
Females are complicated.
Good things take time.

People may wonder why there where two trees in the Garden and why we were given a command we were destined to disobey. If there was no tree of the knowledge of good and evil and no serpent then we would have been ok. We could have eaten the fruit of the tree of life and lived in a land called ‘Happily Ever After‘. Sadly that was not the case. 

Since the fall the creation has been subject to futility.

For the creature was made subject to vanity, not willingly, but by reason of him who hath subjected the same in hope,

Romans 8:20

But there is a purpose to the seeming contradictions and frustrations in life. Let’s look at what is going on in more detail.

The Number Two

tree of knowledge (Menorah).

Two is the number of ‘witness’ in Biblical numerics.

  • Testimony is confirmed by two or three witnesses.
    Deuteronomy 17:6, 2 Corinthians 13:1
  • the image of God is two, 
       male & female.
  • 10 Commandments on two tablets.
  • Two Houses of Israel
       House of Judah (2 tribes) & House of Israel (10 tribes)
  • Two main sections of the Bible
       Old & New Testaments
  • Moses & Elijah
       (Law & the Prophets)
  • two main trees in the Garden of Eden
       tree of life (Table of Shewbread)
       tree of knowledge (Menorah).

All of the pairs of two in the above list are related in this way, The first is more related to the masculine while the second is more related to the feminine. For example the first half of the ten commandments (on the first stone tablet) are more related to God vertically (masculine) while the second half of the ten commandments (second stone tablet) are more related to mankind, horizontal (feminine). These are like the two parts of the cross. 

Moses represents the Law, this is more the masculine, while the Elijah represents the prophets, this is more the feminine. At the transfiguration Moses was on one side of the Lord and Elijah was on the other representing the witness of the Word of God, the Law and the Prophets, Matthew 17:3.

In Hebrew things (nouns) are not called ‘it’ they are called ‘he’ or ‘she’, they have gender, they are either masculine or feminine. Within the tabernacle/temple objects are either masculine or feminine too.

So the Table of Shewbread is masculine and the Menorah / lampstand opposite it is feminine. Ultimately the Light of the Menorah belongs on the Table as is hinted in Solomon’s temple where there are 10 Menorah’s and 10 Tables of Shewbread that are evenly distributed in pairs. During the Sabbath the candles are on the Table. This is a picture of male and female being united in a House. The Light and the Table with the Bread are two separate sides of the same thing, they are really one even as a husband and wife are one. Yeshua was the Word made flesh and one aspect of the Word was light (Psalm 119:105, John 8:12), the other was bread (John 6:35, John 6:51). So both aspects were one in Him.

Eve came from Adam, the feminine came from the masculine. The second part of the image of God, the female came from the first part, the male. In this way;

  • One is a masculine number.
  • Two is a feminine number.

And likewise three would be a masculine number and four a feminine number. Thus in this sense odd numbers are masculine and even numbers are feminine. 

The first letter of the first word of the first book of the bible is the letter bet, ื‘, which is the second letter in the Hebrew alphabet (Aleph-Bet). It is interesting that the first letter in the bible is the second letter of the alephbet and not the first. This hints at the purpose of creation as we shall see. The letter bet, ื‘, is related to the word ‘beit’, ื‘ึธึผื™ึดืช, meaning ‘house‘. The purpose of creation is to build a house. One of the most common pictures a child will draw is of a house and a tree with mom and dad and the children. This is why the building plans for the tabernacle / temple form such a central part of the Torah in both it’s construction and operation. God is interested in the House. And we are that House, our bodies are a tabernacle in which the Spirit of God can dwell, 1 Corinthians 6:19-20. And collectively we form a spiritual temple made up of living stones, 1 Peter 2:5.

6 days of work, God is forming his female angel

In order to build the ‘house‘ of God, the Lord uses the 6 days of work followed by the sabbath of rest as outlined in Genesis chapter 1.

The word for ‘work‘ is very interesting because it alludes to the purpose of the work!

