The story of Yeshua (Jesus) rasing Lazarus is a prophetic shadow of what Yeshua will do at the time of His return. Yeshua shall raise believing Israel from amongst the nations, this is the 2nd Exodus. Along with this shall be the restoration of the Levitical priesthood and the ‘144,000’. The reestablishment of the Levitical Priesthood in the last days that bears witness to Yeshua.

Levitical Priesthood of Eleazar
Lazarus is Raised by Yeshua

In a nutshell, the real historical account of the raising of Lazarus in John chapter 11 prophetically prefigures the raising of the Levitical Priesthood led by Aaron’s son Eleazar (Lazarus in Greek). 

Yeshua is the one that issues the command for Lazarus to rise and He does this just prior to gathering Ephraim into the ‘wilderness of the peoples‘ (Ezekiel 20:33-38) during the upheaval of World War 3. 

The only place in the entire New Testament where the name ‘Ephraim‘ appears is in the account of the raising of Lazarus. Lazarus helps bring many Jews to a knowledge of Yeshua. And the Levitical Priesthood that he represents helps cement the two houses of Israel together.

The two Houses are represented by Mary and Martha

This topic should be of vital interest to any messianic Torah believer that understands the fact of the two Houses of Israel, both Judah and Ephraim. The raising of Lazarus will profoundly affect us all


The restoration of the ‘Cohanim’ (Hebrew word for ‘Priesthood’) of Levi will come about as the Lord begins the process of regathering Israel. The Lord shall join the believers of the House of Israel and the House of Judah. At the time of the restoration of Israel God will raise up deliverers.

These deliverers are the ‘144,000’, called out from 12 tribes of Israel, 12,000 from each tribe.

12 x 12,000 = 144,000

So God shall raise up the ‘144,000’, just like Yeshua chose His 12 disciples. The Lord shall raise up His servants that shall bring in the harvest and fight physically when raised in Glory with resurrected bodies.

The Restoration of the Cohanim
(The Raising up of Lazarus HaCohen)

PDF The Raising up of Lazarus HaCohen (all Parts)
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edited 25th March 2023

By Rory

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