Rise of the 4th Reich

by Jim Marss



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See article Amalek the NAZI
USA subverted by Edom’s NWO and Amalek’s NAZI infiltrators
see also intro article titled “Edom & the Church” to understand the biblical roots of the NAZI’s and ‘New World Order’

Click here for Rise of the 4th Reich – Part 1 or Rise of the 4th Reich – Part 3


Considering the vast economic resources at their disposal—especially if they held dark secrets concerning advanced technology such as tactical nukes, flying saucers, or a device for manipulating energy—it is now certain that the surviving Nazi leadership wielded enough power to misdirect investigations and silence foreign governments and news organizations.

There remain long-standing controversies over the proclaimed deaths of prominent Nazis, including: 

·    Martin Bormann

·    the notorious SS Dr. Josef Mengele, the “Angel of Extermination” at Auschwitz

·    Gestapo chief, SS Gruppenführer Heinrich “Gestapo” Müller

According to various unsubstantiated reports, Mengele suffered a stroke while swimming, and drowned in Brazil in 1979 after hiding there, as well as in Argentina and Paraguay, for decades.


Another ranking SS official, Obersturmbannführer Adolf Eichmann escaped to Argentina but was abducted to Israel in 1960, where he was convicted of war crimes and executed.


Toward the end of the war, Müller distanced himself from his boss Himmler and moved closer to Bormann. After he slipped away from Hitler’s bunker in the last days of the Reich, Müller’s family declared him dead and erected a tombstone in a Berlin cemetery, with the inscription OUR DEAR DADDY. However, in 1963, a court-ordered exhumation revealed that the grave contained three skeletons, none of which matched Müller’s height or bone structure.

But the biggest fish to get away was Reichsleiter Bormann, the ultimate power behind the Nazi super-science projects and the architect of Operation Eagle Flight. In 1972, Munich bishop Johannes Neuhausler made public a postwar church document stating that Bormann had escaped Berlin during the final days and gone to Spain by airplane.


The next year, after journalist Paul Manning published an article in the New York Times detailing Bormann’s escape from justice, West German officials held a news conference proclaiming that Berlin workmen had unearthed two skeletons near the ruins of the Lehrter railroad station and that one of the skeletons had been identified as Bormann. He died in 1945 trying to escape Berlin, they stated.

However, the entire case for the Berlin death of Bormann rested on dental records prepared from memory by a dentist who had been a loyal Nazi for many years, and the sole statement of a dental technician who had been imprisoned in Russia due to his proclaimed knowledge of Bormann’s dental work. Adding to suspicions that Bormann’s death announcement was most convenient for anyone wishing to cover Bormann’s tracks was the fact that Willy Brandt’s government canceled all rewards and warrants for Bormann and instructed West German embassies and consulates to ignore any future sightings of the Reichsleiter.

These suspicions were compounded by statements from several persons who told Paul Manning that the body found near the railroad station was placed there in 1945 by SS troops commanded by “Gestapo” Müller, who was known to have used decoy bodies on other occasions.

Bormann’s death notice did not convince the late Simon Wiesenthal of the Documentation Center in Vienna, who said:

Some doubts must remain whether the bones found in Berlin are really those of Bormann.

One of Bormann’s relatives had no doubts. In 1947, Walter Buch, the father of Bormann’s wife, Gerda, declared on his deathbed:


That damn Martin made it safely out of Germany.


According to Manning, Bormann was escorted from dying Berlin by selected SS men who passed him along a series of “safe houses” to Munich, where he hid out with his brother, Albert. In early 1946, Bormann was escorted on foot over the Alps to the northern Italian seaport of Genoa. There Bormann was housed in a Franciscan monastery. All this was arranged by “Gestapo” Müller.

In mid-1946, a steamer ship carried Bormann, provided with false identification papers, to Spain, where he entered the Dominican monastery of San Domingo in the province of Galicia, once the home of Spanish dictator Francisco Franco, a supposed neutral who covertly supported Hitler. Manning noted that in 1969, when Bormann became aware that Israeli agents were sniffing along his escape route, there was a fire in San Domingo. Curiously, the fire started on the very shelves where the monastery kept its book of visitors, which contained Bormann’s name. This incriminating record suspiciously was destroyed.

In the winter of 1947, a large freighter carrying Bormann and several SS officers anchored in the harbor of Buenos Aires, where an organized network of supporters awaited them.

Even before the shooting war ended, lesser-known SS members and hardcore Nazis were fanning out across the world through covert distribution systems. The means was a loosely knit collection of escape routes from Europe, called “ratlines.”


Chief among these ratlines were the Kameradenwerk and the ODESSA, the Organization der ehemaligen SS- Angehorigen, or the organization of former SS members. ODESSA was created by Bormann and Müller, but later administered by Otto Szorzeny who had escaped war crimes convictions.

Documentation of these ratlines is so incomplete and fragmentary that some historians, taking their cue from the corporate world, have denied that ODESSA existed outside the fevered dreams of fanatical SS men.


Ladislas Farago, author of popular histories as well as an acclaimed biography of General George Patton, also wrote that he had proof of Bormann’s postwar survival.


He acknowledged ODESSA’s existence but wrote it was, “actually little more than a shadowy consortium of a handful of freelancers and never amounted to much in the Nazi underground.”

But then, in 1976, Louis L. Snyder, professor of history at the City College and the City University of New York, produced the mammoth Encyclopedia of the Third Reich. Snyder described ODESSA as a “vast clandestine Nazi travel organization” to aid the escape of SS members and top Nazis. He noted that the main terminal point for ODESSA was Buenos Aires.

According to Farago, the Kameradenwerk was the real focal point for escaping Nazis. It was founded by Luftwaffe colonel Hans-Ulrich Rudel, an air ace who lost a leg flying 2,530 combat missions for Germany. After the war, Rudel almost alone put together one of the most far-reaching and best financed of the rescue groups—the Kameradenwerk.


Rudel’s group had help but, according to Farago, it did not come from the Bormann underground but from, “the vast organization and the enormous resources of the one agency that, in the end, took care of more Nazis than all the others combined—the refugee bureau of the Vatican.”

To understand the seemingly puzzling relationship between Hitler’s Nazis and the Holy Roman Church, one must look back to a 1929 agreement signed between the Vatican and the government of fascist Italy.


Under this concordat, known as the Lateran treaty, the Italian government bought favor from the Church by paying almost a billion lire in gold as compensation for church property taken during the nineteenth century Risorgimento, or reorganization, that helped create modern Italy. The Lateran Treaty also established Vatican City in Rome as a sovereign state, as well as making Roman Catholicism the only state religion in Italy.

On July 20, 1933, a similar concordat was reached between Pope Pius XI and Nazi Germany. Treaty negotiations were handled by Cardinal Eugenio Pacelli, who signed on behalf of the pope and later became Pope Pius XII. This concordat, still in effect today, was signed by Franz von Papen on behalf of German president Paul von Hinderburg.


Von Papen was tried at Nuremberg but released despite being denounced as a primary mover in Hitler’s aggression in Europe.

According to the 1933 concordat, there was to be no interference by the Church in political affairs. It also required all bishops to take a loyalty oath to the state and required all priests to be German citizens and subordinate to government officials. Prior to the concordat’s ratification, the Nazi government also reached similar agreements with the major Protestant churches.


Hitler, who at a young age trained at a Catholic monastery school and strived to reach accommodations with the German churches, once proclaimed,


I believe today that my conduct is in accordance with the will of the Almighty Creator.

Rumors have circulated for years that a secret codicil of the concordat involved papal leniency toward National Socialism in exchange for Catholicism being proclaimed the state religion of Europe after an appropriate period of time of total Nazi control. Regardless, it mattered little, as Hitler quickly took steps against all churches, including the Catholics.


His sterilization laws, attempts to dissolve the Catholic Youth League, and arrests of priest, nuns, and lay leaders all angered the Catholic community. In March 1937, Pope Pius XI issued an encyclical letter titled “Mit Brennender Sorge,” or “With Burning Sorrow.” In the letter, the pope accused the Nazis of both violating and evading the concordat and even foresaw “threatening storm clouds” of war and extermination.


A year later, Pius XI addressed the Nazi persecution of the Jews by proclaiming worldwide,


Mark well that in the Catholic Mass, Abraham is our patriarch and forefather. Anti-Semitism is incompatible with the lofty thought which that fact expresses… I say to you it is impossible for a Christian to take part in anti-Semitism. It is inadmissible. Through Christ and in Christ we are the spiritual progeny of Abraham. Spiritually, we are all Semites.

But if Pius XI’s turn against National Socialism was legitimate, it unfortunately was short-lived. On February 10, 1939, the day before Pius XI was scheduled to deliver yet another scathing public attack on fascism and anti-Semitism, he died, reportedly of a massive heart attack.


Copies of his planned antifascist speech have never been found. Vatican officials have stated they may have been misfiled. Rumors implicated Dr. Francesco Saverio Petacci in the pope’s sudden death.


Petacci, one of the Vatican physicians at the time, was the father of Clara Petacci, the longtime mistress of Fascist leader Benito Mussolini. The whispers were that Petacci gave the pope an injection that caused his fatal attack. Strong support for this rumor came some years later, when the same allegation was found in the personal diary of French cardinal and former French Army intelligence agent Eugene Tisserant.

Pope Pius XII, born Eugenio Maria Giuseppe Giovanni Pacelli, was certainly less antagonistic toward fascism and, in fact, had been an honored guest at the society wedding of Clara Petacci and Italian Air Force Lieutenant Riccardo Federici in 1934. The marriage did not last long, and Clara was soon visiting Mussolini at night via a secret staircase in the Palazzo Venezia.

Catholic historian and journalist John Cornwell, in 1999, stunned the Catholic world with his book Hitler’s Pope.


A former seminary student, Cornwell explained that he originally intended to defend the actions of Pope Pius XII but as his research in Vatican archives progressed, his attitude changed.


“By the middle of 1997, nearing the end of my research, I found myself in a state I can only describe as moral shock. The material I had gathered, taking the more extensive view of Pacelli’s life, amounted not to an exoneration but to a wider indictment,” Cornwell wrote.


The author eventually saw that this pope’s actions—or inaction—actually aided in Hitler’s rise to power and the ensuing Holocaust.

Needless to say, Cornwell’s perception was immediately and savagely attacked as inaccurate reporting and misinterpretation.


In the December 9, 2004, edition of The Economist, Cornwell waffled, writing,


I would now argue, in light of the debates and evidence following Hitler’s Pope, that Pius XII had so little scope of action that it is impossible to judge the motives for his silence during the war, while Rome was under the heel of Mussolini and later occupied by Germany.


Regardless of motives, it is historical fact that many top Nazis and SS men escaped Europe with passports issued by Catholic officials.


Luftwaffe ace Rudel admitted as much in 1970, stating:


In Rome itself, the transit point of the escape routes, a vast amount was done. With its own immense resources, the Church helped many of us to go overseas.

One of those helpful clerics was Bishop Alois Hudal, who voiced opinions comparable to those of Hitler’s Viennese friend Jorg Lanz von Liebenfels,publisher of Ostara, a magazine with occult and erotic themes.


A Cistercian monk who founded the anti-Semitic secret Order of the New Templars, von Liebenfels and his mentor Guido von List sought to revive the medieval brotherhood of Teutonic Knights, those heroes of Hitler’s youth, who had used the Swastika as an emblem. While von Liebenfels headed his Order of the New Templars, Bishop Hudal was named procurator general of the Catholic Order of German Knights.


On May 1, 1933, in a Nazi-sanctioned celebration of the pagan Walpurgis holiday, Hudal made a particularly impassioned speech in Rome before assembled Church and Nazi leaders as well as the expatriate German community.


“German unity is my strength, my strength is German might,” he told the crowd.


It was, in fact, a Franciscan friar serving under Bishop Hudal who helped arrange a Red Cross passport and visa to Argentina in 1950 for Obersturmbannführer Adolf Eichmann, the exterminator of Jews who had managed to slip away from American captors at the end of the war.


Bishop Hudal, in his later memoirs, thanked God he was able to help so many escape with false identity papers.

Many of these “false identity papers” were documents issued by the Commissione Pontificia d’Assistenza, or the Vatican Refugee Organization. While not full passports themselves, these Vatican identity papers were used to obtain a Displaced Person passport from the International Red Cross, which, in turn, was used to gain a visa.


Supposedly, the Red Cross checked the backgrounds of applicants, but usually it was sufficient to have the word of a priest or a bishop. This method of aiding escaping Nazis—the one favored by Bishop Hudal—came to be known as the “Vatican ratlines.”

For example, Ante Pavelic, the wartime pro-Nazi fascist dictator of Croatia, who was given a private audience with Pope Pius XII shortly after taking power in 1941, escaped to South America after the war with a Red Cross passport gained through a Vatican document.

One of the countries in which the Auslandsorganisation worked with particular success was Argentina.


“There it has been able to operate without any disguise or front. All of the more than 200,000 Argentine Nazis are members, not of an Argentine sub-organization of the Nazi Party, but of the German Party itself, and hold membership cards signed by Robert Ley, leader of the German Workers’ Front—which means, quite obviously, that Berlin considered, and still considers, Argentina not so much an independent foreign country as a German Gau [district],” noted Curt Reiss.


Although many Nazis found safe havens in Brazil, Paraguay, Chile, and Uruguay, no South American nation was more accommodating than the Argentina of Dictator Juan Domingo Peron and his lovely second wife, Eva Maria Duarte de Peron,popularly known as Evita.

After participating in a successful military coup in 1943, Peron was voted in as president in 1946 by a majority of voters, who lauded his efforts to eliminate poverty and dignify workers. He was elected against the intense and overt opposition of the United States. Such opposition appeared justified, for soon after his election Peron began to nationalize and expropriate British and American businesses.


As their influence in Argentina dwindled, that of the Germans grew.

Luftwaffe pilot Rudel, who created the Kameradenwerk ratline, became a trainer for Peron’s air force and in the process brought with him about one hundred members of the wartime Luftwaffe staff . Likewise, many Nazi SS and Gestapo fugitives from justice served in the Argentine Army and police forces. Among them was Kurt Tank, who headed a large group of Nazi scientists.


Tank, a fighter plane designer and former director of the Focke-Wulf aircraft factory, had slipped away from Germany in disguise and, armed with false identity papers provided by Peron himself, arrived in Buenos Aires with microfilm of aircraft designs hidden in his pants. Soon, about sixty of his old Nazi comrades had joined him, using the same system.

The man most responsible for fostering pro-Nazi feelings in South America was General Wilhelm von Faupel.


In 1900, Faupel went to China as a member of the German military legation. He later went to Moscow in the same capacity. In 1911, he joined the staff of the Argentine War College in Buenos Aires. Faupel returned to Argentina after serving Germany in World War I and obtained the job of military counselor to the inspector general of the Argentine Army.


Von Faupel not only imparted military theories to the armies of Argentina, Brazil, and Peru, he also instilled in them the political theories of National Socialism.


“Hating the [Weimar] republic passionately, he did not return to Germany until the Nazis were about to take power,” wrote Curt Reiss.


But while he was away he had kept up excellent relations with industrialists such as Fritz Thyssen, Georg von Schnitzler, and Herr von Schröder. After all, these gentlemen had elaborate interests in Latin America. And so had von Faupel. In fact, he boasted openly among German military and industrial men that he could conquer the whole of Latin America.

Faupel most likely was speaking for many globalists who had significant holdings in South America and did not wish to relinquish them to leftists, communists, nationalists, or reformers.

Although he is widely seen as a dictator, many “Peronists” still view Juan Peron as a champion of the working man. Few realized at the time that he was stashing away an estimated $500 million in Swiss bank accounts. According to Manning, at least $100 million came from the Bormann organization. Peron reciprocated for this generosity by allowing many war criminals to immigrate, legally and illegally, to Argentina. He reportedly provided more than a thousand blank passports for escaping Nazis.

Peron was an admirer of Hitler. He had learned German at a young age so he could read Mein Kampf. His private secretary, Rudolfo Freude, also was chief of internal security. The Argentine dictator was greatly honored to shelter Deputy Führer Bormann.


After several low-key meetings with Bormann, Peron saw Bormann’s flight capital program as a means of boosting the Argentine economy.


“Both realized that the capture of Bormann was a clear and ever-present danger,” noted Paul Manning, “and so Peron instructed the chief of his secret police to give all possible cooperation to Heinrich Mueller in his task of protecting the party minister, a collaboration that continued for years.”

Evita took on the role of liaison between her husband and Nazis seeking asylum.


“Born in 1919 as an illegitimate child, she became a prostitute to survive and to get acting roles,” wrote investigative reporter Georg Hodel.


As she climbed the social ladder lover by lover, she built up deep resentments toward the traditional elites. As a mistress to other army officers, she caught the eye of handsome military strongman Juan Peron. After a public love affair, they married in 1945.

In June 1947, Eva Peron embarked on a much-publicized “Rainbow Tour” of Europe, greeted royally by Spain’s Franco and a private audience with Pope Pius XII.


While in Spain, she reportedly met with Otto Skorzeny, who headed a ratline known as die Spinne or the Spider, and arranged the transfer of millions in Nazi loot to Argentina. She also traveled to Genoa, where she met with Argentine shipping fleet owner Alberto Dodero, who within a month was ferrying Nazis to South America.


But the primary purpose of the trip appeared to be the meetings Evita held with bankers in Switzerland.

“According to records now emerging from Swiss archives and the investigations of Nazi hunters, an unpublicized side of Evita’s world tour was coordinating the network for helping Nazis relocate in Argentina,” wrote Hodel.


Though Evita’s precise role on organizing the Nazi ‘ratlines’ remains a bit fuzzy, her Europe an tour connected the dots of the key figures in the escape network. She also helped clear the way for more formal arrangements in the Swiss-Argentine-Nazi collaboration.

In 1955, Peron was ousted in a military coup and forced to flee to neighbouring Paraguay and later to exile in Madrid, Spain. He left without the body of Eva, who had died from cancer in 1952, at age thirty-three. Her popularity was such that eight persons were trampled to death in the tumultuous crowds who flocked to see her embalmed body lying in state.

According to Manning, the relationship between Bormann and Peron, “became somewhat frayed around the edges after Peron left for Panama and then exile in Spain in 1955, but [Gestapo] Müller today [1981] still wields power with the Argentinean secret police in all matters concerning Germans and the [Nazis] in South America.

The impact OF transplanted Nazis continues to be felt in South America.


“Those aging fascists accomplished much of what the ODESSA strategists had hoped,” noted Georg Hodel, adding, “The Nazis in Argentina kept Hitler’s torch burning, won new converts in the region’s militaries and passed on the advanced science of torture and ‘death squad’ operations. Hundreds of left-wing Peronist students and unionists were among the victims of the neo-fascist Argentine junta that launched the Dirty War in 1976.”

SS Hauptsturmführer Klaus Barbie, the “Butcher of Lyon,” after working for the U.S. Army’s Counterintelligence Corps following Germany’s defeat, ensconced himself in Bolivia under the name Klaus Altmann.


Using his contacts in the Kameradenwerk, he began running guns between Bolivia, Peru, and Chile.


“The gun trade eventually led them into the drug trade,” wrote Levenda


On July 17, 1980, Barbie abetted right-wing officers in the army during a coup over the left-of-center Bolivian government.


“Barbie’s team hunted down and slaughtered government officials and labor leaders, while Argentine specialists flew in to demonstrate the latest torture techniques,” wrote Hodel.

With Barbie’s aid, Bolivia was soon a primary and secure source of cocaine for the emerging Medellin drug cartel. Two years later, Barbie was captured and extradited to France, where he died in 1991 from cancer while serving a life sentence for crimes against humanity.

ODESSA also turned to gun-running as a means of financing its operations. In fact, it was never intended only as an escape route for Nazis, but, at Bormann’s instructions, it was set up as a profitable business enterprise as well. The plentiful supply of surplus arms in Europe turned out to be an immediately profitable commodity.

In late 1945, U.S. military authorities became aware of a huge black market enterprise being operated out of Passau, a picturesque city located ninety miles northeast of Munich at the confluence of the Danube, Inn, and Ilz Rivers.


It was a connecting point between Germany, Austria, and Czechoslovakia, and a collection center for Axis arms. It was here that the weapons from three complete armies—the Hungarian Fifth Army and the German Fifth and Twelfth Armies—were stockpiled in an American-run depot. Rifles, machine guns, and ammunition were gathered at Passau while millions of dollars worth of vehicles were cached at Mattinghoffen, Austria.

About $10 million worth of these war materials went missing, sold by black marketers, mainly ODESSA agents, German officials, and criminals, aided by a few Allied soldiers. In one of the greatest ironies of history, the bulk of this material was being shipped to Palestine for use both by Jews trying to create the state of Israel and by Arabs who violently opposed such an effort.

On January 5, 1946, U.S. military intelligence officers under the command of Colonel William Weaver of General Patton’s G-2 staff were sent to Passau to make arrests. Instead, the agents were murdered and the house in which they were staying was burned.

One agent, Lieutenant William H. Spector, survived. Hospitalized with a kidney stone, Spector narrowly missed the massacre at Passau. Vowing to avenge his slain fellow officers, Spector was nonplussed to find that the entire affair was hushed up on orders of superior officers who declared it a “security issue.”


Spector did learn that one of the men involved with the stolen arms as well as the agents’ deaths was a Romanian national named Robert Abramovici. Abramovici later changed his name to Robert Adam and started an arms company called Intermecco Socomex, which became closely associated with the CIA’s arms company, Interarmco.

The arms deals in Palestine were handled by Joseph Beidas and Eduardo Baroudi  and his brothers, who sold weapons to both Arabs and Jews. Baroudi later became a vice president of Intrabank, based in Beirut, Lebanon, a major conduit for black market funds.

Millionaires were made immediately after the war by both war surplus and black market arms deals.


“But none were to achieve the profitability of ODESSA, whose agents ranged throughout Europe and even behind the Iron Curtain,” explained Manning, adding, “They bought and sold surplus American arms to Arab buyers seeking to strengthen the military capabilities of Egypt and other Middle Eastern Arab nations. Palestine was to be partitioned into a Jewish homeland, and they intended to destroy it at birth. But now, Jewish buyers, funded from America and elsewhere, entered the marketplace.


They were barred from purchasing guns and American surplus P-51 Mustang fighter planes by President Truman, and their only recourse for survival was to trade on the Europe an black market, which, unknown to them, was rapidly coming under the control of ODESSA agents. However, the Jewish agency’s buyers might have purchased from the devil himself if it meant survival of the small, defenceless nation, just come into being on May 14, 1947″

Again, the behind-the-scenes maneuvering of wealthy globalists can be seen in the creation of modern Israel. This began in 1917, when 2nd Baron Rothschild, Lionel Walter Rothchild, received a letter from British foreign secretary Arthur Balfour replying to his query regarding Balfour’s position on Palestine.


Balfour expressed approval for the establishment of a home for Jews there. This letter later became known as the Balfour Declaration. In 1922, the League of Nations approved the Balfour mandate in Palestine, thus paving the way for the later creation of Israel. Lord Rothschild was an ardent Zionist, who had served as a member of the British Parliament.


The Zionist movement, composed of both Jews and non-Jews, had been working toward the creation of Israel since the late 1800s. Lord Rothschild was the eldest son of Nathan Rothschild, who had controlled the Bank of England and funded the Cecil Rhodes diamond (and secret society) empire. Another Rothschild, Baron Edmond de Rothschild, who built the first pipeline from the Red Sea to the Mediterranean and founded the Israel General Bank, was called “the father of modern Israel.”

It also appears that the Zionists employed blackmail to aid in the formation of Israel.


Their most famous target was Nelson Rockefeller, who in 1940 was named to the intelligence position of coordinator of inter-American affairs by Secretary of Defense Forrestal. In 1944, Rockefeller was selected to serve as assistant secretary of state for Latin American affairs. It was a post most suitable to Rockefeller, whose primary purpose, according to authors Loftus and Aarons, was “to monopolize Latin America’s raw materials and exclude the Europeans.”


Due to the extensive business dealings between the German Nazis and American globalists, as detailed previously, Loftus and Aarons noted that during the war, the Germans in South America got anything they wanted, from refuelling stations to espionage bases, while the British had to pay cash.


