LIVE from Dallas, Texas, USA
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timelines_-_for_regathering_israel.mp3 Download File
timelines_-_for_regathering_israel.pdf Download File
Hallelujah, the Lord is good! I have arrived here in Dallas, Texas and before the rubber on the airplane tires have cooled I have produced my first video from the USA.
This video is only 1 hour 27 mins long, unlike my previous 6 hour video “World War 3 & the 2nd Exodus”!
The Lord sure knows how to arrange things. I am staying with the “Wise” family here in McKinney, Dallas, Texas. Dave used his wonderful film skills to professionally video me and add the ‘cool stuff’. It takes a bit of time to produce these videos as I have to create the PowerPoint presentation, record the presentation, record the live video and then seamlessly splice it together, adding titles and after effects. -Dave helped here, I think you will notice the difference. After it’s all done I need to export this as a video and cut it into 15 minute segments for YouTube and upload. In the future I would like to upload the video in its entirety, Lord willing. YouTube have a policy whereby they give you unlimited video upload length as long as you give them your telephone number (and your soul).
This video details the regathering of the 10 lost tribes of the House of Israel to the North Country and then from there to Israel itself. Hopefully the video will flip some paradigms as most folks are either expecting the Rapture or the Tribulation itself. There are other events that must precede these events. For more details have a look at the video.
There is also a free NTSC formatted DVD Video Disk version of this presentation that I will hand out when I visit congregations Lord willing…

Ministry in the USA, Radio, Flight to New Zealand & Australia
I still have some time before my flight leaves for New Zealand on Sunday evening 5:50pm December 7 from Dallas Love Field Airport. This is about 3 weeks from now.
Originally I was going to stay in the USA for 3 months but I didn’t make the connections with folks from the USA that I had hoped to make while in Israel so I shortened my time here to just under 6 weeks. Thankfully however my VISA expires on the 26th of January 2015 so there is the possibility for me to stay longer. I am sure that if the Lord wants me to stay longer then I will be able to reschedule my flights. I would be happy to meet more of my brothers and sisters in the Lord.
And I would be happy to elaborate on any of the prophetic material that I have shared on the above video or from my website in general. Ideally I would like to be able to share this material to a broader Messianic or Christian audience via some sort of Radio show. Something to pray about. I am more of an engineer than a salesman and find approaching people a little out of my comfort zone. If any one could make a ‘plug’ for me to get this message out to others in the States then I would be grateful.
I am looking forward to the Lord bringing revival to His House and to a time of blessing after the smoke clears. Meanwhile I am available in any way that He sees fit. I hadn’t planned on putting this video together and really feel that the Lord is behind it and wants to get the message out. So Father, my eyes are upon You. If I have completed all that You have for me here to do in the USA then I am grateful to be of service. If there is more to do here then Father lead me on.
If I return to Auckland, New Zealand as planned then I will spend a couple of weeks there before leaving for Melbourne, Australia on December 21st.
I have a backlog of email correspondence to catch up on. My apologies to folks who have emailed me and I have yet to get back to them since my last blog update. Your email is important to me. I have been almost literally glued to an Apple Mac since arriving in Dallas, producing these Presentations. I have another presentation in the works which I hope to do, this coming Shabbat. This next presentation is titled ‘The Resurrection of Man‘ and encompasses the history of Israel before Adam and birth of the Man Child. This is another challenging paradigm shifting topic that I hope will paint a much grander picture of our redemption than most people are aware of. And it has implications for the final tribulation events, which is a period of time that I have not concentrated on in the current talk.
God bless ‘Ya-ll’.
b’Shem Yeshua
Texas, USA
Why brother u there u all