The Servant of the Lord

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  • Preface
  • Introduction
  • Jacob / Israel is My Servant
  • A subset of Jacob / Israel is the Servant of the Lord
  • Mission of the Servant of the Lord
  • Fire Calling of the Servant of the Lord
  • Suffering of the Servant of the Lord
  • Recipe for Selecting the Servant of the Lord
  • Testing of the Servant of the Lord
  • Conclusion


Cheer up! The Kingdom of God is rising, even within the the ‘birthpangs‘ of the ‘Perfect Storm‘! Put the gospel story of Peter walking on the water into practice, Matthew 14:28-32. ‘Be a doer of the word and not a hearer only‘, James 1:22. Don’t look at the waves, look to the one that is risen, look to the Lord Yeshua who walks upon the water. As you look to Him you will rise with Him. Glory is rising upon us as ‘darkness descends‘, Isaiah 60:1-3. Yeshua is the King of Heaven. You are commissioned to be ‘His Servant‘, to take up your cross, die to self, and live for Him. Life is a battle, and we are all soldiers. This is a time for hard men with soft hearts with the willingness to serve in the trenches with the downtrodden, broken hearted, poor and neglected. This is the time for ‘Women of Valour‘! Revival is coming. The King has His men, and they are ‘His Servants‘ before they are ‘His Warriors‘. If you are a woman, He has something for you to do as well. We are all called to serve the King of Kings. This article talks about the type of character that the Lord looks for when choosing ‘His Servant‘. The King has ‘vessels of honour‘ and dishonour. Some sanctified for more noble purposes and others not. How does He choose these sanctified ‘vessels of honour‘? They are His Servant Sons & Daughters of Light. This includes the 144,000 who are called ‘servants‘.

We are quickly heading into the time of their manifestation. First they shall be partially transformed with a holy spirit baptism by fire and commissioned. And secondly they shall be transformed entirely in resurrection life. The 144,000 are the first to be transformed and manifested.

For the earnest expectation of the creature waiteth for the manifestation of the sons of God.

Romans 8:19


Jacob who became Israel is referred to by the Lord, יהוה, as ‘My Servant‘. Moses is called ‘the servant of the Lord‘. In Revelation 10:7 the prophets are called ‘His Servants‘. What is the Lord looking for when He selects ‘His Servants‘? I want to talk about the character of the Lord’s knights in shining armour, the 144,000, who are also called ‘the Servants of our God‘! But this same principle applies to all the subjects of His Glorious Kingdom of Light. We are all called to be ‘His Servants‘.

The 144,000 will arise soon along with others to work the harvest. The bible actually gives us the recipe for selecting them! There are qualities of character and things that people must overcome if they are to be ‘His Servants‘ which includes these 144,000 but also applies to all of us if we would draw near to Him. I want to delve a little into their mission, but mainly I want us to read the verses sitting right in front of us in the new testament that tell us what God is looking for when He selects ‘His Servants‘ because He actually tells us. Why is this important? Because they are about to be selected and commissioned before the birthpangs come on the church, Isaiah 66:7, which is any time from now until about Passover 2024 in my estimation. (With timing I am fallible and I am guessing but the storm is brewing isn’t it? We may not know the day or hour but we should know the season!). Before the travail comes, ‘Zion‘ gives birth we are told in Isaiah, so the ‘manchild‘ which is the 144,000 is revealed before the tribulation. Just read Isaiah 66:7 and take heart!

Do you feel helpless as you see the dark storm approaching? You might feel like a pawn in the game of life, but be encouraged, you have older brethren, sons of the Firstborn, that will stand in the gap for you, not as a mediator but as fellow soldiers, even Generals in the Army of Light! The King is about to move his knights forward on the chessboard of this world. The Lord is about to make the first move against the Dragon and his men. These knights are shod with the armour of Almighty God and they shall mount their battle horses. Those horses are the power of the Holy Spirit and the giftings of the Holy Spirit. They will win souls, speak to the enemy including kings and rulers. The Kings shall think they are about to judge these upstarts, but it is the other way around. And they will help encourage and teach and bring unity to the body of Messiah, even as the world is falling apart. In the time of the judgement of the 4 horsemen of the Apocalypse, the Lord has his 144,000 warrior knights empowered by the battle horse of the Holy Spirit that raised Yeshua from the dead. We have never seen such a move of God since the resurrection and Acts chapter 2! The Lord is about to ‘take the initiative‘ and fire his ‘arrows‘ into ‘the heart of the kings enemies‘, Psalms 45:5. Those ‘arrows‘ are His firstborn sons!, Psalm 127:3-5, they are the 144,000 and they are ‘His Servants‘. Like the lame man at the ‘beutiful gate‘, Acts 3:1-10, their feet shall be healed and ‘leap as an heart‘, their ‘feet shall be shod with the preparation of the gospel‘, Ephesians 6:15, they shall be His evangelists! The 144,000servants of the Lord‘, shall give Zion good news in the Mountains of Babylon America and elsewhere where Zion dwells. ‘How beautiful upon the mountains are the feet of him that bringeth good tidings <good news>’, Isaiah 52:7. (You literally might want to head to the mountains if you want ‘good news‘! Get out of the valley and leave the sea shore in my opinion, earthquakes and tsunamis are coming.)

The 144,000 servant evangelists shall ‘leap as an hart‘, having been given the supernatural ability to finally reach people with the word of God, a word that has tried them in their ‘spiritual imprisonment’ before their commissioning and Holy Spirit baptism. They will preach the word on the mountains of Babylon America and her daughters in preparation of the 2nd exodus. Then once Zion has escaped a destroyed Babylon America and elsewhere for the ‘wilderness of the peoples‘, Ezekiel 20:35, then Zion with great relief will ‘leap as an hart‘, Isaiah 35:6 in the ‘wilderness‘. Just like Israel escaped Pharaoh in the 1st exodus so shall Zion, Israel of God, escape the Antichrist in the 2nd exodus.

Anyway the Lord’s knights will speak like Moses spoke, with the authority of Almighty God as an Elohim, אלהים. Father God is in them in a special way! They shall oppose the forces of Antichrist directly and without fear for they only fear God not man! The Lion like nature of the Lion of Judah is in them. Later they will actually fight with supernatural power, greater than Samson, in the Spirit of David. This will give all of us something to cheer about as tribulation comes.

