Day 3, parts 7-9 added.
LIVE from First Baptist Fort Smith, Arkansas, USA
Filmed in Arkansas on Yom Rishon (Sunday)
Day 1, parts 1-3, Sun 14th June 2015 (40mins)
Day 2, parts 4-6, Sun 21st June 2015(40mins)
Day 3, parts 7-9, Sun 28th June 2015(40mins)
TOTAL 1hrs 20mins
via YouTube Playlist
Available as pdf and mp3 podcast.
Day 1 Download mp3 13.8MB (right click ‘Save Target As’)
Day 2 Download mp3 13.8MB (right click ‘Save Target As’)
Day 3 Download mp3 37.2MB (right click ‘Save Target As’)
God’s Prophetic Calendar of Redemption – Pentecost Shavuot.pdf Download File
I had the privilege of presenting how the Biblical Feasts described in Leviticus 23 are the keys to the prophetic roadmap for the first and second coming of Yeshua HaMashiach. And also how the middle feast, Pentecost is related to Joseph and Yeshua, and the gathering in of the wheat, via the good news of Yeshua HaMashiach. The Harvest is almost over! A burning up of the chaff is coming as we enter into judgement.
My thanks to Joseph and Sean for the opportunity to speak to the folks at the prayer meeting at First Baptist, Fort Smith Arkansas. And my thanks also to Don for helping to arrange this.
I appreciate the hospitality of my American brothers and sisters while here in the States. It has been a great encouragement to me personally to be amongst such warmth and kindness.
I hope that this talk is of benefit to some and I know that the Lord is ultimately the one arranging all things. Thank you Father.
b’shem Yeshua HaMashiach
Part 3 – Implications of the Supreme Court Decision
In Part 3 we discuss the blood moons and Jubilee cycles and their relationship to cycles of blessing and judgement.
We also discuss the coming destruction of America during a cycle of judgemet due to it’s rebellion to the clear teaching of scripture concerning the role of men and women via the Supreme Courts wicked ruling this past week. There is no turning back, the nations are accelerating towards World War 3 with gay abandon.
See part 3 for details.
Future Talks & Videos
In future talks & videos I hope to share how we can come out from amongst this degradation as the US government and other western nations step up their persecution of those that don’t want to follow these wicked and lawless decrees. I sense that we are on the cusp of the end, though I have no tangible proof other than the acceleration of the moral decline, legislated wickedness, Police State preparations and sabre rattling amongst America’s foes.
One important need is to flee the big cities of ‘Sodom’ in the land. Sadly there will be much destruction to those that claim to follow Messiah because of their lukewarmness, blindness and lack of preparation (action). Again, this is the subject for another talk. But it looks like we are moving rapidly into a vortex of godlessness and wickedness related to the cycles of Sabbatical Years and Jubilees that lead to stock market crashes, world wars and finally some sort of release and redistribution of wealth (sadly often from the pocket’s of the poor and into the hands of the rich).
It is vital that believers are prayerful and searching for the Lord to guide their steps as they consider their future. To be merely career minded may end up getting yourself and your family killed because to your insensitivity to what is happening around you and may find yourself in a FEMA camp because of your blindness and lukewarmness.
We need to be thinking about how to implement Torah based communities because we are heading into a period of deadly anarchy from the top down and the bottom up.
Making preparations for food and self defense are admirable. But if we are trusting in our preparations then this will most likely backfire. If we think we have it all together, and don’t genuinely fear the Lord and recognize that He is allowing this anarchy to bring judgement then we run the risk of ultimate failure. Unless we build our house upon the Rock, we labour in vain.
Nevertheless we will need to address setting up self governing communities soon. Not for some idyllic torah lifestyle, but for survival.
The ‘writing is on the wall’, are we paying attention?
Very, very cool. I love your passion. I agree 100% with this teaching. I would love to have fellowship some time I live in VIc. Also I have a passion for sharing the word, but, I don’t really know how to go about it. I would love to do some kind of Torah/Yeshua outreach, but need more like minded people. Thankyou for your videos, most high blessings ๐
Thank you Rory,
I ask the creator to grant you to stay 3 more months in the States. I hope to be able to come to one of your teachings. We as a people need to hear the words of Yahovah.
May Yahovah keep and bless you in your travels.
Prayer answered in the affirmative. Now I have to find out why I am here and what to do. I must seek the face of the Lord.