The encampment of Israel in the Wilderness in Numbers chapter two is a reflection of the heavenly court.
Levi is encamped at the centre around the tabernacle with the 12 tribes surrounding Levi and the tabernacle in 4 encampments.

The Church is the Tabernacle spiritually speaking. Levi ministers in the tabernacle. Thus the Church is at the very centre of what the God of Israel is doing, it is at the centre of his plan.

We will look at the encampments and Levi in particular and finally what role Levi will play in helping the bride make herself ready. The Church will have it’s ultimate test and triumph midway through the 7 year tribulation.

  • The Torah and the Temple are a pattern of heavenly things.
  • In the Wilderness the Israelites encamped around the tabernacle.
  • There are 4 Israelite encampments.
  • These correspond to the 4 Cherubim.
  • But there is a 5th encampment – Levi.These minister within the tabernacle.
  • The Tabernacle is a picture of the Church.Levi battles with Pharaoh’s Serpents.Levi will help the Bride make herself ready.

The Church, Adat Israel, at the centre of the encampment

In the article titled the ‘Image of God‘ we have seen that Israel is more related to the masculine side of the image of God, Adam, and is symbolised as the 12 loaves of Shewbread.  And by comparison in the Article titled ‘The Church & Israel‘ we see how the ‘Church’, ‘Adat Israel‘ is represented by the Menorah and it has more of a feminine quality to it. And we see that the feminine bride came from Israel. Just as Eve was formed from a rib from Adam’s side so the Church, Adat Israel was formed from Israel. This is why Israel had to be asleep during the formation of the bride. Read those two articles above for more on this. You should understand the relationship between the Church and Israel. 

Now let us look at how the Church, ‘Adat Israel‘ which is made up of Jew and Gentile will reign with Messiah Yeshua over Israel at His return. We will look at the ‘Adat Israel’ positionally as pillar and ground of the truth. 

We are told that our bodies are the temple of the Holy Spirit.

What? know ye not that your body is the temple of the Holy Ghost which is in you, which ye have of God, and ye are not your own?  

1 Corinthians 6:19

And we are also told that collectively the various members of the body of Messiah are built into a holy temple.

20 And are built upon the foundation of the apostles and prophets, Jesus Christ himself being the chief corner stone; 21 In whom all the building fitly framed together groweth unto an holy temple in the Lord: 22 In whom ye also are builded together for an habitation of God through the Spirit. 

Ephesians 2:20-22

From whom the whole body fitly joined together and compacted by that which every joint supplieth, according to the effectual working in the measure of every part, maketh increase of the body unto the edifying of itself in love. 

Ephesians 4:16

The Physical location of the physical temple is in Jerusalem in Israel. And Jerusalem is actually in Benjamin’s territory between Judah in the South and Ephraim in the North. So it is a central location! And we see that the tabernacle was also centrally located amongst the 12 tribes when they encamped in the wilderness after the exodus. 

According to the book of Numbers chapter two there are four encampments of three tribes each that surround a fifth encampment at the centre where the tabernacle is situated. So there were 3×4=12 tribes encamped around the tabernacle in with Levi as the 13th tribe at the centre with the tabernacle. See the end of the article ‘The Mission of Ben Adam‘ for details of the encampment.

Because the Church is associated with the temple we can see how the Church is centrally located in God’s plan of redemption. It is at the centre of the 12 tribes, like the heart is at the centre of our body. Now this is a picture of the placement of the Church,  the ‘congregation of Israel‘,  ‘Adat Israel‘, ืขื“ืช ื™ืฉื‚ืจืืœ, during the reign of Messiah on Earth.

Pentecost, the Fourth feast

The ‘Church Age’ is a Pentecostal work (see ‘Rapture‘ article). Pentecost occurred on a Sunday, it was a ‘Sunday work’ (This does not mean that the Sabbath is on Sunday). During Pentecost two loaves were baked with leaven and waved before the Lord. Thus the Pentecostal period of grace is a leavened work. There is sin amongst it. 

The fourth feast, Pentecost is related to the ‘Church Age’. It is related to the pouring out of God’s spirit because the Church age began with the outpouring of the Holy Spirit during Pentecost in Acts chapter 2. 

It is also related to God’s plans for the tribe of Joseph and by extension, for God’s plans for the nations via Joseph’s seed, the lost tribes headed by Ephraim and Manasseh. It was Joseph who fed the Egyptians and the nations during the famine. Joseph also fed His brothers, the sons of Israel. Joseph fed the nations with grain. This is a picture of the word of God, the bread of life. Symbolically speaking, when Israel is out of the land, during the dispersion (Galut), Joseph feed’s the nations. This has been fulfilled during the Church age through the seed of Joseph scattered amongst the nations over this period. Many of the seed of Joseph have been the driving force for most of the Church age. Even so, it has been a leavened work. Sin is amongst it all including the anti-nomian, (lawless / torahless) tendencies.

During this period of time God has been building a ‘Church’, actually he has been building ‘Adat Israel’ the bride of the Messiah. He has been building it in Lawless Gentile darkness while Israel has been effectively put to sleep just like Adam was and a bride was formed from a rib taken from his side. See the article ‘The Church & Israel‘ for more details on this. 

Interestingly in Hebrew the word for ‘four’, arbah, is related to the word for ‘multiply’, rav, as in ‘reproduction’. This makes sense since during this period Yeshua has been building a church Adat Israel bride from the multiplied seed of the sons of Joseph and the lost tribes (and the nations too). Joshua the son of Nun was from Ephraim (son of Joseph) and he is a foreshadow or type of the Messiah. The Hebrew word ‘Nun’ is related to the idea of fishing and perpetuity. The seed of Joseph and Israel multiplied like fish. Yeshua made his disciples fishers of men. This is related to the Age of Pieces. Again this is related to the biblical ages not some new age spin on the matter. See Article on ‘The Rapture‘ about biblical ages.