It doesn’t matter who wins the election or who invades our nation, Zion is rising! The ‘perfect storm‘ is raging, the flood has come, but the Ark is rising! The Ark is not rising in spite of the storm and rain, the Ark is rising because of it! The Ark is Zion!The ‘time of Jacob’s trouble‘, saves Jacob! Instead of something to fear it is something to praise God for. If our hearts are open, He is causing us to come higher and come nearer to Him. Yes pain is involved, but glory comes with it! The Lord is about to charge full speed into the enemy. It is glorious! Charge! Charge! Charge! Get on your battle horses my sons & daughters and say as you face the enemy, lances set, ‘The Lord of Hosts‘! He fights our battles.

And during that tribulation we will begin to shine as we see the Lord shining through our troubles and bringing us closer to Him as we pass through the fire and deep water. It’s not hopeless suffering, it’s character building, faith building and our company will grow in numbers and strength. Unity is coming to the true bride. So be strong little trooper! In the end, we shall rejoice. Childbirth is painful, but there is hope in it. ‘Buckle up‘, listen to the voice of the Lord, battle on and trust in God! Wait upon the Lord. Seek Him and keep seeking Him. Be aware of the storm and the waves, but don’t focus on it. Your help comes from the Lord, יהוה, who is Yeshua.

In Revelation 7, the 144,000 are ‘sealed‘. This is after the 6th seal. I believe that before that sealing, they have been tested. So before they are sealed they are commissioned by the fiery baptism of the Holy Spirit while mortal. Then they shall be tested further as they go about the harvest in the power of that ‘Baptism of Fire‘. A ‘Baptism of fire‘ includes power but it also involves suffering. A Baptism of fire is all about the wheat ‘harvest‘, Matthew 3:11-12, which begins at Pentecost, Acts 2:3. I suspect that there is a calling though, even before Passover, just like Moses received his commission at the burning bush before the exodus on Passover. This begins the process of the exodus even in a time of death on Passover. So my suspicion is that before the barley and wheat harvest the 144,000 will be baptised and commissioned and tested some more as they work the harvest in a time of turmoil. Again when it comes to timing, ‘time will tell‘. So the harvest possibly begins, before the harvest!, John 4:35. We shall see.

All the Lord’s servants must be found faithful. They must not use their anointing or position to beat up on their fellow servants because they think the Lord has delayed his coming. Otherwise outer darkness and gnashing of teeth is their lot, Matthew 25:30, Luke 13:28. Yeshua warned us of this in Luke 12:45 also. So some of those who are called and even baptised may fall, even though gifted and given authority. Judas betrayed Yeshua for money. Peter denied the Lord because things didn’t unfold the way he thought and he fell apart. We don’t know how fallible we are until we stumble. Pressure and testing are necessary. We need to have faith and stay faithful. We need to be on the Rock or we we be broken on the rocks. Gold needs refining to be pure. We are all capable of falling until ‘sealed‘ and in our resurrection bodies. Peter fell and was restored. Judas went to Hell. Just because we have seen heaven or been baptised by fire, doesn’t mean we will make the grade in the end. The 144,000 could likewise fall if they trust in themselves and forget the Lord. If they are commissioned and baptised by fire, but still mortal, they could fall! We must all use our talents wisely. The Master will expect an increase and return on His investment in us and in the 144,000, Matthew 25:24-30. We are not to appear before Him empty handed, Exodus 23:15, Exodus 34:20, Deuteronomy 16:16.

So in any case, the initial awakening of the 144,000 with their Tongues of Fire Holy Spirit Commissioning Baptism begins their initial harvest work which is still a sort of training boot camp, even while still mortal with the potential to fall. Yet the Father is blessing them and beginning to make His Face shine upon them. They may even be taken to heaven out of their body, in the spirit, during this time like Paul alluded to in II Corinthians 12:2-4. They are a little like Joseph and David combined, but the Davidic aspect shall grow and mature in them as the warrior comes to the fore later. Their initial job description is to work the harvest of souls during the initial time of tribulation. In this way they are like Joseph who gathered in the wheat, but now it’s souls. And just like Yeshua sent out the 12 disciples with spiritual authority over devils, raising the dead and bringing healing to the sick and preaching the good news of the Kingdom. After the 6th Seal they shall be ‘sealed‘! They are sealed after 6 seals of work so to speak, ready to be unleashed again at the 7th Seal of rest for battle in their resurrection bodies in the trumpet judgements and onwards. They are the Father’s firstborn Sons, under Yeshua, the Son of God. Then they shall be commissioned as soldiers of light for physical warfare. Indeed even before their sealing they shall be in warfare as I will explain towards the end of this article.

The 144,000 are about to be raised up to get the true born again church moving in the right direction and get her ready for the 2nd exodus which she has no idea about. The main body of the church are ‘His servants‘ also, they help Him as a Bride helps her Husband. The Holy Spirit is about to fall like the book of Acts chapter 2 on these chosen vessels before a similar outpouring upon the rest of Zion a later. Remember the Ruach HaKodesh (Holy Spirit) fell like tongues of fire. Have you heard of a baptism of fire? Only relatively pure and heavy metals will be chosen for this special initial calling, vessels that have already somehow passed the test to qualify to be ‘His servants‘, His 144,000 Servant Sons.

Remember God humbled Moses for 40 years in the wilderness before he was ready to serve the Lord. He had to be broken before he was ready. His calling came at the burning bush for a reason. The refiners fire had to burn off his carnality so that He was fit for the Masters use. We are coming into a time of fiery trials, where gold is melted and we are tested to breaking point. Our hearts shall be revealed. But we are also being elevated as the outer man is burnt away, revealing the hidden man of the heart, even Christ within you, the hope of glory. We don’t even hardly know the power of the Kingdom of God that is locked away within us by the Holy Spirit. But we shall! So look up, don’t look down. Look to God, not to the chaos around you. Read the bible a lot, and the news a little. Pray a lot and worry not! Bring your cares to the Lord and leave them there. Learn to walk with God. Learn to be led by Him. You shall walk on the water so to speak. Let not your heart be troubled but pray it through. And the Peace of God shall protect your heart, Philippians 4:6-7.

