The following is an extract from a new article titled ‘Eden’s Two Trees”…
Females are complicated.
Good things take time.
People may wonder why there where two trees in the Garden and why we were given a command we were destined to disobey. If there was no tree of the knowledge of good and evil and no serpent then we would have been ok. We could have eaten the fruit of the tree of life and lived in a land called ‘Happily Ever After’. Sadly that was not the case.
Since the fall the creation has been subject to futility.
Romans 8:20 For the creature was made subject to vanity, not willingly, but by reason of him who hath subjected the same in hope,
But there is a purpose to the seeming contradictions and frustrations in life. Let’s look at what is going on in more detail.
The Number Two
Two is the number of ‘witness’ in Biblical numerics.
- Testimony is confirmed by two or three witnesses.
Deuteronomy 17:6, 2 Corinthians 13:1 - the image of God is two,
male & female. - 10 Commandments on two tablets.
- Two Houses of Israel
House of Judah (2 tribes) & House of Israel (10 tribes) - Two main sections of the Bible
Old & New Testaments - Moses & Elijah
(Law & the Prophets) - two main trees in the Garden of Eden
tree of life (Table of Shewbread)
tree of knowledge (Menorah).
All of the pairs of two in the above list are related in this way, The first is more related to the masculine while the second is more related to the feminine. For example the first half of the ten commandments (on the first stone tablet) are more related to God vertically (masculine) while the second half of the ten commandments (second stone tablet) are more related to mankind, horizontal (feminine). These are like the two parts of the cross.
Moses represents the Law, this is more the masculine, while the Elijah represents the prophets, this is more the feminine. At the transfiguration Moses was on one side of the Lord and Elijah was on the other representing the witness of the Word of God, the Law and the Prophets, Matthew 17:3.
In Hebrew things (nouns) are not called ‘it’ they are called ‘he’ or ‘she’, they have gender, they are either masculine or feminine. Within the tabernacle/temple objects are either masculine or feminine too.
So the Table of Shewbread is masculine and the Menorah / lampstand opposite it is feminine. Ultimately the Light belongs on the table as is hinted in Solomon’s table where there are 10 Menorah’s and 10 Tables of Shewbread that are evenly distributed in pairs. During the Sabbath the candles are on the Table. This is a picture of male and female being united in a House. The Light and the Table with the Bread are two separate sides of the same thing, they are really one even as a husband and wife are one. Yeshua was the Word made flesh and one aspect of the Word was light (Psalm 119:105, John 8:12), the other was bread (John 6:35, John 6:51). So both aspects were one in Him.
Eve came from Adam, the feminine came from the masculine. The second part of the image of God, the female came from the first part, the male. In this way;
- One is a masculine number.
- Two is a feminine number.
And likewise three would be a masculine number and four a feminine number. Thus in this sense odd numbers are masculine and even numbers are feminine.
The first letter of the first word of the first book of the bible is the letter bet, ื, which is the second letter in the Hebrew alphabet (Aleph-Bet). It is interesting that the first letter in the bible is the second letter of the alephbet and not the first. This hints at the purpose of creation as we shall see. The letter bet, ื, is related to the word ‘beit’, ืึธึผืึดืช, meaning ‘house‘. The purpose of creation is to build a house. One of the most common pictures a child will draw is of a house and a tree with mom and dad and the children. This is why the building plans for the tabernacle / temple form such a central part of the Torah in both it’s construction and operation. God is interested in the House. And we are that House, our bodies are a tabernacle in which the Spirit of God can dwell, 1 Corinthians 6:19-20. And collectively we form a spiritual temple made up of living stones, 1 Peter 2:5.
For the rest of the article please click ‘Eden’s Two Trees‘…