Joseph’s Dreams & their latter day fulfilment in Israel and the Church

Good Joseph Dreams

Joseph was picture of the suffering Messiah. Joseph was a dreamer. Joseph was the youngest child at the time he had a dream of his ascendance over his brethren. He was the first born son of Rachel the wife that Jacob loved but had trouble baring children. His younger brother Benjamin, also a son of Rachel, had not been born yet. At the time of His dream Rueben, the firstborn son of the first wife, Lea had sinned a great sin sexually by going to his father’s wife’s maidservant Zilpah’s bed! He thus lost the right of firstborn. The right of the firstborn was thus transferred to the firstborn of the second wife as the Torah later stipulated, Deut 21:15.

In Genesis 37 we read that Joseph had two dreams. The first was the brothers binding sheaves of wheat and their sheaves bowing down to Joseph’s sheave. The second dream was of the Sun Moon and 11 Stars bowing down before him. According to Jacob’s interpretation the Sun represents the Father, the Moon, the mother and the 11 stars the brothers. These two dreams were a witness because testimony is by two or three witnesses. The brothers were jealous and sold Joseph to the Egyptians. This is a picture of the betrayal of the Messiah. And it is the same reason the lost tribes are lost, not only for their idolatry but more centrally because of the hardness of heart of Judah, 1 Kings 12. Moses prayed that the Lord would turn Judah’s heart towards his brethren (and by extension towards the Messiah when he came as the suffering son of Joseph).

Anyway the point is that first dream was earthly (agricultural), and the second dream was heavenly (sun, moon & stars). First comes the natural and then the spiritual, 1 Cor 15:44,46. Both allude to the Moadim, the Hebrew feasts which revolve around the Agricultural cycle of Harvest, Lev 23, and are determined by the sun, moon & stars, Gen 1:14.

The seven feasts (Moadim) of the Lord listed in Leviticus 23. (Listed here with Hebrew then English names).

  1. Pesach – Passover
  2. Matzot – Unleavened Bread
  3. Bicurim – Firstfruits
  4. Shavuotย  – Pentecost
  5. Yom Teruah / Rosh Hashannah – Trumpets
  6. Yom Kippur – Atonement
  7. Sukkot – Tabernacles

Prophetically the first 3 feasts herald the first coming of the Lord to pay the bridal price & the last 3 fasts concern his return & the bride making herself ready. Pentecost is the 4th or middle feast and heralds the ingathering of the wheat. And that is what the last two thousand years of the Church age have been about. Pentecost occurs 50 after days Passover and the period is called ‘the of counting the Omer’, a sort of countdown. The omer is actually an agricultural term related to the bundles of wheat that Joseph saw in his dream. During Pentecost two loaves of wheat are waved before the Lord signifying a Leavened work that is still accepted before the Lord. Pentecost biblically occurs on a Sunday. It is a Sunday work (this does not mean the Sabbath is Sunday but it does mean that Pentecost is about a New Creation, the 8th day). This is all prophetically related to the church, Adat Israel, and what God has been doing these past 2000 years. See ‘The Rapture‘ article for details.

The 2000 years of the Messiah during the leavened (contains sin) Church Age is particularly symbolised prophetically by the centre feast, Pentecost. Pentecost is related to the gathering in of the wheat, the tribes of Israel and in particular to the 10 lost tribes and the sons of Joseph in Particular. Pentecost is related also to the birth of the ‘Manchild‘ in Revelation 12.

All seven feasts are related to the Church due to the relationship between them and the seven Churches of Revelation 2 and 3 and the seven branched Menorah.

And the Church is related to the tabernacle at the centre of the encampment. It is similar to but spiritually higher than the Priest hood of Levi. Although this will only be seen at the resurrection of the believers and their return with the Messiah, Yeshua from on high when he takes this world by right and by force in accordance with the prophetic time clock of the Hebrew feasts and biblical Hebrew Calendar.

Levi and the 5th Encampment

Levi is right at the centre of the Israelite encampment. If the 12 tribes are arranged around the four sides of the tabernacle as in Numbers chapter two then Levi is with the tabernacle. If the 12 tribes are arranged in four encampments then Levi forms the 5th encampment.

The heavenly court has it’s court officials. Caesar had his and Pharaoh had his ones including military men and magicians. And Lawyers and scribes are not far from the reigns of power either (God save us!). 

We know that Satan, the accuser of the brethren stands before the Lord accusing believers, Revelation 12:10.

So Satan contests everything that Israel does. And he opposes members of the Body of Messiah. 

Why is he at the centre of things? Who let the snake slither in under the door? What is a dragon doing in the throne room?

The Dragon is there to guard something, like a royal cup bearer. His job was oversight of God’s house, just like Levi. Satan is well versed in law because that was his job. And like the Levitical sons of Korah he was a singer, Ezekiel 28:13. Except Satan became corrupted by his own perfection of beauty and lust for power and fame (Ezekiel 28:15-16, Isaiah 14:12-15). He became ‘Leviathan’ the twisting, piercing serpent, Isaiah 27:1. He twists things, he pierces, he hurts. The article ‘The 5th Cherub‘ deals with the origins of Satan.

The constellation Draco at the centre of the North pole is a picture of the heavenly courtroom scene. See the illustration further down this page for details. This Zodiac map with Draco at the centre and the 12 signs around the outside is a heavenly representation of the Israelite encampment in Numbers chapter 2. Indeed the Israelite encampment is a picture of the Heavenly court. 

The tribe of Levi essentially performs the same role of guarding the throne, protecting the Law, teaching the Law from a heavenly spiritual perspective, guiding the children of Israel as a mother. Judah meanwhile is more related to the details of Torah and how to make it work in the real physical world. But there is some crossover between the two. Yeshua is the perfect priest-king of a higher order, the ‘order of Melchizedek’ through the power of an endless life, Hebrews 7:16-17.  

The tribe of Levi is at the centre of the Lord’s court as his ministers, his court officials. Within the tribe of Levi, the line of Aaron and his sons beginning with Itamar and Eleazar are the Priests. The common Levites minister to the people but the Priests minister to the Lord. They are his in a special way. But they do not have their own tribal land, only cities.

