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Parsha ‘Bo‘, בא, ‘to come/bring‘
Exodus 10:1 – 13:16
- Introduction
- Birth of the Kingdom of Zion within Babylon by Love
- Birth of the 144,000 within Babylon USA and elsewhere
- Earthquakes
- Passover & the Birth of Zion
- Sanctifying the Firstborn
- Death of the Firstborn
- The Zombie Death Curse
- Pray to Escape
- Timing
- Yeshua is in Control
- Summary
If you don’t read any other articles I write this year, please read this one!
(or listen to the audio above!)
I make the connection between the 4th seal and the 10th plague, ‘death‘ and freedom from the bondage of slavery. Is this the time of the 4th seal? If so then everything is about to accelerate as we approach Passover 2024! If the 4th seal is opened then the 2nd Exodus is about to begin in earnest. What you thought would take a few years will take only a few months. The ‘church age‘ is thus about to end abruptly. Dead churches will burn with fire. Living stones will ignite with Holy Spirit anointing and power. From Passover to Pentecost 2024 there will be a period of much pain & much glory, birth in a time of death. Harvest is coming for good and for evil, for life and for death. The proud self willed tares will manifest, and the humble wheat will bow their head. Love will join the two houses of Israel & Judah together and bring believing Jew and Gentile into unity in a time of the greatest trial, persecution and murder in human history. Love is key to victory. Love is central to the resurrection of the righteous and the regathering of Israel. The Dragon will fall, the ‘aliens‘ will come and the resurrection of the righteous and evil dead will occur on Pentecost. The ‘Zombie Apocalypse‘ will occur then too, which is the water from the Dragon’s mouth. So Passover begins the 2nd exodus with the first 144,000 and Pentecost completes it with the second 144,000. Life and death at the same time.
This is a ‘large‘ sized study but prophetically important! There is a list of Contents with section headings you can use as markers to come back to. I have even inserted a halfway point in red. You can always read a little and come back and read a little more. Feel free to come back and read another section. I am the last one to burden you. So nobody is forcing you to read it all at once, not me and not your mother! 😉 But if you feel led, then please read on or listen to the audio above. And thank you for your time.
It is an important study because the birthpangs of the Tribulation are about to bite hard with sharp teeth for those sleeping on their lees. The enemy is hungry! You dare not sleep now! The Lord is coming for those who are awake! You don’t have to be a prophet to see what is coming in the next few months. You just have to be awake and watching. This is the end of the church age now! This is the ‘time of Jacob’s trouble‘. You wont be able to keep up with the headlines. Birthpangs will quicken and so will the Holy Spirit anointing to those humbly following the Chief Shepherd, glory is coming!, I Peter 5:4.
In this week’s parsha, ‘Bo‘, בא, the death of the firstborn of Egypt releases Israel, God’s firstborn. I believe that the seals of Revelation 6 have been opening since 2020, one year apart on Yom Kippur.
The 4th seal thus opened in September 2023 and will manifest in 2024 with all the other horsemen. Instead of pacing around to and fro, Zechariah 1:11, the 4 horsemen will be galloping together like a storm of rain hitting hard against the wall, as one judgement merges with another, faster and faster. Sudden destruction is coming this year. We wont be able to project any more how long we have left because it is about to accelerate like a storm from Hell.
Just like the 10th plague in Egypt, the 4th seal brings Death & Hell on earth. Death is coming in 2024 and so is the 2nd exodus. But the birth of a nation and life from the dead is coming too. The 144,000 are going to be put to work soon to get Zion moving. The Antichrist is about to show his face. The otherworldly Seed of the Serpent will manifest themselves and World War 3 will be over as Babylon America burns. They will enslave Adam’s fallen race in a high-tech, nano tech vaccinated, AI driven, dystopian, Zombie nightmare. Darkness is about to fall, both spiritually and physically.
Soon you wont have time to even read the news or Introductions to my articles as our world collapses and the internet is rejigged. Soon many wont have access to food let alone a bible at all, due to sudden invasion, displacement, martial law and societal collapse. The pace of judgement is about to dramatically quicken. The ‘Spirit of the Lord‘ will also move powerfully as the ‘enemy‘ rises up like a ‘flood‘.
19 So shall they fear the name of the LORD from the west, and his glory from the rising of the sun. When the enemy shall come in like a flood, the Spirit of the LORD shall lift up a standard against him.
Isaiah 59:19-20
20 And the Redeemer shall come to Zion, and unto them that turn from transgression in Jacob, saith the LORD.
With all the dark stuff, we need to keep our eyes on Yeshua and not the waves, otherwise we will sink, Matthew 14:30-31. I am not trying to depress anyone. I don’t like bad news either. I am looking up while I see things going down. I am telling you that bad stuff is coming, but our ‘Redeemer‘ is coming also. He is coming to ‘Zion‘, which is us, no matter where we are located! We are Zion!, Hebrews 12:22, even if in pain, Isaiah 66:8, Micah 4:10. The ‘Spirit of the Lord‘ will lift up a ‘standard‘ against the ‘enemy‘. But the Lord is using the enemy to get our attention and bring the remnant of ‘Jacob‘ to himself. God is hurrying things along, a birth is coming. A whole lot of ‘suddenly’s‘ are coming around the bend. Wisdom means being watchful and prayerful. Folly is sleeping, shrugging your shoulders and sticking your head in the sand.
What I have been writing about for over 13 years, the regathering of the 10 lost tribes & Judah with the 2nd exodus, is about to leap out of the pages of prophecy and grab you and I for good or evil. Everything is about to get very scary and very supernatural, very quickly, as the earth is violently shaken. Are our feet upon the Rock?
I believe that what you are reading here in this parsha will hit home by Passover 2024 as you and I experience personally the destruction of the world we once knew. This is more than just a ‘great reset‘, this is exodus or death, this is first fruits rapture or tribulation, this year! It’s about to come like a flood upon us. It’s coming like a whirl wind. The perfect storm! Time’s up! Please take this to heart! Please don’t think to yourself you have a few years to do this or that. Sudden destruction is coming early in 2024!
Read my articles on the 70 years of Jerusalem and Babyon USA, which came to an end in 2020 for some background. See ‘70 Years until judgement of Jerusalem & Babylon USA?‘ and ‘Joseph, Jerusalem, Babylon & the Cup of Trembling‘. The vaccinations of the first seal white horse rider began then which is part of ‘the curse‘ as I will describe later. Much of the modern state of Israel is going into exile soon, only a remnant will remain and the true regathering of believing Israel & Judah will begin. Get understanding. There is not much time left. The seals of Revelation 6 appear to be opening since September 2020, one year apart. We have slipped into the Tribulation without knowing it. Satan’s ‘man of sin‘ and the dragon lords from the sky will soon be appearing in their flying machines as World War 3 progresses and goes nuclear and America is invaded.
