10losttribes.com ending
Hello folks. This is a sad email to inform you that my blog that I began in 2010 is ending now. 6 months ago I moved my website onto a…
Yeshua is regathering His remnant...
Hello folks. This is a sad email to inform you that my blog that I began in 2010 is ending now. 6 months ago I moved my website onto a…
Cheer up! The Kingdom of God is rising, even within the the ‘birthpangs‘ of the ‘Perfect Storm‘! Glory is rising upon us as ‘darkness descends‘, Isaiah 60:1-3. Yeshua is the…
I make the connection between the 4th seal and the 10th plague, 'death' and freedom from the bondage of slavery. Is this the time of the 4th seal? If so…
Have you ever wondered why there is an Antichrist? Why does the Lord allow such a corrupter to come on the scene when he does such evil? The Antichrist opposes…
This is a very short parsha commentary linking the exodus to the resurrection, the 2nd exodus and the wedding of the Bride of Messiah. Many do not understand how the…
Joseph forgave, do we? Do we want to judge or do we want to wash feet? Yeshua our Lord, the only one that ever kept Torah completely, came to serve.…
After the resurrection of Yeshua we go fishing in John 21, fishing for men, the 'sons of God'. Not only is it prophetic for the seeking of lost souls way…
I want to encourage us all to pray and gain victory from the jaws of defeat. To overcome the 'gates of hell' by faith, walking in the victory of Yeshua…
I have shifted my website from weebly to wordpress to enable me to make information a little more accessible, presentable and customisable. The blog is now on the homepage, 10lostribes.com…
The 4 gospels hint at 4 different harvests, 4 different species of believer, like the 4 cherubim looking at Yeshua from 4 different perspectives. I have broken this article into…