We are leaving soon. Shaking is coming on strong. Our nations including Babylon America are about to be shattered. The 144,000 will be baptised with fire to equip the church for the spiritual and physical battles ahead. They will minister to the believers made up of Israel and Judah and also reach the gentile believers and help bring in the harvest and get the real Zion moving which is the heavenly called out people of God, the ecclesia, the ‘church‘. The church needs to come together in unity and get on with her mission as she leaves ‘Babylon‘ for the wilderness. This unity is supernatural and is coming now I believe. It is prophesied to come in Ephesians 4:13. This unity will come in a time of pressure, but supernatural light will shine forth from within the body of Messiah. Glory! We cannot fear when our eyes are upon the Lord. We are about to be squeezed out of the system. We need to head to the hills. The financial system along with our nations are about to go up in smoke. It is not just the devil doing it, it is the Lord. He says ‘come out of her my people‘! While Israel was in bondage in Egypt she could not truly function in the fullness of her calling. But neither was she able to deliver herself. The Lord has to raise up a subset from amongst her for that purpose. Back then the Lord chose Moses. Moses was a ‘Servant of the Lord‘ and his job was to bring forth Israel from Egypt so that Israel could truly function collectively as His ‘servant‘.

In these end times, the 144,000 are His ‘servants‘ and they will perform a similar function in the 2nd exodus. But how does the Lord select them? We are told what He searches for before He shines upon them and raises them up! The bible has so much to say about the ‘servant of the Lord‘. The Church really does have warrior knights, those of the Catholic middle ages were but a very poor facsimile or counterfeit at best. If you don’t understand the concept of the lost tribes of Israel then you will struggle with this. But if you understand that the church is the congregation of Israel (with a large non Israelite component), then you understand that the 144,000 come from the church! And so the true remnant church of Zion has true warrior knights!

There is a truly manly branch that shall spring forth from the ‘church of the firstborn‘. In our moment of trial they shall arise. They shall serve and protect. Like warrior monks they shall instruct many, heal many, encourage many, guide many and save many. They shall roam far and wide. They shall not love their lives but they shall put it all on the line. They shall grow into the stature of their Master Yeshua and grow in strength and battle to be sealed for the ultimate battle to come. They shall lock horns with Satan’s minions and be victorious! The enemy will initially fear them a little and bring them before world leaders. But unlike John the Baptist, they shall not be stopped. They shall overcome all odds. The enemy will become intimidated by them. Ultimately the Kings of the earth will greatly tremble at their presence as if they are the smell of death. They will bow before the Servant Sons of Zion or be destroyed. Yeshua is coming. Pharaoh exalted His heart above Moses and God, but his servants began to greatly fear Moses and His God. So shall it be in the time of the Antichrist and the 144,000 Servant Sons of Zion.

Despite the godless gloom that is descending upon the World we ought to be glad and not discouraged. The enemy is showing who are his so that they shall be marked, judged and soon destroyed. If you knew how feeble they are before the King of Glory you would rejoice. They have such a short time to exalt themselves. Even as the evil doers rise to takeover the earth the Lord shall raise up a standard against them. It is not Donald Trump! It is Zion’s sons. It is the ‘Servants of our God‘. The King has His men, men of war and women of valour also! There is an battle anointing coming! Zion shall shine in the midst of great darkness despite and even because of the pain. Like a mother proud of her Warrior Son, so too shall Zion, the Church of the firstborn, dote upon the ‘Servants of the Lord‘.

Some of the greatest leaders of God’s people have been called the ‘Servant of the Lord‘ including, Moses, Joshua, David and of course the King of Glory, Yeshua. In the end times the Lord יהוה will dispatch the 144,000 which are also called ‘servants of our God‘. Far from being a lowly office, it is a great privilege to be a servant in God’s Kingdom!

The 144,000Servants of our God‘ have a more masculine anointing compared with the more feminine anointing of the main body of ‘Zion‘, the ‘Church of the Firstborn‘, see article ‘The Church and Israel‘. They are Israelites both physically and spiritually. They are the Father’s Sons and Yeshua’s brethren. They are literally from the 12 tribes of Israel. They are not gentiles, even though many of them might have thought that they were gentiles because many of them are from the 10 lost tribes of the house of Israel that is mixed amongst the gentiles. They are believers in Yeshua and follow the Lamb, Revelation 14:4. Yeshua told us a principle concerning those that serve Him.

John 12:26

Those that serve Yeshua must follow Him, they will be led to where He is working. They follow the Lamb. Likewise the 144,000Servants of our God‘ will be led by His Ruach HaKodesh, His Holy Spirit, because they are the Sons of God. They belong directly to the Father and are His firstborn, and they are given to the Son, Yeshua. So Yeshua is like their older brother. Yeshua is their creator in terms of the Body and Soul, and He forms their Spirit also. But the Father begat their Spirit while the Son renews it. In some sense they especially belong to the Father while still belonging to the Son. They are the firstborn Sons of Zion, and Zion is the Church of the Firstborn.

They are selected by the Lord from amongst us and we will discuss what He is looking for in them shortly.

They are birthed from the true born again church but they have a different mantle. They come out of the central stem of the 7 branched Menorah for instance, but they are separate and are related to the 12 loaves of the Table of Shewbread. They are weaned from Milk, they are ‘meat eaters‘ when it comes to the Word of God. They have a dual Suffering Servant and Warrior Knight aspect as I have discussed before. Their suffering servant role comes first but they have a fierce warrior like nature underneath this suffering mantle that is also imparted to them. They are servants first but they are soldiers underneath it all and they become super soldiers in the most spectacular and supernatural way imaginable. So they are both related to Joseph as the Suffering servant, and to David as the Warrior King. But there is an aspect of Lion like fierce fiery zeal in them that befits a true knight clad in battle armour. When commissioned by our Glorious Lord they will know what they have to do and they will do it with steely determination and great passion that befits the King they serve. They will be formidable. Their anointing will increase with time as the trials that come upon them only increase their holiness and perfection and empowerment. This is important because the Satanic opposition quickly increases. They greatly frustrate Satan’s plans. The more he fights them the more powerful they become. And this same process works within the remnant church which is Zion. They are arrows in the quiver of the Lord shot directly at the Kings enemies. They speak to Kings and world leaders directly and rebuke them face to face like Moses confronted Pharaoh. They are humble but fearless and determined because they are like Priests anointed for war. And they know what they have to do. The wicked will hate and persecute them, the righteous will love and obey them. They help purge the true remnant church of it’s wickedness and complacency and bring her into true holiness. They get her ready for the rescue that is coming. They accelerate her glory and shining in the time of darkness. Glory and pain come together in the travail of the Kingdom, Revelation 12.

