New Zealand is a nation that was founded on Christian principles by British settlers. It was inhabited by a wicked, pagan and cannibalistic race of people called the ‘Maori’. Thankfully by the grace of God many Maori turned to the God of Israel through the gospel.
However now most of the children of these Maoris and the British settlers have become unthankful to God and have cast his word and his Laws and His Holy Son, Yeshua behind their back.
New Zealand is a land brought up from the Sea by the meeting of two tectonic plates. Soon it shall return to the sea because of it’s wickedness. New Zealand is a seismic wonderland. Most of the major cities are sitting on or next to a series of volcanoes. It is a beautiful bomb waiting to explode. Now due to the wickedness of the Church Leaders, that bomb is primed. ‘ChristChurch’ is just a warning, more shaking is to come in this time of sorrows. And if God judges New Zealand he will judge gay California the same way, and maybe at the very same time! Hallelujah! If you are a believer, get out of that state pronto! And don’t stay too close to Yellow Stone National Park either! You don’t need to be a prophet or a seisemologist to see trouble coming. You just have to have two eyes and a nose and the fear of God. I tend to recall Yeshua’s words from the gospels about earthquakes in various places (Mark 13). Time to take heed and head to the hills I think. Persecution is next.
A Christian believer named Andrew Strom, who lived in the USA returned to New Zealand a while ago and writes the following report. Andrew is not Torah based or Messianic but he seems to be an honest reporter and is looking for true revival not a false one.
(However the true Revival to come will be the revival of the 10 lost tribe remnant and a return to Torah with Dreams and Visions etc and a return to the land after world war 3).
He has since left the barren spiritual shores of godless New Zealand for Australia (not much of an improvement but it’s a start.) May the last believer to leave that wicked nation please turn out the light.
Perhaps then, after reading Andrew’s report you can understand why ‘ChristChurch’ got what it got a few days ago. The ChristChurch ‘church leaders’ would not even endorse an event to thank God for not devastating their city in the previous earthquake. The first part of turning away from God is being unthankful, we are told this in Romans.
Because that, when they knew God, they glorified him not as God, neither were thankful; but became vain in their imaginations, and their foolish heart was darkened.
Romans 1:21
Judgement has finally come.
Judgement begins at the house of God, even the Church of Christ.
I am sorry to see such beautiful buildings destroyed. But as for the lives of the people? The bible says that the heart of the wicked is of little worth.
The tongue of the just is as choice silver: the heart of the wicked is little worth.
Proverbs 10:20
But I am glad that judgement has come because God’s name is being sanctified! There is a time when the most merciful thing to do is to judge a nation and kill the wicked including the wicked shepherds in the church. Don’t be surprised if the next event for ‘ChristChurch’ shall be Volcanic. May the earth open up and consume these wicked leaders as it did for Korah and Dathan during their journey through the wilderness after the Exodus.
I left New Zealand as soon as that secret Lesbian God hater Helen Clark took over. She banned prayer in government and allowed homosexuel marriage and even participated in a degrading gay parade. Ok so Australia is not much better. No one could accuse the Prime Minister of Australia, Julia Gillard of having family values let alone Christian virtue. And Anna Bligh, the Premier of Queensland may be more of leader than Gillard but with her new surrogacy laws she is no friend of the family either… “The new legislation allows single adults and homosexual couples to enter into a surrogate agreement for a child.“
So politics has descended to the point of choosing which lying reprobate to elect. Come out from among them. Touch not the unclean thing!
But I digress. Let’s look at New Zealand after Helen (Darth Vader voiced) Clark.
Now New Zealand is run by the Smiling Assassin named John Key who has banned Kosher slaughter while allowing Muslim slaughter of animals. What a snake! May he perish with the next earthquake and/or volcanic eruption along with the Beehive (New Zealand Parliament building in Wellington). John Key is no Jew (his father is not a Jew), he is a godless profane man like Esau. By their deeds you shall know them.
See my comments regarding banning Kosher slaughter in the following blog article… An open letter to the Jews of New Zealand – Time to Leave?
What is being done in New Zealand against God and against the Law of God and against the Jewish people will be done in Australia. New Zealand is just the test case, it is the shape of things to come. Once Australia enacts similar wicked laws it will begin to reap the same disasters, but even worse, because she has already been warned by New Zealand’s example. Australia has already had warnings from God in Queensland through the floods and Tropical storms (see Queensland Australia Flooded after cursing Israel). God has been merciful this time. Lives have been spared. The next time the Australian or State governments pass wicked laws or persecute Israel the devastation will be horrific. People will die in their thousands! I am not saying this as a prophet but just as a bible believer who knows the blessings and curses in Leviticus 26 and Deuteronomy 28. If people don’t repent after the first warning, then the judgements get worse. And if they still don’t repent the judgements get worse still. And the nation will be invaded at some stage. Read the blessings and the curses. Perhaps you can guess what happens next.
But let’s think about New Zealand for a moment. Could it be that the Father wants to not only move the remnant of the Jews from that nation, but also the remnant of the lost tribes? If you are from the lost tribes, you cannot go to Israel to live without denying Yeshua. My advice to believers is to run from New Zealand, it will sink like a stone! I am deadly serious. Get out now! Cross the ditch, and don’t look back like Lot’s wife. If you are a Jew, take a lesson from the Chabbadniks in ChristChurch, their building was shaken. No lives were lost but it is a warning, leave! Come over to Australia, turn to Yeshua the true Rebbe and we will both travel back to the Holy Land together (Judah and Israel) after World War 3.
So we may hop over to Australia and then leave Australia before it too is flooded. We will island hop our way home. The lost tribes are leaving. But praise God many of the Christian leaders are not leaving. They will be judged for their wickedness. We will have earthquakes and volcanic activity and flooding and these idle shepherds can go down with the ship. The land of the long white cloud shall go down in a puff of smoke.
But we will make it back to the Holy Land after World War 3 if we take heed to the Lord, keep his commandments and keep humble. We will be regathered with fury poured out, but we will make it through.
Right on target, thank you for this post. Shalom
this sadens me greatly . one day you will understand, the bible says to treat others the way u wish to be treated. there are many godly people in christchurch new zealand and you will see great works soon, you should stop judgeing seen as god is the only judge., even u are a sinner we were all born in the same world a sinfull world.
Yes. Some of New Zealand’s leaders in Govt are ungodly. But so are America’s, Britains etc etc…..I opposed every single ungodly bit of legislation Helen Clarke which was a puppet to America’s longwinded lying Govt, now she’s working at the U.N. even to our present leader John Key, (hopefully leader for not long), many other kiwi’s opposed their stupid legislations, which America pushed for. I don’t like John Key’s policies and would never vote for his party. Politics aside, as for the godless doesn’t God protect those who are Godly in the land, remember Lot, Noah and their families, they were saved from Gods wrath and judgement. There are brothers and sisters in the Lord in ChCh. I agree with Sarah, so don’t be so harsh and judgemental. I am one of the Thankful.