1. First download the CueCard software ( ) from
or better still download the entire cue Card CD with all the sound files as a zip file
To install cue cards go to…
and download entire Zip file then unzip or burn contents to a blank CD
2. Then run the downloaded setup file and install the software – you only need to do this once.
(Just press ‘next’button etc for the default software installation options)
3. After software is installed run the following link, Click here and open (by double clicking) the file labeled ‘BasicHebrew – all words.wcu’. (THIS IS NOT YET AVAILABLE ON THIS WEBSITE !!! I HOPE TO UPLOAD THE APPROPRIATE FILES SOON!! – SO YOU WILL NOT BE ABLE TO COMPLETE THE FOLLOWING STEPS!)
The following window should appear…

note – if the Hebrew seems scrambled you may need to install the left to right language options from control panel. Click here for details
4. Select ‘Options’ from the top menu, and select Card Font option as in picture below.

5. Choose a larger font size like 28 and click OK.

6. Go back to ‘Options’ menu and ‘Select Study Mode’ and select the ‘Quiz Mode’ option and press ‘OK’ button.

7. You are now ready to use the program. Press the ‘Study’ button to begin the lesson here. You will get screens that should look a little like this… (you should here the word pronounced in Hebrew on the speakers if you have them)

8. Press the ‘Show Answer’ Button to see the answer. You can stop at any time by pressing the ‘Stop studying button’.
9. The Cue card list above contains all the words, about 825 in total. But it is more helpful to have much smaller groups listed by frequency of occurrence in the Bible or alphabetically.
Click link below to explore these smaller cue card lessons
Click here
Have fun!
PS, if you want to print out a cd jacket label for this disk click here.