Moses was called the ‘Servant of the Lord‘. Before the Lord brought the children of Israel out of Egypt He sent Moses to contend with Pharaoh. In these end times, before the house of Israel and Judah leave the ‘north country‘ called ‘Babylon America‘, (and her daughters, the little Babylon’s like Australia & New Zealand etc) the Lord will send His 144,000 servants to do the same thing all over again causing the 2nd exodus. They will contend with the Antichrist, the new Pharaoh so to speak as discussed previously in article ‘Parsha – Va’era – Raised up to Show My Power‘. The Antichrist shall be revealed during the birthpangs of the Kingdom at about the same time as the 144,000 Servants of the Lord. So in effect the Lord is sending forth 144,000 people with a similar mission to Moses, so it gives you an idea of the scale of the operation! I believe we are at the door.

We often think that a servant has a lowly office. But in the Kingdom of God the ‘Servant of the Lord‘ is highly exalted. Yeshua who rules on the throne today in Heaven, came to earth in lowliness to serve and to die for us. Under Him are His servants, the chiefest of them are His brothers, Psalms 22:22, Hebrews 2:12. These servants of the Lord are the firstborn sons of God, they belong to the Father in a unique way, and they have a unique calling.

What is the character of the Servants of the Lord? Hidden within the New Testament are the scriptural qualifications for those that are the 144,000. What are these Qualifications?

We have discussed the following questions before, but we will bring this together briefly in this article; What is their Job description? Are they raptured first or are they given a baptism and a job to do in their mortal flesh? And when are they Commissioned? And when are they sealed?

Are we on the cusp of the revelation of the 144,000? Are they about to be baptised by fire? And is suffering involved? From scripture, the servant of the Lord does indeed suffer in order to accomplish their goal and also become purified themselves as I will show. It’s not a hopeless thing, it has a glorious culmination with a job well done, Zion awoken and safely rescued and the 144,000 servants of the Lord transformed and raptured in order to return as Warriors as we have already seen in previous articles.

But in this article I want to focus on the scriptures that discus the character, qualifications and trials that show what God is looking for when He selects and trains His Servants.

Jacob / Israel is My Servant

As mentioned in the introduction Jacob is referred to as ‘my servant‘ in the book of Isaiah in a number of places. Sometimes he is referred to as Israelmy servant‘ also.

But thou, Israel, art my servant, Jacob whom I have chosen, the seed of Abraham my friend.

Isaiah 41:8

So all Israel is the Lord’s servant. In these end times He will bring them out of the nations including Babylon America and her daughters like Australia and New Zealand etc. Wherever they are they are about to be judged and brought forth. Our nations are about to be judged. This is why what is coming is much more than just a trying to save America for a few more years under Trump. As well intentioned as that might be, the Lord has a better plan. The plan is to judge America and Australia and elsewhere and bring a remnant of His people out from there as it goes up in smoke. Sorry to put it crudely but the birthpangs are about to hit hard, the stars are about to fall and we are leaving one way or another. The 144,000 will play their part in this process as will the ‘ensign‘ that the Lord raises up and the end times return of Elijah is not far off either.

A subset of Jacob / Israel is the Lord’s Servant

So Jacob who is Israel is called ‘my servant‘. But in order to get him ready to be that servant, the Lord must find an individual that is like the spark to get the fire burning, to get Israel moving.

For the eyes of the LORD run to and fro throughout the whole earth, to shew himself strong in the behalf of them whose heart is perfect toward him. Herein thou hast done foolishly: therefore from henceforth thou shalt have wars.

II Chronicles 16:9

The Lord used the prophet Moses, the ‘servant of the Lord‘ to get Israel out of Egypt. He used his servants to prophets to pull Israel back to the Lord when they were in apostasy. He used his servant David to rule the united kingdom of Israel and Judah. And he used Yeshua as his suffering servant to purchase our eternal redemption on the cross.

So the Lord uses certain individuals to awaken and shepherd the flock into repentance. He uses an individual servant to create a congregation or even nation of servants. That is why we read in Isaiah 42:19 of God’s servant messenger being deaf and blind.

Who is blind, but my servant? or deaf, as my messenger that I sent? who is blind as he that is perfect, and blind as the LORD’S servant?

Isaiah 42:19

That servant is the nation of Israel. The Lord has a high calling for them but they are not listening to Him or seeing what is going on, they are happily asleep. The Lord must push and prod the nation into some form of awakening so He can use them. He brings judgements upon them to shake them up and then uses an individual Holy Spirit filled servant, a prophet, to bring them to repentance so He can then get them to fulfil their collective calling and use them collectively to reach others.

That is what is going on as judgement hits our nations now. It is only a remnant that will awaken, but it is this group that the Lord is calling to Himself. So all of the struggles we are going through as the remnant are for our good, to give us a hope and a future. Yeshua is coming soon.

The Lord will bring the body of Messiah into ‘unity‘,Ephesians 4:13, and perfection ‘without spot or wrinkle‘, Ephesians 5:27. And He will raise up men and women as servants to accomplish His purposes to save souls and bring us collectively to Him to be His Servant.

Mission of the Servant of the Lord

In the book of Isaiah we are told the mission a servant that will ‘raise up the tribes of Jacob‘.

And he said, It is a light thing that thou shouldest be my servant to raise up the tribes of Jacob, and to restore the preserved of Israel: I will also give thee for a light to the Gentiles, that thou mayest be my salvation unto the end of the earth.

Isaiah 49:6

Now this servant of course refers to Yeshua because without his sacrifice non of this would be possible because the northern 10 tribes of Israel were lost and devorced and could not legally be remarried by God. But through Yeshua’s death as God-Man they could be remarried, because He rose as a new man.

But there is more to this servant. Yeshua has a subset of Israel, called the 144,000 that will physically bring out Israel from the nations.

2 And I saw another angel ascending from the east, having the seal of the living God: and he cried with a loud voice to the four angels, to whom it was given to hurt the earth and the sea,
3 Saying, Hurt not the earth, neither the sea, nor the trees, till we have sealed the servants of our God in their foreheads.
4 And I heard the number of them which were sealed: and there were sealed an hundred and forty and four thousand of all the tribes of the children of Israel.

