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Let’s get into the Word and look at the depth of the spiritual insight contained in it’s wonderful pages. We will look at the weekly Torah readings from Genesis to Deuteronomy with eye towards God’s Prophetic Blueprint in the Last Days for Israel, the Bride of the Messiah and the Nations.
Hopefully you will be reading the Torah every week and you will be discovering things that answer some questions, and things that open up a whole new world of questions. The mine of spiritual truth in God’s word is inexhaustible.
The Word of God is the Lamb of God, Yeshua. The Word was written on Lamb skin parchment scrolls that were rolled up via two stick scroll rollers. These two sticks which represent;
- the two witnesses,
- Moses & Elijah,
- the two Houses of Israel
- and the image of God, male and female.
- The two sticks represent the two tablets of stone on which the 10 commandments were written.
- And they represent the giving of the Torah on Mt Sinai and through the outpouring of God’s spirit in the days of Elijah.
Yeshua transfigured between Moses and Elijah.
If you remember, Yeshua was transfigured between Moses and Elijah. Matthew 17:3,4; Mark 9:4,5; Luke 9:30,33. That is, the Lamb of God between two sticks/trees, just like the Word on the Lambskin parchment between the two scroll rollers. The two witnesses bearing witness to the third witness to the Word, Yeshua himself, the living Word.
Like the Living Word made flesh, the word unfolds itself like living DNA from the first words of the bible and on through to the Revelation of Yeshua HaMashiach.
The first words of the bible are; בראשית ברא אלהים
“In the beginning God”…
Notice how the second word, bara (‘created’) ברא, comes out of the first word, bereshit (in the first/head/beginning) בראשית. This is a clue that the word of God is an unfolding design where the latter comes out of the former. The New Testament comes from the Old Testament and is part of it. There is a unity to the Word of God. It is a living book with One God, One Law, One Spirit and One Messiah.
The Words of the Bible in Hebrew (and Aramaic) are made up of the same letters. There are 22 letters in the Hebrew Alphabet (aleph-bet), and there are 66 books in the entire bible, which equals three lots of 22 (3x22=66).
The wonderful diagram below from shows a wonderful pattern to our bible’s design.
God’s Word is sweet as honey, Psalm 119:103.
God’s Word is likened to to bread which is made from the seed of wheat. In Matthew 13:19 and 1 Peter 1:23 the Word of God is also likened to a seed. This is encoded in the Torah where the Manna that fell in the Wilderness that was like a coriander seed in appearance, Ex 16:31, Num 11:7. The Kernel of that seed, the inner part, is the Torah;
- Genesis
- Exodus
- Leviticus
- Numbers
- Deuteronomy
In another sense the Messiah is the Kernel of the Bible, depending on which roller stick you roll up the scroll from. That is, do you roll it up starting from the stick roller that attaches to the beginning of the scroll in Genesis chapter one verse one, or do you roll it up from the stick roller connected to the last chapter (22) of the book of Revelation? It’s all a matter of perspective. The Answer is that both are true, both the Torah and the Messiah are at the center because both the Torah and the Messiah are one – Yeshua is the Torah and the Torah is Yeshua.
The purpose of the Torah is to bring us to the Messiah, Yeshua. And after we have come to faith in Him, the Torah is the foundation of our instruction leading on to maturity.
By extension the rest of the Bible is Torah also. Yeshua quoted the Psalms and called it ‘Law’ (Torah), Psalms 82:6; Isaiah 41:23; John 10:34. But we need a good foundation in Torah to begin to understand the rest of the Word in greater depth, including the Prophetic books of the Old Testament and the rest of the Scriptures.
If you would like to be encouraged in the Word then feel free to download these Parsha (Weekly Torah portions from Genesis to Deuteronomy).
We may look at the Parsha scripture portion in a general overview sort of fashion, or we may just look at a small portion of it in depth. We may look at a chapter line by line or focus on the meaning of words and where they occur elsewhere. We may look at a topic or theme. We may look at a passage in a Legal way or a prophetic way. We may look at types and shadows of things to come. No matter how we approach it, there will always be something new. That is the power and depth and height of the word of God. You will begin to appreciate the depth of the rest of the word of God as you lay an important foundation in Torah.
There were 22 Almonds on the 7 branched Lampstand (or ‘Menorah’ in Hebrew) representing the 22 Hebrew letters from Aleph, א to Tav, ת that make up the Word of God. The name for Almond in Hebrew is Luz, which was also the name of Beit El, the House of God. Luz, לוז means to ‘transfer’. The Hebrew Letters of God’s Word which is Yeshua also, will transfer us to the House of God and bring us into the Heavenly Court. Yeshua, the Aleph and Tav, (the Alpha & Omega in the Greek translation), requires a spotless bride. The 7 branched Menorah, represents the bride which is made up of the 7 churches of Revelation 3 & 4. The 22 almonds of the Hebrew Letters will help enable the bride to make herself ready. Of course she will also need oil in her lamps to keep the light burning.
Zechariah’s vision in Zech 4:3,11 of the two trees supplying oil to the Lampstand (Menorah) has deep meaning for the congregation of Yeshua and the Israelite bride in the last days. Both Judah and Israel, both Old and New Testament’s are needed to prepare her along with the Oil of God’s Holy Spirit.
Let us study the Word with the Weekly Torah portion and faith in Messiah Yeshua as our foundation. Then the entire word of God will begin to shine in our hearts and the bride of Messiah can begin to make herself ready to meet the King as His coming draws closer…