The bust up that came to Egypt is northing compared to what is coming to America and the world now. A much greater exodus is coming now whether you believe it or not. A more wicked Pharaoh is coming called the Antichrist, and like Satan he will be a smooth talker, with lying signs and wonders, but he will soon show his fangs and contempt for the seed of God, see ‘Parsha – Va’era – Raised up to Show My Power‘. The birthpangs will greatly multiply from now on. It’s all about to happen. We only have a few more months of relative normal. I don’t base this on a dream or vision but neither do I dismiss such things either. Unlike the ‘pillow prophets‘ that keep the church snoozing, I have heard some dreams and visions which align with scripture and are genuine, the gift of prophecy is still in operation but there are so many prophets of Baal that you have to dig for them. Yet without such dreams and visions it is still very clear to me from biblical prophecy, and from what has been happening, and what is in the works, that big trouble is just months away. We need God’s word and a close walk with the Lord because the tribulation is about to take hold in 2024. This will be a Passover like no other in human history, greatly eclipsing the one in Egypt that we are reading about in this parsha. However just like the disciples slept when Yeshua was betrayed on Passover, so too, the closer we get to the birthpangs the more asleep many believers seem to get! It’s not years down the track, it’s about to come suddenly. Are you ready?
Birth of the Kingdom of Zion within Babylon by Love
This parsha is prophetic for ‘things to come‘ (it’s name ‘Bo‘, בא, means ‘to come‘). A ‘baby‘ is about to come out of the belly of another nation. This ‘baby‘ is born in a time of death (Passover). A nation is about to be born in one day (Pentecost). We read about a future birth in Isaiah 66.
7 Before she travailed, she brought forth; before her pain came, she was delivered of a man child.
Isaiah 66:7-8
8 Who hath heard such a thing? who hath seen such things? Shall the earth be made to bring forth in one day? or shall a nation be born at once? for as soon as Zion travailed, she brought forth her children.
(compare Revelation 12 & Daniel 12:1-3)
In Isaiah 66:7-8 we have two births mentioned. One birth is the ‘manchild‘ ‘before she travailed‘ and another set of ‘children‘ as soon as she travails. I have stated earlier that there is a ‘manchild‘ about to be born, the 144,000. This happens before ‘Zion‘, the ‘church of the firstborn‘ (Colossians 1:18, Hebrews 12:23), travails, that is, before the tribulation really takes hold. Then there is another set called ‘her children‘ that are born at Pentecost. There are thus two groups of 144,000 related to barley and then wheat. The first ‘baby‘ is birthed by Passover which relates to this parsha and initiates the 2nd exodus. The 50 day Omer countdown between Passover to Pentecost will be increasingly difficult and traumatic to put it mildly. That could be why we are to count the days, because big things are coming and we need to hold on till the finish line, and the 50th day is that finish line. At that time, according to my reckoning, the 2nd group of 144,000 along with the general resurrection of the wicked and righteous dead occurs, Daniel 12:1-3. So death comes to many and resurrection and rapture to a few and exodus to the remainder of ‘Zion‘, the ‘church of the firstborn‘.
What Isaiah 66:7-8 is talking about, ‘birth‘ in a time of death, relates to the exodus described in today’s parsha ‘Bo‘. And it applies to the time we are living in because things are ‘coming‘ and we are ‘going‘, for that day rapidly approaches. We are already seeing our nations dying and being judged, both physically and spiritually. ‘Zion‘, the Lord’s ‘called out people‘, dwell within nations that are dying spiritually and physically via vaccines and plagues and other judgements and the end result of continual unrepentant hearts and sinful people and wicked leaders. God is already judging us and is going to completely judge our nations, Jeremiah 30:11, and the world, Revelation 14:7. Just like He brought Israel out of Egypt through death, so too will He reunite Israel & Judah in the ‘land of the north‘ called North America and bring them out through judgement in a time of great darkness and death.
In those days the house of Judah shall walk with the house of Israel, and they shall come together out of the land of the north to the land that I have given for an inheritance unto your fathers.
Jeremiah 3:18
Both houses of Judah and Israel exist within this ‘land of the north‘. The ‘two sticks‘, Ezekiel 37, shall be joined ‘there‘. But where is ‘there‘?
There was a ‘land of the north‘ by the Euphrates according to Jeremiah 46:6. This was the area near Babylon and Assyria. But there is another ‘land of the north‘ in these last days, a land where Judah and Israel have dwelt happily in exile. The modern day ‘land of the north‘ or ‘north country‘ spoken of often in old testament prophecy is the place that both houses of Israel & Judah are promised to escape from! Something must happen to make them want to leave it. But where is it? And why would they want to escape? Like ancient ‘Babylon’, this modern day ‘north country‘ has become another modern day Babylon and it’s woke warriors are becoming women, Jeremiah 50:37, she is thus ripe for invasion. This ‘land of the north‘ is north America which has become Babylon USA, and it is run by the same Chaldean deep state bloodlines that set up the original Ancient Babylon. It too has made the world drunk through it’s sorcery (‘pharmakea’ or pharmaceutical industry) including it’s vaccines and it’s Hollywood, porn and apostate Christianity which it exports world wide. Once a free nation, it is becoming a prison where the truth is being trampled on and the gospel is shunned. Socialism and New Age and witchcraft have grown in popularity. This same process has occured in Australia and elsewhere. More people are saying ‘no’ to Yeshua and ‘yes’ to Satan. But when a little Babylon, a ‘southern land‘ called Australia goes down, people might shed a tear or two for the land ‘Downunder‘, but when Babylon America burns the world will be shocked to their core! The Muslims and Communists will rejoice of course. Since world war 2 the USA has been the physical and spiritual motor of the ‘free world’, the western world.
This modern day ‘north country‘ called the USA contains the majority of the house of Jacob, including Jews and 10 lost tribes of Israel. There is a small remnant that is faithful to the covenant but a large proportion of those who claim to follow Yeshua are lukewarm and proud. There is but a small remnant that will be saved but the nation as a whole cannot be saved. You cannot vote God’s judgement away because God’s judgement has already begun, as it has also begun world wide to all the nations that the lost tribes inhabit. The nation of Babylon USA (and all the other little whore houses like Australia) cannot be saved because the nation is riddled with wicked godless sinners in every branch of government and power. The blood of the innocent crys from the earth to the Lord of Hosts against the inhabitants of the land. The proud ship once was a golden cup in the hand of the Lord. But she rebelled and turned on the Lord. This once God fearing nation that once shined with righteousness is now called Babylon USA. She is the new ‘land of the north‘ and she is going down fast, just in time for World War 3 and the birthpangs that will lead to the Antichrist, Nephilim and the 2nd exodus. You cannot take back the republic because the Lord has given her over to her depravity. But you can ‘come out of her my people, and share not in her plagues‘, Revelation 18:4.
If you believe Jeremiah 3:18 above, and take it to heart, then you will understand that we have to form our own nation. So we have to unite. Not to save America or Australia, but to save our nation, a nation called ‘Zion‘, made up of believing ‘Israel & Judah‘ and the remnant of the nations that attach to us.
Then shall the children of Judah and the children of Israel be gathered together, and appoint themselves one head, and they shall come up out of the land: for great shall be the day of Jezreel.
Hosea 1:11
The new covenant has come in part, but the fullness of what Yeshua purchased by his blood has not yet come to a reunited Israel & Judah. But it is about to.
