Here is a brief excerpt from a large New Article that contrasts the Satanic Pyramid headed by the eye of Horus/Satan with the bride of Messiah and how it fits in with end time prophecy.
For the full article go to ‘Pyramid Power & the 5th Element‘.
Top of Pyramid – Seed of the Woman vs the Seed of the Serpent
Just as the Mountain of the Lord’s House shall be raised up so too will the Bride rise to her Messiah.
She shall be standing on the moon and clothed with the Sun. She shall be obedient to Torah with the 12 stars about her head.
Indeed this is what the 15 songs of degrees, שיר המעלות
, (ascent) are all about. This is symbolised by the ark rising 15 cubits above the mountains. The ark is a picture of the bride rising even as judgement comes upon the world. These Psalms are sung on the 15 steps of the temple during Sukkot. 15 is the numeric value of the name Yah, יה
, the short form of the name Yahweh. The first letter, yod, י
represents the masculine gender, the father, and the heh, ה
represents the feminine, the mother.
The fall feasts of Trumpets, Atonement and Tabernacles are all about the bride rising to meet her beloved when the New Testament comes in it’s completeness and full atonement is made. At present we have entered into it but it is not until the latter rain outpouring of the spirit that the bride can make herself ready. She will be ready midway through the tribulation even as the Dragon is cast out of Heaven. He cannot contend with the Bride because she is perfect. He has no legal ground to touch her or her child (See article titled ‘Manchild‘). The bride is dressed in white just like the happy Israelite folks dress in white while keeping the feast of Tabernacles.
The Israelite Bride is related to the House of the Lord and the Tabernacle in this sense by being located in the middle of the 4 Cherubim and the 4 camps that make up the 12 tribes of Israel. The location of the House of the Lord at the centre of the 4 encampments is the 5th encampment. It is related to the 13th tribe, Levi. (Levi is the third son born to Jacob but when he is taken out from amongst the tribes to be the Lord’s then He effectively becomes the 13th tribe and the Tribe of Joseph is split into two tribes, Ephraim and Manasseh.) The Priesthood of Levi are related to the serpent and Dragon and they contend with the Dragon, but it is only the Israelite bride that goes all the way to the top of the mountain with the Messiah. The Bride is made of the same sort of stuff as Levi in the sense that fire came down in Acts chapter 2 during Pentecost (Shavuot) which celebrates the Law coming down to Mount Sinai. But the difference is that the bride has a greater intimacy and revelation of Messiah and Grace (ה). The bride is related to the Dove which is a symbol of the Holy Spirit.
The New Testament epistles are really a set of love letters to Adat Israel, the Israelite bride part of the Church of the living God. And it here that we see the Pyramid symbolism with the 5th Cherub, the Israelite Bride, the Church (Adat Israel) is lifted up at the centre of the 4 cherubim and 12 tribes.
Thus all 12 tribes, including the lost 10 tribes must fully return to Zion before this can occur. Thus there will be a return to the land of Israel by the 10 lost tribes before the tribulation. (For more reasons on why the lost tribes must return to the land after World War 3 but before the tribulation see the article titled ‘The Rapture‘).
Satan, the old devil and serpent is the former head of the order of Seraphim and Dragons. But he is unfit to rule because he is twisted (Leviathan the twisting serpent, Isaiah 27:1). The nearest akin to him in Israel is Levi, however Levi is righteous while Satan is wicked. As stated earlier it was through Levi that the Lord brought out the children of Israel from Egypt and the serpent of Moses/Aaron consumed Pharaoh’s serpents. The Bride of the Messiah is of a similar kind to that of Aaron’s line, but of a higher order. They may be made up of people from different tribes or even nations, but they are an entirely new creation (2 Corinthians 5:17) according to the spirit.
Perhaps you can begin to understand the vehemence of the hatred that Satan has for the true bride. For the moment, like Esther, her true Israelite ancestry is hidden but it shall be revealed in due course. Satan and his order is like Vashti that was cast out from being the Queen of the King (Queen of Heaven). The Hebrew word for ‘Queen’ is מלכה, Malcah (plural Malcut) is related to the word for ‘Kingdom’, מלכות, Malcut. The promise for Israel to be a Kingdom of Priests (Exodus 19:6, 1 Peter 2:9) is being fulfilled to the highest degree through the church (Adat Israel) which shall reign as the Queen of Heaven because the bride has become married to Her King, Yeshua, the Messiah who’s priesthood is of the order of Melchizedek (Psalm 110:4, Hebrews 7:17). She is the primary vessel of the Shechina, the manifest feminine presence of God.
For the full article go to ‘Pyramid Power & the 5th Element‘.