“Behind Rockefeller’s rhetoric of taking measures in Latin America for the national defense stood a naked grab for profits,” they wrote. “Under the cloak of his official position, Rockefeller and his cronies would take over Britain’s most valuable Latin American properties. If the British resisted, he would effectively block raw materials and food supplies desperately needed for Britain’s fight against Hitler.”

Soon, Rockefeller controlled much of South America and was able to bring that influence to the newly created United Nations.


But when Rockefeller pushed through UN membership for pro-fascist Argentina over the objections of President Truman, he lost his government position. He returned to the world of business.


According to Loftus and Aarons, his “partner in moneymaking just happened to be John Foster Dulles, a trustee of the Rockefeller Foundation and a fellow conspirator in smuggling Axis money to safety.”

In 1947, when Zionist leader David Ben-Gurion was desperate for votes to ensure the passage of a UN resolution partitioning Palestine and thus creating the state of Israel, he turned to Nelson Rockefeller.


According to several former U.S. intelligence agents, Ben-Gurion “blackmailed the hell out of him.”

Rockefeller had been able to deflect several investigations into his family’s prewar and wartime dealings with the Nazis,but according to Loft us and Aarons, “Then the Jews arrived with their dossier. They had his Swiss bank records with the Nazis, his signature on correspondence setting up the German Cartel in South America, transcripts of his conversations with Nazi agents during the war, and, finally, evidence of his complicity in helping Allen Dulles smuggle Nazi war criminals and money from the Vatican to Argentina.”

Loftus, as a U.S. attorney with unprecedented access to classified CIA and NATO files as well as former intelligence operatives, in 1994 joined with Australian broadcast journalist Mark Aarons to produce a national bestseller titled The Secret War Against the Jews, which probed the role of Western intelligence agencies in the affairs of Israel. These authors interviewed one of the Jews present at the meeting with Rockefeller. He gave this account:

Rockefeller skimmed through the dossier and coolly began to bargain. In return for the votes of the Latin American bloc, he wanted guarantees that the Jews would keep their mouths shut about the flow of Nazi money and fugitives to South America.


There would be no Zionist Nazi-hunting unit, no testimony at Nuremberg about the bankers or anyone else, not a single leak to the press about where the Nazis were living in South America or which Nazis were working for Dulles. The subject of Nazis was closed. Period. Forever.


The choice was simple, Rockefeller explained,


“You can have vengeance, or you can have a country, but you cannot have both”.

The deal was made and Rockefeller delivered. On November 29, 1947, the UN General Assembly approved a resolution recommending the partition of Palestine.


The vote shocked the Arab world, which had not foreseen several Latin American countries switching their vote at the last minute. The Jews had traded silence for their new country’s security, but they didn’t take it lying down. To this day, Israeli leaders have in turn blackmailed the Western employers of Nazi refugees and war criminals, guaranteeing nearly unconditional support for Israel and its policies.

The creation of Israel also explained the inability of U.S. officials to interdict the flight capital out of Germany.


John Pehle worked with Orvis Schmidt in the U.S. Treasury’s Foreign Funds Control office.

“In 1944 emphasis in Washington shifted from overseas fiscal controls to assistance to Jewish war refugees,” Pehle explained.


On presidential order I was made executive director of the War Refugee Board in January 1944. Orvis Schmidt became director of Foreign Funds Control. Some of the manpower he had was transferred, and while the Germans evidently were doing their best to avoid Allied seizures of assets, we were doing our best to extricate as many Jews as possible from Europe.

It is apparent that the globalists in both Europe and America were more concerned with gaining a foothold in the oil-rich Middle East than in pursuing escaped Nazis and their treasure.

Along with this outpouring of Nazi assets, capital, scientists, SS men, and former officials within ODESSA were other, more secretive, assistance groups such as the Die Spinne, Sechsgestirn (or the Constellation of Six), and the Deutsche Hilfsverein (or German Relief Organization).

Through such organizations, SS men and Nazi officials escaped through southern France and across the Pyrenees into Spain. These were not for- profit enterprises like ODESSA, but still they received funding and orders from the Bormann group.

Die Spinne was a creation of commando Otto Skorzeny and was largely composed of troops from his old wartime commando unit. It was funded through the Bormann program.


After the meeting with Eva Peron in 1947, many Spinne members made their way to Argentina.


“[T]he number of Germans who went to South America, both along these … routes and by less organized means after Martin Bormann had declared his flight capital program in August 1944, totaled 60,000, including scientists and administrators at all levels, as well as the former SS soldiers commanded by General Müller,” noted Paul Manning.


Even before the end of the war, the Nazis used concentration camp prisoners and hired specialists to manufacture respectable-looking but phony identification papers. With these and aided by the general chaos in Europe at war’s end, they developed their own effective witness protection program. Many of these false identities have withstood the test of time and are still in use.

While on the run at the end of the war, Bormann controlled his vast commercial empire through an elaborate but well-planned communications system.


“Wherever positioned, he turned his hiding place into a party headquarters, and was in command of everything save security,” explained Manning.


Telephones were too dangerous, but he had couriers to bear documents to Sweden, where a Bormann commercial headquarters was maintained in Malmö [Sweden] to handle the affairs of a complex and growing postwar business empire. From Malmö, high-frequency radio could transmit coded information to listening posts in Switzerland, Spain, or Argentina to form a continuous line of instructions.


The Deputy Führer’s escape had not gone unnoticed. It was substantiated by a file on Bormann sent to the FBI and obtained by Paul Manning.


“When the file… was received at FBI headquarters it revealed that the Reichsleiter had indeed been tracked for years,” he wrote.


One report covered [Bormann’s] whereabouts from 1948 to 1961, in Argentina, Paraguay, Brazil, and Chile. The file revealed that he had been banking under his own name from his office in Germany in Deutsche Bank of Buenos Aires since 1941; that he held one joint account with the Argentinean dictator Juan Peron, and on August 4, 5, and 14, 1967, had written checks on demand accounts in First National City Bank [now Citibank] (Overseas Division) of New York, the Chase Manhattan Bank, and Manufacturers Hanover Trust Co., all cleared through Deutsche Bank of Buenos Aires.

Then there was a police report from Cordoba Province dated April 22, 1955, in which a police agent with special knowledge of Bormann spotted the Nazi in the company of two other men in a hotel and trailed them. He overheard one of the men acknowledge the short, balding man who obviously was the superior of the three by saying, “Jawohl, Herr Bormann.”

By 1972, it was apparent to anyone who desired to know that Martin Bormann had been operating in South America for some time. Researcher and author Ladislas Farago caused a minor sensation in that year with his articles published in England’s Daily Express, detailing Bormann’s activities.


In 1974, Farago used his findings on Bormann in his book Aftermath: Martin Bormann and the Fourth Reich.

His investigative work led to a New York Times story published on November 27, 1972, and datelined “Buenos Aires.” It stated:


Argentine secret service sources said today that Martin Bormann was sheltered in the country after World War II, but could not confirm reports that he still lived there. Sources in Salta confirmed that the ranch where Bormann was said to have lived was owned by German industrialists. The intelligence sources said other Nazis arrived in Argentina with Bormann and were sheltered there, particularly by Vittorio Mussolini, son of the Italian dictator.

Of course, only Bormann, Mengele, Eichmann, and a few other leading Nazis garnered occasional news headlines. Thousands managed to slip through the hands of authorities unnoticed, thanks to business connections or passports provided by the VaticanIt seems apparent that it was not only business interests protecting the Nazis but individuals within the American government. For example, someone with access to U.S. archives later took steps to obliterate any record of Kammler or his fate.

Nick Cook tried to trace Kammler and hit a brick wall.


“Protracted searches by archivists at the U.S. National Archives for any data on Kammler had failed to locate a single entry for him,” wrote Cook.


Given Kammler’s range of responsibilities in the final months of the war, this absence of evidence was remarkable; so much so, that one archivist at Modern Military Records, College Park, Maryland, said … Somebody … had been in and cleaned up [the records].

The Nazi organization that may have made the greatest impact on the United States was not a ratline but a spy network created by General-major Reinhard Gehlen.


This Nazi network was to become America’s eyes and ears in the early days of the Cold War.

The son of a Catholic bookshop owner, Gehlen was born in 1902 and joined the German Army in 1920. His middle-class family nevertheless boasted military officers on both sides. In the 1930s, Gehlen moved from the German Staff College to the Army General Staff with the rank of captain. In 1940, he was promoted to major and served on the staff s of two German generals. By 1942, Gehlen, now a Lieutenant Colonel, became the head of Fremde Heere Ost, or Foreign Armies East (FHO), a curious title for the section of the German General Staff analyzing all intelligence on the Russian Front.

In an attempt to avoid conflicts with the Abwehr, Germany’s counterintelligence service, Gehlen created his own network of spies and informers.


This system soon began making major contributions to the Nazi war effort by upgrading the level of intelligence on the Soviets. Gehlen made use of whatever anticommunists could be found and in particular the anti-Soviet spy network of Russian general Andrei Vlasov, a Russian officer who began working with Gehlen and the Nazis against the Stalin regime. (With Germany’s defeat, the Allies turned Vlasov and his “Russian Liberation Army” over to Stalin, who had them all executed.)


Gehlen soon put together a remarkable network of agents and spies, all sworn to utmost secrecy, even from their own families. This combined Vlasov/Gehlen operation became known as the Gehlen Organization, a spy network that was continued by U.S. authorities long after the war.

But Gehlen’s accurate and realistic intelligence soon rankled Hitler, who toward the end of the war cried, “Gehlen is a fool!” Such vitriol may have led to Gehlen lending a sympathetic ear to plotters against Hitler. But whatever his role, if any, in the failed July 1944 bomb plot against the Führer, Gehlen managed to survive.

By then, he had a new plan—one that was to have lasting effect on the Allied nations and particularly the United States and Russia.

In April 1945, realizing that the war was lost for the Germans, Gehlen offered his spy network in Russia to the British but received no answer.


“Taking everything into consideration, it seemed more expedient to make our approach to the American military forces,” Gehlen recalled.


I suspected that once the shooting stopped the Americans would probably recover a sense of objectivity toward us more rapidly then their Europe an allies, and subsequent history bore me out on this point.

Gehlen also showed no signs of being anything other than an unrepentant National Socialist. In his 1971 memoirs, he stated, I still believe that we could have achieved our 1941 campaign objectives, had it not been for the pernicious interventions of Adolf Hitler.”

In other words, Gehlen’s only objection to Nazi aggression was that Hitler lost.

Gehlen and his organization stashed their voluminous intelligence files in more than fifty sealed steel containers and buried them as they retreated westward—one cache was stored near the Wendelstein Mountains, another in the Algau province of southwest Bavaria, and the third in the Hunsruck mountain range in the Rhineland.


After hiding out in a mountain lodge for some time, Gehlen made his move.


“We were determined not to be taken prisoner,” he later recounted. “We wanted to surrender on our own initiative to the Americans. It was all part of the plan.”

Initially spurned by American officers who failed to recognize his importance, including a member of the Counterintelligence Corps (CIC), Gehlen finally arrived in front of Brigadier General Edwin L. Sibert, senior intelligence officer of the American occupation zone in Germany.


“While fighting was still in progress in France, [Sibert] had been prepared to make use of Adolf Hitler’s officers in the cause of American strategy,” wrote Gehlen chroniclers Heinz Hoehne and Hermann Zolling, adding, “The idea came from… the adviser to Allen W. Dulles, the U.S. secret-service officer in Berne.”

Sibert listened attentively as Gehlen detailed “the actual aims of the Soviet Union and its display of military might,” despite U.S. Army regulations that prohibited personnel from listening to any remarks made by a German against their erstwhile ally in the East.


“My later discussions with General Sibert in Oberursel ended with a ‘gentlemen’s agreement’ which for a variety of reasons we never set down in black and white,” Gehlen stated.

The terms of this “gentlemen’s agreement” were as follows:

·    A clandestine German intelligence organization was to be created.

·    This organization would work “jointly” with the Americans, but would not be subordinate to them.

·    The organization would operate exclusively under German leadership with only assignments coming from the Americans.

·    The organization would be funded by the Americans but not from occupation costs.

·    The organization would remain in American hands until a sovereign German government was created and agreed to take responsibility for the group.

·    Should the organization at any time find German and American interests in conflict, it would consider the interests of Germany

“The political risk [of this agreement] to which Sibert was exposed was very great,” conceded Gehlen, who was most pleased with the arrangement.


Anti-German feeling was running high, and he had created our organization without any authority from Washington and without the knowledge of the War Department. I understand that he informed his opposite number in the British zone, Major General Sir Kenneth Strong, of our existence, but he asked him not to inquire too closely into the matter for fear that the press might discover our activities.

Gehlen and some of his staff members were soon flown to Washington in a military plane belonging to Walter Bedell Smith, General Eisenhower’s chief of staff, who went on to direct the CIA from 1950 to 1953 and also succeeded Averell Harriman as U.S. ambassador to the Soviet Union. Smith was to become an early member of the secretive Bilderberg Group initially headed by former SS officer Prince Bernhard of the Netherlands.

Gehlen’s self-serving proposal was accepted by Sibert’s military superiors, who did not know of the globalists’ control over the Soviet Union and, therefore, were easily frightened by Gehlen’s description of this militarily ambitious “evil empire.”


Under the proposal, Gehlen would operate independently and as an equal, offering the Americans only the information they requested or he decided to share, but never in any way conflicting with the interests of his Fatherland. In other words, virtually everything the United States learned about Soviet aims and capabilities at the end of World War II came from an anticommunist underground filtered through a Nazi organization with connections to the international financial elite.

Carl Oglesby, author of The Yankee and Cowboy War, wrote that by 1948, following the formation of the CIA, “Gehlen had grown tight with Dulles and his organization and become in effect the CIA’s department of Russian and East European affairs. Soon after the formation of NATO [in 1949], [the Gehlen organization] became the official NATO intelligence organization.”

It has been made public in recent years that the Gehlen organization received an aggregate of $200 million in CIA funds from Allen Dulles.

Much of Gehlen’s intelligence proved questionable, although this was not known at the time, since the Russians had tight control over information behind the Iron Curtain.


“Gehlen flooded the Americans with ‘authentic’ documents provided by the Byelorussians,” noted Loft us.


Because the information pertained to Soviet activity in areas where verification was impossible, the Americans had no choice but to view Gehlen’s information as genuine. In reality, most of the secret intelligence that Gehlen furnished came from recently arrived émigrés, Soviet newspapers, and mail from Belarus and the Ukraine.

Gehlen went on to an illustrious career in spy craft. In 1946, he returned to Germany and began forming an intelligence organization that evolved into the Bundesnachrichtendienst (BND), or federal intelligence service, in West Germany. His cadre of 350 former comrades grew to more than 4,000.

True to the initial agreement, Gehlen became president of the BND from its inception in 1956 until 1968, when he was forced to resign in the wake of a political scandal. Following his death in 1979, Gehlen, a member of the Knights of Malta, was hailed as the consummate Cold War spymaster.

In 2000, the CIA finally admitted its relationship with Gehlen. As the result of a Freedom of Information Act request from Oglesby, the agency filed an affidavit in a U.S. District Court “acknowledging an intelligence relationship with German General Reinhard Gehlen that it has kept secret for 50 years.”

Another forgotten connection between U.S. authorities and the Nazis was the International Criminal Police Organization, known as Interpol, which was created as the International Criminal Police Commission in 1924, the same year J. Edgar Hoover became director of the FBI.

It was headquartered in Vienna, Austria. It was established to assist in international police cooperation. In 1938, following the Anschluss, or unification, of Germany and Austria, the organization came under Nazi control and until the end of World War II functioned as an intelligence and enforcement arm of the Gestapo.

During those years, Interpol was headed by some of the most notorious Nazi war criminals, such as SS Obergruppenführer Reinhard Heydrich, who chaired the infamous Wannsee Conference where the Holocaust was planned; Arthur Nebe, the criminal police chief who also commanded Einsatzkommandos, or killer squads, that liquidated “undesirables”; and Ernst Kaltenbrunner, who succeeded the slain Heydrich and was hanged at Nuremberg for war crimes. Working with Heydrich at Interpol was a young SS officer named Paul Dickopf. After the war, Dickopf served as president of Interpol from 1968 to 1972.

At the recommendation of FBI director Hoover, who always seemed more concerned about communists than Nazis, the United States formally joined Interpol just two weeks after the 1938 Nazi Anschluss of Austria. Hoover kept up a friendly correspondence with Nazi Interpol leaders until a few days after Pearl Harbor, when apparently he felt such connections might tarnish his image.

After the war, Interpol officials insisted that all its files were destroyed in Allied bombings. However, according to researcher Vaughn Young, a Swedish policeman named Harry Soderman, who had worked with Interpol since its inception, argued that an aborted attempt in 1945 to take the files out of Germany left them in French hands. The next year, Interpol was re-established with strong support from the French police and headquartered in Paris.


Also in 1946, Hoover sidestepped the U.S. State Department by attending a meeting in Brussels to formally reconstitute Interpol, where he was elected vice president. Former U.S. Army intelligence officer William Spector stated Hoover gained blackmail leverage over many prominent American business and political leaders by acquiring the Nazi/Interpol intelligence files at the end of World War II.

To this day, Interpol officials have declined to seek out Nazi war criminals, claiming such action is beyond its jurisdiction.

By 1980, Martin Bormann, then in his eighties, had traveled extensively in South America, often just ahead of Nazi hunters. He lived in a luxurious estate near Buenos Aires, writing his memoirs while still under the protection of “Gestapo” Müller.

Paul Manning said this aging recluse remained the guardian and silent manipulator of a gigantic industrial pyramid centered in Germany.


Bormann also had become mentor to a new generation of lawyers, bankers, and industrialists. In an undated interview following the 1981 publication of his book Martin Bormann: Nazi in Exile, Manning stated:


The Bormann organization is not merely a group of ex-Nazis. It is a great economic power whose interests today supersede their ideology.

It is estimated that as many as 100,000 ranking Nazis remained at large after the war. “As such, it constitutes one of the largest—and best-funded, best-trained, best-equipped, and best-connected—cults in the world today,” stated Peter Levenda. “And the second generation is being trained and indoctrinated in the streets of London, Berlin, New York, Buenos Aires … and in secret, heavily armed estates like Colonia Dignidad [in Chile].

Colonia Dignidad, or Dignity colony, today is called Villa Baviera, or Villa Bavaria. It was founded in 1961 by Paul Schäfer, formerly of the Nazi Luftwaffe, and was made up of German immigrants who had been living there since the early 1950s.


The large compound boasted its own power plant, two runways, and a restaurant, all surrounded by barbed wire, searchlights, and guard towers.


In 1986, an inspection by Amnesty International discovered underground cells where prisoners suffered remote- control torture by means of electronic sound systems and electric shock.


“It was a torture and execution center during the regime of Augusto Pinochet who was placed into power in Chile by Henry Kissinger in 1973 to protect Rockefeller interests there,” stated Peter Levenda.


The compound was run by approximately three hundred Nazi exiles, some of whom still live there today. An estimated three thousand persons died and thirty thousand were tortured during the violent overthrow of Chile’s democracy by Pinochet, which included the still-disputed circumstances of President Salvador Allende’s death.


In 1997, Schäfer fled Chile after being accused of sexually molesting two young boys at the colony. In 2005, large caches of arms and ammunition were found there.

While there can be no doubt that Bormann’s surviving Nazi empire still exerts tremendous control over world economies and politics even today, the full extent may never be known.

What is known is that many of Nazi Germany’s most brilliant minds continued their work outside Europe after the war, most notably in the United States.


On May 19, 1945, just twelve days after Germany’s unconditional surrender, Herbert Wagner, creator of the first Nazi guided missile used in combat, landed in Washington, D.C., in a U.S. military aircraft with blacked-out windows.

Wagner was the first of a stream of Nazi scientists, technicians, and others to arrive in the United States in a program that came to be known as Project Paperclip. It began as Operation Overcast, a program authorized by the Joint Chiefs of Staff to exploit the knowledge of Nazi scientists. (Overcast was mentioned but not clearly explained in the 2006 film The Good German starring George Clooney.)  

This operation was renamed Paperclip and formally authorized in August 1945 by President Harry Truman, who was assured that no one with “Nazi or militaristic records” would be involved.

By mid-November, more Nazi scientists, engineers, and technicians were arriving in America, including Wernher von Braun and more than seven hundred other Nazi rocket scientists.

By 1955, nearly a thousand German scientists had been granted citizenship in the United States and given prominent positions in the American scientific community. Many had been long-time members of the Nazi Party and the Gestapo, had conducted experiments on humans at concentration camps, used slave labor, and committed other war crimes.

Von Braun, who in later years became the head of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), is one of the more recognizable names of the Paperclip scientists.


Others included:


·    Major General Walter Dornberger, a close associate of von Braun’s

·    Werner Heisenberg, physicist and Nobel laureate who founded quantum mechanics

·    gaseous uranium centrifuge expert Dr. Paul Harteck

·    Nazi atomic bomb physicist and military project leader Kurt Diebner

·    uranium enrichment expert Erich Bagge

·    1944 Nobel Prize winner Otto Hahn, called the “father of nuclear chemistry”

·    scientists Carl Friedrich von Weizsäcker, Karl Wirtz, and Horst Korsching

·    physicist Walter Gerlach

CNN reporter Linda Hunt’s 1991 book Secret Agenda: The United States Government, Nazi Scientists, and Project Paperclip, 1945–1990 first revealed the extent to which Nazi infiltration was aided by persons within the U.S. federal government and military.

Like other researchers, Hunt found many government files pertaining to recruited Nazis “missing” or otherwise unavailable. Despite government claims that Paperclip was ended in 1947, according to Hunt, this project was, “the biggest, longest-running operation involving Nazis in our country’s history.”

“The project continued nonstop until 1973—decades longer than was previously thought. And remnants of it are still in operation today,” she wrote.

By the 1990s, when details of Paperclip finally reached the public’s ears, the infusion of Nazis into America’s military-industrial complex was complete.

IN 1952 , NEWLY elected President Dwight D. Eisenhower was persuaded to name John Foster Dulles as his secretary of state, and his brother, Allen Dulles, as the director of the CIA. “The reigning Dulles brothers were the ‘Republican’ replacements for their client and business partner, ‘Democrat’ Averell Harriman. Occasional public posturing aside, their strategic commitments [to the globalists] were identical to his,” stated authors Webster Griffin Tarpley and Anton Chaitkin in their well-documented 1992 Unauthorized Biography of George H. W. Bush. It should be noted that the Dulles brothers were both attorneys for and business partners with Averell Harriman.


It should also be noted that Allen Dulles, as OSS station chief in Bern, Switzerland, sat at the nexus of U.S. intelligence as well as Soviet intelligence, such as the infamous Rote Kapelle, or Red Orchestra, spy network. It was during his stint as assistant to the U.S. ambassador that Dulles used SS Brigadeführer, or brigadier general, Walter Schellenberg to communicate with his immediate superior, Reichsführer Heinrich Himmler.

Dulles constantly sent intelligence reports to Washington, although, as stated by Adam LeBor, “there are questions as to whether his motive was supplying genuine economic intelligence or merely building a complicated empire of information and disinformation that reached from Bern to Berlin and back again.”

Dulles moved from Bern to become OSS station chief in Berlin at the end of the war. In 1947, when the OSS was rolled into the newly created CIA, Dulles’s translator was an army intelligence officer named Henry Kissinger, who would go on to become secretary of state under President Richard Nixon, a lifelong friend to Dulles.