31 Behold, the days come, saith the LORD, that I will make a new covenant with the house of Israel, and with the house of Judah:
Jeremiah 31:31-33
32 Not according to the covenant that I made with their fathers in the day that I took them by the hand to bring them out of the land of Egypt; which my covenant they brake, although I was an husband unto them, saith the LORD:
33 But this shall be the covenant that I will make with the house of Israel; After those days, saith the LORD, I will put my law in their inward parts, and write it in their hearts; and will be their God, and they shall be my people.
The remnant believers of the Houses of Israel and Judah shall come together by love through Yeshua HaMashiach. The fullness of the New Covenant shall be poured out upon them.
Coming to Yeshua is the beginning of our Exodus from Egypt spiritually. We have begun to enter his rest spiritually. But there is also a physical rest for our physical bodies. The Sabbath identifies the nation of Israel physically. The awakening to the sabbath and feasts is the beginning of the exodus physically. But it has been accompanied by a lot or carnality and debate. There are tares amongst the wheat. At the time of harvest the true Zion which is the true Israel of God will be manifest. The true remnant will love Yeshua and one another. The believing remnant of Judah will love the believing remnant of Israel. So this unification will come through the gospel of Yeshua and love before it happens by decree and law. This unification will come through the Holy Spirit before it comes through the Letter. Before we leave our nations physically we need to recognise one another in Yeshua. Love will bring the true believing nation of Israel & Judah together, love in Yeshua. There is a unity coming that we have not seen since Acts 2 when they had all things in common, but it is prophesied to come to pass.
13 Till we all come in the unity of the faith, and of the knowledge of the Son of God, unto a perfect man, unto the measure of the stature of the fulness of Christ:
Ephesians 4:13-16
14 That we henceforth be no more children, tossed to and fro, and carried about with every wind of doctrine, by the sleight of men, and cunning craftiness, whereby they lie in wait to deceive;
15 But speaking the truth in love, may grow up into him in all things, which is the head, even Christ:
16 From whom the whole body fitly joined together and compacted by that which every joint supplieth, according to the effectual working in the measure of every part, maketh increase of the body unto the edifying of itself in love.
We have never seen this fulfilled, certainly not amongst Messianics that have discovered the sabbath. This is not the fault of the sabbath or the law, but with the heart and the Spirit. We don’t need to to know a lot to be kind. We can be very ignorant but still be loving. If anything knowledge puffs up. This level of love is not amongst dead churches that want to be like the world either. The church needs a heart transplant. We need to know Yeshua, we need a revelation of His love. We need a visitation of the Holy Spirit, the Ruach HaKodesh.
When we learn to love one another globally, deeply and fully then we will be shining and everyone will know we are disciples of Yeshua.
By this shall all men know that ye are my disciples, if ye have love one to another.
John 13:35
This was the prayer of our Lord in John 17. This too has not been fulfilled globally or fully.
That they all may be one; as thou, Father, art in me, and I in thee, that they also may be one in us: that the world may believe that thou hast sent me.
John 17:21
We need to be able to love others, especially other believers. There may be disagreements about details of the law and doctrine, but as long as they believe the central tenants of Yeshua’s work on the cross, we can have fellowship. At least from our end we should be loving and kind. If we don’t have love and patience with one another we don’t have Torah. We are liars, and do not do the truth. Love touches hearts, unless they are made of stone, and even then God can reach the unreachable.
In Jeremiah 31:31 the new covenant is defined as writing the Torah on our hearts. If you read the new testament writings you will see how often the Lord emphasises love. If we really have the Torah written upon our heart then we will love. Yeshua kept that final Passover and used bread and wine as a symbol of his sacrifice and love for his people. Wine symbolises blood and it is closely associated with love, Song of Solomon 1:2,4, 2:4, 4:10. If we truly have the Torah then we will shine with the love of God. We all need a revelation of what the new covenant is, Ephesians 1:17. And we need to know the Love of God and love each other. Do a search in the new testament using the words ‘love‘ and ‘God‘ and you begin to get the picture. Let’s meditate on that. We cannot reach hearts if we don’t know the love of the Father ourselves. I speak for myself. Father show us who you are. Open the eyes of our heart.
Love is the key to unity and evangelism and the coming of our Lord and His Kingdom. Love is even more powerful than the spiritual gifts, 1 Corinthians 13, and I am not downplaying them, it’s all necessary. But without love it’s all for nothing. Torah is for nothing, and so are the gifts of the Spirit without love. God is love.
David studied the Torah. He was courageous and devoted and had great faith. But I think the key to the ‘key of David’, was the ardent, devoted and pure love he had for the Lord. Sadly many have become insensitive to the heart of the Father. We just don’t spend time with Him in consecrated devotion and prayer. Our hearts need to be exposed to the Lord in a way they never have been before. The foreskin of our heart must be exposed. The peril of our times will draw us heavenward to cry out to our Father in a way we never have before, just like the cry of the children of Israel in Egypt did, but much much more so. The pain of the birthpangs will cause us to wake up to our position in heaven, and to who God is, and to the true nature of God and Satan, love and hate and who we are as the children of God. Babies cry as soon as they are born. We need to call out to the Lord collectively in a way we never have done so before.
The birthpangs will cause us to call upon the Lord. Revelation of Yeshua and His love will come to our darkened hearts, just like when Joseph revealed himself to his brethren. This is the time of the prophesied joining of the two sticks of Israel & Judah. This is the time of the resurrection, Daniel 12:1-3, Romans 11:15. And this is the ‘one new man‘ of Jew and Gentile, one in Messiah, Ephesians 2:15. We are told that ‘love is as strong as death‘, Song of Solomon 8:6, love will lead to resurrection. This will all occur when the woman is in travail in Revelation 12. This prophesied unity in Ephesians has never been fulfilled. Only the Spirit of God can shed this love abroad in our hearts. It is extraordinary that this love, life, unity and light will come at the time of the greatest hate, death, fear and darkness. Many waters (from the Dragons mouth) cannot quench love, Song of Solomon 8:7, Revelation 12:15. Thus the timing of the fulfilment of Ephesians 4 will be at the last Pentecost of the church age when the Dragon, the accuser of the brethren, is cast out of heaven. This is shaping up to be Pentecost 2024 as I see it, 50 days after Passover when the 2nd set of 144,000 are raptured. The love that cannot be quenched by water must therefore be fire, the fire of the final Pentecost of Joel 2. Leading up to this the moon will turn to blood and the sun will turn to darkness and there will be palm trees of smoke, mushroom clouds of nuclear destruction, Song of Solomon 3:6, Joel 2:30. I think Yeshua will assist the bride with the rescue on the wings of an eagle. (But I suspect He comes in the 6th seal which would be 1.5 to 2.5 years later – but I am unsure.) In any case we are going to see a unification come to God’s true called out blood bought people, His ecclesia, His Israel, His Zion, His Church very soon. And this will be at the time of the general resurrection of the righteous and the wicked dead, which I believe is at Pentecost, the final Pentecost of the ‘church age’.