Revelation 7:2-4

As we know there are 12,000 from each of the 12 tribes of Israel making 144,000. When the Lord numbers the people it is because they are men of war. These 144,000 have a job to do with Israel to get her out of Babylon. But they also have a crucial connection for the believing gentiles amongst the nations. After the list of the 12,000 from each tribe we are introduced to a ‘great multitude‘ standing before the Lord from every nation. These are gentile believers for the most part that have come through the ‘great tribulation‘. So the 144,000 had been ‘a light‘ to them as per Isaiah 49:6 above. Thus it can be inferred that the 144,000 had witnessed to them before the 144,000 were sealed!

The 144,000 are being presented before the Lord in the heavenly mt Zion because they are firstfruits. The torah tells us that 3 times a year the males are to appear before the Lord, as I have often discussed, during Unleaved Bread, Pentecost and Tabernacles which relate to the harvest of Barley, Wheat and Summer fruits which relate to different harvests of souls. The males are not to appear before the Lord empty handed and that is why the 144,000 appear and are sealed and the ‘great multitude’ is the harvest that they have brought. So the firstfruit males bring in the main harvest.

So very shortly something is about to happen to call forth the 144,000 to begin the harvest. The Barley harvest begins in Passover. But any time before then the Lord could awaken the 144,000 and baptise them to begin their initial work before they are sealed, to raise up Israel and bring in the harvest of the gentiles.

Thus there is a prior selection and calling forth and baptising of the 144,000 with fire and the Holy Spirit in order to be that ‘light to the gentiles‘ as well as ‘raise up the tribes of Jacob‘ and ‘the preserved of Israel‘. Incidentally the word preserved in Hebrew is Notsri, which is the modern Hebrew word for Christian! The ‘preserved of Israel‘ are the 10 lost tribes and they are ‘Christians‘!

This is what is about to happen next, before the birthpangs of the tribulation come on strong. God is about to raise up these 144,000 for their mission, while still in their mortal flesh, just like He did with Moses and Yeshua. They have some Holy Spirit empowered preaching to do before they become warriors. You could say they will be monks before they will be knights!

Fire Calling of the Servant of the Lord

Moses was more humble than any man on the earth (except Yeshua). Where did he learn humility? It wasn’t in Egypt as a prince that’s for sure. Moses was 40 years in the wilderness learning humility. Moses wanted to deliver Israel 40 years earlier but all he ended up doing was killing an Egyptian and running his tail off to the wilderness. But God was with Him and had some humbling to do. Moses had to come to an end of Himself. What do you think the Lord is doing with the 144,000 before he selects them? He is humbling them! He is teaching them to lean on Him for everything!

So what happened to Moses to get him moving into his mission? A burning a bush happened.

2 And the angel of the LORD appeared unto him in a flame of fire out of the midst of a bush: and he looked, and, behold, the bush burned with fire, and the bush was not consumed.
3 And Moses said, I will now turn aside, and see this great sight, why the bush is not burnt.
4 And when the LORD saw that he turned aside to see, God called unto him out of the midst of the bush, and said, Moses, Moses. And he said, Here am I.
5 And he said, Draw not nigh hither: put off thy shoes from off thy feet, for the place whereon thou standest is holy ground.

Exodus 3:2-5

Why fire? Why was the bush burning but not being consumed? The bush represented a purified man, where there was nothing left to burn off. Like Yeshua for instance, the Son of God with Daniels 3 friends in the fiery furnace, they were in the flames but they were not consumed. Once the ego and self life of the carnal nature is burnt off we have the hidden man of the heart revealed.

We are reminded of this in Luke’s gospel.

John answered, saying unto them all, I indeed baptize you with water; but one mightier than I cometh, the latchet of whose shoes I am not worthy to unloose: he shall baptize you with the Holy Ghost and with fire:

Luke 3:16

Remember Moses had to take off his shoes because the ground he was standing on before the burning bush was holy ground. He was in the presence of God. John is saying of Yeshua that he, the greatest of all the prophets was not worthy to loose Yeshua’s Sandles. Yeshua was what the burning bush represented, a sinless man that could not be consumed.

There is a baptism of fire coming to the 144,000 and they shall have fiery trials of faith as they go about their ministry.

Moses brought out the people of God from Egypt by the Lord’s divine authority. It was still a trial for Moses. Pharaoh was a tough guy to deal with. And the children of Israel were ‘a handful‘ to put it mildly. Without those 40 years in the wilderness Moses would not have the character to do what he did. No matter what divine power and gifts he would be given, without the character to match, Moses would have failed. In fact he still struck the rock and was barred entry into the promised land because of that. His old anger got the better of him, just once, and look what it did? So we need to be refined and the carnal man has to be burned up if we are to serve the Lord faithfully.

We see that on Mt Sinai, fire came down along with trumpet blasts. Again the motive of fire! And in Acts chapter 2 we see the Holy Spirit coming down like tongues of fire.

If you read the calling of Samson, which means sun, he is a Nazarite from birth. He is a picture of Yeshua and also of the 144,000 sons of God who are also like Nazarites as the Lord’s firstborn sons. The Angel of the Lord, יהוה, who is the pre incarnate son of God, Yeshua, visited Samson’s parents and promised them a miracle son. He symbolically went up in a flame of fire with the offering. We see a connection to the burning bush because the Angel was not hurt by the flame. He was making a point. So fire and Sun are related to Samson’s birth and name. Fire is related to the the Nazarite, the miracle son with super human strength. Fire is related to the Angel of the Lord. Fire is related to the Holy Spirit, to Mt Sinai, Pentecost, and God’s chosen people, Israel, and the Church of Israel – Zion. Fire is related to Moses’s calling as a ‘servant of the Lord‘. So will the 144,000 also be baptised with fire? And what does this baptism of fire imply?

Suffering of the Servant of the Lord

We read a little of the mission of the servant in Isaiah that raises the tribes of Jacob and is a light to the gentiles. Yeshua is that servant and the 144,000 are also that servant because they continue the same mission. Let’s read another portion from Isaiah that denotes the suffering of the servant.

1 Behold my servant, whom I uphold; mine elect, in whom my soul delighteth; I have put my spirit upon him: he shall bring forth judgment to the Gentiles.
2 He shall not cry, nor lift up, nor cause his voice to be heard in the street.
3 A bruised reed shall he not break, and the smoking flax shall he not quench: he shall bring forth judgment unto truth.
4 He shall not fail nor be discouraged, till he have set judgment in the earth: and the isles shall wait for his law.