Allen Dulles   
Chief Architect of U.S.-Nazi business and spy networks

  • spy at the U.S. embassy in Bern, Switzerland, collecting political data for the State Department on Germany and the Austro-Hungarian empire (1916-1918)
  • member, U.S. staff, Versailles Peace Conference (1918-1922)
  • head, State Department’s Near East Affairs division (1922-27)
  • worked with brother John Foster Dulles, as lawyer and international finance specialist for Sullivan & Cromwell, a Wall Street law firm in New York (1927-1941). While there, he worked with top Nazi industrialists and played a pivotal role in promoting U.S.-Nazi corporate relations. Allen worked with Prescott Bush (grandfather of President George Walker Bush) and George Herbert Walker (Prescott’s father-in-law) who ran Union Banking Corporation for the Nazis. Allen was legal counsel for Standard Oil and the Nazi’s I. G. Farben, co-owned by the Rockefellers. (Other U.S. millionaires allied to the Nazis were: William Randolph Hearst Sr., Andrew Mellon, Irenee du Pont, Henry Ford and J.P. Morgan. Morgan, du Pont and others were even involved in a Fascist plot to overthrow the U.S. government in 1934.)
  • President Roosevelt, realizing Dulles was a traitor, had his New York “Office of Coordinator of Information” wiretapped (1941-42). Some Dulles-linked firms, like Bush’s Union Banking Corp., were seized under the Trading with the Enemy Act (1942)
  • Berne station chief, Office of Strategic Services (1942-1945). Roosevelt’s plan to charge Dulles with treason failed when Dulles was warned and covered his tracks (1944). Roosevelt’s plan died with him (1945). 
  • as OSS station chief in Berlin, Dulles negotiated the agreement with General Reinhard Gehlen to establish a Nazi spy network within the OSS (1945).
  • Dulles helped in the development of the CIA (1947), became its deputy director (1951) and its director (1953-1961).  He oversaw numerous covert operations, such as election rigging in Italy (1948), coups in Iran (1953) and Guatemala (1954) and many other notorious operations
  • When Union Banking Corp. was liquidated, Prescott Bush and George Herbert Walker received $1.5 million (1951)
  • was fired by President Kennedy after the failed invasion of Cuba at the Bay of Pigs (1961)
  • as a member of the Warren Commission, he promoted the theory that a “lone gunman” assassinated John F. Kennedy (1963).

Project Paperclip quickly came under the control of an “old boy” network encompassing members of the globalists centered in the Council on Foreign Relations.After its inception, Paperclip was run by the intelligence division of the U.S. Army’s European Command, directed by Robert Walsh operating out of Berlin. “The Paperclip office operated out of the intelligence division’s headquarters in Heidelberg, under Deputy Director Colonel Robert Schow, who would become assistant director of the CIA in 1949 and assistant chief of staff for intelligence in 1956,” Hunt wrote in Secret Agenda.

She added that officers of the Joint Intelligence Objectives Agency (JIOA) who managed Project Paperclip soon began receiving security reports from Schow’s office, regarding the Germans recruited into the program. All reports on these men had been altered from a determination of “ardent Nazi” to read “not an ardent Nazi.”

After assuming the directorship of the newly created CIA, Allen Dulles, who, as attorney for the Shröder bank, had brokered the deals allowing Hitler’s rise to power, assumed control over Project Paperclip and increased the flow of National Socialists into the United States.

After former Nazi spymaster General Reinhard Gehlen met with the CIA director Dulles and offered to turn over his extensive spy network to the CIA in exchange for non-prosecution of their Nazi pasts, the scientists’ dossiers were rewritten to eliminate incriminating evidence of their work for the Nazis. “For over forty years … Paperclip’s dark secrets lay safely hidden in cover-ups, lies, and deceit,” stated Hunt.Hunt uncovered documents showing that even Wernher von Braun, who in 1947 had been described as “a potential security threat” by the military governor, was reassessed only months later in a report stating, “he may not constitute a security threat to the U.S.”


Likewise, von Braun’s brother, Magnus, who had been declared a “dangerous German Nazi” by counterintelligence officers, was brought to America and his pro-Nazi record expunged.


“The effect of the cover-up involved far more than merely whitewashing the information in the dossiers,” noted Hunt. “Serious allegations of crimes not only were expunged from the records, but were never even investigated.”

In a 1985 exposé in the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists, Hunt wrote that she had examined more than 130 reports on Project Paperclip subjects—and every one “had been changed to eliminate the security threat classification.” President Truman, who had explicitly ordered no committed Nazis to be admitted under Project Paperclip, was evidently never aware that his directive had been violated.


Again, this is evidence of control at a level higher than the president.

By the late 1940s, the now-ascendant Cold War added new impetus. Potential intelligence assets were recruited from all across Europe, many of them zealous Nazis who could be relied upon to be anticommunists. In an effort to avoid the negative publicity that had burdened some of the early Paperclip activities—some Americans just did not think it proper to bring former Nazis to the United States and place them in responsible positions—JIOA officers began bringing Nazis from Argentina, that haven for the Bormann organization.

According to Hunt, all of this activity was almost totally unknown to the public but rested in the hands of certain top-ranking government officials like the Dulles brothers and John J. McCloy. The agenda of the globalists was moving ahead.

Paperclip had several spin-off projects. Expanding on Paperclip, the National Interest program was tightly connected to the new CIA and provided a means of bypassing close scrutiny by anti-Nazi elements within military intelligence.


No longer were Nazi scientists the sole objective; recruitment of Nazis now included Eastern Europeans thought to be helpful against the communists, and even convicted Nazi war criminals. Anyone, regardless of their past, was eligible as long as someone within the U.S. government deemed their presence in the national interest.


Linda Hunt wrote:

Prevailing myth has it that the first group in National Interest, the German scientists, were employed solely because of their scientific expertise, but there were other reasons as well. First, defence contractors and universities could hire German scientists for substantially less money than they could American employees.

Salary statistics show that the Germans signed contracts for approximately $2,000 a year less than their American counterparts received in comparable positions. Of course, the Germans were unaware of the salary discrepancy, since they had earned even less money in West Germany. The JIOA, however, took advantage of the situation by promoting cheap salaries to convince corporations to participate in the project.

Second, because of the Joint Chiefs of Staff connection with the National Interest project, German scientists could obtain necessary security clearances more easily than could American scientists. Defence contractors looking for new employees to work on classified projects found this aspect of National Interest to be particularly advantageous

By 1957, more than sixty companies were listed on JIOA’s rosters, including Lockheed, W. R. Grace and Company, CBS Laboratories, and Martin Marietta…

National Interest placed German scientists at major universities in research or teaching positions, regardless of their Nazi pasts.


Even the U.S. Office of Education helped JIOA send fliers to universities all over the country touting the advantages of hiring the Germans on federally financed research projects, since they could obtain security clearances more easily than Americans. The University of Texas, Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis, Missouri, and Boston University were among the participants.

It should be noted that Yale University, alma mater of the Bush and Harriman families and home of Skull and Bones, also received Paperclip Nazis as employees.

Another program, code-named simply Project 63, was designed specifically to get German scientists out of Europe and away from the Soviets.


“Most went to work for universities or defense contractors, not the U.S. government,” noted Hunt.


Thus the American taxpayer footed the bill for a project to help former Nazis obtain jobs with Lockheed, Martin Marietta, North American Aviation, and other defence contractors during a time when many American engineers in the aircraft industry were being laid off .

The Project 63 effort to import Nazis grew so public—in 1952, JIOA deputy director Air Force colonel Gerold Crabbe and a gaggle of military officers, Paperclip members, and civilians journeyed to West Germany on a recruitment drive—that even McCloy expressed concern over a “violent reaction” by West German officials.


West Germans complained to U.S. ambassador James Conant, demanding that Paperclip be ended.


Conant appealed to then secretary of state John Foster Dulles to shut down Paperclip, “before we are faced with a formal complaint by the West German government against a continuing U.S. recruitment program which has no parallel in any other Allied country.”

But the project was not stopped. As usual, there was simply a name change. Paperclip became the Defense Scientists Immigration Program (DEFSIP). Conant may not have realized his appeal was aimed at one of the architects of the very program he was trying to end.

As the Paperclip project began to lose momentum, yet another stimulus arose. On October 4, 1957, the Russians launched Sputnik I into orbit around the Earth and the space race was on. The Nazi scientists were in demand more than ever.

Paperclip again began to grow.


Specialists were imported from Germany, Austria, and other countries under Project 63 and National Interest and gained positions at many universities and defense contractors, including Duke University, RCA, Bell Laboratories, Douglas Aircraft , and Martin Marietta.


“Information about the number of defectors and other individuals brought in by the CIA and military intelligence agencies is unknown, since JIOA records concerning them were either shredded or pulled during the FBI’s investigation in 1964,” noted Hunt, adding, “It had taken the greatest war in history to put a stop to an unspeakable evil, and now the cutting edge of that nightmare was being transplanted to America.”

Interestingly, even as we were bringing foreign defectors into the USA, we discovered a traitor within our own government.


Lieutenant Colonel William Henry Whalen, who from 1957 served as deputy director of JIOA, the agency that commanded Paperclip, became the highest-ranking American ever recruited as a mole by the Soviet intelligence service. Only four months after he began spying for the Soviets, Whalen was promoted to the directorship of JIOA.


When arrested in 1962, Whalen was an intelligence adviser, which permitted him access to any information pertaining to the Joint Chiefs of Staff planning and allocation of military forces, including communications and electronic intelligence-gathering.

Whalen, who suffered from alcoholism and debt, was recruited by the Soviets in the mid-1950s by Colonel Sergei Edemski, a loquacious Soviet military attaché in Washington, D.C.


Although it became publicly known that Whalen admitted providing the Communists with our utmost secrets concerning U.S. nuclear weaponry and strategies, his connection with Paperclip was not revealed.


Yet, author Hunt raised a relevant question about Whalen by asking, “Did he use blackmail to recruit a spy or saboteur from among the approximately 1,600 Paperclip specialists and hundreds of other JIOA recruits brought to this country since 1945? It certainly is clear from the evidence that many of them had a lot to hide.”

Though charged with espionage, in 1966 Whalen made a deal with the Justice Department, in which he pled guilty to a lesser charge in exchange for his cooperation. Federal judge Oren Lewis, while accusing Whalen of “selling me and all your fellow Americans down the river,” nevertheless sentenced the spy to a mere fifteen years in prison.


He was paroled after serving only six years.

But it was not just home-grown spies like Whalen who were slipping information out of Paperclip. Imported Nazis had every opportunity to pass national security information out of the country. According to Hunt, there was no further army surveillance over the Nazi Paperclip specialists after just four months of their signing a contract with the U.S. government.


Furthermore, anyone receiving any more than 50 percent support from a Paperclip specialist constituted a “dependent,” according to their contracts.


“The large number of so- called dependents—including mistresses and maids—brought to Fort Bliss [Texas] as a result of [this situation] were subject to no off-the-post surveillance, even though it was assumed that they had access to at least some classified information because of their close contact with Paperclip personnel,” wrote Hunt.

Incidents of information being passed out of Paperclip were presented to authorities, yet nothing was done. A Fort Bliss businessman reported Paperclip engineer Hans Lindenmayr to the FBI, claiming the German had been using his business address as an illegal letter drop.


According to Hunt, at least three other Nazis maintained illegal mail drops in El Paso, “where they received money from foreign or unknown sources and coded messages from South America.”

It was also learned that many Paperclip Nazis received cash from foreign sources.


“Neither Army CIC not FBI agents knew where that money came from, and by all appearances, no one cared to know how more than a third of the Paperclip group suddenly were able to buy expensive cars,” noted Hunt.

When word was passed that Nazi scientists working for the French were suspected of receiving orders from Germany to work toward a re-emergence of the Reich, army intelligence officers finally began to take a closer look at Paperclip. Amazingly, the biggest catch was Wenher von Braun. It was revealed that at the end of the war, the rocket scientist had been caught sending a map overseas to General Dornberger and concealing information from U.S. officials. Further investigation revealed that Paperclip specialists were allowed to make unsupervised trips off base and even out of town, the only requirement being that they report when they arrived at their destination. Several had their own telephones that were never monitored.

President Truman was once notified by the CIA that the Nazi scientists working for the Soviets were using a postal address in the U.S. sector of West Germany as a cover for communications with the Paperclip scientists in America.


One General Electric manager working with Paperclip specialists told the FBI that the Army’s lax security at White Sands Proving Grounds bordered on “criminal neglect,” especially since about 350 of the Germans’ former coworkers were serving the Russians. He believed that it was reasonable to assume that friendly contacts between the two groups still existed.

Apparently, overseas communication between the Nazis in America and the Nazis in Russia continued unabated, which has raised the possibility of a parallel space race controlled or manipulated by the very globalists who had created and financed both communism and the Third Reich.

Almost everyone who was of age in 1969 recalls vividly the pride and excitement of the U.S. Apollo mission’s moon landing on July 20. It is difficult then for them to seriously consider the many contradictions and anomalies of the six moon landings.


What may be even more difficult is to consider that the space race was never a true competition between the United States and the former Soviet Union; rather, it was a combined space program run by Nazi scientists and controlled by high-level globalists.

As the Allies closed in on Nazi Germany in the spring of 1945, top American commanders were given orders to leave all the rockets and their plans at the Nazi facility at Nordhausen for the Russians. However, some commanders unofficially absconded with about a hundred V-2s, along with a large collection of plans, manuals, and other documents.


According to one American officer:

We gave the Russians the key to Sputnik… [F]or ten weeks, the American army had in its hands the rocket plant that gave the Russians their head start in the missile race.

Here was more evidence of the collusion taking place at the level of the globalists who were already directing activities that would lead to the Cold War.

After the war, at NASA’s George C. Marshall Space Flight Center in Huntsville, Alabama, the Nazi rocket scientists established nearly a carbon copy of their organization at the wartime secret Nazi rocket facility at Peenemünde.


According to Linda Hunt, James Webb, NASA administrator during the Kennedy years, complained that the Nazi scientists were circumventing the system to the extent of attempting to build their own Saturn V rocket in-house at the Marshall Center.


“…the Germans dominated the rocket program to such an extent that they held the chief and deputy slots of every major division and laboratory. And their positions at Marshall and the Kennedy Space Center at Cape Canaveral, Florida, were similar to those they had held during the war,” wrote Hunt.


The Peenemünde team’s leader, Wernher von Braun, became the first director of the Marshall Space Center; Mittlelwerk’s head of production, Arthur Rudolph, was named project director of the Saturn V rocket program; Peenemünde’s V-2 flight test director, Kurt Debus, was the first director of the Kennedy Space Center.

Rudolph, who gained American citizenship after entering the USA with his boss von Braun under the program that was to become Paperclip, was credited with helping to place Americans on the moon.


He retired with a NASA pension in 1979 but was stripped of his American citizenship in 1983, after he conceded to the Justice Department that he had,“participated under the direction of and on behalf of the Nazi government of Germany, in the persecution of unarmed civilians because of their race, religion, national origin, or political opinion.”

However, a West German investigation of Rudolph stated there was no factual basis for charging him with war crimes and granted him German citizenship. Several Americans, including Lieutenant Colonel William E. Winterstein Sr., who was commander of the Technical Service Unit at Fort Bliss, Texas, which supported the German scientists, claimed Rudolph was railroaded by the Justice Department’s Office of Special Investigations, some members of which “had the full cooperation of the Soviet Union; therefore, close coordination with the KGB.”

As recently released files from behind the Iron Curtain have revealed, many of the scientists in Paperclip as well as some on the Manhattan Project indeed were spying for the Soviet Union. Their motivations were many. Some spied for pay, some for ideology, but all were manipulared by intelligence chiefs far above them.

The flow of information between the scientists in the Soviet Union and the United States has led some researchers to suspect that a covert space program—a third program—was in effect.


Joseph P. Farrell, who holds a doctorate degree in Patristics (the study of early Christian writers and their work) from the University of Oxford, also has researched ancient history and physics, to include the space program.

In his 2004 book, Reich of the Black Sun, Farrell wrote:


[I]t is perhaps significant that some contemporary observers of the American space program and its odd thirty-year-long ‘holding pattern’ and tapestry of inconsistencies, lies and obfuscations have long suspected that there are indeed two space programs inside the U.S. government, the public NASA one, and a quasi-independent one based deep within covert and black projects.

This idea is somewhat supported by the fact that the space programs of Russia and America moved along different paths.


At the start, the Russians proved more capable of attaining space flight than the Americans. Under the leadership of their brilliant engineer Sergei Korolev, the Russians produced giant heavy-lift rockets while their American counterparts were busy developing the internal technology for guidance and control.

The Soviet Russians were first:

·    to launch a satellite, Sputnik, into Earth’s orbit (1957)

·    to orbit a man, Colonel Yuri Gagarin, and return him safely (1961)

·    to place a live animal, the dog Laika (1957), and Valentina Tereshkova, the first woman into orbit (1963)

·    to land unmanned vehicles on the moon (1970)

·    to conduct an extravehicular “space walk” by cosmonauts

·    to place nuclear warheads on Intercontinental Ballistic Missiles (ICBM)

Both nations used captured Nazi V-2 rockets to begin their space programs. A common joke in the 1950s involved an argument between a Russian and an American. “Our German scientists are better than your German scientists,” they shouted at each other.

Yet, the evidence indicates that the American rocket scientists were indeed placed into a holding pattern while their Soviet counterparts caught up with their technology.


William E. Winterstein Sr., a retired U.S. Army lieutenant colonel and one of the rocket engineers on NASA’s Apollo team, noted in his 2002 book Gestapo USA,


The space history of this country reveals that during the 1950s, the von Braun team had developed a multistage rocket by adding solid propellant rocket stages to a Redstone rocket as booster. In 1956, such a rocket with two solid stages made successful high-speed rocket re-entry tests with model warheads covered with ablative heat protection.


With three solid stages, such a rocket could have placed a satellite into orbit more than a year before the U.S. was defeated by Sputnik. However, and almost unbelievably, the von Braun team was given direct orders from Washington to stop further development. The team was restricted to the development of rockets whose range was less than 200 miles.


It was only after President Kennedy announced the lunar mission in 1961 that the German rocket team was finally released from agonizing bureaucratic blunders from Washington, and was given a free hand, and even orders, to accomplish von Braun’s lifelong goal to travel into space.


It has been argued that a primary incentive of the German scientists was the sheer desire to continue their work.


“Some of these would stop at nothing, even resorting to duping their colleagues and superiors in order to ensure the continuance of their research,” commented British authors Mary Bennett and David S. Percy.


However, in some cases, such as that of von Braun, the connection between the work and the Nazis was close and continuous. Von Braun, the son of a well-connected Prussian minister who founded the German Savings Bank, was brought into Germany’s rocket program by Luftwaffe general Walter Dornberger, who, although charged as a war criminal for the rocket attacks on London and Antwerp, was never brought to trial.


Instead, he came into the United States as part of Project Paperclip. Likewise, von Braun, revered as the father of the U.S. space program, was found to have been a Nazi Party member, a member of the SS with the rank of major, a friend to SS Reichsführer Heinrich Himmler, and, according to Linda Hunt, was accused by survivors of the rocket factories at Mittelwerk and Peenemünde of at least once ordering the execution of slave laborers.


Kurt Debus, who became the first director of the Kennedy Space Center at Cape Canaveral, was both a member of the Nazi SS and the SA. According to documents obtained by Hunt, in 1942 Debus turned a colleague over to the Gestapo for making anti-Hitler remarks.

The Soviet manner of dealing with their Nazi scientists greatly differed from the laxity of Project Paperclip.


“With hindsight, it would seem that the Soviets demonstrated a more humanitarian approach toward their technical prisoners than did the Americans,” noted Bennett and Percy.


Moreover, the way in which the technical information was passed from teacher to pupil was very different. The Soviet experts and the Germans worked side by side in the same factory, but in separate areas. Information was passed between these teams without the Germans ever meeting their Soviet counterparts. They only spoke directly to Korolev, who was far curter with them than he had been in Bleicherode [the V-2 test area in Germany’s Harz Mountains, where Korolev had first debriefed the scientists at war’s end].


Some serious researchers have opined that the space programs of both the USSR and the USA, despite the political posturing, were actually the same program, one far ahead of the current joint Russian-American space efforts such as the International Space Station.


“This [overall] project was conceived and designed as a collaboration between two superpowers,” wrote Bennett and Percy.


The Cold War was a convenient cover under which aspects of this program could be implemented and hidden. All these machinations were orchestrated at the very highest level, with only a select and hidden few ever knowing the overall objectives of the project.


As noted by Farrell:


This, of course, implies some entity or agency of coordination existing both within the Soviet Union and the United States.


If this were so, who were these hidden manipulators?

To begin with, there were the German rocket scientists themselves. In 1945, Lieutenant Walter Jessel was assigned to investigate how much trust to give the scientists before bringing them to America.


According to author Hunt, the lieutenant,“uncovered evidence of a conspiracy among von Braun, Dornberger, and Dornberger’s former chief of staff, Herbert Axster, to withhold information from U.S. officers.”


Secret codicils within the 1945 Yalta Agreement between Roosevelt, Churchill, and Stalin allowed for the partitioning of Europe between the Allied powers.

Dr. Wilhelm Voss, the former head of the Skoda Munitions Works in Pilsen, had handled much of the material for Kammler’s Kammlerstab Special Projects Group. In May 1945, when elements of the American Army arrived in the Czech city of Pilsen, Voss attempted to hand over a truckload of Kammlerstab documents but was told by the commanding U.S. officer that he was under orders to give everything to the Russians.

While entire German divisions were trying desperately to surrender to the Western Allies, it is well known that Patton’s Third Army had reached the outskirts of Berlin before being ordered back a hundred miles to await the arrival of the Russians, who were required to fight desperately for every block of the city. Such a withdrawal is clear evidence of the deals being made at the highest levels.

As has been noted, there was communication between the two groups of Nazi scientists even though they were half a world away from each other. This could have been facilitated by the interconnected business and banking interests already described.

As detailed in the section “Communism versus National Socialism” the same Western bankers and financiers who funded Hitler’s National Socialism also supported Communism in Russia. The U.S. federal government’s leniency toward communism has been well documented, beginning with President Franklin D. Roosevelt, who began his career as a Wall Street attorney specializing in corporate law.


Roosevelt echoed his Wall Street cronies’ warm regard for both Stalin and communism.


According to historian Thomas Fleming, the U.S. government was rife with globalist agents conveying secrets back to Russia.


“There was scarcely a branch of the American government, including the War, Navy, and Justice Departments, that did not have Soviet moles in high places, feeding Moscow information. [William] Wild Bill Donovan’s Office of Strategic Services, the forerunner of the CIA, had so many informers in its ranks, it was almost an arm of the NKVD. Donovan’s personal assistant, Duncan Chaplin Lee, was a spy,” Fleming wrote.

Another possible crossing point for aerospace information may have been the British Interplanetary Society (BIS), according to Bennett and Percy. While the BIS was reportedly created in September 1945 by combining several existing organizations interested in the future of space exploration, it was not officially inaugurated until December of that year.

At that time, Wernher von Braun, the man behind the V-2 rockets, was named as an honorary fellow.


Arthur C. Clarke, an early member of the BIS, claimed the society had been in existence long before the war and was merely in “suspended animation” from 1939 to 1945.

Noting that the Soviet embassy in London subscribed to no less than twenty copies of the bimonthly BIS journal, Bennett and Percy asked:

Why was it necessary to reform a society already in existence?


Why did the British hasten to grant such an award to the man who only nine months before [as technical director of the Nazi V-1 and V-2 rocket programs], was responsible for the annihilation of so many people in London and the Home Counties?


Why did both the British (and von Braun) wish to play down the real timing, if everybody felt comfortable with the reasons for honoring [von Braun]?”

Their insinuation is that valuable rocket technology information was passed along via the BIS, possibly with the approval of von Braun.

President Eisenhower, aware of the American public’s concern that the Soviets might be winning the space race, ordered a Manhattan Project approach to the problem. This mandate resulted in a structure that became compartmentalized and shrouded with secrecy. All relevant information was on a strictly “need to know” basis, controlled by members of the self-styled globalist elite, the plutocrats who owned the emerging multinational corporations.

To fully understand how this control over parallel space programs worked, one must look past the Eisenhower administration and study the National Security Act of 1947.

On September 15 of that year—only three months after pilot Kenneth Arnold saw flying discs over Mount Rainier, and just two months after something crashed near Roswell, New Mexico—President Harry S. Truman signed into law the National Security Act of 1947, which, among other things, created the National Security Council (NSC) and the Air Force as a separate branch of service, united the military branches under a Department of Defence, and created America’s first peacetime civilian intelligence organization, the Central Intelligence Agency.

