Ephraim shall have a city a little closer to the promised land, a little bit warmer than Wisconsin, USA.

Our Nations and our cities are breaking down

Our nations are in rebellion to God with a virus called Sin. Our cities are becoming increasingly godless and it will be soon time to leave. Lockdowns and draconian laws and violence will drive out the righteous and others. But where do we go when there is no city that will have us? Are you willing to become a lab rat for a rushed vaccine? Will you trade your free will for the promise of a job and security? Are you willing to be the plaything of godless Transhumanists and their needle wielding Satanists in white coats? If we don’t want to receive an mRNA altering ‘Vaccine’ or the Nose injecting equivalent ‘Test’, where do we go?

I am writing this after the swearing in of Joe Biden, a man that can barely hold his sanity and senility together, and yet he is now the 46th President of the United States of America! As to the character of the man we don’t need to dig too far to see that he has publicly lied concerning his education and has inappropriately fondled children! These are the sorts of creatures that hold public office today, our nations are being led by reprobates. Still, we are to pray for those in government (for our own protection), our God and Father is on the Throne in Heaven and He hears our prayers.

I am glad he won the presidency for one reason only, it may wake up a few more Laodicean believers. Trump still works for the Pope, Trump still would have Vaccinated you. But at least the gloves are off with the lunatic left in control. Maybe now believing folks can pray appropriately. If you feel your back is against the wall then it is time to turn even more fully to God. At least you can see that things are heading downhill fast. Sadly, many are still under the illusion that we live in democracies and that our vote counts. They forget that our money system is controlled by the bad guys and that everything has been corrupted through the control of the banking system with bribes, back room deals and secret societies, etc, etc. We do not live in democracies, we live in a Kingdom of Darkness with the facade of democracy. We are in fact prisoners in a far greater bondage than that of Egypt. This is the Roman exile. And it’s time to wake up to the fact that we are prisoners in Candy Land. And now the icing is being removed so we can see the rottenness of what the cake called our nation is made of. Our nations are controlled by the Jesuits in Rome. We are in a Prison. We are in Lockdown. And we need to pray for the remnant that the Lord shall call and pray earnestly for the deliverance of the 2nd Exodus.

(The 2nd Exodus is coming now! Why are our congregational leaders so silent about this? Where is the prophetic voice? Why so much silence on a subject given so much coverage in scripture? We are on the cusp of the destruction of our nations and the 2nd Exodus. Why the silence. Are our leaders deaf as a post? Where is the Shout of Victory? Where is the Light in our Assemblies? Where is the Prophetic vision. Wake up! Sleeper please wake up! Destruction and the 2nd Exodus is at hand!)

Despite the plans of the Enemy of our souls and his Plandemic and takeover of our so called Free nations, the Lord has a people and a place for them to dwell securely. However that place of security may not be in those nations for much longer. We may call our nations home but our true home is with the Lord. Our home is with Him wherever the Pillar of Fire leads us, wherever the Pillar of Cloud rests. 

Although the 10 lost tribes of the House of Israel currently live in the ‘New World’, it wasn’t always so. And shortly we shall have to leave our verdant little Goshen’s for a far away place across the sea. We may have felt reasonably comfortable in our little Islands of Prosperity, our Laodicean nations of Comfort and Ease. But already it’s getting uncomfortable. Like the Israelites in Egypt, there came a time when they were desperate to leave. We may not be there in our hearts just yet, but the time is rapidly approaching.

God has a plan!

Our Lord has not forsaken His People. He has inscribed us on the palms of His Hands!

He earnestly desires to gather the remnant of His People. And most of them are city slickers. Most no longer are connected to the land and the countryside. Nevertheless the Lord will gather us together. He will even visit us when we are gathered from the nations. Ephraim shall again flourish and build up the land of Israel. But before that the 10 lost tribes must take a hazardous journey across the sea. I spoke about this in some detail in a previous blog post titled ‘Psalm 107 – The 10 Lost Tribes Return by Boat‘.

Ephraim will be searching for a city to dwell in

Winter and destruction has come to our godless lands. But Ephraim though culled and stripped to the bone, will survive. His remnant shall rebuild and become strong in numbers once more, in a City called Ephraim.

Yeshua raised Lazarus (Eleazar in Hebrew) in John chapter 11. This is both a real event and deeply symbolic. This is the most significant miracle of Yeshua’s ministry and yet it is only mentioned in this gospel. It is of prophetic importance because it describes the raising up of the descendants of Eleazar, the leading branch of the priesthood. I have written about this extensively in the article ‘Raising Lazarus HaCohen‘. In the last days the Lord Yeshuya shall awaken the descendants of Eleazar to salvation. They shall testify of Yeshua as the Messiah and as God manifest in flesh. The modern Rabbinical leadership shall plot to kill them. At the same time Yeshua shall go personally to His firstborn son, Ephraim, who will be in a country near the wilderness.

Jesus therefore walked no more openly among the Jews; but went thence unto a country near to the wilderness, into a city called Ephraim, and there continued with his disciples.