Isaiah 42:1-4

We also read of the crucifixion of the servant in Isaiah 53 which is Yeshua indeed. But some of these verses dually apply to him and those that take up their cross and suffer with Him. This ultimately includes, not only potentially the 144,000 servants but also all those that follow the Lamb and suffer persecution and many battles through life’s trials.

Notice how the servant is a bruised read and a ‘smoking flax‘. Here we have suffering and physical abuse implied. However the servant overcomes and completes the mission and brings judgemnent to the Gentiles. Bruising implies pressure and Smoking implies fire, so the servant is under pressure and under fire! So is this what a baptism of fire implies? Yes it is power to get the job done, but it also implies fiery trials which requires faith and determination.

12 Beloved, think it not strange concerning the fiery trial which is to try you, as though some strange thing happened unto you:
13 But rejoice, inasmuch as ye are partakers of Christ’s sufferings; that, when his glory shall be revealed, ye may be glad also with exceeding joy.

I Peter 4:12-13

This suffering and fiery trials should be the normal experience of a true believer because we should be taking up our cross and denying self and making an impact on Satan’s world. God is in the refining business. If we bare fruit He prunes us to produce more fruit. And if we deny self and follow Him then we will experience various sorts of abuse at times.

That the trial of your faith, being much more precious than of gold that perisheth, though it be tried with fire, might be found unto praise and honour and glory at the appearing of Jesus Christ:

I Peter 1:7

So fire burns but it proves our faith. And it purifies us. Sadly many in Babylon are quite content and settled and suffer little while they sit back in their easy chair. Life in the lukewarm last days church of Laodicea has been an enriching experience, but it has made many fat, complacent and blind. They are spritually like Adam in the Garden of God after he had eaten from the forbidden fruit. However they don’t even have Adam’s shame because they have no idea of their actual spiritual state.

I counsel thee to buy of me gold tried in the fire, that thou mayest be rich; and white raiment, that thou mayest be clothed, and that the shame of thy nakedness do not appear; and anoint thine eyes with eyesalve, that thou mayest see.

Revelation 3:18

So if they are to truly be saved, they must endure suffering and be tried by fire.

So shall all the ‘Servants of the Lord‘ be tried by fire. An instrument must be purified.

Recipe for Selecting the Servant of the Lord

When the Lord selects servants, he is not looking for babies that need to be nursed, even if they are His babies! We may start off drinking milk, but we are to grow up at some stage and eat meat and solid food. So it is with the sons of God and the word of God.

Whom shall he teach knowledge?
and whom shall he make to understand doctrine?
them that are weaned from the milk, and drawn from the breasts.

Isaiah 28:9

You can’t teach a toddler trigonometry or calculus. They are still sucking their thumb and spitting the dummy. If we are to be a ‘Servant of the Lord‘, we need to get out of our diapers and walk upright and not crawl around on our belly. We need to be well versed in the scriptures that are able to make us wise even from a child, II Timothy 3:15. We read earlier in 2 Timothy 2:3 that we are to ‘endure hardness, as good soldier‘, not wilting or falling apart like a spring flower in summertime. This perseverance ends in sealing. The whole chapter, indeed the entire book of 2 Timothy is prophetic for the last days and the 144,000. If we read on in the same chapter we read what God wants from ‘His Servants‘.

Remember in the Introduction I mentioned a recipe for making or selecting a ‘Servant of the Lord‘ was in the new testament? Well it’s here in 2 Timothy 2:19-25. It gives us the prerequisites for what the Lord is looking for when He selects the ‘servant of the Lord‘. It is the only place in the new testament that uses the phrase ‘servant of the Lord‘ in verse 24, the same phrase that was applied to Moses and KIng David or Joseph and Joshua. These verses are loaded with symbolism for the 144,000. If one is to be part of that select, elect and chosen group then the following verses must apply. I will let you read the portion in it’s entirety before breaking it down. But this also applies in a general sense for all of those that would serve the Lord in whatever capacity.

19 Nevertheless the foundation of God standeth sure, having this seal, The Lord knoweth them that are his. And, Let every one that nameth the name of Christ depart from iniquity.
20 But in a great house there are not only vessels of gold and of silver, but also of wood and of earth; and some to honour, and some to dishonour.
21 If a man therefore purge himself from these, he shall be a vessel unto honour, sanctified, and meet for the master’s use, and prepared unto every good work.
22 Flee also youthful lusts: but follow righteousness, faith, charity, peace, with them that call on the Lord out of a pure heart.
23 But foolish and unlearned questions avoid, knowing that they do gender strifes.
24 And the servant of the Lord must not strive; but be gentle unto all men, apt to teach, patient,
25 In meekness instructing those that oppose themselves; if God peradventure will give them repentance to the acknowledging of the truth;
26 And that they may recover themselves out of the snare of the devil, who are taken captive by him at his will.

II Timothy 2:19-26

So let’s break it down, it is useful for all of us, but it applies specifically to the 144,000 in particular and there are clues to that effect in verse 19 as follows…

19 Nevertheless the foundation of God standeth sure, having this seal, The Lord knoweth them that are his. And, let every one that nameth the name of Christ depart from iniquity.

II Timothy 2:19

The Lord already knows who are ‘his‘, but they must do their part if they claim to be a follower of Messiah. They must turn away the ‘iniquity‘ of their bloodline. None of the 12 tribes of Israel are without sin. All possess the same iniquity of their fathers. It may be in all of us, but we must turn away from such, denying ungodly lusts and other issues. The 144,000 therefore wont be selected from those that are embroiled in lusts and carnality. This is a prerequisite, this is foundational!

In the book of Haggai 2:18 and in Zechariah 4:9, 8:9, 12:1,we read that the Lord lays the ‘foundation‘ of the temple, of the earth and forms the Spirit of man. This is so deeply prophetic and it requires it’s own article. Suffice to say that the ‘servants of the Lord‘ are related to the foundation of what God is going to do. Yeshua is the foundation of all foundations and ‘chief corner stone‘. The name for those that are sent by the Lord is ‘Apostle‘ which is also related to the foundation and the walls of the temple, Revelation 21:14, 19. There are 12 foundations. These in turn are related to the 12 tribes and 12 Apostles and to the walls of the heavenly Jerusalem which are 144,000 cubits in measure. This thus is related to the 144,000servants of the Lord‘. Now when it comes to the foundation, as stated earlier, Yeshua is the foundation of all foundations and ‘corner stone’ that makes it all possible and this corner stone is mentioned in relation to the foundation in Isaiah and here in verse 19 above.