An important example of the tight inner government control by secret society members may be found in the NSC, which has come to dominate U.S. policy decisions, including the use of armed force. Most Americans have no idea who exactly comprises the powerful NSC.


The council principals are the president, vice president, and secretaries of state and defence, positions predominantly held throughout the later twentieth century by members of the globalist societies, the Council on Foreign Relations, or the Trilateral Commission.The NSC staff is directed by the president’s national security adviser.


To coordinate covert operations, the NSC created the 5412 Committee, also called the Special Group, which has changed names several times to avoid public exposure. In 1964, it was known as the 303 Committee and in 1970 it was renamed the 40 Committee.


Within this organization—which included such familiar names as Nelson Rockefeller, Robert McNamara, McGeorge Bundy, Gordon Gray, and Allen Dulles—was a subcommittee dealing with science and technology. It is here that the connection between the corporate and financial world and government-held technological secrets may be found.


Here is centered control over rocketry, space, alternative energy sources, and even UFOs. And it is here that researchers have tracked the mysterious group known as Majic Twelve, later known as Majestic Twelve or simply MJ-12.The MJ-12 issue was first publicly raised in 1984 when a TV producer and UFO researcher received an undeveloped roll of 35-mm black-and-white film in his mail. The film contained eight pages of what appeared to be official U.S. government documents stamped TOP SECRET/MAJIC EYES ONLY and dated November 18, 1952.


The pages were a “ briefing document” prepared for president-elect Dwight D. Eisenhower, concerning “Operation Majestic 12.” There has been ongoing controversy over the legitimacy of these and the subsequent release of other MJ-12 documents, including a Standard Operations Manual (SOM 1-01) marked “Top Secret/MAJIC,” dated April 1954, and titled “Extraterrestrial Entities and Technology, Recovery and Disposal.”

The documents listed twelve prominent men as members of Operation Majestic 12, “a TOP SECRET Research and Development/Intelligence operation responsible directly and only to the President of the United States,” who were to deal with the UFO issue at the highest level.


The papers went on to detail how a “secret operation” was begun on July 7, 1947, to recover the wreckage of a disc-shaped craft from a crash site,

“approximately 75 miles northwest of Roswell Army Air Base.” Also, “four small human-like beings [who] had apparently ejected from the craft ” were found dead about two miles east of the wreckage site.

The document added:


Civilian and military witnesses in the area were debriefed, and news reporters were given the effective cover story that the object had been a misguided weather research balloon.

Later, when the weather balloon story became discredited, the story was changed to a Mogul balloon, used to monitor the upper atmosphere for Soviet A-bomb testing, though why such a monitoring device would be launched from New Mexico was never explained.

The “briefing” papers ended by stating:


Implications for the National Security are of continuing importance in that the motives and ultimate intentions of these visitors remain completely unknown. In addition, a significant upsurge in the surveillance activity of these craft beginning in May and continuing through the autumn of [1952] has caused considerable concern that new developments may be imminent.


It is for these reasons, as well as the obvious international and technological considerations and the ultimate need to avoid a public panic at all costs, that the Majestic-12 Group remains of the unanimous opinion that imposition of the strictest security precautions should continue without interruption into the new administration.


These MJ-12 documents created a storm of controversy within the UFO research community.


Debunkers claimed to have found all sorts of discrepancies—from misspellings to identical signatures. However, no one has been able to definitively disprove all the MJ-12 documents as fakes and, in fact, there is much evidence to indicate their authenticity. For example, Dr. Robert M. Wood, who managed research and development at McDonnell Douglas for forty-three years, found that the typeface and style of the SOM 1-01 manual matched that of U.S. government printing presses in use during the 1950s.

If the information in the MJ-12 documents is proven correct, it is strong evidence that certain persons within the United States had access to remarkable technology, both taken at Roswell and similar to that described as being in Nazi hands toward the end of the war.

A cursory look at the men identified as the original MJ-12 group, as well as their corporate and intelligence connections, makes clear the potential for high-level control over exotic technology—groundbreaking technology that could upset the monopolies over energy, transportation, and communications held by the wealthy globalists who financed Hitler.


As listed in the documents, MJ-12 members included:


·       Administrator Roscoe H. Hillenkoetter, a 1919 graduate of the Naval Academy, who was familiar with both intelligence work and the Nazis, having worked undercover for a year in Vichy, France.


After serving as the third director of Central Intelligence Group, he became the first director of the CIA upon its formation in September 1947, obviously a good choice for a top- secret group like MJ-12.


After his retirement from government, Hillenkoetter joined the National Investigations Committee on Aerial Phenomena (NICAP), a private UFO group, and stated publicly that UFOs were real and “through official secrecy and ridicule, many citizens are led to believe the unknown flying objects are nonsense.”

·    Dr. Vannevar Bush, an eminent American scientist, who in 1941 organized the National Defense Research Council, and in 1943 the Office of Scientific Research and Development that led to the production of the first atomic bomb. Dr. Bush was another prime candidate for a high-level group dealing with space. He also was a close friend to Averell Harriman, the U.S. ambassador to the Soviet Union, who had ownership in Union Banking Corporation along with Prescott Bush. (It is reported that Vannevar Bush was unrelated to the political Bush family.)


In 1949, the U.S. Intelligence Board asked Bush to study ways of combining intelligence from all agencies. Bush’s plan was initiated by America’s first secretary of defence, James V. Forrestal, who also is listed as an MJ-12 member. Bush’s connections to the corporate world were deep and many. In 1922, Bush, along with his former roommate Laurence K. Marshall and scientist Charles G. Smith, formed American Appliance Company, today known as the powerful Raytheon Corporation heralded in its company literature as an “industry leader in defence and government electronics, space, information technology, technical services and business aviation and special mission aircraft.”


Bush joined the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) as a professor in 1919, and in 1936 was awarded a major grant by the Rockefeller Foundation. His work during World War II resulted in the development of the Rockefeller Differential Analyzer, an analog mainframe computer composed of 2,000 vacuum tubes and 150 motors.


Bush also served on the board of directors of the Metals and Controls Corporation, which in 1959 merged with Texas Instruments to become the first U.S. government–approved fabricator of uranium rods. Bush also was a presence in the corporate world of pharmaceuticals, eventually becoming chairman of the board of Merck and Company, one of the world’s most powerful drug companies. Merck has been among the leaders in researching the human genome, the DNA structure that forms cells into humans.


Bush also was connected to the Carnegie wealth, serving as president of the Carnegie Institute from 1935 to 1955.

·    James V. Forrestal, who, prior to World War I, was a bond salesman for William A. Read and Company, later to become Dillon, Read and Company. After the war, he returned to Read and Company and by 1937 was named president. This was at a time when Dillon and Read were the most profitable of all Wall Street syndicate managers handling German industrial issues in the U.S. capital market. In 1957, Fortune magazine named Clarence Dillon as one of the wealthiest men in America, with a fortune estimated to have been between $150 and $200 million.


Russell A. Nixon, the young attorney for the U.S. Military Government Cartel Unit who tried to break up the Nazi corporate syndicates at the end of the war, was blocked in his efforts by Brigadier General William H. Draper, who along with Forrestal was an officer of Dillon and Read. According to Sutton, “Banker William Draper, as Brigadier General William Draper, put his control team together from businessmen who had represented American business in prewar Germany.”

Forrestal also sat on the board of General Aniline and Film (GAF), a subsidiary of I.G. Farben with 91.5 percent ownership by the brother-in-law of Farben chairman Hermann Schmitz.


Heading GAF was Rudolf Ilgner, who near the outbreak of war offered the U.S. Army Agfa film at a low price for photographing the Panama Canal and other defense installations.


“Ilgner has a sense of humor,” noted Charles Higham, the New York Times writer who traced the Nazi-American money plot in his 1983 book Trading with the Enemy.

He gave the American government copies of the movies and still photographs and kept the originals, which were shipped via the Hamburg-Amerika steamship line [partly owned by Prescott Bush]. The president of this company was Julius P. Meyer, head of the Board of Trade for German-American Commerce, whose chairman was—Rudolf Ilgner.

Forrestal became secretary of defense in July 1947—the time of the Roswell incident—but resigned in March 1949, a month before he reportedly committed suicide at Bethesda Naval Hospital. He claimed he was being followed by Zionist agents.


His MJ-12 position was permanently filled by General Walter B. Smith.

·    General Walter Bedell Smith, who had been Eisenhower’s chief of staff and former U.S. ambassador to Moscow, replacing Averell Harriman. In 1950, Smith replaced Admiral Hillenkoetter as Director of Central Intelligence. Most intriguing was Smith’s close relationship as friend and business partner with Prince Bernhard of the Netherlands, the former SS officer who, with Smith’s help, founded the secretive Bilderberg Group.

Before leaving for England prior to hostilities, the German-born Bernhard was employed in I.G. Farben’s Intelligence Department, NM7.General Nathan F. Twining, commander of the Air Material Command based at Wright-Patterson, who was already heavily involved in the UFO issue by the time of MJ-12. He had canceled a scheduled trip on July 8, 1947, “due to a very important and sudden matter.” This was the day the Roswell Air Base press release regarding the recovery of a flying saucer was issued.


UFO researcher William Moore claimed that Twining actually made a two-day trip to New Mexico. On September 23, 1945, just as the air force became a separate service, Twining sent a letter to the chief of staff of the Army Air Force, Brigadier General George Schulgen, who had requested information on “flying discs.” In a letter stamped SECRET, Twining began by stating without equivocation, “The phenomenon reported is something real and not visionary or fictitious.”


He recommended that a permanent group be established to study UFOs.

·      General Hoyt S. Vandenberg, a West Point graduate and military man, who served as U.S. Air Force chief of staff and Director of Central Intelligence. As a named MJ-12 member, Vanderberg did not appear to have solid Wall Street connections.


However, he was a close relative to the powerful U.S. senator Arthur Vandenberg, who served as president pro tempore of the Senate, third in line of succession to the presidency, and chaired the Senate Committee on Foreign Relations. Senator Vandenberg also participated in the creation of the United Nations. In January 1945 the senator made headlines by announcing his conversion from isolationism to internationalism. As such, he orchestrated bipartisan support for the Truman Doctrine and the Marshall Plan.


The “Vandenberg Resolution,” passed by the Senate in 1948, paved the way for mutual Allied security through the creation of NATO. In the early 1950s, it was General Vandenberg who ordered the destruction of the original Project Sign Air Force report stating that UFOs were real.


Many UFO researchers believe Vandenberg’s role was to maintain security for MJ-12.

·    Dr. Detlev Bronk, a physiologist and biophysicist with international credentials, who chaired the National Research Council and was a member of the medical advisory board of the Atomic Energy Commission. From 1953 until 1968, he was president of the Rockefeller Institute for Medical Research, during which time he was given a $600,000 mansion.


Bronk maintained a long correspondence with Vannevar Bush and also was on the Scientific Advisory Committee of the Brookhaven National Laboratory along with Dr. Edward Condon, who later debunked UFOs in a major UFO study for the Air Force.

·         Dr. Jerome Hunsaker, an aircraft designer, who chaired the departments of mechanical and aeronautical engineering at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, and the National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics.


In 1933, the year Hitler came to power, Hunsaker became vice president of the Goodyear-Zeppelin Corporation, which manufactured airships that off ered passenger flights to various countries, including Germany, Brazil, and the USA. It should be noted that less than three months after the 1984 death of Dr. Hunsacker, the last survivor of those named in the MJ-12 documents, the disputed documents suddenly arrived at the home of a UFO researcher.


Many feel Hunsacker’s death may have signalled to someone in the official world that it was now permissible to leak the MJ-12 Eisenhower briefing document.


·    Sidney W. Souers, a retired rear admiral who in 1946 became the first Director of Central Intelligence, appointed by President Truman. He was executive secretary to the National Security Council in 1947 and remained a special consultant on security matters for a time after leaving that post. Souers also had a lifelong connection to American corporate business.


Between 1920 and his death in 1973, Souers held executive positions in the Mortgage and Securities Company of New Orleans, First Joint Stock Land Bank, the Canal Bank and Trust Company of New Orleans, the Aviation Company, and the General American Life Insurance Company.

·    Gordon Gray, an heir to the R. J. Reynolds Tobacco Company fortune, who was assistant secretary of the army in 1947, became secretary of the army in 1949, and a year later was named a special assistant on national security affairs to President Truman. After that, Gray was named director of the government’s Psychological Strategy Board (PSB), established in 1951 to undertake disinformation and psychological warfare against enemies.


During his stint on the PSB, Gray’s chief consultant was Henry Kissinger, who was also a paid consultant to the Rockefellers. According to one source, Gray directed a psychological strategy study of UFOs, consulted by CIA director Walter B. Smith. Gray was also a member of the Council on Foreign Relations from the Truman through the Ford administrations.


He also was chairman of the board for the communications companies Piedmont Publishing Company, Triangle Broadcasting Company, and Summit Communications.


·    Dr. Donald Menzel, a director of the Harvard College Observatory, a respected astronomer who led a double life. He became a widely known debunker of UFOs after writing three books in which he explained away most reports and dismissed others, saying, “All non-explained sightings are from poor observers.”


However, physicist Stanton Friedman, after studying Menzel’s unpublished biography and interviewing his widow, discovered that Menzel had been a covert consultant for both the CIA and the NSA with a top-secret ultra security clearance.


This was verified in a letter Menzel wrote to President John F. Kennedy, in which he mentioned his intelligence work stating, “I have been associated with this activity for almost thirty years and probably have the longest continuous record of association with them.”

Menzel also worked closely with the State Department, especially on Latin American affairs. Just before the outbreak of World War II, Menzel unsuccessfully tried to interest the Rockefeller Foundation and Howard Hughes in funding a high- altitude observatory at Boulder, Colorado.


In Menzel we find a man who, while publicly known simply as a notable astronomer, had intriguing and high-level intelligence connections.

·         General Robert M. Montegue, a military man with no known corporate links, who nevertheless was the base commander of Fort Bliss near El Paso, Texas, in 1947, during the time the Paperclip scientists worked there.


He also served as director of the Anti- aircraft and Guided Missile Branch of the army’s Artillery School as well as commanding general of the Sandia Atomic Energy Commission facility in Albuquerque, New Mexico, from July 1947 to February 1951. His responsibilities included security at the White Sands Proving Ground.


Montegue was at the center of the controversies concerning both the Roswell crash and the Paperclip scientists.


·           Dr. Lloyd V. Berkner, who worked under Vannevar Bush as executive secretary of the Joint Research and Development Board in 1946 and headed a study that resulted in the creation of the Weapons Systems Evaluation Group. Berkner was also a member of the 1952 CIA-sponsored panel headed by Dr. H. P. Robertson, which deflected public attention away from UFOs by concluding that they did not constitute any direct threat to national security. Berkner was also president of Associated Universities, Incorporated (AUI), established in 1946 to “acquire, plan, construct and operate laboratories and other facilities that would unite the resources of universities, other research organizations, and the federal government.” Funding for the AUI came from such luminary institutions as Cornell, Harvard, Johns Hopkins, MIT, and Yale.

One of the institutions closely connected to the AUI is Brookhaven National Laboratory on Long Island, long-rumored to be involved with both defense weaponry and UFOs.

These distinguished men appeared to have two things in common— they were all connected to the highest levels of the national security as well as American corporate business. They were also all dead at the time the MJ-12 papers surfaced, thus unable to answer any questions about their role, if any, in such a group.

The agenda of this control group may have been best expressed by Senator Lyndon B. Johnson who, speaking to the Senate Democratic Caucus on January 7, 1958, stated:

Control of space means control of the world… From space, the masters of infinity would have the power to control the Earth’s weather, to cause drought and flood, to change the tides and raise the levels of the sea, to divert the Gulf Stream and change the climate to frigid… There is something more powerful than the ultimate weapon.  

That is the ultimate position—the position of total control over the Earth that lies somewhere in outer space… And if there is an ultimate position, then our national goal and the goal of all free men must be to win and hold that position.

Johnson, who in 1954 became the youngest Senate majority leader in U.S. history, was in a position to serve those in both the military and the corporations. In 2007, President George W. Bush echoed Johnson’s remarks by calling for new space missions and the weaponization of space.

Adding to Johnson’s puzzling statement about “the masters of infinity” are facts indicating an astounding connection between the well- documented occultism of the Nazis, the NASA space program, and the Soviet space program.

Richard C. Hoagland, a former science adviser to Walter Cronkite and CBS News during the Apollo program, astounded conspiracy researchers in the 1990s with his assertion that the time and date of many NASA space launches, including the Apollo moon missions, were set to coincide with astrological alignments of the stars and planets.


In 1992, Hoagland briefed UN officials on the mathematical and geometric linkage connecting the sitting of “Cydonia” on Mars, the location of the Martian “Pyramids” and “Face,” with the Egyptian location of the pyramids and sphinx on Earth.


“This remarkable new evidence that ‘all is not as we have thought regarding NASA’ is distinctly different from the official NASA imagery that [I have] been analyzing for almost fifteen years,” reported Hoagland.


This new evidence is of a ‘pattern’ [shown by] an official, undeniable log of NASA mission planning, mission priorities, and space agency decisions extending back to when the agency was officially formed by Act of Congress on July 29, 1958. This log has been carefully compiled from recorded network mission broadcasts from, among others, ‘my’ old network—CBS; officially published NASA mission time lines; and documented testimonials of former NASA scientists.

According to Hoagland, these cross-correlated public records now provide firm evidence of an astonishing, official link between NASA’s supposedly strictly “scientific” missions and millennia-old occult beliefs.


In fact, the original official NASA Apollo Lunar Program logo of the 1960s clearly depicted the “belt” in the constellation of Orion, long thought to represent Osiris, a central figure in Egyptian celestial mythology.


“Curiously, immediately after the Apollo 13 ‘accident,’ NASA quietly changed this official Apollo program logo—adding random stars to the existing constellation, thereby cleverly obscuring its direct derivation from Orion,” noted Hoagland.

He concluded that the extraordinarily complex and expensive mission-planning for the entire Apollo Lunar Program, far from being merely “represented” by this “interesting” Egyptian mythological connection, was in fact completely controlled by, and designed around, this crucial Orion symbolism.


In other words, someone with enough authority to set the launch date and time for an Apollo space mission, as well as many others, was guided by the astrological alignment of the stars and planets rather than an objective scientific basis.


This occult aspect has been kept carefully hidden not only from the American taxpayers, who paid for these missions, but from the vast majority of NASA personnel as well.


“[I]magine the astonishment that you would feel if you learned that Apollo 11’s historic lunar touchdown… took place at the one location on the entire lunar surface—Tranquillity—and within minutes out of an entire solar year (8:17 P.M. GMT, July 20, 1969), where and when Sirius, the brightest star in the sky, and the central stellar figure, Isis, in the Egyptian triumvirate of Isis, Osiris, and Horus, could have been seen hovering above the airless Eastern horizon—precisely at 19.5 degrees elevation!” said Hoagland.

Yet, this is exactly what happened.

Mary Ann Weaver, a former Boeing engineer and computer professional, was intrigued by the data produced by Hoagland and his associate Michael Bara. As a former researcher with the antenna division of Boeing, she was experienced in 3-D computer modeling, computational analysis, and developing equations and analytic methods for problem-solving. Weaver set out to confirm or deny the findings of Hoagland and Bara.

After a careful study of their data, Weaver concluded that the star alignments for the mission activities and launches did not happen by accident.


“[T]hey must happen by design,” she stated. “To try and explain them via random processes results in odds of billions to one. I would not bet on the ‘random’ side of these kind of odds.”

“The significance of these findings is [that] I have shown there to be a pattern throughout eighty- two launches that were part of the Apollo preparation phase—and Apollo itself. Additionally, I have shown that the Apollo missions follow this same pattern on a day-to-day, mission-activities level, which is even more improbable because of its consistency with the launch data. Furthermore, it is improbable that the frequency of these stellar alignments are [sic] tied to weather or lighting conditions, because of the fact that they occur for a variety of mission events, even those that do not require specific lighting or weather conditions,” she concluded.

Michael Bara pointed to a disturbing similarity with Russian space flights.


He noticed that the launch of the first module for the new International Space Station was launched from the Baikonur Cosmodrome located in Kazakhstan, now an independent nation that borders Russia and the Caspian Sea, and was apparently designed to coincide with a number of the significant celestial alignments already found in NASA’s long-established ritual pattern.


This would indicate some connection between the former Soviet space program and NASA, perhaps through the Nazi scientists working in both.

After studying the August 1998 mission, Bara noted:

[The module] Zarya, which translates into ‘sunrise’ or ‘rising sun’ in English, was launched from pad 333 at its precisely scheduled time despite Russian requests to have the launch delayed. NASA, citing a number of minor technical considerations, refused the Russian request and the launch went off as originally scheduled and was witnessed by NASA administrator Dan Goldin.


Considering that the [International Space Station] program was already a year behind schedule, another minor delay would not, despite NASA protestations to the contrary, have led to a significant problem. Only when you consider the symbolic significance of the moment does this steadfast insistence make sense.

It is not necessary for one to believe in astrology. The point is that someone high enough in power in the U.S. government—and, apparently, in Russia—to be able to order the dates and times of space missions does believe in such things.


Is this evidence of Nazi occultism in our space program?

President John F. Kennedy may have been aware of a parallel space program and decided to make it public policy. On November 12, 1963, ten days before his assassination, he instructed NASA administrator James Webb to develop a program of “joint space and lunar exploration” with the Soviet Union. This proposal, which may startle Americans today, was verified by Sergei Khruschev, the eldest son of the former Russian premier, in 1997.


The importance of Kennedy’s step toward reconciliation with the Soviet Union and his control over NASA will become apparent in the upcoming chapter, “Kennedy and the Nazis.”

·    Who would have wanted to stop joint U.S.-Soviet space missions that might have ended the Cold War in the early 1960s?

·    And who has been orchestrating the launches of space missions in both the United States and Russia with an eye toward occult astrological alignments?

·    Does this mean that someone with the power to set space mission launches in both nations truly believes in the power of the position of the stars?

·    And whom did Johnson mean by the “masters of infinity”?

Strong evidence suggests they may well be the subject of this book—those global National Socialists and their minions, who have a goal of controlling the entire world.


Nicholas “Nick” Rockefeller, a participant in the World Economic Forum, member of the Council on Foreign Relations and the International Institute for Strategic Studies, may have revealed the overall globalist agenda when he said:

The end goal is to get everybody chipped, to control the whole society, to have the bankers and the elite people control the world.

But this control goes far beyond military and space hardware.


In modern warfare, there is also the struggle for control over the hearts and minds of whole populations, whether by psychological or chemical means.


Nazi investigations in to exotic sciences did not end with flight and weapons technology. Since prior to the twentieth century, Germans had delved into psychology and psychiatry with an eye toward their application to warfare, even to the extent of exploring occult practices.  

As well documented in a number of books, articles, and videos, there was a very definite and underlying occult aspect to National Socialism.

As elucidated in Rule by Secrecy, Unholy Alliance, The Occult and the Third Reich, The Spear of Destiny, and other works, World War II was largely the result of infighting between secret occult societies composed of wealthy businessmen on both sides of the Atlantic. Eventually the tensions between these groups provoked open warfare that consumed the entire world.

Sir Winston Churchill,“was insistent that the occultism of the Nazi Party should not under any circumstances be revealed to the general public,” stated author Trevor Ravenscroft, who wrote that he worked closely with Dr. Walter Johannes Stein, a confidential adviser to Churchill.


The failure of the Nuremberg trials to identify the nature of the evil at work behind the outer facade of National Socialism convinced him that another three decades must pass before a large enough readership would be present to comprehend the initiation rites and black-magic practices of the inner core of Nazi leadership.

This remarkable statement was corroborated by Airey Neave, one of the Nuremberg prosecutors, who said the occult aspect of the Nazis was ruled inadmissible because the tribunal thought that such beliefs, so contrary to Western public rationalism, might allow Nazi leaders to go free by pleading insanity.

