The Land of Israel
Also see the following Shomron Settlement – Itamar
The Modern State of Israel is Growing
From a tiny beginning to today Israel has grown and developed from tiny settlements to a modern nation. She has grown birth pang by birth pang, struggle by struggle, war by war, brick by brick, prayer by prayer.
Have a look at the following link for details.
A Brief History of the Land of Israel from 1917 to the present
The Arabs have consistently lost to Israel during their wars which they have initiated against their much smaller neighbour. So much for Allah the imposter. Obviously the God of Israel is the true God. Obviously the Hebrew prophets in the Old and New Testaments are true prophets and Mohammed is a false prophet. Obviously the Bible is true and the Koran is a lie from the pit of Hell. Arabs jumping up and down wont change anything except hasten the inevitable. Israel will grow larger still.
Now World War 3 will seal the fate of the Arab religion, Islam, and Judgement will come to the Palestinians and other Arab/Muslim nations for cursing Israel.
The West Bank, or more correctly, Judea & Samaria (Yehuda & Shomron)
Israel is no dust bowl. It is becoming the blooming Garden of Eden, in the literal land of Eden. Modern towns are springing up in the (Re)Occupied land. The Settlements, in the so called ‘West Bank’, are becoming towns. Praise the Lord that the Jews have this land. They cannot give it away because it belongs to the Lord and they are its rightful custodians.
Since 1967, the Jews have taken hold of the biblical territories of Judea and Samaria. Now they are building roads and slowly out of necessity, cutting off the Palestinians. Why? Because of their bombings of Jews and wicked threats to annihilate them. The Jews cannot give away this strategic high ground. They have built roads but in other regards they have not greatly developed the heartland of the Shomron because it is reserved for Ephraim (Jeremiah 31:21). But there are small Jewish communities in strategic locations – holding the fort so to speak. In total there are over 327,800 Jews in what is called the Westbank, that is, Judea and Samaria (Yehuda and Shomron). Praise the Lord!
They have not pushed into the Shomron in a major way because it is reserved for Ephraim. But there is no reason that they cannot develop Judea though. But the secular government which prevents this needs to be overturned. Soon the Torah based Jews will merit to accomplish this during the coming World War 3 with Islam and the New World Order.
Soon there will be war in the middle east & around the world. The lost tribes shall return to their land including Samaria (Shomron). They shall return from a devastated America and Australia etc. And it shall be a remnant that returns.The interactive map below shows the accelerating pace of Jewish control of Israel. Praise the Lord. The map was obviously written by anti Israelite folks due to some of their terminology. But the map is still useful. Click on the dates 1967,1987,2005 to see the progress on the map. Also click on ‘Closed military areas’ etc.
A Palestinian State?
The creation of a Palestinian State is only a pretext for the elimination of the Palestinian people. Why so? Because a Palestinian State is intolerable to the existence of Israel. As soon as the Palestinians get a state they will use it to mount attacks on Israel. If the Jews give the Palestinians a state, it is only with certain knowledge that they will then have to fight them. This will also escalate into a war with Egypt and Syria and Iran and Jordan. The aftermath will be that the Palestinians will lose and will suffer horrific losses. If Tel Aviv is attacked by the Arab nations then the Jews will head for the Hills of Judea and Samaria, the high ground. The roads have been built by the Israelis, and it is only a matter of time before the Palestinians will see large numbers of Jews coming into the West Bank to push them out as they flee Tel Aviv. See article, Tel Aviv, Israel – Sniff the Coffee.
So the Palestinians are stuffed. It doesn’t matter what they do. It doesn’t matter if they get a state or not. They don’t have a future. The wise thing to do is to leave. Sell your house at any price and pack up your bags and leave for Jordan, Egypt, Lebanon, Iraq, Syria. But just leave, you don’t have much time left. The same goes for the Arabs in East Jerusalem. You don’t have a future there. Full stop. The writing is on the wall. You can’t win. The other Arab nations are just using you as a political bargaining chip as they always have. And the Jews are tired of your presence in their country. You have stirred up the Jews against you with your constant belligerence. Now it is time to pay the price for your transgression. Leave Now.
Future Population exchanges
Should there be a middle east war where Tel Aviv is likely to be attacked by missiles then plans are already in place to move a lot of folks from there to the hills of Judea and Samaria. This war is already planned by the major powers, and that is why Egypt will break it’s treaty with the Jews and support the Palestinians.
That is perhaps one reason Jerusalem has a light rail line, and Tel Aviv does not. Because some major changes are planned for downtown Tel Aviv. The street plans will change after a major missile attack! The die hard left wing anti settlement folks that live in Tel Aviv can stay where they are. They can be bombed by their Arab ‘friends’ . Meanwhile the wiser of the population will push into the West Bank. Perhaps this is poetic justice to the Peace Now brigade.
At the same time the bible believing Christians in America and elsewhere will support the Jews. Blood is thicker than water. If you are a Muslim and think that you had problems with the Jews and little Satan. Wait until big Satan comes to eat you up. You are finished. If Israel is attacked America will send troops. And the Palestinians will be pushed out of the Shomron and Judea. If you are a Palestinian don’t blame anyone but yourselves. It’s merely a payback for your ongoing hostility and treachery against the Jewish state. Although many believe that the Palestinians should go east into Jordan I believe that many of them should go west into the bottom of the Mediterranean Sea. They have hardened their hearts and now I believe that God is finishing what they have begun. He is hardening their hearts for their judgement and doom. Indeed we shall see Islam go down the ‘gurgler’ as a faith due to it’s abominable history against the Modern Jewish nation of Israel. Islam is the religion of a false Prophet. It will be seen to be a lie by the entire world after World War 3. They who curse Israel will be cursed.
