
The world financial system is being purposely crashed by the world elites in order to bring about a nuclear third world war that will devastate the planet. After the most destructive conflict in modern recorded history these elites will have achieved their goal of a smaller, more controllable world population with a centralised world government body located in the Middle East.

This world government headquarters will be located in an ancient rebuilt city. The name of this capital city of the New World Order in the New Middle East is Babylon

(Bab-el), located in modern day Iraq. This will be the centre of world trade and religion. It will also be the centre of space transportation. It will be a stratified technocratic society of a ruling class and various grades of labouring classes and commoners along the lines that Plato envisioned. The division between the spiritual world and science will begin to merge. In the book of Daniel we read that Babylon is the Head of Gold that ‘heads’ the other empires, Medo Persia, Greace, Rome, and final Clay-Iron last days Human-‘Alien’ (Fallen Angel/Demon/Nephilim) hybrid government system.

At the same time the tiny nation of Israel will have greatly expanded after sustaining terrible losses during this most frightening war. Jerusalem will be the other important city in this new Middle Eastern Garden of Eden.

Following this third world war will be a period of peace and rebuilding. (This rebuilding is after World War 3 (WW3) but before the Tribulation, Rapture and the events of Revelation).

So the world is about to be divided and the end result shall be a tale of two cities; a rebuilt Jerusalem and a rebuilt Babylon. Thus the light and the darkness will be encamped in their respective cities for the final chess match during the events of the book of Revelation. 

2012 – The road ahead

  It’s not hard to see where things are going. What will happen is already happening; only the pace is accelerating and the extent of its effects deepening, growing, and metastasising. The elite manifestos of world depopulation have already been written.
For example,

The tried and tested formula of economic collapse precipitating world war has already been used effectively in the past in the 1930’s precipitating World War 2. The dialectic clash of thesis and anti-thesis that results in synthesis has been amply demonstrated.  For example both Communist and capitalist systems were set up, financed and maintained by the same international banking cabal. They were two sides of the same coin. And now the lines between the two systems, Communism and Capitalism, is being merged (synthesis). Capitalism is becoming more socialist and dictatorial and Communism more market oriented. The Synthesis of the two is a sort of International feudal fascism. The old godless German Philosophers had done their homework well. Create Thesis and Antithesis and clash the two together violently to create Synthesis – Order out of Chaos. And the cold Face of Chaos will again play a cruel hand of fate in the upcoming economic collapse leading to Public disorder and World War 3. Indeed the cards are already clearly on the table if you have eyes to see them.

2012 will see the economic disintegration that became noticeable in 2008 reach it’s sad conclusion as the once mighty economies of the west and America in particular spiral out of control and crash and burn. But Europe and China and the whole world will all suffer the same fate. The financial manipulators intend “a great big melting pot, big enough for all the world and all (the gold) it’s got”. It will be a total global economic crash, worse than any previously experienced.

2012 will see the price of petrol will skyrocket, jobs will be lost, and food will disappear from the super market shelves. Politicians will seem even more ineffectual. The angry and helpless populations will sense the coming doom amidst their nation’s ‘leaderlessness’. Society will begin to fracture even more along religious and ethnic lines. The panic stricken populations will become more desperate and violent. The governments will crack down with more and more authoritarian measures which will actually exacerbate the frustration. People will become even more paranoid than they are today. Because of multiplied fears there will be multiplied surveillance. Help lines and neighbourhood watch schemes will become fertile venues to betray one another as suspects and enemies of the state. Financial incentives will propel desperate hungry people to betray and ‘snitch’ on one another. People will betray one another as they have been programmed to by ‘real life’ television shows like ‘Survivor’ and ‘Big Brother’. Once free Societies will transform into imploding Police States. This period of civil unrest leading to dictatorial national governments will then transition into total bloodshed. Governments will be forced to channel the anger in the growing ranks of poor and disenfranchised middle classes into war. Meanwhile Big cities will become hell-hole death-traps of embittered paranoid mobs.

Post-industrial America lies in state, already an indebted basket case of American Idol worshippers and Sunday Christians. Its car industry now safely moved to China along with its general manufacturing base. The only thing left in America is the Military industrial complex and aerospace. America is becoming one big Chicago (one place the Car doesn’t go!).

America is no longer the Christian nation it once was. It has already been hollowed out of industry and is now becoming a basket case on welfare. It will soon be just another trading block via union with Mexico and Canada called the North American Union (NAU) with another currency, the ‘Amero’.

Meanwhile elsewhere in the once free west the disintegration will gather pace in step with America. Britain has become just another Islamic Republic with godless Germany beginning to dominate and contain Europe. Australia’s Western mining concerns are being bought up by China and soon they will be coming to protect their interests. Meanwhile Indonesia casts its face towards our shores with hungry eyes. Once America goes down so does Australia and Britain too!


Middle East Peace Process – What Peace?

