone else’s! And I am doing a bit of that now. Everything that we do is only for a season or so. We will eventually have to leave our homesteads as well as the cities (there is a 2nd Exodus to march along in). But if we can grow a bit of food then we can live another day.

Tune out & Tune In

Many of the Lord’s flock are of humble means. Perhaps you are asking what you can do? There is so much news and so little time. What we need to do is turn off the distractions and bring our petitions before the Lord. We need to deal with sin. Some need deliverance from addictions. This is a time where we need to fast and pray. We need to be regular in the fasting department. We need to hear from God. We need to have a sense of where we are going if at all possible.

I can say that the Lord has led my wife and I, one step at a time. Looking back it is quite obvious what the Lord was doing. Our limitations are not the Lord’s limitations but His opportunity to be gracious to us. The main thing is that we need our life in order before Him (obedience) and we need to follow His leading (and we need to be listening in order to hear it). So again we need to be in the habit of prayer, letting the Lord make the decisions. We follow Him, He doesn’t follow us. Bring every plan, hope and dream before Him and ask Him to close the doors or open them. Let Him LEAD! We must be like Abraham and not Lot. Lot lived his life according to the sight of his own eyes, Gen 13:10, whereas Abraham let the Lord guide him and what he was supposed to expect and look forward to, Gen 13:14.

There are so many distractions, we need to be working and following the Lord and not just being amazed and the news and not making preparations. Don’t leave it all to the last minute and say you are trusting in the Lord. Be in His will. Noah trusted the Lord, and built an Ark. What is it that you need to do?


Homesteading self sufficiency: animals (not pigs) and gardens

Homesteading is a lifestyle of self-sufficiency. It is characterized by subsistence agriculture, home preservation of food, and may also involve the small scale production of textiles, clothing, and craftwork for household use or sale.


Not everyone is a hunter, farmer or has green fingers. But everybody gets hungry. We may not all be fit and strong, but most of us can do something. Those that cant, still can seek the Lord and He will guide them.

What do you do when there is no food on the supermarket shelves and no money to buy them? Don’t leave it too late to get your family fed. You may have a well paying job but the entire economic system is being shut down. Soon we wont have bank accounts or mobile phones. That’s where we are headed, and soon!

Learn to grow vegetables and preserve food. Get to somewhere that you can keep some chickens. If possible get sheep and a milk cow. Learn to make your own compost instead of getting fertilizer from the store. Get your hands dirty.

This may not be for everyone but food is going to be a life and death issue.

Intentional Community

It’s difficult to do everything on your own. We are not all well suited to working the land. Some are just musicians or engineers or teachers or seamstresses . The greater the number of people the greater is the possibility for either conflict or cooperation and specialization. Everybody can do something. The elderly can pray and give sound advice drawn from a lifetime of experience. Some can do mechanical stuff, the more people the more possibilities. But we need to get our head out of the clouds initially and just find out where we are and where we hope to be going. The purpose of this article is to present these ideas to those that haven’t yet gotten out of Babylon in their mind. We need to be led by God individually before we can be led as a group. Hopefully we are not the same complainers as in the exodus. We should all be Joshua’s and Calebs at heart.

We also have a better chance of protecting ourselves as a community than as individuals. But who do you trust? You have to know those around you are real believers and not make believers. We must get our hearts right in order for the Lord to protect us from not only the New World Order police state but more importantly from each other’s uncrucified flesh!

I don’t think we want some domineering cult leader but neither do we want a leaderless or poorly conceived operation. We certainly make mistakes. But we are soon going to have a great deal of folk fleeing the cities looking for a meal. If they are believers and are willing to work then we have the possibility of survival on a corporate level, not just as an individual. We can only pray this in and let the Lord guide us. He is on the throne and we are His people.

The Lord ื™ื”ื•ื” is not just bringing judgement on our nations, He is first shaking and then gathering His remnant.


Once we have a community then we are waiting it out as our nations collapse. We will be the only beacons of light there is. The cities will be burnt out hell holes. Read Isaiah 24. That’s the world we are about to see. But there is another group of people with a brighter future. That is Zion. That is us. We are the future.

Once our community is working as a cohesive unit it is time to move out.

2nd Exodus

The end goal of Homesteading is not just survival, but the 2nd Exodus of the 10 lost tribes, the lost sheep of the house of Israel for which our Saviour died. If you don’t want to leave your nation you probably wont. But neither will you survive. Your soul maybe saved. For some that will be a sweet release from this world of suffering and toil. I am not judging your situation. But the House of Israel is leaving the USA, Canada, Australia, New Zealand and wherever else they are scattered. The tares will be burnt up but the wheat will be gathered into His Barn, Matthew 13:30.

Let’s go!

The Parable of the Sower

24  Another parable put he forth unto them, saying, The kingdom of heaven is likened unto a man which sowed good seed in his field:
25  But while men slept, his enemy came and sowed tares among the wheat, and went his way.
26  But when the blade was sprung up, and brought forth fruit, then appeared the tares also.
27  So the servants of the householder came and said unto him, Sir, didst not thou sow good seed in thy field? from whence then hath it tares?
28  He said unto them, An enemy hath done this. The servants said unto him, Wilt thou then that we go and gather them up?
29  But he said, Nay; lest while ye gather up the tares, ye root up also the wheat with them.
30  Let both grow together until the harvest: and in the time of harvest I will say to the reapers, Gather ye together first the tares, and bind them in bundles to burn them: but gather the wheat into my barn.

Matthew 13:24-30

By Rory

2 thought on “Pre (2nd Exodus) Survival 101: Homesteading & Intentional Community”
  1. Great article, Rory!
    I can only endorse that with the crazy “pandemy” regulations it stirred up significantly. I haven’t had the need for attorneys before 2020, but this year it takes significant efforts to get the system’s “new normality” off your back (enforced medical and pseudo-medical measures, masks, tests, ID “marks” everywhere, restriction of payment methods, restriction of civil liberties, soon DNA modifying vaccines to be mandatory?)
    “It’s difficult to do everything on your own. We are not all well suited to working the land. Some are just musicians or engineers or teachers or seamstresses” – so true. And a homestead – which one might be forced to leave anyways – at this moment isn’t viable for everyone. BUT what is viable for everyone and I cannot emphasize it enough is the possibility to do WWOOFing throughout you free time. Learning farming skills and also to know farming communities without owning a farm nor having one nearby should be the #1 option for every believer without the means or condition of homesteading to prepare at a level comparable to homesteading.

    Various countries offer WWOOFing and membership doesn’t cost much, e.g. Germany wwoof.de, Czech Republic: wwoof.cz, Spain: wwoof.es and many more…

    Be safe and prep!

    Best regards from Germany, where big things are happening at this very moment at the city where the throne of satan stands, but there’s still hope!

    1. Thank you so much brother for your encouraging and enthusiastic comments. We are in very strange and difficult days. Satan wants to prevent the 2nd Exodus. Or atleast make it as painful as possible. The Lord on the otherhand is sifting us and bringing us to an end of ourselves and the beginning of Him.

      Yes it is good that Germans are collectively speaking up against the tyranical takeover using Covid 19 as a pretext. However the source of our freedom is God and without national repentance the protests will be easily sidetracked into some harmful or irrelevant cause.

      Personally I find it very hurtful to see evil triumph. Soon people will be too hungry to protest. Add a second wave with a more virulent contagion and such protests wont even happen. Then add the prospect of World War and the protests will be gone.

      Only a living faith in and walk with Yeshua will enable Germans or anyone else to get through these dark days.

      Be strong in Yeshua by the Holy Spirit.

      Love in Yeshua

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