LIVE from Dallas, Texas, USA

Filmed in Dallas, Texas on November 16th 2014

via YouTube Playlist

1hr 42 mins
+ Questions
= 2hrs 39 mins Total

Available as pdf and mp3 podcast.

the_resurrection_of_man.mp3 Download File

the_resurrection_of_man.pdf Download File

PS, I have finished my 5 month touring of Israel, USA and New Zealand. Now I am safely back in Australia during the Victorian State’s bushfire season! And it’s hot!

I have managed to get the above video edited and uploaded. It is part 2 of a three part series the deals with time. Many thanks to the good folks in Dallas for their kindness and encouragement and opportunity to share some things from the word. Anyway here are the three video talks in the series. The first two are on YouTube.

  1. Timelines – for Regathering Israel
  2. The Resurrection of Man
  3. Castaway – Inside Time & Space

The third title in the series will be uploaded next week Lord willing. It has already been edited.

Israel & Zion before Adam?

According to the biblical Hebrew scriptures there is much more recorded about time and the events of the past than most people are aware of. Indeed the events since Adam seem to be like a rejigging of the ‘matrix’ in the sense that the events of the past 6000 years seem to be linked to a fall of Zion before Adam. This will sound outlandish and strange to many. But the following scripture may shed some light on just such a possibility…

That which hath been is now; and that which is to be hath already been; and God requireth that which is past.

Ecclesiastes 3:15 

There are scriptures in the Tenach (Old Testament) that describe the world before Adam and go on to describe events that led to the world becoming chaotic, formless and void (eg Jeremiah 4:23-). There are other scriptures that talk about all the House of Israel being ‘slain’ (Ezekiel 37:9). This has never happened literally during the last 6000 years of recorded biblical history. Some of Israel has been slaughtered, but not all of Israel has been slaughtered. Such scriptures are often glossed over as simply poetic license or hyperbole. I have come to take the scriptures more and more literally. There is another intriguing verse is in Lamentations chapter 2 where we read of the Daughter of Zion falling from Heaven to Earth. When did that ever happen? The answer must be that it occurred before Adam and it is related to the fall of Lucifer Son of the Morning (Hallel Ben Shakar).

The scriptures do not mention these events to titillate us. Everything is there for a reason and should give us light. In order to understand what will be occurring in the end times we will need to understand what happened before Adam concerning a former ‘House of Israel’ and the ‘Daughter of Zion’. In prophecy the events of the distant past are often mixed into prophecies concerning the present or distant future.

For more details on these topics please visit the website.

This video is 2hr and 39 minutes long and is broken into 15 minute segments due to youtube restrictions.

You can also watch each individual part in the ‘Resurrection of Man’ series as follows…


enjoy and Godbless
b’Shem Yeshua HaMashiach


By Rory

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