The economic and social disintegration of the once Christian nations of the USA, Canada, Britain, Australia and New Zealand is happening at the same time that Israel is coming together. Yet the so called  middle east ‘peace process’ is leading to war because Israel cannot have peace when her neighbours vow Israel’s total destruction.

16  To wit, the prophets of Israel which prophesy concerning Jerusalem, and which see visions of peace for her, and there is no peace, saith the Lord GOD.

 16  נביאי ישׂראל הנבאים אל־ירושׁלם והחזים לה חזון שׁלם ואין שׁלם נאם אדני יהוה׃

Ezekiel 13:16

 As it was of old so it is today. And so we see the futility of countless attempts at peace with the Palestinians since 1973 and earlier. Oslo Accords only brought Death. They were a covenant of Death, an agreement with Hell.

Israel is a Jewish State (House of Judah) but it is not a Torah obedient, Messiah following state. It is secular, it is godless (however there is a return to the Torah in process amongst many in the younger generation). So do not be suprised to see the Godless government of Israel make some sort of botched attempt at peace and a final settlement with the Palestinians. But if this does occur it will only be a prelude to war because that is what the hate filled Muslim Palestinian leadership has vowed. Israel does not appear on their map of the Middle East. Already the Muslim Brotherhood has usurped power in Egypt through a planned CIA backed ‘revolution’. The NAZI Amalekite’s in the upper echelons of the CIA have done their job well. They have managed yet again to flex their muscle against the Jewish people through their Muslim Brotherhood patsies.

The War on the Settlers

 Zionism is the desire to build a Jewish state. But it has been subverted by those that want a ‘secular Zionist‘ state, this is called ‘Political Zionism‘. This godless sort of Zionism was what the modern state of Israel was based on. The modern state of Israel was founded along socialist lines. So the modern day Political Zionist Jews in Israel today are left wing or radical left wing atheists in general. But there is a growing number of Jews that want a state that follows the Torah or at least their Yeshua rejecting Rabbi’s version of the Torah, these are called ‘Religious Zionists‘.

The number of these ‘Rabbinical Torah‘ following Religious Zionists is growing. There is also a growing number of non-Zionist Ultra-orthodox Jews due to their high birth rate. The atheistic left wing oriented Political Zionists are afraid of both of these people because Political Zionists hate Torah. They are doing everything they can to maintain their power base in the State of Israel at the expense of the Religious Zionists and non-Zionist Ultra-Orthodox Jews. Many of these Rabinical Torah following people are located in the growing towns in Judea and Samaria which is incorrectly labelled the West Bank.

The left wing athiests are perpetrating the most cruel demolition of Torah following settlements in Judea and Samaria. These left wing atheist Jews have considerable power through the left wing Israeli Supreme Court. They also walk all over the settlers through the good cop bad cop routines of Prime Minister Netenyahu and Ehud Barak. And so the Political Zionist left wing factions continue to demolish settler houses with impunity. These left wing Political Zionists do not want a Torah based state at any cost.

As these tensions within Israel come to the boil the entire Middle East is moving to war with Israel. And so it may be that war will actually save the Religious Zionist community by destroying the Political Zionist State. The Rabbinical Torah based Religious Zionists will be the only ones left holding the torch once Israel is forced to fight their Muslim Arab Neighbours. Another factor in the favour of the Religious Zionists is that they have a very high proportion of their Young men in the Army. The army used to be the sole domain of the left wing Political Zionists, but that is changing in favour of the Religious Zionists. And so the old guard left wing Political Zionists are fighting a dirty fight to the death as they slowly lose power


The Political Zionists are trying to make peace with the Palestinians by giving away land in Judea and Samaria and elsewhere.[1] Although it has been proven that it does not bring peace they still persist.

Of course the God of Israel has His own plans and his own council will stand. [1] like giving away Sinai after the camp David Agreement in 1975 and giving away Gush Katif in the Gaza Strip in 2005.


But above even the importance of the strategic and biblical ground of Judea and Samaria lies Ground Zero, Jerusalem and the Temple Mount. The Temple Mount lies in the old city besides the rest of East Jerusalem that was captured after the war in 1967.

This is the geographic centre of the spiritual battle over Israel. The Muslims want it, the United Nations want it, and so does the Vatican (an even more insdious enemy of Israel than Islam).

So watch Jerusalem, the Lord of Hosts, the Lord God of Israel is very protective of His Capital city -Especially at the time of the return of Israel to their land.

2  Behold, I will make Jerusalem a cup of trembling unto all the people round about, when they shall be in the siege both against Judah and against Jerusalem.  3  And in that day will I make Jerusalem a burdensome stone for all people: all that burden themselves with it shall be cut in pieces, though all the people of the earth be gathered together against it.