Even Hitler acknowledged that Nazi ideology ventured into a spiritual realm, when he stated:


Anyone who interprets National Socialism merely as a political movement knows almost nothing about it. It is more than religion; it is the determination to create a new man.

·         Baron Rudolf Freiherr von Sebottendorff

·         Jorg Lanz von Liebenfels

·         Guido von List

·         Dietrich Eckart

·         Karl Haushofer

…all of whom had immersed themselves in the philosophies of the Theosophical Society.


Theosophy, derived from the Greek theos (god) and sophia (wisdom), was an attempt to blend Christianity with Cabalistic and Eastern mysticism. One tenet of theosophy was that “Great Masters,” sometimes called the “Great White Brotherhood”, are secretly directing humankind’s evolution.


“The rationale behind many later Nazi projects can be traced back… to ideas first popularized by [Theosophical Society founder Helen] Blavatsky,” wrote Peter Levenda, who detailed connections with other Europe an secret organizations, such as the Ordo Templi Orientis, or Oriental Templars (OTO), Dr. Rudolf Steiner’s Anthroposophical Society, and the Order of the Golden Dawn.

Such groups were, “concerned with raising their consciousness by means of rituals to an awareness of evil and non-human Intelligences in the Universe and with achieving a means of communication with these Intelligences. And the Master-Adept of this circle was Dietrich Eckart [the man Hitler called “spiritual founder of National Socialism”],” noted Ravenscroft.

Hitler wrote of his own occult experiences as a soldier in World War I:


I often go on bitter nights, to Wotan’s oak in the quiet glade, with dark powers to weave a union.

As previously mentioned, the deeply occulted Germanenorden contrived the Thule Society as a cover organization.


“The original conception of the modern Thulists was extremely crude and naive,” Ravenscroft explained.


The more sophisticated versions of the legend of Thule only gradually developed in the hands of Dietrich Eckart and General Karl Haushofer, and were later refined and extended under the direction of Reichsführer SS Heinrich Himmler, who terrorized a large section of the German academic world into lending a professional hand at perpetuating the myth of German racial superiority.

In light of the occultism apparent in modern space missions mentioned earlier, recall that General Karl Haushofer, who used astrology to provoke the strange flight of Rudolf Hess to England, was a member of the mysterious Vril, an occult society that practiced telepathy and telekinesis.

It is surmised that it was perhaps through such occult practices that psychic contact was made with nonhuman intelligences, thus providing the Nazis with the concepts that led to their futuristic technology.


Nazi occult researcher Nicholas Goodrick-Clarke, in his 1992 book The Occult Roots of Nazism: Secret Aryan Cults and Their Influence on Nazi Ideology,wrote that the power that motivated the occultists surrounding Hitler and Himmler “is characterized either as a discarnate entity (e.g., ‘black forces,’ ‘invisible hierarchies,’ ‘unknown superiors’), or as a magical elite in a remote age or distant location, with which the Nazis were in contact.”

Although rumors have floated about for years that the Nazis captured a UFO, no credible evidence has ever been produced. Some of those who have studied this issue have come to suspect that any such knowledge of nonhuman technology may instead have come through Nazi occultists using psychic means similar to remote viewing, a psychic ability studied, taught, and used operationally by the U.S. Army, the CIA, and the National Security Agency beginning in the early 1970s.


It was Soviet interest in psychic experimentation that led to experiments in the United States and the eventual creation of a unit of psychic spies within the U.S. Army. Remote viewing, known in Para psychological terms as clairvoyance, is the ability to discern persons, places, and things at a distance by means other than the normal five senses.

According to former U.S. military intelligence agent Lyn Buchanan, who at one time trained the U.S. Army’s remote viewers, the Nazis formed a unit of psychics and called it Doktor Grünbaum. This name was for the psychic project, not a person, although apparently a German psychic who assumed the name Grürnbaum may have lived in the United States after the war.


The name Grünbaum, or green tree, apparently was a reference to the green-tree symbol in the Cabala, which relates to the “tree of knowledge” in the Garden of Eden.

Buchanan reported:


When Adolf Hitler lost the war and the victors began to divide the spoils, the U.S. and other countries dividing up the nuclear and rocket scientists had little or no concern for the mystical research. Russia, however, did, and so they took the scientists from the ‘Doktor Grünbaum’ project back to Russia.

Interestingly enough, it was reported that the Nazi Doktor Grünbaum unit was connected to a broader program called Majik. This name has prompted comparisons to America’s original UFO-secrecy group, Majic Twelve.

Could it be that psychic viewing by the Nazi Doktor Grünbaum unit tipped off Hitler to the possible pending secret attack on Europe from the Soviet Union, resulting in his pre-emptive Barbarossa attack? Since this ability is intuitive and not always crystal-clear, German viewers may have perceived the build-up of Soviet forces but been unable to foresee the end result of Barbarossa—the eventual defeat of Germany.

Whether or not the Nazis used psychic mental abilities to acquire exotic technology, it is beyond question that the study of the human mind began in earnest in Germany, with far-reaching consequences.

Behind the horrors of the Nazi regime rested a foundation of Europe an study of the human mind. Justification of euthanasia and extermination programs was provided by some of Germany’s most learned men.


“Hitler’s philosophy and his concept of man in general was shaped to a decisive degree by psychiatry… an influential cluster of psychiatrists and their frightening theories and methods collectively form the missing piece of the puzzle of Hitler, the Third Reich, the atrocities and their dreadful legacy. It is the overlooked yet utterly central piece of the puzzle,” wrote Dr. Thomas Roeder and his coauthors Volker Kubillus and Anthony Bur-well in their 1995 book Psychiatrists—the Men Behind Hitler. Psychiatry in general can trace its origins to five prominent Europe an scientists in the 1800s:

·         Thomas R. Malthus, the British economist who viewed war, disease, and starvation as beneficial survival mechanisms against unchecked population growth

·         Charles Darwin, the naturalist whose 1859 book The Origin of Species convinced whole generations that survival of the fittest is a law of nature

·         Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche, philosopher and close friend to Hitler’s paragon, composer Richard Wagner, who declared “God is dead” and advocated the superiority of the Übermensch, or superman, over lesser races, virtues, and values

·         Joseph Arthur, Comte de Gobineau, a French diplomat who championed the concept of an Aryan aristocracy and its pre-eminence over others

·         Houston Stewart Chamberlain, the British-born philosopher who moved to Germany, married the daughter of Richard Wagner, and also promoted an “Aryan world philosophy.”

“Darwin entangled his theory of natural selection with the assumptions of Malthus’s population theory. The result was a strange, incongruous marriage of Darwin’s observations of the animal world with Malthus’s emotional assumptions about the uncontrollable population growth and social solutions to preserve the British aristocracy,” noted Roeder, Kubillus, and Burwell.

They added that social Darwinism was perhaps the Nazis’ most central theoretical foundation.


“Social Darwinism had a profound and long-lasting effect on the mind of Adolf Hitler,” agreed Professor Snyder. “He expressed its ideas in simplified form in the pages of Mein Kampf… and he made it the theme of most of his major speeches.”

From the viewpoint that certain people are more evolved and thus more competent to judge others came the profession of psychiatry. The term itself came from the Greek psyche, or soul, and iatros, or doctor. However, these doctors of the soul quickly became preoccupied with more material matters—the physical brain and how to manipulate or destroy it.

As the field of psychiatry grew, so did its definitions. In 1871, “The Psychical Degeneration of the French People” was published, a paper that left the impression that simply being French constituted a mental illness.


“One of psychiatry’s leading figures, Richard von Krafft-Ebing, added to his list of varieties of mental disorders ‘political and reformatory insanity’—meaning any inclination to form a different opinion from that of the masses,” the trio of researchers stated.

At the time of World War I, the attempt to bring respectability to the emerging psychiatric profession resulted in a certain bonding between psychiatry and the aristocratic German government. The German military was particularly impressed with the “therapy” of Fritz Kaufmann, because it referred to “war neurosis” or “shell shock.”


Based on the idea that antiwar behavior was a chemo-biological dysfunction, the “Kaufmann therapy” consisted of applied electrical shocks, actually more of a disciplinary measure than true medical therapy. The army was delighted that recalcitrant troops, following electroshock, quickly agreed to return to service.

Psychiatry continued to grow in power even as its agenda continued to widen. Psychiatrist P. J. Moebius, who had lectured on the “psychological feeble-mindedness of the woman,” pronounced, “The psychiatrist should be the judge about mental health, because only he knows what ill means.”

Such arrogance of belief soon led to the creation of various psychiatric organizations, such as the Gesellschaft fur Rassenhygiene, or Society for Racial Hygiene, which only served to further the ambitions of the profession. Since no one has yet found a significant and general “cure” for insanity, psychiatrists turned to the dubious concept of prevention.


This came to be known as “mental hygiene,” a bland term for the prevention of mental illness, whatever form that might take.

In the Germany of the 1930s, the rush to isolate and “cure” mental defectives quickly was interpreted to include malcontents and dissidents opposed to the Nazi regime. This open- ended concept resulted in the Nazi Sterilization Act, which went into effect in July 1933, just six months after Hitler’s ascension to power.

One of the leading and articulate authorities behind the rationale for this act was Dr. Ernst Rudin, a psychiatrist who in 1930 had traveled to Washington, D.C., to present a paper called “The Importance of Eugenics and Genetics in Mental Hygiene.” It was well received by those present as many Americans, especially among the globalists, had come to embrace the racist and elitist views of the German philosophers.

Nazi interest in science and psychological warfare was paralleled by their concern with eugenics, the scientific study of selective breeding to improve the human population. The term “eugenics” was coined in the late 1800s by Francis Galton, a British psychologist and half-cousin of Darwin’s, who wanted to extend the theory of natural selection into deliberate social engineering.

Race and genetics were always a top concern to ranking Nazis. We find the same concern exhibited by America’s ruling families.

By the time of his death in 1937, John D. Rockefeller and his only son, John D. Rockefeller Jr., had not only built up an amazing oil empire but had established such institutions as:

·    the University of Chicago (1889)

·    the Rockefeller Institute for Medical Research (1901) later renamed Rockefeller University, in New York City

·    the General Education Board (1903)

·    the Rockefeller Foundation (1913)

·    the Lincoln School (1917),

…where the Rockefeller siblings began their education.


These Rockefeller-funded institutions ensured their early entry into the fields of medicine, pharmaceuticals, and education.

The Rockefellers were also interested in the eugenics movement, a program of scientifically applied genetic selection to maintain and improve their ideal for human characteristics, which included birth and population control. In 1910, the Eugenics Records Office was established and endowed by grants from Mrs. Edward H. Harriman and John D. Rockefeller. It seems the wealthy elite of America were as concerned with bloodlines as the Nazis.

Another American supporter of German psychiatry was James Loeb, son and by 1894 a business partner to Solomon Loeb, founder of the prominent Kuhn, Loeb and Company, the bankers and backers of railroad tycoon Edward H. Harriman.

In 1917, thanks to financial support from James Loeb, Dr. Emil Kraepelin, a professor at the University of Munich, was able to found the Deutsche Forschungsanstalt für Psychiatrie, or the German Research Institute for Psychiatry.


“Kraepelin was certainly a conservative nationalist,” stated Roeder, Kubillus, and Burwell.


But he also was a pioneer of psychiatric atrocities such as racial hygiene and sterilization, who, except perhaps for Rudin, had no equal in his advocacy for a legal foundation for the policies of Nazi extermination.

By 1924, Kraepelin’s research institute, rescued from bankruptcy by Loeb’s money, had become incorporated into the prestigious Kaiser Wilhelm Institute, and the growing Nazi leadership was paying attention to its science.

Initially, they went for the most defenceless of the German population—the children. On July 14, 1933, only six months after Hitler was named chancellor of the Reich, the Law for the Prevention of Genetically Diseased Children was passed. A leading proponent for this legislation was Ernst Rudin, by then director of the Kaiser Wilhelm Institute.

Leading the movement to eliminate “mental defectives” from the German population were lawyer Karl Binding and the psychiatrist Alfred Hoche, who popularized the chilling phrase “ lebensunwertes Leben”—or “life unworthy of life”—in a 1920 tract titled Die Freigabe der Vernichtung lebensunwerten Lebens, or “Lifting Controls on the Destruction of Life Unworthy of Life.”


“This text, arguably more than any other, made available to the Nazi regime an ‘ethical’ rationale for ‘euthanasia.’ Although in the early days of the regime the public discussion would focus on the prevention of offspring with hereditary disease, hence sterilization, the destruction of life unworthy of life would spread as an unspoken principle,” wrote John Cornwell in his 2003 book Hitler’s Scientists: Science, War, and the Devil’s Pact. The chosen means of prevention, enforced sterilization, was administered by special “hereditary health courts,” made up of two doctors— usually psychiatrists—and one civil official, usually a judge close to the Nazi Party, who acted as chairman.


The Nazi euthanasia program was not carried out in the open but instead by secret decrees, as Hitler steadfastly refused to seek a legal ruling, knowing that such a program was illegal under existing laws.

It is estimated that more than 400,000 people were sterilized as “life unworthy of life” between 1934 and 1945.


“The projected total of 410,000 was considered only preliminary, drawn mostly from people already in institutions; it was assumed that much greater numbers of people would eventually be identified and sterilized,” stated Robert Jay Lifton in The Nazi Doctors: Medical Killing and the Psychology of Genocide.

Lifton went on:


Not surprisingly, Fritz Lenz [whose eugenics work was parroted by Hitler] carried the concept farthest in suggesting the advisability of sterilizing people with only slight signs of mental disease, though he recognized that a radical application of this principle would lead to the sterilization of 20 percent of the total German population—something on the order of 20 million people!

One revealing anecdote involving this medical-driven policy was the release in 1933 of a mental patient who had been imprisoned as a violence-prone hardened criminal, a “dangerous lunatic,” according to a local official.


His psychiatrist, Dr. Werner Heyde, however, pronounced Theodor Eicke fit for discharge, and Eicke was soon named the first commandant of Dachau concentration camp. In 1934, Eicker was promoted to inspector general and chief of all concentration camps. Eicke, whose influence and spirit within the SS was “second only to that of Himmler,” died in 1943, when his plane was shot down behind Russian lines.

Dr. Heyde, whose recommendation released Eicke from prison, went on to become the medical director of the infamous Nazi T4 Euthanasia Program begun in 1940. (The designation T4 referred to the address of the stone building from which they operated: Tiergartenstrasse 4.) The approved method of killing ordered by Hitler, acting on the advice of Dr. Heyde, was the use of carbon monoxide. In a prototype of the Nazi death camps, a fake shower room, complete with benches, was constructed and used to gas the first victims.

Great pains were taken to employ what Robert Jay Lifton called “bureaucratic mystification,” a snarl of red tape and bureaucracy so convoluted that the victims, their families, and even those working within the system did not realize the full extent of the euthanasia program.

Interestingly enough, in 1941 Hitler ordered the official T4 euthanasia program halted for no recorded reason. Some have argued that Hitler may have developed pangs of conscience, while others believe that as more and more of the German population became aware of the killing, cries of objection could have caused Hitler a political problem.


Authors Roeder, Kubillus, and Burwell argued that the program was stopped simply because it had achieved its original quota of victims.


“The original campaign apparently had accomplished its purpose and was shut down. But that did not mean that a new euthanasia program wasn’t waiting to begin,” they wrote.


Starting in April 1941, the now-experienced doctors of T4 began visiting the Nazi concentration camps and soon were practicing their newest euthanasia program in earnest—the Endlösung, or final solution.


“The extermination of the Jews was an exact replica of T4’s earlier euthanasia program,” stated Roeder, Kubillus, and Burwell.


During the war , as today, both medical doctors and psychiatrists were quite vulnerable to peer pressure as well as the goodwill of the state, which provided the credentials and certificates necessary for their practice. So it seemed natural that mind manipulation through psychiatry and psychology was soon joined by a companion therapy—drugs.

German psychiatrists were merely following the lead of medical doctors, who in the twentieth century increasingly moved away from the tradition of homeopathy, which involved using minimal doses of drugs as therapy, to allopathy, the straightforward treatment of disease with drugs. What therapy could not accomplish through psychological means might be accomplished through drugs.


This trend to increase the use of prescription drugs set the stage for the rise of the giant pharmaceutical corporations during the twentieth century.

During the time of the Opium Wars of the late 1800s, any type of drug was used for profit. For example, in 1898, the German Bayer Company began mass production of heroin (diacetylmorphine) and used that name to market the new remedy. Bayer described heroin as a non-addictive panacea for adult ailments and infant respiratory diseases.


In the late 1800s, Bayer also promoted cocaine, which until the 1920s was an ingredient in the soft drink Coca-Cola.

But as more easily produced petrochemical drugs made their debut, they prompted the attention of the major global corporations.

The Rockefeller family’s interest in pharmaceuticals reaches back to the days of John D’s father, William “Big Bill” Rockefeller, who sold “Rock Oil,” a diuretic medicine that guaranteed “All Cases of Cancer Cured Unless They Are Too Far Gone.”


“William Rockefeller’s original miracle oil survived until quite recently as a concoction called Nujol, consisting principally of petroleum and peddled as a laxative,” wrote Eustace Mullins.


Nujol was manufactured by a subsidiary of Standard Oil of New Jersey, called Stanco, whose only other product, manufactured on the same premises, was the famous insecticide Flit.


Along with the previously documented business alliances between Standard Oil and I.G. Farben, Standard Oil vice president Frank Howard also served as chairman of the research committee at Sloan Kettering Institute, today known as the Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center, the New York City–based cancer center built in 1939 on land donated by John D. Rockefeller Jr. and financed by the Rockefeller family.


According to the center’s literature, “it has “long been a leader in cancer surgery, chemotherapy, and radiotherapy. It was the first to develop services specifically dedicated to the psychiatric aspects of cancer, to the relief of cancer pain, and to genetic counselling.”

Howard, in addition to maintaining relations between Nazi I.G. Farben and Standard Oil, represented Rockefeller interests with the firm of Rohm and Haas, still one of the world’s largest suppliers of specialty chemicals.


Current company literature states, “From maintaining the freshness in fruits and vegetables to purifying antibiotics, we help customers create products that enhance the way of life for people around the world. Today Rohm and Haas extends to the far corners of the earth, with sales in more than 100 countries.”

According to Mullins, the American College of Surgeons maintained a monopolistic control of U.S. hospitals through its Hospital Survey Committee, with members Winthrop Aldrich and David McAlpine Pyle representing the Rockefellers.In 1909, John D. Rockefeller Sr. extended his reach into the southern states by a $1 million donation to establish the Rockefeller Sanitary Commission, dedicated to eradicating hookworm disease.


“[D]espite its philanthropic goals, the Rockefeller Sanitary Commission required financial contributions from each of the eleven southern states in which it operated, resulting in the creation of state departments of health in those states and opening up important new spheres of influence for their Drug Trust,” wrote Mullins.

The physician who served as director of the Rockefeller Sanitary Commission during World War I was Dr. Olin West, a primary figure in the creation of the Tennessee State Department of Health. West went on to become a top executive for forty years at the American Medical Association.

The Rockefeller Institute for Medical Research is now Rockefeller University. Another deep penetration of America’s education system was made in 1903, when John D. Rockefeller established the General Education Board (GEB).


According to the Rockefeller Archives:


The [GEB] program included grants for endowment and general budgetary support of colleges and universities, support for special programs, fellowship and scholarship assistance to state school systems at all levels, and development of social and economic resources as a route to improved educational systems. Major colleges and universities across the U.S., as well as many small institutions in every state, received aid from the Board. The emphasis, however, was on the South and the education of blacks.

“Rockefeller’s General Education Board has spent more than $100 million to gain control of the nation’s medical schools and turn our physicians to physicians of the allopathic school, dedicated to surgery and the heavy use of drugs,” commented Mullins, adding, “America became the greatest and most productive nation in the world because we had the healthiest citizens in the world. When the Rockefeller Syndicate began its takeover of our medical profession in 1910, our citizens went into a sharp decline. Today, we suffer from a host of debilitating ailments, both mental and physical, nearly all of which can be traced directly to the operations of the chemical and drug monopoly, and which pose the greatest threat to our continued existence as a nation.”

Mullins pointed to Britain’s Wellcome Trust as one of the world’s largest medical research charities. It finances research into the health of both animals and humans. It also illustrates the intertwining connections of the globalists.

The knighted Sir Oliver S. Franks, described as “one of the founders of the postwar world,” directed the Wellcome Trust as well as serving as British ambassador to the United States from 1948 to 1952. He was a director of the Rockefeller Foundation and its principal representative in England.


According to Mullins, he was given a life peerage as Baron Franks of Headington, County of Oxford, in 1962 and was, “a director of the Schröder Bank, which handled Hitler’s personal bank account, director of the Rhodes Trust in charge of approving Rhodes scholarships [Bill Clinton, among others], visiting professor at the [Rockefeller-endowed] University of Chicago and chairman of Lloyd’s Bank, one of England’s Big Five.”

Another aspect of Nazi medical science employed in America involves the toxic chemical sodium fluoride. The controversy over the fluoridation of municipal water supplies has raged since the 1950s and continues today.

Aluminum oxide is extracted from clay and bauxite. Through a chemical called cryolite the material is converted into aluminum. A by-product of this process is sodium fluoride, which for many years was used as a rat poison. One recent dictionary defined fluoride as a “poisonous pale yellow gaseous element of the halogen group.”


Sodium fluoride also acts as an enzyme inhibitor and has been linked by several studies—such as a 1982 report from the University of Iowa—to Alzheimer’s disease, a degenerative and fatal neural disease named for the German doctor Alois Alzheimer.


According to the Alzheimer Association, this brain-destroying disease is the seventh leading cause of death in America today.

Although aluminum has been associated with Alzheimer’s, such claims have been disputed. Some have claimed that Alzheimer’s disease is more common in areas where the aluminum content in the water supply is highest, but the method and results of these studies have been questioned. But it is true that, in 1986, the Reagan administration’s Environmental Protection Agency raised the “safe” level of sodium fluoride in public water supplies from 2 parts per million gallons to 4 parts, even though one part per million has been shown to impair neurological efficiency.


In October 2007, despite “heated hearings” in 2003, the Los Angeles–based Metropolitan Water District began fluoridating the drinking water of 18 million Southern Californians in six counties, including San Diego.


According to a report by the Environmental Working Group (EWG), a Washington-based, nonprofit organization whose mission is to “protect public health and the environment,” the plan to fluoridate water in Southern California “will put 14.5 percent of children under one year old, and 12.5 percent of children one to two years old, over the recommended fluoride exposure limits published by the National Academy of Sciences’ Institute of Medicine and endorsed by the American Dental Association. In Los Angeles County alone, more than 40,000 children age two and under will exceed the safe dose.”

Bill Walker, EWG’s vice president for the West Coast, pointed to recent studies that call into question claims that fluoridation is safe.


A March 2006 National Academy of Sciences/National Research Council report identified fluoride as a potent hormone disruptor that may affect normal thyroid function; the NAS/NRC report also cited concerns about the potential of fluoride to lower IQ, noting that the,“consistency of study results appears significant enough to warrant additional research on the effects of fluoride on intelligence.”


That finding was echoed by a December 2006 study published in the prestigious, peer-reviewed journal The Lancet, which identified fluoride as an “emerging” neurotoxin; and a 2006 peer-reviewed study at Harvard strongly supported concerns that fluoridated water is linked to osteo-sarcoma, an often-fatal form of bone cancer, in boys.


The Harvard study found a five-fold increase in bone cancer among teenage boys who drank fluoridated water from ages six through eight, compared to those drinking non-fluoridated water.

Brain studies reported by the Alzheimer’s Society in England show that aluminum accumulates in nerve cells that are particularly vulnerable to Alzheimer’s disease, although not all persons exposed to aluminum develop Alzheimer’s. Although many studies on animals and on isolated cells have shown that aluminum has toxic effects on the nervous system, it is claimed that the doses of aluminum used were much higher than those occurring naturally in tissues.


This obviously raises the question of how much fluoride/aluminum the public is ingesting from non-natural sources, such as the fluoridation of drinking water.