ืฉึตืืฉึถืืช ื™ึธืžึดื™ื ืชึตึผืขึธืฉึถื‚ื” ืžึฐืœึธืื›ึธื” ื•ึผื‘ึทื™ึนึผื•ื ื”ึทืฉึฐึผืื‘ึดื™ืขึดื™ ืฉึทืื‘ึทึผืช ืฉึทืื‘ึธึผืชึนื•ืŸ ืžึดืงึฐืจึธืึพืงึนื“ึถืฉื ื›ึธึผืœึพืžึฐืœึธืื›ึธื” ืœึนื ืชึทืขึฒืฉื‚ื•ึผ ืฉึทืื‘ึธึผืช ื”ึดื•ื ืœึทื™ื”ื•ึธื” ื‘ึฐึผื›ึนืœ ืžึนื•ืฉึฐืื‘ึนืชึตื™ื›ึถืืƒ
Six days shall work be done: but the seventh day is the sabbath of rest, an holy convocation; ye shall do no worktherein: it is the sabbath of the LORD in all your dwellings.
Leviticus 23:3

The Hebrew word for work, ืžึฐืœึธืื›ึธื”, also is the feminine form of the Hebrew word for angel or messenger (strong H4398), ืžึทืœึฐืึทืšึฐ.

We are his workmanship, ืžึฐืœึธืื›ึธื”, his female Angel (also ืžึฐืœึธืื›ึธื”) his bride made up of many members male and female but collectively referred to in the female gender. This hints at the purpose of creation, to build a house, and this house is a residence for the ‘Shechina’, ืฉื›ื™ื ื”, the manifest feminine presence of God where He ‘dwells’, shachan, ืฉื›ืŸ

Now all that remains is that the bride make herself ready.

The bride was made for the house. Indeed she is the House, God’s House. The tabernacle and the temple are his master plan for the universe which houses his presence, the Shechina. These structures also represent our bodies as a house, both male and female. And they represent the Church, Adat Israel, the bride of the Messiah. The tabernacle and temple are also a picture of the courts of the Lord, they are a picture of Eden and the way back to the Garden and fellowship with God. The way in is via the Word of God, Yeshua, John 14:6. And those that follow His way keep his commandments, John 14:15. And those that seek to follow and keep his commandments will find Yeshua, John 5:46. There is only one gate that leads to the cleansing at the Laver and that gate is Yeshua, John 10:9.

Eden’s Two trees symbolised

Tribal (12)


12 loaved table
of Shewbread
Church – (Adat Israel)
Congregational (7)

Feminine (from Adam)

7 branched Menorah

In the article titled the ‘Image of God‘ we have seen that Israel is more related to the masculine side of the image of God, Adam, and is symbolised as the 12 loaves of Shewbread.  And by comparison in the Article titled ‘The Church & Israel‘ we see how the ‘Church’, ‘Adat Israel‘ is represented by the Menorah and it has more of a feminine quality to it. And we see that the feminine bride came from Israel. Just as Eve was formed from a rib from Adam’s side so the Church, Adat Israel was formed from Israel. This is why Israel had to be asleep during the formation of the bride. Read those two articles above for more on this. You should understand the relationship between the Church and Israel. 

The temple represents what is in the heavens, Exodus 25:9. The Holy place represents the Garden of Eden. Tapestries of Cherubim and Palm trees line the walls and curtains, Exodus 26:1, 1 Kings 6:35, Ezekiel 41:18. The Menorah and the table of Shewbread represent two trees that are really one tree, the tree of life. The Menorah belongs on the Table. They are two aspects of the Word of God which is both bread and light. The Menorah represents the feminine and is called ‘she’ in Hebrew (in the KJV it is called ‘he’ incorrectly). The Table of Shewbread (face bread) represents the masculine and is called ‘he’. Thus it is a picture also of the Bride and Groom (Yeshua). And on another level it represents the Church and Israel as mentioned in the previous paragraph.

Two trees in the Garden

Within the Garden of Eden were two trees, the ‘tree of life’ and the ‘tree of the knowledge of good and evil’.

Within the tree of life is the Mashiach, ืžืฉื™ื— 358
Within the tree of knowledge is the Nachash, ื ื—ืฉ 358

These two trees represent two kingdoms. Kingdoms are often portrayed as trees in the bible. The Assyrian King is compared to a tree, Ezekiel 31:2-6. This chapter of Ezekiel is very revealing because it lays out very plainly that the natural ruler is but a picture of a supernatural ruler in the heavenly court. The heavenly court is the Garden of God, the Garden of Eden. 

And the Kingdom of God is compared to a mustard plant that unnaturally turns into a tree in which the birds (Satan’s evil angels/children) nest in it’s branches, Mark 4:26-34, Luke 13:18-19. (This means that the Kingdom of God which is present now within us and in our assemblies is perverted in some way through wickedness, this is also represented as leaven in three measures of meal, Matthew 13:33. Ultimately the Lord shall make things right at his return.) And people are referred to as trees, Mark 8:24, and so are angels/cherubim, Ezekiel 31:9.