  הנה אנכי שׂם את־ירושׁלםסף־רעל לכל־העמים סביב וגם על־יהודה יהיה במצור על־ירושׁלם׃  והיה ביום־ההוא אשׂים את־ירושׁלם אבן מעמסה לכל־העמים כל־עמסיה שׂרוט ישׂרטו ונאספו עליה כל גויי הארץ׃

Zechariah 12:2-3

Jerusalem is a burdensome stone and the contention over Jerusalem will lead this world to war…

World War 3 – a continuation of WW1 & WW2

The New World Order will emerge after a Nuclear WW3

World War 3 is really just a continuation of World Wars 1 and 2. There is an agenda. And even when things appear to be chaotic, there is purpose in it. We are at war. The Universe has been at war and it has been since before the fall of Adam’s race in the Garden of Eden. (The dragon, the old serpent, Satan was the first rebel). Wars are the most effective ways of creating drastic change quickly. These changes are political, religious, social and economic. The end result of all these wars is, A NEW ORDER OF THE AGES.

World Wars 1 and 2 were intimately related to the establishment of a global financial and trading system. In effect the world is being set up for world government through radical destruction and rebuilding and a radical change in thinking. They also brought about the creation of the Jewish State, a state that the Elites have bullied and tried to manage, enfeeble and contain ever since.

Through World War 1 the old Ottoman Empire was removed as a power in the Middle East. This allowed Jewish immigration to increase until it was stymied by the two faced British administration. At the same time Russia was set up as a godless communist state to play its part in future conflicts and standoffs with the West. And following World War 1 the precursor to the United Nations was set up called the League of Nations. World War 2 saw a further carve up of Europe. The despicable NAZI’s seemed to be defeated and shortly afterwards the United Nations was formed and Israel fought a war of Independence. After that war, Israel fought many others for survival. They gained the East Jerusalem, the biblical lands of Judea and Samaria, the Sinai (but gave it back), and the Golan heights.

The last 20 years however have been a tragedy in slow motion as they have engaged in the Wye River Memorandum and Oslo accords. However the Jewish population of Judea and Samaria and East Jerusalem has grown significantly despite terrible treatment by the secular government. The religious Zionist camp in Israel has continued to grow. Israel has been managed by the secular left wing Political Zionists. And these folks have no problems bending over backwards for their Edomite masters in the US State department or the Vatican. Now the old corrupt secular oligarchy in Israel is fighting an end game to maintain power, even at the expense of Israel’s demise. Israel is heading for civil war. She is past the point of no return. And at this most sensitive time of soul searching a cruel secular Jewish State, controlled by Edomite bankers (Rothschild’s) is persecuting a small but vibrant and growing Jewish Religious Right in Judea and Samaria. War is looming with Iran and with Egypt and other Muslim Brotherhood controlled Muslim nations. It is at this time that not only Israel will pay for the fact that the NAZI’s were not eliminated.

Pax Americana & the 4th Reich

We as bible believers know that Islam is a false religion. And we do not want that religion to dominate us or our nation. Neither would we want to see the nation of Israel destroyed by the Islamists. But there is another form of wickedness eating out the nation of America. It is godlessness married to a fake me centred Laodicean form of christianity. Much of the professing church is in bed with the state in an unholy alliance.

America is the home to many good Christian people and there are many there from the lost tribes. America once had a bible believing protestant culture. Sadly much of this is being replaced by a godless hedonism. It was perhaps a little more like Jacob, but it looks like his older brother is getting the upper hand.

There is now another side to America’s Character. There is much of Edom there also. Edom lives by the Sword. I am not saying that all US soldiers are Edomite’s, but they are well represented. There are also many sons of Joseph there also. But what I am saying is that it is no longer your daddy’s America.

There are dark forces working within the USA to undermine it’s biblical christian culture (Mission Accomplished). Not only is Edom physically in Control of the Military in the USA but he has brought over his Grandson, Amalek, the Sword enemy of Israel into the very heart of the nation. Many of the NAZI’s and bloodline Descendents of Amalek. Not all Germans were NAZI’s. Germany may have been defeated at the end of WW2 but the NAZI’s never surrendered! They were in effect ‘saved’ by the Americans who brought them into America.

There are many actual NAZI’s in the Corporate, Government and Military Industrial Complex establishment. And since the end of World War 2 the military industrial complex has grown as has big government and welfare. America is now socialist in all but name. And now it is becoming an openly anti-Christian fascists state where it is illegal to pray openly.  

 And it is time to wake up. Yes Islam is a threat but there is NAZI threat. The New Age movement is basically just spiritual NAZI-ism. And the actual Amalekite NAZI bloodlines infest corporate America and the Military industrial Complex. (Again Australia has the same problem also, NAZI ideas prepackaged in the NEW AGE movement and many die hard NAZI’s brought into the country after WW2).

