LIVE from Dallas, Texas, USA

Filmed in Dallas, Texas on December 6th 2014

via YouTube Playlist

1hr 54 mins

Available as pdf and mp3 podcast.





castaway_-_inside_of_time_&_space.pdf Download File

I have managed to get the above video edited and uploaded. It is part 3 of a three part series the deals with time. Many thanks to the good folks in Dallas for their kindness and encouragement and opportunity to share some things from the word. Anyway here are the three video talks in the series. The first two are on YouTube.

  1. Timelines – for Regathering Israel
  2. The Resurrection of Man
  3. Castaway – Inside Time & Space

As followers of Yeshua, we should know that there is more to this ‘world’ than meets the eye. Many people live as if this ‘world’ or universe is all there is. We may even think of it as our world. But scripture makes it clear that if we follow Yeshua, then we are pilgrims and strangers in this world (Universe or Kosmos).

(This is up until the prince of this world is cast out and the Kingdoms of this world become the Kingdoms of our Lord.)

The scriptures seem to indicate that our earthly pilgrimage is like being in a ship at sea. (Noah, Disciples on the boat, Jonah, Psalm 107, Paul Shipwrecked). From Psalm 107 in Hebrew, there are hints that this began on day one of creation and encompasses all 7 days of creation and all 7000 years that accompany it. We are ‘down’ here in this world or Kosmos to learn and grow. Our existence here enables us to learn of the Lordโ€™s faithfulness and teaches us to call out to Him through our trials at sea. Presently we are โ€˜Castaway inside Time & Spaceโ€™. But we are Castaway at Sea with the Lord.

For more details on these topics please visit the website.

This video is 1hr and 54 minutes long and is broken into 15 minute segments (or less) due to youtube restrictions.

You can also watch each individual part in the ‘Castaway – Inside Time & Space’ series as follows…



PS – I have fixed some errors in the previous blog entries playlist titled the “Resurrection of Man”.

By Rory

One thought on “New Video – Castaway – Inside Time & Space”
  1. Great teaching. there many things to be learned from a mind which seeks the truth a biblical foundation makes room for a discerning mind, uncritical of true teaching but discerning false brothers i always warn people of judgmental minds ,to be spiritually awake to listen and take the morsels of truth to yourself the mocking and scoffing, wont even be open to the truth ther to closed to anything but there opinion bless you brother the spirit opens the eyes of him who thirstith after. The word, blessings .

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