‘Hundreds of Civilian Deaths in Next War,’ Says IDF
The following article appeared on the Israel National News website.
by Gil Ronen
12 Jan 2011
In an apparent attempt to shake the public into greater preparedness, the Commander of the Home Front’s Dan District made a dire prediction Wednesday regarding the next war between Israel and its enemies. Speaking on IDF Radio, Col. Dan Zusman, who is in charge of about 1.5 million citizens on the Tel Aviv area, said that “the missiles and rockets from all fronts will reach Tel Aviv in the next round.”
“We are talking about dozens of missiles of different kinds that will hit Tel Aviv, and therefore the estimate is that there will be hundreds of dead, destruction of buildings and destruction of infrastructure,” he added. ย ย When he was asked how he expected society to function during the war, Col. Zusman said: “I am less interested in whether theaters will put on plays, and more in whether our banks and economy will cease functioning. An alternative needs to be found as quickly as possible.” ย Zusman said his intention “is not to scare the citizens, but to understand that the threat is here and that it is real.” He added: “It is important to us that citizens go and collect the protective kits [gas masks – ed.] and prepare the secure spaces [relatively sheltered rooms – ed.] and that the other public and private bodies do what is needed.” ย “There is no doubt that the first missile to hit Tel Aviv will startle the people who are used to sitting in cafes, but with our directions and the good discipline that the citizens have, the estimate is that the initial shock will pass.”
Rory’s comment, “Sniff the Coffee”
The attack on Tel Aviv mentioned in the article above will happen, it’s just a matter of time. We all reap what we sow.
Tel Aviv is an enclave of the radical left wing in Israel. Many of those Jews that push for giving away the land for empty promises of peace live comfortably there. Of course the early settlers that created the city from the sand dunes had a much harder time of it. I think they would be sad to hear what the children of the political Zionists have to say. Political Zionism is wanting to have the land of Israel without the God of Israel. So now these ungrateful, unthankful and ungodly critics sip their coffee and rejoice when Arabs gain land at the expense of their fellow Jews. But giving away anything to the Palestinians has never brought peace. The more you give, the more they want.
Know for certain that the establishment of a Palestinian state is a sure prelude to all out war in the Middle East. The Palestinian people, like the Philistines they are, have no intention of living at peace with Israel. And if there is a war with the Palestinians then it will drag the rest of the Arab world and Iran into the fray. We will soon have a full blown middle eastern war and perhaps an international conflict.
America will have to choose what to do. At this time expect America to divide further between right and left. If America sends troops then it’s all on. The world will never be the same. The fate of the Jews in Israel and the lost tribes in the USA are tied. United we stand, divided we fall. We will see this more and more clearly as time proceeds. It’s all about His Word, His Son and His People and His Land.
After World War 3 we will leave America , Australia and elsewhere to join with what is left of Judah. I think the Jews will pull together and pull through. At least they have learnt to fight. There are many brave Israeli soldiers, and many of them at least believe in the Torah. They will find the Son as they seek to follow the schoolmaster that leads to Him. Their hands will not always be tied by their godless leaders. It is only the Torah believing Jews that will stand up to the Arabs and the UN. And they need our prayers. (And by God, we need some prayer in our own sinful lands also!)
But let’s focus back on the cappuccino capital of the ‘Torahless brigade’. If missiles fall on Tel Aviv, may be it is a message from God to his own people, to those that would dare give away His Land for empty promises of peace. Maybe those that sit back in Tel Aviv and approve of their fellow Jews losing their homes in Judea and the Shomron will experience Arab hospitality first hand. I pray that God will be merciful to those that trust in him and happen to live in Tel Aviv.
It’s an interesting name ‘Tel Aviv’, wasn’t it a place where the Jews were in captivity in the land of Babylon? (Ezekiel 3:15) Perhaps many are still captive there in their minds and hearts. This World War that is coming will be a wake up call to some. May God be with those in Israel armed with the fear of Heaven and the willingness to put their lives on the line defending the sanctity of God’s name, the lives of fellow Jews and the land that God has given them. It’s time for the die hard left ‘Peace Now’ brigade to sniff the coffee. God bless Israel.