If the table of Shew bread depicts the 12 tribes of Israel, then the 4 legs represent the four cherubim encampments. Then where is Levi, the 13th tribe on the table? Levi is what binds the tribes/loaves together, Levi is represented by the vertical supports that hold the loaves. Alternatively Levi is related to the various jugs and accessories.ย 

12 signs of ‘Zodiac’ = 12 tribes Israel

Just as Israel was encamped below at mt Sinai in Numbers chapter 2 so Israel is encamped in the heavenly realm. 

In Genesis 1:14 we are told that the Lord made the sun, moon & stars for times and seasons (moadim).

The Zodiac has been pilfered and abused by the pagan religions of the world but it actually is derived from a biblical understanding. The sun passes through 12 constellations during the course of a year. These 12 constellations represent the 12 tribes of Israel. They also are related to the 12 months of the year and the biblical age (See ‘Rapture‘ article).

Of special note are the 4 signs;

  • Leo
  • Taurus
  • Aquarias
  • Scorpio

These signs are actually equally separated by two signs (= two tribes) in between. Leo Taurus, Aquarius & Scorpio are related to the four tribes and four cherubim as follows.


Judah the Lion & Joseph the Ox

There are many references in scripture to the tribe of Judah being related to the Lion (Genesis 49:9) and Joseph to the Ox (Deuteronomy 33:17). It is beyond the scope of this article to go into all the tribes and which constellation represents them. Suffice to say that it is very interesting and confirms scripture in a marvellous way! Israel’s destiny is written in the Word and in the stars. And one day Israel shall be like the stars for multitude! Our calling is a truly heavenly calling! And our calling also entails the possession of Israel and the entire earth under Messiah Yeshua at His glorious return.

Dan the Eagle?

The only sign that seems out of place is Scorpio because it does not seem to be directly related to Dan or the Eagle. But it is. Within the same sector as Scorpio is Serpens and Ophicus. Serpens means serpent and we know that;ย 

“Dan is a serpent by the way striking the horse and the rider”

Genesis 49:17

And Ophicus is sometimes pictured as an Eagle but more often as a man with one foot on Scorpio and while struggling with Serpens.

From Dan came Samson (which means ‘Sun’) who fought the Philistines but also fell. He is a picture of the Messiah. And he pulls down the two pillars of Satan’s counterfeit Kingdom.

Dan shall judge his brethren, Gen 49:16.

Dan has some contradictory aspects to his nature and a strong tendency towards idolatry (serpens). But He also has a tribal allotment in the Millennium (Ezekiel 48) and is not cut off as a tribe even though he is not listed as part of the 144,000. 

Dan was situated in the North and guards the North and the evil that stems from Mt Hermon where the watches came down from. Mt Hermon is at 33 degrees latitude and 33 degrees longitude according to the Paris meridian. It is where the watches will again return. It is related to Mt Sion as opposed to Mt Zion. Dan guards that area.

May the mighty God of Heaven, the God of Israel, that heard the cry of blinded Samson be with Dan and give him victory in his struggle. May the Lord God of Israel hear him when he calls upon his name. May he forgive his idolatry when he truly repents. And may he have a portion amongst the children of Israel. May he judge Israel in righteousness even as he is judged.

Reuben is Aquarius?

Rueben = Aquarius, the water carrier

Reuben is described as a man unstable as water (Genesis 49:4) and thus the association with the man carrying a pitcher of water (Luke 22:10) which is the sign Aquarius.

Reuben has great searchings of heart (Judges 5:15-16) and is associated with wisdom. 

In the northern hemisphere the Sun is in Aquarius during the winter rains in Israel when the bulk of the rain comes. Thus Reuben/Aquarius is related again to water. 

Due to Precession of the Equinoxes over 2160 years the signs have shifted by one sign.

Due to the precession of the Equinoxes we are gradually shifting towards the ‘Age of Aquarius’ which is related to the water flowing out of the temple (Ezekiel 47) / belly (John 7:38) during theย millennialย reign of Messiah. For more on the ‘Precession of the Equinoxes’ and biblical ages please read the article titled ‘The Rapture‘.

4 Cherubim 4 anything

We see that the design of the Tabernacle with 4 encampments match with the biblical interpretation of the 12 signs of the Zodiac representing the 12 tribes with Leo, Taurus, Aquarius, Scorpio.

This pattern extends to any biblical group of four.

  • 4 Directions NSEW
  • 4 encampments
  • 4 Cherubim
  • 4 Seasons
  • 4 Species (Tabernacles)
  • 4 Gospels

It also extends to physical reality including physics. There are 4 primary forces that Bind the universe together.

  • Strong Nuclear force
  • Weak Nuclear force
  • Electromagnetic force
  • Gravitation force

The Lord is economic or thrifty when it comes to designing the universe and the rules that govern it. The tabernacle design applies to the human body as well as to the heavens. So the fingerprint of God is in creation on multiple levels and the building plans are in the Torah. The way the heavens appear to rotate around the earth from an earthly observers point of view is also encoded in scripture with regard to the four Cherubim and the Hebrew Calendar. The four Cherubim are also related to the four primary forces that bind the lower physical universe together.

Looking at the Israelite encampment with the tabernacle in the middle there must be a 5th force that binds the other four together. This will be related to spin, because the 12 tribed Zodiac (Biblical Mazaroth) and the 4 Cherubim spin around the celestial North. The actual axis of the yearly Spin of the stars is about the throne of God in the utmost parts of the North, Isaiah 14:13. And overseeing the throne is Draco which represents Levi and sadly a corrupt dragon Satan as accuser of the brethren. Satan’s place at the centre as accuser before the throne is temporary and he will soon be cast out along with his angels, Rev 12, many of whom will be of the order of the Seraphim (thankfully they were not all corrupted and still sing holy holy holy, Isaiah 6:2-3). So it is about this axis that the 4 forces will spin. And this axis is the 5th force that is the essence of the 4 and animates and is animated by and for them.

