The Earth is beginning to experience the early stages of the wrath of Almighty God in terms of Earthquakes and other natural disasters. And we are moving towards a third world war that will go nuclear. The bible prophecies ‘Palm trees of smoke’ and the outpouring of the Holy Spirit in Joel 2:30 and 31. This is announcing the raising up of the 10 lost tribes of the House of Israel through judgement and massive destruction and loss of life. We are on the cusp of these things now (2013).
The following video series introduces some chapters from the Old Testament that describe these events in great detail. They are still awaiting fulfilment today. They include;
- Isaiah 24 – Earthquakes
- Isaiah 17 – Damascus destroyed, Jacob made thin
- Zechariah 5
– God’s curse goes into all the Earth.
– Last Days Babylon comes together
(wickedness returns to the land of Shinar).
- Ezekiel 34, Jeremiah 23
– The idle shepherds and wicked of the 10 lost tribes of the House of Israel are cut down with fury poured out. - John 11- The Raising of Lazarus
(which represents the Levitical Priesthood of Eleazar)
Part 1 of 7 in youtube playlist (click link below)
Before the 2nd Exodus of the 10 lost tribes of the House of Israel (Ezekiel 34, Jeremiah 20 and 23, Ezekiel 36 & 37 etc) we shall see massive earthquakes (Isaiah 24) that shall greatly change the world we know and drastically cut down the populations of the world including the Jews and the 10 lost tribes. During this time Jacob shall be made thin (Isaiah 17) with very few survivors. This is due to the wickedness within Israel, both Jews (House of Judah) and the 10 lost tribes of the House of Israel scattered in America and Australia etc.
This destruction occurs at the same time Damascus is destroyed. There is a link between Damascus and obtaining a bride for Messiah. Eleazar (Lazarus) is linked to Damascus and the theme of the bride.
After these shocking events the righteous remnant of the 10 lost tribes shall return to the land of Israel and join with the righteous remnant of the Jews that believe in Yeshua.
At this same time the Lord will pour out His Holy Spirit on all flesh in a greater way than in Acts chapter 2. This is the latter rain outpouring prophesied in Joel 2:30-31 which is coupled with palm trees of smoke and the moon turning to blood etc.
At the same time last days Babylon shall come together as prophesied in the book of Zechariah chapter 5. All these events are birth pangs that precede the tribulation as prophesied in the book of Revelation. If you do not have a firm grasp of the Old Testament scriptures and prophecies concerning the 10 lost tribes of the House of Israel then you are unprepared to understand what is coming upon the earth and what we are about to witness now as the earth changes forever. Zion and Israel are rising through judgement.
At the same time that God is raising up the remnant of the 10 lost tribes of the House of Israel, the Levitical Priesthood shall be personally reestablished by none other than Yeshua himself. This is alluded to through the raising of Lazarus (Greek form of the name ‘Eleazar’) as recorded in John chapter 11.
This video is 1hr and 43 minutes long and is broken into 15 minute segments due to youtube restrictions. In order to upload more than 15 minutes I have to agree to give them my phone number. I don’t trust google/youtube for this reason because why do they want our phone numbers? Do they just want to sell us something or do they intend to round us up at gun point in the future? The request for our phone numbers is very in your face and suspect. We are to be as wise as serpents and as harmless as doves – Mat 10:16.
Part 1 of 7 in playlist (click link below)
May Yahweh Elohim bless you b’shem Yeshua HaMashiach
UK users
Please Note, part 5 is blocked on youtube UK because I used a brief clip from another youtube video of the 2004 Boxing Day Tsunami where 250,000 people died in 14 countries in the Indian ocean.
So here is part 5 in all it’s glory…
Re – Mega Earthquake video, part 5 of this is blocked in the UK by Youtube
Thank you Richard.
I have uploaded part 5 of the video directly to this blog so UK users can view it.