It is the Spirit of God that will breath on and raise the dry bones and put the two sticks of Israel and Judah together, Ezekiel 37. It was hate and lawlessness that tore Israel apart (remember Joseph betrayal by his brothers and how Yeshua was betrayed and crucified?). The time is rapidly approaching, the birthpangs are coming anyway. We have little choice but to unite in love based on our connection to Yeshua who is the head. The true bride must come together! This means the tares must be exposed, which is what is happening now, as many depart from the faith, even messianic type folk who deny Yeshua. The proud will not dwell peaceably with the humble. Although it may look like a mess down here, there is a separation going on. We are either going to Yeshua or the Beast. Cain hated Able, Ishmael mocked Isaac, Esau hated Jacob. The pressure and the Spirit of God is exposing who is who because the harvest is coming and tares appear first, see ‘Parsha – Vayechi – Messianic Movement, Carnal & almost Dead before 2nd Exodus?‘. The pain is necessary in order for us to grow up and find God and one another. The angel of death, the rider on the pale horse, will quicken this process, just like the death of the firstborn in Egypt.
The remnant of Israel & Judah are about to come together as one nation – through Yeshua, in a time of death. This is not joining a secular or unbelieving rabbinic state in the middle east. This is believing Jews and believing ‘10 lost tribers‘, the believing and faithful remnant of the house of Judah and the house of Israel and the gentiles called by the name of the Lord Yeshua. This will happen in a time of darkness, Isaiah 60. Gentiles shall come to the supernatural light of our rising. So there is darkness and light at the same time. Death and life at the same time. It shall be a time of pain, but not hopeless pain, because it is a time of child birth. A nation is coming together. Yet it is a remnant because much of Israel & Judah has corrupted themselves. Both curses and blessings are coming at the same time (see article ‘Keeping Covenant – Opening the Fourth Seal‘ for details). It is ‘the time of Jacob’s trouble <tribulation>, but he shall be saved‘, Jeremiah 30:7.
Birth of the 144,000 within Babylon USA and elsewhere
Not only is a nation going to be birthed, but we shall see the 144,000 that will be birthed through rapture/resurrection. I have speculated that, before they are raptured, they may be commissioned to preach, while still mortal (see ‘Birthpangs of Kingdom: An Acceptable time for the Antichrist vs 144,000 Suffering Warrior Preachers‘ and ‘How do Lambs get a Lion Heart?‘). This is because in order to reign with Messiah we must suffer with Him.
11 It is a faithful saying: For if we be dead with him, we shall also live with him:
II Timothy 2:11-12
12 If we suffer, we shall also reign with him: if we deny him, he also will deny us:
Will they be commissioned first and given a job to do to help bring in the harvest while still mortal? What constitutes suffering? Is it everyday stuff, is it outright persecution, imprisonment or death with our head on a silver platter? Is that how we are ‘sealed‘? It maybe different for different members of the 144,000, it might be all the same. The first set of 144,000 may escape a great deal of suffering compared to the second set (I will expand on this a little shortly). Giving birth often comes with pain. The Olivet discourse gives us a clue, suffering is coming to Zion. Sorrow makes the heart better, Ecclesiastes 7:3. Birthpangs are coming, pain is coming. Obviously the pain is part of pushing the ‘baby‘ out! The Kingdom is coming! The pain is part of making the heart better.
Earthquakes are coming, both natural and spiritual (see ‘Kislev 24th – Foundation, Earthquakes & the 4 Horsemen‘, ‘Video – The coming Mega Earthquakes & the 2nd Exodus‘ and ‘Gaash, Earthquakes, Zion & the end of Western Civilization‘).
The earth will reel like a drunkard. Read Isaiah 24. It will be tomorrows news. The nations have perverted God’s laws. We don’t even know what right or wrong is any more or even if we are a man or woman for goodness sakes. Read the curse here…
5 The earth also is defiled under the inhabitants thereof; because they have transgressed the laws, changed the ordinance, broken the everlasting covenant.
Isaiah 24:5-6
6 Therefore hath the curse devoured the earth, and they that dwell therein are desolate: therefore the inhabitants of the earth are burned, and few men left.
In Haggai we have prophecy concerning the earthquakes and shaking that God shall bring. It all centres on the 24th day. Read what the prophet is saying because it is about a sudden physical and spiritual upheaval as the Lord returns to Zion and brings tribulation at the same time. Zechariah 1 follows Haggai and describes the red horse and the 24th day of the 11th month (This is in 2 weeks time from the publishing of this article). The earth is at peace up to that point, but it is about to be violently shaken. Read my articles ‘Kislev 24th – Foundation, Earthquakes & the 4 Horsemen‘ and ‘The Significance of the 24th Day‘ for details.
Will 2024 be that year it all starts? Will we experience a Passover like no other, a Passover when both life and death comes? The world is already shaking in terms of natural disasters that are coming quicker and quicker along with government mandated insanity.
Passover & the Birth of Zion
Passover remembers the exodus which was initiated by death. The current Parsha describes the 10th plague, the ‘death of the firstborn‘ which finally breaks the will of Pharaoh and sets Israel free. Israel is God’s firstborn as stated earlier in the previous parsha study ‘Parsha – Va’era – Raised up to Show My Power‘.
22 And thou shalt say unto Pharaoh, Thus saith the LORD, Israel is my son, even my firstborn:
Exodus 4:22-23
23 And I say unto thee, Let my son go, that he may serve me: and if thou refuse to let him go, behold, I will slay thy son, even thy firstborn.
This slaying of the firstborn is preceded by the 8th plague, the ‘locusts‘, Exodus 10:4, and then the 9th plague, a ‘darkness which can be felt‘, Genesis 10:21. We see locusts and darkness as judgements that occur later in the book of Revelation 8:12, 9:3, 16:10. These are both prophetic for the regathering of Israel under Yeshua and the judgement of Babylon and the beast system. There is a time of ‘gross darkness‘ coming according to Isaiah 60:1-2, but it is also a time of ‘glory‘. We may hide ourselves in our ‘chambers‘ for a moment during the ‘3 days of darkness‘, Isaiah 26:20, Hosea 6:2, like the 9th plague. I have already explained in previous posts that there is a general resurrection of the righteous and the wicked as the tribulation kicks in according to Daniel 12:1-3. This is a ‘time of trouble <tribulation>, such as never was since there was a nation even to that same time‘, Daniel 12:1. This Parsha has many events that are deeply prophetic for our immediate future and link to events in the book of Revelation. I want to focus though on 3 main components.
- The Death of the Firstborn of Egypt. ch 11
- The Exodus. ch 12
- The Sanctification of the Firstborn of Israel. ch 13
Is the 2nd exodus about to be initiated by a massive world wide death spiral? The bad guys are already telling us that much worse viruses are coming in a few months. How do they know? Obviously they cooked them up. So death is coming. This is a curse of the law. Plagues are a curse, Leviticus 26:21, Deuteronomy 28:59. War also is also a curse, Leviticus 26:25, 33, 36, 37, as is famine, Leviticus 26:26. These curses are what the 4 horsemen bring. God is keeping covenant. God is allowing this as a judgement. And just because we believe in Yeshua, it doesn’t mean we wont get sick or even die. We need to get tight with to Lord. We need to be ‘in the secret place of the Most High‘ in order to ‘abide under the shadow of His wings‘. We need to be praying Psalm 91 all over again, but more so, because what is coming is much worse. And along with the plagues, there will be natural disasters including earthquakes, war, famine and persecution. So it’s a painful time. But through the drama, the true body of Messiah will begin to shine as they draw closer to the Lord, die to sin and self and also draw closer to one another. The Lord is able to sustain us in famine, war and plague. But we need to be obedient. Yes some will be martyred and receive their crowns. But many more will be saved from death if they obey!