Therefore thus saith the Lord God, Behold, I lay in Zion for a foundation a stone, a tried stone, a precious corner stone, a sure foundation: he that believeth shall not make haste.

Isaiah 28:16

So the heavenly Jerusalem’s foundation is Yeshua spiritually. Her walls also have 12 foundations for the 12 tribes and the 12 apostles. These 12 foundations are related to the 144,000 cubits measure of the walls. And so the foundation is Yeshua and it is also the 144,000 on 12 foundations!

When the bible says in Isaiah 62:6, that ‘I have set watchmen upon thy walls, O Jerusalem‘, it refers to the 144,000 which are watching! We are part of the Heavenly Jerusalem, Hebrews 12:22. Yeshua commanded his servants to watch!, Luke 21:36. This need to be watching applies to the 144,000 because they are watching. But it also applies to all of us!, Mark 13:37. So let’s be watching, it’s a commandment from our Lord with a promise.

Now the other clue that 2 Timothy 2:19 and what follows is related to the 144,000 servants of the Lord is that it mentions the word ‘seal.’ We read that in Revelation 7:3 that the servants are ‘sealed‘!

Saying, Hurt not the earth, neither the sea, nor the trees, till we have sealed the servants of our God in their foreheads.

Revelation 7:3

OK, so let’s go to the next few verses in our recipe that continues to establish who we are talking about and how they were chosen. The Lord has a ‘great house‘ with some he can trust for great tasks and others he can entrust with just a little.

20 But in a great house there are not only vessels of gold and of silver, but also of wood and of earth; and some to honour, and some to dishonour.
21 If a man therefore purge himself from these, he shall be a vessel unto honour, sanctified, and meet for the master’s use, and prepared unto every good work.

II Timothy 2:20-21

We may be saved but not purged. Yes we may truly know the Lord but we have not dealt with sin, we have not gone to war with it. We are still carnal, we haven’t grown up. The 144,000 are ‘vessels unto honour‘, having turned away from ‘iniquity‘. ‘Vessels of gold and of silver‘ are purged from iniquity also through fire when necessary. It’s better if we purge ourselves rather than wait for the Lord to deal with us. We have a part to play. Let’s nurture our walk with God, by reading His word, applying it and seeking His face. I have noticed it is far easier to turn from sin, when I am doing this. If we are purged then the Lord will begin to use us, purged a little, used a little, purged a lot, used a lot. Totally purged, then he shall be ‘a vessel unto honour, sanctified, and meet for the master’s use, and prepared unto every good work‘.

Now the next verse in the recipe reminds me of Joseph’s test.

22 Flee also youthful lusts: but follow righteousness, faith, charity, peace, with them that call on the Lord out of a pure heart.

II Timothy 2:22

Joseph was sold as a servant and the word tried Him, Psalms 105:17-19. He fled from Potiphar’s wife, Genesis 39:12. He paid a price for fleeing, but he kept his integrity and was used later to save Israel. The servants of the Lord have the same temptations to lust, that they must overcome. They need to call upon the Lord from a pure heart.

Ok, what’s next?

23 But foolish and unlearned questions avoid, knowing that they do gender strifes.

II Timothy 2:22

This verse alone would discount many believers including people who follow torah but are unnecessarily carnal and fleshy when they don’t agree with someone. They may be right, or wrong, but they are led by their animal nature not the Holy Spirit because they are argumentative and overly focus on unnecessary details.

This leads on to the next few verses where the term ‘servant of the Lord‘ is used.

24 And the servant of the Lord must not strive; but be gentle unto all men, apt to teach, patient,
25 In meekness instructing those that oppose themselves; if God peradventure will give them repentance to the acknowledging of the truth;

II Timothy 2:24-25

Here we begin to focus on the key essential characteristic of the ‘servant of the Lord‘. Having been ‘purged‘ and taught to turn from ‘iniquity‘ including ‘lust‘ and having learnt to ‘follow righteousness, faith, charity, peace‘, they will focus on being ‘gentle‘, which may not come easy because they have a fire burning inside all the time. They have learnt to trust the Lord and not to strive carnally to force someone to understand something, but instead, they have learnt the hard way to patiently present the scriptures if given the opportunity and to pray for people. They are not into self promotion or ‘likes‘, they trust the Father. It is God that is in control of everything and they know it, they have learnt that the hard way too. They pray everything through. They rely on God for everything. And they can reason with people from the scriptures but know when to let something slide and move on. The ‘servant of the Lord‘ knows the scripture as stated earlier, but they are not all in their head, they are sensitive to the leading of the Holy Spirit.

They are meek, not weak. They are broken in and bridled, because they know who is boss. They are not self willed or stroppy with people. They are kind, patient and very humble. They have been humbled! Again this should remind us of Moses the ‘Servant of the Lord‘ whose signature virtue was his ‘meekness‘.

(Now the man Moses was very meek, above all the men which were upon the face of the earth.)

Numbers 12:3

Moses learnt to be meek in the wilderness. The wilderness is the place where we are tested and we learn to die to self. The wilderness is the place where Israel wondered until the unbelieving and self willed generation died out and a new generation grew up that were faithful and possessed the land.

In this proud and self made generation, the Lord is looking for meekness. This is the purity the Lord is after. Who does God dwell with? Who does His face shine upon? Who does he delight in?

For thus saith the high and lofty One that inhabiteth eternity, whose name is Holy; I dwell in the high and holy place, with him also that is of a contrite and humble spirit, to revive the spirit of the humble, and to revive the heart of the contrite ones.

Isaiah 57:15

The Lord will revive the spirit of the humble. Indeed He will baptise him with the Holy Spirit and with fire.

Indeed the Lord will give them power to mount up with wings like eagles.

29 He giveth power to the faint; and to them that have no might he increaseth strength.
30 Even the youths shall faint and be weary, and the young men shall utterly fall:
31 But they that wait upon the LORD shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint.

Isaiah 40:29-30

The Lord increases strength as He did for Samson. He shall do this for the 144,000 and then for all God’s household of faith, once they have reached a point of brokenness and contriteness before our Holy God and the ‘eyes of His glory’.

