Personal Exodus
There comes a time when we must make decisions on where we are going. We have reached a fork in the road. One way is the broad way of the multitude, the other, the narrow way of the pilgrim and sojourner.
Like Jonah, whose name means dove, there is a time to go to Nineveh with the Gospel. But there is a time to leave as well. Especially when it becomes like Sodom and Gomorrah.
Our once Christian, bible believing nations have become godless, pagan and wicked. The Laws are being turned upside down so that what is black is now white and what was white is now black. When such things happen we know that trouble is at our doorstep. The United Nations can say what they want and jump up and down. But we aint going their way. They may hate us and persecute us but we cannot follow their laws if they are against the law or God.
If we are born of God, we know that we are not of this world, even if we dwell in it.
If ye were of the world, the world would love his own: but because ye are not of the world, but I have chosen you out of the world, therefore the world hateth you.
John 15:19
Like Abraham we look for a city whose builder and maker is God (Hebrews 11:10). Not all Israel is Israel (Romans 9:6). And like those Israelites in the Wilderness we dwell outside the camp of apostasy, with the tabernacle of Moses.
Wherefore come out from among them, and be ye separate, saith the Lord, and touch not the unclean thing; and I will receive you,
2 Corinthians 6:17
See also the following versus for this theme
Num 16:21, Num 16:26, Num 16:45; Ezr 6:21, Ezr 10:11; Psa 1:1-3; Pro 9:6; Isa 52:11; Jer 51:6; Act 2:40; Rev 18:4
Personal Exodus then Corporate Exodus
There is a time to every purpose under heaven. Often we can see personally what needs to be done, while others are deaf and blind.
It seems it will take the pressure of the disintegration of America and the western world in order for the Lost tribes to wake up. It seems that the pressure of militant Islam, the New World Order and World War 3 and required in order for the remnant to ask questions they haven’t considered before. Meanwhile what do we do?
We may not be able to create Torah based communities where we are but we can make a Personal exodus out of the system. We can cut our ties to the world in many ways on a personal level. We can leave the big cities and home school our children. We can run a business instead of being employed. We can do many things to enable independence from the system as much as possible.
Once we take the plunge to make a personal exodus we may be able to assist others make the same choices. And ultimately our personal exodus will lead to a corporate exodus of the entire remnant of the House of Israel. Indeed there is coming a time where the system will become so intolerably bad that we will have to leave anyway. It’s better that we start thinking and planning now rather than wait for draconian laws to be passed before we head for the hills. The state of the lost tribes of the House of Israel before the Lord regathers them is that they are scattered by the shepherds, the pastors(Jeremiah 23:2)! Obviously there will come a time when the harlot church leaders actively persecute those that are Torah based and or faithful to the gospel. This remnant of the flock will flee to the hills in the nations they reside (Ezekiel 34:6). We would be wise to start making tracks in that direction now. Or at least thinking and planning for that eventuality.
Personal Secession
The following is from the website,
They are not Torah focussed or messianic but they are right on the ball as far as independence from our Babylonian government system.
“Personal Secession Personal Secession is the work of disentangling ourselves from idolatrous dependence upon an ungodly empire, and pursuing independent Christian living in every area of life. Choose one or more tracks that interest you, and change your life to rely more fully upon God.”
- Agrarianism ( 1 Article )
Christian Agrarianism is the practice of family farming for the sake of the comprehensive and spiritually enriching purpose of fostering appreciation for the natural providence of God, and building family and community relationships in a way that is healthy for both body and soul. - Intentional Community ( 1 Article )
Some Christians are choosing to live adjacent to, or share a living space with, others of like mind and circumstance. This provides real practice in loving one’s neighbor, and enriches life through shared experiences and more economical living situations. - Home Schooling ( 1 Article )
Christian home schooling is about more than a better quality of education. It strengthens faith and family ties, promotes broad social skills, and fosters competencies suited to each individual. - House Churches ( 1 Article )
Rather than following the Roman Statist pattern for government-registered churches, there is a movement of people returning to the apostolic pattern of small gatherings in the homes of fellow believers, where close company and a full meal are shared, as well as contributions from several members. - Unlicensed Ministry ( 1 Article )
Rather than forming a 501(c)(3) designated corporation, or any other government-registered corporation for Christian ministry efforts, we should stand fast in the separate sphere of authority retained by a free church structure. By this we remain undivided in our subservience to Christ, and independent of the conflicting interests of the civil sphere. - Unlicensed Marriage ( 1 Article )
As the State has lost all moral authority on what they call “marriage”, Christians are avoiding entangling themselves through government registration, and getting back to the basics of what God-ordained holy matrimony. - Procreation ( 1 Article )
As many Christians have succumbed to the child-averse mentality of the culture of death, limiting their family size for the sake of selfish considerations, others are changing their lifestyle to welcome children as a sought-after blessing and asset for life. - Home Birthing ( 1 Article )