In any case the exodus commenced after the 10th plague, the death of the firstborn and God set His people free. Let us endure what is coming with patience.
Half way point.
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I am about to talk about the Supernatural stuff.
We will be living this very very soon.
I don’t want you to fall over and die of exhaustion reading this!
Sanctifying the Firstborn
After the exodus commences in Exodus 12 the Lord then talks about sanctifying the ‘firstborn‘ of man and beast in Exodus 13:2.
2 Sanctify unto me all the firstborn, whatsoever openeth the womb among the children of Israel, both of man and of beast: it is mine.
Exodus 13:2-3
3 And Moses said unto the people, Remember this day, in which ye came out from Egypt, out of the house of bondage; for by strength of hand the LORD brought you out from this place: there shall no leavened bread be eaten.
The firstborn of Israel are important to the Lord. The Lord underlines that it is related to being set free from ‘bondage‘. We are to ‘remember this day‘. Why the connection to unleavened bread? Of course we know that it also links to being set free from sin, which is pictured as leaven. Yeshua rose from the dead on firstfruits which is during the 7 days of unleavened bread. Yeshua set us free from sin and Pharaoh Satan and the Egypt of this world system of pagan darkness.
But is there more to it? Is there yet a future element to this remembering of being set free from ‘bondage‘. We are to ‘remember this day‘, because it is not only a record of the past, but a prototype for the future final physical bodily resurrection and a future exodus, the 2nd exodus. This sanctification of the firstborn is closely associated to the verses about unleavened bread. Before we get ahead of ourselves concerning a bodily resurrection or 2nd exodus, we should ask ourselves another question. Are we set apart? In order to be whisked up to heaven in a glorified body or physically escape our modern day Egypt or Babylon America or Australia we need to learn this lesson of sanctification that is being taught here. We are covered by the blood, but are we living a crucified life? Are we walking with our saviour in a pleasing way or are we captives to sin and self will? None of us are perfect, but we need to be looking to the Lamb and truly putting to death the deeds of the flesh. We need to be a set apart and Holy people.
Let’s focus on the more exciting side of things again. Why is the Lord talking about sanctification of the firstborn just after the exodus begins? Because Moses is a prophet and he is telling us that Israel is God’s firstborn, we need to be holy, and the mention of the sanctification of the firstborn is a prophetic allusion to the ‘church‘ and the 144,000 firstfruits in the last days. The church, which is the ‘congregation of Israel‘ is called ‘the church of the firstborn‘, Hebrews 12:23. And we know Yeshua is the first of the firstborn being the first of the firstfruits of the resurrection, I Corinthians 15:20. Indeed He is the ‘resurrection and the life‘, John 11:25. And there are the firstfruits of the Barley, Wheat and Summer fruit which represent different resurrections, these are the 3 times the males are to appear before the Lord as discussed in many articles lately, Exodus 23:17, Deuteronomy 16:16. Barley is related to Yeshua and the first set of 144,000 during Passover/Unleavened Bread, those raised before Zion herself travails.
Remember Lazarus was raised just before Passover. Is Lazarus a picture of the Barley firstfruits 144,000? And will these Barley firstfruits labour for our master through to Pentecost for the 2nd set of 144,000 at Pentecost? And will Satan fall from heaven some time through this period. I wrote some articles about the fall of Satan and the host of heaven over a 40 day period which Noah’s flood alludes to. See ‘Victory, Rapture, Skyfall & 2nd Exodus‘. The flood began on the 17th day of the 2nd Hebrew month. According to the Greek LXX it began on the 27th of the 2nd month. In any case, just before Pentecost, the 50th day of the Omer count. This dovetails with the dragon being cast out of heaven and waiting to devour the manchild in Revelation 12. So this is out of this world freaky end times stuff. We will see the stars fall, including the coming of ‘aliens‘ that are actually Satan’s fallen angels, nephilim and other demonic and hybrid creatures. They may fall as meteors or arrive on space ships, but they are evil and satanic. And their first mission is to devour the manchild 144,000. Obviously these 144,000 pose a real threat to Satan’s plans. And it is a major breakthrough for Zion that both they and Zion herself are delivered. But before this deliverance there is still a lot of martyrdom going on. This is not a walk in the park.
Going back to the raising of Lazarus before Passover, this may also allude to the raising up of a faithful remnant of the Levitical Cohenim that will witness for Yeshua. (See ‘Raising Lazarus HaCohen‘).
Will this raising of the first barley 144,000 and the Levitical Cohenim be preceded by darkness and death just like in the book of Exodus? If I repeat myself it is just to make a point. Things are about to get very supernatural as darkness descends upon this earth. Prepare your hearts for Passover 2024. It could be when it all breaks forth. We are to guard the night of Passover anyway. We are to stay awake every year on Passover. Something is going to happen in a future Passover. You will be glad that you stayed awake, with your shoes on your feet and a staff in your hand.
Death of the Firstborn
The exodus began with death! Isn’t that crazy? Are we going to look at what is coming upon the earth with gloom, or are we going to trust in the Lord? Faith comes through the word of God. The better we understand prophecy, the more prepared we are. The more time we spend in daily prayer, the more prepared we are. The death of the Egyptian firstborn brought life and release to Israel. But not all Egyptian firstborn would have died. If any obeyed and feared God then they would have put the blood of the Lamb on their doorposts and would thus be spared such a fate. And if an Israelite did not obey the Lord then they would have experienced their firstborn being killed when the angel of death passed over. You see it’s all about obedience, not where we come from.
And it came to pass, that at midnight the LORD smote all the firstborn in the land of Egypt, from the firstborn of Pharaoh that sat on his throne unto the firstborn of the captive that was in the dungeon; and all the firstborn of cattle.
Exodus 12:29
Now in these last days we need to take note of something. God is not mocked, we reap what we sow, Galatians 6:7. There comes a time when grace comes to an end if we continue in sin. We have to take hold of grace and seek the Lord and not just hold onto our sins and lusts. The Lord will set us free if we seek Him diligently. But judgement will come if we persists in sin. And we are told that judgement begins first in the house of God, I Peter 4:17. This Passover in 2024 could see the patience of the Lord come to an end for many that have not been putting to death the deeds of the flesh. The soul that sins, it shall die, Ezekiel 18:4. I exhort my readers to seek the Lord and be filled with His Spirit and His Word and His fear. God is about to cut many off soon.
The Zombie Death Curse
At this time now, the seed of Israel is numerous, with the majority residing in the ‘north country‘ called the USA. However they are about to be cut down to size through the curse of Zechariah 5 which are the judgements of the 4 horsemen.