The human brain contains 100 billion nerve cells (neurons) that form networks to manage our thinking, learning, and remembering. By the mid-1990s, studies were indicating a link between Alzheimer’s and aluminum. But just as the debate over the link between cigarettes and cancer lasted decades, due to the obstructionist studies funded by the tobacco industry, the controversy over aluminum—and sodium fluoride— continues today.

Numerous Web sites and periodicals have carried the accusation that sodium fluoride was placed in the drinking water of Nazi concentration camps to keep inmates pacified and susceptible to external control.


Such use of fluoridation by the Nazis to dull the senses of prisoners was described by Charles Eliot Perkins, a prominent U.S. industrial chemist whom the U.S. government sent to help reconstruct the I.G. Farben chemical plants in Germany at the end of the war.


In a 1954 letter to the Lee Foundation for Nutritional Research, Perkins stated:


The German chemists worked out a very ingenious and far-reaching plan of mass control that was submitted to and adopted by the German General Staff . This plan was to control the population of any given area through mass medication of drinking water supplies… In this scheme of mass control, ‘sodium fluoride’ occupied a prominent place…


However, and I want to make this very definite and very positive, the real reason behind water fluoridation is not to benefit children’s teeth… The real purpose behind water fluoridation is to reduce the resistance of the masses to domination and control and loss of liberty… Repeated doses of infinitesimal amounts of fluorine [sic] will in time gradually reduce the individual’s power to resist domination by slowly poisoning and narcotizing this area of brain tissue, and make him submissive to the will of those who wish to govern him…


I was told of this entire scheme by a German chemist who was an official of the great Farben chemical industries and was prominent in the Nazi movement at the time… I say this with all the earnestness and sincerity of a scientist who has spent nearly 20 years research [sic] into the chemistry, biochemistry, physiology, and pathology of ‘fluorine [sic].’ …


Any person who drinks artificially fluoridated water for a period of one year or more will never again be the same person, mentally or physically.


A Christian Science Monitor survey in 1954 showed that seventy-nine of the eighty-one Nobel Prize winners in chemistry, medicine, and physiology declined to endorse water fluoridation.


Yet, today, two-thirds of all municipal water and most bottled water in the United States contain sodium fluoride, which has long been used as a rat poison. Most people do not realize that fluoride is a key ingredient in Prozac and many other psychotropic drugs. Prozac, whose scientific name is fluoxetine, is 94 percent fluoride.


More than 21 million prescriptions for fluoxetine were filled in the United States in 2006, making it one of the most prescribed antidepressants.

Every U.S. Public Health Service surgeon general from the 1950s to this day has supported the introduction of this poison into America’s water supply, even though fluoride, this poisonous waste product of aluminum manufacture, accumulates in the human body and has been shown to affect tooth decay only in children under twelve years of age.

It is quite ironic that Prozac, which is 94 percent fluoride and given to hyperactive children, requires a prescription from a licensed physician while the same substance can be placed in our drinking water by dealers who have no medical training, no license to dispense medications, and no idea to whom they are administering this corrosive, toxic, and impairing substance.

In 1946, Oscar Ewing, a Wall Street attorney and former counsel to the Aluminum Company of America (now known by the acronym Alcoa), was appointed by President Harry S. Truman to head the Federal Security Agency, which placed Ewing in charge of not only the U.S. Public Health Service but also the Social Security Administration and the Office of Education.

Congressman A.L. Miller, a physician turned Republican politician, said that Ewing had been placed in his position and highly paid by the Rockefeller syndicate to promote fluoridation.


Miller stated, “The chief supporter of the fluoridation of water is the U.S. Public Health Service. This is part of Mr. Ewing’s Federal Security Agency. Mr. Ewing is one of the highly paid lawyers for the Aluminum Company of America.”

Other opponents were less kind. Leaflets handed out in New York City cried:


Rockefeller agents order fluoride-(rat-)poisoning of nation’s water. Water fluoridation is the most important aspect of the Cold War that is being waged on us—chemically—from within, by the Rockefeller-Soviet axis. It serves to blunt the intelligence of a people in a manner that no other dope can. Also, it is genocidal in two manners: it causes chemical castration and it causes cancer, thus killing off older folks…


This committee [Ewing’s study of fluoride] did no research or investigation on the poisonous effects of water fluoridation. They accepted the falsified data published by the U.S.P.H.S. [U.S. Public Health Service] on the order of boss Oscar Ewing, who had been ‘rewarded’ with $750,000 by fluoride waste producer, Aluminum Co. He then developed the ‘public spirit’ that impelled him to take a $17,500 job as Federal Security Administrator.


He immediately demanded of Congress an appropriation of $2,500,000 for promotion of fluorides by his U.S.P.H.S.

It is interesting to note that West Germany banned the use of fluorides in 1971, a time when it was still heavily occupied by Allied soldiers.


“Apparently they could no longer silence the German scientists who had proved that fluoridation is a deadly threat to the population,” wrote Mullins. “Sweden followed West Germany in banning fluoridation, and the Netherlands officially banned it on June 22, 1973, by order of their highest court.”

But the scientific minds encouraged by globalist funding were not content with drugs to merely pacify a population. They wanted direct control. It should come as no surprise that the men behind the documented CIA mind-control projects—MKULTRA, ARTICHOKE, BLUEBIRD, MKDELTA, etc.—had received Nazi medical science passed along by Paperclip doctors and their protégés.


The infusion of Nazi mind-control specialists within the fledgling CIA resulted in Project MKULTRA (pronounced M-K-ULTRA), a code name for mind-control research that continued until the late 1960s, when it was said to have been discontinued.


Project MKULTRA was created in 1953 by CIA officer Richard Helms, a good friend to CIA psychiatrist Dr. Sidney Gottlieb. It was the brainchild of then CIA director Allen Dulles. Dulles reportedly was intrigued by reports of mind-control techniques allegedly conducted by Soviet, Chinese, and North Koreans on U.S. prisoners during the Korean War.

Published accounts show this project not only used drugs to manipulate a person’s personality, but also electronic signals to alter brain functioning.

According to a 1975 internal CIA document:


MKULTRA was a group of projects, most of which dealt with drug or counter-drug research and development. The Director of Central Intelligence (DCI) and the Deputy Director of Plans (DDP) were kept informed on the program via annual briefings by Chief Technical Services Division (C/TSD) or his deputy.


Most of the research and development was externally contracted… The objectives were behavioral control, behavior anomaly production, and countermeasures for opposition application of similar substances. Work was performed at U.S. industrial, academic, and governmental research facilities. Funding was often through cutout arrangements.

After discussing testing on “volunteer inmates” and the diminished role of the MKULTRA project as fears of Soviet drug use eased, the CIA officer that authored the report noted, “Over my stated objections the MKULTRA files were destroyed by order of the DCI (Mr. [Richard] Helms) shortly before his departure from office.”

To study psychochemicals and the possibility of using them to achieve mind control, the CIA, along with military intelligence, launched a program code-named BLUEBIRD, later changed to ARTICHOKE.

THE CIA HAS even admitted that its drug testing on college campuses resulted in the “drug revolution” of the 1960s.

This amazing story began in 1943, when Swiss chemist Dr. Albert Hofmann, working for Sandoz Laboratories in Basel, accidentally absorbed through his fingertips a chemical derived from the cereal fungus ergot. He proceeded to experience a semiconscious delirium complete with kaleidoscopic colors and visions.


As this was the twenty-fifth compound of lysergic acid diethylamide, synthetically produced by Sandoz, Hofmann named it LSD-25.

The editors of Consumer Reports, in their monumental 1972 book Licit & Illicit Drugs, noted:

Psychiatrists were naturally interested from the beginning in LSD effects. Many of them took the drug themselves, and gave it to staff members of mental hospitals, in the belief that its effects approximate a psychotic state and might thus lead to better understanding of their patients.

About the same time Dr. Hofmann was discovering LSD, General William “Wild Bill” Donovan, a former J. P. Morgan Jr. operative and head of the Office of Strategic Services (OSS), which conducted irregular and unorthodox warfare, began searching for a drug that would loosen the tongues of captured spies and enemy soldiers.


Donovan called together a group of psychiatrists, who tested numerous drugs, including alcohol, barbiturates, and even caffeine. Plant extracts such as peyote, scopolamine, and even marijuana were also tested.

In 1947, the old OSS was superseded by the newly created CIA, within which drug experimentation continued, though with mixed results. Liaisons were formed between academics in universities, police departments, criminology laboratories, doctors, psychiatrists, and even hypnotists. Secret CIA funding was provided and experiments were not limited to laboratory animals.


Like the Nazis before them, they also used sometimes unsuspecting human guinea pigs. These experiments were carried out in collaboration with hundreds of known Nazi scientists, who had experimented with these same drugs on prisoners in concentration camps. These scientists were brought into the United States after the war to continue their work.

By the mid-1950s, the CIA had managed to secure a monopoly on LSD. At first, the agency personnel tested LSD only on themselves, but later decided they would slip LSD into each other’s food or drinks without prior notice, to observe the effects. Such childish experimentation soon got out of hand. Nothing was done to stop this practice until rumors circulated that the annual CIA Christmas party punch was to be spiked with LSD.

By the end of the 1950s, CIA experimentation had grown, with funding running through such CIA fronts as:

·    the Geschickter Fund for Medical Research

·    the Society for the Study of Human Ecology

·    the Josiah Macy Jr. Foundation

With the CIA funding masked by such foundations, drug experimentation reached down to university campuses and other public institutions across the United States.

Once again, the U.S. Public Health Service played a role. At the Public Health Service’s Addiction Research Center in Lexington, Kentucky, drug addicts would be given morphine or heroin in exchange for participating in drug experiments there, including the ingestion of LSD.

One of the universities involved was Harvard, where Dr. Timothy Leary, along with Richard Alpert, later known as Ram Dass, conducted a series of experiments with LSD and psilocybin. Leary had come to Harvard after serving as director of clinical research and psychology at the Kaiser Foundation Hospital in Oakland, California.

The Kaiser Family Foundation, a “leader in health policy and communications,” was named for Henry J. Kaiser, a wealthy industrialist and ship builder who in 1946 began Kaiser Aluminum.


According to foundation literature, “Kaiser campaigns are based on a new model of public service programming pioneered by the Foundation—direct partnerships with major media companies and a comprehensive ‘multiplatform’ communications strategy that goes far beyond traditional ‘PSAs’ [Public Service Announcements]. Current partners in the U.S. include MTV, BET, Univision, Viacom/CBS, and Fox. Together, Kaiser’s campaigns reach tens of millions of people annually, and have won multiple Emmy and Peabody awards in recent years.”


It is no wonder that the aluminum waste product fluoride has received such favorable media attention over the years.

Many stories circulated around Harvard concerning LSD parties and undergraduates selling LSD-laced sugar cubes on and off campus. Leary was fired from the university in 1963, officially because he missed a committee meeting. Alpert, too, was dismissed, reportedly for violating an agreement not to supply LSD to undergraduates. This was the first time in the twentieth century that Harvard faculty members had been fired. Both Leary and Alpert began writing articles chastising Harvard and extolling the virtues of drugs.


Leary became immortalized with his slogan “Turn on, tune in, and drop out.”

As the drug culture grew rapidly in the late 1960s, “it was widely observed that young people paid little or no attention to dire warnings against the hazards of marijuana-smoking, LSD-using, and other forms of drug use,” noted the editors of Consumer Reports.


When the evidence of their own experience contradicts adult propaganda, they (like sensible adults) rely on their own experience—and tend to distrust in the future a source of information which they had found unreliable in the past.


After the major media began to report stridently on the campus drug scene, public interest grew, as did demand, and the campus drug revolution of the 1960s was off and running. Some researchers wondered whether the drug revolution was simply happenstance—or part of the fascist globalist plan to weaken the structure of American society.

Following hearings by a Senate committee on the testing of human subjects in 1977, Senator Ted Kennedy referred to the infamous CIA mind-control experiments by stating,


The deputy director of the CIA revealed that over thirty universities and institutions were involved in an ‘extensive testing and experimentation’ program which included covert drug tests on unwitting citizens at all social levels, high and low, native Americans and foreign… The intelligence community of this nation, which requires a shroud of secrecy in order to operate, has a very sacred trust from the American people.


The CIA’s program of human experimentation of the fifties and sixties violated that trust. It was violated again on the day the bulk of the agency’s records were destroyed in 1973. It is violated each time a responsible official refuses to recollect the details of the program.

One certain violation involved the death of a scientist working on mind control.


According to the government, in 1953, Dr. Frank Olson, a biological and mind-control scientist working for the U.S. Army at Fort Detrick, Maryland, was surreptitiously given an LSD-laced drink by Dr. Sidney Gottlieb, while attending a conference at Deep Creek Lodge in Maryland.


Some days later, a distraught and hallucinating Olson threw himself out of a high window of a New York hotel. It appeared to be either a drug-induced accident or a suicide. However, Olson’s close friends and family members still believe Olson was murdered to prevent him from speaking out against the MKULTRA program, which he had come to both regret and despise.

Research based on Nazi pharmaceutical science even spread to more exotic attempts at mind control.

In 2005, at the Eighth Annual Ritual Abuse, Secretive Organizations and Mind Control Conference held at the Doubletree Hotel in Windsor Locks, Connecticut, one speaker was Carol Rutz, author of A Nation Betrayed.


Rutz claimed to be the victim of government abuse and mind-control experiments. She mentioned an astounding connection.


Referring to a woman who described “eye experiments” at a residential school where,“they were trying to change our eye color from brown to blue,” Rutz stated, “This particularly caught my attention, since the change of eye color was a pet project of Auschwitz ‘Doctor’ Josef Mengele, aka Dr. Black, as I knew him, who I allege worked alongside Dr. Ewen Cameron, Sid Gottlieb, and others.”|

Another seedy side to this experimentation on unwitting subjects involved a CIA contract agent named George Hunter White, who worked under the auspices of Dr. Gottlieb. White would bring unsuspecting men from local bars to a CIA-financed bordello in San Francisco, where he would give them LSD-spiked drinks and then watch the men have sex with prostitutes from behind a two-way mirror.


The U.S. taxpayers paid for it all, as White would send bills for his “unorthodox expenses” to Dr. Gottlieb.


White once said of this work:


I was a very minor missionary, actually a heretic, but I toiled wholeheartedly in the vineyards because it was fun, fun, fun. Where else could a red-blooded American boy lie, kill, cheat, steal, rape, and pillage with the sanction and blessing of the All- Highest?

Indeed, where else but in an agency penetrated by displaced Nazis and their philosophies?

Much of the drug experimentation was centered at secret facilities at the Edgewood Arsenal, located on Chesapeake Bay northeast of Baltimore. In 1955, thanks to the influx of Nazi chemists, a new drug-testing program was instituted at Edgewood.


“Volunteer soldiers were recruited, but not told what drugs they would be given, nor that men had died as the result of similar experiments. They were told they would only suffer temporary discomfort,” wrote mind-control researcher and author Walter H. Bowart.


Seven thousand soldiers underwent the Edgewood Arsenal tests. Five hundred eighty-five men were given LSD; the rest were administered other unspecified drugs.

Carol Rutz produced a letter she received from a U.S. soldier who underwent experimentation at Edgewood Arsenal:


I can see where you don’t believe anything coming out of the government. I don’t. I am one of the 6,720 enlisted soldiers used at Edgewood in 1955–1975. I was there in ’74, when they had just got their brand-new lab. I am glad Congress investigated it in ’75 and the army shut the program down—at least they won’t do it openly anymore. I was young and stupid when I volunteered; I was eighteen. I am now forty-nine and totally disabled, I have the body of a seventy-year-old, and the VA says the army didn’t do anything to me. I don’t believe them.

Despite a congressional investigation in the 1970s and a lawsuit by one of the soldier victims, Master Sergeant James Stanley, which went to the U.S. Supreme Court in 1986, the work at Edgewood never reached the public.


“For all this, the secret Paperclip connections at the base remain unexposed. The fact that Paperclip scientists worked at Edgewood at various times between 1947 and 1966 has been kept a closely guarded secret,” wrote Linda Hunt.

For example, Kurt Rahr, who “should be considered an absolute security threat to the United States,” according to an early report by the Public Safety Branch of the Office of Military Government U.S. (OMGUS), nevertheless was hired under Paperclip and set to work at Edgewood. Rahr was deported back to Germany in 1948 after another scientist, Hans Trurnit, accused him of being a communist.

Other Edgewood scientists included Theodor Wagner-Jauregg and Friedrich Hoffman.


These men initially studied the Nazi poison gasses, Tabun and Sarin, the most deadly agents the U.S. military had ever encountered. U.S. soldiers were exposed to Tabun and mustard gas in an Edgewood gas chamber reminiscent of those in the Nazi death camps.


“In 1949, the direction of Edgewood’s work abruptly changed,” noted Hunt.


A consultant of the Chemical Division at [European Command] sent information about an amazing drug, LSD, that caused hallucinations and suicidal tendencies in humans. As a result, Edgewood’s [scientific director of the Chemical and Radiological Laboratories Dr.] L. Wilson Greene seized the idea of conducting ‘psychochemical warfare.’ He then suggested that $50,000 be set aside in the 1950 budget to study psychochemicals.

Friedrich Hoffmann, another Paperclip chemist, traveled the world in search of exotic and new psychochemicals. He used the University of Delaware’s chemistry department as a cover to prevent anyone from connecting him to Edgewood Arsenal.


This subterfuge was easy enough to maintain, because both the department chairman William Mosher and Professor James Moore were heavily involved in the MKULTRA program.


“We were all being paid by the CIA,” Moore told Linda Hunt.

SS Brigadeführer, or brigadier general, Walter Paul Emil Schreiber, whom one U.S. Army officer described as “the prototype of an ardent and convinced Nazi who used the party to further his own ambitions,” worked for more than a decade for the chemical division of the U.S. Europe an Command. His attempt to join Paperclip scientists in America was thwarted when counterintelligence connected Schreiber to hiding SS officers and unexplained business dealings with both the French and the Soviets.

According to Gordon Thomas, author of Mindfield: The Untold Story Behind CIA Experiments with MKULTRA & Germ Warfare, “Walter Schreiber had been the paymaster for all the doctors working the Nazi biochemical warfare programs. Under the cover of Paperclip he was brought to the United States. By 1951 he was working at the Air Force School of Medicine in Texas.”

A year later, Schreiber, fearing that the media might discover his background, obtained a visa and found a job in Argentina, where his daughter was living.


There in 1952, he met his old friend, Dr. Josef Mengele.


“U.S. laws governing the American zone of Germany forbade the Germans from doing research on chemical warfare,” noted Hunt. “But that did not stop the Army Chemical Corps or the High Commissioner of Germany [John J. McCloy], the U.S. organization that replaced OMGUS, from hiring chemical warfare experts as ‘consultants’ or funding German industries to produce chemical warfare materials for the United States.”

Hunt may not have noticed the interconnectedness of the personalities and business interests in both Germany and America before, during, and just after the war.


But one person who did notice that funny business was taking place within the CIA was John K. Vance, a graduate of Columbia University who had served as a military translator at the Nuremberg trials. Vance stumbled upon MKULTRA in the spring of 1963 while working on an inspector general’s survey of the CIA’s technical services division.

A resulting inspector general’s report concluded:


The concepts involved in manipulating human behavior are found by many people both within and outside the agency to be distasteful and unethical.

As the result of Vance’s discovery and the inspector general’s report, the agency began scaling back the project, which was eventually said to have ended in the late 1960s.

The MKULTRA program, which used patients in psychiatric hospitals, and other unwitting subjects, to develop mind-control techniques, became public knowledge in 1977, during hearings conducted by a Senate committee on intelligence chaired by Senator Frank Church.


Some of the most distinguished figures in psychiatry participated in MKULTRA, including Dr. Ewen Cameron, the man whom Allen Dulles sent to study Rudolf Hess and who later served as president of both the American and Canadian Psychiatric Associations as well as the World Psychiatric Association.

Any in-depth study of MKULTRA shows that the CIA, in addition to seeking a truth serum, also was highly interested in the ability to program individuals to act in accordance with someone else’s will. The 1962 Frank Sinatra film The Manchurian Candidate portrayed a programmed assassin ordered to kill a ranking political figure. This movie came out at the same time the CIA was actively working on just such a program, thanks in great part to the groundwork laid down years earlier by Nazi mind- control experts.

In the words of Kathleen Ann Sullivan, who claimed to have been part of the MKULTRA program as reported by Gordon Thomas, author of Mind Field:


I am a survivor of the MKULTRA program. It was run by the CIA and designed to control a subject’s mind and will to the point where he or she would become an assassin.


To achieve this I was forced to undergo extensive drugging, electroshock, sensory deprivation, hypnosis, partake in pornographic films, act as a prostitute, and much else. I finally have realized I cannot keep hiding that it has left me only a shell of life to live. In going public I want to end the fear all survivors of MKULTRA live with.

Hunt noted:


That both the Army and CIA MKULTRA experiments stemmed from Nazi science was certainly relevant to understanding the early history of those secret projects.

A full accounting of the Nazi-inspired mind-control experiments— whether failures or successes—will never be known, because in 1973, on orders of Helms, Gottlieb destroyed all MKULTRA files before leaving the agency.


With the u.s. military-industrial complex penetrated by unrepentant Nazis and their ideology, the globalists’ attention to business and politics remained unabated.

In the war’s aftermath, some of the same personalities who helped place Hitler in power came back into play. John J. McCloy, wartime assistant secretary of war, close friend to Deutsche Bank chairman Dr. Hermann Josef Abs, and attorney for I.G. Farben, was appointed America’s high commissioner in Germany.  

As such, he pardoned more than seventy thousand Nazis accused of war crimes. One example of McCloy’s magnanimity came after forty-three SS officers, including their leader, Obersturmbannführer Joachim Peiper, were condemned to death in 1946 for the massacre of more than a one hundred American prisoners near Malmedy, Belgium, during the Battle of the Bulge.


As historian William L. Shirer wrote in The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich:

In March 1948, 39 of the death sentences were commuted; in April, General Lucius D. Clay reduced the death sentences from 121 to six; and in January 1951, under a general amnesty, John J. McCloy, the American high commissioner, commuted all the remaining death sentences to life imprisonment. At the time of writing [1959], all have been released.

Once again, hidden from public scrutiny, high U.S. officials had moved to free convicted Nazis.

According to former U.S. attorney John Loftus, about three hundred ranking Nazi sympathizers from the Belarus region of the Soviet Union were brought to the United States after the war in hopes they could provide intelligence on the motives and abilities of the Soviets. In tracking the activities of such collaborators, Loftus uncovered a secret unit within the State Department, called the Office of Policy Coordination (OPC), which he said was hidden away from normal government operations and answerable only to Secretary of Defense James V. Forrestal and “the Dulles faction in the State Department.”


Loftus found that the OPC had recruited Nazi collaborators to fight against communism. When it was discovered that their work was ineffectual, these Nazis were allowed to immigrate to the United States, their former activities concealed.

Such men included

·    former Belarusian president Radislaw Ostrowsky, who was offered immunity from prosecution for war crimes

·    Franz Kushel, an SS general who commanded the Belarus Brigade and was responsible for the execution of more than forty thousand Jews

·    Stanislaw Stankievich, who organized the execution of seven thousand Jews

·    Emanuel Jasiuk, who, as the wartime mayor of Kletsk, supervised the execution of more than five thousand Jews in just one day.

Both Ostrowsky and Jasiuk are buried in a South River, New Jersey, cemetery near a monument to Belarusian war veterans, which is topped by the image of an Iron Cross.

In 1948, soon-to-be CIA director Allen Dulles, who had been on hand in 1921 for the creation of the Council on Foreign Relations, authorized

to use false paperwork to maintain the Vatican “ratlines” for escaping Nazis.


Within a year, Wisner’s Nazis were working for CIA propaganda fronts such as Radio Liberty and the Voice of America.

Dulles had encouraged the choice of Wisner as head of the OPC, which undertook active operations against the Soviet Union as the Cold War developed. Although OPC agents in Europe wore U.S. military uniforms, they were paid by the CIA.