It should be no surprise then that spin creates a vortex, a whirl wind and that this whirl wind comes from the 5th force and is the channel by which the throne of God and chariot (‘merkavah’) is animated and crosses the dimensions. And since the centre of the whirl wind is the axis of the 5th force then this in a sense is a calm place which is at rest from movement even though it creates movement -just like the eye of the storm is calm. It could be implied that this central pivot of the vortex is the key to motion and non motion and will surely be the key toย anti-gravity because it is a force that controls gravity as one of the 4 underlying forces.

5th force Spinning out of control

Any lie can be crafted by Photoshop or the Government

As bizarre as it may seem to some, this knowledge may have already been harnessed and would explain a lot of the flying saucer phenomena that have appeared after World War 2. It is the opinion of this author that anti gravity devices had already been developed towards the end of World War 2. We have been conditioned by popular media including books and movies that this sort of physics or technology is only the stuff of science fiction with only aliens from outer space or people from the distant future having such craft. The development of such things may be a lot more earthly and related to the spiritual conflict between Israel and her enemies. There is a great deal of evidence that the NAZI’s were working on this type of thing and perfected crude flying saucer devices but they were not able to use them as effective weapons platforms at that time. After the War they continued working on them within the USA and elsewhere. They would have used some sort of electromagnetic toroid (doughnut shaped) coil to induce this 5th force via a spinning electromagnetic field. Some believe that the element mercury was used at the centre of the craft. The NAZI U-boats were carrying unusually large quantities of such material apparently.

Thus the flying saucer propulsion of Sci-fi may really be the way to fly and even cross the barriers of space instantaneously, defy Gravity and even move through time tunnels (because time is an aspect of matter as part of space-time). The flying saucers that buzzed Washington DC in 1952 not too long after WW2 were possibly the creation of the NAZI Amalekite ‘Dragons’ of the 3rd Reich that understood these principles. Their craft would have been based on the creation and manipulation of this 5th force spin principle via toroidal electromagnetism, which is one of the four forces. Even the Swastika alludes to this as it is made of 4 L shapes (an L-cross) that spin about a centre that governs them. All of these four forces can interact with one another and with the 5th force. But the 5th force has oversight and greater control of the others even as the apex of the square based pyramid is directly connected to all four base corners that are below it.

Amalek (the NAZI’s) is related to Draco as Satan’s Serpentine firstborn head of the 70 nations, Num 24:20. It should be no surprise that Gog in Ezekiel 38:15 comes from the North at the time that the 10 lost tribes of the Israel are regathered because Gog is related to Amalek in the sense that the city called ‘Hamon-Gog’ is built to facilitate the burial of the multitudes of Gog. ‘Hamon-Gog’ is an Anagram of ‘Haman’ the ‘Agagite’ who was from Amalek. For a few more details about this read the article titled ‘Manchild‘, under the subheading ‘Gog & Magog’. 

When Levi lives, then Israel lives. And when Israel lives, the House of David lives. And when David lives, Amalek dies. Praise Yahweh. Amalek needs a break from ruling, he’s earned it. But I digress.

Satan’s seed represented by Milky way

The Serpent Dragons of Levi contend with those of Pharoah, Exodus 7:9,10.

Satan’s seed is represented visually in the night sky by the Milky way galaxy’s main belt of stars which appears as a dragon swallowing it’s tail called the ‘Ouroboros’. This passes through the 12 signed Zodiac (Israel).

Draco = Dragon. The constellation Draco is just beside the pole star above the North pole. This Celestial North is actually the centre of the Zodiac because it is the pivot or axis on which the earth rotates and traces the path of the sun through the ecliptic (the Zodiac). The temple is at the centre of the conflict.

See the article titled ‘Battle for Eden‘ under the sub heading ‘Eden & the Cosmic Dispute’ for more on the evil Serpent going through the midst of Israel and even into the holy place of the temple.

Levi & the Awakening

Timelapse exposure – Stars spinning about Polaris pol star

The Northern Hemisphere and the stars revolve around the North star where ‘Draco’ sits accusing the brethren, Rev 12:10. In Zechariah 3:1-2 we have Satan accusing the Levitical priest Yeshua (Joshua) before the very angel of the Lord (Pre-incarnate Mashiach & Son of God). Thus Levi and the Dragon duke it out in the 5th encampment where the tabernacle and throne is located.

The 5th force is the bridge between the lower dimensions and the upper dimensions because that is what Levi is all about as the 5th encampment, the Lord in Heaven’s ministers on earth. Our understanding of the Physical laws of the universe are beginning to touch the face of God by discovering the fundamental laws that are set in motion from a higher realm and accord with what the word of God has already stated. Even the idea that there is a concept called the ‘fabric of space’ accords with what the word says, Isaiah 42:5; 45:12; Jeremiah 10:12. Levi is also about the ‘word’ which is a vibration. Thus matter is really a vibration caused by a perturbation in a pond, the ‘fabric’ of ‘space time’. String Theory (Physics) is the theory that all subatomic particles are formed by vibrating strings of energy, this is in accordance with John 1:1 because the word is a vibrating string. Levi is also a singer so the music of the spheres and harmonics will play a part in the 5th force since Levi is at the central 5th encampment, 2 Chron 29:30. Thus all of creation is a symphony. Creation is maintained moment by the living Word through a living song, Hebrews 1:3.

Obviously when the Levitical Priesthood (Cohenim) are awakened we will be moving into a very different age where the heavenly realm becomes far more tangible. See the Article ‘Raising Lazarus HaCohen‘ for more on the raising of the Priesthood. 

What ‘New Agers’ talk about as the ‘Omega Point’ or ‘raising of planetary consciousness’ of humanity is really just God pouring out His Spirit on all flesh, Joel 2:30-32 and is related to the regathering of Israel and the Raising up of the Levitical Priesthood and the House of David. It will be a period of uncleanness and blood flow, where both Israel and the Nations are cut down to size. It will be a new beginning which will usher in the period that will lead to the rebuilding of last days Babylon as well as Israel and the temple and sacrifices. And this in turn will lead to the AntiChrist and the Bride making herself ready (and the whore of Babylon becoming the mother of Harlots and abominations of the earth).