Now lets look at something much more pleasant…
Beautiful Towns
Here is a most beautiful video presentation of the wonderful Jewish communities springing up in the land of Judea and the Shomron (Samaria).This video is by Ezra Ridgely from, the YouTube site is;
Soon Ephraim shall return after World War 3, the War with Islam (Ishmael) and the ‘Christian’ West (Edom and lost tribes).And the cities will multiply even more and extend out into what is now Jordan, Iraq, Lebanon and Syria. World War 3 will change the political map of the middle east. Greater Israel is coming!
Who Cares About the Settlements?
Israel National Radio – Tamar YonahTuesday, 25 January 2011 12:34 AM Why should anyone care about Judea & Samaria and the Jewish (re)settlements there? How would it affect Israel if we gave them away for a wishful peace with the Arab world? Would it matter? And if it did, what can we all do to prevent the disaster that would ultimately happen and mean the destruction of Israel? Ezra Ridgely, author of the book, “Judea and Samaria: The Land Of G-d” talks about 13 steps where we can all help the Land of G-d, without even having to leave our keyboards!
Click play below to listen
Help the Jews out in the Shomron (Samaria) or Yehuda (Judea)
The Jews are working hard to hold the land of Israel in the Shomron and Yehuda. You can help them buy purchasing their products or buying realestate (if you are Jewish) or donating money to help them build their communities.
You can find out more about these communities by visiting Ezra Ridgely‘s website,, which contains many wonderful photographs of the landscape and towns. He has a great Godly love for the people and the land which comes through his work.
If you would like to contact or help the various communities then go to,
“His Land”
song by Cliff RichardYes it is his land, all of it his
He stepped it off and marked it there,…stepped it off and marked it there
To be his earthly thoroughfare,…to be his earthly thoroughfare
And he blessed it with his hand,…yes it’s a great land, all of it is
And as it blooms before our eyes,…as it blooms before our eyes
Just like an Eden paradise,…like an Eden paradise
The world will understand,…world will understand…this is his land
Video no longer available.Slowly from hiding but surely they come
Back to the homeland their fathers will front
Israel their citadel, Israel their home
Now they are here at last never to roam
Here they will stay and bring life to the land
It’s a new day and with boldness they walk, tall and so straight
See them standYes it is his land, all of it his
He stepped it off and marked it there…stepped it off and marked it there
To be his earthly thoroughfare,…to be his earthly thoroughfare
And then he blessed it with his land,…yes it’s a great land, all of it is
And as blooms before our eyes,…as it blooms before our eyes
Like an Eden paradise,…like an Eden paradise
The world will understand,…world will understand…this is his landRich fertile valleys of russet and gold, carpets of green over mountains Unfold
Harvest of plenty so joyous and bright, her fields her treasures
Magnificent sight
This is the Israel promised of old, this is the miracle happening now
As ages in prophets fortoldYes it is his land……
The Shomron. The Jewish (Re)Settlers in Joseph’s land
After 2000 years exile the Jews are back in some of their land, and they are holding on. And they are also holding onto the Shomron (Samaria), the land of Joseph’s son Ephraim. Some unbelieving Jews mistakenly want to give away the land of Israel for empty Arab promises of peace. They must not do this.
The Jewish settlers are paying a very heavy price to hold the land and we should pray for them for strength, endurance and encouragement. They are even guarding Joseph’s Tomb in Shechem (Nablus) for goodness sakes. They should be treated with the utmost kindness and help in every way. is a website that shows some of the Jewish communities in the Shomron. Not all Jews are wealthy by any means. Often the ones doing the hard settlement work have little money, but great faith and determination. Pray for them and bless them. Pray for the Lions of Judah that they will be faithful until the end. Until they gain complete victory. Until the heathen that hate them are driven into the sea! (the Jews may not be so harsh but the scriptures are very sharp concerning the enemies of Israel Zephaniah 2:1-5, Malachi 4:1.)
Yeshua, Joseph & Tours of the Shomron
I wanted Christians to support the Jews in the Shomron and sent an email to the following website which offers tours. But I was informed by email that they do not offer tours to those who they termed ‘missionaries’ which must have included me. My crime? My crime is that I believe that Yeshua is the Messiah. I could believe that Uri Geller is the Messiah. That would be ok. Any other Messiah will do. But not the real one. Not Yeshua. They are trying to do the right thing as far as they understand it but their antagonism towards Yeshua has not gone away. So forgive them Father, they know not what they do (Luke 23:34). Yeshua is still the great divider (Matthew 10:34) as well as reconciler. The Messiah and the descendants of Joseph are still persecuted and rejected by the religious leaders of Judah even as Joseph was rejected by Judah and his brethren many years ago. The very harshness in Judah that led to the division of the ten tribes of the House of Israel from the House of Judah still exists today. It doesn’t matter if you follow Torah or not. Yeshua is the problem.
Yeshua said;
John 15:17-19 These things I command you, that ye love one another. 18 If the world hate you, ye know that it hated me before it hated you. 19 If ye were of the world, the world would love his own: but because ye are not of the world, but I have chosen you out of the world, therefore the world hateth you.