As corporate profitability and materialistic philosophy have taken over the business of being born, the best interests of mother and child are being marginalized. Some Christians are returning to the Biblical pattern of midwifery, which is a more moral, natural, health-conscious, and cost-effective alternative to hospital birthing. - Adoption ( 1 Article )
While many children are orphaned or neglected, Christians are assuming the sanctified duty of adoption, building their families and the kingdom of God. - Legal Mediation ( 1 Article )
Rather than resorting to a morally bankrupt legal system to settle disputes, we should be attempting to resolve disputes among Christians though private mediation. - Health Cost-Sharing ( 1 Article )
Christian health-care cost-sharing is an alternative to health insurance, which pools select heath-care costs among a broad base of members, reducing individual risk, and fostering a sense of community. - Naturopathic Medicine ( 1 Article )
As the corporate medical establishment tends to put the profits of pharmaceutical companies ahead of the interests of the patient, naturopathic medicine provides alternative treatments that promote the God-given facilities of the body to heal naturally, rather than relying upon proprietary synthetic chemicals. - Avoiding Debt ( 1 Article )
As the American government and society is drowning in debt, Christians are re-discovering the Biblical pattern for avoiding debt, and learning to live freer lives. - Avoiding Welfare ( 1 Article )
As American government seeks to demoralize and enslave everyone through encouraging dependence upon taxpayer-subsidized handouts, Christians are standing with dignity and refusing to line up for a part in the stolen goods. - Home Businesses ( 1 Article )
As career draws men and women out of their home and away from their families, into an often godless workplace environment, there are those who are pulling back- working from home, or starting and working in their own home-based business enterprises. - Private Exchange ( 1 Article )
Private exchange involves negotiated barter transactions for goods and services, without using Federal Reserve Notes or their electronic representation. One of the primary chains of our slavery to illegitimate authority is forged by us whenever we voluntarily accept debt instruments of the Federal Reserve System, rather than the Constitutionally Lawful Money of gold and silver coin, or other mediums of exchange. - Private Microfinance ( 1 Article )
We should have our own community support structures for lending and borrowing that do not depend upon commonly-accepted financial practices which are based upon deception and theft. While we might expect to profit from outsiders, or from business interests, we should not be subjecting brothers to long-term debt. - Private Communication ( 1 Article )
In this information age where it seems that nothing is private anymore, we should make some simple efforts to protect what privacy we can from the real criminals, who are those who violate the Fourth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution, and their oath to uphold it. - Offshore Wealth ( 1 Article )
In light of the falling American Dollar and domestic economic crisis, those who have some wealth to preserve are moving it offshore, where it can be converted to something with enduring purchasing power, and used to provide for an ex-patriot resettlement. - Self-Defense ( 1 Article )
With freedom comes responsibility. Rather than trusting in government tax-feeders to protect us from harm, (rather than be the cause of it,) we need to be prepared to protect and preserve life at our own expense. - Survivalism ( 1 Article )
Survivalism is about more than stockpiling dry foods and ammunition for some kind of doomsday scenario. It involves incorporating self-sufficient practices into the regular course of life in ways that foster faith and confidence in competencies to protect and preserve life, rather than trusting in government and corporate supply chains to do it for us. - Godly Womanhood ย ( 1 Article )
As Feminism manifests its iniquitous fruit of Marxist destruction of the family, men, women, and children; there are a few brave women who stand against the onslaught of the culture of death with the one power fit to turn the tide- godly womanhood.”
Nice blog about the government policies regarding different aspects of the society.Thanks for the blog.
Just read the first 3 paragraphs so far but was inspired to say … “FUCK YEAH!!!!” & “DAMN STRAIGHT WE CAN’T FOLLOW THE LAWS OF MAN!!! EVEN IF WE WANTED TO (we don’t) WE COULDN’T!!! WE DON’T BOW TO SATAN NOR HIS WHORES OF BABYLON LUCIFER!!” Gratitude brethren for standing up and standing DOWN! i thinks it is time to RECLAIM DOMINION OVER THE WHOLE EARTH! however, where Israel is at geographically, ESPECIALLY Old Jeruslem, is in a VERY LARGE ANCIENT NEGATIVE VIBRATION THAT IS VERY MUCH ALIVE IN THE PRESENCE OF THE MOMENT THAT IS LIFE ETERNAL.
The VERY REAL and VERY TANGIBLE vibe i get when walking thru the area is of a VERY VERY VERY PISSED OFF JEHOVA/JAH/RA/GOD/TRUTH/LOVE/LIGHT/LIFE that is ON HIGH and MOST DEFFANITELY COMING DOWN TO EARTH SOON and when HE does — the path Jesus took uphill towards the Mount while carrying the CROSS with all those who ‘concerned themselves with Jerusalem’ were spitting on him, throwing rocks and human feces on hm, and generally being the same pieces of low life pond scum they are today…. (The Brotherhood of Brotherhoods knows who the Otherhood of Otherhoods be) —— when HE does he is going to LAY A HURTING DOWN PON THE REGION LIKE NO OTHER HURTING HAS YET BEEN LAYED DOWN PON THE EARTH and make a SELLAR ExxxAMPLE of the MERCHANT CLASS GLOBAL ELITE and all those who currently ‘Concern Themselves w/ Jerusalem.”
Peace & Grace King!
Warrior Tribe of Mount Zion Lion Brotherhood inda HOOD!!!!