Levi & the Dragon

Of course the tribe of Levi is taken out from having an earthly inheritance with it’s own tribal land. And so God has made them His ministers and Priests (sons of Aaron). They minister in the tabernacle/temple at the centre of the tribal encampment. They represent the 5th Cherub and are associated with the bride of the Messiah because they minister in the temple which is a picture of the body/bride of the Messiah.

The North is associated with God’s throne.  It is here where he is depicted as the old Dragon contends with us as the accuser of the brethren. Revelation 12:9, 20:2.

And it is here where Levi sits at the House of God and contends for Israel offering prayers on behalf of God’s people. This is part of the meaning of Moses/Aarons rod becoming a serpent and devouring Pharaoh. It is a picture of Israel triumphing over her enemy and in particular of the Levitical priesthood triumphing over Satan/Pharaoh’s wicked magician/priests. It is a picture of God’s word triumphing over Satan and ultimately of the Messiah Yeshua triumphing over him. Remember too that Yeshua was lifted up like a serpent. Numbers 21:8, John 3:14. The serpent represents sin, but it also represents priesthood and kingship. We see the priesthood side of the serpent in the picture of the rod of Aaron/Moses turning into a serpent (and Rod in Hebrew also means tribe). 

This may all sound strange to the ears of someone with traditional Christian teaching on the serpent. The traditional teaching is of course correct, the serpent is a picture of sin, but there is just a little more to it that’s all. So there is an aspect of the serpent in leadership, both priesthood and kingship. But of course true leadership is servant leadership under the Messiah and obedient to his word (including Torah). And we know that wickedness and sin is also depicted as a serpent. So there is a positive and negative sense of the serpent. The Messiah who’s name Mashiach is numerically the same as the word for serpent, nachash (=358) became sin and is pictured as a brazen serpent lifted on a pole. This is a picture of sin and priest and king and death all at the same time. And the ones that looked upon the dead serpent lived. Praise the Lord!

Levi’s Fiery Ways 

Levitical High Priest

Getting back to Levi, his job is to pray on behalf of the children of Israel and to teach the Torah. The bible teaches us to be as wise as serpents but as harmless as doves. So wisdom is related to serpents. However they are not harmless creatures. And sadly Levi has a cruelty in Him that has to be dealt with. The Lord even used his cruelty to kill the 3000 sinners in the camp. But that doesn’t mean that we should be cruel even if we are from Levi, Colossians 3:8, Ephesians 4:31.  Non of us are above the Law. And the Law of kindness is something we should all pursue, especially Levi and those with similar judgemental natures like Simeon and Dan. Let those that are judgemental not forget mercy, Matthew 7:1-2, Proverbs 3:3, Proverbs 31:9. And let those that are merciful not forget righteous judgement, John 7:24, James 2:8-13.  And let us all thank God that Mercy triumphs over judgement. It was cruel envy and a lack of mercy that led Joseph to a pit and slavery in Egypt. And it was a lack of love that led to Yeshua’s betrayal by the worldly religious leaders of his day.

The purpose of Levi, to attach, Genesis 29:34, which is the meaning of his name, Levi (to attach to me). This can be in the sense of bringing bride to the groom and men to God etc. Levi was the third son Born to Jacob and Lea. Both Levi and Simeon (the second born) were of a hot fiery temperament and their cruelty really upset Jacob and he cursed their cruelty, Genesis 49:7. They had slaughtered the town of Shechem because their sister ‘Dinah‘ (which means ‘judgement‘) had been raped. Nevertheless their judgement was correct and Jacob did not argue with why they had done it but was afraid of reprisal. Later Levi’s hatred of wrong was used by the Lord and He made them his personal ministers and servants. Levi’s quick temper was used for good (but evil lurks there too).

The Levitical Priesthood of Aaron bore the responsibility for Israel upon their shoulders and chest. This was literally displayed on the garments of the high priest with six tribal names written on a stone stone on the left shoulder and the other six on the right,ย Exodus 28:10.ย Also the names were written on 12 gemstones on the front of his garment,ย Exodus 39:14.ย 

Levi’s Serpentine Nature

Levi’s cruelty was turned greatly into good due to his tremendous Zeal for the Lord and love of the Truth.  

Levi’s zeal and fiery temperament found it’s place in the Lord’s service and he was given the ‘Fire offerings’, Joshua 13:14.

Let’s look at the hints of Aaron’s serpent like nature. 

Aaron’s Rod became a serpent, Exodus 7:8-21. The Hebrew words for ‘Rod’, ‘shevet’, ‘matai’ also means ‘tribe’. So Aarons rod represents Aaron and Levi and by extension all Israel.

Priestly breastplate, ‘Choshen‘ plate,  ื—ึนืฉึถืืŸ, anagram of ‘Nachash’, ื ึธื—ึธืฉื 

– ‘serpent’.

The high priest wore a chequered tunic visually similar to snake skin. These are the colours and patterns of royalty in a similar way that Joseph and Tamar’s multi coloured garments were tokens of their Royal first born standing. 

The reason snakes have patterned scale decorations is that it is a hint at their once royal nature. Though now they are low and cursed. The natural fallen reptilian animal order is a picture of the fallen spiritual serpent Satan and fallen and cursed nature itself. During the Millennium snakes will do no harm on the Holy mountain of the Lord, Isaiah 65:25, Isaiah 11:8. A true Priest and Levite should be a man of peace. In fact the grandson of Aaron the priest was given the covenant of Peace. Ironically he obtained that by killing two wicked people who committed fornication, one Israelite and one Midianitess.

When the Israelites complained against the Lord one time too often he sent fiery serpents upon them – Seraphim Nachashim. Serpents and fire and poison are closely related. The Seraphim are a class of angel that literally burn and are related to the serpent. They fly or hover above the throne of God and sing holy, holy, holy, is the Lord of Hosts, Isaiah 6:2-3. 

