I have created a new page called הארץ (the Land) so that believers in Yeshua can look at the land promised to Joseph’s descendant’s from Ephraim.

This territory is called Samaria  or more correctly ‘Shomron’ in Hebrew. We can see what the Jews are already doing there to hold on to it and make it fruitful. They are actually holding on to the land for Joseph’s son Ephraim. There is a wonderful video of the towns of Judea and Samaria too.

There is actually a commandment in Jeremiah for Ephraim to turn to these cities and look to the highway. This is in Jeremiah 31. Then we can begin to think about a physical return to the land of the Shomron and greater Israel after World War 3, the war with Islam and the New World Order folks from Edom.

And the other reason that I have created this page is to support the Jews there. For more information visit הארץ.

By Rory

3 thought on “הארץ – The Land of Israel”
  1. When I clicked on the Hebrew for “The land” I was amazed at the extent of the information you have presented so clearly. Thank you. Agapé and Shalom from Eunice

  2. Thank you so much for your work on the information you give. I truly appreciate it. We pray for the day when Judah will let us return.

    1. The Lost tribes will return in God’s time after fury poured out. It will be determined by obedience to Yeshua and his Torah. The Lost Tribes will return to a different sort of Israel than the one that exists now. Judah will be a Torah based state by then, having suffered a civil war and drastic population reduction due to civil and world war. The same thing will be going on in the USA, Canada and Australia etc with the lost tribes. The God of Israel is about to enter into judgement against his people (both houses) and cut them to the bone, Jacob is going to be made thin (Isaiah 17). Damascus will be destroyed at this time most likely if this is the same period as mentioned in Isaiah 17. I suspect this because the area of Lebanon is promised to Israel which includes the ancient city of Damascus.

      We shall leave our devastated lands for Israel after all this. We do not need a Rabbinical Conversion. Yeshua makes us Kosher, and He will teach the lost tribes the Torah in the Wilderness of the people via the Levitical Cohanim. Failure to obey them will result in death before we even get to the promised land. We do not need to join with current unbelieving Rabbinical Pharisaic establishment that is hostile to Yeshua even as their forefathers were. We will not need to apply for residence from the Jewish Agency. We will not need to fill out a form or wait for some Rabbi gives the go ahead. We will not be entering the current Jewish state as it is now and for the most part we will have our own territories in greater Israel determined by which tribe we come from. So there are a lot of changes to occur between now and then. The first is the judgement of the current secular state of Israel. The Torah based Jews will be forced to fight for the land while the secular Government and secular minded Israelis agree to give it away to the Palestinians. World War 3 will provide a clean break from the current secular state to the Torah based one.

      When we return, the Jewish State will have been devastated from civil war and world war. They will be licking their wounds as we are licking our own. We will join together as friends, as equals under one Lord and Messiah, one book, the bible. This is after World War 3 but well before the tribulation.

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