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Just click on the links at the bottom of the page in the middle of the dark grey footer below an image like the one here.
Note: For Blog Articles it is best that you click on the Title of the Blog first to view it individually without the other Blog entries otherwise there will be no pictures and all the words will be bunched together without paragraphs etc. (Other parts of the website work just fine).
Of course any page can also be converted to a pdf version or printed using the link at the top of the page on the header.
I know how busy folks are these days. Perhaps you don’t have time to read except while on a train or going for a walk to the park etc. Now many mobile phones also have e-book apps that allow you to read e-books. Now any page on this website is available to you for this.
I have an Amazon Kindle ebook reader & I find it so useful for reading info on the run. I use software called ‘Calibre‘ that allows me to convert the latest news in Israel or elsewhere in Hebrew or English and download it from my laptop onto my Kindle. I have even converted the Bible from Microsoft Word version to ebook format via Calibre. So I have free bible versions in Hebrew, Greek, Aramaic, English etc on my lightweight Kindle ebook reader. The Calibre software is free and converts web pages and word documents and even pdf’s into the major e-book formats. The days of carrying around heavy books and magazines are on the wane.
By the way, this website is designed to work on mobile devices. When you type in into your mobile device web browser it should display the mobile version of this website automatically.
Really enjoyed your DVD about Hashems Moadim
no worries, glad you enjoyed it.