Fire offerings were performed with brass instruments and the brazen (brass) altar. The Hebrew word for brass is ‘Nechoshet’, This is related to ‘Nachash’, ื ึธื—ึธืฉื – ‘serpent’. The main metal in the alloy brass is copper. Interestingly one of the principle uses of copper is as copper wire for electrical wiring and heating. Wire is long and ‘snake like’. And the conduction of energy and information is one of the chief purposes of copper and copper wire. And Levi was used to transmit the Torah and represents the vital energy of the Spirit and God of Israel the creator and sustainer of all. 

Joseph got the right of Firstborn in terms of many blessings including a large posterity. Levi has a connection to Joseph with regard to the status of firstborn because the Levites were taken to be the Lord’s ministers in place of the firstborn of every family of every tribe. In this way Levi got a portion of the spiritual firstborn blessings. 

Now Levi and the Priesthood will soon be awakened from their slumber.ย If Israel is sleeping like Adam then so is the Levitical Priesthood while a Bride is taken from Israel’s side.ย John the baptist was actually a Levitical Priest from the course of Abijah, Luke 1:5. And his fiery nature and zeal were used to prepare the way of the Lord as the voice crying in the wilderness. He paid for his devotion with his life at the hands of the Edomite usurper King who had his head cut off. (In the future the Lord shall visit this sin upon Edom’s descendants to the full).ย 

Serpent Qualities in other tribes

Some of the tribes of Israel were particularly about judgement. Thes were Simeon, Levi, and Dan. Also the House of David within Judah was noted for it’s bloodshed also, 1 Samuel 18:7, 2 Samuel 16:7.

We see the kingship side in the House of David in the prophecy regarding Hezekiah. The House of David is from Judah and Judah is the Lion. But the House of David is more than a Lion, it is a serpent as we shall see here.

Isaiah 14:29
Rejoice not thou, whole Palestina, because the rod of him that smote thee is broken: for out of the serpent’s root shall come forth a cockatrice, and his fruit shall be a fiery flying serpent.

In context this is a prophecy about the son (Hezekiah) of the now dead king of Judah named Uzziah who really upset the Philistines so much with his warfare that they referred to him as a serpent. His son, Hezekiah would be a cockatrice and his seed/fruit would be a fiery flying serpent. Thus the House of David is Dragon like. The are all about warfare. They defend God and Israel. (see gills exposition for more on this).

Joseph’s cup – used to ‘divine’ – Nachash, Nachash in Benjamins Sack. Again the word for Divine is basically the word snake or serpent, Nachash. One of the aspects of the serpent is it’s ability to sense the future to some extent. Thus the gift of prophecy should be no stranger to the House of Aaron, David and Joseph. The sons of Joseph must return to Torah and the tribe of Benjamin will be instrumental in doing this. Benjamin has Joseph’s cup used to ‘divine’. This is not an endorsement of pagan divination but an explanation into the biblical gift of prophecy. True prophets are 100% correct always and always lead us to a right understanding of the word of God. The bible is made up of prophetic books, even Moses was a prophet. There is as yet something missing to the sons of Joseph that his full brother Benjamin has. Benjamin is one of the tribes of the House of Judah, that is, the Jews. Paul the apostle to the gentiles was instrumental in returning the lost tribes back to the Lord through the gospel. But it is only now that the remnant of the Joseph and the rest of Israel is beginning to take Torah seriously. This is because it is time to return back to the land. 

Joseph and Judah have aspects of the serpent within them too because they shall burn up the house of Edom, Obadiah 1:18, like a fire from the dragon’s mouth.

And thus the Messiah has an aspect of the Serpent in his first and second comings. At His first coming he acted as a priest. The offering he brought was himself (Heb 10:5, Psalm 40:6โ€“8) for the salvation of His people and the Gentiles that call upon his name. He offered himself as a serpent lifted up upon a pole, John 3:14-16, Numbers 21:4โ€“9. At his second coming he again has an aspect of the Serpent in that the word of God proceeds out of his mouth like a fiery sword (like a fiery serpent / fire breathing Dragon) to consume the wicked with fire.

So not everything about the serpent is negative. But it is very very dangerous. Our whole struggle down here is really a struggle with the serpent of our flesh nature warring against our spiritual nature. And even Levites have to put to death the lusts of the flesh including anger. We are instructed to put away anger and to be harmless as doves. The restoration of Israel will be by God’s power not the arm of flesh. Only the God of Israel can raise up true judges and restore the Levitical Priesthood. And should the Priesthood do evil, they shall bear their judgement.

Reptilian Brain

Evolutionary theory would try and tell us that the presence of what is called a ‘reptilian brain‘ within mammals including humans is a clue to our reptilian past due to evolution.

However all it proves is a common designer. 
Like Levi in the centre of the encampments guarding what matters most, the tabernacle, so too is that part of the brain, called the ‘reptilian brain’ related to the most primary and necessary things for survival. These include drives for reproduction, aggression (protection), predation (food), basic bodily motor functions, respiration, sleep  etc. 

Levi does this in a spiritual sense in Israel, guarding the things that matter most. Levi preserves and teaches the Torah to Israel and thus preserve their purpose. During war they infuse the army with spiritual guidance and hope, Deut 20. By this means Levi ensures that Israel will be blessed and reproduce. Reproduction is an important part of the ‘reptilian brain’. Thankfully there is more to mankind than just these basic reptilian functions. We are not reptiles, any more than we are Eagles, Lions or the faithful Ox that pulls the plough. We are men and women made in the image of God.

The diagram below shows the Brain Stem in pink, which connects the nerves to the Brain. The nerves are like the Levites that are distributed throughout Israel to transmit the Torah to all the members of the corporate body. The Brain stem itself is more like the Levitical priesthood and interfaces directly with the rest of the brain. The waking sleeping functions of Israel are related to the Pineal gland which represents the third eye (Parietal eye). When Lazarus is woken from the sleep of death in John chapter 11 this is a picture of the awakening of the Levitical Cohenim (Priests). Lazarus name is a Greek form of the Hebrew name Eleazar. Eleazar was also the son of Aaron and leader of the Priesthood. See the Article ‘Raising Lazarus HaCohen‘ for more on this.

