new article ‘The Church & Israel’
This is the introduction to the article titled, ‘The Church & Israel‘. What is the ‘Church‘? Why did Yeshua say that he would build His Church? Where is the Church…
Yeshua is regathering His remnant...
This is the introduction to the article titled, ‘The Church & Israel‘. What is the ‘Church‘? Why did Yeshua say that he would build His Church? Where is the Church…
The Church (the light of the World)& the 12 tribes of Israel What is the biblical relationship between Israel and the Church? What is the ‘Church‘? Why did Yeshua say…
On the eve of World War 3 – Greying Australian Christians pray for a return to the moral good old days. The destruction of Western English speaking Churchianity If writing…
Esau’s not finished until the Most Holy is Anointed The New Testament (New Covenant) has come, but not in it’s fullness. Yeshua has purchased us by His blood. The New…
In the previous article, Edom & The Church - Part 1 I introduced the older twin brother of Jacob, named Esau, who became known as Edom. His descendants were thus…
Oh Brother! One of the sad things in history is that God will often use a wicked nation to judge his people when they are disobedient. If the people of…