According to Loftus:


OPC’s program emanated almost entirely from the State Department’s policy and planning staff, headed by George Kennan”

Every u.s. government administration since the CFR’s inception has been packed with council members. Conservative journalist and CFR researcher James Perloff noted that through 1988, fourteen secretaries of state, fourteen secretaries of the treasury, eleven secretaries of defence, and scores of other federal department heads were members of the CFR.


This trend continued through both the Bill Clinton and George W. Bush administrations. Current and former members of the CFR in the 2007 Bush cabinet included:

·    Dick Cheney

·    Condoleezza Rice

·    Elaine Chao

·    Robert M. Gates

·    Joshua B. Bolten

·    Susan Schwab

The like-mindedness of CFR members—one cannot ask to join, you must be invited and pass a stringent vetting process to show that you are in agreement with their worldview—along with their close ties with the corporate business world has caused many conspiracy writers to view the CFR as a group with plans to control the world through multinational business mergers, economic treaties, and global government.


The activities of the CFR may have been summarized by sociologist G. William Domhoff, who wrote:


If ‘conspiracy’ means that these men are aware of their interests, know each other personally, meet together privately and off the record, and try to hammer out a consensus on how to anticipate and react to events and issues, then there is some conspiring that goes on in CFR, not to mention the Committee for Economic Development, the Business Council, the National Security Council, and the Central Intelligence Agency.

“Many of the council’s members have a personal financial interest in foreign relations because it is their property and investments that are guarded by the State Department and the military,” noted researcher Laurie Strand in the 1981 edition of The People’s Almanac #3.

Nothing had changed since the 1960s, when President John F. Kennedy’s special adviser John Kenneth Galbraith bemoaned, “Those of us who had worked for the Kennedy election were tolerated in the government for that reason and had a say, but foreign policy was still with the Council on Foreign Relations.”

Even today’s terrorist groups may be traced back to the Nazis, which prompts speculation on who is truly behind them.

According to Peter Levenda’s Unholy Alliance, Otto Skorzeny, the Nazi commando who may have found Solomon’s treasure, made his way to postwar Egypt, where he created an Egyptian “Gestapo” staffed almost completely with former SS officers. According to Levenda, this was a measure, “that received wholehearted support from CIA director Allen Dulles, who was at that time involved with Reinhard Gehlen in developing an anticommunist espionage service within the ranks of CIA.”

This operation encompassed the Nazi-associated Muslim Brotherhood, a progenitor of today’s al-Qaeda terrorist organization.

The connection between Muslim fanatics and Nazis, according to John Loftus, began with Muslim Brotherhood founder Hassan al-Banna, who formed a group of Egyptian youth dedicated to social reform and Islamic morals.


He was a devotee of Muhammad ibn Abd al-Wahhab, the eighteenth-century Muslim who founded the Wahhabi sect that teaches that any additions or interpretations of Islam after the tenth century are false and should be eradicated, even by violence.


“In the 1920s there was a young Egyptian named al-Banna. And al-Banna formed this nationalist group called the Muslim Brotherhood. Al-Banna was a devout admirer of Adolf Hitler and wrote to him frequently. So per sis tent was he in his admiration of the new Nazi Party that in the 1930s, al-Banna and the Muslim Brotherhood became a secret arm of Nazi intelligence,” said Loftus, who had unprecedented access to secret U.S. government and NATO intelligence files.


The Arab Nazis had much in common with the new Nazi doctrines. They hated Jews; they hated democracy; and they hated the Western culture. It became the official policy of the Third Reich to secretly develop the Muslim Brotherhood as the fifth Parliament, an army inside Egypt. When war broke out, the Muslim Brotherhood promised in writing that they would rise up and help General Rommel and make sure that no English or American soldier was left alive in Cairo or Alexandria.

While they obviously failed in this, it is a fact that Arab raiders caused continual problems for Allied forces.

After World War II, the Muslim Brotherhood and its German intelligence handlers were sought for war crimes, as they were not considered regular military units. Following arrests in Cairo, captured Brotherhood members were turned over to the British Secret Service, who hired them to fight against the infant state of Israel in 1948.


Loftus stated:


Only a few people in the Mossad know this, but many of the members of the Arab Armies and terrorist groups that tried to strangle the infant State of Israel were the Arab Nazis of the Muslim Brotherhood. What the British did then, they sold the Arab Nazis to the predecessor (the OSS) of what became the CIA (soon to be headed by Allen Dulles).


It may sound stupid, it may sound evil, but it did happen. The idea was that we were going to use the Arab Nazis in the Middle East as a counterweight to the Arab communists. Just as the Soviet Union was funding Arab communists, we would fund the Arab Nazis to fight against [them].


And lots of secret classes took place. We kept the Muslim Brotherhood on our payroll. But the Egyptians became nervous. [Egyptian President Gamal Abdal] Nasser ordered all of the Muslim Brotherhood [to get] out of Egypt [in 1954] or be imprisoned, and we would execute them all. During the 1950s, the CIA evacuated the Nazis of the Muslim Brotherhood to Saudi Arabia [still a stronghold of the Wahhabi sect]. Now when they arrived in Saudi Arabia … [one] student was named Osama bin Laden.


Osama bin Laden was taught by the Nazis of the Muslim Brotherhood who had emigrated to Saudi Arabia.

In 1979 the CIA drew fanatics from these Saudi Brotherhood members and sent them to Afghanistan to fight the Soviet Russians.


“We had to rename them,” said Loftus. “We couldn’t call them the Muslim Brotherhood, because that was too sensitive a name. Its Nazi cast was too known. So we called them the Maktab al Khidimat il Mujahideen, the MAK… we left this army of Arab fascists in the field of Afghanistan.”

Once out of Afghanistan, the mujahideen became known as al-Qaeda, or the Base. While many people still think the term “base” refers to some central headquarters, former British foreign secretary Robin Cook told the House of Commons the term actually referred to a computer database containing the names of Muslim activists, mujahideen, and others long used by the CIA.

Following the Soviet withdrawal from Afghanistan, the Saudis didn’t want the fanatics to return, so they bribed Osama bin Laden and his al-Qaeda followers to stay out of Saudi Arabia.


“There are many flavors and branches, but they are all Muslim Brotherhoods… So the Muslim Brotherhood became this poison that spread throughout the Middle East, and on 9/11, it began to spread around the world,” concluded Loftus, who added that current CIA members don’t know this history.


[T]he current generation CIA are good and decent Americans and I like them a lot. They’re trying to do a good job, but part of their problem is their files have been shredded. All of these secrets have to come out.

During the 1950s, while Dulles headed the CIA, his brother, John Foster Dulles, was President Eisenhower’s secretary of state. Both were in prime positions to shape the Nazification of America.


“In the chill of the Cold War, few Americans remembered that John Foster Dulles had been pro-Nazi before Hitler invaded Poland,” observed Walter Bowart, a journalist and former editor who authored the book Operation Mind Control.


No one thought, either, to question the fact that while John Foster Dulles was running the State Department, his brother Allen was running the CIA, which he once described as a State Department for dealing with unfriendly governments. No one seemed at all disturbed by the Dulles dynasty, and only a handful of people realized to what extent the Dulles brothers held power in the Eisenhower administration.

The German banking industry particularly profited from such connections as the Dulles brothers and McCloy.


Immediately after the war ended, Allied authorities ordered the breakup of Germany’s largest bank, Deutsche Bank. Initially, the banking giant was split into ten regional banks, but by 1953 these were consolidated into three major banks—Nordeutsche Bank AG,Süddeutsche Bank AG, and Rheinisch-Westfalische Bank AG.

A mere four years later, without any opposition, these three major banks merged and began takeovers, including the London Morgan Grenfell investment bank in 1989, the East German central bank following reunification in 1990, Banker’s Trust of New York in 1999, and two large Russian banks in 2006.


By the turn of the current century, Deutsche Bank was reunited and had become a world banking leader.

Astute authorities in both Britain and the United States undoubtedly recognized Deputy Führer Martin Bormann’s flight capital plan. But they were dissuaded from action by the general euphoria at the war’s end, the chaotic conditions in Europe, the idea that growth would restore the wrecked Europe an economy, and the increasing belief that the United States would soon have to confront a victorious and powerful Soviet Union.


There was also the behind-the-scenes power of men in banking and commerce who had been in league with the Nazis and still carried sympathy for their cause.


“Treasury officials in Washington, as in London, knew what was transpiring; the teams they sent into the fi eld uncovered enough evidence to prove a definite pattern,” wrote Paul Manning.


As for the news media, it did not seem important, although long-term it was really the biggest of the postwar stories. Yet so quietly was it handled by the Germans, and so diffident was the reaction by the Allies, that few ripples rose to the surface, and investigators of the U.S. Treasury Department were taken off the case.

Investigators were reassigned by their superiors, some of whom had been business partners with the Nazis for years.

One such example was attorney Russell A. Nixon, who, as a member of the U.S. Military Government Cartel Unit, found himself working directly under Brigadier General William H. Draper Jr., an advocate of eugenics who sat with James Forrestal on the board of directors of Dillon, Read Company, the firm that early on had helped finance the German cartels.


According to Professor Antony C. Sutton:


Three Wall Street houses—Dillon, Read; Harris, Forbes; and National Citys Bank—handled three-quarters of the reparation loans used to create the German cartel system, including the dominant I.G. Farben and Vereinigte Stahlwerke, which together produced 95 percent of the explosives for the Nazi side in World War II.

Nixon was blocked at every turn in his attempt to break up the Farben cartel.


He finally went over the head of Brigadier General Draper, meeting with General Lucius D. Clay, military governor of the U.S. zone in Germany. The general was told Draper had cancelled orders to dismantle or destroy Farben facilities, lied about bomb damage to Farben plants, and deliberately violated General Eisenhower’s orders to break up the Farben cartel. Despite Nixon’s complaints, nothing was done.


When Nixon took the initiative and had Nazi industrialist Richard Freudenberg arrested, U.S. ambassador to Germany Robert Murphy ordered him released. One occupation official explained Murphy’s decision by commenting, “This man Freudenberg is an extremely capable industrialist: a kind of Henry Ford.”

Nixon later told a Senate subcommittee in Washington:


Generally speaking, in spite of the efforts that have been made, at the present time there is a continuation of the dissipation and further concealment of these [Nazi] assets throughout all the neutral countries.

Another Allied investigator, Department of Justice attorney James Stewart Martin, was sent to U.S. Military Command in London to investigate collaboration between the Nazis and American businessmen. Martin bristled when he found his commanding officer was a Colonel Graeme K. Howard, an official with General Motors.


After Martin pointed out the cozy relationship General Motors had with the Nazis, Howard was quietly reassigned back to the States.

Martin later investigated the fate of ITT’s German chairman Gerhardt Westrick, who, after the war ended, had fled Berlin and hidden out in a castle in southern Germany. After presenting a report on the status of ITT firms to U.S. military authorities, Westrick was given a light prison sentence and released.


Martin found that queries concerning General Aniline and Film’s connections to I.G. Farben had been referred to Allen Dulles with no results.


“We had not been stopped in Germany by German business. We had been stopped in Germany by American business,” Martin wrote in the 1950 book All Honorable Men:

“The forces that stopped us had operated from the United States but had not operated in the open… Whatever it was that had stopped us was not ‘the government.


But it clearly had command of channels through which the government normally operates. The relative powerlessness of governments in the growing economic power is of course not new… national governments have stood on the sidelines while bigger operators arranged the world’s affairs.

One of those insiders who helped protect Nazi interests in the wake of World War II was aforementioned William H. Draper Jr., a business partner with Prescott Bush, who, in July 1945, was appointed head of the economic division of the U.S. Control Commission, which decided which Nazi corporations would be saved and who would face war crimes prosecution.


This placed Draper in almost as powerful a position as Germany’s new high commissioner John J. McCloy, who, besides banking for the Nazis, had spent a year in Italy as a financial adviser to Mussolini and shared Hitler’s box at the 1936 Berlin Olympics.

Martin also may have stumbled across the answer to why the international business community turned against Hitler. The leading bankers and industrialists were looking forward to a postwar world composed of intertwining corporate business connections among the nations of the world—a New World Order.

Hitler, on the other hand, was planning to attack the United States just as soon as he had effective rocket and long-range bomber delivery systems in place. The globalists did not desire a continuous war, nor did they want Hitler to control a world National Socialist government.


They had their own plans.


“[T]he 750 new corporations established under the Bormann [flight capital] program gave themselves absolute control over a postwar economic network of viable, prosperous companies that stretched from the Ruhr to the ‘neutrals’ of Europe and to the countries of South America; a control that continues today and is easily maintained through the bearer bonds or shares issued by these corporations to cloak real ownership,” stated Paul Manning, who worked with Edward R. Murrow covering the war in Europe for CBS Radio.

Manning revealed that, “there are U.S. Treasury old-timers of World War II still not aware of the magnitude of the Bormann operation and of its success. Those who know, in Washington, in South America, and in the capitals of Europe, are locked together in a conspiracy of silence.”

No one in a position of power within the financial centers of Washington, Wall Street, the City of London, or Paris desired a real search for the scattered German assets.


Manning explained:


They had understandable reasons if you overlook morality: the financial benefits for cooperation (collaboration had become an old-hat term with the war winding down) were very enticing, depending on one’s importance and ability to be of service to the organization and the 750 corporations they were secretly manipulating, to say nothing of the known multinationals such as I.G. Farben, Thyssen AG, and Siemens.

Without the German industrial base that had been its foundation for years, the Europe an economy was suffering. U.S. Joint Chiefs of Staff directives had ordered that nothing be done to rebuild Germany’s industries.


But business is business, and by the summer of 1947, President Roosevelt’s friend and chief of staff General George Catlett Marshall had become secretary of state under President Truman. The son of a prosperous coal producer and a participant in every high-level policy conference from Casablanca to Yalta and Potsdam, Marshall convinced Truman that it was in the best interests of Europe an prosperity that Germany be allowed to rehabilitate its economy.


Thus, the Marshall Plan was born, and millions of dollars of aid began pouring into war-devastated Europe.

Many Americans, including Colonel Robert McCormick, editor of the Chicago Tribune, and Senator Joseph McCarthy, attacked the Marshall Plan as merely another Rockefeller scheme to bilk American taxpayers.


According to Mullins:


The Marshall Plan had been rushed through Congress by a powerful and vocal group, headed by Winthrop Aldrich, president of Chase Manhattan Bank, and Nelson Rockefeller’s brother-in-law, ably seconded by Nelson Rockefeller and William Clayton, the head of Anderson, Clayton Company.

Marshall Plan money flowed through the same banking conduits as before the war, such as the 1936 partnership between the J. Henry Schröder Bank of New York and Rockefeller family members, described by Time magazine as “the economic booster of the Rome-Berlin Axis.


Partners in Schröder, Rockefeller and Company included Avery Rockefeller, nephew of John D., Baron Bruno von Schröder in London, and Kurt Freiherr von Schröder of the Bank of International Settlements and the Gestapo in Cologne. Attorneys for the firm were John Foster Dulles and Allen Dulles of Sullivan and Cromwell.


Future CIA director and Warren Commission member Allen Dulles sat on the board of Schröder.


“Further connections linked the Paris branch of Chase National Bank to Schroeder as well as the pro-Nazi Worms Bank and Standard Oil of New Jersey in France. Standard Oil’s Paris representatives were directors of the Banque de Paris et des Pays-Bas, which had intricate connections to the Nazis and to Chase,” noted New York Times journalist Charles Higham.

William Bramley, who researched the causes of war in his 1990 book The Gods of Eden, noted these international banking connections:

·    Max Warburg, a major German banker, and his brother Paul Warburg, who had been instrumental in establishing the Federal Reserve System in the United States, were directors of I.G. Farben.

·    H. A. Metz of I.G. Farben was a director of the Warburg Bank of Manhattan, which later became part of the Rockefeller Chase Manhattan Bank.

·    Standard Oil of New Jersey had been a cartel partner with I.G. Farben prior to the war.

·    One American I.G. Farben director was C.E. Mitchell, who was also director of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York and of Warburg’s National City Bank.

It is interesting to note that throughout the war, Chase maintained its financial connections with the Nazis through its Paris bank. Further, I.G. Farben chief Hermann Schmitz served as Chase president for seven years prior to the war.


According to Manning:


Schmitz’s wealth—largely I.G. Farben bearer bonds converted to the Big Three successor firms, shares in Standard Oil of New Jersey (equal to those held by the Rockefellers), General Motors, and other U.S. blue chip industrial stocks, and the 700 secret companies controlled in his time by I.G. [Farben], as well as shares in the 750 corporations he helped Bormann establish during the last years of World War II—has increased in all segments of the modern industrial world.


The Bormann organization in South America utilizes the voting power of the Schmitz trust along with their own assets to guide the multinationals they control, as they keep steady the economic course of the Fatherland.

After the war, twenty-four lower I.G. Farben executives stood trial at Nuremberg for crimes against humanity, including the building and maintenance of concentration camps and the use of slave labor. Schmitz was convicted of war crimes in 1948 at Nuremberg, but served a mere two years in prison, although it was under Schmitz’s leadership that the giant chemical combine produced and distributed the notorious Zyklon-B gas, used for human extermination in Nazi concentration camps.

Regarding the relationship between Schmitz and Martin Bormann, Manning wrote:

Their association was close and trusting over the years, and it is the considered opinion of those in their circle that the wealth possessed by Hermann Schmitz was shifted to Switzerland and South America, and placed in trust with Bormann, the legal heir to Hitler.


These long- standing banking and business connections coupled with the Schmitz business network allowed Reichsleiter Martin Bormann to forge a formidable Nazi- controlled organization for postwar activities.


The late Jim Keith, author of several conspiracy books, wrote:


[I]n researching the shape of totalitarian control during this century, I saw that the plans of the Nazis manifestly did not die with the German loss of World War II. The ideology and many of the principal players survived and flourished after the war, and have had a profound impact on postwar history, and on events taking place today.

Interestingly enough, the Nazis’ attempt at central control through the economic sector produced the early stages of a united Europe so sought by Hitler.

After the war , a devastated Europe looked to Germany for economic leadership. The economic steps taken that became the Common Market took the shape of prewar Nazi plans.


“[S]omehow the Germans had the answer originally in 1942 when they were melding the economic institutions of the Continent into their own design,” noted Manning.

It is interesting to note that the present European Union (EU) began as merely economic measures. From this reasonable beginning as a trade organization, the Common Market evolved into the Europe an Union, a supranational and intergovernmental body with tendrils into all aspects of Europe an life. In 1950, French foreign minister Robert Schuman proposed the joint management of the French and West German coal and steel industries.


This “Schuman Declaration,” ratified by the 1951 Treaty of Paris, was the first step toward what Winston Churchill termed a “United States of Europe.”

The 1951 treaty between Belgium, France, Italy, the Netherlands, Luxembourg, and West Germany provided for the shared production of coal and steel. It was thought that this mutual endeavor would ensure against another war between these nations. It also could be seen as a means of consolidating the Nazi business holdings of the Bormann organization.

The Europe Economic Community, better known as the Common Market, was established in 1957 by the Treaty of Rome, signed by the same nations as in 1951.


George McGhee, a member of the secretive Bilderberg Group and former U.S. ambassador to West Germany, acknowledged that, “the Treaty of Rome, which brought the Common Market into being, was nurtured at Bilderberg meetings.”

Again, the Common Market was styled as merely a step toward equalizing trade balances and tariffs.

But with the 1992 signing of the Treaty Establishing the Europe an Community, popularly known as the Maastricht Treaty, the word “Economic” was deleted from both the treaty and the community. By 2000, the Europe an Union was composed of various economic, political, and judicial institutions including the European Central Bank, the European Parliament, the European Court of Justice, and a unified European currency, the Euro.

The 1942 Nazi vision of a unified Europe had become a reality….

But if the reality of the Nazi vision of a united Europe appeared to signal success for the emerging Fourth Reich, nothing showed more success than the seeds that had been sown in the postwar United States.

In the postwar period, FDR Democrats, who looked favorably on federal social and economic controls, were firmly in the pocket of the global corporate elite, although there was a small problem with President Harry S. Truman, who was never fully under their command. So Truman, like Jimmy Carter, was elected to only one term.


The real problem lay with the Republicans, long-time supporters of less government and more economic freedom.

One willing accomplice of the globalist/Nazi nexus was an obscure Republican politician from California.


According to authors John Loftus and Mark Aarons:


When Truman was re-elected in 1948, [future President Richard M.] Nixon became Allen Dulles’s mouthpiece in Congress. Both he and Senator Joseph McCarthy received volumes of classified information to support the charge that the Truman administration was filled with ‘pinkos.’ When McCarthy went too far in his Communist investigations, it was Nixon who worked with his next-door neighbor, CIA director Walter Bedell Smith, to steer the investigations away from the intelligence community [and the Nazis].


“The partnership between Allen Dulles and Richard Nixon was truly a Faustian bargain, but it is hard to tell just who is Faust and who is Mephistopheles in the scenario,” wrote Peter Levenda.

Nixon, who joined the Council on Foreign Relations in 1961 but resigned in 1965 after his membership became a campaign issue, got an initial boost to his political career by befriending a Nazi named Nicolae Malaxa.


A Romanian who was a former business partner of Nazi Luftwaffe chief Hermann Göring, Malaxa had belonged to Baron Otto von Bolschwing’s Gestapo network, as had his associate, Valertian Trifa, who was then living in Detroit. Both were members of the Nazi Iron Guard in Romania and had fled prosecution for their role in the deaths of many Jews.


Their common interest was in Richard Nixon, who was elected vice president in 1952.

In late 1946, Nixon’s influence, along with that of the Dulles brothers, freed Malaxa’s money frozen in Chase National Bank during the war. The Treasury Department official whose firm won Malaxa’s case to release the money was the same man who froze these assets in the first place.


“Such interrelationships were very common between émigré Fascists and the right wing of the American establishment,” noted Loftus and Aarons.

According to the late Mae Brussell, a California conspiracy researcher and hostess of the World Watchers International radio program, Trifi a came to the United States with the help of the opportunistic Baron von Bolschwing, an early member of the Nazi Party and highly placed intelligence operative.


Malaxa had escaped from Europe with more than $200 million in U.S. dollars. In America, following the retrieval of his frozen assets, Malaxa gained another $200 million from Chase Manhattan Bank.


The legalities were handled by the Dulles brothers’ law firm of Sullivan and Cromwell.


“Undersecretary of State Adolph Berle, who had helped Nixon and star witness Whittaker Chambers convict Alger Hiss, personally testified on Malaxa’s behalf before a congressional subcommittee on immigration,” noted Brussell.

A company called Western Tube was another effort to further help Malaxa.


In 1951, Nixon introduced a private bill in Congress, which would have allowed Malaxa to remain in the United States despite provisions of the Displaced Persons Act, which prohibited persons with Fascist backgrounds. When this effort failed, Malaxa pretended to create Western Tube, which manufactured a seamless tube that he claimed was vital to the Korean War effort.


Loftus and Aarons reported:


He set up his company in Nixon’s hometown of Whittier, California, and registered it in the same building as the law firm of Bewley, Kroop & Nixon. Nixon’s former law partner, Thomas Bewley, was secretary of Malaxa’s company, and the vice president was another Nixon crony.

They added that Western Tube never made any tubes.


“The company was used to evade millions of dollars’ worth of taxes and then dissolved,” they noted.

It was the $2 million fee Nixon received from Malaxa that funded his successful election campaign for Congress.


“In 1946 Nixon had gotten a call from Herman L. Perry asking if he wanted to run for Congress against Rep. Jerry Voorhis. Perry later became president of Western Tube,” wrote Mae Brussell.
In 1952, in spite of being granted permanent resident status in the United States, Malaxa moved from Whittler to Argentina, where he joined Argentine dictator Juan Peron and Hitler’s chief commando Otto Skorzeny in profitable business dealings with the network created by Martin Bormann and Allen Dulles.

Meanwhile, ranking Republicans were abetting the influx of Nazis. Elmer Holmes Bobst of Warner-Lambert Pharmaceutical, described as “a mentor and father figure” to Nixon, was a power behind Nixon’s 1960 presidential campaign.


Bobst was a close associate of Otto von Bolschwing, head of the Gestapo network that included Malaxa and Trifia.