To be a believer in Yeshua is to be rejected in this world. The Jews also experience rejection from the nations and even from some sectors of the church. This is related to their own national rejection of the Messiah 2000 years ago. It’s a sort of mirror image, a reflection of their own choices. The very Messiah that the Torah of Moses points to is rejected. When the sons of Jacob rejected and persecuted Joseph they ultimately did it to their own hurt and shame, because he was one of them, their brother, and he had done them no harm. Judah led the brothers and maintained the lie to their father Jacob that a wild beast had killed Joseph. All the brothers were guilty but it is only recorded of Judah that he went down from his brethren (Genesis 38). He then suffered greatly learning what it was like to lose sons. The same trial that Judah went through is experienced by his descendants. But Moses prayed for Judah to bring him to his people (Deut 33:7). There came a time when Judah had to leave his land out of necessity in order to reach reconciliation with his brother Joseph. Pray that this reconciliation will happen before the Jews are forced to flee Joseph’s land, the land of Shomron. God has given this territory to Judah at present as a sacred trust. And they have been faithful in many ways. But to persecute the descendants of Joseph to whom the Shomron was given puts the Rabbinic leaders in the Shomron in a very bad position. It puts them in the very eye of judgement at the very time that judgement is coming, both to the Jewish State, the Arabs and the world, including the lost tribes. We are not living at a time when Yeshua (who reigns in the heavens now) will wink at sin in either house. So I strongly urge the leaders in the Shomron to change their position regarding denying tours to believers in Yeshua.
At the right time this reconciliation will occur. Even as the enemies of Israel try to dismember Israel so the Good Shepherd is even now drawing two former feuding brothers together. Reconciliation is already beginning with the increasing links between Jews and bible believing Christians. This cannot be stopped but rather it will accelerate. The author of this rapprochement is Yeshua. He is drawing the two houses together. And it can be a messy business reuniting a hurt and broken family. Many things need to be discussed. There are false understandings of Torah and Messiah on both sides. It’s like surgery, it can be painful for all involved as the collective body of Jacob comes together. There will be one house made of two. Two trees bound to the lamb of God, the word of God, the Torah made flesh. If this reconciliation is a work of the flesh through the wisdom of carnal man then it will fall apart, but if the surgeon is God, even Immanuel, then it will be a success. But let us not get ahead of the Lord, but wait upon Him to hear His voice and wait upon His instructions.
We for our part cannot disown the Messiah for the sake of brotherhood, the Messiah is not negotiable. The love of Messiah is above all other natural relationships (Matthew 10:33). This can be painful at times but we must deny ourselves and take up our cross and follow Him (Matthew 16:24). We must be like those who dwelt with Moses outside the camp (Exodus 33:7–11). But we can still pray and support the Jews in these places in all sorts of ways. Love will find a way. Pray for the peace of Jerusalem.
Perhaps one day soon there will be tours offered to believers in Ephraim’s actual ancient land. But in order for this to happen Ephraim must turn to his Cities and set their heart upon the highway as is outlined in Jeremiah 31:21, the very chapter that describes the New Covenant in the blood of Yeshua HaMashiach. So this will happen when Ephraim begin’s to awaken in earnest. This is a return to a Torah based faith in Yeshua.
At present it is difficult to arrange tours because of the stumbling stone laid in Zion. But that will change over time, but time is running out before all out war in the middle east and America. Pray for Judah that they will be strong. God can reveal Messiah Yeshua at anytime. It is Messiah Yeshua that breaks the wall of partition between Jew and Gentile including the lost tribes (Ephesians 2:14).
We may not be in agreement in all parts of theology, but they, the Jewish settlers, have every right to be there as opposed to the Arabs. God promised the land to all 12 tribes of Israel. And Judah comes to the land first. So they are even holding the land for Ephraim before he returns too. In fact Ephraim does not have a right to be there until he returns to Torah! And He will return after he and the rest of the lost tribes have gone to the wilderness of the people to receive God’s commandments a second time, during the second exodus! (Ezekiel 20:35). In context, the Lord is speaking to the lost tribes, the House of Israel (verse 31). God will bring them out of the country where they sojourn and bring them to the land of Israel. (He has never done this before. He has done it for the Jews, the House of Judah, but not for the 10 lost tribes of the House of Israel). And He will purge out the rebels of the House of Israel.
Ezekiel 20:35–38
וְהֵבֵאתִ֣י אֶתְכֶ֔ם אֶל־מִדְבַּ֖ר הָֽעַמִּ֑ים וְנִשְׁפַּטְתִּ֤י אִתְּכֶם֙ שָׁ֔ם פָּנִ֖ים אֶל־פָּנִֽים׃ 36 כַּאֲשֶׁ֤ר נִשְׁפַּ֙טְתִּי֙ אֶת־אֲבֹ֣ותֵיכֶ֔ם בְּמִדְבַּ֖ר אֶ֣רֶץ מִצְרָ֑יִם כֵּ֚ן אִשָּׁפֵ֣ט אִתְּכֶ֔ם נְאֻ֖ם אֲדֹנָ֥י יְהוִֽה׃ 37 וְהַעֲבַרְתִּ֥י אֶתְכֶ֖ם תַּ֣חַת הַשָּׁ֑בֶט וְהֵבֵאתִ֥י אֶתְכֶ֖ם בְּמָסֹ֥רֶת הַבְּרִֽית׃ 38 וּבָרֹותִ֣י מִכֶּ֗ם הַמֹּרְדִ֤ים וְהַפֹּֽושְׁעִים֙ בִּ֔י מֵאֶ֤רֶץ מְגֽוּרֵיהֶם֙ אֹוצִ֣יא אֹותָ֔ם וְאֶל־אַדְמַ֥ת יִשְׂרָאֵ֖ל לֹ֣א יָבֹ֑וא וִֽידַעְתֶּ֖ם כִּי־אֲנִ֥י יְהוָֽה׃ And I will bring you into the wilderness of the people, and there will I plead with you face to face. 36 Like as I pleaded with your fathers in the wilderness of the land of Egypt, so will I plead with you, saith the Lord GOD. 37 And I will cause you to pass under the rod, and I will bring you into the bond of the covenant: 38 And I will purge out from among you the rebels, and them that transgress against me: I will bring them forth out of the country where they sojourn, and they shall not enter into the land of Israel: and ye shall know that I am the LORD.