2012 US Camp-Pendleton Marines sharing their heart for the SS

America is changing into the very image of the fourth Reich. Only a miracle can save the lost tribes that are scattered there. America is, by the way, just another branch of the Roman Empire via Britain and it reports back to Britain and Europe behind the scenes. The much touted Constitution is simply the constitution of a corporate entity. ‘America’ is actually a business, a corporation (and so is ‘Australia’ and the rest of the World). America is a legal fiction but its corporate power is very real. It has been the world’s police force. And it is used as a tool to do the bidding of Rome.

The Roman Empire never really went away, it just became invisible. The Church of Rome is really its head today. And the Vatican has its banking and financial subsidiaries like the Rothschild’s, IMF, City of London bankers, and Wall Street Crooks etc. The Jewish Holocaust during World War 2 was really just another Roman Catholic Church (Edomite-Babylonian) inquisition. The NAZI’s were trained and influenced by the black robed Jesuits. After the war most of the NAZI’s escaped via the Roman Catholic ratlines into the USA, South America and Australia etc.  They got away with cold blooded murder. They have never been brought to justice and they have not changed their plans for world domination and the elimination of the Jewish people and Bible believing protestant Christianity. Through project paperclip and other such things the USA has brought the very poison of NAZI Germany into its veins. The USA is turning into the very image of NAZI Germany while most of the church there is sleeping. The same is true for Australia and elsewhere.

The Messianic movement is really a continuation of the protestant reformation and it is the only real move of God within the otherwise harlot protestant church in America. It’s a return to biblical morality and a bible based faith. It emphasizes commandment keeping instead of just a mental nod to Jesus. And it emphasizes the importance of keeping the Sabbath and feasts and Kosher. It is really the revival of the sleeping lost tribes of the House of Israel. And the enemy in Rome is watching these developments very closely. They have been building their FEMA camps and preparing the holocaust in America in advance. The Torah obedient, Yeshua following messianics will be the target of the harlot church of America that will side with Corporate America, big government and Rome. Under the guise of fighting Terrorism America has been turned into a police state.

Most of the worst of the ardent NAZI’s were brought into America through project ‘Paperclip’ and such like to become American Heroes in the Space Program. They were brought into what became the CIA with their SS organization intact and now able to operate on a global scale. Other NAZI’s wormed their way into South America and Australia. America’s space program has been going around in circles while advances in propulsion have stood still since the 60’s. Meanwhile rumours abound of a parallel and highly advanced secret space program and propulsion. If there is any truth to man-made flying Saucers, you will find the Military industrial complex with the assistance of the NAZI’s and their alternate advanced physics behind them.

And now after almost 70 years we are about to pay heavily for not eliminating these wicked NAZI Amalekites. The NAZI’s have not given up their goal; rather they have been working by stealth, subverting our once biblical Christian nations from within. They have now got complete control of the Media. Only internet news and talk back radio stand in their way.

Meanwhile the NAZI’s have been stirring up the Muslim Middle East for years via the CIA and other subversive organizations. They set up Al Qaeda in the pretext of fighting the communist Soviet Union’s presence in Afghanistan. Most recently they have been assisting in the growth and acquisition to power of the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt and elsewhere.

The bloodline descendants of the NAZI’s that are ensconced in America’s military industrial complex and corporate system are training up their Muslim Arab puppets through the CIA etc. They will use the foolish Ishmaelite Muslim donkeys and their Midianite allies in Saudi Arabia to fight the bulk of World War 3 while they (the NAZI’s) wait in the background for the opportune time to clean up what remains of Israel towards the end of the World War. They will fail. But the price will be high for Israel.

The secular Jews will be cut down and the lost tribes will be cut down to the bone in America, Australia and elsewhere. Brother will betray brother. Only the faithful will survive. The lost tribes that give the USA it’s truly bible believing character will also be cut down due to sin and their pastors also (Ezekiel 34). Those that obey Torah and Yeshua will flee to the hills. And after the smoke clears they will have no choice but to leave a devastated America. They will join a greatly trimmed down Jewish population in Israel. There they will again build up their numbers in a baby boom after WW3.

Thus the light (believing Israel) is being sifted and separated from the darkness of exile among the nations. And the nations are being gathered together under a revived Babylon. The world is being set up for conflict and then resolution – WORLD GOVERNMENT! NOVUS ORDO SECLORUM (NEW SECULAR ORDER / NEW ORDER OF THE AGES).

How the enemy loves to play with words and pervert everything that is good. “NEW ORDER” – This is a term that is a true perversion, because the true New Order of the Ages is not Satan’s Lawless Anti-Christ. Rather it is the Kingdom of the Son of David, Yeshua, the Son of Adam (Son of Man), and the Son of God, The Aleph and the Tav, the Word of God! Yeshua said, before Abraham was “I AM” (ehhayah). The true NEW AGE is when the rejected King Yeshua returns in Triumph to His People Israel. Then they shall see that the suffering Messiah, the Son of Joseph is indeed the triumphing Son of David. Joseph and David are indeed one in the Messiah and the oneness is due to the fact that He is the Son of God and that His origins are from eternity. 

