The following is just an update for those I left behind in the USA to let them know what’s been happening since I returned to Melbourne, Australia last month.
Work, Work, Work.
I am sorry that I have not updated folks sooner because I have been snowed under with work since arriving back. I returned with a few thousand dollars in the bank and within a day I had a car (A ’98 Ford Falcon Longreach Ute). It is duel fuel, running both natural gas and petrol.
Before I left for the USA I had an accident that put my knee out of joint and I thought that that was the end of my tiling career. However the Lord has helped me to overcome this for now, thank you Father. Upon my return I came back to stay with Chris, my tiling tutor and fellow soldier in the Lord Yeshua. And Chris had some jobs that needed doing immediately as he was having eye trouble. My arrival solved some financial issues for him. I completed his tiling jobs, paid some rent and bought a car. (I have been real busy getting it road worthy and sorting through it’s mechanical issues. It’s now running like a charm. Anyway I had plenty of floor tiling work, including some bathrooms that kept me real busy these past 5 weeks and paid for the car repairs.
It’s a real change of pace for me and I am enjoying it immensely. I was glad to do the ministry in the USA but towards the end I was looking forward to getting my hands dirty and doing something productive, and it’s a real pleasure to have work that is so creative. I have been tiling for 5 weeks like I was going to war. The Lord has really blessed me. I have a website, updated with a few of my recent jobs. I hope to get more work through internet advertising on, something similar to
I now have no major jobs lined up over the pagan new year period so I have an old trailer that I am fixing up, removing rust, welding a new skin on and repainting. So if the Lord blesses me with more work I have a reliable vehicle and trailer, all prearranged by my Heavenly Father. Thank you Lord.
My ‘new’ Ford Falcon work vehicle.
A recent bathroom job completed.
Shower diagonally opposite the vanity unit.
The Prophetic Burden has lifted.
I feel all fired up to work and gain more tiling experience and make some money if the Lord wills. He certainly has set me up with tools, jobs and a wonderful work vehicle. Not bad for returning to Australia without a plan. The Lord is good.
I have no idea what I am doing with the rest of my life. But I hope to continue to tile and do what I have to do to earn my bread. I feel the burden has lifted concerning warning folks prophetically concerning the regathering of Israel. I feel a great sense of relief at being able to share what I have in the USA. And I am forever in the debt of my American brothers and sisters in the Lord ืืืื because of the abundant fellowship and the encouragement that they have brought to my soul. I don’t know why I woke up to Torah in a part of the world that is so dead asleep. But all I can say to my brothers and sisters in the States, is thank you, thank you for listening. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for being so charitable. Kindness is in short supply in this world and it has sustained me. Thank you everyone who hosted me and made a stranger feel real welcome. I have a little hole in my heart that is only filled by the folks I met in the States.
I hope I can come over and visit again, mid 2016 if the Lord wills and enables. Although I don’t know if I have anything in particular to share this time around. Still, there’s 6 months before then so who knows what the Lord will do. This time around however I hope to spend about 3 months traveling, not 6 months as I have in 2014 and in 2015.
I really feel that I am entering a different phase of my life. I don’t know that I will be making more videos or updates to the website as I have covered all the material I have wanted to cover. It’s done, it’s completed as far as I can tell. It is quite a miraculous feeling to not feel impelled to teach this stuff. Father thank you for the burden, seeing it through and thank you that it is over.
So although the regathering of the 10 lost tribes of the House of Israel has not really begun yet, at least we have been told in advance through the biblical prophets what is to come. Now all we have to do is let the good Shepherd guide our steps, one day at a time.
One final word of encouragement to my American family. The Lord has a remnant in the USA that He will sustain and strengthen and bring home to Zion. It was wonderful to see the encampments coalesce as the Torah of Yeshua and His Feasts are put into practice. The Lord ืืืื will complete what He has started. Trust and Obey, and fight the good fight of Faith.