Good News
The mighty God of Israel is regathering his people. First Judah via Pogroms, WW1 and WW2 and Arab expulsions and Russian exodus during the 90’s. And then Israel and the rest of the Jews via WW3. The little settlements are turning into towns. God is building up Israel. Even through times of turmoil. And even if there is War, even Nuclear War, Judah will survive (though diminished) and Israel shall return (after their own holocaust). The sinners of Judah and Israel shall be cut down during these cruel times of judgement. These cruel times shall hurt but they shall also be a Kartharsis; a cleansing, a purification, a purging of wickedness. The good thing is that Israel is growing, in every way. Economically, Technologically, Numerically. And finally, Israel is growing Spiritually also. And the trying times that are coming shall awaken Israel. The secular state shall die. But the Torah based state shall replace it.
Israel shall throw off the Edomite Yoke of the Rothschild ‘Banksters’ and the secular state and the godless Rothschild plaything, the Israel Supreme Court. Israel shall no longer be part of Edom’s sandpit. It shall be governed according to Torah law under the guidance of the miraculously restored Levitical Cohenim. And the temple shall be built, one like that mentioned in Ezekiel 40 but not the exact same pattern. For Yeshua will build that when He returns. But we shall have a temple after world war 3 yet still before the 7 year tribulation. It shall be established in righteousness (and destroyed through wickedness.)
(During these messianic times when the temple is built we will be at a heightened level of awareness of truth and the spiritual dimensions of reality. The first Gog Magog war will occur after World War 3 and the regathering of the Lost Tribes of the House of Israel. (There is another Gog-Magog War at the end of the 1000 year reign of Yeshua.) In any case these spiritually elevated times will help facilitate the preparation of the bride to meet the Messiah. Thus it is still before the final trial of the AntiChrist and the 7 year tribulation and the return of Messiah Yeshua.)
The following images are from
Judah come home!
Soon it will be Ephraim’s time to come home to the land of Israel. But before that happens there is still time for Judah to come home. But not much time. Egypt will soon be at war with Israel and the other Arab nations will join in and it will be all on. America will assist Israel but turmoil will be growing back in America. Then there will be civil war in the USA and invasion! The Jews thought they were safe in Germany but they were wrong. Dead wrong. We must learn from history not repeat it. Judgement will happen differently in America than in Germany, but it will still happen. Wake up! Wake up! Wake up!
Soon time will run out for the Jews in America and Australia to return to Israel. When World War 3 begins, the gates will close and the judgement of both houses (Judah & Israel) shall begin in earnest. Edom and Ishmael shall do their worst. And Amalek will be leading it all. It will be safer for the Jews in Israel. Many Jews that had the chance to live in Israel will die just like in the holocaust because they waited to long. People think it couldn’t happen in America.
They are wrong. And some places like New York and Los Angeles may be hit by a nuclear weapon or earthquake and that will be the end of that. There are Palm Trees of smoke coming (Mushroom clouds Joel 2:30 (3:3)). China Russia, The middle east, Europe, America – the entire world will be engulfed in war. Whatever side of the fence you are on once hostilities begin there you will remain until the smoke clears (if you still remain!).
The State of Israel may be secular now but that will change during the events of World War 3. The Jews that side with the United Nations or the Arabs will not survive. If you are a Jew and you hear in your heart the call to return to the land, and you do not take head, and move quickly. You will have to bear your own blood and if you are a father, then you will have to account for the lives of your family as well. If you hear the call, don’t prevaricate. It’s that serious and that close now!
A typical Nefesh b’Nefesh organised return of Jews from America. See this article on Israel National News.
Please my Jewish brothers, wake up to the lateness of the hour and come home. Judgement is at the door. Come home quickly! Run!
Yeshua Uniting Israel and Judah, more info coming soon
I hope to add further pages to this “הארץ land of Israel” section, to make actual physical links with the Jewish people in the settlements so that Ephraim and Judah can support one another. Judah can help us by just holding on to Torah and holding on to the land and we can help Judah by standing up for them when the nations, and especially the Muslim Arabs, wag their tongues against them or fight them. We all get discouraged and we all need encouragement. There are Jews that are faithless entirely. But there are others that pay a heavy price for being faithful to Torah in the Land of Israel. Let us pray for them, that they will be strong. And let us pray for ourselves also because our lands are about to be turned upside down and Ephraim and the 10 Lost Tribes are about to be shaken out of their safe little lands and purged by blood with fury poured out upon them!