World War 3 Precedes the Tribulation

If you are waiting for the Rapture, you may be surprised to find out that the bride has not made herself ready and there are some other things coming first. People, especially Baptists somehow believe that America will not go down while they are there. The British once thought that their Empire would also keep on chugging along. It seems that they forget that Yeshua’s Kingdom is not of this world, and that He is not obligated to keep the nation believers are currently living in in one piece just for them.

Many Christians are unprepared for the collapse of America.  We know that righteousness exalts a nation but sin brings it down to judgement. Shall America be an exception? Not if the principles of God’s word and history has anything to do with it.

World War three shall precede the tribulation and its main result will be the return of the lost tribes of the House of Israel to be joined with their surviving Jewish brethren (House of Judah) through the Torah according to Yeshua in the land of Israel. They will return to a greatly enlarged territory after the near annihilation of many of the Muslim Arab enemies.

Then a period of blessing will begin with the building of the pretribulation temple. Over time, with the blessing of God and rain the land will return to its green Edenic state. It is during this time that the bride must make herself ready. But she shall go back to sleep once more until the tribulation occurs and then she shall be forced to flee to the Wilderness (Revelation 12).

After the tribulation the true King Yeshua shall return but it is after Jacob’s final day of trouble when Edom and Satan are finally defeated and the Earth has her Sabbath of 1000 years rest and shalom. And that in turn leads to a New Heavens and a New Earth and the Heavenly Jerusalem descends as a bride. Meanwhile we wait patiently, longing for the redemption of our bodies and of all creation.

The final conflict will be over who sits on the throne and what nation leads.

Will it be Amalek or will it be Israel? Will it be the children of the beast or the Sons of God? Will it be Yeshua HaMashiach or the AntiChrist? Will the Rule of Law be Torah (and New Testament bible based) with Yeshua as the capstone, or will it be Lawless with the Man of Lawlessness on the throne. There are two seeds. Will it be the Mashiach, the seed of the woman or will it be the Serpent’s seed that rules? World War 3 is a dress rehearsal for the tribulation and many of Israel’s enemies will try to have a go at destroying them as they always do.

The Rise & Fall and Rise & Fall of Babylon

Dubai – the shape of things to come in the Middle East

After a world war the nations of the world just want peace. And they will grasp at any such promise for peace after the terrible wreckage of a modern high tech nuclear war. We already so the pattern through the first two wars, after WW1 we got the short lived League of Nations, after WW2 the United Nations. After WW3 we will get last days Babylon. After each World War (Birth pang) Israel expands, and so does the Unity of the World under the Spirit of Babylon. The Babylonian institutions of the World Bank, World Health Organization, World Council of Churches show the way the darkness is coming together. The Rule of Law that the Internationalists speak of is not God’s Law, the Torah. And the leader they are looking for is not Yeshua HaMashiach. Their Law is actually Tyranny and their messiah is the Anti-Christ.

The desire for some sort of high minded utopia has been at least as old as the first disobedience in the Garden of Eden. Deception is as old as the Devil. And the Children of Men love to be led by what appears to be good to the evil eyes. They have long forgotten to listen to the voice of God in the garden. But their ears are tickled by other voices there. They may even seek peace but peace for the Yeshua HaMashiach rejecting world is as allusive and illusory as ever.

The land that man first desired to come together for world unity will be the place that they will repeat that same attempt for Unity. Again, this is not a unity under Yeshua or His Commandments in the Torah, Prophets, Writings or New Testament. This is a unity of darkness. This is a Lucerferic initiation.

Babylonian Wickedness raised its head in Shinar

Shinar was the name of the place where this unity took place. It was the place where Babylon (Babel) was built after the flood. It was man’s attempt at unity under the spirit of idolatry and rebellion under Nimrod.

2  And it came to pass, as they journeyed from the east, that they found a plain in the land of Shinar; and they dwelt there.
..4  And they said, Go to, let us build us a city and a tower, whose top may reach unto heaven; and let us make us a name, lest we be scattered abroad upon the face of the whole earth.
..9  Therefore is the name of it called Babel; because the LORD did there confound the language of all the earth: and from thence did the LORD scatter them abroad upon the face of all the earth.

ויהי בנסעם מקדם וימצאו בקעה בארץ שׁנער וישׁבו שׁם׃
ויאמרו הבה נבנה־לנו עיר ומגדל וראשׁו בשׁמים ונעשׂה־לנו שׁם פן־נפוץ על־פני כל־הארץ׃
על־כן קרא שׁמה בבל כי־שׁם בלל יהוה שׂפת כל־הארץ ומשׁם הפיצם יהוה על־פני כל־הארץ׃

Genesis 11:2,4,9

And although Babel was judged with the confounding of the languages its influence still undergirds all false religions today. It’s doctrines of idolatry spread to the entire world including Egypt.

