Photo above, Back down to terrafirma after spending an hour waiting in line and another hour up on top of the world overlooking Toronto from CN Tower.
Trip to Canada
I have been on the move the past month, leaving Arkansas for Kansas City where I participated in a panel discussion and talk concerning the exodus from America at the ‘Hebrew Fest‘ camp (see blog titled ‘2nd Exodus – the road ahead‘). I then traveled up to Michigan and gave two presentations on’Timelines for Regathering Israel’ & the ‘Kingdom of David’ (see blog titled ‘Two Presentations in Michigan‘).
Mission accomplished, in great measure due to the hospitality of my messianic hosts, I was off to Canada.
It just so happened that I was able to schedule my trip to Michigan towards the end of my 3 months here in the United States. I have been asked by a few folks in Arkansas if I would stay longer. By law we are only able to stay 3 months on a tourist visa, so to stay longer and minister the word would require me leaving and returning, but it was a long shot. Anyway since I was close to the Canadian border I thought I would visit Canada and then see if Uncle Sam would let me back in. Meanwhile I could get a feel for what Canada is all about and where there smaller Hebrew roots community is up to there.
My entry into Canada via the Ambassador Bridge from Detroit over to Windsor on the other side of Canada was a difficult time for me. Thank goodness I had the company of a believer names Cheryl who took the day off to drive me over there and sit through customs with me. They went over our vehicle with a fine toothed comb and asked me all sorts of questions. Somehow I feel like some sort of criminal or naughty little school boy when being interrogated by customs. They are just doing their job, but it is not the ‘good old days’, things are tightening up for sure.
Anyway somehow Canada was pleased to see me after all, but the extended delay through customs caused me to miss my train to Toronto. Thankfully there was another train leaving in the evening and I was able to transfer my ticket to that one at no extra charge. My AT&T sim card was on roaming at the border but could not use data and connect to the internet. Instead I used the free WiFi at the Canadian cafe named “Tim Horton’s”. I spent the afternoon with Cheryl and was able to book a room online at the cheap “Neill-Wycik Backpackers Hotel” now that I knew for sure I was across the border in Canada. We then were able to go to the park overlooking Detroit across the river and relax. God is good. In the evening I said goodbye and took the train to Toronto.
I enjoy train rides and it was light for much of the journey so I was able to see a bit of Ontario from the window as I enjoyed some food and drink.
Although I enjoyed my travel through Ontario, the experience at the Canadian Customs left a bad taste in my mouth. I find the whole experience heavy with the spirit of ‘sin and death’ that the enemy runs his Kingdom of Darkness by. We need to gird up our mind in such helpless situations and just look to the Lord.The officials are just doing their job, but it is always a great relief to get to the other side. More and more we feel like prisoners in this increasingly cold and godless world. I thank the Lord of Glory that Yeshua is the head of all Principality and Power.
Colossians 2:9-10 For in him dwelleth all the fulness of the Godhead bodily. 10 And ye are complete in him, which is the head of all principality and power:
Ephesians 1:17-23 That the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of glory, may give unto you the spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of him: 18 The eyes of your understanding being enlightened; that ye may know what is the hope of his calling, and what the riches of the glory of his inheritance in the saints, 19 And what is the exceeding greatness of his power to us-ward who believe, according to the working of his mighty power, 20 Which he wrought in Christ, when he raised him from the dead, and set him at his own right hand in the heavenly places, 21 Far above all principality, and power, and might, and dominion, and every name that is named, not only in this world, but also in that which is to come: 22 And hath put all things under his feet, and gave him to be the head over all things to the church, 23 Which is his body, the fulness of him that filleth all in all.
Once in the Hotel and showered I uploaded the rest of my Michigan videos to YouTube. I needed to hit the hay. Getting to bed after midnight I slept like a rock and got up and caught a taxi to the Talmadai Yeshua Messianic fellowship there. Toronto is pretty cosmopolitan and there were folks from every tongue there. The message was about who Israel is, and the subject of the lost tribes was touched on. After the meeting we had a meal and I met some good folks there and had some good discussions.
The following day I went to the top of CN Tower and had a look around town. The sunshine was intense and the buildings gleamed like they had just been put there the night before.
Monday was a time to relax and it was wet -a day to stay indoors. Such a contrast to the bright sun of Sunday.
Through Monday I started to slip into a sort of melancholy as I pondered whether I would get back to the US or not. I had taken a risk. I need to look to the Lord and lean not on my own understanding. I must not look at the waves. I must say it has been an adventure. At times interesting and exciting, at other times I have battled gloom and uncertainty. I know that God’s strength is made perfect in weakness. Paul said that when he was weak, then he was strong.
2 Corinthians 12:9 And he said unto me, My grace is sufficient for thee: for my strength is made perfect in weakness. Most gladly therefore will I rather glory in my infirmities, that the power of Christ may rest upon me.
Visa & 3 Months more in the USA
While in Toronto on Tuesday morning, the 11th of August, I put aside the “what if’s” concerning getting back to the states. If we leave something with the Lord, we need to trust Him and not pick up things again. Sadly I gave into depression for a day or so.
Tuesday afternoon it was time to trundle off to the train station and back down to Windsor and then face the gauntlet of Detroit US customs.
I enjoyed the train ride down to Windsor. My eyes were on the Lord, accepting whatever happens at the border as His will for my life. When I got to Windsor I walked from the train station to the bus depot that went through the under ground Detroit river tunnel and to customs. My heart was in my hand.
I told the customs chap what he wanted to know. I told him that I had folks in Arkansas who wanted me to speak at their church and because I didn’t want to break any rules I crossed the border to Canada and hoped to gain another 3 months in the states. The official told me off and said that it was not the thing to do to cross over the border just to return back to the states. After asking how much money I had and where I would be staying and reviewing my details and that I didn’t overstay last time I visited he said that he would allow me to come to the states. Usually they expect that there is at least a 6 month gap before we return but since everything was in order and Australia had good relations with the US he gave me my 3 month visa. My prayers had been answered in the affirmative. My thanks to everyone else that lifted me up in prayer also! ืืืื ืืืืื is good!
This was a wonderful relief. After getting my bag scanned I was back on the bus and crossed over into downtown Detroit. The bus driver gave me a guided tour and a rundown on the history of the Batman movies filmed here amongst the Gothic architecture.
I took the bus back to my hosts and within a few days I was off to do a presentation titled the ‘WW3 Survival Guide’ in Gravette, Arkansas.
Hallelujah! Thank you Father. Lead me on…
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b’shem Yeshua HaMashiach
All glory to Yahweh Elyon Zevaoth!!!!!!!
Thanks Gabriel. The Lord is good. Now I just need to seek the Lord to help lead me in what He wants.