Ezekiel 20:33-34
חַי־אָ֕נִי נְאֻ֖ם אֲדֹנָ֣י יְהוִ֑ה אִמ־לֹא בְּיָ֨ד חֲזָקָ֜ה וּבִזְרֹ֧ועַ נְטוּיָ֛ה וּבְחֵמָ֥ה שְׁפוּכָ֖ה אֶמְלֹ֥וךְ עֲלֵיכֶֽם׃ וְהֹוצֵאתִ֤י אֶתְכֶם֙ מִנ־הָ֣עַמִּ֔ים וְקִבַּצְתִּ֣י אֶתְכֶ֔ם מִנ־הָ֣אֲרָצֹ֔ות אֲשֶׁ֥ר נְפֹוצֹתֶ֖ם בָּ֑ם בְּיָ֤ד חֲזָקָה֙ וּבִזְרֹ֣ועַ נְטוּיָ֔ה וּבְחֵמָ֖ה שְׁפוּכָֽה׃ 33 As I live, saith the Lord GOD, surely with a mighty hand, and with a stretched out arm, and with fury poured out, will I rule over you:
34 And I will bring you out from the people, and will gather you out of the countries wherein ye are scattered, with a mighty hand, and with a stretched out arm, and with fury poured out.
Har Bracha & the Vineyard on the Mountain of Blessing
There are signs of things to come regarding the joining of the ‘House of Israel’ with the ‘House of Judah’. This was dramatically illustrated on a recent BBC documentary called ‘Ultra Zionists’ by Louis Theroux. This documentary was by no means sympathetic to the Jewish Settlers and approached the problem in the middle east from the normal British Edomite angle, that is, from an Atheistic pro Palestinian perspective. But in one segment we saw a wonderful example of the brotherhood between Christians from the lost tribes and Jews. Christian Volunteers were working on a Settlement Vineyard in the Shomron.
Of course neither the Jews or the Christians would perhaps realize what is going on in terms of the lost tribes but it is significant that these good hearted Christians had come all the way from the USA just to work the Vineyards for free.
Christian Zionists working Ephraim’s Land again after 3000 years!
So long as they are not denying Yeshua or compromising the faith in Messiah this sort of help to the beseiged Jewish Settlers should be encouraged. Believers should not be anti Jewish, but support them in Judea and the Shomron. Of course many of these people do not necessarily understand or believe in the lost tribes. That does not matter. What matters is that the two houses are being drawn together, even as we are on the eve of World War 3.
And you couldn’t get more symbolic than a Vineyard which represents the 10 Lost Tribes of the ‘House of Israel’.
For the vineyard of the LORD of hosts is the house of Israel, and the men of Judah his pleasant plant.
Isaiah 5:7
:כִּ֣י כֶ֜רֶם יְהוָ֤ה צְבָאֹות֙ בֵּ֣ית יִשְׂרָאֵ֔ל וְאִ֣ישׁ יְהוּדָ֔ה נְטַ֖ע שַׁעֲשׁוּעָ֑יו
And of all places it is situated on the Mountain of Blessing (Har Bracha) right next to the Ephraim’s Capital city Shechem and besides Joseph’s tomb! Could the good Lord make things more obvious?
Volunteers are organised from the website;
Some people may take offence at Christian Americans helping out the Jews for nothing but the Jews in the area called the westbank are pioneers and they need all the support they can get because they have a hard time of it from their own leftest government. Some settlements and outposts are torn down by the Israeli Government and persecuted by wicked organisations like ‘Peace Now’ run by self hating Jews who stir up the Arabs against the settlers! Crazy.
Recently the godless government of Israel headed by Benjamin Netanyahu invaded private Jewish homes on their own property and fired rubber bullets at Jewish settlers on Gilad farm! There is a battle for the soul of Israel. This sort of thing cant go on. Enough is enough! Jewish Police or Soldiers should disobey such wicked orders.
Ultra Orthodox Leaders Hate Yeshua and persecute His Jewish followers
Of course while this is going on the Jewish believers in Yeshua in the land are being persecuted terribly by the ultra orthodox sects, especially in Ashdod. And we are informed that a Hate-fest Demo against Messianic Jews will come to Arad. This is against a poor afflicted widow
named Polly Sigulim who’s crime is that she believes Yeshua is the Messiah!
This unbridled hatred brought about the destruction of the temple in 70 AD. This will bring God’s judgement upon the modern nation. This is wickedness. During the coming upheavals in Israel do not be suprised if the leaders of this wickedness receive their comeuppance. Their rebellion to Torah shall be manifest before all. God is not mocked!
Ye shall not afflict any widow, or fatherless child. 23 If thou afflict them in any wise, and they cry at all unto me, I will surely hear their cry; 24 And my wrath shall wax hot, and I will kill you with the sword; and your wives shall be widows, and your children fatherless.
Exodus 22:22-24 (21-23)
כָּל־אַלְמָנָ֥ה וְיָתֹ֖ום לֹ֥א תְעַנּֽוּן׃ 22 אִמ־עַנֵּ֥ה תְעַנֶּ֖ה אֹתֹ֑ו כִּ֣י אִמ־צָעֹ֤ק יִצְעַק֙ אֵלַ֔י שָׁמֹ֥עַ אֶשְׁמַ֖ע צַעֲקָתֹֽו׃ 23 וְחָרָ֣ה אַפִּ֔י וְהָרַגְתִּ֥י אֶתְכֶ֖ם בֶּחָ֑רֶב וְהָי֤וּ נְשֵׁיכֶם֙ אַלְמָנֹ֔ות וּבְנֵיכֶ֖ם יְתֹמִֽים׃
Can you get any plainer? If the Lord is true to his word, then despite any merit these religious leaders may have, by persecuting this one woman they undo it all. They shall die by the sword (i.e. during a time of war most likely!) It’s as if they never kept the commandments at all! Shame!