This idolatry affected Israel right from it’s inception. Indeed even Jacob’s wife Rachel had the Teraphim image under her skirt. Jacobs’s sons had gods. And all Israel was steeped in paganism while in Egypt. And after a few generations after the Exodus they sank right back into it. It was pure paganism through Baal worship that caused the northern 10 tribes of the House of Israel to be sent from their land by the Assyrians. Hosea tells us that God divorced them and that they were no longer to be his beloved people. They were to become a non-people until after many many years they would be regathered as they soon will be.

We see the fig leaves of that uncircumcised doctrine from that Babylonian tree of idolatry infecting all that is good and inserting it’s spiritually deadening venom of idolatry and priestcraft into the veins of what is called Christianity and Judaism today. Judaism is supposed to stand for the Torah but it denies the Messiah and elevates the rabbinical authority as infallible, which is the same claim as the Pope. Christianity meanwhile denies Torah through breaking the Sabbath and feasts etc. The Apostle Paul said that grievous wolves would come into the church and wreak havoc after his departure and they did.

Wickedness will return to Shinar

Zechariah 5 – Wickedness returns to the land of Shinar

And the wickedness that was begun there in Babylon will return again to this area as prophesied in Zechariah 5.  This is a little understood passage that refers to the reestablishment of the spirit of rebellion in the land of Shinar where Babel was built.

  5  Then the angel that talked with me went forth, and said unto me, Lift up now thine eyes, and see what is this that goeth forth.   6  And I said, What is it? And he said, This is an ephah that goeth forth. He said moreover, This is their resemblance through all the earth.   7  And, behold, there was lifted up a talent of lead: and this is a woman that sitteth in the midst of the ephah.   8  And he said, This iswickedness. And he cast it into the midst of the ephah; and he cast the weight of lead upon the mouth thereof.   9  Then lifted I up mine eyes, and looked, and, behold, there came out two women, and the wind was in their wings; for they had wings like the wings of a stork: and they lifted up the ephah between the earth and the heaven.   10  Then said I to the angel that talked with me, Whither do these bear the ephah?   11  And he said unto me, To build it an house in the land of Shinar: and it shall be established, and set there upon her own base.

ויצא המלאך הדבר בי ויאמר אלי שׂא נא עיניך וראה מה היוצאת הזאת׃   6  ואמר מה־היא ויאמר זאת האיפה היוצאת ויאמר זאת עינם בכל־הארץ׃   7  והנה ככר עפרת נשׂאת וזאת אשׁה אחת יושׁבת בתוך האיפה׃   8  ויאמר זאת הרשׁעה וישׁלך אתה אל־תוך האיפה וישׁלך את־אבן העפרת אל־פיה׃   9  ואשׂא עיני וארא והנה שׁתים נשׁים יוצאות ורוח בכנפיהם ולהנה כנפים ככנפי החסידה ותשׂאנה את־האיפה בין הארץ ובין השׁמים׃   10  ואמר אל־המלאך הדבר בי אנה המה מולכות את־האיפה׃   11  ויאמר אלי לבנות־לה בית בארץ שׁנער והוכן והניחה שׁם על־מכנתה׃

Zechariah 5:6-11

The idea in this passage is that Wickedness will be set up in the land of Shinar with great haste. If you read the rest of the chapter you will see that it coincides with a curse going into all the earth (pictured as a scroll/roll) due to swearing falsely by the Lords name. This is the period that we are about to enter. The Period of world war three will see this curse go into all the earth. The false witness of nominal believers in Christ and Rabbinical Judaism will be dealt a deadly blow. All that will remain will be a true Torah based faith in Yeshua. Islam will be shown up for the evil that it is. And the world will begin to quickly coalesce around an enlarged and regathered Israel and Judah in the Middle East on the one hand. And on the other side in the land of Shinar Babylon will come together. It will eventually become the world capital of Finance and Mystery Religion, Mystery Babylon the Great, the Mother of Harlots and abominations of the Earth. All that is most pagan within Roman Catholicism will slither back to its cradle in Mesopotamia. The Vatican may burn but its pagan inner cabal will set up shop in Babel. And it will be joined by all the wickedness that is in all the false religions and half-truths including New Age and Hinduism, Buddhism, Sufism, the remains of Islam etc.  

The language of Babylon, like Assyria and Syria will by Aramaic. There will be a revival of that language, in fact it is already beginning. Part of the bible was written in Aramaic including parts of Daniel and Ezra plus a few words in Genesis and Jeremiah. And it is most likely that the New Testament was originally written in Hebrew and Aramaic, just like the Old Testament scriptures. So the Aramaic Language has some merit to it but it also has its dangers. So the last days will very much have a lot to do with this language before Israel comes of age in Revelation chapter 12 (birth of man child does not just point to Messiah but also to the overcomers of the church of Thyatira that will reign over the nations with a rod of Iron).