3 Then said he unto me, This is the curse that goeth forth over the face of the whole earth: for every one that stealeth shall be cut off as on this side according to it; and every one that sweareth shall be cut off as on that side according to it.
Zechariah 5:3-4
4 I will bring it forth, saith the LORD of hosts, and it shall enter into the house of the thief, and into the house of him that sweareth falsely by my name: and it shall remain in the midst of his house, and shall consume it with the timber thereof and the stones thereof.
This ‘curse‘ will rot the house that people dwell in, their body! By Passover it will have been almost 3.5 years since the vaccines begun to be rolled out. Could we be in the birth pangs by then? Will we see the 2nd exodus then? Will we see ‘sudden destruction‘ coming shortly. It is my belief that the vaccine is a big part of this ‘curse‘, and it is about to be at least partially activated to kill many. And war, famine and other pestilences, that are far worse than we have seen so far are all part of the curses of the law as we discussed earlier. Remember the time period of 3.5 years. The pace is about to quicken dramatically.
Nothing happens down here without the Lord allowing it, for one reason or another. How come the bad guys can vaccinate the world? How can they do such evil. God’s patience with sinful man comes to an end. Grace does not continue forever. Evil is being released because we are under a curse if we walk in disobedience, especially if we claim to follow the Lord. Satan cannot do anything without permission. It is actually Yeshua that is doing this because He must eventually bring judgement if we continue to disobey him. This is the end of the age. Yeshua is opening the seals. Yeshua is beginning a process of separation, He is calling forth His bride, and giving those over to Satan that continue to disobey Him. There is an end times Bride, and an end times Whore. The four horsemen bring judgement, they bring the ‘curse‘ that goes into all the earth, the birthpangs of plague, war, famine, economic collapse, natural disasters, earthquakes etc. But remember it is Yeshua that is directing everything! Fear Him! We know that Yeshua is the one loosing the seals. He is in control. The first white horse rider with the ‘crown‘ (Greek, ‘stephanos‘/ Latin, ‘corona‘) has already been loosed by Yeshua with the ‘toxins’ from the bow (‘toxon‘ in Greek). This is a world wide curse and a world wide vaccination which all the world leaders agreed to do. A conspiracy, part of Psalm 2’s breaking the chords of God’s laws from them. The United Nations and the World Health Organisation are in Lock step against our Messiah but strangely they are carrying out His curse upon the world. God sent snakes to bite the Israelites in the wilderness. Just because the snakes did God’s will, didn’t mean they were good snakes. Snakes do what snakes do.
So in the 2nd exodus, there will be massive death, not just to the nations, but to Israel, including the 10 lost tribes due to sin and wickedness that people will not repent of. Much of the death will be related to the vaccines as well as famine and war etc. But there is a much darker judgement than just good old fashioned death. We are told the following frightening scenario…
And I will cause them to eat the flesh of their sons and the flesh of their daughters, and they shall eat every one the flesh of his friend in the siege and straitness, wherewith their enemies, and they that seek their lives, shall straiten them.
Jeremiah 19:9
Could this eating the flesh of a friend and family not just be due to famine in the end times? Could it be famine plus a 5G Vaccine induced ‘Zombie Apocalypse‘ as a result of the 4th seal judgement of death?
You might say, ok, maybe you’re right but that scripture that I just quoted actually refers to the Jews in Jerusalem. OK fair enough I agree. This could be in Jerusalem when the abomination of desolation is set up in the holy place. But it is just a local thing. Whether the abomination is in literal temple or the temple of our body or both it will cause desolation. If it is in the body then a person has an abomination within them, that makes them desolate. This gives us a reason why you are not to go back to you house but to run to the hills, Luke 17:31. Why? Because the people have become abominations. They have become zombies through the vaccines! People in Jerusalem will be devouring one another! Don’t go back to your house to get your stuff. Run to the wilderness! Run for your life.
But it wont just be the infected Jews that will be devouring one another, the same will be occurring in Babylon America and elsewhere.
19 Through the wrath of the LORD of hosts <at 6th Seal ‘wrath‘ begins to be poured out> is the land darkened, and the people shall be as the fuel of the fire <tares>: no man shall spare his brother.
Isaiah 9:19-21
20 And he shall snatch on the right hand, and be hungry; and he shall eat on the left hand, and they shall not be satisfied: they shall eat every man the flesh of his own arm:
21 Manasseh, Ephraim; and Ephraim, Manasseh: and they together shall be against Judah. For all this his anger is not turned away, but his hand is stretched out still.
This time of ‘wrath of the Lord‘ reminds me of the 6th seal when wrath begins to be poured out, so perhaps this ‘Zombie Apocalypse‘ occurs from September 2025 through to September 2026? Again I have some questions about timing, and the duration of the judgement before the 2nd exodus is completed! In any case I believe it begins at Passover 2024.
Only one nation has large numbers of Manasseh, Ephraim & Judah, and that is Babylon USA. The wicked of these tribes will be infected with the abomination in their blood and will be very hungry for human flesh, as will the wicked of all the nations of the world.
This cannibalistic flesh eating frenzy is part of the curses of the torah, Leviticus 26:29, coming upon humanity including an unrepentant Israel and Judah. The needles have been busy, and now it’s just a matter of time for when the Grim reaper pushes the button. Please listen, this is not just science fiction and horror, it will soon happen. It has been planned, and it’s in the word of God if we have eyes to see it. Laodicean Christians need eye salve. Don’t take my word on anything, seek the Lord while He may be found. We have had 3.5 years to wake up. I think this thing is coming like a freight train.
So before the a full blown ‘Zombie Apocalypse‘ there is a time of darkness and then sudden death. Not just firstborn, like in Egypt, but this time, many people. Perhaps during Passover a portion of the vaccinated are simply killed via 5G. Then later by Pentecost we have a full blown ‘Zombie Apocalypse‘ at the time of the general resurrection of the dead that occurs when Michael fights for Israel in Daniel 12:1-2, Revelation 12:7? By this time the Dragon Satan is already cast upon the earth.
Flesh eating zombies actually fit within the biblical curses. It may not just be starving people eating people, it could be starving undead people attacking the living in a mad hellish frenzy.
And ye shall eat the flesh of your sons, and the flesh of your daughters shall ye eat.
Leviticus 26:29
We take a lot of literal stuff in the bible metaphorically. And some metaphors could manifest literally in the end times. For instance Psalm 27 could be quite literal in verse 2.
When the wicked, even mine enemies and my foes, came upon me to eat up my flesh, they stumbled and fell.
Psalms 27:2
When Psalm 91:6,13 mentions the ‘pestilence that walketh in darkness‘ and ‘the lion and adder: the young lion and the dragon‘ it’s talking about infected demon possessed wicked people as Psalm 58 makes clear. And it’s the same time period and events as the tribulation when war is going on.