God knows the hearts of people and he is able to sift religious folks as well as secular to see if their teshuva is real or not. It’s not about knowing about the tree of life, it is knowing the tree of life. Yeshua, the word of God made flesh.
Oh God Abraham, Isaac and Jacob I pray that there would be Ultra Orthodox that believe on Yeshua, and follow the Son of David, bearing his reproach and doing good and giving gifts to the poor, and supporting the orphan and the widow. Doing Good, and showing mercy. May Judah rise up. May there come a day when the Ultra Orthodox defend their brethren and show that the Torah is written upon their heart. That day shall come.
Meanwhile, Judah you have a brother…
Ephraim, time to come home…
The Jewish people in the state of Israel are holding Ephraim’s land for him, that is, the land of Samaria, or the Shomron in Hebrew. This is in the area called the West Bank. Israel cannot give it up because it is the high-ground, and to give it away to the Palestinians would be to commit national suicide as the Arabs could then roll their tanks down the hill and take over the lowland area around the coast. Some parts of that low land are only 4 km across. Most people have no idea how incredibly small the current land of Israel is! And they even want to take that off the Jews. Give me a break. But soon God will be adding more land to Israel, when the Arabs come against the land of Israel during World War 3. This is the Battle of Psalm 83. The conspiracy of Israel’s enemies in the last days, well before the Gog Magog War of Ezekiel 38 and 39. This same time period when Israel is attacked shall also lead to America being divided and the lost tribes being judged and a remnant brought out afterwards. They shall return to the mountains of Israel.
God commands Ephraim to turn to his ancient cities. At a certain time, the Ephraimites will begin to hear the call. It has already begun but it is only a few that are hearing at the moment, mostly older people, and women. Soon it will be the young men from the lost tribes. But it shall only be a remnant that returns after World War 3 because God will cut them down to size because of sin. But they shall return…
Is Ephraim my dear son? is he a pleasant child? for since I spake against him, I do earnestly remember him still: therefore my bowels are troubled for him; I will surely have mercy upon him, saith the LORD.
Jeremiah 31:20-21
הֲבֵן֩ יַקִּ֨יר לִ֜י אֶפְרַ֗יִם אִ֚ם יֶ֣לֶד שַׁעֲשֻׁעִ֔ים כִּֽי־מִדֵּ֤י דַבְּרִי֙ בֹּ֔ו זָכֹ֥ר אֶזְכְּרֶ֖נּוּ עֹ֑וד עַל־כֵּ֗ן הָמ֤וּ מֵעַי֙ לֹ֔ו רַחֵ֥ם אֲֽרַחֲמֶ֖נּוּ נְאֻמ־יְהוָֽה׃
21 Set thee up waymarks, make thee high heaps: set thine heart toward the highway, even the way which thou wentest: turn again, O virgin of Israel, turn again to these thy cities.
הַצִּ֧יבִי לָ֣ךְ צִיֻּנִ֗ים שִׂ֤מִי לָךְ֙ תַּמְרוּרִ֔ים שִׁ֣תִי לִבֵּ֔ךְ לַֽמְסִלָּ֖ה דֶּ֣רֶךְ הָלָ֑כְתְּ שׁ֚וּבִי בְּתוּלַ֣ת יִשְׂרָאֵ֔ל שֻׁ֖בִי אֶל־עָרַ֥יִךְ אֵֽלֶּה׃
Why Would Ephraim Set his eyes on the Highway and Turn to His Cities?
9-11 was an inside job. The Muslims were the alleged pilots, but the World Trade Centre was pre-wired with explosives. The CIA were behind the whole thing. Here we see Ishmael and Edom working together. But 9-11 was still a wake up call and the shape of things to come. The number 11 is all about judgement. 11 years from September 11, 2001 is September 11 2012. Don’t be suprised if the Destruction of the USA begins about then with just as much suddenness.
After 9-11 the government ‘rail-roaded’ Draconian new laws to arrest people and tightened airport security. The Muslims meanwhile are still coming to America by the planeload. But the average American is now a suspect. Once World War 3 begins in the middle east, expect to see a far greater fascism take hold under the guise of ‘Protection’ in America and also Australia and elsewhere. It’s then that FEMA will show it’s true face. This is the beginning of the judgement of the lost tribes in America. But it is also the beginning of their Awakening. Yet many patriotic Americans will side with the fascist state. The Rick Warrens, Robert Schulers, Smily Joel Osteens and indeed most of the Masonically controlled New Age Protestant Puppet leaders will go along with this short lived fascist form of American big government. They will enjoy their time in the saddle of this beast a short time untill both they and their mindless congregations are destroyed by fire. At the same time a Messianic Torah based remnant will swell in numbers and be driven out of the cities. This will will be for their safety as Nuclear judgement comes to the big cities of America.
In Jeremiah 31 verse 21 we are told that Ephraim will turn to his ancient cities in the land of Israel, and the Shomron in Particular. And with Ephraim will be the rest of Virgin Israel, the remnant of the 10 lost tribes. Why would Ephraim be motivated to turn to his ancient cities? Certainly it is related to the New Covenant since it is mentioned in the same chapter 31 of Jeremiah. So it is associated with faith in Yeshua. Certainly religious messianic conviction will be a large part of it of the reason Ephraim turns to his cities. Once Ephraim understands who he is he will naturally have an interest in his territory in the Shomron in the land Israel. And once Ephraim does, so the rest of the ten Lost tribes will follow, even all the remnant, Virgin Israel. But there may be other powerful motivations also. Very practical ones.