“In preparation for the 1952 Eisenhower-Nixon campaign, the Republicans formed an Ethnic Division, which, to put it bluntly, recruited the ‘displaced Fascists’ who arrived in the United States after World War II,” wrote Loftus and Aarons.
To mask the wave of Nazis flooding into the United States and to gain tighter federal control over Americans, the prewar specter of the Communist Menace was resurrected. A quick look at America’s reaction to liberation movements in postwar Europe demonstrates the hypocrisy of the often-stated Eisenhower-era Republican policies to “roll back communism.”

In 1953, half a million citizens of the so-called German Democratic Republic (GDR) staged a revolt against the East German regime, only to be violently suppressed by troops and tanks. No further large-scale demonstrations were to take place in East Germany until 1989, the year before the GDR ceased to exist.

Three years later, Polish workers attempted their own rebellion against the Communist regime. Widespread violence was only averted after China’s Mao Tse-tung convinced Russian Premier Nikita Khrushchev to allow Polish Communist Wladyslaw Gomulka to assume authority and institute reforms in Poland.

In late October 1956, the people of Hungary spontaneously rose up against their Soviet occupiers, many in response to broadcasts of support by the BBC, Radio Free Europe, and the Voice of America. Put off-guard by initial offers of compromise by the Russians, the Hungarians were unprepared for the full-scale military assault on Budapest on November 4. Thousands were killed and an estimated two hundred thousand fled the country. This Soviet show of force maintained their control over central Europe and also perpetuated the idea that Communism was monolithic and irresistible.

In discussing three books on the failed Hungarian Revolution–Twelve Days by Victor Sebestyen, Failed Illusions by Charles Gati, and Journey to a Revolution by Michael Korda–New York Times book reviewer Jacob Heilbrunn noted:


Despite promiscuous pledges to roll back Communism, President Dwight Eisenhower and Secretary of State John Foster Dulles had no intention of rolling back anything. In a National Security Council meeting, Vice President Richard Nixon even stated that a Soviet invasion would not be an unmixed evil for the West, as it would bolster the alliance against Communism.


Most american leaders throughout the cold war could only see the danger of international communism.  

One exception may have been President John F. Kennedy, who warned of the dangers of unnecessary secrecy and secret societies such as Skull and Bones, the Council on Foreign Relations, and the Bilderberg Group.  

“The very word ‘secrecy’ is repugnant in a free and open society; and we are as a people inherently and historically opposed to secret societies, to secret oaths, and to secret proceedings,” Kennedy said in a 1961 address to the American Newspaper Publishers Association.

Kennedy was the first American president born in the twentieth century and was one of the best-educated, having graduated from Harvard cum laude.


The book that first made him a public figure was the best seller Why England Slept, a treatise on prewar British-German diplomacy. This work showed clearly that Kennedy had a keen understanding not only of geopolitics but of the behind-the-scenes machinations of the globalists.

Interestingly enough, his political career may have come about because of his relationship with an alleged Nazi spy. Early in World War II, the FBI suspected Inga Arvad – a former Miss Denmark, who had attended the wedding of Germany’s Field Marshal Hermann Göring and met with Adolf Hitler – of being a Nazi spy.

After eavesdropping on her, agents determined that one of her visitors was Naval Ensign John F. Kennedy, then working for Naval Intelligence in Washington. After both the navy and his father had been alerted to the danger presented by Kennedy’s involvement with a suspected agent, young Kennedy was quickly transferred to the South Pacific. It was there that he led the survivors of PT-109 to safety, thus becoming a war hero and launching his political career toward the presidency—all thanks to the diligent J. Edgar Hoover.

In 1960, Richard Nixon was expected to be the next president of the United States. Corporate America’s hopes were crushed when John F. Kennedy managed to win the closest election to that time.

Corporate heads and their Nazi backers must have been mollified to know that Kennedy was being guided by his father, Joseph P. Kennedy, a pro-Nazi sympathizer. But in December 1961, Joseph Kennedy suffered a stroke that left him totally incapacitated. His son now held the nation’s highest office with no real control over him.

By mid-1963, Kennedy was beginning to exert his autonomous influence over the most powerful – and violent – groups in U.S. society.  

He was threatening to:

·    disband the CIA, the home-base of many Nazis

·    withdraw U.S. troops from South Vietnam

·    close the tax breaks of the oil-depletion allowance

·    tighten control over the tax-free foreign assets of U.S. multinational corporations, many with connections to the Bormann empire

·    decrease the power of both Wall Street and the Federal Reserve System

In June 1963, Kennedy actually ordered the printing and release of $4.2 billion in United States Notes, paper money issued through the Treasury Department without paying interest to the Federal Reserve System, which is composed of twelve regional banks all controlled by private banks whose owners often are non-Americans.

Obviously, persons affected by these moves felt that something had to be done.

Today, most people agree that the assassination of President Kennedy was the result of a conspiracy, the full details of which are still not known due to a cover-up at the highest levels of the federal government.

It is fascinating to note that the connections between Kennedy’s death and Nazi-connected persons, groups, and firms are many and well documented. The CIA, which had passed hundreds of millions of dollars to the Nazi Gehlen Organization, has long been fingered as a major player in the assassination.


Operatives such as:

·    future Watergate burglars E. Howard Hunt and Frank Sturgis

·    CIA officer Desmond FitzGerald

·    mobster Johnny Roselli

·    Cuban minister Dr. Rolando Cubela

·    defrocked New Orleans priest David Ferrie

·    anti-Castro Cubans Carlos Bringuier, Orlando Bosch, and Carlos Prio Soccaras

…all played roles in the CIA/intelligence mix surrounding the assassination.

But more pointedly, George DeMohrenschildt, a Dallas oil geologist who was the last known close friend to accused assassin Lee Harvey Oswald, began his intelligence career as a Nazi agent.


According to one CIA document, DeMohrenschildt had applied to work for U.S. intelligence as far back as 1942 but was turned down because he was a Nazi espionage agent. His cousin, Baron Constantine Maydell, was one of the top Nazi intelligence agents in North America and, after the war, was recruited into the Gehlen Organization to direct the CIA’s Russian émigré programs.

At the same time DeMohrenschildt was befriending Oswald in Dallas and introducing him to the White Russian émigré community there, in which the Gehlen Organization was well represented, he was in close contact with his friend J. Walter Moore, an agent of the CIA’s Domestic Contacts Division.


In 1957, following a trip to Yugoslavia, according to CIA documents, DeMohrenschildt provided the agency with “foreign intelligence which was promptly disseminated to other federal agencies in ten separate reports.”

Oswald’s other close associates in Dallas just prior to the assassination were Ruth and Michael Paine. Oswald’s wife was staying in the Paine home at the time of the assassination and it was Ruth Paine, a woman with CIA connections, who got Oswald his job at the Texas School Book Depository. And Dallas police found incriminating photos – Oswald claimed they were fabricated – of Oswald in Mrs. Payne’s garage, holding a rifle authorities identified as the assassination weapon.


Her husband worked for Bell Aerospace Corporation in Hurst, Texas, later Bell Helicopter, where Paperclip Nazi Walter Dornberger was a vice president.


“Paine’s boss at Bell Aircraft, as director of research and development, was none other than the notorious war criminal General Walter Dornberger,” stated Brussell.

Oswald’s own connections to the CIA are well documented:

·    his training at Japan’s Atsugi base, which housed a large CIA facility

·    his incredible ability to speak fluent Russian despite lack of evidence of language lessons, testimony of his CIA employment by fellow marines and a former CIA paymaster

·    his ease in obtaining U.S. passports

·    his use of the word “microdots” in his diary

·    his possession of a miniature Minox “spy” camera with a serial number proving it was not commercially available in America

The most often pointed out, and controversial, evidence of the involvement of both Nazi mentality and actual Nazis in Kennedy’s assassination can be found in a treatise passed around for years under the name “Torbitt Document” or “Nomenclature of an Assassination Cabal.”


This document first appeared under the pen name of William Torbittt but was actually written by a Texas attorney named David Copeland. Copeland told this author he had received the information from friends in both the FBI and the Secret Service. Based on this information, Torbitt/Copeland spent considerable effort searching for evidence to support the paper’s thesis.

According to the “Torbitt Document,” the Kennedy assassination was orchestrated through a nexus of Nazi-infiltrated anticommunist organizations, elements of the military-industrial complex, the CIA, and the FBI.


Torbitt explained:


The director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation was in charge of NASA’s Security Division and the Defence Industrial Security Command [DISC] in his position as head of counterespionage activities in the United States.


His agents investigated every employee of the space agency as well as the employees of the pertinent contractors doing business with NASA and also prospective employees of every arms and munitions manufacturer. [It is reported that today DISC operations have been incorporated into the National Security Agency.]

The Defence Intelligence Agency was headed by Lieutenant General Joseph F. Carroll, a former assistant director of the FBI. Carroll worked closely with FBI intelligence chief William C. Sullivan, J. Edgar Hoover, and Canadian L. M. Bloomfield in directing activities of the munition-makers’ police agency, the Defence Industrial Security Command.

During this time, Walter Sheridan, who later became NBC’s special investigator used to undermine the New Orleans assassination investigation of District Attorney Jim Garrison, was a direct liaison between Carroll and Robert F. Kennedy. Hoover worked directly with Wernher von Braun in connection with NASA’s security and it was Lyndon Johnson who, as vice president, served as chairman of NASA.


Johnson, along with von Braun, Bobby Baker, and Fred Black worked hard to obtain the $9 billion Apollo contract for North American Aviation in 1961 [North American, which, among other famous aircraft , produced the F-86 Sabre jet based on the Nazi Focke-Wulf Ta-183, today is part of the Boeing Company].


North American won the NASA contract despite the fact that its own source evaluation board had recommended another company.

According to Torbitt, each of the NASA security personnel who were assigned duties in connection with the assassination were employees or contractees for Division Five of the FBI.


“It must be borne in mind that this was a relatively small group within all of these agencies. It was not official, and it was not an American operation, but was simply the independent action taken by these men, some of whom happened to hold official positions,” he wrote.

Torbitt’s tale of a NASA conspiracy was supported by New Orleans District Attorney Jim Garrison, who was investigating the Kennedy assassination.


In 1968, Garrison telephoned magazine editor Warren Hinkle to say:


Important new evidence has surfaced. Those Texas oilmen do not appear to be involved in President Kennedy’s murder in the way we first thought. It was the military-industrial complex that put up the money for the assassination—but as far as we can tell, the conspiracy was limited to the aerospace wing. I’ve got the names of three companies and their employees who were involved in setting up the president’s murder.

When Garrison attempted to subpoena the testimony of their employees, NASA refused to provide them, citing reasons of national security.


Amazingly enough, accused assassin Oswald told New Orleans garage owner Adrian Alba that he expected to soon work at a New Orleans plant of NASA. Why Oswald, who had tried to defect to Russia and voiced hostility toward the USA and its policies, thought he could go to work for the nation’s leading aerospace agency was never explained.

According to the Torbitt document, this complex matrix of government agents, NASA employees, and Nazis was managed by Louis Mortimer Bloomfield of Montreal, Canada. According to Canadian newspaper accounts, Bloomfield was an ardent Zionist, an attorney, businessman, and philanthropist who had worked for the OSS during World War II and for the fledgling CIA.


Torbitt stated Bloomfield was a long-time friend and confidant of J. Edgar Hoover and had been Hoover’s contract supervisor of Division Five since his days in the OSS before World War II.


Torbitt said Bloomfield,“was the coordinator of all activities, responsible only to Hoover and Johnson in carrying out the plans for John Kennedy’s assassination.”

In 1967, New Orleans DA Jim Garrison charged Clay Shaw, a former OSS officer and founder of the city’s International Trade Mart, with conspiracy to assassinate the president.


According to several separate sources—including Garrison’s files and an investigation by the U.S. Labor Party—the International Trade Mart in New Orleans was a subsidiary of a shadowy entity known as the Centro Mondiale Commerciale (CMC) or World Trade Center, which was founded by Bloomfield in Montreal in the late 1950s, then moved to Rome in 1961.


The Trade Mart was connected with CMC through yet another shadowy firm named Permindex (PERManent INDustrial EXpositions), also in the business of international expositions. According to Torbitt, Bloomfield held half of the shares of Permindex and was in total command of its operation in Europe and Africa as well as the North and South American continents.


(In the 1962 edition of Who’s Who in the South and Southwest, Shaw gave biographical information stating that he was on the board of directors of Permindex. However, in the 1963–64 edition, the reference to Permindex was dropped.)

In the late 1960s, both Permindex and its parent company, Centro Mondiale Commerciale, came under intense scrutiny by the Italian news media. It was discovered that Prince Gutierrez di Spadaforo  was on the board of CMC.


The prince was a wealthy aristocrat who had been undersecretary of agriculture under the dictator Benito Mussolini, and whose daughter-in-law was related to Nazi minister of finance Hjalmar Schacht; Carlo D’Amelio, an attorney for the former Italian royal family; and Ferenc Nagy, former premier of Hungary and a leading anticommunist.


The Italian media reported that Nagy was president of Permindex, and the board chairman and major stockholder was Louis Mortimer Bloomfield, the powerful Montreal lawyer who represented the Bronfman family as well as serving U.S. intelligence services. Reportedly, Bloomfield established Permindex in 1958 as part of the creation of worldwide trade centers connected with CMC.

According to a special investigation by reporters David Goldman and Jeffrey Steinberg in their 1981 book Dope, Inc.: Britain’s Opium War Against the U.S., Bloomfield was recruited into the British Special Operations Executive (SOE) in 1938, during the war was given rank within the

U.S. Army, and eventually became part of the OSS intelligence system, including the FBI’s Division Five, where he became quite close with J. Edgar Hoover.

Whatever the truth behind Centro Mondiale Commerciale and its companion company Permindex, and their connection to Kennedy’s assassination, the Italian government saw fit to expel both firms in 1962 for subversive activities identical to those in the much-publicized Propaganda-2 (P-2) Masonic Lodge scandal of the Reagan years.

Today it is clear that Clay Shaw was tightly connected to the CIA and intelligence work despite his denials at the time of the Garrison investigation. It is interesting to note that while serving in the U.S. Army during World War II, Shaw worked as aide=de-camp to General Charles O. Thrasher and as a liaison officer to the headquarters of Winston Churchill.

At the time of his arrest in New Orleans by Garrison, Shaw’s personal address book was taken. It revealed the names and contact information of important Europeans, many of them pro-Nazi royalty or Bilderberg members.

Another odd connection was SS Obergruppenführer Karl Wolff , who had headed the Gestapo in Italy. As part of Allen Dulles’s hide-the-Nazi program, Wolff was sentenced to four years’ imprisonment after the war but served only a week.

In 1983, Wolff and some former SS associates gathered in Hamburg on Hermann Göring’s former yacht, Carin II. The boat then belonged to Göring’s widow, Emmy, whose estate attorney was the celebrated Melvin Belli. Belli had also represented the Nazi-connected actor Errol Flynn, as well as Jack Ruby, the man who shot Lee Harvey Oswald.

Even odder is a letter smuggled out of the Dallas County Jail and later bought by early JFK assassination researcher Penn Jones. Written by Oswald’s killer, Jack Ruby, the letter stated, “my time is running out … they plan on doing away with [me].”

Ruby pointed to Lyndon Johnson as one of those behind Kennedy’s death.

On June 7, 1964, Ruby told visiting Chief Justice Earl Warren he wished his commission and President Johnson had, “delved deeper into the situation … not to accept just circumstantial facts about my guilt or innocence, and would have questioned to find out the truth about me before he relinquished certain powers to these certain people… Consequently, a whole new form of government is going to take over our country and I know I won’t live to see you another time.”

To which “certain people” was Ruby referring?


After advising a friend to read J. Evetts Haley’s blistering attack on Johnson, titled A Texan Looks at Lyndon, Ruby wrote from jail, “This man [LBJ] is a Nazi in the worst order.”

“Now, here is the plan, someone must get to England and France and Israel and tell the right people what has happened to the Jews so they can prepare themselves from [sic] the same thing happening there. They will know that only one kind of people that would do such a thing, that would have to be Nazis, and that is who is in power in this country right now,” he added.


Ruby concluded, “The only one who gained by the shooting of the president was Johnson.”
Considering Johnson’s close connections to the Nazi-riddled NASA, perhaps Ruby was not as unhinged as he was portrayed in the media at the time.

One insightful view of the Kennedy assassination, possibly based on inside information, came from Nazi SS officer Helmut Streikher, who worked with both Reinhard Gehlen and Otto Skorzeny as well as for the CIA, including time served under former director George H. W. Bush.


On a CIA assignment in Africa in late 1963, Streikher was quoted as saying:


One of the worst-kept secrets in the [CIA], is the truth about the president’s murder. It wasn’t Castro or the Russians. The men who killed Mr. Kennedy were CIA contract agents. John Kennedy’s murder was a two-part conspiracy murder. One was the action end with the killers; the other was the deeper part, the acceptance and protection of tht murder by the intelligence apparatus that controls the way the world operates. It had to happen. The man was too independent for his own good.

The Chronology of Helmut Streikher

1937: Trained for the Gestapo’s S.S Officers. A graduate of The University of Bonn Germany. Went to Military School at Blutordensberg, located at Vogelsang Castle.

1938: Assigned to Spain to join General Francisco Franco.

1939-1940: In the U.S. he learned English and American customs. His cover was as a German journalist working for Adolf Hitler.

1940-1941: Was with Reinhard Gehlen in Eastern Europe. He will join Gehlen when they are both working for Army intelligence.

1943-1945: Streikher worked with Otto Skorzeny.

1945: May 7, 1945, Streikher surrenders to Allies and is cleared for intelligence, accepted for U.S. Army by October.

1946-1947: He worked for the OSS (Officers of Strategic Services) in Europe, Central Intelligence Group. CIG.

1948-1950: Streikher was stationed in Israel, Greece, Europe, Africa and Middle East. OSS becomes CIA.

1951-1957: CIA assigned back to General Gehlen, now in his German offices of the BND.

1958: In the U.S. Training Army Intelligence offices and CIA.

1958-1961: Helps plan Cuban Invasion. Active in the Bay of Pigs.

1961-1965: He was in Africa, Middle East, and United States on CIA assignment. 1968-1970: Senior Field Agent for CIA. Disguised as a writer.

1971-1973: Back in the United States. Langley, Virginia, training and making plans under assignment.

1974-1977: Under George Bush, director of CIA, Streikher sent to Africa and Middle East.

1978-1980: Contract agent on special assignment for CIA. June 15, 1980 he retired.

Other Known Aliases: U.S. Army officer Captain William Raine, also known as Ross Meyers, Hans Mollof, Karl Rolff, and Mark Schmidt. He had nine other pieces of identification in other names and nationalities, some in the form of passports.

No serious assassination researcher truly believes that Kennedy was killed solely by German Nazis. But, as previously reported, men with Nazi connections—before, during, and after World War II—who were also members of secret societies, were most opposed to Kennedy’s policies. They also had the power and influence to affect such an assassination and certainly were capable of blocking any meaningful investigation—whether by government or the media—right up to today.

It may not be sheer coincidence that the men most closely involved in the Warren Commission investigation of Kennedy’s death were John J. McCloy and Allen Dulles, both men, as we have seen, with close Nazi connections, along with Gerald R. Ford, who was spying on the commission for J. Edgar Hoover.

As noted by Professor Donald Gibson of the University of Pittsburgh:


Both of these men [McCloy and Dulles] had always been the Establishment’s men in government; they were not the government’s men in the Establishment… When McCloy served as a high commissioner in Germany or as president of the World Bank or as a member of the so-called Warren Commission, he did so as a servant of that ruling elite.


His most extensive ties to that elite were to various Rockefeller family interests. The other leading figure on that commission, McCloy’s longtime close friend Allen Dulles, was also a man of the Establishment, even though his name is almost always associated with the CIA.

In his 1994 book Battling Wall Street: The Kennedy Presidency, Gibson made a cogent argument that the primary factor behind the JFK assassination was that he was at loggerheads with the Wall Street Establishment, those same globalist financiers who first promoted communism and then National Socialism.

Prior to the Reagan administration, the Senate Committee on Governmental Affairs in 1980 produced a study titled “Structure of Corporate Concentration.”


Gibson described it as, “the most thorough investigation of institutional stockholders and of connections among boards of directors that has ever been done” and wrote, “The basic conclusions [of this study] are concise and quite straightforward: financial institutions, part of, or extensively interrelated with, the Morgan-Rockefeller complex, are the dominant force in the economy.”

One example Gibson offered was that the, “board of directors of Morgan included individuals serving on the boards of 31 of the top 100 firms. Citicorp was directly tied to 49 top companies, and Chase Manhattan, Chemical Bank, and Metropolitan Life each had 24 other top companies represented on their boards.


These and a multitude of other overlaps among the top 100 firms provides a dense network of relationships reinforced by frequent ties through private clubs, educational background, marriages, and membership in organizations such as the Council on Foreign Relations and the Business Council.”

After detailing how Kennedy sought to deny total control to this nexus of globalists, Gibson stated:


President Kennedy’s commitment to science, technology, and economic progress had led him to adopt policies that were vehemently attacked by people in and around the Morgan-Rockefeller complex.

It was less than two hours after Kennedy was shot—at a time when the Dallas police were unsure of Oswald’s identity, since he carried identification in the names of two different persons—that J. Edgar Hoover wrote:


I called the Attorney General at his home and told him I thought we had the man who killed the President down in Dallas.

FBI documents released in 1977 stated that Hoover had concluded that Lee Harvey Oswald was the assassin and was “a mean-minded individual … in the category of a nut.”


The evening of the assassination, Hoover told Lyndon Johnson’s aide Walter Jenkins, “The thing I am concerned about … is having something issued so we can convince the public that Oswald is the real assassin.”

Within days of Kennedy’s death, the same forces opposing his policies began to promulgate the official theory for his death—a lone assassin suffering a “strain of madness and violence” fired at the president from the sixth floor of a book warehouse, striking him twice out of three shots fired within six seconds, despite the fact that the target was 265 feet away, moving laterally and downhill away from the shooter, and an evergreen tree obscured the line of sight.


“Within a couple of days, Alan Belmont of the FBI was pushing the ‘Oswald did it alone’ conclusion and shortly thereafter McCloy and Dulles were settling the dust with the same conclusion,” wrote Gibson.

Based on White House telephone transcripts released only thirty years after the assassination, Gibson noted a cohesive effort on the part of prominent people to push for a presidential commission that would cement the lone-assassin theory:

Between November 25th and 28th, LBJ was transformed from opponent of to promoter of a commission. It is clear that a number of people acted to bring about this change. [Dean of Yale Law School] Eugene Rostow brought up the idea initially, to both [presidential special assistant] Bill Moyers and [deputy attorney general Nicholas] Katzenbach.


Rostow discussed this with at least one unidentified person in the minutes immediately following Oswald’s death. [Journalist] Joseph Alsop applied pressure to LBJ less than 24 hours later. If Alsop is to be believed, and there is no reason to doubt this, Dean Acheson was also involved in developing and promoting the idea [Also said he had discussed the matter with Acheson apparently in an effort to impress Johnson that high-level people thought well of the idea of a commission]. Other immediate supporters appear to include both [Washington Post managing editor] Alfred Friendly and [Post owner] Katherine Graham.

“The venue for the McCloy-Dulles work was the [Warren] Commission created at the instigation of Rostow, Alsop, and Acheson. The cover-up was essentially an operation of private power based in the East Coast Establishment,” Gibson concluded, adding the Warren Commission was “essentially an Establishment cover-up. Only an Establishment network could … reach into the media, the CIA, the FBI, the military (control of [JFK’s] autopsy), and other areas of the government.”

And, as has been seen, the inner-core U.S. establishment was filled with supporters of National Socialism, just as they had supported communism before that.


This global elite was working to lay the groundwork for their New World Order – worldwide socialism broken into three economic blocs to be played against each other for profit and control.

With the assassination of 1963 and its subsequent cover-up, the globalists, who first created communism and then National Socialism, had finally gained a new empire, a Fourth Reich.


Only this time, it was in North America.

Click here for Rise of the 4th Reich – Part 3

By Rory

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