The battle between the Seed of the Serpent and the Seed of the Woman is a battle between two similar kinds. Satan was the ‘Chief Cherub that covereth‘, He was of the order of the ‘Serephim‘, the burning ones, in fact he was ruler of them all as ‘Chief Cherub that covereth’ -see article titled ‘The 5th Cherub‘. He should be protecting but instead he is perverting and accusing the righteous. 

If you remember Moses made a bronze serpent and all who looked upon it (seeing with the eyes) would be healed. Of course that is a picture of Yeshua as Chief Priest of the order of Melchizedek who would pay the price for sin by the sacrifice of himself as the lamb of God. 

Faith is like gold tried in the fire, 1 Peter 1:7. The menorah is made of pure solid gold which is hammered. And by the way that is why we as believers cannot escape affliction if we are truly born of God. We are beaten into shape through the afflictions of life, God is allowing our faith to be exercised and thus proved true and at the same time burning off the dross. He is hammering us into shape for our benefit and his so that we can take our place in His House in the eternal order of the unending ages in the world to come.

Eve should have had faith in God rather than the Serpent that lied. But she looked at the appearance of things instead of believing what the word that the Lord had spoken. It is the trial of our faith that is much more precious to God than Gold that perishes.

The Serpent is twisted and seed of the woman must be made straight.

Satan is an angel of Light. But he is a fallen angel of light. If the light within us becomes darkness then how great is that darkness.

But if thine eye be evil, thy whole body shall be full of darkness. If therefore the light that is in thee be darkness, how great is that darkness!

Matthew 6:23

Why Eve fell, she wanted wisdom, but not at the right time. The result of the fall was that her eyes were opened, she saw things differently. Her eyes were effected. The eye effects the heart.

Ultimately though the Church as the 7 branched Menorah shall replace the corrupt tree of the knowledge of good and evil. The Menorah resembles a tree with blossoms and almond fruit. It is related to the word of God. Satan, as a crooked serpent and fallen priest uses the Torah and the Word of God in general to mislead. He misquotes or misapplies the word. He misquoted the word of the Lord to Eve and lied. He was more tricky with the Lord, he simply applied versus of the bible that did not apply to the Lord in that particular situation.

The corrupt tree in the Garden of Eden shall be uprooted and thrown in the fire and replaced by the true true of knowledge. What is the difference between the New knowledge tree and the old? The fruit!

Fruit Trees

Fig tree – good fruit or bad

Every tree that does not bear good fruit will be cut down. 
Matthew 7:18-23.

Thus the tree of the knowledge of good and evil will be destroyed.
And it will be replaced with the seven branched Menorah which is the Church, Adat Israel, the Bride of the Messiah.

When Adam sinned he sewed fig leaves together. A fig tree is a fruit tree. It may be that the tree of the Knowledge of good and evil was the fig tree. In Jeremiah 24:8 we read about people that were compared to very good figs and very evil figs. There is a strong correspondence then between good and evil and the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. 

The cutting down of the fig tree (Matthew 3:10) is more than just God bringing judgement upon Jerusalem. There is an earthly Jerusalem and a heavenly Jerusalem. The fig tree is related to Israel and also to the heavenly host (Revelation 6:13) and many of them shall fall along with Satan the old dragon and his Angels, Rev 12:9.  

Meanwhile within us, even if we are good trees personally the Lord is determined to prune us. John 15:2.

The Ark of the Covenant

Ark of the Covenant

Within the Holy of Holies is the throne of God, the Ark of the Covenant. The ark is made of two pieces. The gold covered box and the lid called the mercy seat in english but in Hebrew it is called the ‘Kaporet’, ื›ืคื•ืจืช. The word ‘Kaporet’ is related to the word for Atonement, ‘Kippur’, ื›ืคื•ืจ, from the idea of a covering (of a box or sin). It is made of solid Gold and has two Cherubim made from the same solid Gold (they are one). The ark also has two poles for transportation. The word ‘Kaporet’ (mercy seat) in Hebrew is a feminine word. And it is above the masculine ark box. The Feminine is above the Masculine. 

This is interesting because the Heavens are above the Earth. And the word for the Heavens, HaShamiim is masculine whereas the earth, HaAretz is feminine. But here in the Holy place the Mercy seat Cover – Kaporet – Solid Gold (faith) – feminine above masculine! But Yeshua is above the Mercy seat, so Masculine still is above the feminine.  