The cerebellum (Latin for little brain) is a region of the brain that plays an important role in motor control. It is the little bulge in red under the major bulge of the brain in the picture above. From the sense of the tribes of Israel, Judah is more related to this function in terms of ‘walking out the Torah’, ‘Halacha’, how to put the Laws of Torah into day to day practice, both personally and in terms of government. Biblical Halacha enables the children of Israel to take the land – and keep it! Biblical Halacha kneels before Yeshua as King of the Jews.

So to summarise

  • Levi – Reptilian brain – most vital functions, Torah.
  • Judah – ‘halacha’, practical walking out of Torah (Cerebellum, motor functions). 
  • ‘Ephraim is the Strength of my head’, Psalm 60:7 – higher brain functions.
  • Righteous of the Nations – very specialised brain functions.

Levi and the Brain stem & Nervous System

The Brain stem transmits the will of the head to the rest of the body of Israel via the spinal chord. This is why Levi is distributed amongst  all the tribes, he is the Nervous system and the Priesthood is the Brain Stem connected to the Pineal gland & Parietal eye ‘third eye’. The Pineal gland is related to waking and sleeping functions. Once Israel comes together, and that is all 12 tribes, then Israel will function in a way it has not been able to do for 3000 years! It’s higher spiritual function will begin to kick in as the spiritual light of God’s word and spirit streams into it’s collective consciousness and soul. This will happen with the ‘Raising of Lazarus‘ and the outpouring of God’s spirit on all flesh, Joel 2:30-32, which will precipitate the bloody events of the return of the lost tribes and the establishment of the Kingdom of the House of David.

The Spinal chord appears as a long snake down the body. If Messiah is in heaven then this is like a ladder on which angels (messengers) travel up and down upon it. DNA also has a similar connection due to words encoded on a spiralling staircase.

The Spinal chord looks like the Hebrew letter vav, ื•, and final nun, ืŸ.

Notice that vav has a head on it

Levi is the Vertebra, Backbone, Spinal Chord, Vav of Israel

The name Levi, ืœื•ื™ comes from the word to attach, vav, ื•. Levi Connects Israel to the Lord with regards to the Torah. The name of the Lord, ‘Yahweh’, ื™ื”ื•ื” can be written vertically and it forms the shape of a man. But it requires the spirit of God to make Israel live otherwise they are just dry bones, like the letter of the law. We need God’s spirit to live. And God’s Spirit shall raise Lazarus and all Israel even as Yeshua is the resurrection and sits at the right hand of the Father.

Levi provides the backbone vav, ื•, that connects the head (yod ื™) to the 4 appendages made up of two arms (first ื”) and two legs (last ื”). And importantly Levi enables Israel to procreate as the vav also connects the 5th ‘appendage’ which is the reproductive organ. Israel is blessed with descendants when they obey the Torah and Messiah Yeshua.

The Freemasons and occultists may think that 33 degrees (vertebrae) bring them to their god. There maybe a similar design but which head are they connecting to? If the light in us is darkness then how great is that darkness, Mat 6:23. They are without Messiah and without hope in the world, Eph 2:12.

Levi, the 3rd Son represents the attachment of Lea to her husband Jacob

Now we come to the essence of what Levi, ืœื•ื™ represents. What Lea, the unloved wife (not so loved) of Jacob wanted was the love of Jacob. She said after Levi’s birth that now she would be connected now that she has born three sons.

Again, Levi’s name centres on the word vav, ื•ื•

to connect. Levi is the Vav ื•. A vav ื• is just a yod, ื™ that is stretched. The Yod ื™ represents the father and the heh, ื” represents the mother, while the vav, ื• represents the son. Yod, ื™ and heh, ื” combined gives us the name Yah, ื™ื”. The son, ื• is the yod, ื™ come down (stretched down) to earth. This gives ื™ื”ื• which gives us Father, Spirit (mother) and son. In Hebrew the word for Spirit, ruach, is feminine. Anyway this,ย ื™ื”ื•,ย  is what the trinity represents -two pillars, male and female producing the son. The third letter of the name Yahweh,ย ื™ื”ื•ื”, represents the son,ย ื•ย that connects. Lea had spoken quite rightly that the third son will connect. The son of course is more than just Levi,ย ultimately it is Messiah himself from a higher priesthood. Now the father,ย ื™, mother (spirit),ย ื”, and son,ย ื•, give us a triune completeness,ย ื™ื”ื•, a picture of a family if you like.ย ย But although it is complete in itself it requires a mate for the son which is the bride of the Messiah, the final heh, ื” producing ื™ื”ื•ื”.

We can see this in the temple architecture where the two pillars Jachin and Boaz, which are the legs that hold up the house (body). They represent the Father and the Mother, Mercy and severity. At the top of the pillars is pomegranate seeds representing fertility. The two pillars are like two vav’s, ื• which spell vav, ื•ื•. There are 200 seeds on each pillar giving us 400 in total, 1 Kings 7:20,42. The number 400 represents the price Abraham paid for a burial place, Gen 23:15, and the number of Men that Esau met Jacob with, Gen 33:1, and that David had to begin his army, 1 Sam 22:2. The children of Israel were in Egypt 400 years, Gen 15:13, which was the price they had to pay to obtain the land, Exodus 12:40. So the number 400 represents the price for the land of Israel and by extension for the dominion of Kingdom of God on earth and thus for the redemption on the cross. The combination of the two pillars produces the son which can be pictured as a central pillar the product of the two and is referred to as the son, the Union of the male and female.ย 

Again the ideas of the pillar are implied in Torah and this does not mean an endorsement of Masonic beliefs and practice or kabalistic witchcraft either. It just means that there is a pattern to the temple and the Lord’s creation and the Torah contains that pattern. Sadly many Rabbis, Freemasons, New Ager’s and others are forever learning and never coming to a knowledge of the truth, 2 Tim 3:7, because true knowledge is connection to the Messiah through saving faith. Biblically knowledge is connection not just facts, even as Eve ‘knew’ her husband Adam. If we do not have the son then the pillars of our house are upside down and our house is upside down and leads to the gates of hell.

