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paradigm_shift_101_-_the_pre-millennial_pre-_tribulation_kingdom_of_david.pdf Download File
This is a continuation of the previously posted audio titled;
“The Pre-Tribulation Kingdom of David – Part 1“
In Part 2 we continue with the theme from Acts chapter 15 concerning the end of the ‘Church Age’ and the beginning of the Kingdom of David, the pre millennial pre-tribulation Davidic Monarchy of a reunited House of Israel and Judah.
For 2000 years almost the Lord has been building the ‘Church’, the ‘congregation’ of Israel made up of Jews and Gentiles. He has been gathering in the lost sheep of Israel and the believing remnant of Men (including Edom) also.
Now we are awaiting the rebuilding of the Kingdom of Israel and Judah which is capped with the raising up of David’s fallen Tabernacle, the last days reestablishment of the Davidic Monarchy of a United Kingdom of Israel and Judah.
This amazingly overlooked prophecy which is in both the old and new testaments will be preceded by the final latter day rain outpouring of the Holy Spirit which will lead to the greatest war and upheaval and bloodshed the world has ever seen. Israel’s son’s and daughters will prophesy and see visions, old mean will dream dreams. This will truly awaken lost Israel to their identity in a much greater way than has already happened.
Then the world will be embroiled in bloodshed according to the prophet Joel (also quoted in Acts 2) as the moon turns to blood, the sun to darkness and the Pillars of smoke (lit. ‘Palmtrees’ of smoke) cover the globe. Is this a reference to Nuclear war?
If so then it dovetails with the burning up of the wheat field now that the nearly 2000 year old Pentecostal harvest is over.
Although the House of Israel is like the sand of the sea for multitude only a remnant is saved and brought home via the North Country.
The good news is that the aftermath will bring about the promises made to Israel long ago of a reunited Kingdom. The Gentiles will also be included as the House of the Lord is built and becomes a House of Prayer for all nations once more.
So we are awaiting the reestablishment of the Davidic Throne.
Listen to the Audio for more details.
At the top of this page is a link to the audio and pdf document with slides of a PowerPoint presentation on this subject that I hope to present in the USA shortly in the will of the Lord.
b’shem Yeshua HaMashiach
Truly very grateful for your faithfulness to share this.
Hi great reeading your post