I arrived in Dallas, Texas via Qantas on Monday 11th May 2015 on a plane a little bigger than this one photographed at Sydney Airport. (Actually it was a large Airbus A380-800 double decker).
Hi there folks, greetings in the name of Yeshua! God is good. I arrived safely in Dallas for a 3 month trip to the good old USA. I exchanged the cold and damp of a Melbourne Winter for the Summer Sun in Texas. Not a bad trade by any means.
Once I got through customs (having my two eyes and all ten fingerprints scanned) I made my way to collect my bags and begin a new adventure!
I was greeted by my friends Dave, Glen and family. What I nice surprise to see the kids and their “Welcome back to the USA Rory” posters and gifts. Thank you so much. I have never been greeted like that at an airport, so thank you girls for the wonderful thought and deed.
While here in the States I hope to fan the flames of the hope of Israel’s restoration including the regathering of the 10 lost tribes of the House of Israel. As the western world heads towards judgement in it’s godless apostasy, the Lord is waking up a remnant that is returning to the scriptures and discovering the Sabbath, Feasts and Law of God. Law and Grace work together. We are saved by faith, not by works of the law. We are saved by the grace of our Lord Yeshua. If we love God we keep His commandments, John 14:15, 1 John 5:2. The Torah awakening that is going on is something that is spiritually seismic. We are living in such an historic time where the 10 lost tribes of Israel are awakening. It is happening right here in America and elsewhere. Though fraught with danger, momentous days lie ahead, awesome and terrible in judgement and laced with great mercy for a remnant. Unless the Lord had left us a very small remnant we would have become as Sodom and Gomorrah, Isaiah 1:9. Judgement is inevitable. But the Lord knows those that fear Him and hope in His mercy and follow His Word. We are in need of deliverance. I am looking forward to the time when the Lord pours out the spirit to the extent that is described in Joel 2:28 onwards. We certainly need it. And I certainly need it too.
Until that happy day, we could do with a clearer idea of what lies ahead prophetically. This seems to be missing in the messianic movement. There is no clear idea of what is going to happen. I hope to address this major lack of vision with some insights that I have gleaned from the word.
The subject of Pentecost and it’s relationship to the prophecy in Joel concerning the outpouring of the Spirit combined with Amos 9 and the raising up of David’s fallen Tabernacle is the substance of this Shabbat’s presentation in Arkansas. (I will be giving a PowerPoint Presentation/talk this coming Shabbat titled “The Pre-Tribulation Kingdom of David”, at the Lake Fort Smith in Arkansas.) I hope to record it and have it available on YouTube.
If you would like details concerning the content of this presentation/talk please read and listen to the following radio shows;
I am prayerfully asking the Father to guide me in His will while here in America. I would love to give more presentations to interested folks if that is what the Father wants to do.
I will keep you all informed of my adventures. I have an American AT&T mobile phone and am also contactable by email. If you would like to contact me then please type me a message on my Contact form.
Godbless and Kind Regards,
in Messiah Yeshua
Welcome welcome Rory ! From Las Vegas Nevada