One last point from the last verse of the recipe for the 144,000 concerns deliverance from Satan.

26 And that they may recover themselves out of the snare of the devil, who are taken captive by him at his will.

II Timothy 2:26

The ‘servant of the Lord‘ is able to deliver others from the snare of the devil because they have been purged themselves. If we sin then the devil has a foothold. We must practice righteousness not sin. We have to turn from iniquity like Joseph did, even though it cost him wrongful imprisonment. There would have been no deliverance for his brothers if he fell into temptation because Joseph was the chosen vessel as the Lord gave him the two dreams years before.

But verse 26 shows us why the ‘vessel of honour‘, the 144,000 manchild company escapes the dragon in Revelation 12. They have died to self. The enemy wants to destroy them, but he has nothing on them. And so they ascend into heaven. And then they are presented before the Lord in the Heavenly mt Zion and they are sealed at the feast.

And she brought forth a man child, who was to rule all nations with a rod of iron: and her child was caught up unto God, and to his throne.

Revelation 12:5

They reign with Messiah, having suffered with Him for a season.

Testing of the Servant of the Lord

Now what we have read so far is just the qualities of character that the ‘servant of the Lord‘ must have in order to qualify as a servant in the first place! They must be a pure and humble vessel. But once the vessel has been chosen for a noble purpose to be a servant then their ministry begins and more trials as well as the triumphs that go along with overcoming the enemy.

Moses went through 40 years in the wilderness before he had his commissioning with supernatural miracle signs at the burning bush. He was broken in and relied on God not the power of his own flesh like when he killed the Egyptian to save an Israelite. But then after he was sent to Egypt he was tested some more. And after the exodus, through the 40 years in the wilderness, Moses was tested some more. So testing is ongoing until we are out of this flesh and in our resurrection body.

The Psalms are fully prophetic. We have Psalm 119 which is all about the Torah, 176 verses made up of 8 x 22 Hebrew aleph-bet letters. The word is sealed upon the servant. On either side of Psalm 119 are the 6 Hallel Psalms and the 15 Songs of Accent.

  1. 6 Hallel Psalms 113 to 118
    – 144,000 Servant Manchild Commissioned.
  2. Psalm 119
    – 144,000 Servant Manchild Sealed.
  3. 15 Songs of Accent – Psalms 120 to 134
    – Zion rises through tribulation and escapes the Dragon.

I will just outline a few things in the Hallel Psalms. Yeshua went to a wedding just before passover. It was also just before Passover that Lazarus was raised. This gives us the timing for the commissioning of the 144,000, just before Passover because there are 6 Hallel Psalms and 6 stone water jars at the wedding. The number 6, the number of man, because a new man is coming, with the blood of his Son, in 6 stone water jars. A wedding in heaven has begun. The men, the 144,000 are transformed in part at the beginning of the wedding, clean water is poured into them. They are baptised on the inside by the Holy Spirit. The water turns to wine, the blood of His Son. The 6 Hallel Psalms describe what happens. They are introduced in the first Hallel Psalms as the ‘servants of the LORD‘, they are to worship the Lord.

Praise ye the LORD. Praise, O ye servants of the LORD, praise the name of the LORD.

Psalms 113:1

Later we read in verses 7-9 that they are raised up and their circumstances are changed from poverty to riches, from being nobodies, to being seated with princes.

7 He raiseth up the poor out of the dust, and lifteth the needy out of the dunghill;
8 That he may set him with princes, even with the princes of his people.
9 He maketh the barren woman to keep house, and to be a joyful mother of children. Praise ye the LORD.

Psalms 113:7-9

Where are these Princes? In heaven, they are taken to the heavenly Zion by the Spirit, and then later bodily at their rapture when they are sealed in Psalm 119. The Lord enables women who could not have children and did not have a house to be mothers with houses. So there is a sudden change of fortune. Yeshua’s parents received gifts at His birth. So to at the spiritual birth of the manchild, at their spirit baptism by fire, they will be given Holy Spirit gifts and some wealth, most likely for the ministry, just like the parable of the talents. They must use this wisely for the advancement of the Kingdom. And there is an earthly blessing as well as a heavenly calling. Their work is just about to begin. The opposition will increase as their short but powerful ministry progresses.

By the time we get midway through the Hallel Psalms they are coming into their power as their giftings and powers increase as the opposition increases. The water is becoming wine. They exclaim in their heart…

O LORD, truly I am thy servant; I am thy servant, and the son of thine handmaid: thou hast loosed my bonds.

Psalms 116:16

Then by the time we get to Psalm 118 they are coming into full blown physical and spiritual warfare and their divine powers are increasing, like the anointing of Samson and King David. Read the Psalm through, the bad guys are swarming around them like bees but they are cutting them down like flies.

Finally there is the resurrection and rapture during Pentecost. This is when the woman, Zion, escapes the dragon and the 144,000 manchild are raptured to heaven to escape him also. So the remnant church of Zion that remains at that time is taken to the wilderness and the manchild is taken to heaven.

The 144,000 have completed their assignment and now they go to heaven to be sealed at the feast. This is what Psalm 119 represents. It is the sealing. Psalm 119 mentions the term ‘thy servant‘ many many times and gives us an overview of the struggle to keep the Lord’s commandments through much opposition. I had previously thought that this was at Tabernacles/Sukkot but now I see it as Pentecost. Another sealing occurs at Tabernacles.


Time’s up Babylon.

Seek ye the LORD while he may be found, call ye upon him while he is near:

Isaiah 55:6

The tremors of the birthpangs could increase rapidly from now on and the 144,000 could be commissioned any time now with a Holy Spirit Baptism of Fire before the travail comes upon Zion. Most likely before Passover 2024.

Love & Shalom in Yeshua HaMaschiach


By Rory

One thought on “The Servant of the Lord יהוה”
  1. Shalom!
    Mediante, muitos sonhos, Palavras, mensagens de muitos servos do Deus Vivo e uma experiência sobrenatural que estou vivendo, creio que o Filho Varão nascerá em breve.
    O Senhor me levou a pesquisar sobre o término da construção do templo de Salomão, que ocorreu em Chesvan, ou seja, mês de novembro/2024; em virtude, de revelar-me acerca dos 144000 serem o Seu Templo, Jerusalém Celestial.
    Deus o abençoe ricamente.
    obs. como posso acessar suas msg após maio/2024?

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