…Ephraim’s Real Estate, Goodbye America…
We don’t usually look for a new house to live in unless we are intending to leave our old one. The lost tribes have been scattered for almost 3000 years. Ephraim and the lost tribes of Israel may have mixed themselves up amongst the nations but they are not part of them. And they are really living as tenants and foreigners even in these lands like the USA and Australia etc. They are really just like the Israelites living in Egypt. They are living in the best lands of the ‘Egypt’ of this world (Egypt being symbolic of all the heathen lands of this world). They are living in the green Goshen’s of the Egypt of this world. And they are still living under Pharoah so to speak. But this Pharoah is called ‘Caesar’. And during this dispersion of Ephraim we are instructed to give to Caesar what is Caesar’s. (I only argue over the percentages. I say I will give two thirds of five eighths of not very much!)
Anyway the lost tribes are not in their ancient land. They are living under Edom. That’s why Edom has dominion over them through the New World Order and their banks. Ephraim doesn’t realize it but he is actually a slave. There have been times when he was more in control, when the church was more lawful and Edom had less power. But due to sin the Edomites and their banks have pretty much full control. So just like in ancient Egypt, Ephraim and the rest of the lost tribes of Israel have now become slaves, working like dogs, living from paycheck to paycheck. Because Ephraim has treated the Torah as a strange thing; Because his Protestant Christianity has lost it’s salt, Ephraim is living under Caesar’s roof, obeying Caesar’s rules, playing in Caesars Sand pit. And Ephraim has built houses and made himself secure. But his houses are made from the stuff of Edomite Caesars Sand pit. Ephraim’s time in America and elsewhere cannot endure. His house is made of sand. Soon Ephraim will have to leave the America and Australia because Edom owns the sand. It’s his sandpit. He owns the banks. He owns the Corporations. And Edom is about to change the rules. A new game shall begin. Edom will join with Ishmael in a ‘new’ game against the Jews and against the lost tribes. The game of extermination. The cities of the world will burn with fire, especially in the places that Ephraim and the lost tribes live. So this is the powerful motivator for Ephraim to turn to his ancient cities and ancient land.
This will happen during World War 3 with Ishmaelite Islam and the Edomite New World Order turn the world upside down. We will soon have a full blown war with Islam and the ‘Christian’ West. The backing of the Muslim brotherhood in modern day Egypt by Barack Hussein Obama shows the lateness of the hour. The New World Order folks who are behind Obama, are using him as a foil, an Islamic fall guy. By getting rid of the pro American president and bringing in the Muslim brotherhood the USA is ensuring that a heavily armed Egypt will go to war with Israel in the near future. They are ensuring a war in the middle east. It is a war in which Islam will lose and a large area will be cleared of Arabs in order for the lost tribes to return. At the same time as this is occurring there will be increasing anarchy in the USA. In the pretence of security, increasingly dictatorial New World Order Fascist laws will be instituted in the USA due to ‘national emergencies’ related to middle east war, terrorism, natural disasters, economic collapse and rioting. This will ultimately lead to the United States fracturing into a number of separate groups of states. The Union shall be broken. America will then be ready for invasion by countries like Russia and or China etc. During this period the lost tribes will be judged through a terrible loss of life. Then the remnant of the lost tribes will begin it’s exodus out of America. When their cities are burnt with fire.
… Hello Eretz Israel
Ephraim will look to the highway and turn to his ancient cities when he has no place else to go. Once Ephraim’s cities in the USA, Canada, Britain, Australia and New Zealand are destroyed he will turn! He will have no place to go but home. Home to the Holy Land, the land of Israel. In scripture, Joseph and his two sons are likened to an Ox. Ephraim is bull headed. It sometimes takes some effort to get a bullock to turn, especially when he is a stubborn bull. But once he starts turning, watch out world. There will be no stopping him!
While this is happening in America we will see Judah slowly win their wars against the Arabs. But it shall be at tremendous cost. A lot of Jews will die in the land of Israel due to their own wickedness. God will be judging both houses, while bringing a remnant of both through the trying times. Already the Jews have formed the Sanhedrin (and we know they were against Yeshua years ago). The Jews are beginning to form the biblical 70 elders that govern the land. Of course the full compliment of elders will be made up of representatives of all the tribes, not just those from the House of Judah. But it is a sign of the direction things are moving in. Judah shall overturn the secular state in preparation for the raising up of the House of David and the Levitical Priesthood and the return of the lost tribes. This is all during World War 3. This is not the tribulation. This not the Rapture. This is not the return of Yeshua. It is the first return of the lost tribes. Judah shall turn to the Messiah Yeshua. Ephraim and the lost tribes shall turn to Yeshua and His Torah. But the bride, made up of all 12 tribes has not made herself ready for her groom, Yeshua. But she is getting ready. The lost tribes are soon to embrace Torah after being cut down to size. Then they can come back to the land, the land of Israel! She will be then ready to fulfil her obligations to actually dwell in the land. This is why the lost tribes will be gathered to the Wilderness of the People to receive the Torah again. She will then know the House rules. Judah shall discover Yeshua after their own tremendous upheavals. Then the two shall be one. Judah and Israel will dwell side by side as equals. They will be blessed with children and prosperity.
