Pyramid Power & the 5th Element
There is a virtuous woman (Proverbs 31) – who is untouchable (Revelation 12). And there is a murderous whore – that will be burned with fire (Revelation 18). There is…
Yeshua is regathering His remnant...
There is a virtuous woman (Proverbs 31) – who is untouchable (Revelation 12). And there is a murderous whore – that will be burned with fire (Revelation 18). There is…
The encampment of Israel in the Wilderness in Numbers chapter two is a reflection of the heavenly court.Levi is encamped at the centre around the tabernacle with the 12 tribes…
Amalek is;Edom’s Grandson (see Article ‘Edom & the Church‘) Head (first) of the Nations (Top Dog) Amalek is part of the Red Leviathan dragon (red=edom)– because he is one with…
Careless Christian, Jewish & Pagan Borg drones. You have been assimilated… ‘Borgification’ is a term I have invented to describe the process of removing people’s ability to think and walk…
The battle for the promised land is the battle for Eden. The Area bounded between the Egyptian Nile River and on through the land of Israel to the the Euphrates…
Article 20101021 Who is Edom?Edom and Israel are twins with two very different but entwined destinies. Many Christians mistakenly assume Edom is an Arab. see the following for more… see…
Article 20110109 Who is Ishmael? The Arabs The Arabs… These and other questions and answers coming soon. Ishmael’s Descendants Abraham was promised a son by יהוה. However his faith was…
REBUILDING THE REICH, AMERICAN-STYLE, with Kennedy dead and Lyndon B. Johnson in the White House, the Nazification of the United States moved ahead largely unhindered.
THE HIDDEN HISTORY OF THE THIRD REICH. THE RATLINES. Considering the vast economic resources at their disposal—especially if they held dark secrets concerning advanced technology such as tactical nukes, flying…
THE HIDDEN HISTORY OF THE THIRD REICH. A NEW REICH BEGINS. Following the armistice of 1918, which ended World War I, German soldiers returned home, to a country economically devastated…