The Sperm (Yeshua as the serpent, vav) pays the price for Life’s redemption.

Yeshua, the living word, came to the world with one purpose, to die that He may give life. Like a sperm (seed of the word) that comes to an egg (a sphere like the earth), he gave his life on the cross for our sins. The word of God, like the DNA inside the sperm went into the heart of the earth, Mat 12:40, and led forth those in Abraham’s bosom or side. Many graves were opened in Jerusalem on the day of Yeshua’s triumphal resurrection, Mat 27:52.

Levi’s job is to point to the Torah and the Torah points to Yeshua. A true Levite and Cohen (Priest) will point to the lamb of God that takes away the sin of the world just as John the Baptist did who was a Cohen. An evil priest will turn the people away from Yeshua and consent to his death & excommunication. This is the sin that the Rabbis have not repented of corporately. So their attempt to rebuild the Sanhedrin court is still illegitimate and they require personal and corporate atonement. They are in need of reconciliation with their Messiah and brother, Yeshua the Son of Joseph, the Son of David, the Son of Israel, the Son of Isaac, the Son of Abraham, the Son of Noah, the Son Adam, the Son of God.

Hopefully you can begin to see the purpose of Levi is to attach, to enable Israel to procreate, to be spiritually and physically fruitful. And Levi does this by being a channel for the Word as the custodian of the Torah and as a channel for the Spirit through prayer. When the nation is obedient then it can be blessed and be fruitful. And so Levi is an example for all Israel to follow spiritually.

Even though Levi is the vav that connects Israel to God as the priestly family, in a much greater way the Messiah, Yeshua is the perfect vav of a much higher priesthood of the order of Mechizedek, who is priest through the sacrifice of his own body and blood, the bread and wine, as the lamb of God, Gen 14:18, Psalm 110:4, Heb 7:17,21.

The Cross, two sticks, four directions, and the price of redemption.

The cross is the meeting place of destiny of both Houses of Israel and all humanity with the Messiah. The two sticks of the two houses are there 90 degrees apart as per the encampment in Numbers chapter two.

The letter Tav means mark or cross. It is pictured as a cross in paleo Hebrew. It’s numeric value is 400, the price for the land and thus the redemption of Israel and by extension the earth. Those that enter into covenant with Yeshua are under the blood. Those without are lost.

If we follow Torah then we will come to Yeshua and to the cross. If we do not then our Torah faith is incomplete and lost. He who has the son has life, he who does not have the son does not have life but the wrath of God abides upon him, John 3:36, 1 John 3:36.

If we truly believe Moses then we will believe on the Son, Yeshua.

The Bride to make herself ready

The word is a mirror. And we need to get ready. What remains of the Torah keeping Messianic bible believing Church in America and Australia etc. will soon return to the land of Israel after World War 3. God will give us dreams and visions, Joel 2:30-32, because we will need them to survive as our world falls apart. The moon turning to blood is about judgement on Israel’s uncleanness, the sun turning to darkness is about spiritual darkness and terrible judgement upon the nations. And the pillars of smoke are literally ‘palm trees of smoke’, Hebrew: Tamarot Ashan, ืชึดื™ืžึฒืจึนื•ืช ืขึธืฉึธืืŸ

, Mushroon clouds! So “Hold onto your hat Dorothy because Kansas is going bye bye”. 

For the Israelite bride to be amongst the nations is to be in hostile territory. The best place for the Israelite Church (Adat Israel) to be is in the land of Israel in the midst of the 4 encampments. Levi will have a role in preparing the bride with respect to Torah understanding. The House of David will help by running a country according to Torah with the rest of Judah playing their part especially with regard to the details of Halacha and how to walk out the commandments. Benjamin has a very special place in Jerusalem and in regards to connecting the tribe of Joseph to it’s ability to see prophetically.

So the 10 lost tribes of the House of Israel will soon be back in the land of an expanded Greater Israel after WW3 and joined with the Jews (House of Judah). Once there the Priesthood of Levi, headed by the descendants of Eleazar will be used by the Lord to teach the Bride the Torah on a higher spiritual level. It was Eleazar that was responsible for lighting the Menorah which symbolises the Church and Israelite Bride.

ื•ึผืคึฐืงึปื“ึทึผืช ืึถืœึฐืขึธื–ึธืจ ื‘ึถึผื ึพืึทื”ึฒืจึนืŸ ื”ึทื›ึนึผื”ึตืŸ

ืฉึถืืžึถืŸ ื”ึทืžึธึผืึนื•ืจ
ื•ึผืงึฐื˜ึนืจึถืช ื”ึทืกึทึผืžึดึผื™ื
ื•ึผืžึดื ึฐื—ึทืช ื”ึทืชึธึผืžึดื™ื“
ื•ึฐืฉึถืืžึถืŸ ื”ึทืžึดึผืฉึฐืื—ึธื”
ืคึฐึผืงึปื“ึทึผืช ื›ึธึผืœึพื”ึทืžึดึผืฉึฐืื›ึธึผืŸ
ื•ึฐื›ึธืœึพืึฒืฉึถืืจึพื‘ึนึผื• ื‘ึฐึผืงึนื“ึถืฉื
And to the office of Eleazar the son of Aaron the priest pertaineth

the oil for the light,
and the sweet incense,
and the daily meat offering,
and the anointing oil,
and the oversight of all the tabernacle,
and of all that therein is, in the sanctuary,
and in the vessels thereof.
Numbers 4:16

So Levi via the Aaronic Priesthood led by the descendants of Eleazar (Greek: Lazarus) will have a part to play in lighting the Menorah, helping to give the Bride the knowledge to enable her to shine.
During this period of time the bride should make herself ready, though she has a tendency to fall asleep! But hard times have a way of waking her up. Read Song of Songs for more on this. It is not a ‘Mills and Boon’ novel. It is deep prophecy.

See also 

By Rory

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