In the book of Revelation chapter 6 we are given 4 ‘seal‘ judgements which are 4 horsemen. The fourth seal, is a pale green horse whose rider is called ‘Death‘, and we are told that ‘Hell‘ follows after him. Could it be that the 4th seal judgement in Revelation that brings ‘Death‘ also initiates the process of the 2nd exodus, just like the first judgement. Could this also occur on Passover? And is God about to sanctify His Holy name by allowing death to come to many that according to Zechariah 5:4, swears falsely by the name of the Lord? Could this be the time when the vaccines begin to kick in and new man made and supernatural plagues are allowed by God because He is, on the one hand bringing judgement to many, but on the other, He is about to set His remnant free? Again, God does judge. Yes He is merciful, but if we claim to follow Him we need to be watchful and careful to obey Him.
For the time is come that judgment must begin at the house of God: and if it first begin at us, what shall the end be of them that obey not the gospel of God?
I Peter 4:17
I know I am repeating myself but I want to drive the following questions home! The 4th horseman is called ‘Death‘ and ‘Hell‘ follows him. Could it be that Death comes during Passover to many, and Hell comes on Pentecost for many more? So could hell include the ‘Zombie Apocalypse‘ in Pentecost at the same time as the resurrection of the dead?
It’s an understatement to say that this is pretty unpleasant stuff. But the good news is that God will be getting His remnant out from all this on eagles wings, Revelation 12:14, which is not a rapture, but a rescue. I do believe that there is a firstfruits rapture, followed by a rescue for the main portion of Zion that escapes the zombies, which I believe is the water spewed from the dragons mouth, Revelation 12:15-16. This could also include fallen angels and, well, all hell breaking loose to destroy the seed of God. But the remnant of Israel does escape on eagles wings, like the first exodus, Exodus 19:4 (they still walked by the way).
Pray to escape
I think if even some of this is coming soon, we should be deeply in prayer and living a life of repentance and seeking God. I do stress often the following verse…
Watch ye therefore, and pray always, that ye may be accounted worthy to escape all these things that shall come to pass, and to stand before the Son of man.
Luke 21:36
The scriptures give us hope. We are looking for the return of our King, Yeshua. He is our redeemer, the Messiah. So we await the full redemption. But we are encountering birthpangs already aren’t we? We should all be watching what is going on in the world, and getting the message, these are the end times. You don’t need to be a prophet to see that things are going downhill fast in every area of life. We are already being judged and the pace is quickening. We are already seeing more widespread natural disasters, especially flooding. But this winter in the norther hemisphere may be far more brutal as weather becomes far more extreme, brutal and violent. War is on the horizon, and the glue that holds the United States of America together, and the world together is failing. I think things are about to become far more seriously unglued in 2024 and the events of the 2nd exodus are about to spring forth! -perhaps in just 3 months time at Passover? I know that many will say, no it cant happen that quickly. But things can change suddenly. They did in Egypt millennia ago. After the allotted time for Israel’s sojourn there, the Lord commissioned Moses to bring His people out from the Iron furnace. And it happened rapidly.
The Torah gives us the blueprint for the 2nd Exodus through the history of the exodus from Egypt. It could be in 2024 or 2025. I have suspected that the seals have already been opening since 2020, one seal at a time. And according to my guesswork, the 4th seal has been open since Yom Kippur 2023, and if so then we shall see massive death unleashed this year as we approach passover which commenced after the death of the firstborn. I may be wrong concerning timing, or I may be right. We only have a few months left to see if my speculation is correct concerning the 2nd exodus beginning on Passover 2024. I have suspected that the 4 seals have been released one year apart on Yom Kippur from September 2020. But the main brunt of these judgements come together in the 4th seal. And it is at the 4th seal that the curses and the blessings of Torah come, to those that obey, life, to those that are disobedient, death. The 4th seal brings the birthpangs on hard because Death is released. At present the 4 horsemen are just prancing about but after the 24th day of the 11th month we may see a powerful move of God and Satan. I base this on Zechariah chapter 1. At the moment the red horse is milling around going to and fro through the earth. But when ‘Death from Above‘ is given the go ahead from on high, all the other horses will run with it, at breakneck speed. Horses love to run, and run hard! This is the time of Matthew 24, Mark 13 and Luke 21. Again I believe all 4 horsemen are released but they have not been given the order to charge. It will come like a flood.
I am watching intently. I sense that the 4th horseman has already been released and it will manifest in total world chaos as we approach Passover 2024.
Even if my timing is incorrect, the correlations that I make between the angel of death in this parsha and the 4th seal rider, called ‘Death‘ may be instructive for when it does occur. Please take note everybody, I implore you to hear me out. Everything may change suddenly even before Passover. Remember what I discussed about the 24th day and the book of Haggai and also Zechariah. The shaking could begin in earnest for instance on or just after the 24th day of the 11th month after the earth is at rest before the red horse is released to gallop from just walking about the earth, which is mentioned in Zechariah 1:7-8. There are many other 24th day of the month possibilities. I believe all 4 horsemen will be riding and we shall see the earthquakes from the curse in Isaiah 24 begin during this same time period in Haggai. There is already the curse of Zechariah 5 that has gone out into all the earth already, the world wide transhumanist vaccination. I have mentioned this often in my blog. Just search my articles on ‘Zombies‘. It’s real, it’s biblical and it’s coming soon as the birthpangs take hold along with the Antichrist and a demonic ‘Alien‘ invasion.
I still have some problems with the seal judgement timings, because if the 2nd exodus begins midway through the year of the 4th seal on Passover in 2024, then we still have another 6 months until the 5th seal is released. If it is one seal per year then there will be a full year of 5th seal martyrdom. Horrible. Is this for those that missed both the firstfruits rapture and the 2nd exodus? We know that Yeshua comes in the 6th seal to save his people. So is there a period of a year or so before we actually come to the wilderness? Or do different groups make it at different times? There needs to be time for Israel and Judah to come together in the north country, which now I believe is Babylon USA. So how long does the birthpangs last for? And if the woman, Zion has already escaped our nations for the wilderness in 2024 then how does this mesh together in the 7 year time frame because she is safe in the wilderness for 3.5 years? We are coming to the end of the first 3.5 years of seals on Passover 2024 according to my reckoning. So how it all fits together exactly I still cant quite figure out for sure. But I believe the birthpangs are about to come on strong. Looking at how things are proceeding in our world I really feel that the darkness and death spoken of in God’s Word is just around the corner, in fact I sense it is just months away. I have had some confirmations to this effect from others that sense the same thing or have had dreams etc. I don’t get dreams like that, not so far anyway. If this death happens then don’t spin out in panic but know that our redemption is coming also. The Lord will lift up an ‘ensign‘ and raise up new leaders and the 144,000 to instruct and save His remnant. God keeps Covenant for Good and Evil. We are in His hands. The true regathering of Israel & Judah is at the door. It’s not just about death, but about God’s firstborn, His remnant, His faithfulness will see us through.