As Greater Israel comes together, the world will coalesce around a rebuilt Babylon in Iraq. This is the same pattern as after World War 1 and the League of Nations forming and World War 2 and the United Nations forming also.
At the moment what is called the Church in the west is full of sin and worldly compromise. But there will be a time when the bride can begin to make herself ready. (See the Rapture article for some details). Sadly the bride will fall asleep one more time, but the 7 year tribulation will wake her up. This is not news that people want to hear but then who listens to prophets of doom anyway? There will be a final culling of Israel and humanity during that time, the 7 year tribulation and then the King Yeshua will return. World War 3 and the tribulation are similar in some ways, even as World Wars 1 and 2 were related, even as all the World Wars are related to both Israel and Babylon.
The Roads are built, Ephraim’s return is right at the door.
Because the Jews have built so many new roads into the Shomron at their own expense it means the colonisation of the Shomron and the West Bank in general is right at hand. The Palestinians will be removed as soon as War in the Middle east begins.
Soon large numbers of Ephramites will return to their land. The roads will be thick with bible believers from America, Australia etc. Houses will be rapidly built and the hills will be alive to Israelite Music.
This is part of the reason for the building freeze. Although it is a wicked device to stop the Jews, it is also to prevent the Shomron from being populated by Judah when it actually is set aside for Joseph. Nevertheless good folks like Nadia Matar and the Women in Green organisation and others need to fight very strongly to maintain control and build their outposts. I do hope that soon they will join hands with Ephraim and understand that the return of the lost tribes is very near. I guess this will happen in it’s time. The Good Lord is orchestrating all of this, the New World Order are just his puppets, His dancing toys. But they will do us damage due to sin in the camp. Nevertheless we are going home. So if you are a believer in Yeshua, get to know His Torah. And Learn Hebrew if you can. Or at least get the kids onto it. As the economy falls apart start setting up communities outside of the big cities. Far away from danger. Let the Father lead you. We can accomplish nothing until the appointed time. Such things are in the Father’s hand. Let us seek Him.
When will this happen? If blood moons are anything to go on probably by 2017. This is just a guess. God put the sun, moon and stars there to signify times and festival seasons in God’s prophetic clock. The red moons are all about judgement of Israel. The solar eclipses are all about the judgement of the nations. There are a lot of eclipses of the sun and moon occurring on actual feast days between 2014 to 2015. Have a look at the article Is Judgment coming or Revival? for details. I believe strongly that the beginning of World War 3 will dovetail with the beginnings of Space Tourism and commercial access to Low Earth Orbit by the rich. This is not unrelated or coincidental. This will be outlined in ‘Flight, the U.N. and taking the land – Part 2‘.
Anyway whenever it happens it happens. Judging by world events we could see World War 3 begin at any stage, most likely starting in the middle east. It will be the entire Arab world against Israel. With Russia and China doing what they always do, backing the losers. America will still help Israel if she is attacked. But domestically America will be in trouble. Her economy is shot for a starter. Expect to see Russia and China involved in the dismemberment of the USA after civil war erupts there.
It looks like Europe will be engulfed in war as they turn against the Muslims and assert their own will more and more. It says concerning Ishmael that his hands shall be against all men and all men against him (Gen 16:12). So Europe will learn her lessons hard due to their hostility to Israel and complicity and sympathy with the Arabs and Palestinians in particular.
Expect to see Nuclear weapons used in Europe, the Middle East and of course the United States and far east Asia. My bet is that it will happen sometime between now and the end of 2012. During 2013 it will be worse. 2014 and 2015 will be utterly terrible and horrific. Lost tribes will be back after that, perhaps as early as 2017 give or take a bit. I want to emphasize again that in comparison to the gradual return of the Jews to the land of Israel over the past 100 years, the return of the Lost tribes will be rapid and complete and totally dramatic and even openly supernatural. From World War to actual return you could be looking at a total of five to ten years. I peg 7 years approximately.
In the meantime Judah still needs to guard the Shomron and Judea until the gain victory over their enemies and the sons of Joseph return. Ephraim will take the Shomron, and Manasseh and the other tribes will spill out over into the Jordan, South West Iraq, and all of Syria (except where the Kurds live) and Lebanon and part of Egypt, this side of the Nile.
Judah and Israel together
One under Messiah Yeshua and Torah Yeshua
Shomron Settler Websites
The following websites are recommended for those that support the Jewish Settlers, it helps paint a more balanced picture of these Jewish souls.
- – an inspiring and informative site from the point of view of the Settlers and Hill Top youth!
- – This site has wonderful pictures!
- – Great pictures and videos from someone with a great heart for the land and it’s people.
Tours of the Shomron
These folks offer accomodation and tours of the Shomron to people from the 10 Lost tribes of the House of Israel!
- – Sadly sometimes these sorts of folks can have an agenda to pull people away from their faith in Yeshua as Messiah or Son of God and draw them into Yeshua rejecting Rabbinical Judaism. Nevertheless it is a sign of the beginning of a recognition of Ephraim, Judah is reaching out in his own way. Bridges of sorts are being built.
The creation of a Palestinian State is a prelude to World War 3 & Ephraim’s Return
We need to support the Jewish people in the Shomron and Judeah as it seems apparent that the godless government of Israel will cave into international pressure and allow the creation of a Palestinian State. This will only lead to war almost immediately or shortly afterwards!
Again the regathering of Ephraim and the Lost tribes will be after America and Australia etc are devestated through World War 3. And they shall return to a renewed Torah based Jewish State after the upheavals and difficulties there during the same period of World War 3.