Here is a brief excerpt from a large New Article that compares the encampment of Israel with the heavenly court and the role that Levi plays as the ministers of the Lord in the midst of Israel. This is also explains the relationship between the Church and Levi.
For the entire article go to ‘4 Square & the 5th Encampment‘.
Levi and the 5th Encampment
Levi is right at the centre of the Israelite encampment. If the 12 tribes are arranged around the four sides of the tabernacle as in Numbers chapter two then Levi is with the tabernacle. If the 12 tribes are arranged in four encampments then Levi forms the 5th encampment.
The heavenly court has it’s court officials. Caesar had his and Pharaoh had his ones including military men and magicians. And Lawyers and scribes are not far from the reigns of power either (God save us!).
We know that Satan, the accuser of the brethren stands before the Lord accusing believers, Revelation 12:10.
So Satan contests everything that Israel does. And he opposes members of the Body of Messiah.
Why is he at the centre of things? Who let the snake slither in under the door? What is a dragon doing in the throne room?
The Dragon is there to guard something, like a royal cup bearer. His job was oversight of God’s house, just like Levi. Satan is well versed in law because that was his job. And like the Levitical sons of Korah he was a singer, Ezekiel 28:13. Except Satan became corrupted by his own perfection of beauty and lust for power and fame (Ezekiel 28:15-16, Isaiah 14:12-15). He became ‘Leviathan’ the twisting, piercing serpent, Isaiah 27:1. He twists things, he pierces, he hurts. The article ‘The 5th Cherub‘ deals with the origins of Satan.
The constellation Draco at the centre of the North pole is a picture of the heavenly courtroom scene. See the illustration further down this page for details. This Zodiac map with Draco at the centre and the 12 signs around the outside is a heavenly representation of the Israelite encampment in Numbers chapter 2. Indeed the Israelite encampment is a picture of the Heavenly court.
The tribe of Levi essentially performs the same role of guarding the throne, protecting the Law, teaching the Law from a heavenly spiritual perspective, guiding the children of Israel as a mother. Judah meanwhile is more related to the details of Torah and how to make it work in the real physical world. But there is some crossover between the two. Yeshua is the perfect priest-king of a higher order, the ‘order of Melchizedek’ through the power of an endless life, Hebrews 7:16-17.
The tribe of Levi is at the centre of the Lord’s court as his ministers, his court officials. Within the tribe of Levi, the line of Aaron and his sons beginning with Itamar and Eleazar are the Priests. The common Levites minister to the people but the Priests minister to the Lord. They are his in a special way. But they do not have their own tribal land, only cities.
If the table of Shew bread depicts the 12 tribes of Israel, then the 4 legs represent the four cherubim encampments. Then where is Levi, the 13th tribe on the table? Levi is what binds the tribes/loaves together, Levi is represented by the vertical supports that hold the loaves. Alternatively Levi is related to the various jugs and accessories.
For the entire article go to ‘4 Square & the 5th Encampment‘.
Good work Rory!!!!
A prophet is known by a prophet.
We are under covenant [ covering] not under nicene creed/ solar calendar[false covering]