Yeshua is in Control
Yeshua is the one in control, He is loosing the seals. He is the one that has had enough. He will deal with the snakes in His time. It’s up to us to draw near to Him. On the one hand, this is the beginning of the New World Oder Beast system with it’s chipped cyborg zombie police state. On the other hand, this is the beginning of the Bride getting ready to meet the groom, even in a time of tribulation. Despite the persecution and even because of it, the anointing and power of the Holy Spirit will make the Bride to visibly shine (this is not just a metaphor). Meanwhile what has been injected into the blood is about to be activated and other pestilences are also going to be released so that even non injected people will also die or their bodies will also be infiltrated by mRNA technology against their will because they didn’t fear God and respond to the gospel. We need devoted, consecrated hearts. And we need to pray over our food because we don’t know what is in it. What are we eating? Who prepares our food? Are they carrying disease or mRNA nasties? What is in our water? What are they spraying in the air? We need to be prayerful and be walking very close to the Lord ‘in the secret place of the Most High‘, Psalm 91. Whether we live or die we have to trust in the Lord. God help us all to hold on. The church in America or Australia has not had to face such evil. This is a baptism by fire. God help us to seek His face.
36 As it is written, For thy sake we are killed all the day long; we are accounted as sheep for the slaughter.
Romans 8:36-39
37 Nay, in all these things we are more than conquerors through him that loved us.
36 As it is written, For thy sake we are killed all the day long; we are accounted as sheep for the slaughter.
37 Nay, in all these things we are more than conquerors through him that loved us.
38 For I am persuaded, that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor powers, nor things present, nor things to come,
39 Nor height, nor depth, nor any other creature, shall be able to separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord.
Yeshua was with Daniel’s three friends in the fire. He will purge out the dross in our hearts. We shall come forth like pure Gold. We shall be shining.
Once the curses of the 4 horsemen have done their evil/purifying work, Zion will make her escape with the firstfruits raptures and 2nd exodus to the ‘wilderness‘, Revelation 12, Ezekiel 20:35. As to the duration of this travail, it could last 5 or 6 months to the beginning of the 5th seal (September 2025) or through another year to the 6th seal. She is kept for 3.5 years in safety in the wilderness, so perhaps her flight to the wilderness will be over by Pentecost 2024. This is something I am unclear of. By my fallible calculations, by Passover 2024 we will be half way through year of the 4th seal. And so it would be real neat if her flight would be on Passover 2024 just like in Egypt. There is a lot to think about. I don’t have clarity on the duration of her travail. But I believe it is about to begin.
So to summarise what I stated earlier, I suspect the the 4th seal which brings ‘death & hell‘ is related to the 10th plague in Egypt, the death of the firstborn, which commenced the exodus of God’s firstborn, Israel. If death is what set’s Israel free and if it begins as we head towards Passover 2024, then the 2nd exodus and travail of the tribulation may begin very soon. The 144,000 will be commissioned soon, before Zion travails.
The curse in Zechariah 5:4 and Isaiah 24:6 is also related to this same time of death. It’s too strange for words that Darkness and Death, freed Israel from bondage! Ultimately our bondage down here is related to the law, to sin & ultimately to death as the book of Romans and I Corinthians 15:56-57 makes so clear. Praise God, Yeshua gives us the victory!
If my timing is correct then 2024 will bring the curse of death to many and blessing of resurrection life to the Barley firstfruits and then the 2nd exodus will begin. In any case, this 2nd exodus will require the body of Messiah to come into unity through love. The two houses of Israel & Judah will come together through the love of Yeshua manifested in the love of the brethren, just like Acts chapter 2 when they had all things in common. This will be during a time of terrible persecution and wickedness which the world has never seen. Again, I could be wrong as to timing, and I have discussed some issues with timing that I have. My gut feeling based on what is going on is that it is about to kick into high gear very very soon.
The Dragon will be cast out of heaven sometime during the 40 days of the flood that begins between Passover and Pentecost in the second month. The ‘Zombie Apocalypse‘ will begin which is the water that is cast out of the mouth of the dragon which will most likely be Pentecost when the 2nd 144,000 Wheat firsfruits are birthed from the earth in resurrection/rapture which is also when the general resurrection of the righteous and the wicked occurs. At least that is how I am seeing it.
The time between Passover to Pentecost will see a supernatural outpouring of hate from the world and Satan and Antichrist and a supernatural outpouring of Love from God that will unite the two houses of Israel and Judah through the cross. They shall be a ‘very small remnant‘ of the population and they shall leave the smoking ruins of our cities for the hills and then the wilderness. It will also see the gentile portion of the church come into the fullness of this same love because they are part of the same body. The 2nd exodus will occur and the remnant of Israel & Judah will be safe in the wilderness. Terrible persecution and martyrdom will follow amongst the believers still amongst the gentile nations along with a harvest of souls saved. This will continue through the course of the 5th seal until Yeshua comes for Israel at the 6th seal in September 2025 if the seals are opening once per year since September 2020.
Seek the Lord. Everything is about to change. If you can, get out of the big cities and get out of the coast lands because tidal waves are coming and earthquakes, Luke 21:25. A wise man built his house upon the rock while a foolish man built it on the sand, Matthew 7:24-26. We should be pondering the path of our feet, Proverbs 4:26, a wise man sees trouble coming and hides himself, Proverbs 22:3. Pray about everything. We need to be led by God, and not just our natural mind with it’s natural thoughts. Both Abraham and Lot were believers. Lot loved the cities of men, Abraham looked for an heavenly city. We know what happened. How do you make your choices? Are you led by God? Or do you just do what you want? Are you an Abraham or a Lot? Are we truly willing to let God direct us? Are we truly surrendered to the Lord? It’s easy to be surrendered to the outward Torah law. But to be truly inwardly surrendered to the Holy Spirit is to be truly crucified to self. Many messianics are still in their flesh in their walk with God, and it shows in their relationships with one another. They are more like Lot than Abraham. Abraham surrendered to the Lord and let Lot take the best of the land. Lot made choices by the sight of his own eyes. It led him to complete shipwreck. Sadly most believers are like Lot and they will experience the same loss of everything. Lot loved the city of destruction, he loved the Lord and was vexed but he also loved the world and did everything through his intellect and an unyielded heart. He had a divided heart. Learn to listen if you are not used to hearing God’s voice and His gentle nudges through circumstances etc. Are you where you are supposed to be, or just where you want to be? There will be places of safety and places of peril. In general the cities will burn and the coasts will flood. I know this without a dream or vision or word from the Lord, it’s in my bible. Seek the Lord. We really need to turn to God with our hearts and not just our heads. Hearing from the Lord is heart work. It requires brokenness and quietness and a true mortification of sin and heart consecration. Many messianic folks are all in their head. Many do not spend much time alone with the Lord in prayer. We need to hear our Lord and greatly love and greatly fear Him. He Loves us but He is also a consuming fire.
Sorry that this is such a large article. The more I write the fewer read the articles. But there is just so much coming and I feel it is at the door.
See links to some of my other parsha commentaries here.
Shalom & Love in Yeshua
Neste ano, 24 de kislev será em 25 de dezembro de 2024.
Muitas catástrofes ocorreram em 24 e 25 de dezembro.
Tem uma profecia para a Páscoa de 2025, três dias de escuridão.
No capítulo 58 do primeiro livro de Enoque, traz na Páscoa, o Senhor nos dá a misericórdia e também o juízo.
O nascimento do Filho Varão, numa gravidez normal seria até janeiro/2025, mas pelo sonho que o Senhor me deu, deve antecipar.
Glória a Deus por tudo.
Deus o abençoe.