Babylon has already begun to come together

UN Security Council

As stated early, Babylon has already begun to come together in prototype form through world body organizations like the League of Nations after WW1 and the United Nations after WW2. Then we have the World Council of Churches, the International Monetary Fund, the International Criminal Court and so on and so on. All that needs to happen is to bring about another war and bring all these functions under one roof in one location, Babylon.

The Gulf States and the New Middle East

Burj – Dubai

  If you wonder where your money is going, look where the money is being spent. If it is going deep underground or into outer space we cannot get a whole lot of information on that. But on the surface of the earth we can see some places are rolling in it.

If you notice, the money in the west is being syphoned off to the Middle East. The biggest Skyscrapers and the largest Airports are now in the Persian Gulf. America has been hollowed out of most of its industrial base ready for its dissolution as a major world power and formation of the North American Union with Canada and Mexico.

The new wealth of the Arab Gulf States

The tallest freestanding structure in Dubai is the 818 metre (2,684 ft) Burj Dubai which topped out on January 17, 2009. Upon completion, the Burj Dubai will officially be the tallest building, freestanding structure, and man-made structure of any kind ever built on the planet.

Largest Airport in the World

At the heart of this huge new community is the Al Maktoum International Airport, planned as the world’s largest passenger and cargo hub, ten times larger than Dubai International Airport and Dubai Cargo Village combined.

Emirati officials are seen at the underconstruction of passenger terminal of Al Maktoum Airport during a media tour of Dubai’s newly inaugurated and biggest airport, Dubai World Central – Al Maktoum International, in Jebel Ali, Dubai, United Arab Emirates, 01 July 2010. When completed, Dubai World Central-Al Maktoum International will be the largest airport in the world with five runways, four terminal buildings and capacity for 160 million passengers and 12 million tonnes of cargo. EPA/Sonza Gabriel

Space Port Babylon and the return of the Nephim / Star Gods

  There is another component to last days Babylon and that is the role of space travel and the return of the Watchers to Lebanon (33° LATITUDE, 33° LONGITUDE, PARIS MERIDIAN).  To some this is too fantastic to be believed but scripture is quite clear about the end times, they shall be very supernatural and other worldly.

Only in the last 50 or so years has man ventured into outer space. We are reaching for the stars. 

As man gets ready to leave the cradle of this Island called Earth, the false god’s shall appear (during and after world war 3) to shepherd mankind into their last day’s Babylonian mystery religion, earth worship and full blown paganism. Man shall be as God knowing Good and Evil, but not according to the Lord’s command and His Messiah, Yeshua, the true light of the World and rightful king of kings. 

Last days Babylon will be where the Iron is mixed with miry clay

or in other words a non-human mingling with the seed of man (Daniel 2:43). This is why NASA has been going around in circles for decades while the rest of us are grounded. The world is being prepared for the return of the Nephilim and what the UFO community would call Aliens or “Space Brothers” and what Christians would call Nephilim. Babylon shall be a space port and centre of the Luciferic / Alien-Human (Iron-Clay) New World Order. It shall literally become a habitation of Devils. But that is a topic for another article. 
The fact that the military industrial complex/government/NASA are finally allowing some of their illuminated or compliant buddies in the so called commercial space industry develop private space transport shows that the game is almost up. I have watched decades of NASA and the big aerospace companies like Boeing and Lockheed etc, pretending to open up space for the USA while in reality doing the opposite, keeping it out of bounds to the average citizen and deliberately expensive. So it is very significant that space tourism vehicles are being developed now after such a long delay, and this is happening on the cusp of world war 3. This is no accident. And it has everything to do with an alien agenda, real or imagined.  

Virgin Galactic – Space Tourism on the cusp of WW3.

The first “captive carry” and flight of VSS Enterprise or SpaceShip II over Mojave, California Monday March 22,2010. The center mounted spaceship is attached to the “mothership” WhiteKnight II for a series of flight tests prior to its first drop test later in the year. EDITORS NOTE: the landing gear have been partially retouched in this photo

By the way if you trace the money in many of these Commercial Space Projects, like Richard Branson’s (all seeing eye), Virgin Galactic you will find that it goes back to the middle east, and the United Arab Emerites. Of course Babylon is in Iraq but the money and big aerospace is moving back to that part of the world. The industrial base of the USA is being shut down and moved off shore. Soon there will be a new USA right in the center of the middle east -after of course WW3.

The Messianic Movement and the Return of the lost tribes

Lost House of Israel waking up

Darkness is gathering back to the land of Shinar. 

And the light is gathering in Israel. 

God is simply separating the light from the darkness. The light will come together in Israel and the Darkness will begin to coalesce around a rebuilt Babylon after World War 3. The good news is that even though America goes down there is a new world of the free called Israel.

