This is the introduction to the article titled, ‘The Church & Israel‘.
What is the ‘Church‘? Why did Yeshua say that he would build His Church? Where is the Church in Torah? And why didn’t He just say He was going to build Israel? What’s going on?
There is much confusion amongst Christians and even Torah based Messianic followers of Yeshua with regards to what the Church is and how it relates to Israel. This article I hope will put to rest age old arguments concerning spiritual and earthly Israel, the role of spiritual versus physical warfare & government. This article will I hope shed some light on the subject by contrasting and comparing the respective roles and relationships of the Church and Israel.
We will refer to two main items in the Holy place of the temple, the Menorah and the table of Shewbread to contrast and compare the Church and Israel. The tabernacle and temple represent God’s physical and spiritual building plan for creation and unifying all things under Messiah.
The Church & Israel Contrasted
- the Church came out of Israel just as Eve came forth from Adam
- the Church is related to the 7 branched Menorah
while Israel is related to the 12 loaved table of Shewbread - the Church relates more to the heavenlies while Israel relates more to the earthly.
- the Church is above while Israel is below.
- the Church is feminine while Israel is masculine
- the Church started with the Jews with a large Jewish Component
was gentile for most of the last nearly 2000 years of Messiah
the Church will end with the Jews with a large Jewish Component
The Churches Role
- the Church is the bride of Messiah
- the Church is literally the Congregation of Israel (Adat Israel) that rules above the 12 tribes of Israel during the 1000 year rule of Messiah.
- the Churches warfare is spiritual while Israel’s warfare is physical
the Church does not take up arms, while Israel does!
Awakening of Adam
- Israel, like Adam has been sleeping while a rib from His side was formed to become the Church, the congregation, Adat Israel.
- When Messiah Yeshua returns,
Israel (Adam) shall awake to the Church, Adat Israel (Eve) and the two shall become one.
Israel is already beginning to wake up from it’s slumber. - The awakening of the lost tribes of the ‘House of Israel’ and the Jews of the ‘House of Judah’ is happening in the context of the near completion of the church as the Age of the Gentiles and Church age gradually draw to a close. We are drawing close to the 1000 year Sabbath with the footsteps of the Messiah.
The Whore
- Not everything that is called ‘the Church’ is ‘the Church’. There is a difference between the Bride and the Whore. The Roman Catholic Church is the main embodyment of the whore of Revelation but she shall take on her final fully Babylonian form as the two houses of Israel come together. The whore is also composed of her protestant daughters that return to their Mother Church Whore. The Vatican shall burn but that will not be the end of the whore. She shall take residence in the land of Shinar according to the prophecy in Zechariah chapter 5. This will be literal last days Mystery Babylon. See the article ‘Spaceport Babylon‘ and it’s accompanying blog articles for details. Ultimately all religions will be gathered together under the head of Babylon. Rome is just the legs of Iron, but Babylon is the Golden head that controls it all. The worship of Babylon shall be the worship of mother earth and the beast.
- The ecclesiastical whore shall ride her masculine counterpart, the Beast, the final last days gentile political and government system of the Antichrist. Religion rides politics. She is drunk with the blood of the Holy ones. But thankfully the whore is burnt by fire by the beast. The punishment for witchcraft is death (Exodus 22:18). The punishment for a whoring priests daughter is to be burnt by fire (Leviticus 21:9). So if you want to play the part of Madonna the whore then you also have to pay the price. Once the Babylonian whore institution is destroyed, it’s members will burn forever in Hell and then the lake of fire (Revelation 20:14).
In the previous companion article titled ‘God’s Image‘ we concentrated on the male aspect of the image of God. In this article we will concetrate on the female aspect of the image of God and tie the two aspects together.
We know from scripture that a remnant of the 10 lost tribes of Israel have been brought back to the Father through the good news of Messiah Yeshua. And we know that they shall return to the land of Israel in the last days to join with the believing remnant of their Jewish brethren (see article, the ‘Regathering of the 10 Lost Tribes‘). The Messiah has been gathering in the remnant of Israel and the remnant of the nations that believe on His name also.
But this article deals with the very nature of what the ‘Church‘ actually is and how it relates to ‘Israel‘. We will see that the Church came from Israel and how it is distinct and yet still a part of Israel. The Church is the ‘Congregation of Israel‘, ‘AdatIsrael‘. It is the more feminine part of the more masculine nation of Israel. The Symbol for Adat Israel (the Church) is the Menorah. The Church, ‘Adat Israel’, made up of Jew and Gentile will rule over Israel when Yeshua returns.
For more details see the main article titled, ‘The Church & Israel‘…
iage vs Marriage Supper
Look at the chronological order of Rev. 18:7f: “Let us be glad and rejoice, and give honor to him: for THE MARRIAGE OF THE LAMB IS COME, and his wife hath (past tense) made herself ready…And he saith unto me, Write, Blessed are they which are CALLED (now, at the 2nd Rapture) unto the MARRIAGE SUPPER OF THE LAMB.” Doesn’t it seem to you that the Marriage of the Lamb precedes the second calling (Rapture) of the saints and that this calling is before the Marriage Supper of the Lamb and not before the wedding? The first Rapture is for the bride who will be called to the wedding, to the marriage and the second rapture will be the tribulation saints who will be invited to the marriage supper.
Reference to after the Wedding
Luke 12:35f may be speaking to the second group to be called to heaven after the marriage, “Let your loins be girded about, and your lights burning; And ye yourselves like unto men that wait for their lord, WHEN HE WILL RETURN FROM THE WEDDING that when he cometh and knocketh, they may open unto him immediately (see Rev. 3:20). Blessed are those servants, whom the lord when he cometh shall find watching: verily I say unto you, that he shall gird himself, and make them to sit down to meat, and will come forth and serve them (the Marriage Supper of the Lamb). And if he shall come in the second watch, or come in the third watch and find them so, blessed are those servants.” It seems that the Tribulation saints are called to Heaven after the Marriage of the Lamb takes place, just in time for the Judgment Seat of Christ as all the saints must be present to receive their rewards. Like Vashti, Israel was rejected for awhile as the Bride, and like Esther, the king chooses from among a group of virgins. To me, the wise virgins seem to be the Bride and the foolish virgins, the friends of the Bride