Nevertheless it is significant that the ark cover is feminine and is above the masculine ark box. The promise to the overcomers of the church of Laodicea is that they shall sit with Yeshua in/on His Throne, Revelation 3:21.  This is surely a reference to the Mercy Seat because it is God’s throne. 

The Holy of Holies has a picture of masculine and feminine being united in that two halves of the ark of the covenant are united, the upper and the lower. Within the Ark are the two tablets of stone with the ten commandments, again a picture of the image of God male and female being one. And the Ark has two poles. 

Within the tabernacle it is only the Mercy seat and the Menorah that are made of solid Gold that is ‘hammered from one piece’.  The Mercy seat is in the Holy of Holies while the Menorah is in the Holy place. 

The Ark box below the solid gold Mercy seat is made of ‘acacia‘ wood, ืฉื™ื˜ื” , shitah (‘shittim’) covered in Gold. And so is the Table of Shew bread which is next to the solid gold Menorah. And so there is a correspondence. The male side is made of a less precious material than the female! And we all know that a wife is very precious.

Within the Holy place we have the Table of Shewbread and the Menorah which are one because in Solomon’s temple there were ten of each grouped in pairs, five on the left (South) and five on the right (North). These two items, the Table of Shewbread & the Menorah represent the Masculine and Feminine aspects of the combined tree of life. This is why they are combined in pairs on either side of the temple. Eventually there is a river that flows out of the Millennial temple, Ezekiel 47, with trees on either side. Then on the New Earth there is also a river with the tree of life on either side.

Rev 22:2  In the midst of the street of it, and on either side of the river, was there the tree of life, which bare twelve manner of fruits, and yielded her fruit every month: and the leaves of the tree were for the healing of the nations.

the tree of life on either side of the River

Thus we see Solomon’s combination of the Menorah and the Table of Shewbread on either side of the temple’s Holy place was very prophetic. The Menorah is female while the Table of Shewbread is male. The fact that there are 10 in total alludes to the 10 commandments. It is very interesting that the fig tree has both male and female fruit! It is neither male nor female in that sense. It is a combination of two trees, it is Adam and Eve in union together as the image of God – male and female. It is the heavenly Mt Zion the mother of all those that believe, Heb 12:22 (Zion not Sion!). It is the fig tree (ื™ื”), the ‘treasure house of souls‘ created by the union of the divine masculine (ื™) with the divine feminine (ื”) which Yeshua alluded to when he said he saw Nathaniel under the fig tree, John 1:47-50, an ‘Israelite indeed’, born from above.

We have a picture of the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil that produces good and evil fruit replaced with the good fruited (symbolised by 22 almonds = 22 letters of the word of God) 7 branched Menorah, the Church, Adat Israel, combined with a rectified 12 tribed Israel Symbolised by the 12 loaved Table of Shewbread.

The image of God United

The Ark and Ark Cover (Mercy Seat, Kaporet) in the Holy of Holies is a picture of male and female united. The Menorah and Table of Shewbread in Solomon’s Temple is another picture of it. So on these two levels, the Holy place and the Holy of Holies we have a picture of the unification of male & female, Adam & Eve, Messiah & Bride.

The Image of God – Bread & Light – Union of Adat Israel and Israel

What happened in the Garden of Eden happened to give us a choice. We disobeyed. Without a choice we couldn’t be all that God intended. And God could not demonstrate the greatness of his mercy to those that repent, Romans 9:23. Neither could he demonstrate the righteousness of his judgement to the wicked, Romans 9:22. A remnant of the Human race does return to the Lord by choice and obeys his voice and follows him by faith according to his word. Israel is the vehicle of the revelation of God, his word and Messiah. The serpent’s poison has entered the veins of the human race, his evil fruit has warped our perception, our eyes and wrought much wickedness.

Now we know what sin has done, we have eaten the evil fruit at the hand of the serpent and suffered because of it. We suffer for our sins in an evil world system and are subject to decay and death. Satan’s seed are those people and bloodlines that have no room for the word of God or true repentance. The seed of the woman are those that hear God’s voice and obey his commandments, Rev 12:17. However this situation is only for a season, the biblical calendar heralds the Saviour, Yeshua and his Kingdom which shall never end. We are approaching the seventh day of 1000 years. The millennial rest, the Shabbat. Now the bride must make herself ready. 

John Schmitt’s Model of Messiah’s Coming Temple (click picture for website)

See also

By Rory

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