So Babylon is coming together and there is not much that can be done about it.

Our job is simply to obey Yeshua and keep his commandments and wait patiently for His coming.

Unfortunately many Christians are waiting for a Rapture out of Chaos and Tribulation. But the bride must make herself ready to meet the groom (this is a work of God’s spirit where the Torah is being written upon the bride’s heart. Paul the Apostle will present a spotless Bride to the Lamb of God.) The Church in America and elsewhere is far from spotless, and much of the prophesying body of Messiah is in full blown apostasy and spiritual harlotry. There will be no rapture in America to Yeshua. This is not the time. God must bring judgement upon a sleeping Laodicean Church and save the overcomers. And if we are not obedient to Torah we wont escape judgement when it comes in the form of World War 3. And we won’t escape judgement if we are full of pride and head knowledge. Unfortunately there is a baptism we must all soon pass through, the scourge of another world war between Islam and the West.  And the NAZI’s have not gone away either and they will wreak their Amalekitish havoc as the rest of Jacob returns to the land of Israel as America falls apart and war erupts in the middle east.

There is hope though, because the God of Israel keeps covenant, we can be safe under the hem of his garment if we keep the faith Yeshua HaMashiach the Son of God and the commandments of YHVH.  The sign between Israel and her God is the Sabbath day. And if we keep the Sabbath and the Torah then he is bound by his covenantal promise to return us to the land (Deut 30).

So the world is about to change. We will see further economic collapse leading to rioting and a heavy handed draconian police state. At the same time war will break out in the Middle East and the world as we know it will change forever. We shall see massive famine and death in our once peaceful and prosperous lands.  These events will bring about the destruction of the world in its present form and the emergence of last days Babylon and a regathered Israel.

America and Australia, New Zealand will soon see the cruel destruction of much of what is left of professing Laodicean Christendom. These events will lead to the Exodus of a Torah observant Yeshua following remnant of the 10 lost tribes of the House of Israel from America and Australia and wherever else they are scattered.  These remnants of the lost tribes will return to rebuild an enlarged Greater Israel after uniting with the remnant of the House of Judah (the Jews) after a devastating war in the Middle East with the Muslim Arabs and their friends. The Jews in the modern state of Israel will have also suffered a Civil War between the old secular (Political Zionists) and the religious Zionists in Judea. So both the Jews (House of Judah) and the 10 lost tribes (House of Israel) that are mixed with Esau in America and Australia etc will have suffered similar birth-pangs.

But the good news is that last days Babylon will fall!

The fall of Babylon

(Again the details of this will have to wait for another article if I get around to it!)

And after these things I saw another angel come down from heaven, having great power; and the earth was lightened with his glory.  2  And he cried mightily with a strong voice, saying,
Babylon the great is fallen, is fallen, and is become the habitation of devils, and the hold of every foul spirit, and a cage of every unclean and hateful bird.  3  For all nations have drunk of the wine of the wrath of her fornication, and the kings of the earth have committed fornication with her, and the merchants of the earth are waxed rich through the abundance of her delicacies.  4  And I heard another voice from heaven, saying, Come out of her, my people, that ye be not partakers of her sins, and that ye receive not of her plagues.

Revelation 18:1-4

All I can say is Hallelujah! Praise Yeshua HaMashiach.

By Rory

7 thought on “The 2012 Financial Crash, World War 3 and the Rise of Babylon”
  1. I’ve read quite a bit of your blogs; you are so close on some things but one thing you’re missing and makes every conclusion wrong: you do not realize that many things attributed to THE CREATOR in both the OT & NT are NOT from THE CREATOR OF ALL LIFE. If you don’t believe the zionists wrote the protocols, you should read the TALMUD. It’s almost word for word in many places; and many Jesuits are zionists in disguise. Also, the children of Israel are NOT semetic; but the Khazars are. When you discover the LION OF JESHURUN, then you will know the truth. May Almighty God bless you in your study and your efforts.

  2. This is a fascinating explanation, thank you so much for sharing! I’ll get back to you, guys, as I think that your entire post requires more attention. Good for you!

  3. By the way if you trace the money in many of these Commercial Space Projects, like Richard Branson’s, Virgin Galactic you will find that it goes back to the middle east, and the United Arab Emerites. Of course Babylon is in Iraq but the money and big aerospace is moving back to that part of the world. The industrial base of the USA is being shut down and moved off shore. Soon there will be a new USA right in the center of the middle east -after of course WW3.

  4. A word to Anonymous get to the root of what he is sharing, never blur the lines between the Synagogue of Satan and two tribe Judah who are blinded until the fullness of his brother is JOINED the BREACH healed. Also Jeshrun is the anointed Cyrus the stone shepherd David who restores the Breach always remember both Lamb and Dragon in scripture and Messiah comes back for the 10losttribes scattered to the four corners of the earth a GATHERING and Restoration first

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