John 11:54

Yes Ephraim shall have a city, perhaps in the North Country spoken of by Jeremiah. You could argue that the ‘city called Ephraim’ is symbolic only and is not a literal city in the last days. However I believer it is real and is built after the exodus from the ends of the earth as described in Psalm 107 which is all about the 2nd exodus. Indeed the shaking that we are experiencing now is the birth pangs leading up to this 2nd exodus.

It says in Psalm 107…

They wandered in the wilderness in a solitary way;
they found no city to dwell in.

Psalms 107:4

Why would they wander in the wilderness in a solitary way? Because they could not be a part of society, they could not keep their jobs, there was no place for them. Why did they not find a city to dwell in? Because their cities were run by the wicked and later they were burned with fire, as Psalm 107 and Isaiah 24 make clear (Read my previous posts on these two chapters).

If you are a farmer you don’t seek for a city. Only city folks look for a city. Then again maybe farmers look for a city if they lose their farms. But I think these are city folk for the most part. Our generation is really quite urbanised. 

Thankfully a little later in the Psalm we read…

And there he maketh the hungry to dwell,
that they may prepare a city for habitation;

Psalms 107:36

I would submit to you that there is a great deal of destruction coming as described in the previous post, ‘Is 400 years long enough in Goshen?‘. The remnant will be small but it will be significant, because the earth’s population will be culled, even as Jacob will be.

The good news is that Ephraim and the rest of the lost tribes that return from the USA and elsewhere to the middle east will have a city to dwell in. I believe this is in the North Country by the Euphrates river, before we enter into the promised land itself. (If we go directly into the promised land then that’s just dandy, but I believe this regathering will be a process and that the North Country is a place where the 10 lost tribes can come together as a nation. Ephraim is the leader). I am not from Ephraim, but Levi, so where I fit in is in either House. Anyway we just have to buckle up. We will be taking a boat trip if we survive the destruction of our nations. Then we will build a city called Ephraim in a country near the wilderness. See you then.

Lots of Love
In Messiah Yeshua
the Son of God
from your Brother & fellow soldier

By Rory

3 thought on “A City called Ephraim”
  1. “And it’s time to wake up to the fact that we are prisoners in Candy Land”
    A few nights before the truck attack in Berlin in late 2016, I had the most extreme dream ever.

    1. The dream started in a crazy candy land, full of amusement and tech-toys, where I started to realize I cannot dwell there any longer.

    2. Then, in the 2nd phase of the dream I was dwelling amongst foreign people in a suburb talking in foreign languages which I couldn’t understand. Since I was the only solitary stranger amongst them, they picked on me and made fun of me, but soon lost interest in me.
    There it was when I began to cry out for Yeshua. I cried out and found me running towards a mediterranean city full of marble and gold. Many people were in the city, but they were too busy going after their businesses to be interested in my seeking for Yeshua.
    Sometimes when I was crying out “Yeshua”, some friendly smiling man waved his hand at me from afar. So I ran further towards him. After repeating the process several times, I met him at a mediterranean plaza and hushed under his wings.

    Then trucks appeared on the streets, the people still minding dilligently their business, greatly ignoring Yeshua with his protective wings.
    Suddenly the trucks exploded a gigantic fireballs and covered the city with burning tar and fire. Everyone died in this city, but I survived under his wings.

    Crazy dream, huh? So crazy, I wrote it down the next day. Only some days before the truck attacks…
    I just came to mind when I read “Candy land”, because it is exactly where the dream started…

  2. that candy land in the dream also felt like a prison one with a free mind had had to escape, even though there were all the material goods provided inside and outside the walls of candy-land there were only strangers and discomfort

    1. That is very encouraging Rubin!

      John Bunyan wrote the book ‘The Pilgrim’s Progress’ in 1678, an allegorical story of the christian pilgrimage through this evil world. Nothing has changed. The Roman’s had bread and circus’s to numb the dull spirit’s of the godless masses. Pilgrim’s Progress there was a place called ‘Vanity Fair’ where you could spend your life buying and selling and living for the luxuries of this world. It’s really just like the Matrix where people don’t want to wake up. They are already the mind controlled zombie Borg of Star Trek. We are the anomaly. We are not of this world. However His Kingdom is coming. His will be done on Earth as it is in heaven. The anomaly shall overcome the evil wicked controllers. God will soon destroy them. They don’t have much time left. They have some room to destroy. But if we are awake we shall be hidden under the wings of the Most High as Psalm 91 declares.

      I Thessalonians 5:1-6
      But of the times and the seasons, brethren, ye have no need that I write unto you. For yourselves know perfectly that the day of the Lord so cometh as a thief in the night. For when they shall say, Peace and safety; then sudden destruction cometh upon them, as travail upon a woman with child; and they shall not escape. But ye, brethren, are not in darkness, that that day should overtake you as a thief. Ye are all the children of light, and the children of the day: we are not of the night, nor of darkness. Therefore let us not sleep, as do others; but let us watch and be sober.

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